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05 - 08 June 1995
Beaupré Canada

Report of the Team meeting

Chairman's summary

A.    The 1995 meeting of the Joint FAO/ECE Team of Public Relations Specialists in the Forest and Forest Industries Sector was held in June.

B.    The following is a summary of the main recommendations of the team although the report identifies many other initiatives which would assist countries to achieve better public relations.  The team of specialists invites the members of the Timber Committee (TC) and the European Forestry Commission (EFC) to endorse the recommendations and to encourage member countries and industry groups to take action as appropriate:

C.    Recommendations

 (i) Communications Network - Many countries and industry associations are not represented on the team  of specialists.  It was strongly suggested that each country establish a publicity/public relations co-ordinator  to be part of the team's network though not necessarily attend formal team meetings.  Teleconferencing was  recommended as a means of keeping the network in more regular contact.

 (ii) Promotion of Wood - Several countries have recently undertaken publicity campaigns, targeted at their  own consumers, promoting the values and benefits of timber.  Whilst these have carry-over effects on other  countries it was recommended that the TC use its leadership to encourage international sponsorship and  increase co-operative effort on an international level.

 (iii) Priority public relations - The team invites the TC and the EFC to establish the main messages about  forests and the forest industry that they wish to promote.  This would help individual national public relations  officers and other communicators to give priority in their work.  The publication of ETTS V was recognized  by team members as one major output which could be used for international and national promotion.

 (iv) Training of foresters - The team believes that communications skills should be included in the formal  training programme for forestry students and invites the TC/EFC to recommend the idea to universities and  other academic institutions.  The team also believes it would be useful and productive if each country could  establish a programme of forester exchanges.

 (v) Forestry video - The team recalled the success of the young persons' essay competitition in 1987 to  celebrate the 40th anniversary of the TC and EFC and recommends that a forestry video competition be  organized in time for their 50th anniversary in 1997.  Advice and assistance will be given by team members.   The 50th anniversary itself could be an excellent PR opportunity for both bodies.

 (vi) International communications - Several team members reported on the value of the global electronic-mail  facility through Internet.  The team recommends that forestry institutions use the system for communications  and supply information to a forestry database for access by the public.

 (vii) Countries in transition - Special attention to the PR needs of countries in transition was agreed by the  team and members agreed to assist in the preparation and organization of a PR workshop to be hosted by  Austria in 1996.



 Report of the Meeting


1.    The meeting of the Joint FAO/ECE Team of Public Relations Specialists in the Forest and Forest Industries Sector was convened at Mont Ste. Anne, Beaupré, Québec, on 5-8 June 1995.

2.    The following countries were represented:  Austria, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, and the United Kingdom.  The European Forest Institute, ECE and FAO were also represented.  A list of participants is attached in annex 1.

Adoption of the agenda (Item 1 of the agenda)

3.    The provisional agenda as presented by the team leader, Mr. Frazer Lindsay (United Kingdom),  was adopted.

Arrangements for meeting chair and rapporteur (Item 2 of the agenda)

4.    Mr. Lindsay chaired the meeting and Mr. Ed Pepke (ECE/FAO) was rapporteur.

Campaign reports (Item 3 of the agenda)

5.    Team members gave reports on public relations campaigns undertaken over the past 18 months as an update of reports in the public relations (PR) "Toolkit" (formally titled Communications Strategies in Forestry and the Forest Industry Sector).  Team members were also given an assessment of the value of the money spent.

6.    Mr. Ingwald Gschwandtl (Austria) distributed a report which presented the results of their image campaign titled "Feel Wood."  The campaign involves radio, TV and print advertisements as well as public and trade meetings which promote the use of wood.  Based on public opinion polls conducted before and during, the campaign has been successful (another poll will be conducted after the campaign to evaluate its success).

7.    Mr. Yves St-Onge (Canada) explained the National Forest Strategy.  The campaign included traditional channels of communication like brochures on the positive environmental aspects of wood as well as some newer channels like women's magazines and innovative methods like interactive satillite conferences.  A catalogue of educational material was described and distributed.  A public opinion poll showed the need for increased intra-sectoral communication and opinion building.

8.    Mr. Martin Einfeldt (Denmark) described promotion of firewood burning.  A brochure has helped educate the public on buying and burning wood and additionally, it discussed benefits in regards the carbon cycle and forest management.  The original brochure "sold out" and is being updated and reprinted.

9.    Mr. Charles Dereix (France) described the process of launching a comprehensive corporate image for the Office National des Forêts.  The consistant use of the ONF logos has improved the professional image nationally while allowing the flexibility to use local identities.

10.    Mr. Werner Ebert (Germany) presented a report on the image campaign "Forestry and Wood".  The comprehensive campaign aims to convince critical groups:  of the compatibility of sustainable forest management with the forest's other benefits;  of wood as a natural and competitive material;  and of the ecologically acceptable forestry principles.

11.    Ms. Marieke van Nieuwkuyk (the Netherlands) reported on the response to a video that she had shown at the team's meeting last year.  Some positive messages were received, like the importance of wood, that cutting trees is not destroying nature and that plantations are alright.  Some negative opinions were received from foresters who did not like its animation and humour.  Overall it was felt that the video had succeeded in reducing misunderstandings, especially considering it is still early to estimate its impact and that it was a low cost production.

12.    Mr. Lars-Erik Holmberg (Sweden) presented a report on 10 PR campaigns that spanned 1964 to 1994 and reported on their relative effectiveness.  Ms. Maria Hugosson (Sweden) discussed the current Cultural Heritage campaign and their measurements of the success of what is now termed "environmental communications."  A survey of confidence in sources of information showed that the public rated, in order from high to low:  NGOs, government, industry, journalists and lastly, politicians.

