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ModernStats World Workshop

21-22 October 2024, Geneva

Incorporating AI into statistical standards: Enhancing GSBPM with

(generative) AI

Speaker: Riitta Piela, Statistics Finland



Incorporating AI into statistical standards: Enhancing GSBPM with (generative) AI

In the evolving landscape of statistical production, AI stands out as a key force for change. Integrating AI with

GSBPM can significantly enhance statistical production. This abstract proposes a kind of ongoing

standardization and working model that utilizes generative AI across various stages of GSBPM, from data

collection to dissemination.

AI is capable of automating complex data processing tasks and acts as a versatile support system in different

production phases, speeding up and partly automating the GSBPM process. However, the adoption of

generative AI also brings challenges, especially in terms of maintaining transparency and adhering to ethical

standards. It is essential to develop standards that ensure all AI systems are efficient, fair and interpretable,

promoting responsible AI. The working model that is suggested in this abstract also emphasizes the importance

of ethical standards and transparency.

Additionally, it is important to harmonize AI applications with existing statistical standards and practices. Open

dialogue among statisticians, data scientists, machine learning engineers and ethical experts enables the

development of best practices. These practices leverage the possibilities of AI while protecting against its risks.

In this proposal will be presented how AI can be utilized in various sub-processes of GSBPM and how

principles of responsible AI can be applied to each implementation. It will also go through the different stages

of GSBPM and how AI is integrated into these various stages. AI is not only modifying statistical production

systems but is also likely to reform the processes themselves and even the standards of statistical production,

such as the generic statistical business process model (GSBPM).

In summary, the strategic integration of AI and especially generative AI into the GSBPM framework promises

to renew statistical production, making it more efficient and responsive. However, this integration must occur

carefully, committed to ethical practices and transparency, so that AI can support statistical integrity and not

compromise it.

MWW2024_S4_Finland_Lindholm et al

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ModernStats World Workshop

21-22 October 2024, Geneva

Streamlining statistical and data production

Speaker: Mikko Lindholm & Mari Ylä-Jarkko, Statistics Finland



Statistical production has traditionally been built as a pipeline, so that each statistic has its own data collection,

serving the purposes of that particular statistic. The same way the IT-systems from validation tools to outputs

have been unique. The only common surface has been publication – with some variations for each statistic.

Statistics Finland has been transforming its production to more streamlined production system with common IT

tools and common data repositories. The work has started some 15 years ago from business statistics, but the

new strategic target is to have basic data repositories common for all products and thematic data repositories to

serve both statistical production as well as other data services, such as data for researchers.

Because most of our data comes from government registers, the data coverage is close to 100%. Also, all data

units have the same identifiers, such as person id, enterprise id, building id, etc. Thus, combining data from

different registers becomes possible, and the data repositories can be used to produce many other data products

besides official statistics.

In streamlining the data governance, also the data process is streamlined from data gathering to validation and

metadata. At the Statistical Office level, there is only one data process. On a more detailed level, there will be

some variations in the process, based on the data and collection method, but these variations will be kept to a


This architecture aims at raising the productivity of statisticians, increasing the flexibility of resource use,

enabling quick production of temporary and experimental statistical products and improving data management

and regulatory compliance.

How to capture precariousness in the labour market by statistics? Statistics Finland, Finland

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How to capture precariousness in the labour market by statistics? Dr. Anna Pärnänen & Dr. Hanna Sutela

Meeting of Experts on Measurement of Quality of


Geneve 14.-16.5.2024

In this presentation

• Measuring forms of employment by statistics

• Development in the 2000’s

• New forms of employment

• Debate on precariousness and insecurity

14-16th May, 2024 Statistics Finland | [email protected], [email protected]

Working life is changing, statistics keep on developing



Employed in Finland 1959

Statistics Finland (National LFS)

Employees Self-employed

• 1960’s dichotomy: self-employed and employees

• 1970’s self-employed in agriculture and forestry vs. other self-

employed; part-time vs. full-time

• 1980’s fixed-term employees annually;

contributing family workers

• 1990’s fixed-term employees monthly;

SE with employees vs. SE without employees, sole entrepreneurs,

freelancers, grant recipients

• 2000’s temporary agency workers

• 2010’s 0-hour-contracts, DPE, on-call workers, ”combi


• 2020’s (coming) independent and dependent workers,

dependent contractors (ICSE-18)

14-16th May, 2024 Statistics Finland | [email protected], [email protected]

14-16th May, 2024 Statistics Finland | [email protected], [email protected]


Full-time Part-time






duration Limited



Temporary agency workers

Different types of self-employment

• Number of farmers keep on


• The trend of employers is

decreasing since 2015, but

in the long run the changes

are quite modest

• Strongly increasing trend in

the number of self-

employed without

employees, esp. those aged

65-74 yrs. However, a clear

decrease from 2021 on.

14-16th May, 2024 Statistics Finland | [email protected], [email protected]







SE with employees 15-74-v. SE without employees 15-74-v. Farmers 15-74-v.

SE with employees 15-64-v. SE without employees 15-64-v. Farmers 15-64-v.

Number of self-employed in Finland 1997–2023, 1 000

persons, LFS Light

entrepreneurs DPE

Development in the 2000’s

14-16th May, 2024 Statistics Finland | [email protected], [email protected]

Different forms of employment in 2000, 2010, 2019 and 2023 Share of all employees aged 15–64 years, % LFS

14-16th May, 2024 Statistics Finland | [email protected], [email protected]



3.3 3.8

3.7 5.2



Full-time employees with

a contract of unlimited

duration Full-time employees with

a contract of limited

duration Part-time employees

with a contract of

unlimited duration Part-time employees

with a contract of limited

durationn Self-employed in

agriculture and forestry

Other self-employed with


Other self-employed

without employees

Contributing family





2.5 3.7


0.4 2010

64.5 9.6











1.8 2.9


0.4 2023

Different forms of employment in 2023 by gender Share of all employees aged 20–34 years, % LFS

14-16th May, 2024 Statistics Finland | [email protected], [email protected]




0.8 1.6



MenFull-time employees with a

contract of unlimited

duration Full-time employees with a

contract of limited duration

Part-time employees with a

contract of unlimited

duration Part-time employees with a

contract of limited

durationn Self-employed in agriculture

and forestry

Other self-employed with


Other self-employed

without employees*

Contributing family








* Too small to be pudlished for women

**Too small to be publisehd

Different forms of employment in 2023 by origin Share of all employees aged 15–64 years, % LFS

14-16th May, 2024 Statistics Finland | [email protected], [email protected]

64.2 9.1




3.2 6.7


Finnish originFull-time employees with a

contract of unlimited

duration Full-time employees with a

contract of limited duration

Part-time employees with a

contract of unlimited

duration Part-time employees with a

contract of limited duration

Self-employed in

agriculture and forestry

Other self-employed with


Other self-employed

without employees*

Contributing family






2.9 8.9

Foreign origin

Full-time employees with a contract of unlimited duration, % of all employed in Germany, Italy and Sweden 2000/2004, 2022/2023

14-16th May, 2024 Statistics Finland | [email protected], [email protected]

61.8 57.7 56.4 55



47.3 42.1

51.2 48.1



73.2 71.4

59.8 60.1

70 71.1












2000 2022* 2004 2023* 2000 2023*

Germany (15-64 yrs) Italy Sweden (16-64 yrs)

Total Women Men * Break in time series

New forms of employment

14-16th May, 2024 Statistics Finland | [email protected], [email protected]

New forms of employment 2022

Zero-hour contracts • C. 5 % of all employees

• Especially those aged

under 25 and over 65 yrs.

• 40 % are students

• C. 80 % part-time workers

• More common among

people of foreign origin

Temporary agency work • 2,7 % of all employees

• The number doubled in ten years

• Mostly contracts of unlimited duration

• Men mainly full-time, women part-time

• C. 20% of foreign origin

• Accommodation and food services,

administrative a. support services,

transport and storage ,construction,


Light entrepeneurs • C. 2 % of all employed

• Number grown over 60%

from year 2019

• Usually small scale work

• An average income from

billing service c. 5 300


• C. 20 % of foreign origin

Digital platform work

• 3,9 % of all population had

income from DPE during the

last 12 months

• 1,2 % during the last month

• More commmon among

those of foreign origin

• Trade, social media content,

renting out accommodation,

courier and taxi services

14-16th May, 2024 Statistics Finland | [email protected], [email protected]

• ”New” forms of employment

are increasing, but still









2 0

0 9

2 0

1 0

2 0

1 1

2 0

1 2

2 0

1 3

2 0

1 4

2 0

1 5

2 0

1 6

2 0

1 7

2 0

1 8

2 0

1 9

2 0

2 0

2 0

2 1

2 0

2 2

2 0

2 3

Number of temporary agency workers

2009–2023, 15 to 74 years, LFS








2014 2018 2021 2023

Number of employees with 0-hour

contract, 15 to74 years, LFS

14-16th May, 2024 Statistics Finland | [email protected], [email protected]

Number of light entrepreneurs 2019-2022,

18 to 74 yrs, employment statistics

Why digital platform work?

0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Working this way gave an opportunity for

additional income and networking

Wanted to work flexibly

The work one wanted is available mainly or only

through platforms

No other work was available

Main reason for platform work

Those who had done platform work during the previous month, %;

DPE –pilot survey, LFS 2022

• The opportunity for additional income

and networking more commonly the

main reasons for women, those of

Finnish origin and those aged under


• The only job available or an

opportunity to work in a flexible way

more commonly the main reason for

men, those of foreign origin and those

aged 35 and more

• For 20 % of those having done DPE in

the previous month, DPE was the main

source of income

• For 54 %, less than ¼ of income from


14-16th May, 2024 Statistics Finland | [email protected], [email protected]

Debate on precariousness and insecurity

14-16th May, 2024 Statistics Finland | [email protected], [email protected]

Forms of employment in Finland, all employed aged 15 to 64 yrs 2014






Full-time employees with a contract of unlimited duration, excl. 0-hours and TAW 63,3 63,1 -0,2

Full-time employees with a contract of unlimited duration, 0-hrs-contract 0,8 0,5 -0,3

Full-time employees with a contract of unlimited duration, TAW 0,3 0,6 0,3

Full-time employees with a contract of unlimited duration, 0-hrs and TAW 0,1 0,1 0

Part-time employees with a contract of unlimited duration, excl. 0-hours and TAW 7 7,7 0,7

Part-time employees with a contract of unlimited duration, 0-hrs-contract 1,5 1,7 0,2

Part-time employees with a contract of unlimited duration, TAW 0,1 0,2 0,1

Part-time employees with a contract of unlimited duration, 0-hrs and TAW 0,2 0,3 0,1

Full-time employees with a contract of limited duration, excl. 0-hours and TAW 9,4 7,8 -1,6

Full-time employees with a contract of limited duration, 0-hrs-contract 0,2 0,1 -0,1

Full-time employees with a contract of limited duration, TAW 0,4 0,5 0,1

Full-time employees with a contract of limited duration, 0-hrs and TAW 0,1 0,1 0

Part-time employees with a contract of limited duration, excl. 0-hours and TAW 2,7 3,3 0,6

Part-time employees with a contract of limited duration, 0-hrs-contract 0,6 1 0,4

Part-time employees with a contract of limited duration, TAW 0,1 0,5 0,4

Part-time employees with a contract of limited duration, 0-hrs and TAW 0,1 0,2 0,1

Other employees 0,2 0,9 0,7

Farmers 2,4 1,8 -0,6

Self-employed with employees 3,7 2,9 -0,8

Self-employed without employees 6,5 6,3 -0,2

Contributing family workers 0,3 0,4 0,1 14-16th May, 2024 Statistics Finland | [email protected], [email protected]

Nowadays nobody is sheltered from job insecurity

11 13

18 16




7 7

14 15





9 12

17 14










1984 1990 1997 2003 2008 2013 2018

Experienced threat of dismissal by socio economic group, %, Finnish

Quality of Work Life Surveys 1984, 1990, 1997, 2003, 2008, 2013 &


Workers Lower level salaried Upper level salaried

• In the past decades, the level

of perceived job insecurity

has varied according to

economic fluctuations

• However, a clear change has

taken place as comes to the

distribution of perceived


• High position in the labour

market, good education or a

job in the public sector do not

protect any more from threats

of unemployment and


14-16th May, 2024 Statistics Finland | [email protected], [email protected]

How well do the labour statistics capture precariousness in the labour market?

• Changes in the labour market and digitalisation have brought along new forms of employment such as DPE

• However, various forms of employment equalling to various levels of (in)security have always existed …

• …all the ”new” is not new, but just more visible thanks to the development of labour legislation and labour statistics

• Labour statistics classify, draw boundaries and simplify the multifaceted reality with blurred boundaries

• According to statistics, ”normal employment relationships” have maintained their position surprisingly well in the 2000’s

• How well do quantitative statistical methods and classifications capture the (increased?) insecurity and (increased?)

fragmentation in the labour market?

• How well does the LFS (with decreasing response rates) include the most vulnerable groups and capture all forms of work ?

• What about qualitative changes? Does a contract of unlimited duration equal the same level of stability as it did earlier?

• Statistics provide tools to monitor the development, but do not tell the whole story

• Contextualisation and qualitative sources needed to understand where does the debate on precariousness stem from

14-16th May, 2024 Statistics Finland | [email protected], [email protected]

Thank you for your attention!

  • Slide 1: How to capture precariousness in the labour market by statistics?
  • Slide 2: In this presentation
  • Slide 3: Working life is changing, statistics keep on developing
  • Slide 4
  • Slide 5: Different types of self-employment
  • Slide 6: Development in the 2000’s
  • Slide 7: Different forms of employment in 2000, 2010, 2019 and 2023 Share of all employees aged 15–64 years, % LFS
  • Slide 8: Different forms of employment in 2023 by gender Share of all employees aged 20–34 years, % LFS
  • Slide 9: Different forms of employment in 2023 by origin Share of all employees aged 15–64 years, % LFS
  • Slide 10: Full-time employees with a contract of unlimited duration, % of all employed in Germany, Italy and Sweden 2000/2004, 2022/2023
  • Slide 11: New forms of employment
  • Slide 12: New forms of employment 2022
  • Slide 13
  • Slide 14: Why digital platform work?
  • Slide 15: Debate on precariousness and insecurity
  • Slide 16
  • Slide 17: Nowadays nobody is sheltered from job insecurity
  • Slide 18: How well do the labour statistics capture precariousness in the labour market?
  • Slide 19: Thank you for your attention!

Legacy of COVID-19: post-crisis remote work in Finland, Statistics Finland, Finland

Languages and translations

Legacy of COVID-19: post-crisis remote work in Finland Dr. Hanna Sutela & Dr. Anna Pärnänen

Meeting of Experts on Measurement of Quality of Employment

Geneve 14.-16.5.2024

Finnish Quality of Work Life Surveys • 1977, 1984, 1990, 1997, 2003, 2008, 2013, 2018, (2021), 2023 by Statistics Finland

• 3 000–5 800 employee respondents per data

• Response rate 68-91 %

• Face-to-face until 2018, web survey 2021 & 2023 (break in time series)

• Core questionnaire remains the same

• New themes added, old stuff removed/rotated; special themes

2018 digitalization of the working life

2021 Impact of COVID-19 on working conditions

2023 Ecological sustainability in work life

• Provides information for


public debate

data for research (possibility to link survey data to register data)

14th-16th May 2024 Statistics Finland | [email protected], [email protected]

One in three employee worked remotely in 2023

4 6 9





3 4 7



40 37

6 7 10
















1997 2003 2008 2013 2018 2021 2023

Share of employees working remotely in Finland, % Finnish Quality of Work Life Surveys 1997, 2003, 2008, 2013, 2018 & 2023,

The Impact of COVID-19 crisis on work life 2021 (Break in time series 2018)

Total Women Men

• Remote work grew in strides in the

2010s, peaked during the COVID-19

crisis, but has fallen somewhat after


• More common for upper-level

salaried than low-level salaried;

among manual workers only a few

do remote work

• In 2023 more common for women

than men, for the first time

• Most common in the central

government sector, the least

common in the county government

sector (social services and health


14th-16th May 2024 Statistics Finland | [email protected], [email protected]

In addition, 8 % had

teleworked at some

point during the COVID-

19 crisis

More than one in five employee works remotely at least half of their working hours






















0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%




Share of remote work in working hours, %, employees,

FQWLS 2023

All of the time Almost all of the time Around 3/4 of the time

Around 1/2 of the time Around 1/4 of the time Less

Does not work remotely

• 22 % of employees worked remotely

at least half of the working hours in

the autumn 2023…

• …equalling to 63 % of all remote


• Down from 35 % or c. 80 % in spring

2021, respectively

• In 2021 intensive teleworking was

more common for men; in 2023

there were barely any gender


• Highest intensity in the central

government sector, the lowest in the

county government sector

14th-16th May 2024 Statistics Finland | [email protected], [email protected]

Home has become the main place of work for almost half of the teleworkers…















1 1 1












2018 2021 2023

The main place of work, employees in remote work, %, FQWLS 2018 & 2023, The Impact of COVID-19

crisis on work life 2021

Some other place


Construction site, street, outside


Client's premises

Employer's premises

14th-16th May 2024 Statistics Finland | [email protected], [email protected]

…and for one in six of all employees

14th-16th May 2024 Statistics Finland | [email protected], [email protected]



73 71





6 9





1 6














2 1 2 2 2












2018 2021 2023 2018 2021 2023

The main place of work, all employees, %, FQWLS 2018 & 2023, The Impact of COVID-19 crisis on

work life 2021

Some other place


Construction site, street, outside


Client's premises

Employer's premises

Women Men

Less ergonomics, but more peace in remote work











0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Poor or glaring lighting

Restless work environment

Repeated one-sided movements

Difficult or uncomfortable positions

Lack of space

Experienced adverse factors by work environment,

employees working remotely, %, FQWLS 2023

Workplace working environment Remote working environment

• Lack of ergonomics more

common for women than men in

remote work

• Eg. difficult or uncomfortable

positions: women 34 %, men 16


• In 2021 men in remote work

more often had their home office

or dedicated working place than

women; women more often at

the kitchen table etc.

• 20 % of those in remote work

has assessed the working

conditions and environment of

remote work together with their

employer in 2023

14th-16th May 2024 Statistics Finland | [email protected], [email protected]

Highest share of remote work among those having no workstation at the employer’s premises













0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90%100%

Own office room

Own workstation in a shared room (2-4 persons)

Own workstation in an open / activity-based office

Open/Activity-based office, no workstation

Share of remote work in working hours by the type of office

at employer’s premises, %, employees working both

remotely and at employer’s premises, FQWLS 2023

(Almost) all the time in remote work 1/2-3/4 of time in remote work 1/4 or less in remote work

• Increased share of remote work

and increasing share of open

offices create a circle:

• The more employees work remotely,

the less office space is needed and

the more open offices grow in


• But the more restlessness in the

office, the more employees might

be tempted to stay at home in order

to be able to concentrate…

• …and the less office space will be

needed etc.

14th-16th May 2024 Statistics Finland | [email protected], [email protected]

Men have more commonly possibilities to influence when and how much in remote work than women







0 20 40 60 80 100




Possibilities to inluence when and how much in

remote work, employees doing remote work by

gender, %, FQWLS 2023

A lot Quite a lot

• Upper-level salaried have more

possibilities than lower-level salaried

• Least possibilities in the county

government secrtor, the most in the


14th-16th May 2024 Statistics Finland | [email protected], [email protected]

Every third can choose the amount of remote work almost














0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%




Amount of working at the workplace required by

the employer, employees in remote work, %,

FQWLS 2023

Around three to four days a week Around one to two days a week

At least on some days a month Can choose almost freely

• Weekly presence required more

commonly in women’s than men’s work

• Gender difference stemming (again)

from the gender segregation: female-

dominated county and local

government sectors require the most

presence, offer the least free choice

• Upper-level salaried having more choice

than lower-levels

• Among those, who can choose the

amount of remote work almost freely,

43 % work remotely (almost) all the

working hours, altogether 76 % at least

half of the hours

14th-16th May 2024 Statistics Finland | [email protected], [email protected]

Wish to work more remotely does not always exclude a wish to have more F2F contacts













0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

1/4 or less

At least 1/2 of time

3/4 of the time

(Almost) all the time

Opinions of the sufficiency of face-to-face interaction

with co-workers by the share of remote work, %, FQWLS


Would need more interaction This is enough Would need less

• Men in remote work more often than

women say they would need more

F2F interaction

• On the other hand, a good 10 % of

men doing only remote work would

cope well with even less F2F


• Those who had the best possibilities

to influence how much to work

remotely, most often work remotely a

large share of their working hours –

and they also long for F2F interaction

more often than the others ☺

14th-16th May 2024 Statistics Finland | [email protected], [email protected]

Every fifth does not record all the working hours done in remote work




0 20 40 60 80 100




Share of those recording all working hours in

remote work, employees doing remote work

with obligation to record working hours by

gender, %

• Upper-level salaried employees, those in

supervisory positions and those working at the

universities more commonly not recording all the

hours in remote work, even if requested to do so

• The older the remote workers, the more often a

part of the working hours is not recorded

• About 20 % of men and 10 % of women do not

have an obligation to record hours (= managers

outside working time legislation or professional

working total hours)

14th-16th May 2024 Statistics Finland | [email protected], [email protected]

COVID-19 crisis was a kick off to remote work for many




Employees in remote work in 2023 and

their status in the spring 2021, %, FQWLS

panel data (those employed as employees

both 2021 & 2023)

Not in remote work in the spring 2021

Remote work in 2021, started working remotely during the crisis

Remote work in 2021, had worked remotely already before

0 20 40 60 80 100

Not in remote work in the spring


Remote work in 2021, started

working remotely during the crisis

Remote work in 2021, had worked

remotely already before

Share of those working remotely in 2023

by their status in the spring 2021, %,

Quality of Work Life Survey panel data

Works remotely in 2023

14th-16th May 2024 Statistics Finland | [email protected], [email protected]

Two out of five wage and salary earners are not interested in remote work

35 37 33

3 3


4 3 5

22 24


36 33 38












Total Women Men

Remote work, interest in it and possibility to work remotely in one’s job, employees, %,

FQWLS 2023

Not interested and would not be

possible/would be difficult to arrange

Would be interested, but would not be

possible/would be difficult to arrange

Not interested, but would be possible

Would be interested, would be possible

Works remotely

14th-16th May 2024 Statistics Finland | [email protected], [email protected]

To sum up: a profound change in the work life • The exceptional circumstances during COVID19 crisis boosted remote work: even those not interested in, and

some of those for whom it was in principle not possible, worked remotely (c. 49 % at the most)

• Afterwards, the situation has ”normalised” at the level of 35 %: almost all interested and almost all whose job

allows work remotely

• Not only the prevalence but also the intensity of remote work has increased compared to pre-COVID19


• Home has become the main place of work for almost half of the remote workers, fewer and fewer evn have a

workstation at the employer’s premises any more

• Gender differences in remote work stem, for the most, from the gender segregation and structural changes in

the labour market

• Shortcomings in ergonomics, too few F2F contacts, unrecorded working hours… but flexibility, peaceful work

environment and better possibilities to reconcile work and private life

• Challenging situations especially as comes to the young newcomers of the labour market; what is happening

to the sense of community and belonging?

14th-16th May 2024 Statistics Finland | [email protected], [email protected]

For more information

• The share of remote working has fallen in 2023

from the coronavirus period but was higher than in

pre-pandemic years - Statistics Finland

• Good one-fifth of wage and salary earners in remote

work in 2023 – home is the main place of work for

more and more people - Statistics Finland

Thank you for your attention!

14th-16th May 2024 Statistics Finland | [email protected], [email protected]

  • Slide 1: Legacy of COVID-19: post-crisis remote work in Finland
  • Slide 2: Finnish Quality of Work Life Surveys
  • Slide 3: One in three employee worked remotely in 2023
  • Slide 4: More than one in five employee works remotely at least half of their working hours
  • Slide 5: Home has become the main place of work for almost half of the teleworkers…
  • Slide 6: …and for one in six of all employees
  • Slide 7: Less ergonomics, but more peace in remote work
  • Slide 8: Highest share of remote work among those having no workstation at the employer’s premises
  • Slide 9: Men have more commonly possibilities to influence when and how much in remote work than women
  • Slide 10: Every third can choose the amount of remote work almost freely
  • Slide 11: Wish to work more remotely does not always exclude a wish to have more F2F contacts
  • Slide 12: Every fifth does not record all the working hours done in remote work
  • Slide 13: COVID-19 crisis was a kick off to remote work for many
  • Slide 14: Two out of five wage and salary earners are not interested in remote work
  • Slide 15: To sum up: a profound change in the work life
  • Slide 16

Digital economy Supply and Use Tables in Finland

Languages and translations

Digital economy Supply and Use Tables in Finland Eljas Tuomaala, 23-25 April 2024, UNECE: Group of Experts on National Accounts


• Grant funding by Eurostat

• Project from 2021 to 2023

• Reference year 2018

• Following the OECD Guidelines

• Excluding products beyond SNA2008/ESA2010

11 April, 2024 Statistics Finland | [email protected]


11 April, 2024 Statistics Finland | [email protected]

Main principles

• Focus on compilation of the complete tables and high priority indicators

• Use readily available data sources only • Identify data gaps • As easily reproducible as possible • Experimental by nature

11 April, 2024 Statistics Finland | [email protected]

Digital industries

Digitally enabling industries

• Standard SUT aggregate industry level data

• Unit level data when needed to split industries

Digital intermediary platforms charging a fee • A list of manually

identified units combined with unit level data

Data and advertising driven digital platforms • A list of manually

identified units combined with unit level data

Firms dependent on intermediary platforms • ICT Usage survey

data for incorporated • Indirect (short term

accommodation, food delivery) data sources for unincorporated

11 April, 2024 Statistics Finland | [email protected]

Digital industries


• ICT Usage survey data combined with unit level data

• ISIC rev. 4 Category 4791 “Retail sale via mail order houses or via Internet”

Digital only firms providing financial and insurance services • A list of units

identified as digital by Bank of Finland

• Not fully comprehensive

Other producers only operating digitally

• Research on most well-known firms

• Variety of issues: identifying, part of the main business, foreign units

• Industry excluded 11 April, 2024 Statistics Finland | [email protected]

• Included: • ICT goods and Priced

digital services • Priced cloud computing

services • Priced digital

intermediary services

• Excluded: • Products outside of

SNA2008/ESA2010 production boundary, such as data

• In the Finnish SUTs the total number of products used at the working level is 836

ICT goods and Priced digital services

• Reclassifying the suitable products within the standard SUTs

• Overlapping with cloud computing and digital intermediary services is checked and adjusted accordingly

Priced cloud computing services

• Identifying potential product categories (CPA 58.2, 62.01, 63.11)

• Company study: breakdown between cloud and non-cloud

• Combining values and ratios on relevant NACE activities, final CCS output estimate

• No data sources for imports and use categories, therefore calculated proportionally based on the above estimate

Priced digital intermediary services

• Domestic output is based on the Digital intermediary platform industry estimate

• Imports estimated as case studies, not reliable enough

• Industry breakdown for intermediate consumption is challenging

Digital products

11 April, 2024 Statistics Finland | [email protected]

Transaction types Digitally ordered

• ICT Usage survey with strong assumptions - Questions on sales via digital means (split into direct

from counterparty and via digital intermediary platforms)

- Strong assumptions: for example, the percentage of digital ordering in telecommunication industry (NACE 61) was used on the similar product (CPA 61)

- Did not provide plausible results on the use side

• Household final consumption expenditure based on a report on e-commerce in Finland in 2018 by Paytrail

- Paytrail is a payment processing company that produces a report on e-commerce annually

• Some other minor data sources

Digitally delivered

• No decent data available

• Potential value of digitally deliverable services instead of actually digitally delivered

• Trade in Services by Mode of Supply (MoS) - Strong assumptions: mode of supply category

one classified as digitally delivered - Some other adjustments

• Very difficult in practice

11 April, 2024 Statistics Finland | [email protected]


11 April, 2024 Statistics Finland | [email protected]

Results: Digital industries Digital industries’ gross value added 7.4 %* of the total economy

Digital industries in Finland, year 2018, EUR million, share of the digital economy

Digital industry Output Gross value

added Output

Gross value added

Data and advertising driven digital platforms

90 50 0 % 0 %

Digital intermediary platforms charging a fee

110 20 0 % 0 %

Digital only firms providing finance and insurance services

150 90 0 % 1 %

Digitally enabling industries 27,400 12,500 85 % 84 %

E-tailers 4,320 2,070 13 % 14 %

Firms dependent on intermediary platforms, corporated

30 10 0 % 0 %

Firms dependent on intermediary platforms, unincorporated

200 140 1 % 1 %

Other producers only operating digitally

NA NA - -

Digital economy 32,300 14,880 100 % 100 %

11 April, 2024 Statistics Finland | [email protected]

*Digital Economy is not deducted from other industries in this figure

Results: Digital products Share of digital products of all products in 2018 Digital products in Finland, year 2018, EUR million,

share of all products

Products Total supply and use in purchasers prices, EUR

million Share of all products

ICT goods 10,270 1,8 %

Priced digital services 25,810 4,6 %

Priced cloud computing services 3,740 0,7 %

Digital intermediary services 130 0,0 %

Total digital products 39,950 7,1 %

All products 561,103 100 %

11 April, 2024 Statistics Finland | [email protected]

• Digitally ordered: • Estimates on product

level • Household final

consumption expenditure based on a separate estimate: 9 % of total

• Digitally delivered: • 14 % of total output

potentially digitally deliverable












Imports of goods and services

Output Final consumption Exports of goods and services

Intermediate consumption

Digitally ordered, % of total

Results: Transaction types

11 April, 2024 Statistics Finland | [email protected]


National publication in October 2023: an article on Statistics Finland’s website

Also in English: 4/digital-economy-rivals-construction-in- finland/

Questions from users: Data on employment (productivity) International comparison

11 April, 2024 Statistics Finland | [email protected]

Lessons learned

11 April, 2024 Statistics Finland | [email protected]


Even though the existing data are limited a lot can be done Focus on main indicators Time series more useful than the full tables? Some parts easier to compile for multiple years than others


Data gaps exist: • Classifications in existing inquiries

and statistics (CCS, DIS) • International trade, foreign units • Transaction types very difficult • Lack of coverage: micro/small

units, product level data Quality ranging from reasonably reliable to highly experimental

What could be done?

Expanding current inquiries: new questions and/or improve coverage Find new data sources Elaboration of guidance and practical examples

Thank you!

11 April, 2024Statistics Finland | [email protected]

  • Digital economy Supply and Use Tables in Finland
  • Background
  • Methodology
  • Main principles
  • Digital industries
  • Digital industries
  • Digital products
  • Transaction types
  • Results
  • Results: Digital industries
  • Results: Digital products
  • Results: Transaction types
  • Release
  • Lessons learned
  • Thank you!

Structure of ethical issues in new data ecosystems. Marianne Johnson, Timo Koskimäki, Markus Sovala (Statistics Finland)

Languages and translations




Workshop on Ethics in Modern Statistical Organisations

26-28 March 2024, Geneva, Switzerland

15 March 2024

Structure of ethical issues in new data ecosystems (pre-workshop version) Marianne Johnson, Timo Koskimäki, Markus Sovala (Statistics Finland)

[email protected]


The current ethical frameworks for statistics, and for social research, rely conceptually on the idea of an organisation – or researcher – collecting data directly from the units they aim to study. In the era of data ecosystems and frequent sharing of data, the assumption of direct data collection has become obsolete.

The statistical community has recognised that the new data-era generates new ethical issues. Trust-enhancing measures like ethical commissions, ethics-related web segments and ethics communication strategies has been set up to overcome the everyday distrust situations.

The paper analyses the new ethical issues using the concept of professional ethics as a tool for analysis. A standard professional ethics code consists of a value statement, a set of claims to subjects and stakeholders, and a set of promises (code of conduct). The most prominent example is the medical profession, but this kind of deconstruction can be applied to any other professions, enabling a systematic study of ethical issues related to professional practices.

We analyse examples of recent ethical debates, related to data and statistics, from the point of view of professional ethics, to better understand the reasons for the emergence of negative public debates and other indications of distrust.

The key result is that current ethical codes for statistics do not recognize the new issues related to use of data. A proposal is made to amend the codes by adding descriptions and guidance related to (at least) the following situations:

- Secondary and tertiary use of data Example on secondary use is NSO using privately held or administrative data for statistics, example on tertiary use of data is researchers using micro-data provided by NSO

- Combining data from different sources In 2024 UN Statistical Commission meeting very many participating countries indicated that they are going to base their 2030 census on administrative data. We urgently need ethical guidelines on combining administrative data.

- Use of micro-data (or very granular statistics) in knowledge-based decision making. Data-based decisions typically impact specific groups of individuals or even individuals. There are already now many borderline cases on ISI principle 12, protection of the subjects. One example is to determine taxable value of a dwelling using micro-data on dwelling prices and statistical modelling; many decisions relating to social benefits impact (smallish) groups of people, and statistics, even micro data, are commonly used to allocate benefits.


Structure of ethical issues in new data ecosystems (pre-workshop version) Marianne Johnson, Timo Koskimäki, Marianne Johnson (Statistics Finland)

[email protected]



1. The statistical community has recognised that the new data-era generates new ethical issues. Trust-enhancing measures like ethical commissions, ethics-related web segments and ethics communication strategies has been set up to overcome the everyday distrust situations1. However, it has been difficult to determine what was the cause that triggered the social distrust on statistics.

2. In this paper, we analyse the causes using the concept of professional ethical standard as a tool to understand the distrust situation. The study of professions, including professional ethics, is a well-established field of study2. As the ethical codes are intended to demonstrate core values and preferred code of conduct to stakeholders, including citizens and the media, they are a natural reflection surface to emerging distrust- situations. As a result of emerging distrust, there has also been a vivid discussion on ethical standards among professional (official) statisticians3.

3. First, we reflect the basic ideas of the study of professions and relate that to ethical codes and principles related to official statistics. Then we provide two examples of recent public debates on ethics and statistics. We conclude by reflecting our examples with the professional codes of statisticians.

Features of a professional ethics

4. A standard professional ethics structure consists of the following elements:

 a value statement, specifying the professional promise; what is the specific common good that the profession claims to provide to the society and individual people, e.g. health professionals are promoting public health and curing diseases.

 a set of claims to subjects and stakeholders, e.g. permission to violate intimacy, cause pain when diagnosing, professional integrity and education system, resources

 a set of promises (code of conduct), e.g. respect for the patient's right to self-determination, the duty to 'do good', – the duty to 'not do bad', to treat all people equally and equitably.

