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DETA information

What is DETA?
  • DETA is the Database for the Exchange of Type Approval documentation.
  • It is currently hosted by Germany.
Access to DETA
  • Access to DETA is currently limited to Contracting Parties (CP) having signed the 1958 agreement (for the time being and until this decision is revised by WP.29) and to manufacturers as approval holder. Type approval authorities having granted a type approval upload the documents to DETA. Only CP’s signatory of the respective Regulation and the respective manufacturer as approval holder get reading access to all document parts of the approval. Reading rights for the certificates will be granted by default to all Contracting Parties to the 1958 agreement. 
  • Only registered users get access to DETA. The Contracting Parties of the 1958 Agreement can thereto nominate a single ‘DETA Focal Point’. This DETA Focal Point shall manage the access and users accounts of the said Contracting Party. In order to get access to DETA the heads of delegation of the Contracting Parties at WP.29 shall notify the UNECE Secretariat (francois.guichard(at) and Melissa.Archer(at) with their DETA Focal Point. Username and password will then be submitted to the DETA Focal Point by the DETA Administrator.
  • More details can be found in ECE/TRANS/WP.29/1145 (paras 86-94 and Annex V), ECE/TRANS/WP.29/1157 (para 75), ECE/TRANS/WP.29/1173 (para 91) and ECE/TRANS/WP.29/1177 (para 86).

Further information can be obtained here:
  • Phone:       +49 (0)461 316-1784
  • Fax:            +49 (0)461 314-1789
  • Email:         DETA(at)
User manual and information
Documentation prepared by the IWG on DETA
  • PDF User manual
  • PDF Extended user information
  • PDF DETA Client administration 


Unique Identifier - under development

  • UI can not be used to replace the "E mark" for the time being as the corresponding feature of the "secure internet database" (DETA) is not available yet.
  • PDF Approved specifications and application guidelines for the UI module (Document being currently reviewed)


Guidelines regarding the use of DETA in the context of UN Regulation No. 155 (CS and CSMS)

  • PDF WP.29-182-07 (Document endorsed by WP.29 at its November 2020 session)
  • PDF ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2021/59, Part B (official document providing translations in French and Russian endorsed in March 2021) 
  • Updates will be posted here: (see "Interpretation document for UN Regulation No. 155" section)