13.    Mr. Lindsay reported progress on the UK forest industry's introduction of a stamp to identify sawnwood and wood products originating in UK forests and having been harvested in compliance with Government felling regulations.  Its introduction had been well received by the trade and its use as a trade mark, operated by the Forestry Industry Committee of Great Britain, gave provenance of origin and an audit trail back to the official felling certificate issued by the Forestry Commission's Forestry Authority.  The trade mark is independently audited by the UK's National Accreditation Council for Certifying Bodies.

14.    In a discussion that followed the presentations, it was stated that several campaigns promoting wood have carry-over benefits to other countries as PR work is becoming more international.  This is especially true for countries which are involved in international trade of forest products.

Group discussions (Item 4 of the agenda)

15.     The meeting divided into four groups:

  1. PR for the Timber Committee (TC) and European Forestry Commission (EFC);
  2. public educational material;
  3. PR training for foresters; and
  4. timber certification.

The chairpersons presented a report of their group's discussions including recommendations for the parent bodies as listed below.  Full reports appear in annex 2.

16.     Group 1, chaired by Mr. Steve Dembner (FAO), recommended:

  1. that publicity be concentrated on the key outputs of the parent bodies;
  2. that the secretariat produce appropriate publicity material for key outputs and the Team use available   distribution channels for dissemination;
  3. that the availability of TC electronic databases be publicized;
  4. that a common European PR exercise NOT be conducted but that common key PR elements be   incorporated into national campaigns;
  5. that the team comment on the draft information brochure for the Joint FAO/ECE/ILO Committee (Mr.   Lindsay will head this task);
  6. that the Team act as a consultant for the parent bodies but not actually prepare PR materials;
  7. that ECE and FAO level of information support was insufficient and that it be considered by the parent   bodies;
  8. that liaison be increased between the ECE Timber Section and the FAO Forestry Department with regard   to information and communication;
  9. that the team assist the FAO/ECE secretariat with writing of press releases (Mr. Dembner will head this task).

17.    Group 2, chaired by Mr. Yves St-Onge (Canada) recommended that the parent bodies encourage the development and implementation of information campaigns targeted to youth, urban, consumer and decision-maker audiences.

18.    Group 3, chaired by Mr. Dereix, recommended:

  1. that communication skills should be part of a forester's initial education, as well as a regular subject for   in-service training;
  2. adapting the Toolkit for a comprehensive approach to PR through the entire communication chain, with   specific information for each link, from administration to forester;
  3. that each country establish a PR coordinating committee to implement a PR programme based on the   toolkit suggestions;
  4. establishing of a book on foresters' profiles to bring forward the human side of forestry;
  5. a programme of forester exchanges be considered between countries.

19.    Group 4, chaired by Mr. Gschwandtl, recommended:

  1. establishment of an international mailing list on certification;
  2. promotion of internal communication on certification;
  3. Internet be a channel of communication and establishment of a database;
  4. taking all efforts to balance and complete the information about sustainable forest ecosystem management and timber certification.

20.    The team supported the recommendations of the four groups, which it invites its parent bodies to endorse and to act on.

Team operations  (Item 5 of the agenda)

21.    The meeting discussed the specific remit given to the team by the EFC "to consider the feasibility and modalities of a common European PR exercise," and it was agreed that a priority was to improve the communications links with each other and to establish a stronger network between members of the team as a prerequisite to better collaboration between member states' forestry PR officers and further joint activities.  The team leader will consider holding two conference calls per year:  one as a debriefing after the annual TC presentation and the second for planning the annual meeting.

22.    It was strongly recommended that Internet be the universal method of communication, as it has already proven invaluble for the NGO networks.

23.    Additionally the team suggested that it continue to build its network by identifying key communicators in each country and strive to involve unrepresented member countries.  One means suggested for improving communications was for the team leader to hold two conference calls per year:  one as a debriefing after the annual TC presentation and the second for planning the annual meeting.

24.    Continued groupwork was to be encouraged as individual's time is limited and groups have proven their ability to undertake specific tasks.

25.    Some members called for the creation of a body of literature on communications in the forest and forest industries sector.

26.    Annual reports were judged valuble and Mr. Lindsay will suggest a standard format.  The Toolkit framework for PR campaigns was deemed valuble and members were encouraged to make use of it in their reports.

27.    Mr. Pepke reported that the team's database in the Agriculture and Timber Division library in Geneva had no additions over the past year.  The meeting decided that it was premature to abandon the library collection and a list of all materials distributed at the meeting is attached to the report (annex 3).  Countries were requested to exchange relevant public relations information between themselves and Mr. St-Onge volunteered to supply labels to team members to facilitate mailing.

Work programme 1995/1996 (Item 6 of the agenda)

28.    The team welcomed the idea to continue to update the Toolkit and Mr. Dereix will circulate copies of documents prepared for staff of ONF to assist them in communication techniques.

29.    A proposal to mount an international competition for students to produce forest and forest industry videos, to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the TC and EFC, was strongly supported and it was agreed to recommend the idea to the parent bodies.  Ms. van Nieuwkuyk agreed to head a small working group to develop the idea which is similar to the TC/EFC young persons essay competition in 1987 organized in conjunction with the 40th anniversaries of the two bodies and for which countries sponsored trips for the national winners to attend the joint session in Geneva.