5. In the formal ethical codes this structure of values, promises and claims is supported by practical guidance highlighting how professionals should behave (e.g. Statistics Finland 1993). The current professional ethics for statistics – the ISI Declaration - also recognises this structure: “[… ] the Principles inherently reflect the obligations and responsibilities of – as well as the resulting conflicts faced by – statisticians to forces and pressures outside of their own performance, namely to and from: • Society

• Employers, Clients, and Funders

• Colleagues

• Subjects

1 ECE/CES/2023/24 2 For an overview see Suddaby and Muzio 2015, Bateman 2012 3 e.g. IAOS 2022; ECE/CES/2022/2


The ISI Declaration on professional ethics then elaborates these dimensions to four shared values - respect, professionalism, truthfulness and integrity - and then continues with a list of 12 ethical principles4. One can find similar ethical characterisations from many statistical organisations (ECE/CES/2023/24)

6. For this paper, we will use the structure of the ISI declaration of professional ethics as tool for analysis. The examples we use here come from Finland and Norway. The Finnish case is about the use of statistical micro data for knowledge-based decision making: Should the state know, behind your back, how much you will potentially cost for the health-care service provider. The Norwegian case is about the National Statistical Office access to new, privately held data sources5. How much does the National Statistical Office need to know about the individuals in the country. The Incidents Micro-data for knowledge-based decision-making

7. In Finland it has taken decades of planning to find a solution to restructure public social- and health care services. One aim has been to take the responsibility to provide these services from the municipalities and instead have new welfare areas, consisting of ten ore more local governments (municipalities). This change was realised in 2023. At the same time, there was also a plan on having private health care providers take a bigger role in health care system. The welfare areas would buy the basic health –care services from private enterprises. The price to be paid to private enterprises would be based on the health-related characteristics of the client. The clients would be free to choose between different service providers, and the service-provider would be compensated by the welfare area depending on the health-related characteristics of the clientele. This latter part of the plan has not realised and is currently not on the political agenda. However, it provides an interesting case of an ambitious plan to apply knowledge-based decision making in the health-care system.

8. Establishing a system of private production of publicly provided services would be implemented by channelling central government funding for services in advance. This would be achieved by the state compensating for the provided services in advance. A model was to be developed for calculating how much funding should be distributed to the different health care actors. The task was given to the Finnish Institution for Health and Welfare (THL), from where an application was sent out to Statistics Finland to get use of individual level data gathered by Statistics Finland from different registers for statistical production.

9. The plan was to use background information from Statistics Finland (such as age, education, language, occupation, place of residence, socioeconomic status etc) and link this data to information on the persons health conditions from healthcare and medication registers from THL and the Social Insurance Institution KELA. With this data on individual level THL would be able to assess for each citizen a risk value, that would give an estimate of the persons upcoming costs as a user of the health care system. The plan was that the calculated risk value would only be known by THL and KELA and that not even individuals themselves would be told the results of the calculations.

10. There were many legal problems with the plan. The EU general data protection regulation states that the use of data should be transparent, and everybody should have the right to check their data. The Statistics Act states that data gathered for statistical purposes can only be given to another statistical agency (which the THL is) for statistical purposes. Statistics Finland can give access to pseudonymized data to be used in scientific research and statistical analyses. The law explicitly rules out that data obtained from Statistics Finland could be used for decisions relating to the individual. The case as such did not involve such decisions, but the sole existence of the coefficient was perceived as a risk that it could be used on individual decision making.

11. There was wide media coverage of the plan that came to be known as the Capitation reimbursement model. First the articles were neutral and brought forth the ideas behind the model with informative interviews with the

4 ISI 2023 5 The description of the Norwegian case is made by the authors of the paper and not Statistics Norway


experts at THL. The benefits of the model were put forth and it was implied that the government had much better possibilities to calculate the individual risk values than insurance companies, as the government agencies already have so extensive data on individuals available.

12. Quite fast the articles started to question if giving ‘health points’ to persons was the right way to go ahead. The Data Protection Ombud took part in the discussions, as well as other legal scholars, and the plan was condemned as among other things citizens’ rights had not been taken into account. One of Statistics Finland directors also pointed out the ethical issues on a semi-official blog-platform of Statistics Finland6

13. Statistics Finland sent out a letter of inquiry to THL asking for a better description on how the data from Statistics Finland was planned to be used and on what grounds they would have the right to handle the data.

THL came around and submitted an answer to Statistics Finland as well as a new data application that differed in many ways from the previous application. THL still requested much of the same data from Statistics Finland to be linked to health data from THL and medication data from KELA, but now the data was to be used for a research project to come up with a model for distributing funding to each Welfare area. The data would not include identifiers and would be used over Statistics Finland’s remote access system by researchers stated in the data permit.

14. As the public discussion was critical towards purely individual coefficients, the legislators ended up to a solution where no individual data would be permitted for the calculation of coefficients. Instead, a rather limited set of variables to be used was defined in the draft legal act. The legal act was never passed, due to resignation of the Government.

Access to new, privately held data sources

15. Norway introduced a new Statistics Act in 2019. The Act granted Statistics Norway rights to access to privately held data for statistical purposes. One of the first attempts to get access to privately held data was to gather data on private consumption using cash-register records combined with payment card data. However, one key actor in the process, the supermarket chains contested the Norwegian statistical office's authority to request regular submission of purchases data collected by these stores. The data was intended to be collected directly from point-of-sale systems and would encompass nearly all grocery purchases made by the entire Norwegian population. Although the purchase data does not include personal identification numbers, Statistics Norway would be able to link more than 70 % of all grocery purchases (receipts) to persons and households through debit card transactions from the banking systems. After this it is possible to link the purchase data to other data on individuals and households already held by Statistics Norway, and thus to e.g. generate information on categorized product purchases by household size, income, education level and geographical region, as well as possibly produce new statistics on dietary habits.

16. One of the supermarket chains filed a complaint with the Norwegian Data Protection Agency (DPA). After investigation, the DPA concluded that the public authority (the State) was intruding upon citizens' privacy by collecting such data. It emphasized that there are limits on what data that official agencies should handle when it comes to personal data, even though the intentions are good. Laws state that everybody has the right for respect of their and their families’ private life. The DPA found Statistics Norway lacked sufficient legal grounds to process transactional personal data as proposed and, under Article 58(2)(f) of the GDPR, banned the data processing.

17. Primarily, the issue revolves around concerns about government overreach in data collection rather than mistrust in Statistics Norway's utilization of individual data. Even political parties took part in the debate saying that they do not want Norway to become a surveillance society. Statistics Norway contends that it is wrong to identify the agency as "the state" and asserts its’ authority to gather necessary data under the Norwegian

6 Koskimäki 2018


Statistical Act. They are not interested in individuals but in statistics. Developing new methods is an integrated part of statistics production. There are also high standards set for producing high quality statistics which Statistics Norway aims to achieve by using the best data available. However, there is a recognition within Statistics Norway of the critical importance of maintaining high levels of public trust.

18. The challenge of accessing purchase data is a setback to Statistics Norway's efforts to explore using supermarket receipts for the Household Budget Survey (HBS). Future requests would imply continuing to engage in open dialogue about data usage and conducting necessity assessments for each new planned data collection, as well as continued consultations with the Data Protection Agency.


19. Our data – reflection of the case studies with respect to ISI ethical principles and professional values – is presented in Annex 1. According to our judgement, 6 out of the 12 ethical ISI principles were relevant from the point of view of our cases. Considering the ISI professional values, three instances related to value “truthfulness”, two to “professionalism” and one to “respect”

The following principles were classified as truthfulness issues:

2. Clarifying Obligations and Roles

The respective obligations of employer, client, or funder and statistician regarding their roles and responsibility that might raise ethical issues should be spelled out and fully understood.

8. Maintaining Confidence in Statistics

In order to promote and preserve the confidence of the public, statisticians should ensure that they accurately and correctly describe their results, including the explanatory power of their data.

9. Exposing and Reviewing Methods and Findings

Adequate information, including open-source software, should be provided to the public to permit the methods, procedures, techniques, and findings to be assessed independently.

The following principles were classified as professionalism issues:

3. Assessing Alternatives Impartially

Available methods and procedures should be considered, and an impartial assessment provided to the employer, client, or funder of the respective merits and limitations of alternatives, along with the proposed method.

10. Communicating Ethical Principles

In collaborating with colleagues and others in the same or other disciplines, it is necessary and important to ensure that the statisticians’ ethical principles are clearly understood by all participants, and properly reflected in the inquiry.

One principle was classified under the value Respect:

12. Protecting the Interests of Subjects

Statisticians are obligated to protect subjects, individually and collectively, insofar as possible, against potentially harmful effects of participating.

20. Our first observation is, that all the issues studied relate to the conflict between expectations of the audience (people and media) and the actions of data institutions. In both cases the audience was taken by surprise. In Finland this was probably because throughout the entire process, it was, even for professional audience, unclear whether the research methodologies would be publicly available and whether it would be possible to evaluate the quality of the results. Also, it was unclear who exactly would have access to these sensitive coefficients. Both THL and especially KELA, the two institutions that would have access to coefficients, have also administrative and surveillance functions. They were, in a way, not perceived as research institutes but more as parts of state apparatus. The Norwegian case was more transparent, the approach was quite straightforward to produce official statistics; perhaps the description of the new statistics to be produced was a bit loose. Despite


this, the Statistical Office was perceived as part of – potentially repressive - state apparatus, not as research institute or independent statistics producer.

21. All the statisticians and researchers acted in good faith and carefully followed their ethical codes of practice. Despite this, these data- actions were considered by the audience suspect, intrusive and threatening. Even the cases that we have here classified as ethical issues, are in essence cases where the statistician or researcher has carefully followed the code, but in the eyes of the public, they were not acting ethically. We think the root cause for the distrust we have analyzed here are not the behavior of the institutions or their staff, the issue is that the ethical codes are not fit for the new data situations we face.

22. Statistical institutes and the statistical community have done a lot of work to grasp the new ethical challenges. Trust centra has been established, strategic communication on data confidentiality and data security has been enhanced and explanatory memoranda on the new data ecosystems are being produced. These actions may fail, as they only try to remedy the symptoms, not the root cause which is the fact that statistical institutions have entered to the new areas – privately held data and data services – that are not familiar to our audiences. These new types of tasks are not reflected in our ethical code, not even in the most recent one, ISI code that was revised 2023. Thus, there is no authoritative norm to support data decisions in these new settings. To update the norms would not only benefit the statistical community but all institutions and experts dealing with data and analysis.

23. The ethical codes should (at least) cover the following new situations and provide guidance on how act: - Secondary and tertiary use of data – example on secondary use is NSO using privately held or administrative data for statistics, example on tertiary use of data is researchers using micro-data provided by NSO

- Combining data from different sources – in 2024 UN Statistical Commission meeting very many participating countries indicated that they are going to base their 2030 census on administrative data. We urgently need ethical guidelines on combining administrative data - Use of micro-data (or very granular statistics) in knowledge-based decision making. Data-based decisions typically impact specific groups of individuals or even individuals. There are already now many borderline cases on ISI principle 12, protection of the subjects. One example is to determine taxable value of a dwelling using micro-data on dwelling prices and statistical modelling; many decisions relating to social benefits impact (smallish) groups of people, and statistics, even micro data, are commonly used to allocate benefits.

24. It should be noted, however, that the Finnish case is an excellent example on evidence-based decision making. As such, it would not have violated the integrity of the subjects. It would probably also fall in to the “do good” category as the application of the coefficients would result in better allocation of resources and thus better services. The statistics Norway case would also fall in the “do good” -category. To do as planned would have saved a lot of taxpayers’ money and, at the same time, improved technical quality and relevance of official statistics.

25. We must be prepared for the ethical discussion about the right way to use data gathered for statistical purposes. As the statistical offices are becoming data repositories for a vast array of different governmental registers that can be linked to each other, it is inevitable that society has other use for the data than only the production of statistics. The statistical offices could be a one stop shop to provide much needed micro data for evidence-based decision making. The data needed within government, and the laws concerning the use of data collected for statistics as well as the data protection legislation, do not always meet. There are e.g questions , concerning the need to protect statistical units in cases when the data has not been obtained by the statistical office directly from the statistical unit, but from other sources. Statistics Finland has e.g. turned down an application by the Ministry of Education for school-wise information on the student’s parents’ socioeconomic status (income, national origin, education). The ministry would have wanted datato be able to give more funding to schools by applying positive discrimination. According to current national legislation, Statistics


Finland cannot disclose the names of our statical units (in this case schools) so the schools needing more funding could not be identified.

Annex: Key elements of ISI code of ethics, Case studies, and Violated values

Case Finland

Case Norway Violated values

1. Pursuing Objectivity  Statisticians should pursue objectivity without fear or favour, only selecting and using methods designed to produce the best possible results.

Not an issue Not an issue None

2. Clarifying Obligations and Roles  The respective obligations of employer, client, or funder and statistician regarding their roles and responsibility that might raise ethical issues should be spelled out and fully understood.

Role of NSI not Clear, role of the research organization not clear

Use of the requested information not specified in detail.

Truthfulness - processes were not transparent.

3. Assessing Alternatives Impartially  Available methods and procedures should be considered, and an impartial assessment provided to the employer, client, or funder of the respective merits and limitations of alternatives, along with the proposed method.

No alternatives were considered to the basic idea

No alternatives to micro-linking were considered.

Professionalism – social acceptability was not considered carefully enough.

4. Conflicting Interests  Statisticians avoid assignments where they have a financial or personal conflict of interest in the outcome of the work.

Not an issue Not an issue None

5. Avoiding Preempted Outcomes  Any attempt to establish a predetermined outcome from a proposed statistical inquiry should be rejected, as should contractual conditions contingent upon such a requirement.

Not an issue Not an issue None

6. Guarding Privileged Information  Privileged information is to be kept confidential. This prohibition is not to be extended to statistical methods and procedures utilized to conduct the inquiry or produce published data

Perceived as risk by subjects?

Perceived as risk by subjects?


7. Exhibiting Professional  Statisticians shall seek to upgrade their professional knowledge and skills, and shall maintain awareness of technological developments, procedures, and standards which are relevant to their field, and shall encourage others to do the same.

Not an issue Not an issue None


8. Maintaining Confidence in Statistics  In order to promote and preserve the confidence of the public, statisticians should ensure that they accurately and correctly describe their results, including the explanatory power of their data

The calculated coefficients would not be made available to subjects, details of the models used unclear

The usage of the requested data unclear

Truthfulness – lack of transparency

9. Exposing and Reviewing Methods and Findings  Adequate information, including open source software, should be provided to the public to permit the methods, procedures, techniques, and findings to be assessed independently.

Was perceived inadequate by subjects

Was perceived inadequate by subjects

Truthfulness – lack of transparency

10. Communicating Ethical Principles  In collaborating with colleagues and others in the same or other disciplines, it is necessary and important to ensure that the statisticians’ ethical principles are clearly understood by all participants, and properly reflected in the inquiry.

Failure to communicate to subjects and stakeholders; differing professional codes between statistician and economists

Failure to communicate to subjects and stakeholders

Professionalism – social acceptability not considered carefully enough

11. Bearing Responsibility for the Integrity of the Discipline 

Not an issue Not an issue None

12. Protecting the Interests of Subjects Statisticians are obligated to protect subjects, individually and collectively, insofar as possible, against potentially harmful effects of participating

Was perceived as threat, unclear whether there is impact to the subjects

Was perceived as intrusive

Respect – the promise to “not do bad “not convincing, the promise to “do good” not convincing from the subjects’ point of view.



Bateman, Connie (2012): Professional Ethical Standards: The Journey Toward Effective Codes of Ethics Work and Quality of Life, 2012, pp 21 – 34

ECE/CES/2022/2 Core values of official sta s cs (downloaded 11.3.2024)

ECE/CES/2023/24 An ethical approach to the development of social acceptance strategies for national statistical offices by Canada, Ireland, UK and Eurostat (2023). (downloaded 11.3.2024)

IAOS (2022): IPS02.Core values of official sta s cs – What are they and how do we demonstrate them?

ISI (2023): Interna onal Sta s cal Ins tute Declara on on Professional Ethics (downloaded 11.3.2024)

Koskimäki, Timo (2018): Sinunkin elämällesi oikea hinta. Blogi Tieto & Trendit 11.4.2018.

United Na ons (2014): UN Fundamental Principles of Official Sta s cs (downloaded 11.3.2024)

Suddaby, Roy and Daniel Muzio (2015): Theore cal Perspec ve on the Professions. In: The Oxford Handbook of Professional Service Firms. Oxford University Press 2015

Sta s cs Finland (1993): Toimi oikein lastoalalla. Tilastokeskuksen amma ee nen opas. Käsikirjoja 30, Tilastokeskus, Helsinki 1993. (Guide on professional ethics in Official Sta s cs, in Finnish only)

Structure of Ethical Issues in New Data Ecosystems

Markus Sovala

Director General, Statistics Finland

UNECE Workshop on Ethics in Modern Statistical


March 26-28, 2024

Geneva, Switzerland

Outline: Structure of Ethical Issues


•Data and results



22 March, 2024 Statistics Finland | [email protected]

Methodology – study of professions

• Study of professions is an established field of research in social sciences.

• Professional ethics is an established subject in studies of professions.

• Study design:

- Two recent incidents of distrust analyzed.

- Public distrust emerges, when perceived behavior (of the professionals) does not

comply with the expectations of the audience (expected ethics).

- Research question: What were the main differences between perceived and

expected behavior.

• ISI Declaration on professional ethics used as framework to analyze the incidents

- which aspects of the ISI code emerged in incidents, and which not.

- which core values were perceived being violated.

22 March, 2024 Statistics Finland | [email protected]

Case 1: Attempted healthcare reform in Finland (… one of many attempts, this was in 2015- 2019 …)

• New regional administrative layer (welfare areas)

- To manage public health services and social care (read:

old people care).

• Allocation of central government funding

- To private and public service providers in new welfare


• Capitation reimbursement model

- An individual health risk coefficient for all citizens

- Micro-data on health records and socio-economic status.

• Public debate on the approach

- Plan not accepted by the parliament and Government

resigned, but not only for data related reasons.

22 March, 2024 Statistics Finland | [email protected]: Helsingin Sanomat

Case 2: New data sources

• New Statistics Act of Norway:

- Powers to NSI to access privately held data

• The data request:

- Detailed information on consumption, based on cash

registers, to be statistically linked with payments data

(credit cards).

- To replace Household Budget Survey and to provide

new statistics on health aspects of the diets.

• Public debate of the approach:

- (Many) Data holders rejected the request, being

worried of their own reputation.

- Data Protection Supervisor gave negative opinion.

- Plan halted, negotiations with DPA and data holders


22 March, 2024 Statistics Finland | [email protected]: E24

ISI declaration of Professional Ethics – perceived violations

• Core values:

- Respect, professionalism, truthfulness and integrity

• Ethical principles

- 1. Pursuing Objectivity

- 2. Clarifying Obligations and Roles

- 3. Assessing Alternatives Impartially

- 4. Conflicting Interests

- 5. Avoiding Preempted Outcomes

- 6. Guarding Privileged Information

- 7. Exhibiting Professional

- 8. Maintaining Confidence in Statistics

- 9. Exposing and Reviewing Methods and Findings

- 10. Communicating Ethical Principles

- 11. Bearing Responsibility for the Integrity of the


- 12. Protecting the Interests of Subjects

• Respect:

- 12. Protecting the interest of the subject

- Perceived as a risk by the audience

• Professionalism

- 3. Assessing alternatives impartially

- 10. Communicating ethical principles

- No alternative to intrusive methodologies were


- Tertiary users (in healthcare-case) failed to

understand the sensitivity of their approach

• Truthfulness

- 2. Clarifying Obligations and Roles

- 8. Maintaining Confidence in Statistics

- 9. Exposing and Reviewing Methods and


22 March, 2024 Statistics Finland | [email protected]


• The researchers and institutions acted by the book, no (traditional)

professional misconduct.

• The audience perceived the actions quite differently: attempts to

create a new, potentially better funding system became difficult or

impossible (Case #1). Data providers didn’t trust NSI’s good

intentions (Case #2).

• The stakeholders and supervisors perceived the actions quite


- The legislators (Case #1) and Data protection supervisor (Case

#2) disagreed.

• Conclusion: The current professional code does not support

statisticians in emerging new data ecosystem roles.

22 March, 2024 Statistics Finland | [email protected]


• Possible reason for missing guidance: The basic assumption behind current codes is that all

data is collected by NSIs, mainly by surveys. This not true any longer.

- In Finland about 99 per cent of data points used for statistics are coming from admin


- Most countries will face the same situation as the censuses and (other statistics as

well) are moving rapidly towards use of administrative data.

- It’s big question how this rich data can be used efficiently for different purposes and

what’s role of NSI in this.

• Proposal: Our profession should aim at broader code, including advices for emerging data

ecosystem roles:

- General principles.

- Guidance for practical cases:

- Secondary and tertiary use of data (use of admin data for statistics and for research).

- Combining data from different sources (both admin data and privately held data).

- Use of micro-data (or very granular statistics) in knowledge-based decision making.

22 March, 2024 Statistics Finland | [email protected]

  • Dia 1: Structure of Ethical Issues in New Data Ecosystems
  • Dia 2: Outline: Structure of Ethical Issues
  • Dia 3: Methodology – study of professions
  • Dia 4: Case 1: Attempted healthcare reform in Finland (… one of many attempts, this was in 2015- 2019 …)
  • Dia 5: Case 2: New data sources
  • Dia 6: ISI declaration of Professional Ethics – perceived violations
  • Dia 7: Conclusions
  • Dia 8: Discussion

S2c_4_Comparison of EGSS and structural business statistics data on measuring_CE

Languages and translations

Comparison of EGSS and structural business statistics data on measuring circular economy 9th Joint OECD-UNECE Seminar on SEEA Implementation Geneva, 18 – 20 March 2024 Nina Hiltunen, Niko Olsson, Johanna Pakarinen


• Defining circular economy • Circular economy indicators in Finland • Structural business statistics in measuring

circular economy • EGSS and circular economy • Industries and products • Review of EGSS circular economy figures • Differences between environmental goods

and services and structural business statistics data

18-20 March, 2024 Statistics Finland2

Defining circular economy business

• Circular economy is a comprehensive system change

• Defining is essential for measuring

• In Finland circular economy business is defined through activities that are pivotal from the perspective of a product or service life cycle

• Eight activities, which encompass a total of 18 indicators

18-20 March, 2024 Statistics Finland3

Circular economy indicators in Finland

• First indicator set produced in 2020 • Updated in 2022 and 2023 with added

indicators • The goal was to produce indicators that

demonstrate Finland’s progress towards the circular economy with an emphasis on a business perspective

• Indicators are primarily based on statistical data already collected for other purposes

• 18 indicators with time series from around 2010 onwards

18-20 March, 2024 Statistics Finland4

Circular economy business indicators in Finland

18-20 March, 2024 Statistics Finland5


2 000

4 000

6 000

8 000

10 000

12 000

14 000


10 000

20 000

30 000

40 000

50 000

60 000

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022


m ill

io n

Number, turnover and personnel of circular economy establishments

Number of personnel Number of establishments Turnover (EUR million)

Circular economy business indicators in Finland • Structural Business Statistics (SBS) serve as the

data source

• Circular economy is defined through industries

• The Eurostat list of industries serves as the foundation, and the category of ‘Other circular economy industries’ has been added to include industries not originally in the Eurostat list

• Industry classification helps identify which industries fall under the circular economy

• Measuring all circular economy activities across the entire economy is challenging

• The data is compiled from establishment-specific information, covering enterprises where only part of their activity aligns with the circular economy

• Recycling • 381 Waste Collection • 383 Materials recovery • 4677 Wholesale of waste and scrap • 4779 Retail sale of second-hand goods in stores

• Repair and reuse • 331 Repair of fabricated metal products, machinery and equipment • 4520 Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles • 4540 Sale, maintenance and repair of motorcycles and related parts and

accessories • 95 Repair of computers and personal and household goods

• Other circular economy industries • 771 Renting and leasing of motor vehicles • 772 Renting and leasing of personal and household goods • 773 Renting and leasing of other machinery, equipment and tangible goods

18-20 March, 2024 Statistics Finland6

SBS as a data source

Positives: •Finland has excellent data coverage in

SBS •Detailed data on an establishment level •Covers product and service value chains •Possibility for regional data

Negatives: •Industry classification a good

starting point but misses a lot of circular economy activity

18-20 March, 2024 Statistics Finland7

EGSS and circular economy • EGSS in Finland is calculated from national accounts’ economic figures

• To calculate CE from EGGS data, the following categories of Classification of Environmental Protection Activities and Expenditure (CEPA) and Classification of Resource Management Activities (CReMA) categories could be considered:

18-20 March, 2024 Statistics Finland8

•02 Wastewater management •Mostly NACE 22: products related to

wastewater management •03 Waste management

•381 Waste Collection •382 Waste treatment and disposal

•07 Protection against radiation •382 Waste treatment and disposal


•11B Minimisation of the intake of forest resources •16 Renovation of wooden packaging, pallets,

etc. for reuse •13C Minimisation of the use of fossil energy as

raw materials •Mostly NACE 22: products such as

replacement bags for plastic bags and regenerative rubber

•14 Management of minerals •Mostly NACE 24: iron made from recycled

materials •383 Materials recovery


Comparison of CE industries & products in EGSS and SBS


• Recycling • 381 Waste Collection • 382 Waste treatment and disposal • 383 Materials recovery • 4677 Wholesale of waste and scrap • 4779 Retail sale of second-hand goods in stores

• Products • 08 Reuse of slag in construction activities • 13 Textile bags and sacks as replacements for plastic bags • 16 Renovation of wooden packaging, pallets, etc. for reuse • 17 Paper bags as replacements for plastic bags and paper made from

recycled materials • 22 Products for water and wastewater management and products such

as replacement bags for plastic bags and regenerative rubber • 24 Iron from recycled materials

Circular economy business indicators (SBS)

• Recycling • 381 Waste Collection • 383 Materials recovery • 4677 Wholesale of waste and scrap • 4779 Retail sale of second-hand goods in stores

• Repair and reuse • 331 Repair of fabricated metal products, machinery and equipment • 4520 Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles • 4540 Sale, maintenance and repair of motorcycles and related parts and

accessories • 95 Repair of computers and personal and household goods

• Other circular economy industries • 771 Renting and leasing of motor vehicles • 772 Renting and leasing of personal and household goods • 773 Renting and leasing of other machinery, equipment and tangible goods

18-20 March, 2024 Statistics Finland9

CE output, value added and export based on EGSS data • Figures are based on

national accounts’ economic data

• Chosen NACE industries and CEPA/CReMA categories are previously mentioned

• Circular economy figures then follow trends in the general economy

18-20 March, 2024 Statistics Finland10


2 000

4 000

6 000

8 000

10 000

12 000

14 000

2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022


m ill

io n

EGSS Output, value added and export of circular economy

Output Value Added Exports

NACE and CEPA/CReMA review

18-20 March, 2024 Statistics Finland11


2 000

4 000

6 000

8 000

10 000

12 000

14 000

2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022


m ill

io n

EGSS output of circular economy by CEPA/CReMa

02 03 07 11B 13C 14


2 000

4 000

6 000

8 000

10 000

12 000

14 000

2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022


m ill

io n

EGSS output of circular economy by NACE

08 13 16 17 22 23 24 38 46 47

• Largest industry by far is NACE 24 Manufacture of metals • Recycled metals • CReMA 14 consist mostly of recycled metals

• Second largest industry is NACE 38 Waste collection, treatment and materials recovery • CEPA 3 consist of only waste collection and management

NACE and CEPA/CReMA review

18-20 March, 2024 Statistics Finland12


2 000

4 000

6 000

8 000

10 000

12 000

14 000

16 000

18 000

20 000

2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022

St af

f-y ea


EGSS staff-year for circular economy by NACE

08 13 16 17 22 23 24 38 46 47


2 000

4 000

6 000

8 000

10 000

12 000

14 000

16 000

18 000

20 000

2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022

St af

f-y ea


EGSS staff-year for circular economy by CEPA/CReMa

02 03 07 11B 13C 14

Differences between environmental goods and services and structural business statistics data EGSS data (based on national accounts data)

Share of EGSS is estimated by using expert

assessments, internal statistics, information

requests, websites

No regional data

Consistent with national accounts

SBS data (based on tax data and enterprise surveys)

Data coverage in Finland is excellent

Data compiled on LKAU level •Possibility to cover

enterprises where only part of their activity aligns with the circular economy

Regional data

18-20 March, 2024 Statistics Finland13

  • Comparison of EGSS and structural business statistics data on measuring circular economy
  • Contents
  • Defining circular economy business
  • Circular economy indicators in Finland
  • Circular economy business indicators in Finland
  • Circular economy business indicators in Finland
  • SBS as a data source
  • EGSS and circular economy
  • Comparison of CE industries & products in EGSS and SBS
  • CE output, value added and export based on EGSS data
  • NACE and CEPA/CReMA review
  • NACE and CEPA/CReMA review
  • Differences between environmental goods and services and structural business statistics data�
  • Thank you!

Statistics Finland’s progress in a holistic mapping of data and statistics on children in line with the National Child Rights Strategy, Marjut Pietiläinen (Statistics Finland)

Languages and translations

*Prepared by Anna Pärnänen & Marjut Pietiläinen.

NOTE: The designations employed in this document do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever

on the part of the Secretariat of the United Nations concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city

or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries.

United Nations Economic Commission for Europe

United Nations Children’s Fund

Expert meeting on statistics on children

Geneva, Switzerland, 4–6 March 2024

Item 8 of the provisional agenda

Statistics Finland’s progress in a holistic mapping of data and statistics on children in line with the National Child Rights Strategy

Note by Statistics Finland*


This paper describes Statistics Finland’s task on the Measure 24 of the first National

Child Strategy, which is based on the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and

promotes the implementation of the Convention. The Strategy was published in

2021. In accordance with the measure, Statistics Finland was tasked with producing a

comprehensive picture of the state of knowledge about child wellbeing, identifying

blind spots in the knowledge base, and making a proposal for a child data portal. The

paper gives an overview of the background and the aims of the task, the work done

so far, indicators covered and the conclusions.

The paper is a shortened version of the final report on Measure 24 of the National

Child Strategy Knowledge about children – Current status and development needs

prepared by Johanna Lahtela and Anna Pärnänen, Statistics Finland. The report is

available online:


I. Introduction

1. Finland’s first National Child Strategy was published in 2021. The vision of the strategy is a

child and family-friendly Finland where the rights of the child are respected. The aim is to

Working paper 24

1 March, 2024

Working paper 24


mainstream children’s rights and status so that children are consistently taken into

consideration in all policies and activities alongside other members of society, and that

children are informed of their rights. The strategy pays special attention to securing the

status of vulnerable children and better recognising their needs (Finnish Government, 2021).

2. In accordance with the Measure 24 of the National Child Strategy, Statistics Finland was

tasked with producing a comprehensive picture of the state of knowledge about child

wellbeing, identifying blind spots in the knowledge base, and making a proposal for a child

data portal. The aim was to combine information about children on a single website to

promote the use of the data in a way that supports children’s rights. To achieve a

comprehensive picture of the data needs and use of data, the measure was carried out in

close cooperation with stakeholders. The strong commitment of the stakeholders and the

common will was crucial for the project.

3. The work has been rewarding and very necessary. Despite previous efforts to compile child

data, no comparable overviews of the state of knowledge about children have been done

before. This overview has been necessary because information about children is scattered,

and there are many data producers. In addition, a wide range of users have different data

needs. Although there is a wealth of information available about children — even a

surprisingly large amount — there are still blind spots that need to be better addressed in the

future. This paper provides an overview of the tasks carried out under the measure 24 of the

National Child Strategy.

II. How is the wellbeing of children measured?

4. The wellbeing of children can be measured in many ways. For example, the OECD has

outlined multiple domains and possibilities for measuring child wellbeing. The OECD

divides the different dimensions of child wellbeing into three tiers: the outermost tier covers

public policies, while the inner tiers concern children’s living environment and their

activities, behaviours, and relationships. These dimensions are divided further into different

aspects, each with its own dashboard (OECD, 2021, see also the OECD Child Wellbeing

Dashboard1.) The indicators should be age-sensitive and stage-sensitive, reflect children’s

own views on wellbeing, capture inequalities, and be responsive to the needs of children

from different backgrounds, for example.

5. The different domains of child wellbeing form a multidimensional network (Figure 1).

Multiple aspects of life such as living conditions, individual experiences and social

protection affect wellbeing. In the case of children, social protection is emphasised because

the younger the child, the more they depend on the adults around them. The obligation to

protect children is also enshrined in the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

Figure 1. Measuring children’s wellbeing is complicated


Working paper 24


6. Childhood settings and experiences have an impact throughout the individual’s life cycle.

From a societal perspective, measuring child wellbeing is also important to ensure the

functioning of society in the long term. For example, the number of adults actively engaged

in society in the future can be influenced by limiting the factors of disadvantage that

contribute to the risk of social exclusion.

7. However, children should not only be thought of as future adults. There are more than one

million children in Finland, which means that around a fifth of Finns are under the age of 18.

It is therefore important to know how children are doing right now. All children have the

right to a good life and a society that supports their growth. This also means that efforts must

be made to reduce illbeing.

8. Children’s wellbeing is embedded in their growth environment. It is influenced by the

family’s income level and family relationships, the school environment, hobbies and the

living environment. Indicators such as family wellbeing therefore play an important role in

measuring child wellbeing. Children themselves also identify the family as an important

source of their wellbeing (Poikolainen, 20142)

9. Measuring child wellbeing is challenging because it is impossible to choose indicators that

could measure the wellbeing of all children. For example, the needs of an infant are very

different from those of a teenager. This means that different indicators are needed for

children of different ages.

2 Poikolainen, J. (2014) Lasten positiivisen hyvinvoinnin tutkimus – metodologisia huomioita. Nuorisotutkimus 32:2.

Indidators should be parly age- sensitive

Data collection can leave blind spots, e.g. regarding young children and those in a particularly vulnerable position

Children-s well-being

embedded in their growth environment

Living conditions,

experiences, protection

Measuring children's well-being

The different aspects of well-being format multidimensional network

Childhood settings and

experiences have an effect

throughout the individual's life


Indicators that change

over time

Protective and risk factors Well-being and disadvantage

Children's own views on

matters important to

their well- being

Working paper 24


10. The perception of what is considered wellbeing is constantly changing, and it is influenced

by societal developments, political priorities, and common values and standards. As the

world changes, new aspects of wellbeing also emerge. For example, because of the changes

in the concept of family and the digital transformation, we now need indicators that did not

exist in the 1990s. The indicators should therefore change in line with changes in society. On

the other hand, permanent indicators are also necessary to monitor changes in wellbeing over


11. Wellbeing indicators are divided into objective and subjective indicators. Objective

indicators measure resource-based wellbeing, while subjective indicators reflect individuals’

own perception of their wellbeing. (Haanpää, Toikka & af Ursin, 20203.) Subjective

wellbeing cannot be measured using register-based data alone, but it also requires access to

survey-based data.

12. Although we talk about measuring wellbeing, indicators often describe “illbeing”. For

example, in the National Indicators of Child Wellbeing, the indicators of “No close friends”

and “Difficulties in communicating with parents” have been selected as indicators of social

relationships. One of the reasons given for emphasising indicators of illbeing is that it is

easier to measure illbeing than wellbeing (Ministry of Education and Culture, 2011).

