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Joint FAO/UNECE Working Party on Forest Economics and Statistics, 27th session (22 - 24 March 2005), Geneva, Switzerland

22 - 24 March 2005
Geneva Switzerland


National Comments on Wood Energy Statistics

Wood Energy Links


Agenda and Documents

Symbol Title ENG FRE RUS
TIM/EFC/WP.2/2005/9 Report PDF PDF PDF
TIM/EFC/WP.2/2005/1 Provisional Agenda PDF PDF PDF
TIM/EFC/WP.2/2005/2 Matters referred to the Working Party by its parent bodies: strategic review and indicators of achievement PDF PDF PDF

Guidance of work area 1: Markets and statistics

UNECE/FAO ToS on Forest Products Markets and Marketing Annual Report

TIM/EFC/WP.2/2005/4 Guidance of work area 2: Forest resource assessment and indicators of sustainable forest management in the region PDF PDF PDF
TIM/EFC/WP.2/2005/5 Guidance of work area 3: Forest sector outlook studies PDF PDF PDF

Special topic: monitoring and analysis of wood energy developments: data quality and availability, inter-organisation cooperation, strengthening the EFSOS analysis

Background paper on Wood Energy
Results of survey on Wood Energy Information (updated 4/4/05)
List of further information sources (updated 12/5/05)

TIM/EFC/WP.2/2005/7 Inter-organization co-operation on forest and forest products statistics PDF PDF PDF
TIM/EFC/WP.2/2005/8 Publications, website, databases: guidance by the Working Party PDF PDF PDF


Work Area 1 - Markets and Statistics

    Guidance of Work Area 1
    Mr. Ed Pepke
    Forest Products Marketing Officer UNECE/FAO Timber Branch

    UNECE/FAO Timber Branch Market-Related Output Survey Results and Analysis
    Mr. Michael Buckley
    Deputy Leader
    UNECE/FAO Team of Specialists on Forest Products Markets and Marketing, and Consultant of World Hardwoods

    Review of Response and Accuracy of Timber Committee Forecasts
    Mr. Alex McCusker
    Statistical Assistant
    UNECE/FAO Timber Branch

    EFSOS Data Consistency
    Mr. Adrian Whiteman
    Senior Forestry Officer
    FAO Forest Economics Service

Work Area 2 - Forest Resources Assessment

    Guidance of Work Area 2
    Mr. Alexander Korotkov
    Senior Forestry Officer
    UNECE/FAO Timber Branch

Work Area 3 - European Forest Sector Outlook Studies

    Review of main report
    Mr. Kit Prins
    UNECE/FAO Timber Branch

    FAO Auto-Analysis of outlook studies
    Mr. Adrian Whiteman

Wood Energy

    Overview of information
    Mr. Douglas Clark
    UNECE/FAO Timber Branch

    Results of Wood Energy Information Survey
    Ms. Caroline Stein
    UNECE/FAO Timber Branch

    Austria's Collection of Wood Energy Statistics
    Mr. Wolfgang Bitterman
    Head, Energy Statistics
    Austrian Statistical Office

    Implications of Increased Wood Fuel Demand
    Mr. Jeremy Wall
    Administrator, Forest-based Industries
    EU DG Enterprise and Industry

    Woodfuel Estimates at FAO
    Mr. Adrian Whiteman

    Energy Wood Potential of Forests
    Mr. Jan Ilavsky
    Senior Researcher
    Finnish Forest Research Institute

Other Presentations

    Storm Damage in Slovakia - Nov 2004 (8MB)
    Dr. Boris Greguska
    Ministry of Agriculture, Slovakia

    Web download information
    Ms. Caroline Stein