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Fourth (29th) meeting of the “UNECE/FAO Team of Specialists on monitoring sustainable forest management” - second session

Fourth (29th) meeting of the “UNECE/FAO Team of Specialists on monitoring sustainable forest management” - second session

21 April 2021


A report of the second session is available here




For more information, please contact Roman Michalak, Secretary of the Team at [email protected] 


Item 1  Opening and welcome by the representatives of FAO and UNECE. Adoption of the Agenda

Item 2  Review of work done and plans for next steps under the current mandate (until the end of 2021)

a. General work, Dr. Stefanie Linser, Deputy Leader. PDF.

b. Project on forest disturbance/damage, Prof. Michael Köhl, Project Coordinator. PDF.

c. Forest Databanks Group, Dr. Andrzej Talarczyk, Group Coordinator. PDF.

Item 3  Elections of a leader and deputy leaders of a Team

Item 4  Plans for the next meeting

Item 5  AOB

Item 6  Closure of the session