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Countries step up commitments for circular and sustainable resource use, leveraging multilateral cooperation at UNECE’s 69th Commission session

The extraction of raw materials worldwide has more than doubled since 1990 and could double again by 2060, fuelling environmental degradation and increased vulnerability to climate change. As major users and producers of natural resources, 56 countries of the UNECE region, spanning from North…

Nexus measuring and monitoring

More “joined-up” approaches to measure and monitor sustainability are needed to sharpen policies in UNECE region 

More robust monitoring and measuring systems are required to meet the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), according to a UNECE report on Measuring and Monitoring progress towards SDGs that uses a “nexus” approach to chart a course for more “joined up” activities. 


Cycling in city

Integrated efforts for sustainable mobility and smart connectivity can boost recovery in pan-European region and North America  

Recognizing the vital importance of mobility and connectivity for sustainable economic development and taking stock of key challenges, UNECE has consolidated its work in this cross-cutting area to help countries leverage its tools to steer recovery efforts towards the Sustainable Development…


“People-smart” and “cities-based” approach to sustainable development is key, urges UNECE report

Localizing the Sustainable Development Goals at the urban level is crucial to deliver on the 2030 Agenda, stresses UNECE in a new report that advocates for a “cities-based” and “people-smart” approach to sustainable development.  

With cities today as the driving force in economic,…

Nexus natural resources

UNECE calls for integrated and sustainable natural resource use through a "nexus" approach

The use of material resources, fuelled by economic and population growth, urbanisation and societal changes, has increased more than ten times since 1900 and is set to double again by 2030. The annual global extraction of materials has increased from 27 to 92 billion tonnes since 1970, while the…

THE PEP recommendations for green and healthy transport

UN Task Force issues recommendations for green and healthy transport to support a sustainable COVID-19 recovery

Countries of the Pan-European region can seize the COVID-19 recovery as a turning point for green and healthy transport and mobility as a foundation to build a better future for all, urges a UN Task Force.  

Bringing together over 50 experts from member States, international institutions…

cover of publication Energy

Согласно новому исследованию ЕЭК ООН, страны восточного региона ЕЭК ООН могут играть ведущую роль в хранении CO2

Страны Восточной Европы, Кавказа и Центральной Азии обладают значительным потенциалом для хранения СО2. Анализ, проведенный экспертами-геологами с использованием общедоступных данных, впервые определяет потенциал хранения в нефтяных резервуарах, превышающий 62 000 миллионов тонн (Мт) CO2 в…

cover of publication Energy

Selon une nouvelle étude, les pays de la région orientale de la CEE-ONU pourraient jouer un rôle de premier plan dans le stockage du CO2

Les pays d'Europe orientale, du Caucase et d'Asie centrale recèlent un important potentiel de stockage du CO2. En utilisant des données publiques, l'analyse de géologues a identifié pour la première fois un potentiel de stockage dans des gisements de pétrole de plus de 62 000 millions de tonnes…

cover of publication Energy

Los países de la región oriental de la CEPE pueden desempeñar un papel destacado en el almacenamiento de CO2, según un nuevo informe

Los países de Europa del Este, el Cáucaso y Asia Central albergan un importante potencial de almacenamiento de CO2. Utilizando datos disponibles públicamente, el análisis realizado por expertos en geología identificó por primera vez un potencial de almacenamiento en yacimientos de petróleo …

cover of publication Energy

Countries in the eastern UNECE region can play a leading role in CO2 storage, according to new study

Countries of Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia host significant potential for CO2 storage. Using publicly available data, the analysis by geological experts identifies for the first time storage potential in oil reservoirs in excess of 62,000 million tonnes (Mt) of CO2  in the …

Web RFSD 2021

UNECE’s Regional Forum 2021 highlights SDGs as a compass to recover better

How can the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) guide us to recover better? At the 2021 Regional Forum, more than 1,400 key stakeholders connected virtually during 7 days of action for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). From 10-18 March 2021, changemakers from all parts of the UNECE…

web PR Forests

UNECE launches new data platform for forests in the region

According to the most recent Forest Resources Assessment report published by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FRA2020), the UNECE region has been one of few regions where forest area has increased over the last three decades, up by 33.5 million hectares. This puts…

Web_ PR E-learning

UNECE launches training on the use of international standards to help MSMEs recover better from COVID-19

Every crisis contains the seeds of opportunity and growth, and the COVID-19 pandemic is no different. International standards provide powerful tools for bolstering economic resilience, while enabling enterprises to improve their productive capacity.  Given their extensive…

Video presentation of International Day of Forests

Forests in a nutshell: discover the lesser-known story behind some of your favourite dishes on International Day of Forests!

For most of early history, humans obtained their food by hunting and collecting wild plants in grasslands and forests. Nowadays, the conversion of forest land to land for agriculture is the single largest driver of deforestation worldwide, contributing to climate change and biodiversity loss on…

SDGs Dashboard in Russian

ЕЭК ООН запускает русскоязычную версию Панели данных по ЦУР

Информационная панель ЕЭК ООН по Целям устойчивого развития (ЦУР) теперь доступна и на русском языке, тем самым расширив спектр пользователей со всего региона, которые могут легко получить к ней доступ. Англоязычная версия информационной панели была запущенна в 2020 году и объединяет доступные…

SDGs Dashboard in Russian

UNECE launches Russian language version of Dashboard for SDGs

UNECE’s Dashboard for SDGs is now available in Russian, broadening the spectrum of constituents from across the region who can now access it with ease. The dashboard, launched in English in 2020, brings together available data for the 56 UNECE member States to provide a regional perspective on…

Urban Matters podcast

UNECE launches podcast series on sustainable cities

Cities are growing fast. Half the world’s population already lives in urban areas and another 2.5 billion are expected to be living in cities by 2050. In 2015, the international community set the goal of making cities “inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable” by 2030 (Sustainable Development…

Cover report Ageing

UNECE calls on countries to integrate ageing into all areas of policymaking

The Guidelines launched today by UNECE call for the development of a Strategic Framework for Mainstreaming Ageing to ensure its systematic consideration and integration in public policies.

By 2050, about one in every four persons in the UNECE region will be over the age of 65.…

Cover SDG report for carousel

Достаточно нацелены? В отчете ЕЭК ООН подчеркивается необходимость укрепления усилий региона для достижения целей устойчивого развития до 2030 года

Если регион ЕЭК ООН будет следовать текущим тенденциям, то к 2030 году будут достигнуты только 23 из 169 задач ЦУР. Однако, при нынешнем положении вещей, можно оценить только 89 задач, в то время как по оставшимся 80 оценка не может быть проведена из-за недостаточности данных. 

Если мы…

Cover SDG report for carousel

En bonne voie ? Un rapport de la CEE-ONU souligne la nécessité d'un engagement renforcé pour atteindre les ODD dans la région d'ici 2030

Si la région de la CEE-ONU suit les tendances actuelles, d'ici 2030, elle n'atteindra que 23 des 169 cibles des ODD. Cependant, seules 89 cibles peuvent être évaluées, tandis que pour les 80 autres, aucune évaluation ne peut être faite en raison de données insuffisantes. 

Pour 57 cibles…