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Workshop on Bioenergy from the Forest Sector - Capacity Building for Information

06 - 08 December 2016
Budapest Hungary

Since 2005 the UNECE/FAO has increasingly been collecting and disseminating information on wood energy, designed to bridge the gap between the forest and energy sectors.

During the 38th Session of the Joint ECE/FAO Working Party on Forest Statistics, Economics and Management, member states supported the continuation of work on the Joint Wood Energy Enquiry (JWEE), a main tool for gathering detailed wood energy data in the UNECE region of Europe, CIS and North America.

As part of the ongoing effort to improve the quality and extent of replies a capacity building workshop was organized, jointly with the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), for countries of the UNECE region. The objective of the workshop was to improve the completeness and availability of wood energy data. Particular attention was paid to the participation of correspondents from the eastern part of the ECE region. During the workshop national correspondents were provided with guidance on how to prepare energy data for their country for the JWEE as well as information on the relationship between the JWEE, the UNECE/FAO/ITTO/Eurostat Joint Forest Sector Questionnaire (JFSQ) and the Renewable Energy Questionnaire of IRENA.

Contact Sebastian Glasenapp for more information.

Agenda and documents


Presentation - Day 1 Speaker PDF
Opening and introduction   pdf
The contribution of wood energy to renewable energy targets Vladimir Kubecek pdf
Renewable energy targets Adrian Whiteman pdf
Energy Community’s work on wood energy Milka Mumovic pdf
Development of wood energy statistics in the Balkans Branko Glavonjic pdf
The IRENA Renewable Energy Statistics Questionnaire Iana Arkhipova pdf
The UNECE/FAO Joint Wood Energy Enquiry Sebastian Glasenapp pdf
Measurement units and conversion factors Alex McCusker pdf

Comparison of IRENA/IEA and JWEE/FAOSTAT wood energy data (revised)


Adrian Whiteman pdf
Presentation - Day 2 Speaker PDF
Wood energy production and supply Holger Weimar pdf
Wood energy transformation in the electricity sector Carlota Duarte
Maria da Graça Torres
Wood energy transformation in industry Michal Synek pdf
Survey on energy consumption in households in Republic of Moldova Svetlana Bulgac pdf
Experiences with reporting to UNECE/FAO Branko Glavonjic pdf
Experience with reporting to IRENA Jesús Pedro García Montes pdf
Experience of the Russian Federation with wood energy development Oleg Vasilyev pdf

Background information

Joint Wood Energy Enquiry (questionnaire for 2015) ENG RUS

IRENA questionnaire

Results of previous wood energy work

Paris Workshop  (2012)