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Relevance, challenges and expectations from the global and regional reporting on forests and sustainable forest management

A webinar organized by the UNECE/FAO Team of Specialists on monitoring sustainable forest management

21 April 2021 15:00 - 17:45
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International forest assessments have evolved over time not only in terms of the scope of collected and reported data but also in the way this information was analysed and used. The pace of change of users’ demands accelerated in the recent decades, with the progress of technology, means of communication, and changes of life and work style. The release of the global and the pan-European data in 2020 provides a convenient opportunity for reflection and discussion on “relevance, challenges and expectations from the global and regional reporting on forests and sustainable forest management” and directions for their possible developments.


In this regard, the Team of Specialists on Monitoring SFM, in cooperation with FAO FRA Secretariat, FOREST EUROPE Liaison Unit Bonn and UNECE/FAO Forestry and Timber Section, organized a webinar, with the participation of experts from countries and organizations – users of collected data. Webinar’s discussion was guided by the following questions:


i. How the global and regional data collection and reporting address current needs?

ii. What could be done to better address the future needs for forest and forest management-related information (scope, format, intensity, methods, regularity, dissemination, communication, etc.)?

iii. Which part of the international data collection should be covered by the FRA and the pan-European process, what should be done elsewhere (conventions, UNFF, other processes)?


The webinar was organized under the Chatham House Rule, with the participation limited to members of the Team of Specialists on Monitoring SFM and invited guests.


For questions related to the event, please contact Roman Michalak, Secretary of the Team of Specialists on Monitoring SFM at [email protected]

Programme of the Webinar

18195 _ ToS-29-2-Webinar-Programme _ 360578 _ English _ 773 _ 337734 _ pdf