Indicators of illbeing can help identify the risk of social exclusion, for example.

13. However, it is also important to measure wellbeing. Indicators of wellbeing do not just

measure whether children are doing well. Good family relationships or a healthy lifestyle are

also protective factors that make it easier to cope with life’s challenges (Poikolainen, 2014).

Wellbeing indicators can thus reinforce good practice by highlighting strengths and positive

factors. Particular attention should be paid to measuring the wellbeing of vulnerable

children. The Finnish Terminology Centre defines vulnerable persons as follows: “A group

of people who, due to factors beyond their control, do not have the same opportunities as

other population groups and are therefore at risk of inequality.”

14. All children are inherently vulnerable, as they do not have the same opportunities as adults

to make decisions about their lives. However, some groups of children are more vulnerable

than others. For example, migrant children, children with disabilities, children who have

experienced violence, and children belonging to gender or sexual minorities are in a more

vulnerable position than other children.

15. Nevertheless, indicators have their limitations. A single indicator does not necessarily tell

the data seeker anything until the data are put into context and analysed. Contextualisation

may be based on time series or on comparative data. On the other hand, indicators may also

need to be supported with a broader interpretation and analysis of the phenomena. For

example, does the increase in the number of child welfare notifications reflect an increase in

general illbeing or a lower threshold for reporting issues?

16. The mapping of the knowledge about children’s wellbeing has been an important data policy

exercise. The report describes the current state of knowledge about child wellbeing and

makes suggestions for improvement. The suggestions put forward in the report will help

develop knowledge about children further.

3 Haanpää, L., Toikka, E. & af Ursin, P. (2020) Alakouluikäisten lasten moniulotteinen elämääntyytyväisyys

Suomessa. Yhteiskuntapolitiikka 85.

Working paper 24


III. Progress of the work

17. Measure 24 comprised three sets of tasks. The aim was first to produce a comprehensive

description of the knowledge base on the wellbeing of children and young people. The

second objective was to identify the data needs, data content and blind spots in the data.

Third, Statistics Finland was tasked with planning a data repository with stakeholders that

describes the situation of children and young people and facilitates finding and using data

and monitoring the status of children in Finland. Another task was to make a proposal for a

data portal, its implementation method, and its content, as well as for the implementation

schedule. The work was carried out between March 2022 and February 2023.

18. The main objective of the measure was to produce a comprehensive description of the

knowledge base. This was carried out by compiling all available indicators in a single

roadmap (Excel file). The preparation of the roadmap required an in-depth investigation of

different indicator websites, data sources, the indicators themselves and their production.

The end result was a roadmap that provides a comprehensive picture of what kind of data on

child wellbeing are produced in Finland, how the data are produced, and by whom. The

roadmap served as a basis for the planning of the indicator website.

19. The mapping of blind spots was carried out throughout 2022, and a workshop on data gaps

was organised for stakeholders in the spring of 2022. Statistics Finland also cooperated with

Measure 25 of the National Child Strategy, led by the Ministry of Finance. In the measure, a

survey was conducted among municipalities and hospital districts, and the questionnaire also

included questions on what kind of data gaps had been identified at regional level. Blind

spots were also mapped in other stakeholder meetings, and further observations were made

over the course of the indicator work.

20. One of the tasks of the measure was to make a proposal for a data portal, its content, and its

implementation method and schedule. The work started in the spring of 2022. The location

of the data portal was discussed with the steering group4. This involved investigating

whether Statistics Finland’s website would be a suitable location for the portal. The task was

carried out in cooperation with Statistics Finland’s ongoing website renewal project to find a

workable solution for the implementation of the child data portal.

21. In addition to the tasks described above, several awareness-raising measures were

undertaken. The launch of the measure was announced by publishing a joint news release

together with the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health. The measure was also presented in a

webinar and at various stakeholder meetings. The awareness-raising measures carried out in

the measure have been very successful. The articles, blogs and infographics have attracted a

large number of views on Statistics Finland’s website, as well as on Twitter.

22. A second workshop was organised on the outputs of the measure, findings on the current

state of the knowledge base and suggestions for improvement. The workshop was attended

4 Steering group members represented following organizations: Finnish National Agency for Education, Mannerheim

League for Child Welfare, Secretary General for the National Child Strategy / Prime Minister’s

Office, Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare, Itla Children’s Foundation, Diverse Families

Network, Central Union for Child Welfare, Statistics Finland, State Youth Council, the Ministry of

Social Affairs and Health, Social Insurance Institution of Finland and SAMS–Samarbetsförbundet

kring funktionshinder

Working paper 24


by a wide range of experts from different stakeholders, including data producers, data users

and data administration staff. The results of the workshop were also utilised when drawing

conclusions on the improvement of the knowledge base.

IV. Child wellbeing indicators

23. Indicators play a key role in the use of statistical data. Indicators are key figures that at best

enable broad and complex matters to be presented in a simple way. They are also needed in

target setting, monitoring, planning and decision-making, including in the monitoring of

children’s wellbeing.

24. The indicator work started with a review of the theoretical framework for the wellbeing of

children and young people. For example, the methods for the measurement of child

wellbeing and the concept of wellbeing as a whole were outlined based on the OECD report

entitled “Measuring What Matters for Child Wellbeing and Policies”. The early stages of the

work involved getting acquainted with previous indicator work carried out at national and

international level.

25. In addition, different sources of indicators were mapped. The initial mapping already

showed that the data volume was likely to be large, as more than 40 initial sources of data

were identified.Due to the large amount of data, it was deemed necessary at an early stage to

establish a reference model for the classification of the wellbeing indicators. The reference

model served as the basis for a knowledge base that consists of child wellbeing indicators.

26. The reference model was based on earlier models of wellbeing, but the aim was to keep the

different domains of wellbeing manageable. It was therefore decided that the model should

have a total of eight wellbeing domains (Figure 2) including: health and wellbeing, hobbies

and leisure, social relationships, inclusion and participation, school and early childhood

education and care, housing and living conditions, safety, and services, benefits and social

support. The ninth domain, demographic indicators, describes the demographic structure of

the child population.

Figure 2 Reference model for the domains of wellbeing

Demographic indicators

•Children in the population

•Children and immigration

Health and wellbeing

•Physical health

•Mental health


•Functional capcity

Hobbies and leisure




Social relationships

•Family and relatives


•School community

Inclusion and participation


•Participation at school

•Societal trust

Working paper 24


27. The next step was to start the actual compilation of indicators in an Excel file to serve as a

roadmap. Initially, the mapping covered all indicators describing children and young people

aged 0–29. However, it soon became clear that the volume of data would be considerably

larger than anticipated and could become unmanageable. It was therefore decided to limit the

indicators to children aged 0–17. Second, it was decided to focus on nationally produced

data because combining internationally coordinated data resources with other child data is

challenging. Third, the indicators selected for the roadmap had to be based on data that were

regularly produced for a time series to be available. This restriction excluded individual and

one-off studies from the mapping. Fourth, the indicators were limited to those directly

related to child wellbeing. This meant that the object of measurement of the indicator had to

be either the child or the family of the child. As a result, indicators such as the cost of

various services or measures taken by municipalities and schools were excluded.

28. Even after these restrictions, the volume of data describing child wellbeing was huge:

overall, around 2,400 indicators were compiled for the roadmap. When looking at the

indicators as a whole, it is important to note that the indicators do not form an immutable

database. New background variables may be added to the register data, or the data content of

the surveys may change. Sometimes even the data producer can change, as has been the case

with the Child Victim Survey and statistics on early childhood education and care, for

example. The list of indicators therefore continuously evolves over time, at least to some


29. Finally, the indicators were further categorized into smaller sets within the different domains

of the reference model. This enabled more detailed examination of the data content, blind

spots, and data overlaps in the domains to be carried out. For each domain, the distribution

of the indicators by age group was also examined. In addition, the main sources of data were

identified for each domain, as well as weaknesses in the knowledge base.

30. The classification stage revealed the limitations of the earlier “siloed” reference model: One

indicator can belong to more than one wellbeing domain at the same time. For example,

bullying at school can belong to the school and early childhood education and care domain,

but it can also belong to the safety domain. The roadmap also indicates all alternative

wellbeing domains to which the indicator could belong. The roadmap was also colour-coded

to indicate whether the indicator described wellbeing/protective factor or ill being/risk

factor. This provided an overall picture of the content of the indicators.

31. The age range of the children in question is also indicated in the indicator roadmap. The age

data are divided roughly into three groups: 0–6, 7–12 or 13–17. The comment field of each

indicator provides detailed information about whether the data are available by age group or

broken down by another age-based classification, for example. The age breakdown can

sometimes create obstacles for using the data. For example, in many registers, the data are

available for young people aged 15–19 or 15–24. In this case, it would be difficult to use the

School and ECEC

•Participation in education

•Participation in ECEC

•Enjoying school or ECEC


Housing and living


•Income level


•Material standard of living


•Violence and crime

•Sexual violence and harassment

•Safety in intimate relationships and at home



Services, benefits and social support

•Social services

•Healthcare services

•Social benefits

•Other social support

Working paper 24


data to describe child wellbeing. Especially individuals who are closer to the end of the age

range of 15–24 are at a very different stage in their lives than the minors in the group.

32. The gender variable is available for around two thirds of the indicators. The gender

breakdown does not take into account non-binary persons. The indicators measuring only

one gender describe birth and abortion among adolescents.

33. The background variables of language, citizenship or socioeconomic status are only

available for a few indicators. The availability depends on the topic and background data.

For example, the language variable is more often available for indicators related to education

than for other topics.

34. The largest producers of indicators are THL (approx. 850 indicators), Statistics Finland

(approx. 800 indicators), various recurrent surveys of universities (approx. 450 indicators),

and Kela (approx. 200 indicators). Other data producers include various authorities and


35. Surveys are used to collect information about the subjective experience of wellbeing.

Subjective wellbeing indicators measure life satisfaction, exercise habits, experiences of

violence and social relationships, for example. Slightly more than half the indicators in our

dataset are based on only 15 surveys. Eight of these surveys focus solely on children and

young people, while the remaining seven are either population-wide surveys or surveys that

ask adults questions about their children or family. Surveys mainly collect information about

a specific topic such as hobbies or experiences of violence. An exception to this is the

School Health Promotion Study, which produces extensive data on several wellbeing


36. The survey-based indicators are updated less frequently than the register-based indicators.

Surveys focusing solely on children are carried out every two years at most. The longest

update interval is ten years (see e.g. Statistics Finland’s Time Use Survey). Due to lack of

permanent funding, the continuity of surveys is also less certain than in the case of register-

based statistics. The challenge with survey-based data is that they inevitably have blind spots

because some children are unable to answer the surveys themselves due to their age, literacy

or other reasons.

37. Register-based indicators describe the use of services, becoming a victim of crime or living

conditions, for example. The indicators compiled in this measure are based on more than 60

different registers. Some aspects of wellbeing, such as hobbies and leisure or inclusion and

participation, are difficult to measure using register-based data alone.

38. In Finland, register-based resources are extensive and often cover almost all children,

regardless of their age or background. Most registers exclude only children who do not

reside permanently in Finland. These include asylum seekers and undocumented children.

39. In addition to their good coverage, the advantage of using register-based indicators is that

they are regularly updated, typically once a year. Some indicators are updated several times

a year, even monthly. These include Kela’s benefit data.

40. However, not all register-based data available have been compiled into indicators. For

example, a lot of wellbeing data are collected at maternity and child health clinics and in

school healthcare that are currently unavailable for research purposes. There is also a lack of

information about children of prisoners or children who have run away from substitute care,

for example. It is likely that the data exist somewhere in the customer files of the prison

administration or the police, but they have not been compiled into statistics. The reason for

this may be the lack of harmonisation of recording practices and information systems, which

Working paper 24


makes it difficult to compile statistics, or simply that the register data are not publicly


41. The following section describes the existing child wellbeing knowledge base by domain.

The figures present the distribution of the indicators by age group and background data. The

description of each domain starts with an overview of the type of indicators included in the

domain. This is followed by a description of the main data sources and a few examples of

the indicators. The purpose of the example indicators is to give an idea of the different types

of indicators and background data available. Finally, the domain’s strengths, weaknesses and

data gaps are summarised.

42. The following restrictions were followed when compiling the indicators: the indicator must

describe children aged 0–17, the indicator must describe either a child or a family with

children, and the indicator must be produced on a regular basis.

V. Blind spots in knowledge about children

43. One of the tasks of the measure was to identify the blind spots in knowledge about children.

This was done in several ways during the work. In May 2022, a workshop on data gaps was

organised. The participants included people who used child data in their work and

representatives of various children’s organisations.

44. Measure 24 of the National Child Strategy collaborated with Measure 25, led by the

Ministry of Finance. The aim of Measure 25 was to create models to promote the

implementation of child-oriented budgeting and the monitoring of outcome data in

municipalities and wellbeing services counties. The survey of regional operators carried out

under Measure 25 also included questions related to the work in Measure 24.

45. The questions concerned the identified gaps in knowledge about children and young people,

and what kind of data is needed. Forty responses were received in the survey. Information

about data gaps was also obtained in various stakeholder meetings. For example, the

implementers of the measure met with representatives of the Sámi Parliament, participated in

the work of the working group on the knowledge base on violence against children and met

with various actors involved in child wellbeing projects.

46. Data gaps were also identified during the compilation of the indicators and the preparation of

the roadmap.

VI. Challenges in the current state of knowledge

47. The mapping work highlighted many challenges concerning the current state of the

knowledge base. The challenges be summarised in eight themes. The first theme relates to

the extent of the knowledge base. The large number of child wellbeing indicators, more than

2,400, shows that a wealth of information is available about children. However, this

information is very scattered in multiple places, which means it is difficult to use and makes

it difficult to create an overall picture of the state of children’s wellbeing. Information about

children is scattered because there are so many data producers. The main data producers are

Working paper 24


THL, Statistics Finland, universities and Kela. Other data producers include research

institutes, higher education institutions, and the central government and local


48. Another finding was that although a lot of information is available, there are clear gaps in the

knowledge base. The lack of information is clearer among certain groups of children such as

immigrant or disabled children, children under school age, or sexual and gender minorities.

49. The third point related to the coordination of data production. There is no single body that

coordinates the production of data on children. This lack of coordination is reflected in many

ways in the state of the knowledge base. On the one hand, a lack of coordination leads to

data gaps, where no particular body is responsible for satisfying specific data needs. On the

other hand, it can lead to overlapping data. Different surveys ask the same questions in

slightly different words, thus creating an unnecessary burden on respondents. Due to the

long-term nature of the work, sufficient resources should be allocated to coordination.

50. Fourth, there is limited cooperation between data producers. This lack of cooperation leads

to a situation where some data producers compete for the same data resources. This

especially applies to schools and data collections organised in schools. According to reports,

schools find implementing various surveys somewhat burdensome in their daily school life

because the surveys always involve informing parents and dealing with data protection and

authorisation procedures.

51. The fifth point is related to the continuity of data, which is not always guaranteed, and

depends on the resources available. In Finland, there are currently only a few subjective

child wellbeing indicators whose continuation is secured with funding.

52. The sixth key aspect describing the knowledge base on children is the poor combinability of

the data. Because the information is scattered in multiple places, it is difficult to combine

different data sources. When one data producer has access to variables that measure

subjective wellbeing and another to variables that expand the possibilities of using the data,

but these data are not combined, the possibilities of using the data become limited.

53. Furthermore, the needs for regional-level data are currently insufficiently met. Such data

would enable the monitoring of the development of child wellbeing, the use of services and

resources, and costs at the regional level. In addition, comparative regional-level data is

needed to identify good practices better within the reference group and to exchange

experiences between regions.

54. In Finland, a lot of information about children’s wellbeing is collected at maternity and child

health clinics and in school healthcare. This information is used in healthcare for monitoring

child wellbeing. However, it is not used at the national level to create an overall picture of

the state of children’s wellbeing. The information collected at maternity and child health

clinics and in school healthcare forms an untapped data resource, the use of which would

significantly improve the state of the knowledge base.

55. Some of the above aspects of the state of the knowledge base have already been discussed

previously, for example, in the report on the National Indicators of Child Wellbeing (2011).

However, many of the issues that were raised at the time have not been followed up. There is

a lot of use for information about children. Monitoring children’s wellbeing is important

because childhood experiences are reflected well into adulthood. Many resources are also

invested in children through education and healthcare. The improvement of the knowledge

base is therefore of paramount importance, and efforts should be made to continue this work

in the future.

Working paper 24


VII. Proposals for improving the knowledge

56. The implementation of Measure 24 – the overall description of the knowledge base, the

identification of blind spots and the designing of the data portal – has highlighted clear needs

for development. The state of the knowledge base on children could be improved though

several measures described below.

57. The production of child data needs to be coordinated. Finland should have a body that

regularly monitors the state of the knowledge base on children. The coordinator’s role

should also include ensuring that the knowledge base is improved so that blind spots are

covered, and data needs are met. This would be done in close cooperation with the different

data producers in a designated coordination group. The data coordination should also aim to

investigate opportunities for closer cooperation in the collection of survey-based data to

avoid overlapping data collection, to reduce the burden on respondents, to minimize

competition for data resources, and to free resources for data analysis.

58. Opportunities and barriers to using previously untapped data for secondary purposes should

also be investigated. Untapped data refers to the main potential sources of data for secondary

purposes, such as data collected at maternity and child health clinics and in school

healthcare. These data are collected primarily for monitoring children’s health and for use by

healthcare professionals. This would be a reliable source of data because the data are

collected by professionals, and sufficient guidance could also ensure consistency in data

registration. The data collected at maternity and child health clinics and in school healthcare

would be valuable because data are collected on the entire age group in principle. This

would also allow better monitoring of the state of wellbeing of vulnerable children, while

respecting data protection requirements.

59. In terms of the improvement of the knowledge base as a whole, the main thing would be to

compile knowledge about children as comprehensively as possible in a single data resource

to create a child data repository. If all data were combined in a single data repository, the

accessibility of the data would significantly improve. In principle, the data repository would

contain comprehensive background data. The possibility to combine register-based and

survey-based data would also enable more detailed analyses of children’s wellbeing.

Building a data repository would also improve the production of regional-level data on child

wellbeing, as comprehensive regional data would be available as background variables.

60. Regarding register-based data, efforts should be made to harmonise the definition and

measurement methods of the key wellbeing indicators. This would support the regions in

monitoring child wellbeing, allocating resources and adopting good practice, both at the

municipal level and at the level of wellbeing services counties.

61. Since easy access to information is essential, it was proposed that a data portal for child

wellbeing indicators be built that is linked to the child data repository. One of the

bottlenecks of data portals is the updating of data, which often must be done manually. A

data portal connected to a data repository could be automatically updated.

62. Ideally, the data resources of the different data producers would be combined in a shared

data repository. A child data portal could then be built on the data repository. The data portal

would be linked to an indicator service, which would enable the publication of the child data

portal (Child wellbeing indicators). The data repository would enable more effective use of

the data to support policymaking and to provide researchers with customised datasets.

Working paper 24


63. Qualitative data and links to individual reports could also be added to the portal. This would

further strengthen the knowledge base on children and make it easier to find information

about vulnerable children, for example.

64. Overall, the improvement of the knowledge base is a process which should start with the

designation of the coordinating body and the establishment of the coordination group. To be

successful, the improvement of the knowledge base on children requires extensive

cooperation between experts, research institutions, ministries, and agencies. The work

depends on good and innovative cooperation between the different data producers to achieve

a workable outcome.

VIII. Indicator website

65. One of the tasks of Measure 24 was to outline a child data portal, its implementation method,

and its content, as well as the implementation schedule. In practice, this meant considering

where the indicator website for data on child wellbeing should be located, and what technical

solutions should be used.

66. The implementation of Measure and the design of Statistics Finland’s indicator website

coincided. Statistics Finland is in the process of renewing its website. One of the tasks on the

agenda in the autumn of 2022 was to design a website for the production and publication of

indicators. Combining the two projects had both beneficial and limiting effects on the

website redesign and the National Child Strategy measure. The projects were combined so

that the sets of indicators identified in the National Child Strategy measure could be used to

pilot the redesign team’s user interface design. The ready-made indicator sets made the work

of the user experience designer easier, as the sets could be used in the design work to help

identify which indicator sets would be easy to find and access and would be interesting and

necessary from the end users’ perspective.

67. The design of the user interfaces of the indicator service and the underlying technical

solutions were based on feasibility. The designs are therefore based on existing open

database interfaces. Without a clear link to a specific site and its constraints, the interface

design of the indicator site could remain detached, and its feasibility could not be ensured.

The aim was that the interface design would be realistic and feasible to implement.

68. Statistics Finland’s own site constraints determine the functionalities and visual look of the

website. The design in the pilot phase was therefore primarily based on the child data in the

databases of Statistics Finland. The starting point for the implementation is to use data

available in databases and the possibility to use interfaces, which allows the automation of

the data content update process. Automatic updating of the data content via open interfaces

would ensure the continuity of the site, as sites based on manual updating often fail due to a

lack of resources. In principle, the site will therefore not support the importing of data in

Excel format, for example. The inclusion of child wellbeing indicators other than those

produced by Statistics Finland would require the use of shared databases and interfaces.

69. More detailed specifications determining the use of interfaces and the requirements for the

data provided through them should be developed in a follow-up project. Combining data

from other data producer organisations on the website will be resolved later if the

construction of the indicator website for child data is to be pursued. However, this work will

require additional resources. A precise schedule for creating a service that includes all the

Working paper 24


key indicators of child wellbeing cannot yet be determined, as the work would first require

the harmonisation of data and implementation of shared interfaces.

70. Regarding the objectives of Measure 24, it has already been possible to think about the

technical solutions for the presentation of the data. The preliminary design of the indicator

website is based on the idea of displaying 20–30 key indicators per wellbeing domain. The

view may contain key figures, graphs and/or tables. The indicators for the pilot may be

selected from those that are available in Statistics Finland’s existing database tables.

Database tables can include many different indicators with different background variables.

The aim is to make data available on the portal at multiple levels. For example, the user

could check only the key indicators but could easily find more detailed data by background

variable if necessary. The visual design is still at the conceptual stage.

IX. Conclusions

71. The report presented the main outputs of Measure 24 of the National Child Strategy. More

than 2,400 child wellbeing indicators were identified. Despite the abundance of information,

there are blind spots in the knowledge base on children. They concern vulnerable children

and children under school age, in particular. In the measure, the following proposals for

action to improve the knowledge base on children were made.

72. The production of child data should be coordinated.

73. Cooperation on the collection of survey-based data should be enhanced.

74. Opportunities and barriers to using untapped data for secondary purposes should be


75. Regarding register-based data, efforts should be made to harmonise the definition and

measurement methods of the key wellbeing indicators at the regional level.

76. A child data repository should be created.

77. A data portal for child wellbeing indicators that is linked to the child data repository should

be constructed.

78. Data gaps and development needs have already been highlighted previously in various

contexts, and individual projects have been carried out to develop knowledge about children.

Many actors have their own aspirations and goals in this area. However, child wellbeing is a

very broad subject area, both in terms of data content and how the data are produced. A

comprehensive change cannot be achieved through individual efforts, but close cooperation

between different actors is needed to achieve the objectives. The first step should be to bring

together experts on child data to set common objectives and measures to achieve them.

79. Inclusion and cooperation should also be extended to children. Currently, the knowledge

base on child wellbeing does not sufficiently take into account children’s own perspective on

their wellbeing. Additionally, not all children are able to report on their wellbeing in surveys.

The right of the child to be heard should also apply to information about children.

  • I. Introduction
  • II. How is the wellbeing of children measured?
  • III. Progress of the work
  • IV. Child wellbeing indicators
  • V. Blind spots in knowledge about children
  • VI. Challenges in the current state of knowledge
  • VII. Proposals for improving the knowledge
  • VIII. Indicator website
  • IX. Conclusions

Presentation, Marjut Pietiläinen (Statistics Finland)

Languages and translations

The National Child Strategy and child data in Finland Marjut Pietiläinen, 6 March, 2024

UNECE Expert meeting on statistics on children

TransMonEE network session

This presentation is based on the report “Knowledge about Children”

prepared by Anna Pärnänen and Johanna Lahtela, Statistics Finland.


The 1st Finnish National Child Strategy

• The goal is a society that respects the rights of children.

• Is based on the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, which has been in force

at the level of an act since 1991 in Finland.

• Promotes the implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

• Records the current state of the wellbeing and rights of children and young people

as well as the key objectives and measures to promote them.

• The implementation plan for the Child Strategy set out 30 measures. The measure

24 concerned producing a comprehensive knowledge base for monitoring the well-

being of children and young people.


6 March, 2024 Statistics Finland2

Statistics Finland’s task on child strategy

• The work was carried out between March 2022 and February 2023.

• Created a framework to help categorize the indicators

• Collected all indicators on children’s well-being into one road map (excel) to help plan the web page

• Made a proposal for a web page on indicators on children, its content, the place and execution

• Mapped information gaps

• Took a closer look at the needs of information on vulnerable groups

• Made conclusions on the state of the child data in Finland & suggested how to develop it in the future

6 March, 2024 Statistics Finland3

Co-operation methods

6 March, 2024 Statistics Finland4

Project team

Steering group

Strong commitment


Synergies with other measures of the National Child Strategy

Presentations and sharing the information

6 March, 2024 Statistics Finland5

Demographic indicators

Children in the


Children and


Health & Wellbeing

Physical & mental health


Functional capacity

Hobbies & Leisure




Social relationships

Family and relatives


Social community

Inclusion and participation

Political & organizational


Participation at school

Societal trust

School & Early childhood

education and care (ECEC)

Participation in education & ECEC

Enjoying school or ECEC


Housing & Living



Income level


Material standard of



Violence and crime

Sexual violence and harassment

Safety in intimate relationships and

at home



Services, benefits and

other support of society

Social services

Healthcare services

Social benefits

Other social support

The indicator framework

The indicators

• Nationally produced indicators with time series

• Total ~ 2 400 indicators

• ~ 850 are produced by The Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare

• 800 by Statistics Finland

• ~ 200 by the Social Insurance Institution of Finland

• Some indicators fall on more than one sector in the framework

• Indicators that were left out

• Indicators which don’t directly measure the wellbeing of the child (e.g. costs of


• Are one-time-only indicators

6 March, 2024 Statistics Finland6

7Statistics Finland6 March, 2024

Education & Early

childhood education and


347 indicators

Hobbies & Leisure

244 indicators

Source of data

Survey Register

Source of data

Survey Register




0-6y. 7-12y. 13-17y.

Housing & Living


154 indicators

Source of data

Survey Register




0-6y 7-12y 13-17v.




0-6v. 7-12v. 13-17v.

8Statistics Finland6 March, 2024

Health and Wellbeing

336 indicators

Services, benefits and

other support of society

467 indicators

Source of data

Survey Register


608 indicators

Source of data

Survey Register

Source of data

Survey Register





0-6y. 7-12y. 13-17y.




0-6y. 7-12y. 13-17y.




0-6y 7-12y 13-17v.

9Statistics Finland6 March, 2024

Social connections

70 indicators

Population statistics

168 indicators

Source of data

Survey Register

Source of data



72 indicators




0-6y. 7-12y. 13-17y.

Source of data

Survey Register





0-6y. 7-12y. 13-17y.

Conclusions about the state of the child data in Finland

• There is an enormous amount of data on children, but it is dispersed in different places.

• There are a great number of data producers, but data production is not coordinated by anyone.

• Lack of coordination causes both overlaps and gaps of information (e.g. small children and

vulnerable groups).

• Dispersed information leads to weak combinability of the data.

• There is limited collaboration among data producers and in some cases competition for the same

informant resources.

• Data continuity is only seldomly ensured.

• There is a lot of untapped information collected in child health care centers and in school health


• Needs for data on a region level are not always met & there is a lack of region level follow-up


6 March, 2024 Statistics Finland10

Proposals to develop the child data base

• Production of child data needs a coordinator & co-operation group.

• The possibilities for co-operation in survey data production should be investigated.

• The possibilities and restrictions to use untapped data should be investigated.

• For register data, the most important indicators for regional use should be selected in co- operation with the data users & common practices agreed on.

• All data should be gathered in the same data base to create a common data source.

• The child data portal could be built on the child data base.

6 March, 2024 Statistics Finland11

Thank you!

More information:



  • Slide 1: The National Child Strategy and child data in Finland
  • Slide 2: The 1st Finnish National Child Strategy
  • Slide 3: Statistics Finland’s task on child strategy
  • Slide 4: Co-operation methods
  • Slide 5
  • Slide 6: The indicators
  • Slide 7
  • Slide 8
  • Slide 9
  • Slide 10: Conclusions about the state of the child data in Finland
  • Slide 11: Proposals to develop the child data base
  • Slide 12: Thank you!

Market Forecast Tables 2023

These tables show forest products production and trade forecasts for 2023 and 2024. These cover roundwood (logs, pulpwood and fuel wood), sawnwood (coniferous and non-coniferous), wood-based panels (plywood, particle board, OSB and fibreboard), pulp, paper and wood pellets.  The forecast data are provided by national correspondents and approved at the meeting of the Committee on Forests and the Forest Industry.

Languages and translations

List of tables

List of Tables and Notes
Table 1 - Sawn Softwood
Table 2 - Sawn Hardwood (total)
Table 2a - Sawn Hardwood (temperate)
Table 2b - Sawn Hardwood (tropical)
Table 3 - Veneer Sheets
Table 4 - Plywood
Table 5 - Particle Board (excluding OSB)
Table 5a - Oriented Strand Board
Table 6 - Fibreboard
Table 6a - Hardboard
Table 6b - MDF/HDF
Table 6c - Other Fibreboard
Table 7 - Wood Pulp
Table 8 - Paper and Paperboard
Table 9 - Removals of wood in the rough
Table 9a - Removals of wood in the rough (softwood)
Table 9b - Removals of wood in the rough (hardwood)
Table 10 - Softwood sawlogs
Table 11 - Hardwood sawlogs
Table 11a - Hardwood logs (temperate)
Table 11b - Hardwood logs (tropical)
Table 12 - Pulpwood
Table 12a - Pulpwood (softwood)
Table 12b - Pulpwood (hardwood)
Table 12c - Wood Residues, Chips and Particles
Table 13 - Wood Pellets
Table 14 - Europe: Summary table of market forecasts for 2023 and 2024
Table 15 - North America: Summary table of market forecasts for 2023 and 2024
Source: UNECE Committee on Forests and the Forest Industry , November 2023,
Notes: Data in italics are estimated by the secretariat. EECCA is Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia.
Data for the two latest years are forecasts.
In contrast to previous years, data are shown only for countries providing forecasts. Sub-regional totals are only for reporting countries.
In contrast to years prior to 2020, data are shown only for countries providing forecasts. Sub-regional totals thus reflect only the reporting countries of the subregion.
Confidential data have not been included. Please inform secretariat in case you notice any confidential data which might have been included inadvertently.
Wherever the forecast data is incomplete, then data is repeated to avoid skewing.
For tables 1-13, data in italics are secretariat estimates or repeated data. All other data are from national sources and are of course estimates for the current and future year.
Countries with nil, missing or confidential data for all years on a table are not shown.
Consumption figures are the sum of production and national imports minus national exports. Softwood = coniferous, hardwood = non-coniferous. United Kingdom production figures for OSB is secretariat estimate.
Uzbekistan – data extrapolated by the Secretariat based on national data for the first eight months 2023.
Poland - The trade turnover is based on data that includes the estimated value of trade turnover by entities exempt from the reporting obligation. These trade turnover figures are estimated at 3%. Roundwood: sawlogs and veneer logs and pulpwood and wood fuel - with removals from trees and shrubs outside the forest, including forest chips, with stump. Residues - production excluding recovered wood.
Softwood = coniferous, hardwood = non-coniferous
For tables 1-13, data in italics are secretariat estimates or repeated data. All other data are from national sources and are of course estimates for the current and future year.
Countries with nil, missing or confidential data for all years on a table are not shown.


Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions
1000 m3
Apparent Consumption Imports Exports
Country Consommation Apparente Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations Pays
2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024
Austria 6,141 4,978 4,978 10,104 8,588 8,588 1,784 1,270 1,270 5,747 4,880 4,880 Autriche
Cyprus 33 34 34 1 1 1 32 33 33 0 0 0 Chypre
Czech Republic 2,965 2,343 2,470 4,720 3,776 4,040 583 414 350 2,338 1,847 1,920 République tchèque
Estonia 2,068 1,550 1,550 1,725 1,500 1,500 1,209 700 700 866 650 650 Estonie
Finland 2,938 2,420 2,420 11,200 10,300 10,400 305 20 20 8,567 7,900 8,000 Finlande
France 8,633 8,750 8,800 7,168 7,200 7,300 2,350 2,450 2,400 885 900 900 France
Germany 17,294 14,900 13,300 24,309 21,400 19,800 4,146 2,700 3,000 11,162 9,200 9,500 Allemagne
Hungary 788 902 918 85 96 86 717 821 842 14 15 11 Hongrie
Italy 4,790 4,302 4,302 400 400 400 4,608 4,157 4,157 217 255 255 Italie
Latvia 1,025 950 950 3,102 3,000 3,000 829 750 750 2,906 2,800 2,800 Lettonie
Luxembourg 71 122 122 39 39 39 43 91 91 11 8 8 Luxembourg
Malta 7 9 9 0 0 0 7 9 9 0 0 0 Malte
Montenegro 30 30 29 118 115 112 10 9 7 98 94 90 Monténégro
Netherlands 2,259 2,088 2,029 115 115 115 2,659 2,473 2,399 515 500 485 Pays-Bas
Poland 4,631 4,630 4,800 4,144 4,100 4,200 1,219 1,240 1,300 732 710 700 Pologne
Portugal 696 686 685 807 815 820 130 130 125 242 259 260 Portugal
Serbia 367 361 383 91 95 98 281 270 290 5 4 5 Serbie
Slovakia 847 810 860 1,430 1,360 1,400 480 450 460 1,063 1,000 1,000 Slovaquie
Slovenia 665 670 660 983 990 980 530 530 530 848 850 850 Slovénie
Spain 4,029 4,001 4,001 3,006 3,189 3,189 1,166 956 956 143 144 144 Espagne
Sweden 5,709 5,050 5,650 18,870 18,400 18,300 587 500 450 13,748 13,850 13,100 Suède
Switzerland 1,271 1,300 1,325 1,186 1,200 1,210 300 310 320 215 210 205 Suisse
United Kingdom 8,663 8,125 8,214 3,108 2,860 2,860 5,719 5,385 5,474 165 120 120 Royaume-Uni
Total Europe 75,919 69,011 68,490 96,712 89,540 88,439 29,694 25,668 25,934 50,487 46,197 45,883 Total Europe
Uzbekistan 2,256 1,498 1,498 0 0 0 2,256 1,498 1,498 0 0 0 Ouzbékistan
Canada a 3,707 2,691 2,242 36,398 33,228 31,331 891 988 948 33,581 31,525 30,037 Canada a
United States a 87,925 87,155 88,151 64,039 64,178 64,399 26,202 25,492 26,149 2,316 2,515 2,397 Etats-Unis a
Total North America 91,632 89,846 90,393 100,437 97,406 95,730 27,093 26,480 27,097 35,898 34,040 32,434 Total Amérique du Nord
a converted from nominal to actual size using factor of 0.72 a convertis du dimension nominale au véritable avec une facteur du 0.72


Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions
1000 m3
Apparent Consumption Imports Exports
Country Consommation Apparente Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations Pays
2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024
Austria 310 222 222 238 202 202 217 140 140 145 120 120 Autriche
Cyprus 11 7 7 0 0 0 11 7 7 0 0 0 Chypre
Czech Republic 324 245 240 222 167 175 136 103 105 34 24 40 République tchèque
Estonia 232 125 125 175 125 125 147 60 60 90 60 60 Estonie
Finland 84 44 44 73 40 40 34 24 24 23 20 20 Finlande
France 1,124 1,140 1,150 1,446 1,300 1,400 264 420 350 586 580 600 France
Germany 693 650 650 997 800 800 395 300 300 699 450 450 Allemagne
Hungary 258 150 131 414 343 342 45 38 30 200 231 241 Hongrie
Italy 798 776 776 500 500 500 637 578 578 339 302 302 Italie
Latvia 5 105 105 720 800 800 54 55 55 769 750 750 Lettonie
Luxembourg 96 98 98 39 39 39 64 65 65 7 6 6 Luxembourg
Malta 7 8 9 0 0 0 7 8 9 0 0 0 Malte
Montenegro 11 8 10 39 35 34 2 1 1 30 28 25 Monténégro
Netherlands 238 213 203 34 34 34 314 289 279 110 110 110 Pays-Bas
Poland 495 470 500 487 450 460 267 270 300 259 250 260 Pologne
Portugal 369 295 290 182 185 190 287 200 190 100 90 90 Portugal
Serbia 172 215 225 343 370 385 64 60 70 235 215 230 Serbie
Slovakia 235 240 275 385 400 420 55 50 55 205 210 200 Slovaquie
Slovenia 106 145 145 143 145 145 83 80 80 121 80 80 Slovénie
Spain 425 467 467 302 321 321 175 193 193 53 47 47 Espagne
Sweden 142 140 140 100 100 100 83 80 80 41 40 40 Suède
Switzerland 78 79 81 52 53 54 50 51 52 24 25 25 Suisse
United Kingdom 807 810 810 37 40 40 787 790 790 17 20 20 Royaume-Uni
Total Europe 7,019 6,652 6,703 6,928 6,449 6,606 4,177 3,862 3,813 4,086 3,658 3,716 Total Europe
Uzbekistan 228 208 208 195 195 195 33 16 16 0 3 3 Ouzbékistan
Canada 1,208 1,324 1,242 859 893 815 793 826 738 444 395 311 Canada
United States 14,647 14,835 15,217 17,637 17,827 18,214 798 805 820 3,788 3,797 3,817 Etats-Unis
Total North America 15,855 16,159 16,459 18,496 18,720 19,029 1,591 1,631 1,558 4,231 4,192 4,128 Total Amérique du Nord

Table 2a

SAWN HARDWOOD (temperate) SCIAGES NON-CONIFERES (zone tempérée)
Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions
1000 m3
Apparent Consumption Imports Exports
Country Consommation Apparente Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations Pays
2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024
Austria 306 219 219 238 202 202 213 136 136 144 119 119 Autriche
Cyprus 9 5 5 0 0 0 8 5 5 0 0 0 Chypre
Czech Republic 307 229 223 222 167 175 119 86 88 34 24 40 République tchèque
Estonia 230 122 122 175 125 125 142 56 56 87 59 59 Estonie
Finland 80 40 40 73 40 40 26 16 16 19 16 16 Finlande
France 960 988 988 1,420 1,285 1,375 123 280 210 583 577 597 France
Germany 664 630 630 997 800 800 315 240 240 649 410 410 Allemagne
Hungary 257 147 127 414 343 342 43 35 26 200 230 241 Hongrie
Italy 819 791 791 495 495 495 476 423 423 152 127 127 Italie
Latvia 5 105 105 720 800 800 54 55 55 769 750 750 Lettonie
Luxembourg 92 96 96 39 39 39 60 63 63 7 6 6 Luxembourg
Malta 6 7 8 0 0 0 6 7 8 0 0 0 Malte
Montenegro 11 8 10 39 35 34 2 1 1 30 28 25 Monténégro
Netherlands 89 80 77 27 27 27 117 108 105 55 55 55 Pays-Bas
Poland 484 459 488 487 450 460 254 257 286 257 248 258 Pologne
Portugal 319 272 268 170 172 178 180 150 140 31 50 50 Portugal
Serbia 167 211 220 342 369 384 59 57 66 234 215 230 Serbie
Slovakia 235 240 275 385 400 420 55 50 55 205 210 200 Slovaquie
Slovenia 104 143 143 143 145 145 81 78 78 120 80 80 Slovénie
Spain 383 417 417 300 318 318 128 142 142 45 43 43 Espagne
Sweden 142 139 139 100 100 100 83 79 79 41 40 40 Suède
Switzerland 69 70 72 49 50 51 44 45 46 24 25 25 Suisse
United Kingdom 716 720 720 37 40 40 693 700 700 14 20 20 Royaume-Uni
Total Europe 6,453 6,138 6,183 6,872 6,402 6,550 3,281 3,069 3,025 3,700 3,334 3,392 Total Europe
Uzbekistan 227 207 207 195 195 195 33 15 15 0 3 3 Ouzbékistan
Canada 1,191 1,316 1,236 859 893 815 762 805 715 430 382 294 Canada
United States 14,379 14,578 14,957 17,637 17,827 18,214 523 529 544 3,782 3,778 3,801 Etats-Unis
Total North America 15,569 15,893 16,193 18,496 18,720 19,029 1,285 1,334 1,259 4,212 4,160 4,095 Total Amérique du Nord

Table 2b

Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions
1000 m3
Apparent Consumption Imports Exports
Country Consommation Apparente Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations Pays
2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024
Austria 3 3 3 0 0 0 4 4 4 1 1 1 Autriche
Bulgaria 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bulgarie
Cyprus 3 2 2 0 0 0 3 2 2 0 0 0 Chypre
Czech Republic 17 17 17 0 0 0 17 17 17 0 0 0 République tchèque
Estonia 2 3 3 0 0 0 5 4 4 3 1 1 Estonie
Finland 4 4 4 0 0 0 8 8 8 4 4 4 Finlande
France 164 152 162 26 15 25 141 140 140 3 3 3 France
Germany 29 20 20 0 0 0 79 60 60 50 40 40 Allemagne
Hungary 2 3 4 0 0 0 2 4 4 0 0 0 Hongrie
Italy -21 -15 -15 5 5 5 161 154 154 187 175 175 Italie
Luxembourg 4 2 2 0 0 0 4 2 2 0 0 0 Luxembourg
Malta 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 Malte
Netherlands 149 133 126 7 7 7 197 181 174 55 55 55 Pays-Bas
Poland 10 11 12 0 0 0 12 13 14 2 2 2 Pologne
Portugal 50 23 22 12 13 12 107 50 50 69 40 40 Portugal
Serbia 5 4 5 1 1 1 5 3 4 1 0 0 Serbie
Slovenia 2 2 2 0 0 0 2 2 2 0 0 0 Slovénie
Spain 42 49 49 2 2 2 47 50 50 7 4 4 Espagne
Sweden 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 Suède
Switzerland 9 9 9 3 3 3 6 6 6 0 0 0 Suisse
United Kingdom 91 90 90 0 0 0 94 90 90 3 0 0 Royaume-Uni
Total Europe 566 515 519 56 46 55 896 793 788 386 324 324 Total Europe
Canada 17 8 7 0 0 0 31 21 23 14 13 16 Canada
United States 269 257 260 0 0 0 275 276 276 6 19 16 Etats-Unis
Total North America 286 266 266 0 0 0 305 297 299 20 31 32 Total Amérique du Nord

Table 3

Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions
1000 m3
Apparent Consumption Imports Exports
Country Consommation Apparente Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations Pays
2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024
Austria 74 39 39 8 8 8 83 45 45 17 14 14 Autriche
Cyprus 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 Chypre
Czech Republic 28 28 27 28 16 17 58 53 50 58 41 40 République tchèque
Estonia 111 125 125 105 110 110 87 95 95 82 80 80 Estonie
Finland 27 21 21 190 160 160 12 10 10 175 149 149 Finlande
France 366 366 366 157 157 157 273 273 273 64 64 64 France
Germany 157 143 125 110 105 105 99 78 70 52 40 50 Allemagne
Hungary 23 25 20 13 18 13 39 39 39 28 31 32 Hongrie
Italy 344 308 308 107 107 107 274 234 234 37 33 33 Italie
Latvia 105 105 105 40 50 50 140 140 140 75 85 85 Lettonie
Luxembourg 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 Luxembourg
Malta 1 2 3 0 0 0 1 2 3 0 0 0 Malte
Netherlands 15 13 13 0 0 0 17 15 15 3 3 3 Pays-Bas
Poland 121 121 129 45 42 45 92 94 98 16 15 14 Pologne
Portugal 12 20 35 20 30 25 38 40 50 46 50 40 Portugal
Serbia 4 4 5 30 28 30 8 6 8 34 30 33 Serbie
Slovakia 17 25 25 21 25 25 27 30 30 31 30 30 Slovaquie
Slovenia 9 8 9 28 27 25 13 14 14 32 33 30 Slovénie
Spain 122 92 92 40 36 36 127 90 90 45 34 34 Espagne
Sweden 32 31 31 60 50 50 19 10 10 47 29 29 Suède
Switzerland 3 3 3 0 0 0 4 4 4 1 1 1 Suisse
United Kingdom 6 10 10 0 0 0 7 10 10 1 0 0 Royaume-Uni
Total Europe 1,577 1,490 1,491 1,002 969 962 1,419 1,283 1,288 843 762 760 Total Europe
Uzbekistan 4 4 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 0 0 0 Ouzbékistan
Total EECCA 0 Total EOCAC
Canada 204 262 267 581 581 581 212 218 230 590 537 544 Canada
United States 2,643 2,670 2,699 2,284 2,306 2,329 652 658 664 293 294 294 Etats-Unis
Total North America 2,847 2,932 2,966 2,866 2,887 2,910 864 876 894 883 831 838 Total Amérique du Nord
Note: Definition of veneers excludes domestic use for plywood.
La définition des placages exclus la conversion directe en contreplaqué.

Table 4

Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions
1000 m3
Apparent Consumption Imports Exports
Country Consommation Apparente Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations Pays
2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024
Austria 19 15 15 131 155 155 183 150 150 296 290 290 Autriche
Cyprus 14 15 15 0 0 0 14 15 15 0 0 0 Chypre
Czech Republic 193 116 123 240 236 238 230 115 115 277 235 230 République tchèque
Estonia 145 50 50 200 210 210 151 50 50 205 210 210 Estonie
Finland 297 240 240 1,110 940 940 87 60 60 900 760 760 Finlande
France 589 583 583 253 270 270 476 452 452 140 139 139 France
Germany 1,073 1,154 840 85 80 80 1,319 1,281 1,000 330 207 240 Allemagne
Hungary 136 110 107 60 61 63 138 138 138 62 90 94 Hongrie
Italy 602 537 537 288 290 290 525 442 442 211 195 195 Italie
Latvia 92 55 55 331 300 300 94 95 95 333 340 340 Lettonie
Luxembourg 33 29 29 0 0 0 33 29 29 0 0 0 Luxembourg
Malta 10 11 12 0 0 0 10 11 12 0 0 0 Malte
Montenegro 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 Monténégro
Netherlands 488 457 441 0 0 0 586 551 529 98 94 88 Pays-Bas
Poland 650 640 670 539 515 530 468 475 480 357 350 340 Pologne
Portugal 154 180 166 103 100 110 95 110 100 44 30 44 Portugal
Serbia 40 36 38 19 18 19 34 30 33 13 12 14 Serbie
Slovakia 67 63 63 153 150 150 59 59 59 146 146 146 Slovaquie
Slovenia 49 50 58 94 90 98 26 30 30 71 70 70 Slovénie
Spain 231 326 326 462 416 416 132 117 117 363 207 207 Espagne
Sweden 278 160 160 90 90 90 236 120 120 48 50 50 Suède
Switzerland 206 206 206 7 7 7 203 203 203 4 4 4 Suisse
United Kingdom 1,254 1,180 1,180 0 0 0 1,320 1,250 1,250 66 70 70 Royaume-Uni
Total Europe 6,623 6,215 5,916 4,166 3,930 3,967 6,422 5,786 5,482 3,965 3,501 3,532 Total Europe
Uzbekistan 62 46 46 0 0 0 63 47 47 0 0 0 Ouzbékistan
Total EECCA 0 Total EOCAC
Canada 2,174 2,028 2,123 1,604 1,557 1,526 1,224 1,058 1,241 654 587 644 Canada
United States 14,742 14,890 15,188 9,254 9,345 9,528 6,259 6,317 6,436 771 772 776 Etats-Unis
Total North America 16,916 16,918 17,311 10,858 10,902 11,054 7,483 7,375 7,677 1,425 1,359 1,420 Total Amérique du Nord

Table 5

PARTICLE BOARD (excluding OSB) PANNEAUX DE PARTICULES (ne comprennent pas l'OSB)
Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions
1000 m3
Apparent Consumption Imports Exports
Country Consommation Apparente Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations Pays
2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024
Austria 951 630 630 2,280 2,170 2,170 313 355 355 1,642 1,895 1,895 Autriche
Cyprus 49 46 46 0 0 0 49 46 46 0 0 0 Chypre
Czech Republic 793 811 835 962 866 910 530 484 485 699 538 560 République tchèque
Estonia 123 67 67 90 0 0 77 68 68 44 2 1 Estonie
Finland 113 75 75 54 54 54 85 44 44 26 23 23 Finlande
France 2,224 2,148 2,148 3,177 3,094 3,094 299 355 355 1,253 1,301 1,301 France
Germany 5,572 5,220 4,970 5,526 5,195 5,020 1,970 1,934 1,900 1,924 1,909 1,950 Allemagne
Hungary 408 384 379 447 428 438 264 282 272 303 326 331 Hongrie
Italy 3,070 2,813 2,813 2,646 2,500 2,500 956 821 821 532 508 508 Italie
Latvia 52 85 85 306 300 300 69 25 25 322 240 240 Lettonie
Luxembourg 20 12 12 0 0 0 21 13 13 1 1 1 Luxembourg
Malta 10 11 11 0 0 0 10 11 11 0 0 0 Malte
Montenegro 32 33 34 0 0 0 32 33 34 0 0 0 Monténégro
Netherlands 464 440 432 0 0 0 514 488 479 50 48 47 Pays-Bas
Poland 6,501 6,450 6,740 5,227 5,150 5,450 2,173 2,180 2,200 899 880 910 Pologne
Portugal 537 473 514 766 750 760 281 300 290 510 577 536 Portugal
Serbia 373 351 371 219 210 220 196 184 198 42 43 47 Serbie
Slovakia 352 343 340 676 675 675 148 140 137 473 473 472 Slovaquie
Slovenia 137 110 110 0 0 0 143 114 114 6 4 4 Slovénie
Spain 2,392 2,213 2,213 2,566 2,310 2,310 626 621 621 800 718 718 Espagne
Sweden 1,055 868 868 636 600 600 475 335 335 57 67 67 Suède
Switzerland 281 286 286 420 425 425 141 141 141 280 280 280 Suisse
United Kingdom 2,606 2,542 2,542 2,012 1,982 1,982 648 610 610 55 50 50 Royaume-Uni
Total Europe 28,115 26,410 26,521 28,012 26,710 26,908 10,021 9,584 9,555 9,917 9,883 9,942 Total Europe
Uzbekistan 880 542 542 252 252 252 654 317 317 26 27 27 Ouzbékistan
Total EECCA 27 Total EOCAC
Canada 1,466 1,886 1,894 1,625 2,032 2,012 552 504 491 710 650 609 Canada
United States 5,196 5,565 5,562 4,488 4,552 4,534 1,193 1,465 1,487 485 452 459 Etats-Unis
Total North America 6,663 7,451 7,456 6,113 6,584 6,546 1,745 1,969 1,978 1,195 1,102 1,068 Total Amérique du Nord
Data are calculated by subtracting OSB from the particleboard/OSB total - les données sont calculées en soustrayant les OSB du total des panneaux de particules et OSB.

Table 5a

Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions
1000 m3
Apparent Consumption Imports Exports
Country Consommation Apparente Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations Pays
2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024
Austria 205 135 135 0 0 0 212 140 140 7 5 5 Autriche
Cyprus 11 14 14 0 0 0 11 14 14 0 0 0 Chypre
Czech Republic 380 342 350 689 620 655 126 113 115 435 392 420 République tchèque
Estonia 55 32 32 0 0 0 55 32 32 1 0 0 Estonie
Finland 56 56 56 0 0 0 56 56 56 0 0 0 Finlande
France 427 522 522 302 406 406 222 165 165 96 49 49 France
Germany 1,316 1,238 1,130 1,164 1,105 1,080 679 669 600 526 536 550 Allemagne
Hungary 133 147 152 379 419 443 56 60 59 302 331 350 Hongrie
Italy 346 287 287 100 100 100 346 274 274 100 87 87 Italie
Latvia 196 165 165 674 650 650 76 75 75 554 560 560 Lettonie
Luxembourg 110 135 135 338 338 338 6 14 14 234 217 217 Luxembourg
Montenegro 2 2 2 0 0 0 2 2 2 0 0 0 Monténégro
Netherlands 222 222 227 0 0 0 286 286 292 64 64 65 Pays-Bas
Poland 655 650 760 647 650 750 302 320 350 294 320 340 Pologne
Portugal 46 37 41 0 0 0 50 40 45 4 3 4 Portugal
Serbia 40 35 41 0 0 0 41 36 42 1 1 1 Serbie
Slovakia 48 58 60 0 0 0 48 60 63 1 3 3 Slovaquie
Slovenia 31 24 24 0 0 0 33 26 26 2 2 2 Slovénie
Spain 26 15 15 3 3 3 35 33 33 12 20 20 Espagne
Sweden 94 92 92 0 0 0 97 95 95 3 3 3 Suède
Switzerland 95 95 95 0 0 0 96 96 96 1 1 1 Suisse
United Kingdom 773 758 758 598 598 598 365 350 350 190 190 190 Royaume-Uni
Total Europe 5,268 5,060 5,092 4,894 4,888 5,023 3,200 2,956 2,938 2,826 2,784 2,868 Total Europe
Uzbekistan 7 5 5 0 0 0 7 5 5 0 0 0 Ouzbékistan
Total EECCA 0 Total EOCAC
Canada 1,546 1,253 1,153 7,270 6,820 6,798 82 65 61 5,806 5,632 5,706 Canada
United States 19,658 19,834 20,197 13,592 13,783 14,059 6,198 6,236 6,326 132 185 188 Etats-Unis
Total North America 21,204 21,087 21,350 20,862 20,603 20,857 6,280 6,301 6,387 5,938 5,817 5,894 Total Amérique du Nord

Table 6

Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions
1000 m3
Apparent Consumption Imports Exports
Country Consommation Apparente Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations Pays
2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024
Austria 421 386 386 470 395 395 331 308 308 381 316 316 Autriche
Cyprus 20 15 16 0 0 0 20 15 16 0 0 0 Chypre
Czech Republic 328 276 280 41 41 42 438 347 360 151 112 122 République tchèque
Estonia 70 46 47 75 40 40 65 46 47 70 40 40 Estonie
Finland 139 105 105 44 44 44 141 102 102 46 41 41 Finlande
France 828 915 915 1,238 1,035 1,035 721 772 772 1,130 892 892 France
Germany 3,791 3,437 3,325 5,194 4,900 4,800 1,590 1,543 1,470 2,993 3,006 2,945 Allemagne
Hungary 9 -17 -13 21 0 0 204 235 244 215 253 258 Hongrie
Italy 1,862 1,661 1,661 827 818 818 1,281 974 974 245 131 131 Italie
Latvia 60 50 40 48 50 50 62 65 65 50 65 75 Lettonie
Luxembourg 100 90 90 147 147 147 34 19 19 80 76 76 Luxembourg
Malta 6 7 7 0 0 0 6 7 7 0 0 0 Malte
Montenegro 32 32 33 0 0 0 32 32 33 0 0 0 Monténégro
Netherlands 332 310 296 29 29 29 465 431 412 162 150 145 Pays-Bas
Poland 3,808 3,765 4,020 4,960 4,920 5,080 590 585 630 1,743 1,740 1,690 Pologne
Portugal 534 485 529 526 520 560 338 315 335 330 350 366 Portugal
Serbia 74 74 88 19 20 22 71 73 88 16 19 22 Serbie
Slovakia 210 218 223 0 0 0 248 256 262 39 38 39 Slovaquie
Slovenia 24 15 15 132 120 125 28 25 30 136 130 140 Slovénie
Spain 920 894 894 1,430 1,287 1,287 462 355 355 972 748 748 Espagne
Sweden 301 260 260 0 0 0 425 360 360 124 100 100 Suède
Switzerland 238 238 238 97 97 97 308 308 308 167 167 167 Suisse
United Kingdom 1,692 1,630 1,630 856 850 850 895 840 840 60 60 60 Royaume-Uni
Total Europe 15,799 14,892 15,085 16,153 15,313 15,421 8,755 8,013 8,037 9,110 8,434 8,373 Total Europe
Uzbekistan 1,092 809 809 47 47 47 1,057 771 771 13 9 9 Ouzbékistan
Canada 1,236 1,183 1,181 1,277 1,288 1,299 818 628 605 859 733 723 Canada
United States 8,684 8,749 8,888 6,362 6,420 6,571 3,359 3,289 3,310 1,038 960 993 Etats-Unis
Total North America 9,920 9,932 10,069 7,639 7,708 7,870 4,177 3,917 3,915 1,896 1,693 1,716 Total Amérique du Nord

Table 6a

Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions
1000 m3
Apparent Consumption Imports Exports
Country Consommation Apparente Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations Pays
2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024
Austria 29 28 28 54 43 43 18 16 16 43 32 32 Autriche
Cyprus 2 1 2 0 0 0 2 1 2 0 0 0 Chypre
Czech Republic 43 45 45 0 0 0 61 59 60 18 14 15 République tchèque
Estonia 23 15 19 0 0 0 30 16 20 7 1 1 Estonie
Finland 23 21 21 44 44 44 21 15 15 41 38 38 Finlande
France 55 55 55 221 221 221 207 207 207 373 373 373 France
Germany 176 183 165 0 0 0 200 203 180 23 20 15 Allemagne
Hungary 27 41 45 2 0 0 65 81 85 40 40 40 Hongrie
Italy 280 280 280 16 16 16 283 283 283 19 19 19 Italie
Latvia 1 5 5 15 15 15 18 20 20 32 30 30 Lettonie
Luxembourg -31 -12 -12 0 0 0 3 8 8 34 20 20 Luxembourg
Montenegro 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 Monténégro
Netherlands 44 41 39 0 0 0 63 58 56 19 17 17 Pays-Bas
Poland -179 -120 -50 80 80 80 88 100 120 347 300 250 Pologne
Portugal 50 30 39 0 0 0 61 40 50 11 10 11 Portugal
Serbia 39 35 38 19 20 22 33 31 34 13 16 18 Serbie
Slovakia 21 20 21 0 0 0 21 21 22 1 1 1 Slovaquie
Slovenia -1 0 1 0 0 0 4 2 4 4 2 3 Slovénie
Spain 17 15 15 32 29 29 46 46 46 61 60 60 Espagne
Sweden 47 30 30 0 0 0 116 110 110 70 80 80 Suède
Switzerland 19 19 19 0 0 0 24 24 24 5 5 5 Suisse
United Kingdom 101 90 90 0 0 0 110 100 100 9 10 10 Royaume-Uni
Total Europe 787 822 895 482 468 470 1,474 1,441 1,463 1,169 1,087 1,037 Total Europe
Uzbekistan 89 50 50 0 0 0 90 50 50 0 0 0 Ouzbékistan
Canada 33 47 42 90 90 90 52 27 28 109 70 76 Canada
United States 481 509 514 437 504 509 259 255 258 215 250 253 Etats-Unis
Total North America 514 556 556 527 594 599 311 282 286 324 320 329 Total Amérique du Nord

Table 6b

Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions
1000 m3
Apparent Consumption Imports Exports
Country Consommation Apparente Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations Pays
2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024
Austria 260 230 230 416 351 351 177 160 160 333 281 281 Autriche
Cyprus 16 12 12 0 0 0 16 12 12 0 0 0 Chypre
Czech Republic 199 157 160 41 41 42 180 135 140 22 19 22 République tchèque
Estonia 18 21 18 0 0 0 33 28 25 15 7 7 Estonie
Finland 82 67 67 0 0 0 86 70 70 4 3 3 Finlande
France 708 794 794 954 751 751 337 388 388 583 345 345 France
Germany 1,870 1,728 1,720 3,792 3,700 3,650 424 395 370 2,345 2,367 2,300 Allemagne
Hungary -39 -65 -62 0 0 0 136 148 156 175 213 218 Hongrie
Italy 1,501 1,299 1,299 809 800 800 913 606 606 221 107 107 Italie
Latvia 52 40 30 33 35 35 22 25 25 2 20 30 Lettonie
Luxembourg 128 98 98 147 147 147 27 7 7 46 56 56 Luxembourg
Malta 5 5 5 0 0 0 5 5 5 0 0 0 Malte
Montenegro 31 31 32 0 0 0 31 31 32 0 0 0 Monténégro
Netherlands 220 205 196 0 0 0 361 336 322 141 131 126 Pays-Bas
Poland 3,066 3,020 3,130 3,052 3,030 3,100 470 450 470 456 460 440 Pologne
Portugal 447 440 465 494 500 530 257 260 265 305 320 330 Portugal
Serbia 31 35 46 0 0 0 34 38 50 3 3 4 Serbie
Slovakia 135 135 135 0 0 0 170 170 170 35 35 35 Slovaquie
Slovenia 24 15 14 132 120 125 24 23 26 131 128 137 Slovénie
Spain 835 821 821 1,334 1,201 1,201 397 302 302 897 682 682 Espagne
Sweden 254 225 225 0 0 0 284 230 230 30 5 5 Suède
Switzerland 24 24 24 97 97 97 88 88 88 161 161 161 Suisse
United Kingdom 1,553 1,510 1,510 856 850 850 739 700 700 42 40 40 Royaume-Uni
Total Europe 11,419 10,847 10,969 12,157 11,623 11,679 5,210 4,606 4,618 5,948 5,382 5,328 Total Europe
Uzbekistan 671 513 513 46 46 46 629 469 469 3 2 2 Ouzbékistan
Canada 1,053 999 1,005 1,087 1,098 1,109 608 472 449 641 570 553 Canada
United States 5,156 5,228 5,226 2,746 2,778 2,786 2,939 2,874 2,866 529 424 426 Etats-Unis
Total North America 6,209 6,227 6,231 3,833 3,876 3,895 3,547 3,346 3,315 1,170 994 979 Total Amérique du Nord

Table 6c

Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions
1000 m3
Apparent Consumption Imports Exports
Country Consommation Apparente Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations Pays
2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024
Austria 131 128 128 0 0 0 136 132 132 4 3 3 Autriche
Cyprus 2 2 2 0 0 0 3 2 2 0 0 0 Chypre
Czech Republic 86 74 75 0 0 0 197 154 160 111 80 85 République tchèque
Estonia 29 10 10 75 40 40 3 2 2 49 32 32 Estonie
Finland 33 17 17 0 0 0 34 17 17 0 0 0 Finlande
France 65 66 66 63 63 63 177 177 177 174 174 174 France
Germany 1,745 1,526 1,440 1,402 1,200 1,150 966 945 920 624 619 630 Allemagne
Hungary 21 7 4 19 0 0 3 7 4 0 0 0 Hongrie
Italy 82 82 82 3 3 3 85 85 85 6 6 6 Italie
Latvia 7 5 5 0 0 0 23 20 20 16 15 15 Lettonie
Luxembourg 4 4 4 0 0 0 4 4 4 0 0 0 Luxembourg
Malta 1 2 2 0 0 0 1 2 2 0 0 0 Malte
Netherlands 68 64 61 29 29 29 41 37 34 2 2 2 Pays-Bas
Poland 920 865 940 1,828 1,810 1,900 33 35 40 940 980 1,000 Pologne
Portugal 37 15 25 32 20 30 20 15 20 15 20 25 Portugal
Serbia 4 4 4 0 0 0 4 4 4 0 0 0 Serbie
Slovakia 54 63 67 0 0 0 57 65 70 3 2 3 Slovaquie
Slovenia 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Slovénie
Spain 69 59 59 64 58 58 20 7 7 15 6 6 Espagne
Sweden 0 5 5 0 0 0 25 20 20 24 15 15 Suède
Switzerland 195 195 195 0 0 0 196 196 196 1 1 1 Suisse
United Kingdom 38 30 30 0 0 0 47 40 40 9 10 10 Royaume-Uni
Total Europe 3,592 3,223 3,221 3,514 3,222 3,272 2,071 1,965 1,956 1,993 1,965 2,007 Total Europe
Uzbekistan 331 246 246 2 2 2 339 252 252 10 7 7 Ouzbékistan
Canada 150 137 134 100 100 100 158 129 128 108 92 94 Canada
United States 3,047 3,012 3,148 3,179 3,138 3,276 161 160 186 294 286 314 Etats-Unis
Total North America 3,196 3,149 3,282 3,279 3,238 3,376 319 289 314 402 378 408 Total Amérique du Nord

Table 7

Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions
1000 mt
Apparent Consumption Imports Exports
Country Consommation Apparente Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations Pays
2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024
Austria 2,209 1,950 2,030 1,977 1,700 1,800 630 610 630 399 360 400 Autriche
Czech Republic 847 688 700 640 525 540 324 259 260 117 96 100 République tchèque
Estonia 70 75 80 227 180 180 42 50 50 199 155 150 Estonie
Finland a 5,468 4,483 4,614 9,200 8,690 9,360 355 150 150 4,087 4,357 4,896 Finlande a
France 2,898 2,420 2,500 1,666 1,300 1,350 1,715 1,450 1,500 483 330 350 France
Germany 5,092 4,600 5,000 2,172 1,850 2,000 4,173 3,900 4,200 1,253 1,150 1,200 Allemagne
Hungary 205 206 214 66 77 87 141 133 131 3 3 4 Hongrie
Italy 3,466 3,466 3,466 223 223 223 3,536 3,536 3,536 293 293 293 Italie
Latvia 7 7 7 12 13 13 7 7 7 12 13 13 Lettonie
Netherlands 443 442 442 37 37 37 1,717 1,717 1,717 1,312 1,312 1,312 Pays-Bas
Poland 2,836 2,830 2,930 1,729 1,710 1,750 1,291 1,300 1,320 183 180 140 Pologne
Portugal 1,757 1,735 1,760 2,869 2,870 2,870 140 145 150 1,252 1,280 1,260 Portugal
Serbia 82 88 92 0 0 0 82 88 92 0 0 0 Serbie
Slovakia 700 700 715 692 700 725 173 170 170 166 170 180 Slovaquie
Slovenia 322 321 316 73 63 68 249 260 250 1 2 2 Slovénie
Spain 1,520 1,328 1,328 1,120 1,120 1,120 1,176 976 976 775 768 768 Espagne
Sweden 8,438 7,600 7,950 11,631 10,900 11,400 641 600 600 3,834 3,900 4,050 Suède
Switzerland 188 188 188 87 87 87 101 101 101 0 0 0 Suisse
United Kingdom 1,057 940 950 220 200 200 838 740 750 1 0 0 Royaume-Uni
Total Europe 37,604 34,067 35,282 34,641 32,244 33,809 17,333 16,193 16,590 14,369 14,369 15,118 Total Europe
Uzbekistan 38 28 28 1 1 1 37 28 28 0 0 0 Ouzbékistan
Canada 6,007 5,851 5,616 14,200 13,102 12,638 472 582 640 8,665 7,833 7,662 Canada
United States 39,787 42,269 42,815 40,822 41,230 41,478 6,948 7,643 8,254 7,983 6,603 6,917 Etats-Unis
Total North America 45,794 48,121 48,431 55,022 54,332 54,116 7,420 8,224 8,894 16,648 14,436 14,579 Total Amérique du Nord
a imports exclude dissolving pulp a les importations excluent pâte à dissoudre

Table 8

Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions
1000 mt
Apparent Consumption Imports Exports
Country Consommation Apparente Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations Pays
2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024
Austria 2,133 1,750 2,050 4,633 3,500 4,000 1,231 1,050 1,150 3,730 2,800 3,100 Autriche
Cyprus 56 48 48 0 0 0 56 48 48 0 0 0 Chypre
Czech Republic 1,467 1,234 1,258 938 769 785 1,531 1,286 1,312 1,002 822 838 République tchèque
Estonia 120 111 111 57 35 35 123 102 102 59 26 26 Estonie
Finland 514 475 460 7,200 5,990 6,150 333 275 280 7,019 5,790 5,970 Finlande
France 8,272 7,290 7,400 7,092 6,240 6,600 4,845 4,650 4,600 3,665 3,600 3,800 France
Germany 17,836 14,600 17,000 21,612 17,500 21,000 9,302 8,000 9,500 13,078 10,900 13,500 Allemagne
Hungary 1,213 1,167 1,212 1,057 1,003 1,034 877 892 898 720 727 721 Hongrie
Italy 11,390 11,390 11,390 8,696 8,696 8,696 5,800 5,800 5,800 3,106 3,106 3,106 Italie
Latvia 168 175 175 29 30 30 173 180 180 33 35 35 Lettonie
Luxembourg 26 14 14 0 0 0 27 15 15 1 1 1 Luxembourg
Malta 26 27 28 0 0 0 26 27 28 0 0 0 Malte
Netherlands 2,814 2,760 2,760 2,884 2,827 2,827 2,180 2,096 2,096 2,250 2,163 2,163 Pays-Bas
Poland 7,532 7,400 7,550 5,237 5,130 5,250 4,869 4,870 4,950 2,574 2,600 2,650 Pologne
Portugal 1,090 1,200 1,240 2,123 2,200 2,240 948 940 945 1,981 1,940 1,945 Portugal
Serbia 790 762 778 483 481 490 514 490 500 207 209 212 Serbie
Slovakia 565 575 600 967 975 1,000 457 450 475 859 850 875 Slovaquie
Slovenia 412 390 390 591 500 500 367 390 390 545 500 500 Slovénie
Spain 7,060 6,778 6,778 6,355 6,355 6,355 2,997 2,577 2,577 2,291 2,154 2,154 Espagne
Sweden 834 700 750 8,531 7,300 8,100 894 700 750 8,591 7,300 8,100 Suède
Switzerland 1,020 1,015 1,010 1,160 1,155 1,150 640 635 630 780 775 770 Suisse
United Kingdom 7,420 6,280 6,440 3,460 3,190 3,250 5,015 4,150 4,250 1,055 1,060 1,060 Royaume-Uni
Total Europe 72,758 66,140 69,442 83,103 73,876 79,492 43,204 39,623 41,476 53,549 47,358 51,526 Total Europe
Uzbekistan 335 297 297 142 142 142 214 171 171 21 17 17 Ouzbékistan
Canada 5,505 6,069 6,231 9,094 9,124 9,155 2,516 2,242 2,235 6,105 5,298 5,159 Canada
United States 64,243 62,896 63,029 65,959 64,476 64,476 8,202 8,180 8,159 9,917 9,761 9,606 Etats-Unis
Total North America 69,748 68,964 69,260 75,053 73,600 73,631 10,718 10,423 10,395 16,023 15,059 14,765 Total Amérique du Nord

