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Policy Dialogue on Wood energy in the region: latest information and trends

22 October 2008
FAO Rome Italy


16:00 - 16:15 Coffee Break (outside the room)    
16:15 - 16:20 Welcome Mr. Kit Prins,
Chief of UNECE/FAO Timber Section
16:20 - 16:40

The UNECE/FAO/IEA/EC Joint Wood Energy Enquiry 2008 -
Sources, user and development

Mr. Florian Steierer,
Wood energy data specialist UNECE/FAO Timber Section
16:40 - 17:40

Woody biomass for energy generation –
Viewpoint from an energy services enterprise

Mr. Alain Arnaud,
International Biomass Supplying Manager

Changing energy supply and demand of a chemical pulp producer -
Innovative solutions from Forest Based Industries.

Mr. Knut Omholt,
Process Technology Manager
Södra Cell Värö Mill

Investing in wood pellet plants in Eastern Europe. -
Viewpoint of a private equity investment enterprise

Mr. Oliver Helbing
Kreativdirektion / Marketing
17:40 - 17:45 Closing      
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Overview on UNECE/FAO events

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