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Second (27th) meeting of the “UNECE/FAO Team of Specialists on monitoring sustainable forest management”

22 - 23 November 2018
Vienna Austria

Mr. Stein Tomter, Team leader for the period 2014-2018, receives certificate of appreciation.

The Second (27th) meeting of the “UNECE/FAO Team of Specialists on monitoring sustainable forest management” took place on 22-23 November 2018 in Vienna, Austria.


Meeting venue

University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU) Gregor-Mendel-Straße 33, 1180 Vienna



Presentations made at the meeting and other relevant documents are available here.


Title                                                        Presenter                                                             File        
Item 1. Agenda Mr. Roman Michalak UNECE/FAO PDF
Item 2.Update on the progress and plans for the global and regional forest reporting    
Item 2.a FAO global Forest Resources Assessment (FRA)

Mr. Anssi Pekkarinen, FAO

Item 2.b Joint FOREST EUROPE/UNECE/FAO Pan-European reporting on SFM


Mr. Rastislav Rasi, FOREST EUROPE

Item 3. Update on the recent and ongoing UNECE/FAO publications related to the monitoring, reporting and assessment Item    
Item 3.a. State of Caucasus and Central Asian Forests Mr. Kit Prins PDF
Item 3.b. Technical report: Guidelines for the development of a C&I set for SFM Ms. Stefanie Linser, EFI  PDF
Item 3.c. Forest ownership in the UNECE region Mr. Roman Michalak, UNECE/FAO PDF
Item 4. Assessment of forest damage/disturbance – national experiences and international needs - review of a national questionnaire and discussion on the next steps Mr. Stein Tomter, Norway PDF
Item 5. Forest Data Banks Network – review of the terms of reference and organization of the work of the Network    
5.a. Forest Data Bank in Poland Item  Mr. Andrzej Talarczyk, Poland PDF
Item 5.b. ENFIN Data Bank Mr. Adrian Lanz, ENFIN PDF
Item 5.c. FAO FRA Information Platform Mr. Anssi Pekkarinen, FAO PDF
Item 5.d. Forest Data of the UNECE/FAO FTS Mr. Roman Michalak UNECE/FAO PDF
Item 5.e. Terms of Reference of the Forest Data Bank Network Mr. Roman Michalak UNECE/FAO PDF
Item 6. Updates from Team members    
Item 6.a. H2020 DIABOLO - Distributed, integrated and harmonised forest information for bioeconomy outlooks Mr. Markus Lier, Finland PDF
Item 6.b. MontBioeco - indicators for monitoring the progress of bioeconomy Mr. Markus Lier, Finland PDF
Item 6.c. 25 years of C&I Ms. Stefanie Linser, EFI  PDF
Item 7. Election of officers, date and place of next meeting    

Item 8. Closure of the meeting



Should you have any questions, please contact for more information on the meeting contact Roman Michalak.

More information on the Team of Specialists on Monitoring Sustainable Forest Management