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Group of Experts on Measuring Poverty and Inequality

28 - 29 November 2023
Palais des Nations, Room VIII, Geneva, Switzerland


50347 _ Report _ 388403 _ English _ 773 _ 406512 _ pdf
50347 _ Timetable _ 385134 _ English _ 773 _ 401619 _ pdf
50347 _ Timetable _ 385134 _ Russian _ 864 _ 401620 _ pdf
50347 _ Call for Contributions _ 383563 _ English _ 773 _ 394065 _ pdf
50347 _ Logistical Information Note (as of 21 November 2023) _ 383564 _ English _ 773 _ 399451 _ pdf

A. Social policies, social transfers, and data

53440 _ -- A.01/PRES - Presentation, Alessandro Albano (Eurostat) _ 385635 _ English _ 773 _ 399493 _ pdf
53440 _ -- A.01/PRES - Presentation, Alessandro Albano (Eurostat) _ 385635 _ Russian _ 864 _ 399494 _ pdf
53440 _ -- A.02/PRES - Presentation, Jörg Neugschwender (Luxembourg Income Study) _ 385636 _ English _ 773 _ 399495 _ pdf
53440 _ -- A.02/PRES - Presentation, Jörg Neugschwender (Luxembourg Income Study) _ 385636 _ Russian _ 864 _ 399645 _ pdf
53440 _ -- A.03/PRES - Presentation, Óscar Ramírez Álvarez, INEGI (Mexico) _ 385637 _ English _ 773 _ 399496 _ pdf
53440 _ -- A.03/PRES - Presentation, Óscar Ramírez Álvarez, INEGI (Mexico) _ 385637 _ Russian _ 864 _ 400011 _ pdf
53440 _ PRES / Disscussant's reflections - Presentation, Nadja Lamei _ 385907 _ English _ 773 _ 400052 _ pdf

B. Disaggregation for 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development: Going beyond averages

53441 _ -- B.01/PAPER - Paper (INSEE, France) _ 385267 _ English _ 773 _ 398729 _ pdf
53441 _ -- B.01/PAPER - Paper (INSEE, France) _ 385267 _ Russian _ 864 _ 399055 _ pdf
53441 _ -- B.01/PRES - Presentation, Thomas Lellouch, INSEE, (France) _ 385631 _ English _ 773 _ 399489 _ pdf
53441 _ -- B.01/PRES - Presentation, Thomas Lellouch, INSEE, (France) _ 385631 _ Russian _ 864 _ 399647 _ pdf
53441 _ -- B.02/PRES - Presentation, Alessandro Carraro (UNICEF Innocenti - Office of Research and Foresight) _ 385632 _ English _ 773 _ 399490 _ pdf
53441 _ -- B.02/PRES - Presentation, Alessandro Carraro (UNICEF Innocenti - Office of Research and Foresight) _ 385632 _ Russian _ 864 _ 401609 _ pdf
53441 _ -- B.03/PRES - Presentation, Rafkat Hasanov (UNECE consultant) _ 385633 _ English _ 773 _ 399491 _ pdf
53441 _ -- B.03/PRES - Presentation, Rafkat Hasanov (UNECE consultant) _ 385633 _ Russian _ 864 _ 399649 _ pdf

C. Assets-based poverty and inequality

53442 _ SUMMARY - Households’ financial vulnerability in the EU, Sigita Geske (Eurostat) _ 385173 _ English _ 773 _ 398512 _ pdf
53442 _ -- C.01/PRES - Presentation, Sigita Geske (Eurostat) _ 385620 _ English _ 773 _ 399467 _ pdf
53442 _ -- C.01/PRES - Presentation, Sigita Geske (Eurostat) _ 385620 _ Russian _ 864 _ 399470 _ pdf

