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ACCC/C/2018/158 Poland

Case status: Pending.
Topics: Public participation; Access to justice.
Articles alleged: 7; 9 (3).
Articles considered by the Committee:
Articles, if any, found in non-compliance:
Summary: The communication was submitted to the Compliance Committee on 22 May 2018 by Stowarzyszenie Pracownia na rzecz Wszystkich Istot, an environmental non-governmental organization in Poland. The communication alleges non-compliance with article 7 of the Convention concerning public participation in the preparation of farm and hunting plans, and a general failure by the Party concerned to implement article 9 (3) of the Convention due to a lack of standing for non-governmental organizations, and very limited standing for individuals, to challenge plans and programmes relating to the environment.

Documents Status Date received or posted by the secretariat

Annex 1
Annex 2
Annex 3
Annex 4
Annex 5
Annex 6
Annex 7
Annex 8
Annex 9
Annex 10
Annex 11
Annex 12
Annex 13
Annex 14
Annex 15
Annex 16
Annex 17
From the communicant 22.05.2018
Statement on preliminary admissibility for Committee's 61st meeting From the Party concerned 29.06.2018
Email concerning potential conflict of interest From the Party concerned 06.07.2018
Letter in reply to the Party concerned's email of 06.07.2018 From the Chair of the Compliance Committee 16.07.2018 (dated 13.07.2018)
Letter to communicant regarding scope of communication From the secretariat 19.07.2018
Reply to letter from the Chair of the Compliance Committee From the Party concerned 24.07.2018
Reply to Committee's request to clarify scope of communication From the communicant 19.08.2018
Comments on preliminary admissibility From the Party concerned 16.10.2018
Letters to the Party concerned and the communicant enclosing Committee's determination of preliminary admissibility and forwarding the communication for the Party concerned's response From the secretariat 18.01.2019
Response to the communication From the Party concerned 18.06.2019
Letter seeking the parties’ views on whether they consider there are reasons for not considering communications ACCC/C/2016/151, ACCC/C/2017/154 and ACCC/C/2018/158 jointly From the secretariat 21.06.2019
Reply to Committee’s letter providing its views as to whether there are reasons for not considering communications ACCC/C/2016/151, ACCC/C/2017/154, and ACCC/C/2018/158 jointly From the communicant 21.06.2019
Letter regarding whether there are reasons for not considering communications ACCC/C/2016/151, ACCC/C/2017/154, and ACCC/C/2018/158 jointly From the Party concerned 18.07.2019
Comments on the response of the Party concerned to the communication From the communicant 05.08.2019 (dated 04.08.2019)
Letter explaining how the Committee will proceed with respect to communications ACCC/C/2016/151, ACCC/C/2017/154, ACCC/C/2018/158 From the secretariat 28.03.2022
Letters inviting Party concerned and communicants of communications ACCC/C/2016/151, ACCC/C/2017/154 and ACCC/C/2018/158 to joint hearing at the Committee’s 75th meeting From the secretariat 05.04.2022
Letter enclosing questions from the Committee to the parties From the secretariat 13.05.2022
Reply to Committee’s questions
Annex 1: Relevant provisions
Annex 2: Judgment of Supreme Administrative Court no. III OSK 4192/21 dated 14.04.2021 ENG POL
From the communicant 13.06.2022
Cover letter enclosing reply to Committee’s questions ENG POL
Annex 1: relevant judgments POL
From the Party concerned 15.06.2022
Opening statement for the joint hearing on communications ACCC/C/2016/151, ACCC/C/2017/154 and ACCC/C/2018/158 From the Party concerned 16.06.2022
Opening statement for hearing on communication ACCC/C/2018/158 From the communicant 20.06.2022
Joint statement delivered at hearing on communications ACCC/C/2016/151, ACCC/C/2017/154 and ACCC/C/2018/158 From the Party concerned 27.06.2022
Cover email enclosing letter ENG POL From the Party concerned 10.11.2022
Letter  From the communicant 27.04.2023
Comments on the communicant's letter of 27.04.2023 From the Party concerned 23.06.2023 (dated 22.06.2023)
Letter to the Party concerned and communicant enclosing questions from the Committee From the secretariat 19.02.2024
Replies to the Committee’s questions dated 19.02.2024 From the communicant 02.04.2024
Email regarding Party concerned’s outstanding reply to Committee’s questions of 19.02.2024 From the communicant 17.04.2024
Cover letter enclosing replies to Committee’s questions of 19.02.2024 From the Party concerned 26.04.2024
Comments on Party concerned’s reply of 26.04.2024 From the communicant 01.05.2024 (dated 02.05.2024)
Cover letter enclosing remaining part of the Party concerned’s reply to the Committee’s questions of 19.02.2024 From the Party concerned 08.05.2024
Comments on remaining part of the Party concerned’s reply to the Committee’s questions  of 19.02.2024 From the communicant 11.05.2024 (dated 10.05.2024)
Cover letter enclosing comments on the communicant’s reply of 02.04.2024 to the Committee’s questions ENG POL From the Party concerned 20.05.2024