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This information was presented at the 2005 meeting of the UNECE/FAO Working Party on Forest Economics and Statistics


Albus, M. (2003): Market opportunities, effects, case studies: energy wood. Marktchancen, Auswirkungen, Praxisbeispiele: Energierohstoff Holz. AFZ Der Wald, Allgemeine Forst Zeitschrift für Waldwirtschaft und Umweltvorsorge. 2003, 58: 20, 1060-1063.

Asikainen, A.; Bjorheden, R.; Nousiainen, I.; Richardson, J. (ed.); Bjorheden, R. (ed.); Hakkila, P. (ed.); Lowe, AT. (ed.); Smith, CT. (2002): Cost of wood energy. Bioenergy from sustainable forestry: guiding principles and practice. 125-157; 42 ref. Kluwer Academic Publishers. Dordrecht. Netherlands

Bates, L. (2003): Special issue: Forests, fuel and food. Boiling-Point. No.49, 33 pp.

Costello, R.: Bioenergy Continues to Grow in the USA

Fagarazzi, C. (2001): Tools for the analysis of the market for biofuels and biomass for energy production. Strumenti di analisi del mercato delle biomasse agro-forestali per uso energetico. Italia-Forestale-e-Montana 56: 2, 114-142; 21 ref.

Food and Agriculture Organisation: Economic Analysis of Wood Energy Systems

Food and Agriculture Organisation: Forests, fuel and the future - Wood energy for sustainable development - Forestry topics report no. 5

Food and Agriculture Organisation: Institutional and legal Aspects regulating Wood Energy Activities in European Countries

Food and Agriculture Organisation: UWET – Unified Wood Energy Terminology

Food and Agriculture Organisation: Wood fuels integrated Supply/ Demand Overview Mapping WISDOM

Food and Agriculture Organisation: A guide for wood fuel surveys EC-FAO Partnership Programme (2000 - 2002) Sustainable Forest Management Programme

Food and Agriculture Organisation: Wood Energy Today for Tomorrow (WETT) Regional Studies The Role of Wood Energy in the near East

Food and Agriculture Organization (2001): Wood energy data and planning. Regional Wood Energy Development Programme in Asia. Wood-Energy-News. 16: 2, 48 pp.

Food and Agriculture Organization (2002): Wood energy. Unasylva (English-ed) 53: 211, 50 pp.

Food and Agriculture Organisation: The role of wood energy in Europe and OECD

Food and Agriculture Organisation (2004, not published yet, planned for April 2005, contact: Rudi Drigo ([email protected] for more information)): Global Wood Energy Information i-WEIS. Update and upgrade of the interactive Wood Energy Information System. Wood Energy Programme.

Francescato, V.; Antonini, E. (2004): The wood energy chain in Italy and surrounding areas. La filiera legno-energia in Italia e dintorni. Alberi-e-Territorio. No.1-2, 66-73; 2 ref.

Guggisberg B.: Bioenergy in Switzerland

Hakkila, P.; Richardson, J. (ed.); Bjorheden, R. (ed.); Hakkila, P. (ed.); Lowe, AT. (ed.); Smith, CT. (2001): Wood energy in Finland. Proceedings of the IEA Bioenergy Task 18 workshop on Bioenergy from sustainable forestry: principles and practice, Coffs Harbour, New South Wales, Australia, 16-20 October 2000. Forest-Research-Bulletin No.223, 126-135; 10 ref. New Zealand Forest Research Institute. Rotorua, New Zealand

Hall, P.: Bioenergy in Canada

Henderson, R. (2002): Wood fuel: the Swedish experience. Scottish Forestry 56: 3, 163-164.

Horgan, GP. (2002): Wood energy economics. Unasylva (English-ed) 53: 211, 23-27; 11 ref.

Karjalainen, T.; Asikainen, A.; Ilavsky, J.; Zamboni, R; Hotari, KE.; Röser, D. (2004): Estimation of Energy Wood Potential in Europe. Working Papers of the Finnish Forest Research Institute.

Kettle, R.: Promising Future for Bioenergy in the United Kingdom

Kivela, H.; Alakangas, E. (2002): Distinction between energy wood and industrial wood - PUUY11. Rajanveto aines- ja energiapuun valilla -- PUUY11. Puuenergian teknologiaohjelman vuosikirja 2002. Puuenergian teknologiaohjelman vuosiseminaari, Joensuu, Finland, 18-19 syyskuuta 2002. VTT-Symposium. No.221, 75-85. Valtion Teknillinen Tutkimuskeskus. Espoo, Finland

Ranta, T.; Ranta, J.: International Bioenergy Trade: Experience in Finland

Sipilä, K., Aarniala M.: Bioenergy - the strongest renewable energy source in Finland

Thran, D. (2002): Wood energy terminology, information, statistics and standards. Unasylva (English ed) 53: 211, 10-11; 1 ref.

Timperi, A.; Alakangas, E. (2002): Making forest biomass as the real choice of the renewable energy - FORPOWER -- PUUY12. Metsien biomassan nostaminen todelliseksi uusiutuvan energian vaihtoehdoksi - FORPOWER -- PUUY12. Puuenergian teknologiaohjelman vuosikirja 2002. Puuenergian teknologiaohjelman vuosiseminaari. Joensuu, Finland, 18-19 syyskuuta 2002. VTT-Symposium. 2002, No.221, 135-140. Valtion Teknillinen Tutkimuskeskus; Espoo; Finland

UNECE/FAO Timber Branch (2004): European Forest Sector Outlook Study. Chapter 2.8. Woodfuel, p.92-93 sp-20.pdf

Weiss, B.: Bioenergy in Austria – the Road to

All FAO Publications on Wood Energy

Data on Wood Energy for ECE Region

Observatoire des Energies Renouvables (2004): Wood Energy Barometer

Observatoire des Energies Renouvables (2003): Wood Energy Barometer

Observatoire des Energies Renouvables (2004): European Barometer of Renewable Energies

FAOSTAT Database

FAO Wood Energy Information System (not published yet, contact Rudi Drigo ([email protected]) for more information)


IEA (data subject to charge)

World Energy Council

UNECE/FAO Timber Branch

Organizations dealing with Wood Energy

National and international wood energy organizations - addresses and web sites (excel file)

European Biomass Association

 International Energy Agency

 International Energy Agency (IEA) Bioenergy

 IEA Bioenergy Task 40
Sustainable International Bio Energy Trade: securing supply and demand, Progress Report

Observatoire des Energies Renouvables

Wood Energy Switzerland (in German)

World Energy Council

ITEBE - International association of bioenergy professionels and users The Wood Energy Portal


Useful Links

Biomass Educational Homepage

FAO Wood Energy Links Page


last updated September 2008