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Twenty-eighth meeting of the Working Group of the Parties to the Aarhus Convention

02 - 04 July 2024
Salle XXVI (E Building), Palais de Nations Geneva Switzerland

The twenty-eighth meeting of the Convention’s Working Group of the Parties (WGP28) took place in Geneva on 2-4 July 2024 (Palais des Nations, Salle XXVI).

The Working Group reviewed the progress in implementing the current work programme and discussed a number of items, including progress achieved in promoting access to information, public participation and access to justice, and in ratification of the Convention's amendment on genetically modified organisms; the work of the Compliance Committee and of the Special Rapporteur on Environmental Defenders; financial matters; and promotion of the Convention and relevant developments and interlinkages. The Working Group also considered the impact of the war in Ukraine on the implementation of the Convention. Two thematic sessions, on access to justice and on promoting the application of the principles of the Convention in international forums, were held during the meeting. See agenda and other documents for the meeting and more information below. Presentations and statements delivered at the meeting, as submitted to the secretariat,  will be made available on this webpage in due course.

The meeting was also live streamed on YouTube, please follow the link below:

2 July (am session ):

3 July:

4 July (am session) :

Kindly note that all sessions, except for Tuesday, 2 July afternoon and Thursday, 4 July afternoon are accessible on YouTube.

In addition, as for all UN public meetings, the meeting proceedings are also available through this link

For additional information, contact the Aarhus Convention secretariat at public.participation[at]


59431 _ ECE/MP.PP/WG.1/2024/1 - Provisional Agenda _ 389612 _ English _ 773 _ 412319 _ pdf
59431 _ ECE/MP.PP/WG.1/2024/1 - Provisional Agenda _ 389612 _ French _ 780 _ 412320 _ pdf
59431 _ ECE/MP.PP/WG.1/2024/1 - Provisional Agenda _ 389612 _ Russian _ 864 _ 412321 _ pdf
59431 _ AC/WGP-28/Inf.11 - List of decisions and major outcomes of the meeting _ 392571 _ English _ 773 _ 416359 _ pdf
59431 _ Item 4 (a) - ECE/MP.PP/WG.1/2024/11 - Report on the outcomes of the survey on measures to enable effective access to justice in environmental matters _ 390851 _ English _ 773 _ 414336 _ pdf
59431 _ Item 4 (a) - ECE/MP.PP/WG.1/2024/11 - Report on the outcomes of the survey on measures to enable effective access to justice in environmental matters _ 390851 _ French _ 780 _ 414337 _ pdf
59431 _ Item 4 (a) - ECE/MP.PP/WG.1/2024/11 - Report on the outcomes of the survey on measures to enable effective access to justice in environmental matters _ 390851 _ Russian _ 864 _ 414338 _ pdf
59431 _ Item 4 (a) - AC/WGP-28/Inf.3 - Note by the Chair of the Task Force on Access to Justice on possible future directions for the work _ 390081 _ English _ 773 _ 410583 _ pdf
59431 _ Item 4 (b) - ECE/MP.PP/WG.1/2024/3 - Report of the Task Force on Access to Information on its eighth meeting _ 390803 _ English _ 773 _ 414706 _ pdf
59431 _ Item 4 (b) - ECE/MP.PP/WG.1/2024/3 - Report of the Task Force on Access to Information on its eighth meeting _ 390803 _ French _ 780 _ 414707 _ pdf
59431 _ Item 4 (b) - ECE/MP.PP/WG.1/2024/3 - Report of the Task Force on Access to Information on its eighth meeting _ 390803 _ Russian _ 864 _ 414708 _ pdf
59431 _ Item 4 (b) - AC/WGP-28/Inf.1 - Note by the Chair of the Task Force on Access to Information on possible future directions for the work _ 390079 _ English _ 773 _ 410581 _ pdf
59431 _ Item 6 (a) - ECE/MP.PP/WG.1/2024/9 - Membership of the Compliance Committee _ 390817 _ English _ 773 _ 414348 _ pdf
59431 _ Item 6 (a) - ECE/MP.PP/WG.1/2024/9 - Membership of the Compliance Committee _ 390817 _ French _ 780 _ 414349 _ pdf
59431 _ Item 6 (a) - ECE/MP.PP/WG.1/2024/9 - Membership of the Compliance Committee _ 390817 _ Russian _ 864 _ 414350 _ pdf
59431 _ Item 7 (a) - ECE/MP.PP/WG.1/2024/7 - Draft elements of the work programme for 2026–2029 _ 390559 _ English _ 773 _ 414100 _ pdf
59431 _ Item 7 (a) - ECE/MP.PP/WG.1/2024/7 - Draft elements of the work programme for 2026–2029 _ 390559 _ French _ 780 _ 414101 _ pdf
59431 _ Item 7 (a) - ECE/MP.PP/WG.1/2024/7 - Draft elements of the work programme for 2026–2029 _ 390559 _ Russian _ 864 _ 414102 _ pdf
59431 _ Item 7 (b) - ECE/MP.PP/WG.1/2024/8 - Draft elements of possible financial arrangements under the Convention _ 390552 _ English _ 773 _ 413489 _ pdf
59431 _ Item 7 (b) - ECE/MP.PP/WG.1/2024/8 - Draft elements of possible financial arrangements under the Convention _ 390552 _ French _ 780 _ 413490 _ pdf
59431 _ Item 7 (b) - ECE/MP.PP/WG.1/2024/8 - Draft elements of possible financial arrangements under the Convention _ 390552 _ Russian _ 864 _ 413491 _ pdf
59431 _ Item 7 (b) - AC/WGP-28/Inf.9 - Accompanying document for the draft elements of possible financial arrangements under the Convention _ 390726 _ English _ 773 _ 412138 _ pdf
59431 _ Item 7 (c) - ECE/MP.PP/WG.1/2024/10 - Draft outline of the provisional agenda of the eighth session of the Meeting of the Parties to the Aarhus Convention _ 390547 _ English _ 773 _ 413301 _ pdf
59431 _ Item 7 (c) - ECE/MP.PP/WG.1/2024/10 - Draft outline of the provisional agenda of the eighth session of the Meeting of the Parties to the Aarhus Convention _ 390547 _ French _ 780 _ 413302 _ pdf
59431 _ Item 7 (c) - ECE/MP.PP/WG.1/2024/10 - Draft outline of the provisional agenda of the eighth session of the Meeting of the Parties to the Aarhus Convention _ 390547 _ Russian _ 864 _ 413303 _ pdf
59431 _ Item 9 - ECE/MP.PP/WG.1/2024/4 - Report on the implementation of the work programme for 2022–2025 _ 391346 _ English _ 773 _ 415139 _ pdf
59431 _ Item 9 - ECE/MP.PP/WG.1/2024/4 - Report on the implementation of the work programme for 2022–2025 _ 391346 _ French _ 780 _ 415140 _ pdf
59431 _ Item 9 - ECE/MP.PP/WG.1/2024/4 - Report on the implementation of the work programme for 2022–2025 _ 391346 _ Russian _ 864 _ 415141 _ pdf
59431 _ Item 9 - AC/WGP-28/Inf.7 - Note on contributions and pledges received _ 392279 _ English _ 773 _ 415629 _ pdf