30.    A PR workshop for countries in transition (CITs) was discussed and Mr. Gschwandtl briefed the meeting on a IUFRO meeting that had taken place in the Slovak Republic earlier in 1995 where he had presented the Toolkit and explained PR in the forest and forest industries sector.  Mr. Tim Peck (EFI), who is UN Regional Advisor on Forestry and Forest Industries to CITs has found interest in PR in his recent travels to Moldova, Georgia and Armenia.  Austria volunteered to host a workshop that would build upon the IUFRO meeting.  The team thanked Austria for the generous offer. The team recalled that five CITs have experts on the team (Belarus, Bulgaria, Croatia, Poland and Ukraine), but felt that special efforts were needed to involve other CITs in its activities:  the workshop would be a good way of doing so.  The team considered that Russian interpretation will be necessary as will travel expenses for CIT participants.  A suggestion was made to have the workshop in conjunction with the team's next meeting so that members could be instructors and vice versa, so that participants could attend the meeting.  Mr. Gschwandtl will head a group to plan the workshop and the team recommended that the Toolkit be used as a textbook and be translated into Russian.

31.    Mr. Pepke reported that the FAO/ECE secretariat's statistics were undergoing revision and that the secretariat would produce country fact sheets in conjunction with EFI for the next team meeting.

Team mandate (Item 7 of the agenda)

32.    The parent bodies have agreed that the life-span of their teams of specialists should be time-limited and the Team of PR Specialists should seek approval for its activities after its current mandate expires in November, 1995.  The meeting agreed to strongly recommend that the team be continued for a further three years and that approval should be sought for the new mandate (annex 4).

Other business (Item 8 of the agenda)

33.    Ms. Agneta Lindstedt (Sweden) invited the team to a Timber Committee workshop titled "Wood--an environmentally friendly material" in Jönköping in April 1996 in conjunction with the  ELMIA wood fair.  The objectives are to promote internationally the advantages of wood in comparison to other materials.

34.    Mr. Pepke invited the team to the Joint FAO/ECE/ILO Committee's seminar titled "Exploring multiple use and ecosystem management: from policy to operational practices" to be held in Prince George, British Colombia, Canada on 9-15 September 1995.  He thanked Mr. Gschwandtl for initiating publicity for the seminar and Mr. Gschwandtl pledged to publicize the results of the seminar.

35.    Mr. St-Onge invited the team to the FAO 50th Anniversary Celebration and Symposium to be held in Québec in October, 1995.  A programme/invitation was distributed.

Election of officers for 1995/1996  (Item 9 of the agenda)

36.    Mr. Gschwandtl was elected team leader for 1995/1996 when Mr. Lindsay turned down the nomination due to his impending retirement from the UK Forestry Commission.  Mr. Lindsay will continue to support the team and present a report of this meeting to the November TC session.  Mr. Gschwandtl said it was an honor and a challenge to follow Mr. Lindsay and the team echoed strong appreciation for his past leadership.  A deputy leader will be appointed after November.

Arrangements for the meeting report  (Item 10 of the agenda)

37.    The rapporteur was requested to draft the report with the team leader and then to circulate it for comment by the participants before finalizing.  Final reports would be sent to all team members and would be presented to the November TC session.

Date and place of next meeting  (Item 11 of the agenda)

38.    Austria offered to host the meeting in 1996, on condition the parent bodies agree to the new mandate.

Other matters

39.    The meeting included two field days.  The participants were welcomed at the Duchesnay Forest Site for a "Commucations and Education Day" (5 June 1995) by Louise Labelle, Director of Communications, and Mr. Jacques Robitaille, Sous-ministre associé aux Forêts, Québec Ministère des Ressources naturelles.  Also participating were communications and education specialists from the Association forestère québécoise, represented by Mr. Jacques Gauvin, Vice-President, the Québec Forest Industries Association, the Québec Lumber Manufacturers Association and the Ordre des ingénieurs forestiers du Québec.  The day's programme illustrated how forest and forest industries sector PR is performed in Québec.  The second field trip (7 June) was to a forest in Charlevoix, Québec where foresters explained how PR and forestry operations were performed in a conservation area, a harvest site, a precommercial thinning and a release cutting.  Mr. Daniel Clément of Donohue Inc. showed a video promoting utilization of eastern Canada's forest resources and Mr. Jean-Claude Mercier, Laval University, explained the Canadian process of sustainable forest management certification.  That evening Dr. Yvan Hardy, Assistant Deputy Minister, Canadian Forest Service, welcomed the group and following dinner Dr. Jag Maini gave a presentation of the outcome of the 1995 meeting of the Commission on Sustainable Development and other international meetings.

40.    Mr. Lindsay and the participants expressed their sincere appreciation for the excellent meeting and field trip arrangements and the generous hospitality of their hosts from the Canadian Forest Service, Natural Resources Canada, Québec Ministry of Natural Resources and the Canadian Pulp and Paper Association.

41.    The team expressed special appreciation to Mr. Lindsay for his invaluable work .

42.    The ECE/FAO secretariat thanked the members for their participation and their organizations for sponsoring their activities and making it possible for them to attend the meeting.



