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Developing Strategic Environmental Assessment system in Georgia. Meeting for the high level officials to promote benefits of SEA

11 December 2015
Kakheti Georgia

The aim of the round-table is to promote benefits of efficient application of strategic environmental assessment (SEA and environmental impact assessment (EIA) ) in order to support establishment of EIA and SEA systems in Georgia in line with the requirements the UNECE  Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context (Espoo Convention), its Protocol on SEA and the provisions of EU Directives on EIA and SEA (2011/92/EU as amended by 2014/52/EU and 2001/42/EC) as stipulated by the Association Agreement between Georgia and the European Union, 2014-2017.

Main principles of a good SEA and EIA practice will be introduced to the participants of the event to highlight the role of SEA and EIA procedures as tools for improving sectoral planning, project development and promoting sustainable development principles. The examples of successful SEA and EIA cases in various economic sectors in different countries will be presented to support theoretical background. Presentation of EIA and SEA  benefits should initiate the discussion on the roles of different sectoral ministries and authorities in the SEA and EIA procedures. The participants will be invited to consider the requirements of the draft ‘Environmental assessment code’ of Georgia and suggest the first priority measures to create a national EIA and SEA system in the country. The experts from Estonia, Netherlands, UNECE and EBRD will share their experiences in practical application of SEA and in the development of national environmental assessment legislation.

The event will host the representatives from the Parliament of Georgia, high-level officials from sectoral authorities that are responsible for economic and industrial development, energy, transport, agriculture, tourism, mining, forestry, and health, as well as the representatives and specialists from civil society organizations, international financial institutions and environmental authorities.

The high-level round-table is organized by the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources of Georgia, together with the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) within the framework of the European Union (EU) funded Programme “Greening Economies in the Eastern Neighbourhood” (EaP GREEN) and the Netherlands Commission on Environmental Assessment.

Document title ENG GEO RUS
Background documents      
Final agenda ENG GEO  
Report ENG    
List of participants ENG    

Session I: Strategic environmental assessment (SEA) and environmental impact assessment (EIA) as systematic and anticipatory tools to assist national governments in safeguarding sustainable socio-economic development of their countries 

·  History and justification for establishing national EIA and SEA systems International commitments: the Espoo Convention and its Protocol on SEA

·  Cost of inaction

Ms. Olena Borysova, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)
















Session II: Practical application of the EIA and SEA in various countries EU: benefits and cost

·  SEAs for land use plans in Macedonia, the Netherlands and Georgia

Mr. Arend Kolhoff, the Netherlands Commission on  Environmental Assessments

·  Application of SEA for the National Development Programme of the Energy Sector in Estonia

Ms. Ljubov Gornaja, UNECE expert, Estonia

·  Application of the EIA and SEA by EBRD as a tool for facilitating investments into the renewable energy sector

Ms. Olena Borysova, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)






















Session III: Roles of sectoral authorities in environmental assessments

·   Introduction to EaP GREEN


Ms. Elena Santer, UNECE Secretariat to the Espoo Convention and Protocol on SEA

·  SEA as a tool to prevents inter-sectoral conflicts

Ms. Olena Borysova, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)

·  SEA as a governmental tool for assessment of cumulative effects (example in the water sector)

Mr. Arend Kolhoff, the Netherlands Commission on  Environmental  Assessments














Session IV: Environmental assessment system in Georgia: challenges and justification for legal and institutional reforms

·  Key requirements of the draft Environmental Assessment Code


Ms. Maia Bitadze, Deputy Minister of Environment and Natural Resources, Georgia

·  Institutional Reform of Environmental Assessment


Mr Koba Bakhturidze Deputy Head of Environmental Impact Permits Department












Session V: Way forward for establishing a national EIA and SEA systems in Georgia according to the requirements of the Espoo Convention, the Protocol on SEA and the Relevant EU Directives

·   Establishment of the national environmental assessment system in Estonia according to the EU EIA and SEA Directives: process, challenges and lessons learnt


Ms. Ljubov Gornaja, UNECE expert, Estonia