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Third (28th) meeting of the “UNECE/FAO Team of Specialists on monitoring sustainable forest management”

Third (28th) meeting of the “UNECE/FAO Team of Specialists on monitoring sustainable forest management”

03 - 04 December 2019
Copenhagen Denmark


Report of the meeting is available here.


European Environment Agency (EEA)

Kongens Nytorv 6 DK - 1050 Copenhagen K Denmark



For more information, please contact Roman Michalak, Secretary of the Team at [email protected]


Title Presenter File
Item 1. Opening and welcome by the representative from European Environment Agency, FAO and UNECE Mr. Roman Michalak, UNECE/FAO FTS PDF
Item 2. Update on the progress and plans for the global and regional forest reporting:    
a. FAO Global Forest Resources Assessment (FRA)    
b. Joint FOREST EUROPE/UNECE/FAO Pan-European reporting on SFM; development of the State of Europe’s Forests 2020 Mr. Rastislav Raši, LUB FOREST EUROPE PDF
c. Forest related work of the European Environment Agency Ms. Annemarie Bastrup-Birk, EEA PDF
d. UNECE/FAO State of Forests in the Caucasus and Central Asia Mr. Roman Michalak, UNECE/FAO FTS PDF
e. Discussion on audience, impact and possible improvements in dissemination of forest related information    
Item 3. Presentation of main findings of the study and review of the enquiry on forest ownership Mr. Roman Michalak, UNECE/FAO FTS PDF
Item 4.  Reporting on forest damage:    
a. Formats, definitions of the current international reporting systems: Mr. Rastislav Raši, LUB FOREST EUROPE


b. Results of the ToS Survey on forest damage assessment Mr. Stein Tomter, Norway PDF
c. National experiences and systems on forest damage reporting in the UNECE region Mr. Christoph Fischer, Switzerland PDF


  Mr. Stein Tomter, Norway PDF
  Mr. Andrzej Talarczyk, Poland PDF


d. Brainstorming on possible approaches on forest damage reporting - discussion on the next steps    
Item 5. Forest Data Banks Network
a. Overview of the recent developments in countries and organizations:
- Forest Information System Europe (FISE)
- FAO Information Platform, Joint UNECE/FAO/FOREST EUROPE Information Platform
- Forest information storage and management in the UNECE/FAO Forestry and Timber Section
Ms. Annemarie Bastrup-Birk, EEA PDF
b. Scope and direction of future work of the Forest Data Banks Network    
Item 6. Updates from Team Members and Secretariat Mr. Hans Bruynincks, EEA (live stream)  
- SOER 2020 (State and Outlook of Europe's environment)    
- Supporting Central and Eastern European countries in their bioeconomy strategy development – the H2020 CSA BIOEASTsUP    
- UNDA project “Accountability systems for sustainable forest management in Caucasus and Central Asian countries” next steps    
Item 7. Date and place of the next meeting    
Item 8. Closure of the meeting