            1. List of participants
            2. Group discussion reports
            3. List of all materials distributed at the Québec meeting
            4. Proposed mandate

Annex 1



Mr. Ingwald Gschwandtl Head of Division,
Forest Economics and Public Relations
Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry
Ferdinandstrasse 4
A - 1020 VIENNA
Tel. + 43 (1) 21323 - 7307
Fax + 43 (1) 21323-7216

M. Yves St-Onge
Conseiller en communications
Service Canadien des Forjts
Ministère des Ressources naturelles
Place Vincent Massey
351 boul. St-Joseph, 21ème étage
CN - HULL, Québec  K1A 1G5
Tel. + 1 613 947-7347
Fax + 1 613 947-7397
E-mail [email protected]

Mrs. Beverly Boyd
Senior Advisor, Communications Division
Canadian Forest Service
Natural Resources Canada
580 Booth Street
CN - OTTAWA, Ontario K1A OE4
Tel. + 613 947-7345
Fax + 613 947-7397

Mr. Warren Calow
Director, Industrial Relations
Canadian Forest Service
Natural Resources Canada
580 Booth Street
CN - OTTAWA, Ontario K1A OE4
Tel. + 1 613 947-7373
Fax + ?

M. Jean Dumas
Ministère des Ressources
naturelles du Québec
5700, 4ème avenue Ouest
Bloc B-302
Tel. + 1 418 643-1809
Fax + 1 418 643-0720

Mr. Darrel Mawhinney
General Manager
Corporate Communications
Canfor Corporation
Four Bentall Centre
1055 Dunsmuir Street
Tel. + 1 604 661-5220
Fax + 1 604 661-5219

Mr. Martin Einfeldt
Public Relation Officer
Danish Forestry Society
Amalievej 20
Tel. + 45 31 24 42 66
Fax + 45 31 24 02 42

Mr. Hannu Valtanen
Embassy of Findland
Friesdorfer Str. 1, D-53173
D - 531 77 Bonn
Tel. + 1-49 228 382980
Fax + 1-49 228 3829 857

Mr. Juhani Karvonen
Executive Director
Finish Forestry Association
Salomonkatu 17 B
Tel. + 358 0 694 0040
Fax + 358 0 693 3466

Mr. Charles Dereix
Chef du département de la Communication
Office National des Forêts
2 avenue de Saint-Mandé
F - 75570 PARIS Cedex 12
Tél. + 33 1 44 73 46 47
Fax + 33 1 44 73 46 45

M. Yves Granger
Chef de Bureau
Bureau de la Politique industrielle
Sous-Direction des Industries du Bois
Direction de l'Espace Rural et de la Forêt
1 ter, Avenue de Lowendal
F - 75349 PARIS SP07
Tél. + 33 1 49 55 51 35
Fax + 33 1 49 55 40 76

Mr. Werner Ebert
Director, Cityforest Frankfurt am Main
Tel. + 49 69 2123 3184
Fax + 49 69 2123 0708
privat. Tel/Fax: 069-674241

Ms. Marieke C. van Nieuwkuyk
Public Relations Manager
SBH Foundation for Forest & Forest Products
Postbus 253
Tel. + 31 83 702 4666
Fax + 31 83 701 0247

Mr. Johs Bjorndal
Editor, Norsk Skogbruk
Wergelandsvelen 23 B
N - 0167 OSLO
Tel. + 47 2 2 46 69 40
Fax + 47 2 2 60 41 89

Ms. Berit Sanness
Information Manager
The Norwegian Forest Owners' Federation
Postboks 1438 Vika
N - 0115 OSLO
Tel. + 47 22 83 47 00
Fax + 47 22 83 40 47

Mr. Lars-Erik Holmberg
National Board of Forestry
Tel. + 46 36 15 56 00
Fax + 46 36 16 61 70

Mrs. Agneta Lindstedt
Swedish Forest Industries
Box 5518
Tel. + 46 8 7 83 84 79
Fax + 46 8 6 60 41 34

Ms. Maria Hugosson
Executive Director
Svensk Skog
Box 5518
S-114 85 Stockholm
Tel. + 46 8 783 8464
Fax + 46 8 661 7306
Cellular 46 70 5838464

Mr. James Frazer Lindsay
Head of Information
231 Corstorphine Road
UK - Edinburgh, Scotland  EH12 7AT
Tel. + 44 131 334 0303
Fax + 44 131 334 4473


Mr. Tim Peck
2 Ch. des Laurelles
CH - 1297 FOUNEX
Telephone and fax + 41 22 776 10 69
E-Mail [email protected]

Mr. Stephen Dembner
Editor, Unasylvia
FAO, Department of Forestry
Via delle Terme di Caracalla
I - 1-00100 ROME
Tel. + 39 6 52 25 47 78
Fax + 39 6 52 25 51 37
E-Mail  [email protected]

Mr. Ed Pepke
Forestry Officer Marketing, Timber Section
UN-ECE/FAO Trade Division
United Nations
Palais des Nations
CH-1211 GENEVA 10
Tel. + 41 22 917 2872
Fax + 41 22 917 0041


Louise Labelle
Ministère des Ressources naturelles du Québec
5700, 4ème avenue Ouest, Bloc B-302
Charlesbourg (Quibec) G1H 6R1
Tél. (418) 643-1809
Fax  (418) 643-0720

Lise Duval
Ministère des Ressources
naturelles du Québec
- same address as above -

Andrée-Anne Godbout
Conseillère en communications
Ministère des Ressources naturelles du Québec
- same address as above -

Jacques Robitaille
Sous-ministre associé, Forêts
Ministère des Ressources naturelles
880 Ch. Ste-Foy, 10e étage
Québec (Québec) G1S 4X4
Tél.  418  643-3897
Fax 418 646-4335

Carol Labarre
Ingénieur forestier
Ministère des Ressources naturelles
880 Ch. Ste-Foy, 10e itage
- same address as above -

Paule Tétu, ing. f., M.Sc.
Directrice, Affaires publiques
L'Association des industries forestières
du Québec limitée
1200, avenue Germain-des-prés
bureau 102
Sainte-Foy, Québec G1V 3M7
Tél.  418  651-9352
Fax  418  651-4622