Item 4 (d) PDF


European Union and its Member States

Item 1, 2, 4 (a), 4 (b), 4 (c), 4 (d), 5, 6 (a) (i) (ii), 6 (b), 6 (c), 7 (a), 7 (b), 7 (c), 7 (d), 8, 9, and 11 PDF



Item 4 (d) PDF



Item 7 (d) PDF



Item 2: PDF

Item 4 (a) PDF

Item 4 (b) PDF

Item 4 (c) PDF

Item 6 (a) (i) PDF

Item 6 (a) (ii) PDF

Item 7 (a) PDF

Item 7 (b) PDF

Item 7 (c) PDF

Item 9 PDF


North Macedonia

Item 4 (d) PDF


Republic of Moldova

Item 4 (b) PDF



Item 5 and 7 (b) PDF



Item 4 (d) PDF



Item 2 statement   presentation

Item 4 (d) PDF


Chair of the Task Force on Access to Justice

Item 4 (a) PDF

Chair of the Task Force on Access to Information

Item 4 (b) PDF

Chair of the Aarhus Convention Compliance Committee

Item 5 (b) PDF


UNECE Aarhus Convention Secretariat

Item 6 (b) PDF





Item 4 (b) PDF

Item 6 (a) (ii) PDF


Non-Governmental Organisations

Item 1

European Environmental Bureau / European ECO Forum PDF

Item 2

ICO IC “Green Dossier”/European ECO Forum PDF

Item 3

European Environmental Bureau / European ECO Forum PDF

Item 4 (c)

ClientEarth / European ECO Forum PDF

The Consultation Institute / European ECO Forum PDF

Item 4 (b)

European Environmental Bureau / European ECO Forum PDF

Item 4 (d)

Eco-TIRAS International Association of River Keepers/European ECO Forum PDF

Item 6 (a) (i)

An Taisce/Environmental Law Ireland / European ECO Forum PDF

Item 6 (a) (ii)

An Taisce/Environmental Law Ireland / European ECO Forum PDF

Nuclear Transparency Watch & Cumbria Trust UK / European ECO Forum PDF

European Environmental Bureau / European ECO Forum PDF

Item 6 (c)