Table 9

1000 m3 - Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions
Country Industrial wood - Bois industriels Wood fuel c Bois de chauffage c Pays
Total Logs Pulpwood a Other b Total
Grumes Bois de trituration a Autre b
2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024
Austria 13,935 11,716 12,225 10,711 8,904 9,338 3,223 2,812 2,887 0 0 0 5,424 5,115 5,234 19,359 16,831 17,459 Autriche
Cyprus 3 2 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 9 8 14 11 10 Chypre
Czech Republic 20,708 15,535 14,897 14,635 10,617 10,106 5,965 4,804 4,675 108 113 115 4,405 3,965 3,900 25,113 19,499 18,797 République tchèque
Estonia 6,474 6,401 6,401 4,276 4,200 4,200 2,148 2,150 2,150 51 51 51 4,066 3,800 3,800 10,541 10,201 10,201 Estonie
Finland 56,246 53,397 55,435 25,699 22,749 23,412 30,547 30,648 32,023 0 0 0 9,340 9,340 9,340 65,586 62,737 64,775 Finlande
France 25,648 25,270 25,070 17,198 17,200 17,300 7,891 7,500 7,200 559 570 570 24,173 24,500 25,600 49,821 49,770 50,670 France
Germany 56,534 53,930 49,630 44,756 41,200 39,500 11,644 12,600 10,000 135 130 130 22,338 22,700 22,700 78,872 76,630 72,330 Allemagne
Hungary 2,901 2,881 2,881 1,410 1,374 1,399 912 995 1,008 579 512 475 3,626 3,284 3,397 6,527 6,165 6,278 Hongrie
Italy 2,838 3,540 3,540 1,890 1,890 1,890 316 1,018 1,018 632 632 632 10,839 10,839 10,839 13,677 14,379 14,379 Italie
Latvia 12,491 12,150 12,350 7,603 7,250 7,450 3,868 3,800 3,800 1,020 1,100 1,100 2,936 3,000 3,000 15,427 15,150 15,350 Lettonie
Luxembourg 231 197 193 147 144 133 56 38 38 27 15 22 40 45 43 271 242 235 Luxembourg
Montenegro 751 697 678 515 492 487 201 198 186 35 7 5 194 193 190 945 890 868 Monténégro
Netherlands 614 599 589 221 220 215 352 340 335 41 39 39 2,382 2,380 2,385 2,996 2,979 2,974 Pays-Bas
Poland 38,735 39,880 40,850 18,533 18,800 19,150 19,350 20,100 20,550 852 980 1,150 6,958 7,420 7,750 45,693 47,300 48,600 Pologne
Portugal 12,235 12,330 12,190 2,038 2,040 2,060 9,799 9,850 9,700 399 440 430 2,383 2,380 2,300 14,619 14,710 14,490 Portugal
Serbia 1,478 1,520 1,561 1,077 1,104 1,130 265 275 283 136 141 148 6,574 6,646 6,760 8,052 8,166 8,321 Serbie
Slovakia 6,827 6,820 6,880 4,130 4,080 4,100 2,672 2,710 2,750 25 30 30 609 610 650 7,435 7,430 7,530 Slovaquie
Slovenia 2,928 3,752 3,482 2,184 2,780 2,600 698 920 830 45 52 52 1,149 1,290 1,270 4,076 5,042 4,752 Slovénie
Spain 14,366 15,244 15,244 4,150 4,404 4,404 9,813 10,413 10,413 403 427 427 3,555 3,772 3,772 17,921 19,016 19,016 Espagne
Sweden 71,165 69,076 69,310 38,280 37,480 37,080 32,585 31,296 31,930 300 300 300 6,000 6,016 6,016 77,165 75,092 75,326 Suède
Switzerland 3,011 3,082 3,142 2,555 2,625 2,680 444 445 450 12 12 12 1,938 2,000 2,025 4,949 5,082 5,167 Suisse
United Kingdom 7,604 7,193 7,193 5,509 5,236 5,236 1,646 1,529 1,529 448 428 428 2,184 2,184 2,184 9,788 9,377 9,377 Royaume-Uni
Total Europe 357,723 345,212 343,742 207,519 194,791 193,872 144,397 144,441 143,754 5,807 5,980 6,116 121,124 121,488 123,163 478,847 466,699 466,905 Total Europe
Canada 142,131 140,499 140,499 124,900 123,350 123,350 15,040 14,864 14,864 2,190 2,285 2,285 1,683 1,908 1,908 143,814 142,407 142,407 Canada
United States 382,544 384,963 388,611 186,157 188,221 191,211 182,650 182,996 183,637 13,737 13,746 13,763 76,230 76,240 76,278 458,774 461,203 464,889 Etats-Unis
Total North America 524,675 525,462 529,110 311,057 311,571 314,561 197,690 197,861 198,501 15,927 16,031 16,048 77,913 78,148 78,186 602,587 603,610 607,296 Total Amérique du Nord
a Pulpwood, round and split, as well as chips and particles produced directly a Bois de trituration, rondins et quartiers, ainse que plaquettes et particules fabriquées
therefrom and used as pulpwood directement à partir des rondins et quartiers et utilisées comme bois de trituration
b Pitprops, poles, piling, posts etc. b Bois de mine, poteaux, pilotis, piquets etc.
c Including chips and particles produced from wood in the rough and c Y compris plaquettes et particules fabriquées à partir du bois brut et utilisées
used for energy purposes à des fins energétiques

Table 9a

1000 m3 - Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions
Country Industrial wood - Bois industriels Wood fuel c Bois de chauffage c Pays
Total Logs Pulpwood a Other b Total
Grumes Bois de trituration a Autre b
2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024
Austria 12,958 10,873 11,338 10,382 8,638 9,038 2,576 2,235 2,300 0 0 0 3,248 3,069 3,140 16,206 13,942 14,478 Autriche
Cyprus 2 2 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 8 7 12 10 9 Chypre
Czech Republic 19,440 14,455 13,825 14,019 10,094 9,589 5,316 4,253 4,125 105 109 111 3,610 3,249 3,200 23,050 17,704 17,025 République tchèque
Estonia 4,023 3,927 3,927 3,118 3,000 3,000 878 900 900 26 27 27 1,486 1,400 1,400 5,509 5,327 5,327 Estonie
Finland 47,408 45,464 47,590 24,662 21,700 22,351 22,746 23,764 25,239 0 0 0 4,593 4,593 4,593 52,001 50,057 52,183 Finlande
France 17,300 17,070 16,770 12,491 12,500 12,500 4,559 4,300 4,000 250 270 270 2,417 2,500 2,600 19,717 19,570 19,370 France
Germany 52,425 50,120 46,120 41,761 38,500 37,000 10,541 11,500 9,000 123 120 120 8,834 9,200 9,200 61,259 59,320 55,320 Allemagne
Hungary 688 759 743 175 201 208 411 488 481 102 70 53 383 294 333 1,071 1,053 1,076 Hongrie
Italy 1,797 2,502 2,502 1,169 1,169 1,169 148 853 853 480 480 480 1,180 1,180 1,180 2,977 3,682 3,682 Italie
Latvia 8,253 7,900 8,100 5,873 5,500 5,700 1,850 1,800 1,800 530 600 600 298 300 300 8,551 8,200 8,400 Lettonie
Luxembourg 162 143 145 124 122 115 10 6 8 27 15 22 17 11 12 178 154 158 Luxembourg
Montenegro 573 553 537 372 352 349 201 198 186 0 3 2 66 65 63 639 618 600 Monténégro
Netherlands 449 440 430 173 170 165 244 240 235 32 30 30 457 450 450 906 890 880 Pays-Bas
Poland 31,941 32,800 33,470 15,775 16,000 16,250 15,411 15,950 16,250 754 850 970 3,627 3,820 3,950 35,568 36,620 37,420 Pologne
Portugal 3,045 3,210 3,150 1,682 1,710 1,700 1,213 1,350 1,300 150 150 150 996 990 980 4,041 4,200 4,130 Portugal
Serbia 279 290 301 178 184 190 66 70 73 35 36 38 141 146 160 420 436 461 Serbie
Slovakia 3,325 3,160 3,120 2,559 2,430 2,400 748 710 700 18 20 20 259 260 275 3,584 3,420 3,395 Slovaquie
Slovenia 1,966 2,586 2,386 1,687 2,150 2,000 275 430 380 4 6 6 191 240 220 2,157 2,826 2,606 Slovénie
Spain 7,435 7,889 7,889 3,420 3,629 3,629 3,754 3,984 3,984 261 277 277 2,243 2,380 2,380 9,678 10,269 10,269 Espagne
Sweden 64,603 62,760 62,873 38,100 37,300 36,900 26,353 25,310 25,823 150 150 150 3,000 3,008 3,008 67,603 65,768 65,881 Suède
Switzerland 2,578 2,639 2,689 2,290 2,350 2,400 279 280 280 9 9 9 769 770 775 3,347 3,409 3,464 Suisse
United Kingdom 7,486 7,076 7,076 5,453 5,180 5,180 1,633 1,516 1,516 400 380 380 1,571 1,571 1,571 9,058 8,647 8,647 Royaume-Uni
Total Europe 288,136 276,619 274,984 185,467 172,881 171,836 99,212 100,136 99,433 3,458 3,602 3,715 39,396 39,504 39,798 327,533 316,123 314,781 Total Europe
Canada 114,659 112,907 112,907 110,046 108,424 108,424 4,229 4,021 4,021 384 462 462 806 946 946 115,465 113,853 113,853 Canada
United States 306,119 309,360 313,639 152,799 154,479 156,695 141,226 142,779 144,827 12,094 12,102 12,117 37,619 37,609 37,606 343,738 346,969 351,245 Etats-Unis
Total North America 420,778 422,267 426,546 262,845 262,903 265,119 145,455 146,800 148,848 12,478 12,564 12,579 38,425 38,555 38,552 459,203 460,822 465,098 Total Amérique du Nord
a Pulpwood, round and split, as well as chips and particles produced directly a Bois de trituration, rondins et quartiers, ainse que plaquettes et particules fabriquées
therefrom and used as pulpwood directement à partir des rondins et quartiers et utilisées comme bois de trituration
b Pitprops, poles, piling, posts etc. b Bois de mine, poteaux, pilotis, piquets etc.
c Including chips and particles produced from wood in the rough and c Y compris plaquettes et particules fabriquées à partir du bois brut et utilisées
used for energy purposes à des fins energétiques

Table 9b

1000 m3 - Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions
Country Industrial wood - Bois industriels Wood fuel c Bois de chauffage c Pays
Total Logs Pulpwood a Other b Total
Grumes Bois de trituration a Autre b
2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024
Austria 977 843 887 329 266 300 647 577 587 0 0 0 2,176 2,046 2,094 3,153 2,889 2,981 Autriche
Cyprus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 Chypre
Czech Republic 1,268 1,079 1,071 616 524 517 649 552 550 3 4 4 795 716 700 2,063 1,795 1,771 République tchèque
Estonia 2,452 2,474 2,474 1,158 1,200 1,200 1,270 1,250 1,250 24 24 24 2,580 2,400 2,400 5,032 4,874 4,874 Estonie
Finland 8,838 7,933 7,845 1,037 1,049 1,061 7,801 6,884 6,784 0 0 0 4,747 4,747 4,747 13,585 12,680 12,592 Finlande
France 8,348 8,200 8,300 4,707 4,700 4,800 3,332 3,200 3,200 309 300 300 21,756 22,000 23,000 30,104 30,200 31,300 France
Germany 4,110 3,810 3,510 2,995 2,700 2,500 1,103 1,100 1,000 12 10 10 13,504 13,500 13,500 17,613 17,310 17,010 Allemagne
Hungary 2,213 2,122 2,138 1,234 1,173 1,191 502 507 526 477 442 421 3,244 2,990 3,064 5,456 5,112 5,202 Hongrie
Italy 1,041 1,038 1,038 721 721 721 168 166 166 152 152 152 9,659 9,659 9,659 10,700 10,697 10,697 Italie
Latvia 4,238 4,250 4,250 1,730 1,750 1,750 2,018 2,000 2,000 490 500 500 2,638 2,700 2,700 6,876 6,950 6,950 Lettonie
Luxembourg 69 54 47 23 22 18 46 32 30 0 0 0 23 34 30 92 89 78 Luxembourg
Montenegro 178 144 141 143 140 138 0 0 0 35 4 3 128 128 127 306 272 268 Monténégro
Netherlands 165 159 159 48 50 50 108 100 100 9 9 9 1,925 1,930 1,935 2,090 2,089 2,094 Pays-Bas
Poland 6,794 7,080 7,380 2,757 2,800 2,900 3,939 4,150 4,300 98 130 180 3,331 3,600 3,800 10,125 10,680 11,180 Pologne
Portugal 9,190 9,120 9,040 356 330 360 8,586 8,500 8,400 249 290 280 1,387 1,390 1,320 10,578 10,510 10,360 Portugal
Serbia 1,199 1,230 1,260 899 920 940 199 205 210 101 105 110 6,433 6,500 6,600 7,632 7,730 7,860 Serbie
Slovakia 3,502 3,660 3,760 1,570 1,650 1,700 1,924 2,000 2,050 8 10 10 350 350 375 3,851 4,010 4,135 Slovaquie
Slovenia 962 1,166 1,096 497 630 600 424 490 450 41 46 46 957 1,050 1,050 1,919 2,216 2,146 Slovénie
Spain 6,931 7,354 7,354 730 775 775 6,059 6,429 6,429 142 151 151 1,312 1,392 1,392 8,243 8,746 8,746 Espagne
Sweden 6,562 6,316 6,437 180 180 180 6,232 5,986 6,107 150 150 150 3,000 3,008 3,008 9,562 9,324 9,445 Suède
Switzerland 433 443 453 265 275 280 165 165 170 3 3 3 1,169 1,230 1,250 1,602 1,673 1,703 Suisse
United Kingdom 118 117 117 56 56 56 13 13 13 48 48 48 613 613 613 730 730 730 Royaume-Uni
Total Europe 69,587 68,593 68,759 22,052 21,910 22,036 45,185 44,305 44,322 2,350 2,377 2,401 81,728 81,984 83,365 151,314 150,576 152,124 Total Europe
Canada 27,472 27,592 27,592 14,854 14,926 14,926 10,812 10,843 10,843 1,806 1,823 1,823 877 961 961 28,349 28,554 28,554 Canada
United States 76,425 75,603 74,972 33,358 33,742 34,516 41,424 40,217 38,810 1,643 1,644 1,646 38,611 38,631 38,672 115,036 114,234 113,644 Etats-Unis
Total North America 103,897 103,196 102,564 48,212 48,668 49,442 52,236 51,060 49,653 3,449 3,467 3,469 39,488 39,592 39,633 143,385 142,788 142,197 Total Amérique du Nord
a Pulpwood, round and split, as well as chips and particles produced directly a Bois de trituration, rondins et quartiers, ainse que plaquettes et particules fabriquées
therefrom and used as pulpwood directement à partir des rondins et quartiers et utilisées comme bois de trituration
b Pitprops, poles, piling, posts etc. b Bois de mine, poteaux, pilotis, piquets etc.
c Including chips and particles produced from wood in the rough and c Y compris plaquettes et particules fabriquées à partir du bois brut et utilisées
used for energy purposes à des fins energétiques

Table 10

Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions
1000 m3
Apparent Consumption a Imports Exports
Country Consommation Apparente a Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations Pays
2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024
Austria 16,101 13,943 13,638 10,382 8,638 9,038 6,664 5,710 5,000 945 405 400 Autriche
Cyprus 2 2 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 Chypre
Czech Republic 8,002 6,511 6,962 14,019 10,094 9,589 411 596 715 6,428 4,178 3,343 République tchèque
Estonia 3,533 3,270 3,270 3,118 3,000 3,000 522 450 450 107 180 180 Estonie
Finland 24,310 21,336 21,991 24,662 21,700 22,351 127 79 83 479 443 443 Finlande
France 12,053 12,120 12,120 12,491 12,500 12,500 335 360 360 773 740 740 France
Germany 39,391 35,800 34,900 41,761 38,500 37,000 3,300 3,000 3,100 5,670 5,700 5,200 Allemagne
Hungary 175 201 208 175 201 208 0 0 0 0 0 0 Hongrie
Italy 1,645 1,396 1,396 1,169 1,169 1,169 580 457 457 104 230 230 Italie
Latvia 6,471 5,830 6,200 5,873 5,500 5,700 1,147 900 900 549 570 400 Lettonie
Luxembourg 465 403 396 124 122 115 693 424 424 352 143 143 Luxembourg
Montenegro 382 361 357 372 352 349 10 9 8 0 0 0 Monténégro
Netherlands 133 145 145 173 170 165 77 80 80 117 105 100 Pays-Bas
Poland 14,243 14,500 14,800 15,775 16,000 16,250 1,245 1,400 1,550 2,777 2,900 3,000 Pologne
Portugal 1,880 1,905 1,900 1,682 1,710 1,700 241 230 240 43 35 40 Portugal
Serbia 188 187 194 178 184 190 12 9 12 2 6 8 Serbie
Slovakia 3,059 3,030 3,100 2,559 2,430 2,400 900 950 1,000 400 350 300 Slovaquie
Slovenia 1,643 1,650 1,630 1,687 2,150 2,000 239 150 180 283 650 550 Slovénie
Spain 3,223 3,307 3,307 3,420 3,629 3,629 240 185 185 437 507 507 Espagne
Sweden 38,103 37,725 37,325 38,100 37,300 36,900 964 1,128 1,128 961 703 703 Suède
Switzerland 2,035 2,100 2,155 2,290 2,350 2,400 55 60 65 310 310 310 Suisse
United Kingdom 5,810 5,538 5,538 5,453 5,180 5,180 457 457 457 99 99 99 Royaume-Uni
Total Europe 182,849 171,260 171,534 185,467 172,881 171,836 18,218 16,634 16,394 20,836 18,255 16,696 Total Europe
Canada 105,870 103,492 103,916 110,046 108,424 108,424 1,346 1,402 1,309 5,522 6,333 5,816 Canada
United States 148,043 150,509 153,391 152,799 154,479 156,695 586 570 555 5,342 4,540 3,859 Etats-Unis
Total North America 253,913 254,001 257,307 262,845 262,903 265,119 1,931 1,972 1,864 10,863 10,873 9,675 Total Amérique du Nord
a Countries which did not provide trade data are included in consumption data a La consommation comprend les pays qui n'ont pas fournies des données sur la commerce

Table 11

Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions
1000 m3
Apparent Consumption a Imports Exports
Country Consommation Apparente a Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations Pays
2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024
Austria 406 311 300 329 266 300 134 90 50 57 45 50 Autriche
Czech Republic 544 457 447 616 524 517 144 120 125 216 186 195 République tchèque
Estonia 1,187 1,244 1,244 1,158 1,200 1,200 46 60 60 16 16 16 Estonie
Finland 1,068 1,041 1,061 1,037 1,049 1,061 32 1 9 1 9 9 Finlande
France 3,453 4,020 4,120 4,707 4,700 4,800 116 120 120 1,370 800 800 France
Germany 2,532 2,290 2,130 2,995 2,700 2,500 111 110 110 574 520 480 Allemagne
Hungary 1,234 1,173 1,191 1,234 1,173 1,191 0 0 0 0 0 0 Hongrie
Italy 2,088 1,718 1,718 721 721 721 1,413 1,055 1,055 47 59 59 Italie
Latvia 1,221 1,190 1,410 1,730 1,750 1,750 87 40 60 596 600 400 Lettonie
Luxembourg 226 148 144 23 22 18 221 160 160 18 34 34 Luxembourg
Montenegro 143 140 138 143 140 138 0 0 0 0 0 0 Monténégro
Netherlands 54 60 60 48 50 50 54 60 60 48 50 50 Pays-Bas
Poland 2,687 2,730 2,830 2,757 2,800 2,900 80 80 80 150 150 150 Pologne
Portugal 997 885 925 356 330 360 663 580 590 22 25 25 Portugal
Serbia 894 922 946 899 920 940 15 20 28 20 18 22 Serbie
Slovakia 1,670 1,700 1,750 1,570 1,650 1,700 500 450 450 400 400 400 Slovaquie
Slovenia 281 290 280 497 630 600 31 30 30 247 370 350 Slovénie
Spain 833 854 854 730 775 775 164 174 174 61 94 94 Espagne
Sweden 217 217 217 180 180 180 37 37 37 0 0 0 Suède
Switzerland 145 155 160 265 275 280 35 40 40 155 160 160 Suisse
United Kingdom 78 77 77 56 56 56 26 26 26 5 5 5 Royaume-Uni
Total Europe 21,959 21,622 22,002 22,052 21,910 22,036 3,910 3,253 3,265 4,003 3,541 3,299 Total Europe
Canada 15,890 15,923 15,895 14,854 14,926 14,926 1,106 1,060 1,027 70 64 59 Canada
United States 31,550 32,311 33,431 33,358 33,742 34,516 221 156 156 2,028 1,587 1,241 Etats-Unis
Total North America 47,441 48,234 49,326 48,212 48,668 49,442 1,327 1,216 1,183 2,098 1,650 1,300 Total Amérique du Nord
a Countries which did not provide trade data are included in consumption data a La consommation comprend les pays qui n'ont pas fournies des données sur la commerce

Table 11a

HARDWOOD LOGS (temperate) GRUMES DE NON-CONIFERES (zone tempérée)
Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions
1000 m3
Apparent Consumption a Imports Exports
Country Consommation Apparente a Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations Pays
2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024
Austria 406 311 300 329 266 300 134 90 50 57 45 50 Autriche
Czech Republic 544 457 447 616 524 517 144 120 125 216 186 195 République tchèque
Estonia 1,187 1,244 1,244 1,158 1,200 1,200 46 60 60 16 16 16 Estonie
Finland 1,068 1,041 1,061 1,037 1,049 1,061 32 1 9 1 9 9 Finlande
France 3,412 3,978 4,078 4,707 4,700 4,800 72 75 75 1,367 797 797 France
Germany 2,527 2,285 2,125 2,995 2,700 2,500 101 100 100 569 515 475 Allemagne
Hungary 1,234 1,173 1,191 1,234 1,173 1,191 0 0 0 0 0 0 Hongrie
Italy 2,068 1,729 1,729 721 721 721 1,389 1,047 1,047 42 39 39 Italie
Latvia 1,221 1,190 1,410 1,730 1,750 1,750 87 40 60 596 600 400 Lettonie
Luxembourg 226 148 144 23 22 18 221 160 160 18 34 34 Luxembourg
Montenegro 143 140 138 143 140 138 0 0 0 0 0 0 Monténégro
Netherlands 46 55 55 48 50 50 42 50 50 44 45 45 Pays-Bas
Poland 2,685 2,727 2,827 2,757 2,800 2,900 78 77 77 150 150 150 Pologne
Portugal 981 870 912 356 330 360 642 560 571 17 20 19 Portugal
Serbia 893 921 945 899 920 940 14 19 27 20 18 22 Serbie
Slovakia 1,670 1,700 1,750 1,570 1,650 1,700 500 450 450 400 400 400 Slovaquie
Slovenia 280 290 280 497 630 600 30 30 30 247 370 350 Slovénie
Spain 827 847 847 730 775 775 158 167 167 61 94 94 Espagne
Sweden 217 217 217 180 180 180 37 37 37 0 0 0 Suède
Switzerland 145 155 160 265 275 280 35 40 40 155 160 160 Suisse
United Kingdom 76 75 75 56 56 56 24 24 24 5 5 5 Royaume-Uni
Total Europe 21,857 21,553 21,935 22,052 21,910 22,036 3,786 3,146 3,158 3,980 3,503 3,260 Total Europe
Canada 15,890 15,923 15,895 14,854 14,926 14,926 1,106 1,060 1,027 70 64 59 Canada
United States 31,549 32,308 33,429 33,358 33,742 34,516 219 152 154 2,027 1,586 1,240 Etats-Unis
Total North America 47,440 48,231 49,324 48,212 48,668 49,442 1,325 1,212 1,181 2,097 1,649 1,299 Total Amérique du Nord
a Countries which did not provide trade data are included in consumption data a La consommation comprend les pays qui n'ont pas fournies des données sur la commerce

Table 11b

Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions
1000 m3
Net Trade Imports Exports
Country Commerce Net Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations Pays
2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024
France -41 -42 -42 44 45 45 3 3 3 France
Germany -5 -5 -5 10 10 10 5 5 5 Allemagne
Italy -20 11 11 25 9 9 4 20 20 Italie
Netherlands -8 -5 -5 12 10 10 4 5 5 Pays-Bas
Poland -2 -3 -3 2 3 3 0 0 0 Pologne
Portugal -16 -15 -13 21 20 19 5 5 6 Portugal
Serbia -1 -1 -1 1 1 1 0 0 0 Serbie
Slovenia -1 -0 -0 1 0 1 0 0 0 Slovénie
Spain -6 -7 -7 6 7 7 0 0 0 Espagne
United Kingdom -2 -2 -2 2 2 2 0 0 0 Royaume-Uni
Total Europe -102 -69 -67 124 107 106 22 38 39 Total Europe
United States -1 -3 -1 2 4 2 1 1 1 Etats-Unis
Total North America -1 -3 -1 2 4 2 1 1 1 Total Amérique du Nord


Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions
1000 m3
Apparent Consumption a Imports Exports
Country Consommation Apparente a Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations Pays
2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024
Austria 13,844 12,627 12,592 11,047 9,212 9,287 3,676 4,070 4,020 879 655 715 Autriche
Cyprus 8 9 10 7 8 9 1 1 1 0 0 0 Chypre
Czech Republic 5,559 5,135 5,154 7,664 6,164 6,130 1,270 1,146 1,162 3,375 2,175 2,138 République tchèque
Estonia 3,117 2,380 2,435 6,548 6,550 6,550 256 330 285 3,687 4,500 4,400 Estonie
Finland 48,404 47,241 49,358 44,923 44,026 45,568 5,037 4,969 5,545 1,556 1,755 1,755 Finlande
France 24,495 24,350 24,050 24,257 24,000 23,700 2,527 2,600 2,600 2,289 2,250 2,250 France
Germany 26,555 26,580 23,090 27,936 27,100 23,500 4,474 3,870 3,770 5,855 4,390 4,180 Allemagne
Hungary 2,122 2,017 2,065 2,049 1,984 2,023 112 73 82 39 39 39 Hongrie
Italy 4,508 5,210 5,210 3,916 4,618 4,618 1,288 1,288 1,288 696 696 696 Italie
Latvia 5,540 5,150 5,150 9,484 8,800 8,800 1,084 950 950 5,028 4,600 4,600 Lettonie
Luxembourg 583 589 589 577 559 559 182 130 130 176 100 100 Luxembourg
Malta 2 3 3 0 0 0 2 3 3 0 0 0 Malte
Montenegro 245 241 227 245 241 227 0 0 0 0 0 0 Monténégro
Netherlands 604 1,100 1,095 1,267 1,240 1,230 289 100 105 952 240 240 Pays-Bas
Poland 35,250 36,265 37,135 33,531 34,600 35,450 3,652 3,660 3,710 1,933 1,995 2,025 Pologne
Portugal 15,954 15,330 15,365 11,664 11,720 11,590 4,657 4,000 4,140 368 390 365 Portugal
Serbia 981 1,007 1,045 967 1,000 1,033 15 8 13 1 1 1 Serbie
Slovakia 3,634 3,650 3,760 3,821 3,860 3,950 1,023 1,030 1,050 1,210 1,240 1,240 Slovaquie
Slovenia 926 770 790 2,058 2,280 2,230 625 490 530 1,757 2,000 1,970 Slovénie
Spain 13,959 14,358 14,358 14,383 15,261 15,261 1,435 1,564 1,564 1,859 2,467 2,467 Espagne
Sweden 55,632 54,193 54,727 50,015 48,196 48,730 7,036 7,750 7,750 1,419 1,753 1,753 Suède
Switzerland 1,823 1,824 1,829 1,216 1,217 1,222 795 795 795 188 188 188 Suisse
United Kingdom 4,590 4,471 4,471 4,293 4,175 4,175 406 405 405 109 109 109 Royaume-Uni
Total Europe 268,336 264,500 264,508 261,870 256,811 255,841 39,843 39,232 39,898 33,377 31,543 31,231 Total Europe
Canada 37,044 35,822 35,734 35,326 32,985 32,975 2,578 3,462 3,467 860 625 708 Canada
United States 238,450 239,587 240,850 244,912 246,110 247,536 348 324 308 6,809 6,848 6,994 Etats-Unis
Total North America 275,495 275,409 276,585 280,238 279,096 280,511 2,926 3,786 3,776 7,670 7,473 7,702 Total Amérique du Nord
Includes wood residues, chips and particles for all purposes Comprend les dechets de bois, plaquettes et particules pour toute utilisation
a Countries which did not provide trade data are included in consumption data a La consommation comprend les pays qui n'ont pas fournies des données sur la commerce

Table 12a

Softwood Conifères
1000 m3 - Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions
Apparent Consumption a Imports Exports
Country Consommation Apparente a Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations Pays
2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024
Austria 3,681 3,895 3,850 2,576 2,235 2,300 1,312 1,750 1,700 206 90 150 Autriche
Czech Republic 3,927 3,744 3,675 5,316 4,253 4,125 811 811 830 2,200 1,320 1,280 République tchèque
Estonia 476 245 245 878 900 900 56 45 45 458 700 700 Estonie
Finland 22,913 24,189 25,835 22,746 23,764 25,239 1,163 1,410 1,581 996 985 985 Finlande
France 4,689 4,400 4,100 4,559 4,300 4,000 608 550 550 478 450 450 France
Germany 10,311 11,900 9,500 10,541 11,500 9,000 2,200 2,100 2,000 2,430 1,700 1,500 Allemagne
Hungary 411 488 481 411 488 481 0 0 0 0 0 0 Hongrie
Italy 148 853 853 148 853 853 0 0 0 0 0 0 Italie
Latvia 1,775 1,700 1,700 1,850 1,800 1,800 374 400 400 449 500 500 Lettonie
Luxembourg -16 -18 -16 10 6 8 9 3 3 35 27 27 Luxembourg
Montenegro 201 198 186 201 198 186 0 0 0 0 0 0 Monténégro
Netherlands 146 150 145 244 240 235 70 80 85 168 170 175 Pays-Bas
Poland 15,378 15,900 16,300 15,411 15,950 16,250 1,428 1,500 1,650 1,462 1,550 1,600 Pologne
Portugal 1,323 1,430 1,375 1,213 1,350 1,300 122 100 90 12 20 15 Portugal
Serbia 66 70 74 66 70 73 0 0 1 0 0 0 Serbie
Slovakia 598 600 610 748 710 700 600 630 650 750 740 740 Slovaquie
Slovenia 264 200 220 275 430 380 268 170 200 278 400 360 Slovénie
Spain 3,369 3,467 3,467 3,754 3,984 3,984 179 138 138 564 655 655 Espagne
Sweden 28,513 27,431 27,944 26,353 25,310 25,823 3,114 3,269 3,269 954 1,148 1,148 Suède
Switzerland 209 210 210 279 280 280 20 20 20 90 90 90 Suisse
United Kingdom 1,894 1,776 1,776 1,633 1,516 1,516 291 291 291 31 31 31 Royaume-Uni
Total Europe 100,275 102,827 102,530 99,212 100,136 99,433 12,625 13,267 13,503 11,562 10,576 10,406 Total Europe
Canada 4,531 4,347 4,410 4,229 4,021 4,021 324 336 401 22 10 12 Canada
United States 141,231 142,785 144,831 141,226 142,779 144,827 5 6 4 0 0 0 Etats-Unis
Total North America 145,762 147,132 149,241 145,455 146,800 148,848 329 341 405 22 10 12 Total Amérique du Nord
a Countries which did not provide trade data are included in consumption data a La consommation comprend les pays qui n'ont pas fournies des données sur la commerce

Table 12b

Hardwood Non-conifères
1000 m3 - Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions
Apparent Consumption a Imports Exports
Country Consommation Apparente a Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations Pays
2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024
Austria 1,217 997 1,007 647 577 587 668 500 500 98 80 80 Autriche
Czech Republic 450 380 384 649 552 550 3 2 2 202 174 168 République tchèque
Estonia 363 200 250 1,270 1,250 1,250 154 250 200 1,060 1,300 1,200 Estonie
Finland 8,997 7,940 8,052 7,801 6,884 6,784 1,550 1,633 1,845 354 577 577 Finlande
France 2,386 2,250 2,250 3,332 3,200 3,200 43 50 50 989 1,000 1,000 France
Germany 1,116 1,180 1,090 1,103 1,100 1,000 259 270 270 246 190 180 Allemagne
Hungary 502 507 526 502 507 526 0 0 0 0 0 0 Hongrie
Italy 168 166 166 168 166 166 0 0 0 0 0 0 Italie
Latvia 172 200 200 2,018 2,000 2,000 244 100 100 2,090 1,900 1,900 Lettonie
Luxembourg 77 71 69 46 32 30 36 48 48 5 9 9 Luxembourg
Netherlands 62 50 55 108 100 100 21 20 20 67 70 65 Pays-Bas
Poland 4,424 4,635 4,785 3,939 4,150 4,300 560 560 560 75 75 75 Pologne
Portugal 10,495 10,300 10,260 8,586 8,500 8,400 2,100 2,000 2,050 191 200 190 Portugal
Serbia 199 205 210 199 205 210 0 0 0 0 0 0 Serbie
Slovakia 1,874 1,950 2,000 1,924 2,000 2,050 100 100 100 150 150 150 Slovaquie
Slovenia 137 120 130 424 490 450 84 80 90 371 450 410 Slovénie
Spain 5,422 5,288 5,288 6,059 6,429 6,429 269 291 291 906 1,432 1,432 Espagne
Sweden 8,517 8,412 8,533 6,232 5,986 6,107 2,313 2,481 2,481 28 55 55 Suède
Switzerland 128 128 133 165 165 170 3 3 3 40 40 40 Suisse
United Kingdom 23 22 22 13 13 13 18 18 18 9 9 9 Royaume-Uni
Total Europe 46,729 45,001 45,410 45,185 44,305 44,322 8,426 8,406 8,628 6,881 7,711 7,540 Total Europe
Canada 10,554 10,654 10,644 10,812 10,843 10,843 38 36 30 296 225 228 Canada
United States 41,407 40,200 38,795 41,424 40,217 38,810 58 32 18 75 50 33 Etats-Unis
Total North America 51,961 50,854 49,439 52,236 51,060 49,653 96 68 48 371 275 261 Total Amérique du Nord
a Countries which did not provide trade data are included in consumption data a La consommation comprend les pays qui n'ont pas fournies des données sur la commerce