Louis Boudreault
Directeur, Communications et affaires
Association des manufacturiers
de bois de sciage du Québec
5055, boul. Hamel Ouest, bureau 200
Québec (Quibec)
Tél.  418   872-5610
Fax  418   872-3062

Daniel Clément
Directeur Général
Affaires publiques et communications
Donohue Inc.
801 ch. Saint-Louis
Québec (Québec) G1S 4W3
Tél.  (418) 684-7700
Fax  (418) 684-7717

M. Jacques Larouche
Service canadien des forêts
Région du Québec
1055, rue P.E.P.S.
Ste-Foy (Québec) G1V 4C7
Tél. 418  648-7661

Peter N. Moonen
Communications Manager, Coastal Operations
29th Floor, Four Bentall Centre
2900-1055 Dunsmuir St.
PO Box 49420 Bentall Post Stn.
Vancouver, B.C. V7X 1B5
Tél.  604 661-5256
Fax  604 661-5219

Jean-Claude Mercier
Faculté de Foresterie et de Géodésie
Pavillon Abitibi Price
Université Laval G1K 7P4
Tél.  418 656-3878


 Annex 2


 Publicity for the Timber Committee and the European Forestry Commission

 Group 1 Summary by Mr. Steve Dembner

 The group reviewed the activities and outputs of the Timber Committee and the European Forestry Commission (including the Joint FAO/ECE/ILO Committee), with the aim of recommending ways to improve the publicity given to their work (and thereby to the parent bodies themselves).

 The group recommended that each of the key outputs of the parent bodies be considered in terms of the opportunity for publicity and that specific targets and messages be identified.

 For example, The European Timber Trends Study (ETTS V) was identified as a major public relations opportunity for the coming year.  It was recommended that the secretariat produce appropriate publicity material and that the members of the Team of Public Relations Specialists use channels available in their home countries to help disseminate this information.

 In another example, the electronically accessible databases of the Timber Committee were also felt to represent an opportunity for increased public awareness of the Timber Committee and the EFC, provided that the recommendations for their improvement, suggested by the Joint FAO/ECE Working Party on Forestry Economics and Statistics and fully endorsed by the Team of Public Relations Specialists, were implemented.

 The working group recommended against attempts do develop a single common European public relations exercise, affirming that national situations and priorities would make the successful completion of such an effort unfeasible.  However, the working group recommended strongly that the Team of Public Relations Specialists should identify common key concepts among its member nations and that these should be incorporated into information and public relations campaigns at the national level.  It was recommended that this concept be reflected in the new draft mandate for the Team of Public Relations Specialists (see below).

 The working group recommended that the Team delegate one of its members to examine the draft text of the revised fact sheet on the Joint FAO/ECE/ILO Committee and to make recommendations for its improvement, as a model for other similar information tools.  The group noted that the Team of Public Relations Specialists could act as a "consultant" to the parent bodies in terms of public relations materials, although it could not be expected to actually prepare materials for the parent bodies.

 The working group felt that the level of information support by the ECE and FAO secretariats to the activities of the Timber Committee and European Forestry Commission was insufficient and recommended this matter be taken up by the parent bodies.

 The working group recommended that liaison and collaboration between the ECE Timber Section and the FAO Forestry Department with regard to forestry information and communication be increased.

 The working group also prepared a draft of a new mandate for consideration by the full Team of Public Relations Specialists and eventual transmission to the parent bodies.


Public Education Material

Group 2 Summary by Mr. Yves St-Onge

Brainstorming on what could we do as a group in the area, what are the responsibilities of our parent bodies in this area.

Key audiences to address

     Consumer groups
     Decision makers

Possible Role for ECE/FAO

     Act as a catalyst to suscitate more and better public
     information campaigns
     Information center
     Provide coordination


     Promote environmental qualities of wood
     Promote multiple use of forest products

Possible Strategies

     Establish alliances with buyers/retailers
     Educate media
     Promote cooperation in forestry education
     Promote use of INTERNET
     Promote exchanges on campaign information


what: we recommend that our parent bodies act as champions to the forest sector in encouraging the   development and implementation of information campaigns targeted to youth, urban, consumer and   decision maker audiences.

how: this role will be founded on a business plan developed to pool existing national resources, attract new   economic resources and coordinate the delivery of functions and products.

          This business plan would be developed in close collaboration with the Team of Forestry PR Specialists
           but seed funding/resourcing will be required as an initial coordinating step.

why: There is a clear need for improved public  education/information campaigns on the issues of the
          environmental qualities of wood and the multiple use of forest (the elephant parable)

           There are many successful national initiatives that could be enhanced by further international cooperation

           The available financial means to achieve these campaigns are not sufficient and are out of reach for   isolated initiatives.

La Formation des Forestiers à la communication

Résumé du Groupe 3 par M. Charles Dereix

Le forestier est un communicant.  Il n'est pas - il n'est plus - un "sauvage" qui vit au fond des forêts et ne veut voir personne.  C'est un technicien compétent et passionné bien sûr, mais c'est aussi un homme communicant.  Il est le premier porte-parole de la forêt et de la foresterie.  Est-ce une révolution?  C'est en tout cas une évolution nécessaire, une évolution qu'il faut accompagner, encourager, aider, organiser.

 Notre groupe a vu deux moyens dans ce sens, le premier touche à la formation;  le deuxième, à l'organisation.

