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163rd session

Informal Documents for the 163rd session of WP.29 (24 - 27 June 2014)


NOTE: As part of the secretariat's effort to reduce expenditure, informal documents made available one week prior to the session on this website will not be available in the conference room for distribution to session participants. Delegates are kindly requested to bring their copies to the meeting.

WP.29-163-24 - (Secretariat) Advice from OLA regarding the new provisions of draft Revision 3  to the 1958 Agreement on the proxy voting procedure
WP.29-163-23 - (Chair of GTR7 Phase2) Draft 4th progress report of the informal group on Phase 2 of gtr No. 7 (Reloaded for technical reasons 24/06/2014)
WP.29-163-22 - (European Union, China, Japan and The United States of America) Progress report from the Electrical Vehicle Safety Global Technical Regulation (EVS-GTR) Informal Working Group (Relaoded for technical reasons 24/06/2014) 
WP.29-163-21 - (Chairman of IWVTA Sub-group UN R0)  Progress Towards an International Whole Vehicle Type Approval Scheme
WP.29-163-20 - (Chairman of IWVTA Sub-group UN R0) Questionnaire regarding the draft UN R0 concerning IWVTA
WP.29-163-19 - (IWVTA Informal Group) Progress Towards an International Whole Vehicle Type Approval Scheme and Revision 3 of the 1958 Agreement 
WP.29-163-18 - (Secretariat)  Status of the 1998 Agreement of the global registry and of the compendium of candidates, situation on priorities and proposals to develop gtrs as of 20 June 2014
WP.29-163-17 - (Russian Federation)  Proposal for amendments to ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2013/132 (Revision 2 to Rule 1) and ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2013/133 (Proposal for draft amendments to Rule 2)
WP.29-163-16 - (Australia)  Issues referred by GRSP regarding a draft new Regulation concerning the approval of vehicles with regard to their Pole Side Impact performance
WP.29-163-15 - (Australia)  Draft 01 series of amendments to the draft new Regulation No. [X] concerning the approval of vehicles with regard to their Pole Side Impact performance
WP.29-163-14 - (Australia) Draft new Regulation No. [X] concerning the approval of vehicles with regard to their Pole Side Impact performance
WP.29-163-13 - (EVE)  Authorization to conduct research and develop new regulations on environmental requirements for electric vehicles (re-issued fro technical reasons on 18.06.2014)
WP.29-163-12 - (OICA) AECS: draft UN Regulation
WP.29-163-11-Rev.1 - (Secretariat)  Reorganization of the secretariat
WP.29-163-10 - (Secretariat)  Guidelines on amendments to UN Regulations
WP.29-163-09 - (Secretariat)  Proposal for amendments to ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2014/46 (Draft Supplement 16 to UN Regulation No. 13-H)
WP.29-163-08 - (Secretariat) Proposal for amendments to ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2014/45 (Draft Supplement 12 to the 11 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 13)
WP.29-163-07 - (GRSP) Proposal for amendments to ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2014/37 (Draft Supplement 1 series to UN Regulation No. 127)
WP.29-163-06 - (GRSP) Proposal for amendments to ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2014/38 (Draft 01 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 127)
WP.29-163-05 - (Secretariat) Proposal for amendments to ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2014/41 (Draft 07 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 83)
WP.29-163-04 - (Secretariat) Correction to references in document ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2014/50
WP.29-163-03 - (Ecuador) Request for WP.29 written support on the application of the United Nations Regulations and GTRs and to brands that participate in WP.29
WP.29-163-02-Rev.2 - (Secretariat)  Working Parties, Informal Working Groups and Chairmanship (20/06/2014) - Administrative/Executive Committees and Chairmanship (20/06/2014) (Reloaded for technical reasons on 30/06/2014)
WP.29-163-01 - (Secretariat)  Draft calendar of meetings of WP.29, GRs and Committees for 2015 to be confirmed by conference services