Table 12c

Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions
1000 m3
Apparent Consumption Imports Exports
Country Consommation Apparente Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations Pays
2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024
Austria 8,945 7,735 7,735 7,824 6,400 6,400 1,696 1,820 1,820 575 485 485 Autriche
Cyprus 8 9 10 7 8 9 1 1 1 0 0 0 Chypre
Czech Republic 1,182 1,011 1,094 1,699 1,359 1,454 456 333 330 973 681 690 République tchèque
Estonia 2,278 1,935 1,940 4,400 4,400 4,400 47 35 40 2,169 2,500 2,500 Estonie
Finland 16,494 15,112 15,471 14,376 13,378 13,545 2,324 1,926 2,119 206 193 193 Finlande
France 17,420 17,700 17,700 16,366 16,500 16,500 1,876 2,000 2,000 822 800 800 France
Germany 15,128 13,500 12,500 16,292 14,500 13,500 2,015 1,500 1,500 3,179 2,500 2,500 Allemagne
Hungary 1,209 1,022 1,057 1,137 989 1,015 112 73 82 39 39 39 Hongrie
Italy 4,192 4,192 4,192 3,600 3,600 3,600 1,288 1,288 1,288 696 696 696 Italie
Latvia 3,593 3,250 3,250 5,616 5,000 5,000 466 450 450 2,489 2,200 2,200 Lettonie
Luxembourg 522 536 536 521 521 521 137 79 79 136 64 64 Luxembourg
Malta 2 3 3 0 0 0 2 3 3 0 0 0 Malte
Montenegro 44 43 41 44 43 41 0 0 0 0 0 0 Monténégro
Netherlands 396 900 895 915 900 895 198 0 0 717 0 0 Pays-Bas
Poland 15,448 15,730 16,050 14,181 14,500 14,900 1,664 1,600 1,500 396 370 350 Pologne
Portugal 4,136 3,600 3,730 1,865 1,870 1,890 2,435 1,900 2,000 165 170 160 Portugal
Serbia 716 732 761 702 725 750 15 8 12 1 1 1 Serbie
Slovakia 1,162 1,100 1,150 1,149 1,150 1,200 323 300 300 310 350 350 Slovaquie
Slovenia 525 450 440 1,360 1,360 1,400 273 240 240 1,107 1,150 1,200 Slovénie
Spain 5,169 5,603 5,603 4,570 4,849 4,849 987 1,135 1,135 388 380 380 Espagne
Sweden 18,602 18,350 18,250 17,430 16,900 16,800 1,609 2,000 2,000 437 550 550 Suède
Switzerland 1,486 1,486 1,486 772 772 772 772 772 772 58 58 58 Suisse
United Kingdom 2,673 2,673 2,673 2,646 2,646 2,646 96 96 96 69 69 69 Royaume-Uni
Total Europe 121,332 116,673 116,568 117,472 112,370 112,087 18,793 17,559 17,767 14,933 13,256 13,285 Total Europe
Canada 21,959 20,821 20,680 20,285 18,121 18,111 2,216 3,090 3,037 542 390 467 Canada
United States 55,812 56,602 57,224 62,262 63,114 63,899 285 286 286 6,734 6,798 6,961 Etats-Unis
Total North America 77,771 77,423 77,904 82,547 81,235 82,010 2,500 3,376 3,323 7,277 7,188 7,428 Total Amérique du Nord

Table 13

Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions
1000 mt
Apparent Consumption Imports Exports
Country Consommation Apparente Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations Pays
2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024
Austria 1,290 1,497 1,450 1,691 1,938 2,050 344 309 300 745 750 900 Autriche
Cyprus 8 5 5 0 0 0 8 5 5 0 0 0 Chypre
Czech Republic 234 215 225 540 459 482 38 38 40 344 282 296 République tchèque
Estonia 284 300 230 1,650 1,350 1,300 12 50 30 1,378 1,100 1,100 Estonie
Finland 530 541 562 360 380 405 188 163 160 18 2 3 Finlande
France 2,735 3,260 3,660 2,050 2,250 2,450 775 1,100 1,300 90 90 90 France
Germany 3,328 3,540 3,720 3,569 3,700 3,900 443 480 420 684 640 600 Allemagne
Hungary 63 44 50 62 43 49 11 13 12 11 12 12 Hongrie
Italy 2,359 2,359 2,359 450 450 450 1,916 1,916 1,916 7 7 7 Italie
Latvia 621 750 750 1,980 2,000 2,000 326 350 350 1,685 1,600 1,600 Lettonie
Luxembourg 61 72 72 63 63 63 17 11 11 19 2 2 Luxembourg
Malta 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 Malte
Montenegro 18 25 26 83 84 84 0 0 0 65 59 58 Monténégro
Netherlands 5,354 5,354 5,354 268 268 268 5,551 5,551 5,551 465 465 465 Pays-Bas
Poland 842 920 1,100 1,152 1,200 1,350 366 370 380 677 650 630 Pologne
Portugal 228 225 220 747 740 735 4 5 5 523 520 520 Portugal
Serbia 478 460 485 418 450 480 83 70 80 23 60 75 Serbie
Slovakia 22 175 175 390 450 450 47 75 75 415 350 350 Slovaquie
Slovenia 125 155 150 164 175 180 126 120 130 165 140 160 Slovénie
Spain 867 907 907 1,007 1,007 1,007 65 46 46 206 146 146 Espagne
Sweden 1,776 1,800 1,850 1,809 1,750 1,800 199 210 210 232 160 160 Suède
Switzerland 410 415 420 330 335 340 80 80 80 0 0 0 Suisse
United Kingdom 7,819 7,830 7,830 327 330 330 7,516 7,520 7,520 23 20 20 Royaume-Uni
Total Europe 29,451 30,850 31,601 19,110 19,422 20,173 18,114 18,482 18,621 7,774 7,055 7,194 Total Europe
Canada 368 420 179 3,830 3,830 3,830 31 52 56 3,493 3,462 3,707 Canada
United States 761 273 152 9,544 9,744 9,948 194 174 155 8,977 9,644 9,951 Etats-Unis
Total North America 1,129 694 331 13,374 13,574 13,778 225 226 211 12,470 13,106 13,659 Total Amérique du Nord

Table 14

Europe: Summary table of market forecasts for 2023 and 2024
Europe: Tableau récapitulatif des prévisions du marché pour 2023 et 2024
Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions
million m3 (pulp, paper and pellets million m.t. - pâte de bois, papiers et cartons, et granulés en millions de tonnes métriques)
Apparent Consumption
Consommation Apparente Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations
2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024
actual forecasts actual forecasts actual forecasts actual forecasts
réels prévisions réels prévisions réels prévisions réels prévisions
Sawn softwood 75.92 69.01 68.49 96.71 89.54 88.44 29.69 25.67 25.93 50.49 46.20 45.88 Sciages conifères
Softwood logs a 182.85 171.26 171.53 185.47 172.88 171.84 18.22 16.63 16.39 20.84 18.25 16.70 Grumes de conifères a
Sawn hardwood 7.02 6.65 6.70 6.93 6.45 6.61 4.18 3.86 3.81 4.09 3.66 3.72 Sciages non-conifères
– temperate zone b 6.45 6.14 6.18 6.87 6.40 6.55 3.28 3.07 3.02 3.70 3.33 3.39 – zone tempérée b
– tropical zone b 0.57 0.51 0.52 0.06 0.05 0.06 0.90 0.79 0.79 0.39 0.32 0.32 – zone tropicale b
Hardwood logs a 21.96 21.62 22.00 22.05 21.91 22.04 3.91 3.25 3.26 4.00 3.54 3.30 Grumes de non-conifères a
– temperate zone b 21.86 21.55 21.93 22.05 21.91 22.04 3.79 3.15 3.16 3.98 3.50 3.26 – zone tempérée b
– tropical zone b 0.10 0.07 0.07 0.12 0.11 0.11 0.02 0.04 0.04 – zone tropicale b
Veneer sheets 1.58 1.49 1.49 1.00 0.97 0.96 1.42 1.28 1.29 0.84 0.76 0.76 Feuilles de placage
Plywood 6.62 6.21 5.92 4.17 3.93 3.97 6.42 5.79 5.48 3.96 3.50 3.53 Contreplaqués
Particle board (excluding OSB) 28.12 26.41 26.52 28.01 26.71 26.91 10.02 9.58 9.55 9.92 9.88 9.94 Pann. de particules (sauf OSB)
OSB 5.27 5.06 5.09 4.89 4.89 5.02 3.20 2.96 2.94 2.83 2.78 2.87 OSB
Fibreboard 15.80 14.89 15.09 16.15 15.31 15.42 8.76 8.01 8.04 9.11 8.43 8.37 Panneaux de fibres
– Hardboard 0.79 0.82 0.90 0.48 0.47 0.47 1.47 1.44 1.46 1.17 1.09 1.04 – Durs
– MDF 11.42 10.85 10.97 12.16 11.62 11.68 5.21 4.61 4.62 5.95 5.38 5.33 – MDF
– Other board 3.59 3.22 3.22 3.51 3.22 3.27 2.07 1.97 1.96 1.99 1.96 2.01 – Autres panneaux
Pulpwood a 268.34 264.50 264.51 261.87 256.81 255.84 39.84 39.23 39.90 33.38 31.54 31.23 Bois de trituration a
– Pulp logs 147.00 147.83 147.94 144.40 144.44 143.75 21.05 21.67 22.13 18.44 18.29 17.95 – Bois ronds de trituration
– softwood 100.28 102.83 102.53 99.21 100.14 99.43 12.63 13.27 13.50 11.56 10.58 10.41 – conifères
– hardwood 46.73 45.00 45.41 45.18 44.31 44.32 8.43 8.41 8.63 6.88 7.71 7.54 – non-conifères
– Residues, chips and particles 121.33 116.67 116.57 117.47 112.37 112.09 18.79 17.56 17.77 14.93 13.26 13.29 – Déchets, plaquettes et part.
Wood pulp 37.60 34.07 35.28 34.64 32.24 33.81 17.33 16.19 16.59 14.37 14.37 15.12 Pâte de bois
Paper and paperboard 72.76 66.14 69.44 83.10 73.88 79.49 43.20 39.62 41.48 53.55 47.36 51.53 Papiers et cartons
Wood Pellets 29.45 30.85 31.60 19.11 19.42 20.17 18.11 18.48 18.62 7.77 7.05 7.19 Granulés de bois
a Countries which did not provide trade data are included in consumption data a La consommation comprend les pays qui n'ont pas fourni des données sur le commerce
b Trade figures by zone do not equal the total as some countries cannot provide data for both zones b Les chiffres du commerce par zone ne correspondent pas aux totaux
en raison du fait que certains pays ne peuvent les différencier.

Table 15

North America: Summary table of market forecasts for 2023 and 2024
Amérique du Nord: Tableau récapitulatif des prévisions du marché pour 2023 et 2024
Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions
million m3 (pulp, paper and pellets million m.t. - pâte de bois, papiers et cartons, et granulés en millions de tonnes métriques)
Apparent Consumption
Consommation Apparente Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations
2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024
actual forecasts actual forecasts actual forecasts actual forecasts
réels prévisions réels prévisions réels prévisions réels prévisions
Sawn softwood 91.63 89.85 90.39 100.44 97.41 95.73 27.09 26.48 27.10 35.90 34.04 32.43 Sciages conifères
Softwood logs 253.91 254.00 257.31 262.84 262.90 265.12 1.93 1.97 1.86 10.86 10.87 9.68 Grumes de conifères
Sawn hardwood 15.85 16.16 16.46 18.50 18.72 19.03 1.59 1.63 1.56 4.23 4.19 4.13 Sciages non-conifères
– temperate zone 15.57 15.89 16.19 18.50 18.72 19.03 1.29 1.33 1.26 4.21 4.16 4.10 – zone tempérée
– tropical zone 0.29 0.27 0.27 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.31 0.30 0.30 0.02 0.03 0.03 – zone tropicale
Hardwood logs 47.44 48.23 49.33 48.21 48.67 49.44 1.33 1.22 1.18 2.10 1.65 1.30 Grumes de non-conifères
– temperate zone 47.44 48.23 49.32 48.21 48.67 49.44 1.32 1.21 1.18 2.10 1.65 1.30 – zone tempérée
– tropical zone 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 – zone tropicale
Veneer sheets 2.85 2.93 2.97 2.87 2.89 2.91 0.86 0.88 0.89 0.88 0.83 0.84 Feuilles de placage
Plywood 16.92 16.92 17.31 10.86 10.90 11.05 7.48 7.37 7.68 1.43 1.36 1.42 Contreplaqués
Particle board (excluding OSB) 6.66 7.45 7.46 6.11 6.58 6.55 1.75 1.97 1.98 1.19 1.10 1.07 Pann. de particules (sauf OSB)
OSB 21.20 21.09 21.35 20.86 20.60 20.86 6.28 6.30 6.39 5.94 5.82 5.89 OSB
Fibreboard 9.92 9.93 10.07 7.64 7.71 7.87 4.18 3.92 3.92 1.90 1.69 1.72 Panneaux de fibres
– Hardboard 0.51 0.56 0.56 0.53 0.59 0.60 0.31 0.28 0.29 0.32 0.32 0.33 – Durs
– MDF 6.21 6.23 6.23 3.83 3.88 3.89 3.55 3.35 3.32 1.17 0.99 0.98 – MDF
– Other board 3.20 3.15 3.28 3.28 3.24 3.38 0.32 0.29 0.31 0.40 0.38 0.41 – Autres panneaux
Pulpwood 275.49 275.41 276.58 280.24 279.10 280.51 2.93 3.79 3.78 7.67 7.47 7.70 Bois de trituration
– Pulp logs 197.72 197.99 198.68 197.69 197.86 198.50 0.43 0.41 0.45 0.39 0.28 0.27 – Bois ronds de trituration
– softwood 145.76 147.13 149.24 145.45 146.80 148.85 0.33 0.34 0.41 0.02 0.01 0.01 – conifères
– hardwood 51.96 50.85 49.44 52.24 51.06 49.65 0.10 0.07 0.05 0.37 0.27 0.26 – non-conifères
– Residues, chips and particles 77.77 77.42 77.90 82.55 81.23 82.01 2.50 3.38 3.32 7.28 7.19 7.43 – Déchets, plaquettes et part.
Wood pulp 45.79 48.12 48.43 55.02 54.33 54.12 7.42 8.22 8.89 16.65 14.44 14.58 Pâte de bois
Paper and paperboard 69.75 68.96 69.26 75.05 73.60 73.63 10.72 10.42 10.39 16.02 15.06 14.77 Papiers et cartons
Wood pellets 1.13 0.69 0.33 13.37 13.57 13.78 0.23 0.23 0.21 12.47 13.11 13.66 Granulés de bois

List of Tables and Notes Table 1 - Sawn Softwood Table 2 - Sawn Hardwood (total) Table 2a - Sawn Hardwood (temperate) Table 2b - Sawn Hardwood (tropical) Table 3 - Veneer Sheets Table 4 - Plywood Table 5 - Particle Board (excluding OSB) Table 5a - Oriented Strand Board Table 6 - Fibreboard Table 6a - Hardboard Table 6b - MDF/HDF Table 6c - Other Fibreboard Table 7 - Wood Pulp Table 8 - Paper and Paperboard Table 9 - Removals of wood in the rough Table 9a - Removals of wood in the rough (softwood) Table 9b - Removals of wood in the rough (hardwood) Table 10 - Softwood sawlogs Table 11 - Hardwood sawlogs Table 11a - Hardwood logs (temperate) Table 11b - Hardwood logs (tropical) Table 12 - Pulpwood Table 12a - Pulpwood (softwood) Table 12b - Pulpwood (hardwood) Table 12c - Wood Residues, Chips and Particles Table 13 - Wood Pellets Table 14 - Europe: Summary table of market forecasts for 2023 and 2024 Table 15 - North America: Summary table of market forecasts for 2023 and 2024

Source: UNECE Committee on Forests and the Forest Industry , November 2023,

Notes: Data in italics are estimated by the secretariat. EECCA is Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia. Data for the two latest years are forecasts. In contrast to previous years, data are shown only for countries providing forecasts. Sub-regional totals are only for reporting countries.

For tables 1-13, data in italics are secretariat estimates or repeated data. All other data are from national sources and are of course estimates for the current and future year.

Softwood = coniferous, hardwood = non-coniferous For tables 1-13, data in italics are secretariat estimates or repeated data. All other data are from national sources and are of course estimates for the current and future year. Countries with nil, missing or confidential data for all years on a table are not shown.

Uzbekistan – data extrapolated by the Secretariat based on national data for the first eight months 2023. Poland - The trade turnover is based on data that includes the estimated value of trade turnover by entities exempt from the reporting obligation. These trade turnover figures are estimated at 3%. Roundwood: sawlogs and veneer logs and pulpwood and wood fuel - with removals from trees and shrubs outside the forest, including forest chips, with stump. Residues - production excluding recovered wood.

In contrast to years prior to 2020, data are shown only for countries providing forecasts. Sub-regional totals thus reflect only the reporting countries of the subreg Confidential data have not been included. Please inform secretariat in case you notice any confidential data which might have been included inadvertently.

Wherever the forecast data is incomplete, then data is repeated to avoid skewing.

Countries with nil, missing or confidential data for all years on a table are not shown. Consumption figures are the sum of production and national imports minus national exports. Softwood = coniferous, hardwood = non-coniferous. United Kingdom production figures for OSB is secretariat estimate.

Imports Exports

2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 Austria 6,141 4,978 4,978 10,104 8,588 8,588 1,784 1,270 1,270 5,747 4,880 4,880 Autriche Cyprus 33 34 34 1 1 1 32 33 33 0 0 0 Chypre Czech Republic 2,965 2,343 2,470 4,720 3,776 4,040 583 414 350 2,338 1,847 1,920 République tchèque Estonia 2,068 1,550 1,550 1,725 1,500 1,500 1,209 700 700 866 650 650 Estonie Finland 2,938 2,420 2,420 11,200 10,300 10,400 305 20 20 8,567 7,900 8,000 Finlande France 8,633 8,750 8,800 7,168 7,200 7,300 2,350 2,450 2,400 885 900 900 France Germany 17,294 14,900 13,300 24,309 21,400 19,800 4,146 2,700 3,000 11,162 9,200 9,500 Allemagne Hungary 788 902 918 85 96 86 717 821 842 14 15 11 Hongrie Italy 4,790 4,302 4,302 400 400 400 4,608 4,157 4,157 217 255 255 Italie Latvia 1,025 950 950 3,102 3,000 3,000 829 750 750 2,906 2,800 2,800 Lettonie Luxembourg 71 122 122 39 39 39 43 91 91 11 8 8 Luxembourg Malta 7 9 9 0 0 0 7 9 9 0 0 0 Malte Montenegro 30 30 29 118 115 112 10 9 7 98 94 90 Monténégro Netherlands 2,259 2,088 2,029 115 115 115 2,659 2,473 2,399 515 500 485 Pays-Bas Poland 4,631 4,630 4,800 4,144 4,100 4,200 1,219 1,240 1,300 732 710 700 Pologne Portugal 696 686 685 807 815 820 130 130 125 242 259 260 Portugal Serbia 367 361 383 91 95 98 281 270 290 5 4 5 Serbie Slovakia 847 810 860 1,430 1,360 1,400 480 450 460 1,063 1,000 1,000 Slovaquie Slovenia 665 670 660 983 990 980 530 530 530 848 850 850 Slovénie Spain 4,029 4,001 4,001 3,006 3,189 3,189 1,166 956 956 143 144 144 Espagne Sweden 5,709 5,050 5,650 18,870 18,400 18,300 587 500 450 13,748 13,850 13,100 Suède Switzerland 1,271 1,300 1,325 1,186 1,200 1,210 300 310 320 215 210 205 Suisse United Kingdom 8,663 8,125 8,214 3,108 2,860 2,860 5,719 5,385 5,474 165 120 120 Royaume-Uni Total Europe 75,919 69,011 68,490 96,712 89,540 88,439 29,694 25,668 25,934 50,487 46,197 45,883 Total Europe Uzbekistan 2,256 1,498 1,498 0 0 0 2,256 1,498 1,498 0 0 0 Ouzbékistan Total EECCA #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A Total EOCAC Canada a 3,707 2,691 2,242 36,398 33,228 31,331 891 988 948 33,581 31,525 30,037 Canada a

United States a 87,925 87,155 88,151 64,039 64,178 64,399 26,202 25,492 26,149 2,316 2,515 2,397 Etats-Unis a

Total North America 91,632 89,846 90,393 100,437 97,406 95,730 27,093 26,480 27,097 35,898 34,040 32,434 Total Amérique du Nord a converted from nominal to actual size using factor of 0.72 a convertis du dimension nominale au véritable avec une facteur du 0.72

Country Consommation Apparente Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations Pays


Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions 1000 m3

Apparent Consumption

Imports Exports

2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 Austria 310 222 222 238 202 202 217 140 140 145 120 120 Autriche Cyprus 11 7 7 0 0 0 11 7 7 0 0 0 Chypre Czech Republic 324 245 240 222 167 175 136 103 105 34 24 40 République tchèque Estonia 232 125 125 175 125 125 147 60 60 90 60 60 Estonie Finland 84 44 44 73 40 40 34 24 24 23 20 20 Finlande France 1,124 1,140 1,150 1,446 1,300 1,400 264 420 350 586 580 600 France Germany 693 650 650 997 800 800 395 300 300 699 450 450 Allemagne Hungary 258 150 131 414 343 342 45 38 30 200 231 241 Hongrie Italy 798 776 776 500 500 500 637 578 578 339 302 302 Italie Latvia 5 105 105 720 800 800 54 55 55 769 750 750 Lettonie Luxembourg 96 98 98 39 39 39 64 65 65 7 6 6 Luxembourg Malta 7 8 9 0 0 0 7 8 9 0 0 0 Malte Montenegro 11 8 10 39 35 34 2 1 1 30 28 25 Monténégro Netherlands 238 213 203 34 34 34 314 289 279 110 110 110 Pays-Bas Poland 495 470 500 487 450 460 267 270 300 259 250 260 Pologne Portugal 369 295 290 182 185 190 287 200 190 100 90 90 Portugal Serbia 172 215 225 343 370 385 64 60 70 235 215 230 Serbie Slovakia 235 240 275 385 400 420 55 50 55 205 210 200 Slovaquie Slovenia 106 145 145 143 145 145 83 80 80 121 80 80 Slovénie Spain 425 467 467 302 321 321 175 193 193 53 47 47 Espagne Sweden 142 140 140 100 100 100 83 80 80 41 40 40 Suède Switzerland 78 79 81 52 53 54 50 51 52 24 25 25 Suisse United Kingdom 807 810 810 37 40 40 787 790 790 17 20 20 Royaume-Uni Total Europe 7,019 6,652 6,703 6,928 6,449 6,606 4,177 3,862 3,813 4,086 3,658 3,716 Total Europe Uzbekistan 228 208 208 195 195 195 33 16 16 0 3 3 Ouzbékistan Total EECCA #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A Total EOCAC Canada 1,208 1,324 1,242 859 893 815 793 826 738 444 395 311 Canada United States 14,647 14,835 15,217 17,637 17,827 18,214 798 805 820 3,788 3,797 3,817 Etats-Unis Total North America 15,855 16,159 16,459 18,496 18,720 19,029 1,591 1,631 1,558 4,231 4,192 4,128 Total Amérique du Nord

Country Consommation Apparente Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations Pays


Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions 1000 m3

Apparent Consumption

Imports Exports

2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 Austria 306 219 219 238 202 202 213 136 136 144 119 119 Autriche Cyprus 9 5 5 0 0 0 8 5 5 0 0 0 Chypre Czech Republic 307 229 223 222 167 175 119 86 88 34 24 40 République tchèque Estonia 230 122 122 175 125 125 142 56 56 87 59 59 Estonie Finland 80 40 40 73 40 40 26 16 16 19 16 16 Finlande France 960 988 988 1,420 1,285 1,375 123 280 210 583 577 597 France Germany 664 630 630 997 800 800 315 240 240 649 410 410 Allemagne Hungary 257 147 127 414 343 342 43 35 26 200 230 241 Hongrie Italy 819 791 791 495 495 495 476 423 423 152 127 127 Italie Latvia 5 105 105 720 800 800 54 55 55 769 750 750 Lettonie Luxembourg 92 96 96 39 39 39 60 63 63 7 6 6 Luxembourg Malta 6 7 8 0 0 0 6 7 8 0 0 0 Malte Montenegro 11 8 10 39 35 34 2 1 1 30 28 25 Monténégro Netherlands 89 80 77 27 27 27 117 108 105 55 55 55 Pays-Bas Poland 484 459 488 487 450 460 254 257 286 257 248 258 Pologne Portugal 319 272 268 170 172 178 180 150 140 31 50 50 Portugal Serbia 167 211 220 342 369 384 59 57 66 234 215 230 Serbie Slovakia 235 240 275 385 400 420 55 50 55 205 210 200 Slovaquie Slovenia 104 143 143 143 145 145 81 78 78 120 80 80 Slovénie Spain 383 417 417 300 318 318 128 142 142 45 43 43 Espagne Sweden 142 139 139 100 100 100 83 79 79 41 40 40 Suède Switzerland 69 70 72 49 50 51 44 45 46 24 25 25 Suisse United Kingdom 716 720 720 37 40 40 693 700 700 14 20 20 Royaume-Uni Total Europe 6,453 6,138 6,183 6,872 6,402 6,550 3,281 3,069 3,025 3,700 3,334 3,392 Total Europe Uzbekistan 227 207 207 195 195 195 33 15 15 0 3 3 Ouzbékistan Total EECCA #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A Total EOCAC Canada 1,191 1,316 1,236 859 893 815 762 805 715 430 382 294 Canada United States 14,379 14,578 14,957 17,637 17,827 18,214 523 529 544 3,782 3,778 3,801 Etats-Unis Total North America 15,569 15,893 16,193 18,496 18,720 19,029 1,285 1,334 1,259 4,212 4,160 4,095 Total Amérique du Nord

Country Consommation Apparente Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations Pays

TABLE 2a SAWN HARDWOOD (temperate) SCIAGES NON-CONIFERES (zone tempérée)

Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions 1000 m3

Apparent Consumption

Imports Exports

2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 Austria 3 3 3 0 0 0 4 4 4 1 1 1 Autriche Bulgaria 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bulgarie Cyprus 3 2 2 0 0 0 3 2 2 0 0 0 Chypre Czech Republic 17 17 17 0 0 0 17 17 17 0 0 0 République tchèque Estonia 2 3 3 0 0 0 5 4 4 3 1 1 Estonie Finland 4 4 4 0 0 0 8 8 8 4 4 4 Finlande France 164 152 162 26 15 25 141 140 140 3 3 3 France Germany 29 20 20 0 0 0 79 60 60 50 40 40 Allemagne Hungary 2 3 4 0 0 0 2 4 4 0 0 0 Hongrie Italy -21 -15 -15 5 5 5 161 154 154 187 175 175 Italie Luxembourg 4 2 2 0 0 0 4 2 2 0 0 0 Luxembourg Malta 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 Malte Netherlands 149 133 126 7 7 7 197 181 174 55 55 55 Pays-Bas Poland 10 11 12 0 0 0 12 13 14 2 2 2 Pologne Portugal 50 23 22 12 13 12 107 50 50 69 40 40 Portugal Serbia 5 4 5 1 1 1 5 3 4 1 0 0 Serbie Slovenia 2 2 2 0 0 0 2 2 2 0 0 0 Slovénie Spain 42 49 49 2 2 2 47 50 50 7 4 4 Espagne Sweden 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 Suède Switzerland 9 9 9 3 3 3 6 6 6 0 0 0 Suisse United Kingdom 91 90 90 0 0 0 94 90 90 3 0 0 Royaume-Uni Total Europe 566 515 519 56 46 55 896 793 788 386 324 324 Total Europe Canada 17 8 7 0 0 0 31 21 23 14 13 16 Canada United States 269 257 260 0 0 0 275 276 276 6 19 16 Etats-Unis Total North America 286 266 266 0 0 0 305 297 299 20 31 32 Total Amérique du Nord

1000 m3

Apparent Consumption Country Consommation Apparente Production Imports - Importations


Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions

Exports - Exportations Pays

Imports Exports

2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 Austria 74 39 39 8 8 8 83 45 45 17 14 14 Autriche Cyprus 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 Chypre Czech Republic 28 28 27 28 16 17 58 53 50 58 41 40 République tchèque Estonia 111 125 125 105 110 110 87 95 95 82 80 80 Estonie Finland 27 21 21 190 160 160 12 10 10 175 149 149 Finlande France 366 366 366 157 157 157 273 273 273 64 64 64 France Germany 157 143 125 110 105 105 99 78 70 52 40 50 Allemagne Hungary 23 25 20 13 18 13 39 39 39 28 31 32 Hongrie Italy 344 308 308 107 107 107 274 234 234 37 33 33 Italie Latvia 105 105 105 40 50 50 140 140 140 75 85 85 Lettonie Luxembourg 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 Luxembourg Malta 1 2 3 0 0 0 1 2 3 0 0 0 Malte Netherlands 15 13 13 0 0 0 17 15 15 3 3 3 Pays-Bas Poland 121 121 129 45 42 45 92 94 98 16 15 14 Pologne Portugal 12 20 35 20 30 25 38 40 50 46 50 40 Portugal Serbia 4 4 5 30 28 30 8 6 8 34 30 33 Serbie Slovakia 17 25 25 21 25 25 27 30 30 31 30 30 Slovaquie Slovenia 9 8 9 28 27 25 13 14 14 32 33 30 Slovénie Spain 122 92 92 40 36 36 127 90 90 45 34 34 Espagne Sweden 32 31 31 60 50 50 19 10 10 47 29 29 Suède Switzerland 3 3 3 0 0 0 4 4 4 1 1 1 Suisse United Kingdom 6 10 10 0 0 0 7 10 10 1 0 0 Royaume-Uni Total Europe 1,577 1,490 1,491 1,002 969 962 1,419 1,283 1,288 843 762 760 Total Europe Uzbekistan 4 4 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 0 0 0 Ouzbékistan Total EECCA #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A 0 Total EOCAC Canada 204 262 267 581 581 581 212 218 230 590 537 544 Canada United States 2,643 2,670 2,699 2,284 2,306 2,329 652 658 664 293 294 294 Etats-Unis Total North America 2,847 2,932 2,966 2,866 2,887 2,910 864 876 894 883 831 838 Total Amérique du Nord Note: Definition of veneers excludes domestic use for plywood. La définition des placages exclus la conversion directe en contreplaqué.

Country Consommation Apparente Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations Pays


Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions 1000 m3

Apparent Consumption

Imports Exports

2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 Austria 19 15 15 131 155 155 183 150 150 296 290 290 Autriche Cyprus 14 15 15 0 0 0 14 15 15 0 0 0 Chypre Czech Republic 193 116 123 240 236 238 230 115 115 277 235 230 République tchèque Estonia 145 50 50 200 210 210 151 50 50 205 210 210 Estonie Finland 297 240 240 1,110 940 940 87 60 60 900 760 760 Finlande France 589 583 583 253 270 270 476 452 452 140 139 139 France Germany 1,073 1,154 840 85 80 80 1,319 1,281 1,000 330 207 240 Allemagne Hungary 136 110 107 60 61 63 138 138 138 62 90 94 Hongrie Italy 602 537 537 288 290 290 525 442 442 211 195 195 Italie Latvia 92 55 55 331 300 300 94 95 95 333 340 340 Lettonie Luxembourg 33 29 29 0 0 0 33 29 29 0 0 0 Luxembourg Malta 10 11 12 0 0 0 10 11 12 0 0 0 Malte Montenegro 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 Monténégro Netherlands 488 457 441 0 0 0 586 551 529 98 94 88 Pays-Bas Poland 650 640 670 539 515 530 468 475 480 357 350 340 Pologne Portugal 154 180 166 103 100 110 95 110 100 44 30 44 Portugal Serbia 40 36 38 19 18 19 34 30 33 13 12 14 Serbie Slovakia 67 63 63 153 150 150 59 59 59 146 146 146 Slovaquie Slovenia 49 50 58 94 90 98 26 30 30 71 70 70 Slovénie Spain 231 326 326 462 416 416 132 117 117 363 207 207 Espagne Sweden 278 160 160 90 90 90 236 120 120 48 50 50 Suède Switzerland 206 206 206 7 7 7 203 203 203 4 4 4 Suisse United Kingdom 1,254 1,180 1,180 0 0 0 1,320 1,250 1,250 66 70 70 Royaume-Uni Total Europe 6,623 6,215 5,916 4,166 3,930 3,967 6,422 5,786 5,482 3,965 3,501 3,532 Total Europe Uzbekistan 62 46 46 0 0 0 63 47 47 0 0 0 Ouzbékistan Total EECCA #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A 0 Total EOCAC Canada 2,174 2,028 2,123 1,604 1,557 1,526 1,224 1,058 1,241 654 587 644 Canada United States 14,742 14,890 15,188 9,254 9,345 9,528 6,259 6,317 6,436 771 772 776 Etats-Unis Total North America 16,916 16,918 17,311 10,858 10,902 11,054 7,483 7,375 7,677 1,425 1,359 1,420 Total Amérique du Nord

Country Consommation Apparente Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations Pays


Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions 1000 m3

Apparent Consumption

Imports Exports

2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 Austria 951 630 630 2,280 2,170 2,170 313 355 355 1,642 1,895 1,895 Autriche Cyprus 49 46 46 0 0 0 49 46 46 0 0 0 Chypre Czech Republic 793 811 835 962 866 910 530 484 485 699 538 560 République tchèque Estonia 123 67 67 90 0 0 77 68 68 44 2 1 Estonie Finland 113 75 75 54 54 54 85 44 44 26 23 23 Finlande France 2,224 2,148 2,148 3,177 3,094 3,094 299 355 355 1,253 1,301 1,301 France Germany 5,572 5,220 4,970 5,526 5,195 5,020 1,970 1,934 1,900 1,924 1,909 1,950 Allemagne Hungary 408 384 379 447 428 438 264 282 272 303 326 331 Hongrie Italy 3,070 2,813 2,813 2,646 2,500 2,500 956 821 821 532 508 508 Italie Latvia 52 85 85 306 300 300 69 25 25 322 240 240 Lettonie Luxembourg 20 12 12 0 0 0 21 13 13 1 1 1 Luxembourg Malta 10 11 11 0 0 0 10 11 11 0 0 0 Malte Montenegro 32 33 34 0 0 0 32 33 34 0 0 0 Monténégro Netherlands 464 440 432 0 0 0 514 488 479 50 48 47 Pays-Bas Poland 6,501 6,450 6,740 5,227 5,150 5,450 2,173 2,180 2,200 899 880 910 Pologne Portugal 537 473 514 766 750 760 281 300 290 510 577 536 Portugal Serbia 373 351 371 219 210 220 196 184 198 42 43 47 Serbie Slovakia 352 343 340 676 675 675 148 140 137 473 473 472 Slovaquie Slovenia 137 110 110 0 0 0 143 114 114 6 4 4 Slovénie Spain 2,392 2,213 2,213 2,566 2,310 2,310 626 621 621 800 718 718 Espagne Sweden 1,055 868 868 636 600 600 475 335 335 57 67 67 Suède Switzerland 281 286 286 420 425 425 141 141 141 280 280 280 Suisse United Kingdom 2,606 2,542 2,542 2,012 1,982 1,982 648 610 610 55 50 50 Royaume-Uni Total Europe 28,115 26,410 26,521 28,012 26,710 26,908 10,021 9,584 9,555 9,917 9,883 9,942 Total Europe Uzbekistan 880 542 542 252 252 252 654 317 317 26 27 27 Ouzbékistan Total EECCA #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A 27 Total EOCAC Canada 1,466 1,886 1,894 1,625 2,032 2,012 552 504 491 710 650 609 Canada United States 5,196 5,565 5,562 4,488 4,552 4,534 1,193 1,465 1,487 485 452 459 Etats-Unis Total North America 6,663 7,451 7,456 6,113 6,584 6,546 1,745 1,969 1,978 1,195 1,102 1,068 Total Amérique du Nord Data are calculated by subtracting OSB from the particleboard/OSB total - les données sont calculées en soustrayant les OSB du total des panneaux de particules et OSB.