1. La communication doit avoir sa place dans la formation

 La formation doit s'ouvrir à la communication;  elle doit intégrer la communication en formation de base comme en formation permanente.

1.1 Formation de base

 La communication doit faire partie du cursus de formation délivré par les universités, les écoles ou instituts qui forment les forestiers.  Chaque forestier doit suivre des cours sur la communication dans le cadre de sa formation de base.  Le contenu devra en être précisé, mais il doit comprendre :

1.1.1 Une première sensibilisation

- pourquoi communiquer?  la nécessité d'expliquer notre action, ce que nous faisons, pourquoi et comment  nous le faisons;
- qu'est-ce que communiquer?  une attention permanente, un état d'esprit d'ouverture, d'écoute : informer,  expliquer, écouter, puis tenir compte des demandes ...

 Et ceci dans une démarche d'adhésion :  on ne doit pas faire peur aux forestiers dont un certain nombre recherche ce métier pour "vivre en paix au fond de la forêt".  Il faut apprivoiser nos jeunes forestiers, leur dire : vous devez communiquer, mais vous saurez le faire sans problème car votre métier intéresse le public et que vous avez au coeur beaucoup de passion pour le métier, une passion très communicante.  Il faut leur faire comprendre aussi que leur vie professionnelle sera facilitée par une bonne communication : cela leur évitera bien des ennuis.

1.1.2 Une initiation aux outils

 Le "toolkit" peut en être un bon support.  Il faut rappeler les grandes règles de la communication et présenter les techniques de communication.  On appuiera particulièrement les relations avec la presse :

- savoir sélectionner l'information importante et s'y tenir;
- presse écrite : savoir écrire un bon article, un texte qui sera repris par le journaliste, savoir préparer un  communiqué de presse, un dossier de presse;
- presse audiovisuelle : savoir faire une déclaration TV ou radio, savoir répondre à une interview.

 Ce type de formation doit être basé sur des exercices pratiques, des jeux de rôle;  il doit comprendre aussi un peu de théorie, présentation du monde de la presse, de ses problèmes, de ses besoins par exemple.

1.1.3 Mais la communication, ça n'est pas seulement la presse;  la formation de base devra présenter   aussi   les différents publics avec qui les forestiers sont en relation et les principaux messages à véhiculer en   réponse à leurs questions.

1.1.4 On peut suggérer aussi que les différentes matières enseignées aient un volet communication.  Chaque   enseignant devrait apporter un éclairage communication dans l'enseignement de sa discipline.

 La communication doit être enseignée dans la formation de base;  elle doit être aussi présente dans la formation permanente des forestiers.

1.2 Formation permanente

 On retrouvera en formation permanente des modules complémentaires sur les mêmes thèmes qu'en formation de base : sensibilisation à la communication, formation aux outils et aux relations avec la presse, présentation des publics et des messages.

 Mais il peut être difficile, dans les organismes qui comprennent un grand nombre de personnels, d'inscrire tout le monde dans de telles formations.  C'est pourquoi le groupe a réfléchi à la façon de sélectionnner des forestiers.  Nous proposons trois critères de choix :

 - les responsables nationaux et territoriaux : en tant que chef, ils ont une fonction de porte-parole;

 - des forestiers ayant goût et qualité pour la communication : forestiers de terrain, ils pourront apporter   la passion de leur métier dans leur communication;

 - et ceci prioritairement dans les secteurs exposés, nous pensons notamment aux secteurs péri-  urbains.

 A ce state, le groupe a voulu rappeler trois points :

 - la mission de ces porte-paroles doit être bien définie et leur relations avec la hiérarchie précisée : quelles   sont leurs responsabilités?

 - la communication est bien meilleure quand elle est positive et offensive.  Une communication défensive   a moins de chance d'atteindre son objectif.  Chaque organisme doit avoir son plan de  communication,   sa stratégie identifiant les thèmes prioritaires de communication;

 - on n'échappera pas à des situations de crise : il faut donc préciser la marche à suivre dans ces cas et   notamment comment faire remonter l'information à la direction de la communication?

1.3 Remarques complémentaires

1.3.1 Selon l'organisme, il pourra être utile d'avoir des personnels exclusivement chargés de mission de   communication : ceux-là devront bien sûr avoir une formation plus appuyée que ce que nous venons   d'évoquer ci-dessus.  Ils pourraient d'ailleurs être recrutés dans le milieu de la communication : leur   source d'information sera alors les forestiers de l'organisation.

1.3.2 L'échange de forestiers entre les services forestiers de différents pays peut être un bon moyen d'accroître   l'information et les références des forestiers.  Des séjours de longue durée en situation de véritable travail   pourraient être organisés dans le cadre d'échanges bilatéraux.

2. Etablir le socle de la politique de communication

 Cette deuxième recommandation s'inscrit dans le prolongement du "toolkit".  Le "toolkit" est un document très général, il recense et décrit les outils mis à la disposition des responsables de communication.  Mais des outils, pour quoi faire?

 L'idée est donc que chaque pays adapte le "toolkit" en fonction de ses spécificités, qu'il le complète des grandes lignes de sa politique de communication , les cibles et les messages principaux pour en faire un document de référence en matière de communication et qui impliquera l'ensemble des acteurs de la filière forêt/bois : administration/forêt publique/forêt privée/industriels, etc.

 Compte tenu des différences de situation entre les pays, il n'est pas possible de faire un document plus détaillé que le toolkit, qui puisse convenir à chacun.  A chaque pays donc d'aller plus loin dans l'objectif de rationaliser la communication sur la forêt et la filière bois par un document de référence à partir duquel l'ensemble des partenaires du secteur pourront agir ensemble ou, plus vraisemblablement, les partenaires, seuls ou en binôme, organiseront leurs actions de communication.  Si, à l'intérieur du pays, les différentes actions de communication procèdent de la même source, des mêmes références, les messages assurément passeront mieux.

