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08 September 2000
St. John's Canada

Report of the Forum

Team Meeting, St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada, 8 September 2000

Secretariat note: this site contains a message from Mr. Ingwald Gschwandtl, Team Leader, which includes the provisional agenda topics and country reports. To see individual country reports, please click on the hyperlink below.


MESSAGE FROM MR. GSCHWANDTL from 29 June 2000 as sent to the PR Team mailing list

Dear Colleagues,

As agreed at the last meeting of the FAO/ECE Team of Public Relations Specialists in the Forest and Forest Industries Sector in Sagadi, Estonia, the next meeting will take place in connection with the first International Forest Communicators Forum in St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada on Friday, 8 September 2000.

The International Forest Communicators Forum 2000, to be held from 5 - 8 September 2000, is an unique opportunity to bring together as many as possible colleagues, dealing with forest- related communications coming from different countries and various backgrounds,  such as companies, agencies, associations, national and international organisations, governmental bodies etc., in order to develop common concepts and strategies to promote forest based products as environmentally friendly.

It is a challenge for the team, to make this forum a success. I therefore ask you to promote the Forum and to encourage other colleagues to actively participate. Please find attached the preliminary programme of the Forum, which is an initiative of the PR team and which is kindly hosted by the Canadian Forest Service. A registration form is attached and will also be available, in English and French, on the Forum website or by contacting Ms. Fatma Maged, Forum Coordinator (address on attached registration form. 

The operational meeting of the team is of great importance for the follow up of the forum and the future work of the team. 

Agenda items

A number of important issues are to be dealt with. The agenda could have the following items: 

  • Follow-up from the first International Forest Communicators Forum IFCF2000. 
  • Follow-up from Intergovernmental Forum on Forests IFF.  Expectations for United Nations Forum on Forests UNFF.
  • Follow-up of the Ministerial Conference on the Protection of Forests in Europe, especially Lisbon Resolutions and outlook to the next conference. 
  • Building of forest related PR capacity in Central and Eastern European Countries CEECs.
  • European Forum on Forests and Society EFFS, the status of preparations in Finland.
  • Forestry Meets the Public. An international seminar, 8-11 October 2001,  Rüttihubelbad, Switzerland.  Joint FAO/ECE/ILO Committee on Forest Management and Training, with the participation of IUFRO, calls on PR Team for input.
  • Renewal of PR Team mandate for 2001+.
  • Other matters.

The agenda is still flexible, please feel free to give me your comments. However, please respect that because of the forum dealing already with forestry PR issues, the time for the teams operational meeting is limited to only four hours.

Country reports

For last year's meeting you had the opportunity to share country reports related to the meeting theme via the PR Team's website.  Again this year, you may share information related to the theme of the Forum 2000, ie coordinating strategies and programmes in PR.  To this end I encourage you to send a 1-2 page country statement (1 per country) to the Geneva secretariat (to Ed Pepke via Ms. Isabelle Hay at: [email protected]  ) by 28 August.  Your statement should include: 1. current promotional activities description; 2. who do you coordinate with within your country; and 3. who do you coordinate with internationally.  Thank you in advance for taking a little time to write a short report. 

With best regards,


Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Environment and Water Management
Forestry Department - International Policy, Statistics and Communications
Marxergasse 2
A-1030 Vienna, Austria

Tel:  +43 1 711 00  7305  (new phone number!)
Fax: +43 1 711 00  7399  (new fax number!)
e-mail: [email protected]