The twenty-eighth meeting of the Convention’s Working Group of the Parties (WGP28) took place in Geneva on 2-4 July 2024 (Palais des Nations, Salle XXVI).
The Working Group reviewed the progress in implementing the current work programme and discussed a number of items, including progress achieved in promoting access to information, public participation and access to justice, and in ratification of the Convention's amendment on genetically modified organisms; the work of the Compliance Committee and of the Special Rapporteur on Environmental Defenders; financial matters; and promotion of the Convention and relevant developments and interlinkages. The Working Group also considered the impact of the war in Ukraine on the implementation of the Convention. Two thematic sessions, on access to justice and on promoting the application of the principles of the Convention in international forums, were held during the meeting. See agenda and other documents for the meeting and more information below. Presentations and statements delivered at the meeting, as submitted to the secretariat, will be made available on this webpage in due course.
The meeting was also live streamed on YouTube, please follow the link below:
2 July (am session ):
3 July:
4 July (am session) :
Kindly note that all sessions, except for Tuesday, 2 July afternoon and Thursday, 4 July afternoon are accessible on YouTube.
In addition, as for all UN public meetings, the meeting proceedings are also available through this link
For additional information, contact the Aarhus Convention secretariat at public.participation[at]