 Les organismes-parrains pourraient ainsi, c'est notre deuxième recommandation, inciter les pays à réaliser, de la façon que chacun trouvera la mieux adaptée, un tel document national de référence en matière de communication.  Gardons-nous de tomber dans le formalisme qui peut être très stérile.  Une grande liberté sur la façon de faire doit bien sûr être laissée.

Au-delà de ces deux recommandations, le groupe a émis l'idée (à l'initiative de Beverly Boyd), de réaliser un livre "histoire de forestiers" mettant en scène dans leur vie quotidienne des forestiers de différents pays, les présentant de façon chaleureuse et vivante et montrant comment, chaque jour, ils réalisent la gestion durable de leur forêt.  Profils de forestiers, d'hommes proches, compétents, sympathiques, comme un moyen d'expliquer au public la notion d'aménagement durable de la forêt.


Communciation Needs in Timber Certification

Group 4 Summary by Mr. Ingwald Gschwandtl

The group identified a strong need for communication:

1. to promote forestry and forest industry attitudes to certification;
2. to provide a balance of information with respect to ongoing communication campaigns run by environmental NGO's.

 It was clearly pointed out that communications on certification are not a matter of schemes or systems.  There could be more than one working certification system at a time and there should be room for more certification bodies than one.

 The aim of communication on certification must be, to improve the credibility of forestry and forest industry with regard to sustainable forest ecosystem management.

 Certification is seen by the group as a marketing tool and an instrument to improve forest management, based on common understanding of sustainability.  Therefore, the UNCED follow-up processes should be taken in consideration.  It was emphasized that this should be documentation on the sustainable forest management that certification is one but not the only approach to that.

 The group identified a lack of awareness about certification issues by people in affected branches.  So as a first step, communication must try to:

- raise the attention of key people in forestry, timber trade and forest industries;  and
- make them better understand what certification is and why it has to be seen as an important issue.

 The strong need for internal communications was stressed.

 The group recognized that information about certification processes exists in various countries, which should be available for those involved in certification and communication issues.  Therefore:

- international networking has to be improved;
- there should be a common database to easily input in and receive information.

 There is a lack of physical mechanism for regular ongoing online communications between forestry, forest industry and trade companies.

 It was suggested, to overcome a competitive aspect and to shift to a more cooperative approach, which could in a sense of "back referring" read more publicity and credibility on a national as well as international level.  (Ed requests help to re-phrase!)

 The group finally came up with the following recommendations, which are realistic, feasible steps towards the right direction.  The parent EFC and TC bodies:

- should set up an international mailing list of persons and organizations involved in certification and  related  communications concerning forestry, forest industries, timber trade, and environmental NGOs, as well,  to  promote international networking and the circulation of communications material;
- should set a priority in promoting a focus on internal communication on certification issues in the affected  branches;
- should give a recommendation to all member countries to use Internet as an appropriate database to share  information about the rapidly ongoing processes;  and
- should take all efforts to balance and complete the information about sustainable forest ecosystem  management and timber certification.


 Annex 3


AUSTRIA - "Feel Wood:  the Austrian Wood Imagne Campaign", by I. Gschwandtl - "National report"

- "La forêt modèle du Bas Saint-Laurent Inc.".  Folder with:

 "Une forêt habitée", Numéro spécial + Vol. 1, No. 5
 "Code d'éthique environnementale de la Forêt Modèle du Bas St. Laurent Inc."
 "Réseau de forêts modèles".  Brochure (Model Forest Network)
 "Groupement forestier de l'est du lac Témis couata"
 "Programme de forêts modèles du Canada:  une initiative pour le développement durable"
 "Model forest program year in review 1993-1994"
 "La forêt de tous les espoirs" par Pierre Dubois, Francvert, Oct.-Nov. 1994

- "National Forest Education Resources Catalogue/Catalogue national des ressources éducatives sur les  forêts"
- "Protecting our natural heritage"
- "National forest strategy.  Sustainable forests:  a Canadian Commitment".  Midterm evaluation report by  the  Blue Ribbon Panel for the National Forest Strategy Coalition.  Sept. 1994
- "Guide to application of ISO 14001 in the forestry sector for sustainable forest management" by NWIP
- "It's your move.  Wood the only choice" by BC specialists Group, BPIB, COFI
- The FAO International Symposium 1995, Québec (folder, info, invitation)
- "Contemporary Québec" by Ministère des Affaires internationales, de l'immigration et des communautés  culturelles
- Sessions de perfectionnement par Education relative à l'environnement
- Offre de service des Recueils de renseignements vulgarisés sur :
 - "La gestion de la ressources forestière"
 - "Les déchets solides d'origine domestique"
 - "L'eau"
 - "La ressource faunique"
 Tableau de synthèse des situations d'apprentissage
- "Bibliographie descriptive portant sur les enjeux environnementaux de la gestion" par Gaétane Tardif au  Comité interministériel d'éducation relative à l'environnement", déc. 1993
- "Situation d'Apprentissage" par ERE.  Documents de travail :
 - "Pourquoi coupe-t-on des arbres?"
 - "Un être respect arbre"
 - "Doit-on lui couper la tête?", par Ministère des forêts, Direction des communications et de   l'éducation, Québec
  - "Le sirop est dans la sève, la sève est dans l'arbre"
- "Le super magazine" par Ministère des forêts, Direction des communications et de l'Education,  Québec
- Sève - l'arbre en tête.  "Special : demain de l'arbre et des forêts",
- Sève - l'arbre en tête. "Activité vedette : Pourquoi les crayons sont-ils en bois?" par Ministère des forêts,  Direction des communications et de l'Education, Québec
- "L'arbre : un être vivant", par la Direction des relations publiques, Ministère des Ressources  naturelles, Québec
- "La forêt vivante" - ditto as above -
- "Les forêts nous appartiennent" - ditto as above -
- "Nos ressources naturelles", - ditto as above -
- Forêt & Conservation - "Le magazine de la forêt, de l'environnement et des sciences naturelles, Vol.  61,  No. 4, nov-déc. 94
- Quebec's Forests (folder)
 The forest protection strategy
 Key figures 1995-6
 A profile of Quebec's forests
 Québec forest legislation and regulations
 Promoting natural regeneration
 Understanding forest ecosystems and managing forest
 Integrated resources management
 Forest fire protection
 Safeguarding biodiversity
 Protecting forests from insects and disease
 Energetic and effective environmental protection
- "Le bouleau jaune, arbre emblématique du Québec", par Ministère des Ressources naturelles, Québec

