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Policy Dialogue on the Role of Wood Products in Climate Change Mitigation

Policy Dialogue on the Role of Wood Products in Climate Change Mitigation

21 October 2008
FAO, Iran room Rome Italy


14:30 – 14:40 Welcome by UNECE/FAO Timber Section (Kit Prins)
14:40 – 15:25

Estimating Harvested Wood Products contribution to Climate Change Mitigation

Sebastian Rüter, vTI, Germany [3.4 Mb]

Different approaches of accounting for Harvested Wood Products

Kim Pingoud, VTT, Finland [282 kb]

Current Discussions on Wood Products in the Context of Climate Change Policies – Outputs and Summary of the UNECE/FAO Workshop

Sebastian Hetsch UNECE/FAO Timber Section [128 kb]
15:25 – 15:55 Panel Discussion
15:55 – 16:00 Closing  
Background documents: Documents from the Workshop on “Harvested wood products in the context of climate change policies” (9-10 Sept in Geneva) serve as background documents for this session.
Download agenda (pdf 47 kb)
Overview on UNECE/FAO events
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