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(WP.5) Working Party on Transport Trends and Economics (33rd session)

07 - 09 September 2020

The agenda and concept note of the Workshop on Economic analysis of the transformation of urban transport systems (9 September 2020) are available here.


ECE/TRANS/WP.5/67 - Annotated Provisional Agenda for the 33rd session (Geneva, 7-9 September 2020)
English Français Русский


ECE/TRANS/WP.5/68 - Report of the 33rd session (Geneva, 7 - 9 September 2020)
English Français Русский

Working Documents

ECE/TRANS/WP.5/2020/1 - Inputs from relevant ECE Working Parties on operationalization of international corridors (Note by the secretariat)
English Français  Русский
ECE/TRANS/WP.5/2020/2 - The potential role of the Working Party on Transport Trends and Economics in the implementation of the Inland Transport Committee Strategy until 2030 (Note by the secretariat)
English Français Русский
ECE/TRANS/WP.5/2020/3 - Information on the Trans-European North-South Motorway project development (Submitted by the TEM Project Manager)
English Français Русский
ECE/TRANS/WP.5/2020/4 - Information on the Trans-European Railway project development (Submitted by the TER Project Manager)
English Français Русский
ECE/TRANS/WP.5/GE.4/2019/1/Rev.2 - Consolidated list of terminologies on benchmarking of road, rail, inland waterway and intermodal terminals construction costs (Note by the secretariat)
English Français Русский
ECE/TRANS/WP.5/2020/5 - Rationale for the establishment of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Group of Experts on Benchmarking of Transport Infrastructure Construction Costs and proposals on the way ahead (Note by the secretariat)
English Français Русский
ECE/TRANS/WP.5/2020/6 - A Benchmarking literature review – definitions concepts and methodologies (Submitted by the Government of Turkey)
English Français Русский
ECE/TRANS/WP.5/2020/7 - National approaches in the benchmarking of road, rail and inland waterway infrastructure construction costs (Submitted by the Group of Experts on Benchmarking of Transport Infrastructure Construction Costs)
English Français Русский
ECE/TRANS/WP.5/2020/8 - Benchmarking analysis of transport infrastructure construction costs in the ECE region (Submitted by the Group of Experts on Transport Infrastructure Construction Costs)
English only
ECE/TRANS/WP.5/2020/9 - Findings, conclusions and recommendations of the Group of Experts on Benchmarking Transport Infrastructure Construction Costs (Submitted by the Group of Experts on Benchmarking of Transport Infrastructure Construction Costs)
English Français Русский
ECE/TRANS/WP.5/2020/10 - Taking stock of the resilience of the inland transport sector to pandemics and international emergency situations (Note by the secretariat)
English Français Русский

Informal Documents

Informal Document No. 1 - Expert Roundtable Economic Analysis of the Transformation of Urban Transport Systems (Note by the secretariat)
English only
Informal Document No. 2 - Consolidated set of questionnaires prepared by the Group of Experts on Benchmarking Transport Infrastructure Construction Costs - Note by the secretariat
Informal Document No. 3 - Transport Infrastructure Construction Cost Data Collected by the Group of Experts for Further Analysis - Data gathered by the Group of Experts on Benchmarking of Transport Infrastructure Construction Costs/ Note prepared by the secretariat
English only
Informal Document No. 4 - Benchmarking Study for Transport Infrastructure Construction Costs in the ECO region - Submitted by the secretariats of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (ECE) and the Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO)
English only
Informal Document No. 5 - 2020 Inland Transport Security Discussion Forum - Round Table on Intelligent Transport Systems and Cyber Security (Note by the secretariat)
English only
Informal Document No. 6 - THE PEP European Cycling Master Plan – Infrastructure Module (Note prepared by United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Sustainable Transport Division, European Cyclists' Federation (ECF), Confederation of the European Bicycle Industry (CONEBI) and World Bicycle Industry Association (WBIA))
English only
Informal Document No. 7 - Second Informal Multidisciplinary Advisory Group Meeting on Transport Responses to the COVID-19 Crisis (Note by the secretariat)
English only
Informal document No. 8 - The ITC Capacity Development Action Plan – initial experiences and future plans - Note by the secretariat
English only
Informal document No. 9 - Rapport de suivi des activités du CETMO - Période janvier 2019 – décembre 2019 (Note transmise par le Centre d’études des transports pour la Méditerranée)
Français seulement
Informal document No. 10 - Activities of United Nations Economic Commission for Europe bodies of interest to the Working Party - Draft revisions of the ECE Road Map on Intelligent Transport Systems (Note by the Secretariat)
English only


Development of transport networks and/or links - Euro-Asian Transport Links
ITC Contributions to Operationalization of International Transport Corridors (Mr. Roel Janssens, UNECE Secretariat)
WP.5 role in the implementation of the ITC Strategy until 2030 (Mr. Roel Janssens, UNECE Secretariat)
Trends in Rail transport (Ms. Snejana Markovic-Chenais, UIC)

Transport infrastructure data - International Transport Infrastructure Observatory
Mr. Roel Janssens, UNECE Secretariat
Mr. Assem Kamal, GIS Specialist at ESRI, International Consultant on a UNECE-IsDB co-funded project
More information available here

Transport infrastructure data - Benchmarking Transport Infrastructure Construction Costs
Mr. Andrzej Maciejewski, Chair of the Group of Experts on Benchmarking of Transport Infrastructure Construction Costs (GE.4)/ Mr. Roel Janssens, GE.4 Secretary
Mrs. Leyla Ünal, Ministry of Transport of Turkey/ Member of the Group of Experts/ Served as lead for the road transport infrastructure costs analysis
Mrs. Malgorzata Kopczyńska, National Railway Company of Poland/ Member of the Group of Experts/ Served as lead for the rail transport infrastructure costs analysis

Sustainable urban mobility and public transport
THE PEP European Cycling
Master Plan – Infrastructure Module
(Mr. Lukasz Wyrowski, UNECE Secretariat)

Review and monitoring of emerging issues and sustainable development goals
Technical assistance to countries with economies in transition
Regional Adviser technical assistance
Nenad Nikolic, UNECE Regional Adviser

Sustainable Inland Transport Connectivity Indicators (Mr. Nebojša Jevtić, SITCIN National Consultant, Serbia)
More information available here

Support for Landlocked Developing Countries (Ms. Gladys Mutangadura, Senior Economic Affairs Officer, United Nations Office of the High Representative for the Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing Countries and Small Island Developing States (UN-OHRLLS))

ECE Transport statistics analysis
UNECE Transport Statistics Activities, including COVID-19 impact (Alex Blackburn, UNECE Secretariat)

Activities of United Nations Economic Commission for Europe bodies of interest to the Working Party

ITC Strategy alignment activities (Mr. Lukasz Wyrowski, UNECE Secretariat)