- "Finland - the country of forests" by Finnish Forestry Assn.
- "Annual ring 1995.  Finnish forests, forestry and forest industry" by Finnish Forestry Assn.
- "Environmental report" by Finnish Forest Industries Federation

- "Rapport d'activité de la France" par J-M Bourgau
- "Indicators for the sustainable management of French forests", by Ministry of Agriculture & Fisheries

- "Image campaign Forestry and Wood", Forstabstazfonds, F 405-1
- "Informationsdienst holz-ein Rohstoff der Zukunft
 "Holz" by Initiative Forst & Holz
- "Stadtwald Haws" and "Stadtwald Frankfurt (municipal forest guide)
- Poster titled "Hier sehen Sie einen der grossten Kohl-endioxidfresser der Welt" by Initiative Forest & Holz

- "Netherlands Forest Accord"
- Nederlands bos in beeld"
- "PR in forestry in the Netherlands" by Stichting Bos en Hout
- "Sustainable development of forests in the Netherlands", draft report
- "Extension on estimating timber quality and stumpage prices", Campaign report
- Probos campaign report
- "Netherlands forest accord", 22 May 1995

- Annual report
- "Norwegian forest management", by Ministry of Agriculture
- "Idéhefte" by Landbruksdepartementet

- "Skogsböcker 94/95" by Skogsstyrelsen
- "The Campaign Cultural heritage preservation in forestry" by National Board of Forestry,  June 1995
- "National activity report 1994/95"
- "Valuable contribution to forestry certification", Press briefing, June 1995, by Skogsindustrierna
- "Tjadern" by Skogsstyrelsen
- "The case of Sweden", by Skogsstyrelsen
- "Skador pä barrträd", by Skogsstyrelsen

- "National report, 1995"
- "Certification - Forestry Industry Committee of Great Britain position Paper", May 1995

- "European Forest Institute", Info brochure
- "EFI News", Vol. 2, No. 2, Nov. 1994

- "Nordic forest industries cooperate on forestry certification"


Annex 4



 NAME: Team of Public Relations  Specialists in the Forest and Forest Industries Sector

 ESTABLISHED BY: ECE Timber Committee and FAO European Forestry Commission

 References: Report of the 50th session, ECE/TIM/63, paragraph 43

 Date: October 1992


 MANDATE: In support of the overall goal of creating a positive image of the forest sector (including all phases of forest resource management and forest industry), the ECE Timber Committee and the FAO European Forestry Commission renew their decision to create a Team of Public Relations Specialists in the Forest and Forest Industries Sector, with a revised mandate to:

  - promote networking among member states for capacity building and exchange of information in public relations and communication;
  - identify key common concepts and promote their incorporation in forest sector communications and public relations activities in the member countries;
  - identify key needs for improvement of forest sector public relations and communication and communicate them to the ECE Timber Committee and the FAO European Forestry Commission:
  - assist the ECE Timber Committee and the FAO European Forestry Commission to improve public relations and information related to their work;
  - promote the development of national capacity in foirest sector public relations and communication, particularly in countries in transition.

 References: TIM/R.239

 Approved by: To be approved at November 1995 Timber Committee session.

 REPORTING: The team reports annually to the ECE Timber Committee session and to each FAO European Forestry Commission session.


  1. A PR workshop for countries in transition
  2. An update of the "Toolkit"
  3. Assist in PR for Timber Committee and European Forestry Commission outputs
  4. Expansion of the international network of PR specialists in the ECE region
  5. Production of country fact sheets.

 DURATION: Until October 1998. B.  INFORMATION SHEET     (as of July 1995)

 NAME: Team of Public Relations  Specialists in the Forest and Forest Industries Sector

 TEAM LEADER: Ingwald Gschwandtl (Austria)


 Past: Meetings in Fontainebleau (France), Tällberg (Sweden) and Beaupré, Québec (Canada).  Exchange of information and discussion of issues.  Preparation of a PR "toolkit".

 Ongoing: Updating a PR "toolkit".  Advising PR for the outputs of the Committee and the Commission.

 Future: Next meeting in Austria in 1996.  PR workshop for CITs.

 MEMBERSHIP: The following countries are represented on the team:  Austria, Belgium, Belarus, Bulgaria,  Canada, Croatia, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Netherlands,  Norway, Poland, Sweden, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom, United States.