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UNECE Timber Committee, 68th session, held jointly with Society of Wood Science and Technology

UNECE Timber Committee, 68th session, held jointly with Society of Wood Science and Technology

11 - 15 October 2010
Palais des Nations Geneva Switzerland
Innovative Wood Products are the future

The UNECE Timber Committee of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe meets again this year at the Palais des Nations, Geneva, to review the latest international developments affecting the forest sector. For the first time, the Timber Committee Market Discussions and Policy Forum will be held jointly with the international Society of Wood Science and Technology. The theme of the week is “Innovative wood products are the future”. The meetings will take place on 11-14 October 2010 (see detailed programme and related official documents). All sessions have simultaneous interpretation in English, French and Russian.

Market Discussions

The week begins with an opening session on Monday, 11 October, followed that afternoon by joint Market Discussions. This year’s theme is “Forest products markets rebound in the UNECE region: Innovative wood products lead the way”. Expert speakers will present traditional market sector developments and forecasts, as well as new market sectors, for example forest carbon markets. The focus will be on innovative products and processing. A detailed programme, with speakers, may be found here.

The annual Timber Committee Market Discussions are based on:

  1. UNECE/FAO Forest Products Annual Market Review, 2009-2010
  2. Country market statements
  3. Country market forecasts for 2010 and 2011 (available after the meeting).
Policy Forum

A joint forum on “Building codes and standards: Influence on material use and construction practices” will be held on 13 October.     (Provisional agenda)

Technical sessions

The Society of Wood Science and Technology will have joint and parallel sessions. Their parallel sessions include, in order from 12 October:

  • Innovative Wood and Wood-based Materials and Their Use in Sustainable Construction
  • Role of Nanotechnology in Green Materials and Sustainable Construction
  • Structural Design for Sustainable Construction and Disaster Mitigation
  • Current Challenges in Wood Science Education
  • Dynamic-Vapor Sorption Analyses of Wood – a New Approach to Classical Problems (special luncheon presentation on 14 October.)

More information on the SWST programme and speakers is available  here.

Poster Session

The SWST will hold a poster session on 12 October with over 100 posters and their presenters on wood science and technology. A list of presenters is available here.

Gala dinner and industry tour.

The SWST is organizing a gala dinner (14 October) and industry tour (15 October), available to all delegates at cost with pre-registration.

Remote broadcast webinar

For the first time, the sessions will be broadcast simultaneously on Internet via a free webinar. Remote access to the webinar in English, French and Russian will be available upon subscription to 100 sites.

Team of Specialists meeting

The UNECE/FAO Team of Specialists on Forest Products Marketing will meet on Tuesday, 12 October. The provisional agenda and more information is available here.

International Timber Trade Federation Day

The Forest Trust, headquartered near Geneva, is holding their annual International Timber Trade Federation Day the week before, 6-8 October, for the convenience to delegates participating in both meetings. The theme is “Maintaining the momentum – Marketing legal and sustainable timber”. More information is available here.

We look forward to seeing you in Geneva!

Paola Deda


UNECE Timber Committee Sixty-eighth session

Geneva, 11-14 October 2010
    Provisional Agenda PDF PDF PDF  
    Report of meeting PDF      
ECE/TIM/2010/2 Item 2 United Nations Economic Commission for and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations in a changing international environment: briefing and discussion of recent developments PDF PDF PDF  
ECE/TIM/2010/3 Item 3 Matters arising from the sixty-third session of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe PDF PDF PDF  
ECE/TIM/2010/4 Item 4 United Nations Economic Commission for Europe and the Food and Agriculture

Market Developments in 2010 and Prospects for 2011: Joint session of the UNECE Timber Committee and the Society of Wood Science and Technology
ECE/TIM/2010/5 Item 5 Building codes and standards: Influence on material use and construction practices: a joint Policy Forum of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe and Society of Wood Science and Technology PDF PDF PDF  
ECE/TIM/2010/6 Item 6 Review of activities since the sixty-seventh session, programme of work and performance evaluation PDF PDF    

Other information related to meeting

Please contact [email protected] for presentations or other information from the meeting.