D. Subjective poverty

53443 _ -- D.01/PRES - Presentation, Aleksandr Kirianov (CIS-STAT) _ 385623 _ English _ 773 _ 399875 _ pdf
53443 _ -- D.01/PRES - Presentation, Aleksandr Kirianov (CIS-STAT) _ 385623 _ Russian _ 864 _ 399475 _ pdf
53443 _ SUMMARY - Subjective poverty measurement in Kazakhstan, Guljan Daurenbekova (Kazakhstan) _ 385163 _ English _ 773 _ 398498 _ pdf
53443 _ -- D.02/PRES - Presentation, Guljan Daurenbekova (Kazakhstan) _ 385866 _ English _ 773 _ 401610 _ pdf
53443 _ -- D.02/PRES - Presentation, Guljan Daurenbekova (Kazakhstan) _ 385866 _ Russian _ 864 _ 399874 _ pdf
53443 _ -- D.03/PRES - Presentation, Anna Szukiełojć-Bieńkuńska (Poland) _ 385906 _ English _ 773 _ 400051 _ pdf
53443 _ -- D.03/PRES - Presentation, Anna Szukiełojć-Bieńkuńska (Poland) _ 385906 _ Russian _ 864 _ 401611 _ pdf
53443 _ Reference - Supplemental material (Slovakia) _ 385166 _ English _ 773 _ 398501 _ pdf
53443 _ -- D.05/PRES - Presentation, Thesia Garner (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics) _ 385737 _ English _ 773 _ 399631 _ pdf
53443 _ -- D.05/PRES - Presentation, Thesia Garner (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics) _ 385737 _ Russian _ 864 _ 399849 _ pdf
53443 _ -- D.05/APPENDIX - Table B.1. UNECE Survey of Countries Regarding Subjective Poverty Questions _ 385736 _ English _ 773 _ 399630 _ xlsx

E. Data sources to complement surveys

53444 _ -- E.01/PRES - Presentation, Valeria de Martino (Italy) _ 385738 _ English _ 773 _ 399632 _ pdf
53444 _ -- E.01/PRES - Presentation, Valeria de Martino (Italy) _ 385738 _ Russian _ 864 _ 399872 _ pdf
53444 _ -- E.02/PRES - Presentation, Liana Fox (United States Census Bureau) _ 385630 _ English _ 773 _ 399488 _ pdf
53444 _ -- E.02/PRES - Presentation, Liana Fox (United States Census Bureau) _ 385630 _ Russian _ 864 _ 399648 _ pdf
53444 _ -- E.03/PRES - Presentation, Natalya Belonossova (Kazakhstan) _ 385857 _ English _ 773 _ 401615 _ pdf
53444 _ -- E.03/PRES - Presentation, Natalya Belonossova (Kazakhstan) _ 385857 _ Russian _ 864 _ 399851 _ pdf
53444 _ -- E.04/PAPER - Paper (UNICEF) _ 385179 _ English _ 773 _ 398883 _ pdf
53444 _ -- E.04/PAPER - Paper (UNICEF) _ 385179 _ Russian _ 864 _ 399056 _ pdf

F. Inflation and its impact on poverty and inequality

53446 _ -- F.01/PRES - Presentation, Thesia Garner (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics) _ 385626 _ English _ 773 _ 399479 _ pdf
53446 _ -- F.01/PRES - Presentation, Thesia Garner (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics) _ 385626 _ Russian _ 864 _ 401612 _ pdf
53446 _ -- F.02/PAPER - Paper, Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) _ 385515 _ English _ 773 _ 399284 _ pdf
53446 _ -- F.02/PAPER - Paper, Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) _ 385515 _ Russian _ 864 _ 399853 _ pdf
53446 _ SUMMARY - Living standards in the context of rising prices, Inna Konoshonok (Belarus) _ 385185 _ English _ 773 _ 398540 _ pdf
53446 _ -- F.03/PRES - Presentation, Inna Konoshonok (Belarus) _ 386548 _ English _ 773 _ 401613 _ pdf
53446 _ -- F.03/PRES - Presentation, Inna Konoshonok (Belarus) _ 386548 _ Russian _ 864 _ 401614 _ pdf

G. Communicating statistics on poverty and inequality

53445 _ SUMMARY - Visual tools and interactive dashboard, Natalya Belonossova (Kazakhstan) _ 385181 _ English _ 773 _ 398534 _ pdf
53445 _ -- G.01/PRES - Presentation, Natalya Belonossova (Kazakhstan) _ 385865 _ English _ 773 _ 401616 _ pdf
53445 _ -- G.01/PRES - Presentation, Natalya Belonossova (Kazakhstan) _ 385865 _ Russian _ 864 _ 401617 _ pdf
53445 _ -- G.02/PRES - Presentation, Alexander Kirianov (CIS-Stat) _ 385629 _ English _ 773 _ 399485 _ pdf
53445 _ -- G.02/PRES - Presentation, Alexander Kirianov (CIS-Stat) _ 385629 _ Russian _ 864 _ 401618 _ pdf

H. Work under the Conference of European Statisticians