Youth and Environment Europe / European ECO Forum PDF

Item 7 (a)

Child Rights International Network / European ECO Forum PDF

Item 7 (b)

An Taisce/Environmental Law Ireland / European ECO Forum PDF

Item 8

Nuclear Transparency Watch & Cumbria Trust UK / European ECO Forum PDF

Item 9

An Taisce/Environmental Law Ireland / European ECO Forum PDF

European Environmental Bureau / European ECO Forum PDF

Thematic session on Access to Justice

Background information on work area on access to justice is available from

Provisional programme of the thematic session on access to justice PDF


Statements and Presentations


Item II. Access to justice to challenge violations of laws relating to the environment


Finland - Ms. Charlotta Von Troil, Senior Ministerial Advisor, Legislative Affairs, Ministry for the Environment
Serbia - Ms. Tina Janjatovic, Senior Legal Adviser, Ministry of Environmental Protection PDF
Association of Judges of the Kyrgyz Republic  - Ms. Venera Boltobaeva, Executive Director PDF
Youth and Environment Europe / European ECO Forum - Ms. Remina Aleksieva, Environmental Law Liaison Officer statement   presentation


European Commission PDF
An Taisce/Environmental Law Ireland / European ECO Forum  PDF
Journalists for Human Rights / European ECO Forum  PDF


Item III. Collective redress in environmental matters


Netherlands - Mr. Joost Pikkemaat, Senior Lawyer, Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management statement   presentation
EUFJE - Ms. Silvia Martinez Canton, Senior Judge and Professor, International University of La Rioja, Spain PDF
Association Justice and Environment/European ECO Forum - Ms. Summer Kern, Senior Lawyer


Item IV. General discussion on measures to promote effective access to justice

Austria  PDF
Guinea Bissau  PDF
Dalma-Sona / European ECO Forum  PDF
Environment Links UK / European ECO Forum PDF






Thematic session on Public Participation in International Forums

Background information on work area on promoting the principles of the Convention in international forums is available from:

Provisional programme of the thematic session on the promotion of the principles of the Convention in international forums PDF


Presentations, statements and other submissions

Item I: Energy


1. Ireland - Ms. Sophie Bunyan, Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications of Ireland PDF

2. European Environmental Bureau / European ECO Forum - Ms. Francesca Carlsson, Policy Manager for Environmental Law and Justice PDF

Other submissions:

Letter to International Energy Agency from Climate Action Network International  PDF


Item II: Carbon-trading and other market-based mechanisms


1. European Commission - Ms. Laura Gornicioiu, Deputy Head of Unit ENV.E4, Environmental Rule of Law & Governance, Directorate-General Environment PDF

2. Center for International Environmental Law / European ECO Forum - Ms. Lien Vandamme, Senior Campaigner Human Rights and Climate Change PDF


Chair of the Task Force on Access to Information - Ms. Rodica Iordanov PDF

OHCHR - Mr. Igor Gryshko PDF


Item III: New or Emerging Technologies

1. Georgia - Ms. Nino Gokhelashvili, Head, Sustainable Development Division, Environment and Climate Change Department, Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia PDF

2. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Chemical Sciences Laboratory, United States of America - Mr. David Fahey, Director PDF

3. Environmental Justice Network Ireland / European ECO Forum - Ms. Alison Hough, Head of Access to Justice Observatory PDF



Center for International Environmental Law / European ECO Forum - Ms. Francesca Mingrone PDF


Item IV: Future Work on Public Participation in International Forums

Center for International Environmental Law / European ECO Forum - Ms. Francesca Mingrone PDF


Item V: General Discussion and Additional Topics

(a) International Seabed Authority (ISA)


Secretariat of the International Seabed Authority – Mr. David Pusztai, Legal Affairs Officer video recording  transcript of video recording transcript

Group of independent experts on ISA – Ms. Hannah Lily, Independent Legal Expert presentation   statement



Other submissions

Statement by Group of Experts on promotion of the principles of the Aarhus Convention in the work of International Seabed Authority  PDF

(b) Written updates

Written statement by EBRD  PDF

Written statement by European Investment Bank PDF

Written statement by World Bank PDF

UNECE - Written Update: Agenda2030 and SDGs PDF

UNEP - Written Update: UNEA6_Access to Information and Stakeholder Policies PDF

UNFCCC – Written Update: Carbon-trading Mechanism under UNFCCC PDF

(c) Additional topics - statements

Eco-Accord / European ECO-Forum - Ms. Olga Ponizova PDF

Eco-TIRAS International Association of River Keepers / European ECO Forum - Mr. Ilya Trombitki PDF