Country Consommation Apparente Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations Pays

TABLE 5 PARTICLE BOARD (excluding OSB) PANNEAUX DE PARTICULES (ne comprennent pas l'OSB)

Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions 1000 m3

Apparent Consumption

Imports Exports

2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 Austria 205 135 135 0 0 0 212 140 140 7 5 5 Autriche Cyprus 11 14 14 0 0 0 11 14 14 0 0 0 Chypre Czech Republic 380 342 350 689 620 655 126 113 115 435 392 420 République tchèque Estonia 55 32 32 0 0 0 55 32 32 1 0 0 Estonie Finland 56 56 56 0 0 0 56 56 56 0 0 0 Finlande France 427 522 522 302 406 406 222 165 165 96 49 49 France Germany 1,316 1,238 1,130 1,164 1,105 1,080 679 669 600 526 536 550 Allemagne Hungary 133 147 152 379 419 443 56 60 59 302 331 350 Hongrie Italy 346 287 287 100 100 100 346 274 274 100 87 87 Italie Latvia 196 165 165 674 650 650 76 75 75 554 560 560 Lettonie Luxembourg 110 135 135 338 338 338 6 14 14 234 217 217 Luxembourg Montenegro 2 2 2 0 0 0 2 2 2 0 0 0 Monténégro Netherlands 222 222 227 0 0 0 286 286 292 64 64 65 Pays-Bas Poland 655 650 760 647 650 750 302 320 350 294 320 340 Pologne Portugal 46 37 41 0 0 0 50 40 45 4 3 4 Portugal Serbia 40 35 41 0 0 0 41 36 42 1 1 1 Serbie Slovakia 48 58 60 0 0 0 48 60 63 1 3 3 Slovaquie Slovenia 31 24 24 0 0 0 33 26 26 2 2 2 Slovénie Spain 26 15 15 3 3 3 35 33 33 12 20 20 Espagne Sweden 94 92 92 0 0 0 97 95 95 3 3 3 Suède Switzerland 95 95 95 0 0 0 96 96 96 1 1 1 Suisse United Kingdom 773 758 758 598 598 598 365 350 350 190 190 190 Royaume-Uni Total Europe 5,268 5,060 5,092 4,894 4,888 5,023 3,200 2,956 2,938 2,826 2,784 2,868 Total Europe Uzbekistan 7 5 5 0 0 0 7 5 5 0 0 0 Ouzbékistan Total EECCA #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A 0 Total EOCAC Canada 1,546 1,253 1,153 7,270 6,820 6,798 82 65 61 5,806 5,632 5,706 Canada United States 19,658 19,834 20,197 13,592 13,783 14,059 6,198 6,236 6,326 132 185 188 Etats-Unis Total North America 21,204 21,087 21,350 20,862 20,603 20,857 6,280 6,301 6,387 5,938 5,817 5,894 Total Amérique du Nord

Country Consommation Apparente Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations Pays


Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions 1000 m3

Apparent Consumption

Imports Exports

2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 Austria 421 386 386 470 395 395 331 308 308 381 316 316 Autriche Cyprus 20 15 16 0 0 0 20 15 16 0 0 0 Chypre Czech Republic 328 276 280 41 41 42 438 347 360 151 112 122 République tchèque Estonia 70 46 47 75 40 40 65 46 47 70 40 40 Estonie Finland 139 105 105 44 44 44 141 102 102 46 41 41 Finlande France 828 915 915 1,238 1,035 1,035 721 772 772 1,130 892 892 France Germany 3,791 3,437 3,325 5,194 4,900 4,800 1,590 1,543 1,470 2,993 3,006 2,945 Allemagne Hungary 9 -17 -13 21 0 0 204 235 244 215 253 258 Hongrie Italy 1,862 1,661 1,661 827 818 818 1,281 974 974 245 131 131 Italie Latvia 60 50 40 48 50 50 62 65 65 50 65 75 Lettonie Luxembourg 100 90 90 147 147 147 34 19 19 80 76 76 Luxembourg Malta 6 7 7 0 0 0 6 7 7 0 0 0 Malte Montenegro 32 32 33 0 0 0 32 32 33 0 0 0 Monténégro Netherlands 332 310 296 29 29 29 465 431 412 162 150 145 Pays-Bas Poland 3,808 3,765 4,020 4,960 4,920 5,080 590 585 630 1,743 1,740 1,690 Pologne Portugal 534 485 529 526 520 560 338 315 335 330 350 366 Portugal Serbia 74 74 88 19 20 22 71 73 88 16 19 22 Serbie Slovakia 210 218 223 0 0 0 248 256 262 39 38 39 Slovaquie Slovenia 24 15 15 132 120 125 28 25 30 136 130 140 Slovénie Spain 920 894 894 1,430 1,287 1,287 462 355 355 972 748 748 Espagne Sweden 301 260 260 0 0 0 425 360 360 124 100 100 Suède Switzerland 238 238 238 97 97 97 308 308 308 167 167 167 Suisse United Kingdom 1,692 1,630 1,630 856 850 850 895 840 840 60 60 60 Royaume-Uni Total Europe 15,799 14,892 15,085 16,153 15,313 15,421 8,755 8,013 8,037 9,110 8,434 8,373 Total Europe Uzbekistan 1,092 809 809 47 47 47 1,057 771 771 13 9 9 Ouzbékistan Total EECCA #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A Total EOCAC Canada 1,236 1,183 1,181 1,277 1,288 1,299 818 628 605 859 733 723 Canada United States 8,684 8,749 8,888 6,362 6,420 6,571 3,359 3,289 3,310 1,038 960 993 Etats-Unis Total North America 9,920 9,932 10,069 7,639 7,708 7,870 4,177 3,917 3,915 1,896 1,693 1,716 Total Amérique du Nord

Country Consommation Apparente Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations Pays


Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions 1000 m3

Apparent Consumption

Imports Exports

2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 Austria 29 28 28 54 43 43 18 16 16 43 32 32 Autriche Cyprus 2 1 2 0 0 0 2 1 2 0 0 0 Chypre Czech Republic 43 45 45 0 0 0 61 59 60 18 14 15 République tchèque Estonia 23 15 19 0 0 0 30 16 20 7 1 1 Estonie Finland 23 21 21 44 44 44 21 15 15 41 38 38 Finlande France 55 55 55 221 221 221 207 207 207 373 373 373 France Germany 176 183 165 0 0 0 200 203 180 23 20 15 Allemagne Hungary 27 41 45 2 0 0 65 81 85 40 40 40 Hongrie Italy 280 280 280 16 16 16 283 283 283 19 19 19 Italie Latvia 1 5 5 15 15 15 18 20 20 32 30 30 Lettonie Luxembourg -31 -12 -12 0 0 0 3 8 8 34 20 20 Luxembourg Montenegro 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 Monténégro Netherlands 44 41 39 0 0 0 63 58 56 19 17 17 Pays-Bas Poland -179 -120 -50 80 80 80 88 100 120 347 300 250 Pologne Portugal 50 30 39 0 0 0 61 40 50 11 10 11 Portugal Serbia 39 35 38 19 20 22 33 31 34 13 16 18 Serbie Slovakia 21 20 21 0 0 0 21 21 22 1 1 1 Slovaquie Slovenia -1 0 1 0 0 0 4 2 4 4 2 3 Slovénie Spain 17 15 15 32 29 29 46 46 46 61 60 60 Espagne Sweden 47 30 30 0 0 0 116 110 110 70 80 80 Suède Switzerland 19 19 19 0 0 0 24 24 24 5 5 5 Suisse United Kingdom 101 90 90 0 0 0 110 100 100 9 10 10 Royaume-Uni Total Europe 787 822 895 482 468 470 1,474 1,441 1,463 1,169 1,087 1,037 Total Europe Uzbekistan 89 50 50 0 0 0 90 50 50 0 0 0 Ouzbékistan Total EECCA #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A Total EOCAC Canada 33 47 42 90 90 90 52 27 28 109 70 76 Canada United States 481 509 514 437 504 509 259 255 258 215 250 253 Etats-Unis Total North America 514 556 556 527 594 599 311 282 286 324 320 329 Total Amérique du Nord

Country Consommation Apparente Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations Pays


Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions 1000 m3

Apparent Consumption

Imports Exports

2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 Austria 260 230 230 416 351 351 177 160 160 333 281 281 Autriche Cyprus 16 12 12 0 0 0 16 12 12 0 0 0 Chypre Czech Republic 199 157 160 41 41 42 180 135 140 22 19 22 République tchèque Estonia 18 21 18 0 0 0 33 28 25 15 7 7 Estonie Finland 82 67 67 0 0 0 86 70 70 4 3 3 Finlande France 708 794 794 954 751 751 337 388 388 583 345 345 France Germany 1,870 1,728 1,720 3,792 3,700 3,650 424 395 370 2,345 2,367 2,300 Allemagne Hungary -39 -65 -62 0 0 0 136 148 156 175 213 218 Hongrie Italy 1,501 1,299 1,299 809 800 800 913 606 606 221 107 107 Italie Latvia 52 40 30 33 35 35 22 25 25 2 20 30 Lettonie Luxembourg 128 98 98 147 147 147 27 7 7 46 56 56 Luxembourg Malta 5 5 5 0 0 0 5 5 5 0 0 0 Malte Montenegro 31 31 32 0 0 0 31 31 32 0 0 0 Monténégro Netherlands 220 205 196 0 0 0 361 336 322 141 131 126 Pays-Bas Poland 3,066 3,020 3,130 3,052 3,030 3,100 470 450 470 456 460 440 Pologne Portugal 447 440 465 494 500 530 257 260 265 305 320 330 Portugal Serbia 31 35 46 0 0 0 34 38 50 3 3 4 Serbie Slovakia 135 135 135 0 0 0 170 170 170 35 35 35 Slovaquie Slovenia 24 15 14 132 120 125 24 23 26 131 128 137 Slovénie Spain 835 821 821 1,334 1,201 1,201 397 302 302 897 682 682 Espagne Sweden 254 225 225 0 0 0 284 230 230 30 5 5 Suède Switzerland 24 24 24 97 97 97 88 88 88 161 161 161 Suisse United Kingdom 1,553 1,510 1,510 856 850 850 739 700 700 42 40 40 Royaume-Uni Total Europe 11,419 10,847 10,969 12,157 11,623 11,679 5,210 4,606 4,618 5,948 5,382 5,328 Total Europe Uzbekistan 671 513 513 46 46 46 629 469 469 3 2 2 Ouzbékistan Total EECCA #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A Total EOCAC Canada 1,053 999 1,005 1,087 1,098 1,109 608 472 449 641 570 553 Canada United States 5,156 5,228 5,226 2,746 2,778 2,786 2,939 2,874 2,866 529 424 426 Etats-Unis Total North America 6,209 6,227 6,231 3,833 3,876 3,895 3,547 3,346 3,315 1,170 994 979 Total Amérique du Nord

Country Consommation Apparente Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations Pays


Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions 1000 m3

Apparent Consumption

Imports Exports

2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 Austria 131 128 128 0 0 0 136 132 132 4 3 3 Autriche Cyprus 2 2 2 0 0 0 3 2 2 0 0 0 Chypre Czech Republic 86 74 75 0 0 0 197 154 160 111 80 85 République tchèque Estonia 29 10 10 75 40 40 3 2 2 49 32 32 Estonie Finland 33 17 17 0 0 0 34 17 17 0 0 0 Finlande France 65 66 66 63 63 63 177 177 177 174 174 174 France Germany 1,745 1,526 1,440 1,402 1,200 1,150 966 945 920 624 619 630 Allemagne Hungary 21 7 4 19 0 0 3 7 4 0 0 0 Hongrie Italy 82 82 82 3 3 3 85 85 85 6 6 6 Italie Latvia 7 5 5 0 0 0 23 20 20 16 15 15 Lettonie Luxembourg 4 4 4 0 0 0 4 4 4 0 0 0 Luxembourg Malta 1 2 2 0 0 0 1 2 2 0 0 0 Malte Netherlands 68 64 61 29 29 29 41 37 34 2 2 2 Pays-Bas Poland 920 865 940 1,828 1,810 1,900 33 35 40 940 980 1,000 Pologne Portugal 37 15 25 32 20 30 20 15 20 15 20 25 Portugal Serbia 4 4 4 0 0 0 4 4 4 0 0 0 Serbie Slovakia 54 63 67 0 0 0 57 65 70 3 2 3 Slovaquie Slovenia 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Slovénie Spain 69 59 59 64 58 58 20 7 7 15 6 6 Espagne Sweden 0 5 5 0 0 0 25 20 20 24 15 15 Suède Switzerland 195 195 195 0 0 0 196 196 196 1 1 1 Suisse United Kingdom 38 30 30 0 0 0 47 40 40 9 10 10 Royaume-Uni Total Europe 3,592 3,223 3,221 3,514 3,222 3,272 2,071 1,965 1,956 1,993 1,965 2,007 Total Europe Uzbekistan 331 246 246 2 2 2 339 252 252 10 7 7 Ouzbékistan Total EECCA #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A Total EOCAC Canada 150 137 134 100 100 100 158 129 128 108 92 94 Canada United States 3,047 3,012 3,148 3,179 3,138 3,276 161 160 186 294 286 314 Etats-Unis Total North America 3,196 3,149 3,282 3,279 3,238 3,376 319 289 314 402 378 408 Total Amérique du Nord

Country Consommation Apparente Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations Pays


Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions 1000 m3

Apparent Consumption

Imports Exports

2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 Austria 2,209 1,950 2,030 1,977 1,700 1,800 630 610 630 399 360 400 Autriche Czech Republic 847 688 700 640 525 540 324 259 260 117 96 100 République tchèque Estonia 70 75 80 227 180 180 42 50 50 199 155 150 Estonie Finland a 5,468 4,483 4,614 9,200 8,690 9,360 355 150 150 4,087 4,357 4,896 Finlande a

France 2,898 2,420 2,500 1,666 1,300 1,350 1,715 1,450 1,500 483 330 350 France Germany 5,092 4,600 5,000 2,172 1,850 2,000 4,173 3,900 4,200 1,253 1,150 1,200 Allemagne Hungary 205 206 214 66 77 87 141 133 131 3 3 4 Hongrie Italy 3,466 3,466 3,466 223 223 223 3,536 3,536 3,536 293 293 293 Italie Latvia 7 7 7 12 13 13 7 7 7 12 13 13 Lettonie Netherlands 443 442 442 37 37 37 1,717 1,717 1,717 1,312 1,312 1,312 Pays-Bas Poland 2,836 2,830 2,930 1,729 1,710 1,750 1,291 1,300 1,320 183 180 140 Pologne Portugal 1,757 1,735 1,760 2,869 2,870 2,870 140 145 150 1,252 1,280 1,260 Portugal Serbia 82 88 92 0 0 0 82 88 92 0 0 0 Serbie Slovakia 700 700 715 692 700 725 173 170 170 166 170 180 Slovaquie Slovenia 322 321 316 73 63 68 249 260 250 1 2 2 Slovénie Spain 1,520 1,328 1,328 1,120 1,120 1,120 1,176 976 976 775 768 768 Espagne Sweden 8,438 7,600 7,950 11,631 10,900 11,400 641 600 600 3,834 3,900 4,050 Suède Switzerland 188 188 188 87 87 87 101 101 101 0 0 0 Suisse United Kingdom 1,057 940 950 220 200 200 838 740 750 1 0 0 Royaume-Uni Total Europe 37,604 34,067 35,282 34,641 32,244 33,809 17,333 16,193 16,590 14,369 14,369 15,118 Total Europe Uzbekistan 38 28 28 1 1 1 37 28 28 0 0 0 Ouzbékistan Total EECCA #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A Total EOCAC Canada 6,007 5,851 5,616 14,200 13,102 12,638 472 582 640 8,665 7,833 7,662 Canada United States 39,787 42,269 42,815 40,822 41,230 41,478 6,948 7,643 8,254 7,983 6,603 6,917 Etats-Unis Total North America 45,794 48,121 48,431 55,022 54,332 54,116 7,420 8,224 8,894 16,648 14,436 14,579 Total Amérique du Nord

a imports exclude dissolving pulp a les importations excluent pâte à dissoudre

Country Consommation Apparente Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations Pays


Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions 1000 mt

Apparent Consumption

Imports Exports

2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 Austria 2,133 1,750 2,050 4,633 3,500 4,000 1,231 1,050 1,150 3,730 2,800 3,100 Autriche Cyprus 56 48 48 0 0 0 56 48 48 0 0 0 Chypre Czech Republic 1,467 1,234 1,258 938 769 785 1,531 1,286 1,312 1,002 822 838 République tchèque Estonia 120 111 111 57 35 35 123 102 102 59 26 26 Estonie Finland 514 475 460 7,200 5,990 6,150 333 275 280 7,019 5,790 5,970 Finlande France 8,272 7,290 7,400 7,092 6,240 6,600 4,845 4,650 4,600 3,665 3,600 3,800 France Germany 17,836 14,600 17,000 21,612 17,500 21,000 9,302 8,000 9,500 13,078 10,900 13,500 Allemagne Hungary 1,213 1,167 1,212 1,057 1,003 1,034 877 892 898 720 727 721 Hongrie Italy 11,390 11,390 11,390 8,696 8,696 8,696 5,800 5,800 5,800 3,106 3,106 3,106 Italie Latvia 168 175 175 29 30 30 173 180 180 33 35 35 Lettonie Luxembourg 26 14 14 0 0 0 27 15 15 1 1 1 Luxembourg Malta 26 27 28 0 0 0 26 27 28 0 0 0 Malte Netherlands 2,814 2,760 2,760 2,884 2,827 2,827 2,180 2,096 2,096 2,250 2,163 2,163 Pays-Bas Poland 7,532 7,400 7,550 5,237 5,130 5,250 4,869 4,870 4,950 2,574 2,600 2,650 Pologne Portugal 1,090 1,200 1,240 2,123 2,200 2,240 948 940 945 1,981 1,940 1,945 Portugal Serbia 790 762 778 483 481 490 514 490 500 207 209 212 Serbie Slovakia 565 575 600 967 975 1,000 457 450 475 859 850 875 Slovaquie Slovenia 412 390 390 591 500 500 367 390 390 545 500 500 Slovénie Spain 7,060 6,778 6,778 6,355 6,355 6,355 2,997 2,577 2,577 2,291 2,154 2,154 Espagne Sweden 834 700 750 8,531 7,300 8,100 894 700 750 8,591 7,300 8,100 Suède Switzerland 1,020 1,015 1,010 1,160 1,155 1,150 640 635 630 780 775 770 Suisse United Kingdom 7,420 6,280 6,440 3,460 3,190 3,250 5,015 4,150 4,250 1,055 1,060 1,060 Royaume-Uni Total Europe 72,758 66,140 69,442 83,103 73,876 79,492 43,204 39,623 41,476 53,549 47,358 51,526 Total Europe Uzbekistan 335 297 297 142 142 142 214 171 171 21 17 17 Ouzbékistan Total EECCA #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A Total EOCAC Canada 5,505 6,069 6,231 9,094 9,124 9,155 2,516 2,242 2,235 6,105 5,298 5,159 Canada United States 64,243 62,896 63,029 65,959 64,476 64,476 8,202 8,180 8,159 9,917 9,761 9,606 Etats-Unis Total North America 69,748 68,964 69,260 75,053 73,600 73,631 10,718 10,423 10,395 16,023 15,059 14,765 Total Amérique du Nord

Country Consommation Apparente Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations Pays


Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions 1000 mt

Apparent Consumption

2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 Austria 13,935 11,716 12,225 10,711 8,904 9,338 3,223 2,812 2,887 0 0 0 5,424 5,115 5,234 19,359 16,831 17,459 Autriche Cyprus 3 2 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 9 8 14 11 10 Chypre Czech Republic 20,708 15,535 14,897 14,635 10,617 10,106 5,965 4,804 4,675 108 113 115 4,405 3,965 3,900 25,113 19,499 18,797 République tchèque Estonia 6,474 6,401 6,401 4,276 4,200 4,200 2,148 2,150 2,150 51 51 51 4,066 3,800 3,800 10,541 10,201 10,201 Estonie Finland 56,246 53,397 55,435 25,699 22,749 23,412 30,547 30,648 32,023 0 0 0 9,340 9,340 9,340 65,586 62,737 64,775 Finlande France 25,648 25,270 25,070 17,198 17,200 17,300 7,891 7,500 7,200 559 570 570 24,173 24,500 25,600 49,821 49,770 50,670 France Germany 56,534 53,930 49,630 44,756 41,200 39,500 11,644 12,600 10,000 135 130 130 22,338 22,700 22,700 78,872 76,630 72,330 Allemagne Hungary 2,901 2,881 2,881 1,410 1,374 1,399 912 995 1,008 579 512 475 3,626 3,284 3,397 6,527 6,165 6,278 Hongrie Italy 2,838 3,540 3,540 1,890 1,890 1,890 316 1,018 1,018 632 632 632 10,839 10,839 10,839 13,677 14,379 14,379 Italie Latvia 12,491 12,150 12,350 7,603 7,250 7,450 3,868 3,800 3,800 1,020 1,100 1,100 2,936 3,000 3,000 15,427 15,150 15,350 Lettonie Luxembourg 231 197 193 147 144 133 56 38 38 27 15 22 40 45 43 271 242 235 Luxembourg Montenegro 751 697 678 515 492 487 201 198 186 35 7 5 194 193 190 945 890 868 Monténégro Netherlands 614 599 589 221 220 215 352 340 335 41 39 39 2,382 2,380 2,385 2,996 2,979 2,974 Pays-Bas Poland 38,735 39,880 40,850 18,533 18,800 19,150 19,350 20,100 20,550 852 980 1,150 6,958 7,420 7,750 45,693 47,300 48,600 Pologne Portugal 12,235 12,330 12,190 2,038 2,040 2,060 9,799 9,850 9,700 399 440 430 2,383 2,380 2,300 14,619 14,710 14,490 Portugal Serbia 1,478 1,520 1,561 1,077 1,104 1,130 265 275 283 136 141 148 6,574 6,646 6,760 8,052 8,166 8,321 Serbie Slovakia 6,827 6,820 6,880 4,130 4,080 4,100 2,672 2,710 2,750 25 30 30 609 610 650 7,435 7,430 7,530 Slovaquie Slovenia 2,928 3,752 3,482 2,184 2,780 2,600 698 920 830 45 52 52 1,149 1,290 1,270 4,076 5,042 4,752 Slovénie Spain 14,366 15,244 15,244 4,150 4,404 4,404 9,813 10,413 10,413 403 427 427 3,555 3,772 3,772 17,921 19,016 19,016 Espagne Sweden 71,165 69,076 69,310 38,280 37,480 37,080 32,585 31,296 31,930 300 300 300 6,000 6,016 6,016 77,165 75,092 75,326 Suède Switzerland 3,011 3,082 3,142 2,555 2,625 2,680 444 445 450 12 12 12 1,938 2,000 2,025 4,949 5,082 5,167 Suisse United Kingdom 7,604 7,193 7,193 5,509 5,236 5,236 1,646 1,529 1,529 448 428 428 2,184 2,184 2,184 9,788 9,377 9,377 Royaume-Uni Total Europe 357,723 345,212 343,742 207,519 194,791 193,872 144,397 144,441 143,754 5,807 5,980 6,116 121,124 121,488 123,163 478,847 466,699 466,905 Total Europe Canada 142,131 140,499 140,499 124,900 123,350 123,350 15,040 14,864 14,864 2,190 2,285 2,285 1,683 1,908 1,908 143,814 142,407 142,407 Canada United States 382,544 384,963 388,611 186,157 188,221 191,211 182,650 182,996 183,637 13,737 13,746 13,763 76,230 76,240 76,278 458,774 461,203 464,889 Etats-Unis Total North America 524,675 525,462 529,110 311,057 311,571 314,561 197,690 197,861 198,501 15,927 16,031 16,048 77,913 78,148 78,186 602,587 603,610 607,296 Total Amérique du Nord

a Pulpwood, round and split, as well as chips and particles produced directly a Bois de trituration, rondins et quartiers, ainse que plaquettes et particules fabriquées therefrom and used as pulpwood directement à partir des rondins et quartiers et utilisées comme bois de trituration

b Pitprops, poles, piling, posts etc. b Bois de mine, poteaux, pilotis, piquets etc. c Including chips and particles produced from wood in the rough and c Y compris plaquettes et particules fabriquées à partir du bois brut et utilisées

used for energy purposes à des fins energétiques

Total Logs Pulpwood a Other b Total Grumes Bois de trituration a Autre bCountry

Industrial wood - Bois industriels


TOTAL TOTAL 1000 m3 - Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions

Wood fuel c

Bois de chauffage c Pays

2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 Austria 12,958 10,873 11,338 10,382 8,638 9,038 2,576 2,235 2,300 0 0 0 3,248 3,069 3,140 16,206 13,942 14,478 Autriche Cyprus 2 2 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 8 7 12 10 9 Chypre Czech Republic 19,440 14,455 13,825 14,019 10,094 9,589 5,316 4,253 4,125 105 109 111 3,610 3,249 3,200 23,050 17,704 17,025 République tchèque Estonia 4,023 3,927 3,927 3,118 3,000 3,000 878 900 900 26 27 27 1,486 1,400 1,400 5,509 5,327 5,327 Estonie Finland 47,408 45,464 47,590 24,662 21,700 22,351 22,746 23,764 25,239 0 0 0 4,593 4,593 4,593 52,001 50,057 52,183 Finlande France 17,300 17,070 16,770 12,491 12,500 12,500 4,559 4,300 4,000 250 270 270 2,417 2,500 2,600 19,717 19,570 19,370 France Germany 52,425 50,120 46,120 41,761 38,500 37,000 10,541 11,500 9,000 123 120 120 8,834 9,200 9,200 61,259 59,320 55,320 Allemagne Hungary 688 759 743 175 201 208 411 488 481 102 70 53 383 294 333 1,071 1,053 1,076 Hongrie Italy 1,797 2,502 2,502 1,169 1,169 1,169 148 853 853 480 480 480 1,180 1,180 1,180 2,977 3,682 3,682 Italie Latvia 8,253 7,900 8,100 5,873 5,500 5,700 1,850 1,800 1,800 530 600 600 298 300 300 8,551 8,200 8,400 Lettonie Luxembourg 162 143 145 124 122 115 10 6 8 27 15 22 17 11 12 178 154 158 Luxembourg Montenegro 573 553 537 372 352 349 201 198 186 0 3 2 66 65 63 639 618 600 Monténégro Netherlands 449 440 430 173 170 165 244 240 235 32 30 30 457 450 450 906 890 880 Pays-Bas Poland 31,941 32,800 33,470 15,775 16,000 16,250 15,411 15,950 16,250 754 850 970 3,627 3,820 3,950 35,568 36,620 37,420 Pologne Portugal 3,045 3,210 3,150 1,682 1,710 1,700 1,213 1,350 1,300 150 150 150 996 990 980 4,041 4,200 4,130 Portugal Serbia 279 290 301 178 184 190 66 70 73 35 36 38 141 146 160 420 436 461 Serbie Slovakia 3,325 3,160 3,120 2,559 2,430 2,400 748 710 700 18 20 20 259 260 275 3,584 3,420 3,395 Slovaquie Slovenia 1,966 2,586 2,386 1,687 2,150 2,000 275 430 380 4 6 6 191 240 220 2,157 2,826 2,606 Slovénie Spain 7,435 7,889 7,889 3,420 3,629 3,629 3,754 3,984 3,984 261 277 277 2,243 2,380 2,380 9,678 10,269 10,269 Espagne Sweden 64,603 62,760 62,873 38,100 37,300 36,900 26,353 25,310 25,823 150 150 150 3,000 3,008 3,008 67,603 65,768 65,881 Suède Switzerland 2,578 2,639 2,689 2,290 2,350 2,400 279 280 280 9 9 9 769 770 775 3,347 3,409 3,464 Suisse United Kingdom 7,486 7,076 7,076 5,453 5,180 5,180 1,633 1,516 1,516 400 380 380 1,571 1,571 1,571 9,058 8,647 8,647 Royaume-Uni Total Europe 288,136 276,619 274,984 185,467 172,881 171,836 99,212 100,136 99,433 3,458 3,602 3,715 39,396 39,504 39,798 327,533 316,123 314,781 Total Europe Canada 114,659 112,907 112,907 110,046 108,424 108,424 4,229 4,021 4,021 384 462 462 806 946 946 115,465 113,853 113,853 Canada United States 306,119 309,360 313,639 152,799 154,479 156,695 141,226 142,779 144,827 12,094 12,102 12,117 37,619 37,609 37,606 343,738 346,969 351,245 Etats-Unis Total North America 420,778 422,267 426,546 262,845 262,903 265,119 145,455 146,800 148,848 12,478 12,564 12,579 38,425 38,555 38,552 459,203 460,822 465,098 Total Amérique du Nord

a Pulpwood, round and split, as well as chips and particles produced directly a Bois de trituration, rondins et quartiers, ainse que plaquettes et particules fabriquées therefrom and used as pulpwood directement à partir des rondins et quartiers et utilisées comme bois de trituration

b Pitprops, poles, piling, posts etc. b Bois de mine, poteaux, pilotis, piquets etc. c Including chips and particles produced from wood in the rough and c Y compris plaquettes et particules fabriquées à partir du bois brut et utilisées

used for energy purposes à des fins energétiques

Total Logs Pulpwood a Other b Total Grumes Bois de trituration a Autre bCountry

Industrial wood - Bois industriels


SOFTWOOD CONIFERES 1000 m3 - Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions

Wood fuel c

Bois de chauffage c Pays

2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 Austria 977 843 887 329 266 300 647 577 587 0 0 0 2,176 2,046 2,094 3,153 2,889 2,981 Autriche Cyprus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 Chypre Czech Republic 1,268 1,079 1,071 616 524 517 649 552 550 3 4 4 795 716 700 2,063 1,795 1,771 République tchèque Estonia 2,452 2,474 2,474 1,158 1,200 1,200 1,270 1,250 1,250 24 24 24 2,580 2,400 2,400 5,032 4,874 4,874 Estonie Finland 8,838 7,933 7,845 1,037 1,049 1,061 7,801 6,884 6,784 0 0 0 4,747 4,747 4,747 13,585 12,680 12,592 Finlande France 8,348 8,200 8,300 4,707 4,700 4,800 3,332 3,200 3,200 309 300 300 21,756 22,000 23,000 30,104 30,200 31,300 France Germany 4,110 3,810 3,510 2,995 2,700 2,500 1,103 1,100 1,000 12 10 10 13,504 13,500 13,500 17,613 17,310 17,010 Allemagne Hungary 2,213 2,122 2,138 1,234 1,173 1,191 502 507 526 477 442 421 3,244 2,990 3,064 5,456 5,112 5,202 Hongrie Italy 1,041 1,038 1,038 721 721 721 168 166 166 152 152 152 9,659 9,659 9,659 10,700 10,697 10,697 Italie Latvia 4,238 4,250 4,250 1,730 1,750 1,750 2,018 2,000 2,000 490 500 500 2,638 2,700 2,700 6,876 6,950 6,950 Lettonie Luxembourg 69 54 47 23 22 18 46 32 30 0 0 0 23 34 30 92 89 78 Luxembourg Montenegro 178 144 141 143 140 138 0 0 0 35 4 3 128 128 127 306 272 268 Monténégro Netherlands 165 159 159 48 50 50 108 100 100 9 9 9 1,925 1,930 1,935 2,090 2,089 2,094 Pays-Bas Poland 6,794 7,080 7,380 2,757 2,800 2,900 3,939 4,150 4,300 98 130 180 3,331 3,600 3,800 10,125 10,680 11,180 Pologne Portugal 9,190 9,120 9,040 356 330 360 8,586 8,500 8,400 249 290 280 1,387 1,390 1,320 10,578 10,510 10,360 Portugal Serbia 1,199 1,230 1,260 899 920 940 199 205 210 101 105 110 6,433 6,500 6,600 7,632 7,730 7,860 Serbie Slovakia 3,502 3,660 3,760 1,570 1,650 1,700 1,924 2,000 2,050 8 10 10 350 350 375 3,851 4,010 4,135 Slovaquie Slovenia 962 1,166 1,096 497 630 600 424 490 450 41 46 46 957 1,050 1,050 1,919 2,216 2,146 Slovénie Spain 6,931 7,354 7,354 730 775 775 6,059 6,429 6,429 142 151 151 1,312 1,392 1,392 8,243 8,746 8,746 Espagne Sweden 6,562 6,316 6,437 180 180 180 6,232 5,986 6,107 150 150 150 3,000 3,008 3,008 9,562 9,324 9,445 Suède Switzerland 433 443 453 265 275 280 165 165 170 3 3 3 1,169 1,230 1,250 1,602 1,673 1,703 Suisse United Kingdom 118 117 117 56 56 56 13 13 13 48 48 48 613 613 613 730 730 730 Royaume-Uni Total Europe 69,587 68,593 68,759 22,052 21,910 22,036 45,185 44,305 44,322 2,350 2,377 2,401 81,728 81,984 83,365 151,314 150,576 152,124 Total Europe Canada 27,472 27,592 27,592 14,854 14,926 14,926 10,812 10,843 10,843 1,806 1,823 1,823 877 961 961 28,349 28,554 28,554 Canada United States 76,425 75,603 74,972 33,358 33,742 34,516 41,424 40,217 38,810 1,643 1,644 1,646 38,611 38,631 38,672 115,036 114,234 113,644 Etats-Unis Total North America 103,897 103,196 102,564 48,212 48,668 49,442 52,236 51,060 49,653 3,449 3,467 3,469 39,488 39,592 39,633 143,385 142,788 142,197 Total Amérique du Nord

a Pulpwood, round and split, as well as chips and particles produced directly a Bois de trituration, rondins et quartiers, ainse que plaquettes et particules fabriquées therefrom and used as pulpwood directement à partir des rondins et quartiers et utilisées comme bois de trituration

b Pitprops, poles, piling, posts etc. b Bois de mine, poteaux, pilotis, piquets etc. c Including chips and particles produced from wood in the rough and c Y compris plaquettes et particules fabriquées à partir du bois brut et utilisées

used for energy purposes à des fins energétiques

Total Logs Pulpwood a Other b Total Grumes Bois de trituration a Autre bCountry

Industrial wood - Bois industriels


HARDWOOD NON-CONIFERES 1000 m3 - Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions

Wood fuel c

Bois de chauffage c Pays

Imports Exports

2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 Austria 16,101 13,943 13,638 10,382 8,638 9,038 6,664 5,710 5,000 945 405 400 Autriche Cyprus 2 2 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 Chypre Czech Republic 8,002 6,511 6,962 14,019 10,094 9,589 411 596 715 6,428 4,178 3,343 République tchèque Estonia 3,533 3,270 3,270 3,118 3,000 3,000 522 450 450 107 180 180 Estonie Finland 24,310 21,336 21,991 24,662 21,700 22,351 127 79 83 479 443 443 Finlande France 12,053 12,120 12,120 12,491 12,500 12,500 335 360 360 773 740 740 France Germany 39,391 35,800 34,900 41,761 38,500 37,000 3,300 3,000 3,100 5,670 5,700 5,200 Allemagne Hungary 175 201 208 175 201 208 0 0 0 0 0 0 Hongrie Italy 1,645 1,396 1,396 1,169 1,169 1,169 580 457 457 104 230 230 Italie Latvia 6,471 5,830 6,200 5,873 5,500 5,700 1,147 900 900 549 570 400 Lettonie Luxembourg 465 403 396 124 122 115 693 424 424 352 143 143 Luxembourg Montenegro 382 361 357 372 352 349 10 9 8 0 0 0 Monténégro Netherlands 133 145 145 173 170 165 77 80 80 117 105 100 Pays-Bas Poland 14,243 14,500 14,800 15,775 16,000 16,250 1,245 1,400 1,550 2,777 2,900 3,000 Pologne Portugal 1,880 1,905 1,900 1,682 1,710 1,700 241 230 240 43 35 40 Portugal Serbia 188 187 194 178 184 190 12 9 12 2 6 8 Serbie Slovakia 3,059 3,030 3,100 2,559 2,430 2,400 900 950 1,000 400 350 300 Slovaquie Slovenia 1,643 1,650 1,630 1,687 2,150 2,000 239 150 180 283 650 550 Slovénie Spain 3,223 3,307 3,307 3,420 3,629 3,629 240 185 185 437 507 507 Espagne Sweden 38,103 37,725 37,325 38,100 37,300 36,900 964 1,128 1,128 961 703 703 Suède Switzerland 2,035 2,100 2,155 2,290 2,350 2,400 55 60 65 310 310 310 Suisse United Kingdom 5,810 5,538 5,538 5,453 5,180 5,180 457 457 457 99 99 99 Royaume-Uni Total Europe 182,849 171,260 171,534 185,467 172,881 171,836 18,218 16,634 16,394 20,836 18,255 16,696 Total Europe Canada 105,870 103,492 103,916 110,046 108,424 108,424 1,346 1,402 1,309 5,522 6,333 5,816 Canada United States 148,043 150,509 153,391 152,799 154,479 156,695 586 570 555 5,342 4,540 3,859 Etats-Unis Total North America 253,913 254,001 257,307 262,845 262,903 265,119 1,931 1,972 1,864 10,863 10,873 9,675 Total Amérique du Nord

a Countries which did not provide trade data are included in consumption data a La consommation comprend les pays qui n'ont pas fournies des données sur la commerce

Country Consommation Apparente a Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations Pays


Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions 1000 m3

Apparent Consumption a

Imports Exports

2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 Austria 406 311 300 329 266 300 134 90 50 57 45 50 Autriche Czech Republic 544 457 447 616 524 517 144 120 125 216 186 195 République tchèque Estonia 1,187 1,244 1,244 1,158 1,200 1,200 46 60 60 16 16 16 Estonie Finland 1,068 1,041 1,061 1,037 1,049 1,061 32 1 9 1 9 9 Finlande France 3,453 4,020 4,120 4,707 4,700 4,800 116 120 120 1,370 800 800 France Germany 2,532 2,290 2,130 2,995 2,700 2,500 111 110 110 574 520 480 Allemagne Hungary 1,234 1,173 1,191 1,234 1,173 1,191 0 0 0 0 0 0 Hongrie Italy 2,088 1,718 1,718 721 721 721 1,413 1,055 1,055 47 59 59 Italie Latvia 1,221 1,190 1,410 1,730 1,750 1,750 87 40 60 596 600 400 Lettonie Luxembourg 226 148 144 23 22 18 221 160 160 18 34 34 Luxembourg Montenegro 143 140 138 143 140 138 0 0 0 0 0 0 Monténégro Netherlands 54 60 60 48 50 50 54 60 60 48 50 50 Pays-Bas Poland 2,687 2,730 2,830 2,757 2,800 2,900 80 80 80 150 150 150 Pologne Portugal 997 885 925 356 330 360 663 580 590 22 25 25 Portugal Serbia 894 922 946 899 920 940 15 20 28 20 18 22 Serbie Slovakia 1,670 1,700 1,750 1,570 1,650 1,700 500 450 450 400 400 400 Slovaquie Slovenia 281 290 280 497 630 600 31 30 30 247 370 350 Slovénie Spain 833 854 854 730 775 775 164 174 174 61 94 94 Espagne Sweden 217 217 217 180 180 180 37 37 37 0 0 0 Suède Switzerland 145 155 160 265 275 280 35 40 40 155 160 160 Suisse United Kingdom 78 77 77 56 56 56 26 26 26 5 5 5 Royaume-Uni Total Europe 21,959 21,622 22,002 22,052 21,910 22,036 3,910 3,253 3,265 4,003 3,541 3,299 Total Europe Canada 15,890 15,923 15,895 14,854 14,926 14,926 1,106 1,060 1,027 70 64 59 Canada United States 31,550 32,311 33,431 33,358 33,742 34,516 221 156 156 2,028 1,587 1,241 Etats-Unis Total North America 47,441 48,234 49,326 48,212 48,668 49,442 1,327 1,216 1,183 2,098 1,650 1,300 Total Amérique du Nord

a Countries which did not provide trade data are included in consumption data a La consommation comprend les pays qui n'ont pas fournies des données sur la commerce

Country Consommation Apparente a Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations Pays


Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions 1000 m3

Apparent Consumption a

Imports Exports

2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 Austria 406 311 300 329 266 300 134 90 50 57 45 50 Autriche Czech Republic 544 457 447 616 524 517 144 120 125 216 186 195 République tchèque Estonia 1,187 1,244 1,244 1,158 1,200 1,200 46 60 60 16 16 16 Estonie Finland 1,068 1,041 1,061 1,037 1,049 1,061 32 1 9 1 9 9 Finlande France 3,412 3,978 4,078 4,707 4,700 4,800 72 75 75 1,367 797 797 France Germany 2,527 2,285 2,125 2,995 2,700 2,500 101 100 100 569 515 475 Allemagne Hungary 1,234 1,173 1,191 1,234 1,173 1,191 0 0 0 0 0 0 Hongrie Italy 2,068 1,729 1,729 721 721 721 1,389 1,047 1,047 42 39 39 Italie Latvia 1,221 1,190 1,410 1,730 1,750 1,750 87 40 60 596 600 400 Lettonie Luxembourg 226 148 144 23 22 18 221 160 160 18 34 34 Luxembourg Montenegro 143 140 138 143 140 138 0 0 0 0 0 0 Monténégro Netherlands 46 55 55 48 50 50 42 50 50 44 45 45 Pays-Bas Poland 2,685 2,727 2,827 2,757 2,800 2,900 78 77 77 150 150 150 Pologne Portugal 981 870 912 356 330 360 642 560 571 17 20 19 Portugal Serbia 893 921 945 899 920 940 14 19 27 20 18 22 Serbie Slovakia 1,670 1,700 1,750 1,570 1,650 1,700 500 450 450 400 400 400 Slovaquie Slovenia 280 290 280 497 630 600 30 30 30 247 370 350 Slovénie Spain 827 847 847 730 775 775 158 167 167 61 94 94 Espagne Sweden 217 217 217 180 180 180 37 37 37 0 0 0 Suède Switzerland 145 155 160 265 275 280 35 40 40 155 160 160 Suisse United Kingdom 76 75 75 56 56 56 24 24 24 5 5 5 Royaume-Uni Total Europe 21,857 21,553 21,935 22,052 21,910 22,036 3,786 3,146 3,158 3,980 3,503 3,260 Total Europe Canada 15,890 15,923 15,895 14,854 14,926 14,926 1,106 1,060 1,027 70 64 59 Canada United States 31,549 32,308 33,429 33,358 33,742 34,516 219 152 154 2,027 1,586 1,240 Etats-Unis Total North America 47,440 48,231 49,324 48,212 48,668 49,442 1,325 1,212 1,181 2,097 1,649 1,299 Total Amérique du Nord

a Countries which did not provide trade data are included in consumption data a La consommation comprend les pays qui n'ont pas fournies des données sur la commerce

Country Consommation Apparente a Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations Pays

TABLE 11a HARDWOOD LOGS (temperate) GRUMES DE NON-CONIFERES (zone tempérée)

Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions 1000 m3

Apparent Consumption a

Imports Exports

2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 France -41 -42 -42 44 45 45 3 3 3 France Germany -5 -5 -5 10 10 10 5 5 5 Allemagne Italy -20 11 11 25 9 9 4 20 20 Italie Netherlands -8 -5 -5 12 10 10 4 5 5 Pays-Bas Poland -2 -3 -3 2 3 3 0 0 0 Pologne Portugal -16 -15 -13 21 20 19 5 5 6 Portugal Serbia -1 -1 -1 1 1 1 0 0 0 Serbie Slovenia -1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 Slovénie Spain -6 -7 -7 6 7 7 0 0 0 Espagne United Kingdom -2 -2 -2 2 2 2 0 0 0 Royaume-Uni Total Europe -102 -69 -67 124 107 106 22 38 39 Total Europe United States -1 -3 -1 2 4 2 1 1 1 Etats-Unis Total North America -1 -3 -1 2 4 2 1 1 1 Total Amérique du Nord

Country Commerce Net Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations Pays


Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions 1000 m3

Net Trade

Imports Exports

2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 Austria 13,844 12,627 12,592 11,047 9,212 9,287 3,676 4,070 4,020 879 655 715 Autriche Cyprus 8 9 10 7 8 9 1 1 1 0 0 0 Chypre Czech Republic 5,559 5,135 5,154 7,664 6,164 6,130 1,270 1,146 1,162 3,375 2,175 2,138 République tchèque Estonia 3,117 2,380 2,435 6,548 6,550 6,550 256 330 285 3,687 4,500 4,400 Estonie Finland 48,404 47,241 49,358 44,923 44,026 45,568 5,037 4,969 5,545 1,556 1,755 1,755 Finlande France 24,495 24,350 24,050 24,257 24,000 23,700 2,527 2,600 2,600 2,289 2,250 2,250 France Germany 26,555 26,580 23,090 27,936 27,100 23,500 4,474 3,870 3,770 5,855 4,390 4,180 Allemagne Hungary 2,122 2,017 2,065 2,049 1,984 2,023 112 73 82 39 39 39 Hongrie Italy 4,508 5,210 5,210 3,916 4,618 4,618 1,288 1,288 1,288 696 696 696 Italie Latvia 5,540 5,150 5,150 9,484 8,800 8,800 1,084 950 950 5,028 4,600 4,600 Lettonie Luxembourg 583 589 589 577 559 559 182 130 130 176 100 100 Luxembourg Malta 2 3 3 0 0 0 2 3 3 0 0 0 Malte Montenegro 245 241 227 245 241 227 0 0 0 0 0 0 Monténégro Netherlands 604 1,100 1,095 1,267 1,240 1,230 289 100 105 952 240 240 Pays-Bas Poland 35,250 36,265 37,135 33,531 34,600 35,450 3,652 3,660 3,710 1,933 1,995 2,025 Pologne Portugal 15,954 15,330 15,365 11,664 11,720 11,590 4,657 4,000 4,140 368 390 365 Portugal Serbia 981 1,007 1,045 967 1,000 1,033 15 8 13 1 1 1 Serbie Slovakia 3,634 3,650 3,760 3,821 3,860 3,950 1,023 1,030 1,050 1,210 1,240 1,240 Slovaquie Slovenia 926 770 790 2,058 2,280 2,230 625 490 530 1,757 2,000 1,970 Slovénie Spain 13,959 14,358 14,358 14,383 15,261 15,261 1,435 1,564 1,564 1,859 2,467 2,467 Espagne Sweden 55,632 54,193 54,727 50,015 48,196 48,730 7,036 7,750 7,750 1,419 1,753 1,753 Suède Switzerland 1,823 1,824 1,829 1,216 1,217 1,222 795 795 795 188 188 188 Suisse United Kingdom 4,590 4,471 4,471 4,293 4,175 4,175 406 405 405 109 109 109 Royaume-Uni Total Europe 268,336 264,500 264,508 261,870 256,811 255,841 39,843 39,232 39,898 33,377 31,543 31,231 Total Europe Canada 37,044 35,822 35,734 35,326 32,985 32,975 2,578 3,462 3,467 860 625 708 Canada United States 238,450 239,587 240,850 244,912 246,110 247,536 348 324 308 6,809 6,848 6,994 Etats-Unis Total North America 275,495 275,409 276,585 280,238 279,096 280,511 2,926 3,786 3,776 7,670 7,473 7,702 Total Amérique du Nord

Includes wood residues, chips and particles for all purposes Comprend les dechets de bois, plaquettes et particules pour toute utilisation a Countries which did not provide trade data are included in consumption data a La consommation comprend les pays qui n'ont pas fournies des données sur la commerce

Country Consommation Apparente a Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations Pays


Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions 1000 m3

Apparent Consumption a

Imports Exports

2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 Austria 3,681 3,895 3,850 2,576 2,235 2,300 1,312 1,750 1,700 206 90 150 Autriche Czech Republic 3,927 3,744 3,675 5,316 4,253 4,125 811 811 830 2,200 1,320 1,280 République tchèque Estonia 476 245 245 878 900 900 56 45 45 458 700 700 Estonie Finland 22,913 24,189 25,835 22,746 23,764 25,239 1,163 1,410 1,581 996 985 985 Finlande France 4,689 4,400 4,100 4,559 4,300 4,000 608 550 550 478 450 450 France Germany 10,311 11,900 9,500 10,541 11,500 9,000 2,200 2,100 2,000 2,430 1,700 1,500 Allemagne Hungary 411 488 481 411 488 481 0 0 0 0 0 0 Hongrie Italy 148 853 853 148 853 853 0 0 0 0 0 0 Italie Latvia 1,775 1,700 1,700 1,850 1,800 1,800 374 400 400 449 500 500 Lettonie Luxembourg -16 -18 -16 10 6 8 9 3 3 35 27 27 Luxembourg Montenegro 201 198 186 201 198 186 0 0 0 0 0 0 Monténégro Netherlands 146 150 145 244 240 235 70 80 85 168 170 175 Pays-Bas Poland 15,378 15,900 16,300 15,411 15,950 16,250 1,428 1,500 1,650 1,462 1,550 1,600 Pologne Portugal 1,323 1,430 1,375 1,213 1,350 1,300 122 100 90 12 20 15 Portugal Serbia 66 70 74 66 70 73 0 0 1 0 0 0 Serbie Slovakia 598 600 610 748 710 700 600 630 650 750 740 740 Slovaquie Slovenia 264 200 220 275 430 380 268 170 200 278 400 360 Slovénie Spain 3,369 3,467 3,467 3,754 3,984 3,984 179 138 138 564 655 655 Espagne Sweden 28,513 27,431 27,944 26,353 25,310 25,823 3,114 3,269 3,269 954 1,148 1,148 Suède Switzerland 209 210 210 279 280 280 20 20 20 90 90 90 Suisse United Kingdom 1,894 1,776 1,776 1,633 1,516 1,516 291 291 291 31 31 31 Royaume-Uni Total Europe 100,275 102,827 102,530 99,212 100,136 99,433 12,625 13,267 13,503 11,562 10,576 10,406 Total Europe Canada 4,531 4,347 4,410 4,229 4,021 4,021 324 336 401 22 10 12 Canada United States 141,231 142,785 144,831 141,226 142,779 144,827 5 6 4 0 0 0 Etats-Unis Total North America 145,762 147,132 149,241 145,455 146,800 148,848 329 341 405 22 10 12 Total Amérique du Nord

a Countries which did not provide trade data are included in consumption data a La consommation comprend les pays qui n'ont pas fournies des données sur la commerce

Pays Apparent Consumption a

Country Consommation Apparente a Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations


Softwood Conifères 1000 m3 - Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions

Imports Exports

2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 Austria 1,217 997 1,007 647 577 587 668 500 500 98 80 80 Autriche Czech Republic 450 380 384 649 552 550 3 2 2 202 174 168 République tchèque Estonia 363 200 250 1,270 1,250 1,250 154 250 200 1,060 1,300 1,200 Estonie Finland 8,997 7,940 8,052 7,801 6,884 6,784 1,550 1,633 1,845 354 577 577 Finlande France 2,386 2,250 2,250 3,332 3,200 3,200 43 50 50 989 1,000 1,000 France Germany 1,116 1,180 1,090 1,103 1,100 1,000 259 270 270 246 190 180 Allemagne Hungary 502 507 526 502 507 526 0 0 0 0 0 0 Hongrie Italy 168 166 166 168 166 166 0 0 0 0 0 0 Italie Latvia 172 200 200 2,018 2,000 2,000 244 100 100 2,090 1,900 1,900 Lettonie Luxembourg 77 71 69 46 32 30 36 48 48 5 9 9 Luxembourg Netherlands 62 50 55 108 100 100 21 20 20 67 70 65 Pays-Bas Poland 4,424 4,635 4,785 3,939 4,150 4,300 560 560 560 75 75 75 Pologne Portugal 10,495 10,300 10,260 8,586 8,500 8,400 2,100 2,000 2,050 191 200 190 Portugal Serbia 199 205 210 199 205 210 0 0 0 0 0 0 Serbie Slovakia 1,874 1,950 2,000 1,924 2,000 2,050 100 100 100 150 150 150 Slovaquie Slovenia 137 120 130 424 490 450 84 80 90 371 450 410 Slovénie Spain 5,422 5,288 5,288 6,059 6,429 6,429 269 291 291 906 1,432 1,432 Espagne Sweden 8,517 8,412 8,533 6,232 5,986 6,107 2,313 2,481 2,481 28 55 55 Suède Switzerland 128 128 133 165 165 170 3 3 3 40 40 40 Suisse United Kingdom 23 22 22 13 13 13 18 18 18 9 9 9 Royaume-Uni Total Europe 46,729 45,001 45,410 45,185 44,305 44,322 8,426 8,406 8,628 6,881 7,711 7,540 Total Europe Canada 10,554 10,654 10,644 10,812 10,843 10,843 38 36 30 296 225 228 Canada United States 41,407 40,200 38,795 41,424 40,217 38,810 58 32 18 75 50 33 Etats-Unis Total North America 51,961 50,854 49,439 52,236 51,060 49,653 96 68 48 371 275 261 Total Amérique du Nord

a Countries which did not provide trade data are included in consumption data a La consommation comprend les pays qui n'ont pas fournies des données sur la commerce

Pays Apparent Consumption a

Country Consommation Apparente a Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations


Hardwood Non-conifères 1000 m3 - Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions

Imports Exports

2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 Austria 8,945 7,735 7,735 7,824 6,400 6,400 1,696 1,820 1,820 575 485 485 Autriche Cyprus 8 9 10 7 8 9 1 1 1 0 0 0 Chypre Czech Republic 1,182 1,011 1,094 1,699 1,359 1,454 456 333 330 973 681 690 République tchèque Estonia 2,278 1,935 1,940 4,400 4,400 4,400 47 35 40 2,169 2,500 2,500 Estonie Finland 16,494 15,112 15,471 14,376 13,378 13,545 2,324 1,926 2,119 206 193 193 Finlande France 17,420 17,700 17,700 16,366 16,500 16,500 1,876 2,000 2,000 822 800 800 France Germany 15,128 13,500 12,500 16,292 14,500 13,500 2,015 1,500 1,500 3,179 2,500 2,500 Allemagne Hungary 1,209 1,022 1,057 1,137 989 1,015 112 73 82 39 39 39 Hongrie Italy 4,192 4,192 4,192 3,600 3,600 3,600 1,288 1,288 1,288 696 696 696 Italie Latvia 3,593 3,250 3,250 5,616 5,000 5,000 466 450 450 2,489 2,200 2,200 Lettonie Luxembourg 522 536 536 521 521 521 137 79 79 136 64 64 Luxembourg Malta 2 3 3 0 0 0 2 3 3 0 0 0 Malte Montenegro 44 43 41 44 43 41 0 0 0 0 0 0 Monténégro Netherlands 396 900 895 915 900 895 198 0 0 717 0 0 Pays-Bas Poland 15,448 15,730 16,050 14,181 14,500 14,900 1,664 1,600 1,500 396 370 350 Pologne Portugal 4,136 3,600 3,730 1,865 1,870 1,890 2,435 1,900 2,000 165 170 160 Portugal Serbia 716 732 761 702 725 750 15 8 12 1 1 1 Serbie Slovakia 1,162 1,100 1,150 1,149 1,150 1,200 323 300 300 310 350 350 Slovaquie Slovenia 525 450 440 1,360 1,360 1,400 273 240 240 1,107 1,150 1,200 Slovénie Spain 5,169 5,603 5,603 4,570 4,849 4,849 987 1,135 1,135 388 380 380 Espagne Sweden 18,602 18,350 18,250 17,430 16,900 16,800 1,609 2,000 2,000 437 550 550 Suède Switzerland 1,486 1,486 1,486 772 772 772 772 772 772 58 58 58 Suisse United Kingdom 2,673 2,673 2,673 2,646 2,646 2,646 96 96 96 69 69 69 Royaume-Uni Total Europe 121,332 116,673 116,568 117,472 112,370 112,087 18,793 17,559 17,767 14,933 13,256 13,285 Total Europe Canada 21,959 20,821 20,680 20,285 18,121 18,111 2,216 3,090 3,037 542 390 467 Canada United States 55,812 56,602 57,224 62,262 63,114 63,899 285 286 286 6,734 6,798 6,961 Etats-Unis Total North America 77,771 77,423 77,904 82,547 81,235 82,010 2,500 3,376 3,323 7,277 7,188 7,428 Total Amérique du Nord

Country Consommation Apparente Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations Pays

TABLE 12c WOOD RESIDUES, CHIPS AND PARTICLES DECHETS DE BOIS, PLAQUETTES ET PARTICULES Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions

1000 m3

Apparent Consumption

Imports Exports

2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 Austria 1,290 1,497 1,450 1,691 1,938 2,050 344 309 300 745 750 900 Autriche Cyprus 8 5 5 0 0 0 8 5 5 0 0 0 Chypre Czech Republic 234 215 225 540 459 482 38 38 40 344 282 296 République tchèque Estonia 284 300 230 1,650 1,350 1,300 12 50 30 1,378 1,100 1,100 Estonie Finland 530 541 562 360 380 405 188 163 160 18 2 3 Finlande France 2,735 3,260 3,660 2,050 2,250 2,450 775 1,100 1,300 90 90 90 France Germany 3,328 3,540 3,720 3,569 3,700 3,900 443 480 420 684 640 600 Allemagne Hungary 63 44 50 62 43 49 11 13 12 11 12 12 Hongrie Italy 2,359 2,359 2,359 450 450 450 1,916 1,916 1,916 7 7 7 Italie Latvia 621 750 750 1,980 2,000 2,000 326 350 350 1,685 1,600 1,600 Lettonie Luxembourg 61 72 72 63 63 63 17 11 11 19 2 2 Luxembourg Malta 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 Malte Montenegro 18 25 26 83 84 84 0 0 0 65 59 58 Monténégro Netherlands 5,354 5,354 5,354 268 268 268 5,551 5,551 5,551 465 465 465 Pays-Bas Poland 842 920 1,100 1,152 1,200 1,350 366 370 380 677 650 630 Pologne Portugal 228 225 220 747 740 735 4 5 5 523 520 520 Portugal Serbia 478 460 485 418 450 480 83 70 80 23 60 75 Serbie Slovakia 22 175 175 390 450 450 47 75 75 415 350 350 Slovaquie Slovenia 125 155 150 164 175 180 126 120 130 165 140 160 Slovénie Spain 867 907 907 1,007 1,007 1,007 65 46 46 206 146 146 Espagne Sweden 1,776 1,800 1,850 1,809 1,750 1,800 199 210 210 232 160 160 Suède Switzerland 410 415 420 330 335 340 80 80 80 0 0 0 Suisse United Kingdom 7,819 7,830 7,830 327 330 330 7,516 7,520 7,520 23 20 20 Royaume-Uni Total Europe 29,451 30,850 31,601 19,110 19,422 20,173 18,114 18,482 18,621 7,774 7,055 7,194 Total Europe Canada 368 420 179 3,830 3,830 3,830 31 52 56 3,493 3,462 3,707 Canada United States 761 273 152 9,544 9,744 9,948 194 174 155 8,977 9,644 9,951 Etats-Unis Total North America 1,129 694 331 13,374 13,574 13,778 225 226 211 12,470 13,106 13,659 Total Amérique du Nord

Country Consommation Apparente Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations Pays


Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions 1000 mt

Apparent Consumption

2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 actual actual actual actual réels réels réels réels

Sawn softwood 75.92 69.01 68.49 96.71 89.54 88.44 29.69 25.67 25.93 50.49 46.20 45.88 Sciages conifères

Softwood logs a 182.85 171.26 171.53 185.47 172.88 171.84 18.22 16.63 16.39 20.84 18.25 16.70 Grumes de conifères a

Sawn hardwood 7.02 6.65 6.70 6.93 6.45 6.61 4.18 3.86 3.81 4.09 3.66 3.72 Sciages non-conifères

– temperate zone b 6.45 6.14 6.18 6.87 6.40 6.55 3.28 3.07 3.02 3.70 3.33 3.39 – zone tempérée b

– tropical zone b 0.57 0.51 0.52 0.06 0.05 0.06 0.90 0.79 0.79 0.39 0.32 0.32 – zone tropicale b

Hardwood logs a 21.96 21.62 22.00 22.05 21.91 22.04 3.91 3.25 3.26 4.00 3.54 3.30 Grumes de non-conifères a

– temperate zone b 21.86 21.55 21.93 22.05 21.91 22.04 3.79 3.15 3.16 3.98 3.50 3.26 – zone tempérée b

– tropical zone b 0.10 0.07 0.07 0.12 0.11 0.11 0.02 0.04 0.04 – zone tropicale b

Veneer sheets 1.58 1.49 1.49 1.00 0.97 0.96 1.42 1.28 1.29 0.84 0.76 0.76 Feuilles de placage

Plywood 6.62 6.21 5.92 4.17 3.93 3.97 6.42 5.79 5.48 3.96 3.50 3.53 Contreplaqués

Particle board (excluding OSB) 28.12 26.41 26.52 28.01 26.71 26.91 10.02 9.58 9.55 9.92 9.88 9.94 Pann. de particules (sauf OSB)

OSB 5.27 5.06 5.09 4.89 4.89 5.02 3.20 2.96 2.94 2.83 2.78 2.87 OSB

Fibreboard 15.80 14.89 15.09 16.15 15.31 15.42 8.76 8.01 8.04 9.11 8.43 8.37 Panneaux de fibres

– Hardboard 0.79 0.82 0.90 0.48 0.47 0.47 1.47 1.44 1.46 1.17 1.09 1.04 – Durs

– MDF 11.42 10.85 10.97 12.16 11.62 11.68 5.21 4.61 4.62 5.95 5.38 5.33 – MDF

– Other board 3.59 3.22 3.22 3.51 3.22 3.27 2.07 1.97 1.96 1.99 1.96 2.01 – Autres panneaux Pulpwood a 268.34 264.50 264.51 261.87 256.81 255.84 39.84 39.23 39.90 33.38 31.54 31.23 Bois de trituration a

– Pulp logs 147.00 147.83 147.94 144.40 144.44 143.75 21.05 21.67 22.13 18.44 18.29 17.95 – Bois ronds de trituration

– softwood 100.28 102.83 102.53 99.21 100.14 99.43 12.63 13.27 13.50 11.56 10.58 10.41 – conifères

– hardwood 46.73 45.00 45.41 45.18 44.31 44.32 8.43 8.41 8.63 6.88 7.71 7.54 – non-conifères

– Residues, chips and particles 121.33 116.67 116.57 117.47 112.37 112.09 18.79 17.56 17.77 14.93 13.26 13.29 – Déchets, plaquettes et part. Wood pulp 37.60 34.07 35.28 34.64 32.24 33.81 17.33 16.19 16.59 14.37 14.37 15.12 Pâte de bois

Paper and paperboard 72.76 66.14 69.44 83.10 73.88 79.49 43.20 39.62 41.48 53.55 47.36 51.53 Papiers et cartons

Wood Pellets 29.45 30.85 31.60 19.11 19.42 20.17 18.11 18.48 18.62 7.77 7.05 7.19 Granulés de bois a Countries which did not provide trade data are included in consumption data a La consommation comprend les pays qui n'ont pas fourni des données sur le commerce b Trade figures by zone do not equal the total as some countries cannot provide data for both zones b Les chiffres du commerce par zone ne correspondent pas aux totaux

en raison du fait que certains pays ne peuvent les différencier.


Europe: Summary table of market forecasts for 2023 and 2024

Europe: Tableau récapitulatif des prévisions du marché pour 2023 et 2024 Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions

million m3 (pulp, paper and pellets million m.t. - pâte de bois, papiers et cartons, et granulés en millions de tonnes métriques) Apparent Consumption

Consommation Apparente Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations

forecasts forecasts forecasts forecasts prévisions prévisions prévisions prévisions

2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 2022 2023 2024 actual actual actual actual réels réels réels réels

Sawn softwood 91.63 89.85 90.39 100.44 97.41 95.73 27.09 26.48 27.10 35.90 34.04 32.43 Sciages conifères

Softwood logs 253.91 254.00 257.31 262.84 262.90 265.12 1.93 1.97 1.86 10.86 10.87 9.68 Grumes de conifères

Sawn hardwood 15.85 16.16 16.46 18.50 18.72 19.03 1.59 1.63 1.56 4.23 4.19 4.13 Sciages non-conifères

– temperate zone 15.57 15.89 16.19 18.50 18.72 19.03 1.29 1.33 1.26 4.21 4.16 4.10 – zone tempérée

– tropical zone 0.29 0.27 0.27 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.31 0.30 0.30 0.02 0.03 0.03 – zone tropicale

Hardwood logs 47.44 48.23 49.33 48.21 48.67 49.44 1.33 1.22 1.18 2.10 1.65 1.30 Grumes de non-conifères

– temperate zone 47.44 48.23 49.32 48.21 48.67 49.44 1.32 1.21 1.18 2.10 1.65 1.30 – zone tempérée

– tropical zone 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 – zone tropicale Veneer sheets 2.85 2.93 2.97 2.87 2.89 2.91 0.86 0.88 0.89 0.88 0.83 0.84 Feuilles de placage

Plywood 16.92 16.92 17.31 10.86 10.90 11.05 7.48 7.37 7.68 1.43 1.36 1.42 Contreplaqués

Particle board (excluding OSB) 6.66 7.45 7.46 6.11 6.58 6.55 1.75 1.97 1.98 1.19 1.10 1.07 Pann. de particules (sauf OSB)

OSB 21.20 21.09 21.35 20.86 20.60 20.86 6.28 6.30 6.39 5.94 5.82 5.89 OSB

Fibreboard 9.92 9.93 10.07 7.64 7.71 7.87 4.18 3.92 3.92 1.90 1.69 1.72 Panneaux de fibres

– Hardboard 0.51 0.56 0.56 0.53 0.59 0.60 0.31 0.28 0.29 0.32 0.32 0.33 – Durs

– MDF 6.21 6.23 6.23 3.83 3.88 3.89 3.55 3.35 3.32 1.17 0.99 0.98 – MDF

– Other board 3.20 3.15 3.28 3.28 3.24 3.38 0.32 0.29 0.31 0.40 0.38 0.41 – Autres panneaux Pulpwood 275.49 275.41 276.58 280.24 279.10 280.51 2.93 3.79 3.78 7.67 7.47 7.70 Bois de trituration

– Pulp logs 197.72 197.99 198.68 197.69 197.86 198.50 0.43 0.41 0.45 0.39 0.28 0.27 – Bois ronds de trituration

– softwood 145.76 147.13 149.24 145.45 146.80 148.85 0.33 0.34 0.41 0.02 0.01 0.01 – conifères

– hardwood 51.96 50.85 49.44 52.24 51.06 49.65 0.10 0.07 0.05 0.37 0.27 0.26 – non-conifères

– Residues, chips and particles 77.77 77.42 77.90 82.55 81.23 82.01 2.50 3.38 3.32 7.28 7.19 7.43 – Déchets, plaquettes et part. Wood pulp 45.79 48.12 48.43 55.02 54.33 54.12 7.42 8.22 8.89 16.65 14.44 14.58 Pâte de bois

Paper and paperboard 69.75 68.96 69.26 75.05 73.60 73.63 10.72 10.42 10.39 16.02 15.06 14.77 Papiers et cartons

Wood pellets 1.13 0.69 0.33 13.37 13.57 13.78 0.23 0.23 0.21 12.47 13.11 13.66 Granulés de bois


North America: Summary table of market forecasts for 2023 and 2024

Amérique du Nord: Tableau récapitulatif des prévisions du marché pour 2023 et 2024 Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions

million m3 (pulp, paper and pellets million m.t. - pâte de bois, papiers et cartons, et granulés en millions de tonnes métriques) Apparent Consumption

Consommation Apparente Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations

forecasts forecasts forecasts forecasts prévisions prévisions prévisions prévisions

  • List of tables
  • Table1
  • Table2
  • Table 2a
  • Table 2b
  • Table 3
  • Table 4
  • Table 5
  • Table 5a
  • Table 6
  • Table 6a
  • Table 6b
  • Table 6c
  • Table 7
  • Table 8
  • Table 9
  • Table 9a
  • Table 9b
  • Table 10
  • Table 11
  • Table 11a
  • Table 11b
  • Table12
  • Table 12a
  • Table 12b
  • Table 12c
  • Table 13
  • Table 14
  • Table 15