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El nuevo informe de la CEPE destaca la necesidad de reforzar el compromiso para alcanzar los ODS en la región europea en 2030

Si la región de la CEPE sigue las tendencias actuales, en 2030 sólo alcanzará 23 de las 169 metas de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS). Cabe subrayar que sólo pueden evaluarse 89 metas, mientras que las 80 restantes no pueden evaluarse por falta de datos. 

Para 57 metas, es…

Cover SDG report for carousel

On target? UNECE report highlights need for strengthened commitment to achieve SDGS in the region by 2030

If the UNECE region follows current trends, by 2030 it will achieve only 23 of the 169 SDG targets. However, only 89 targets can be assessed while for the remaining 80, no assessment can be made due to insufficient data.

For 57 targets, progress…

eTIR image

Entry into force of legal provisions paves way for complete digitalization of the TIR Convention

The legal provisions providing the legal basis for the complete digitalization of the United Nations TIR Convention (the so-called eTIR) - the only global customs transit system, facilitating trade and the seamless and secure movement of goods across borders –will enter into force on 25 May 2021…

Web Transboundary Water 870.JPG

Many more operational arrangements for transboundary water cooperation needed across the world, shows 2021 UN-Water SDG6 progress report

Across the world, 153 countries share rivers, lakes and aquifers. Transboundary basins cover more than half of the Earth’s land surface, account for an estimated 60 per cent of global freshwater flow and are home to more than 40 per cent of the world’s population. Transboundary water cooperation…

Woman working in forestry

UNECE, FAO and Forest Europe join forces to promote green jobs in the forest sector

Recent trends suggest that the forest sector workforce across the UNECE region is facing considerable challenges. These include an ageing workforce, underrepresentation of women and minorities, as well as declining job opportunities as a result of increased mechanization, reorganization of…

Cover of the Brochure ENERGY

Согласно отчету ЕЭК ООН, улавливание, использование и хранение углерода необходимо в срочном порядке для достижения целевых показателей углеродной нейтральности

В новом отчете Организации Объединенных Наций (ООН) содержится предупреждение о том, что время для выполнения Парижского соглашения и Повестки дня в области устойчивого развития на период до 2030 года истекает, и содержится призыв к срочному развертыванию улавливания, использования и хранения…

Cover of the Brochure ENERGY

Le captage, l’utilisation et le stockage du carbone sont nécessaires de toute urgence pour atteindre les objectifs de neutralité carbone, alerte la CEE-ONU

Un nouveau rapport des Nations unies avertit que le temps presse pour mettre en œuvre l’accord de Paris et l’Agenda 2030 pour le développement durable et appelle à un déploiement rapide du captage, de l'utilisation et du stockage du carbone pour atteindre les objectifs de neutralité carbone. …

Cover of the Brochure ENERGY

Carbon capture, use and storage is needed urgently to meet carbon neutrality targets, according to UNECE report

A new report from the United Nations warns that time is running out to deliver on the Paris Agreement and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and calls for rapid deployment of carbon capture use and storage (CCUS) to meet carbon neutrality targets. 

Carbon capture use and storage…

Smart city

UNECE and LIUC University in Italy join forces on sustainable finance for infrastructure and smart cities with new Geneva UN Charter Centre of Excellence

UNECE and LIUC – Cattaneo University have agreed to establish a Geneva UN Charter Centre of Excellence to advance sustainable finance for infrastructure and smart cities. Against the backdrop of the COVID-19 pandemic, UNECE joins forces with an expert institution in sustainable finance to…


La CEE-ONU publie un guide pour aider les pays à mesurer ce que deviennent les migrants après leur arrivée

Saviez-vous que plus de 80 % des migrants quittent à nouveau la Suisse dans les 17 ans suivant leur arrivée ? Ou qu'en Italie, 15 % des migrants originaires de Chine se déplacent au moins deux fois dans le pays au cours des cinq années suivant leur arrivée ?   

Voici quelques exemples d'…


UNECE guidance will help countries measure what happens to migrants after they move

Did you know that over 80 per cent of immigrants leave Switzerland again within 17 years of their arrival? Or that in In Italy, 15 per cent of immigrants from China move at least twice within the country in the five years following their entry?   

These are some of the examples of use of…

Fishing catch being unloaded

Les normes du CEFACT-ONU contribuent à la lutte contre la pêche illégale

Avec une production estimée à 204 millions de tonnes en 2030, la pêche illégale, non déclarée et non réglementée (INN) coûte jusqu'à 23 milliards de dollars chaque année aux pays et représente un poisson sur cinq. Les États membres de la CEE-ONU sont confrontés à ces problèmes tant en haute mer…

Fishing catch being unloaded

UN/CEFACT standards help to tighten the net on illegal fishing

With fish production estimated to reach 204 million tonnes in 2030, illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing costs up to $23 billion every year to countries and affects one in every five fish caught. UNECE member states face these issues both on the high seas and in areas within…

Intelligent Transport Systems

Countries endorse UNECE Roadmap to strengthen harmonization of Intelligent Transport Systems

Intelligent Transport Systems can unlock major benefits in terms of safety, efficiency and environmental performance for mobility and the movement of goods. But with the rapid pace of innovation, ensuring interoperability and harmonization of technological solutions between countries remains a…

Transport in times of COVID-19 pandemic

Transport Ministers call for concerted action to address pandemic failures, capitalizing on UNECE Inland Transport Committee

Transport leaders from around the world have called for urgent and concerted action to address systemic vulnerabilities exposed by the COVID-19 pandemic, which caused widespread disruption to transport connectivity and supply chains. Gathering for the 83rd session of the UNECE Inland Transport…

Stats making decision 868

Qui prend les décisions ? Les recommandations de la CEE-ONU pour la mesure de l'égalité des genres au sein des ménages

Les recommandations statistiques publiées aujourd'hui aideront les pays à approfondir l'un des aspects les plus difficiles à observer de l'égalité des genres : la répartition du pouvoir et de la prise de décision au sein des ménages.

Tous les grands cadres politiques internationaux sur…

Stats making decision 868

Who calls the shots? UNECE guidance supports measurement of gender equality within households

Statistical guidance released today will help countries delve into one of the harder-to-see aspects of gender equality: the distribution of power and decision-making within households. 

All the major international policy frameworks on gender equality recognize the fundamental role of…

Industrial accident in water

UNECE launches Online Toolkit and Training for Strengthening Mine Tailings Safety

Industrial accidents at tailings management facilities (TMFs) - which handle and store the fine-grained waste materials remaining after extracting minerals and metals from the earth, often containing toxic and hazardous substances - have resulted in devastating effects on humans and the…

Scenery of water in Albania or Montenegro

Water Convention’s Implementation Committee provides advice to Albania and Montenegro on the transboundary Cijevna/Cem River

Albania and Montenegro have agreed to establish a joint technical working group on “Monitoring & assessment” and to develop and implement an information exchange protocol to operationalize their cooperation on the shared Cijevna/Cem River basin. These are the outcomes of joint consultations …

View of Baku, Azerbaijan

Spurring innovation will be central to diversifying Azerbaijan’s economy, according to UNECE study

Azerbaijan, like the other five countries in Eastern Europe and the South Caucasus (EESC) - Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine - has grown rapidly following a rocky and difficult transition from a centrally planned to a market economy over the past decades. This…