Joint OECD-UNECE Seminar on the Implementation of the SEEA
Joint OECD-UNECE Seminar on the Implementation of the SEEA
13 - 15 March 2023
Palais des Nations, Geneva Switzerland
Provisional Programme and Concept Note
36093 _ Provisional Programme _ 375683 _ English _ 773 _ 376046 _ pdf
36093 _ Concept note _ 374591 _ English _ 773 _ 371754 _ pdf
36093 _ ECE/CES/2023/14/Add.13 - Report of the Seminar _ 380645 _ English _ 773 _ 386448 _ pdf
Session 1: Opening
Session 2: Setting the scene
37979 _ Presentation - Update on the UNCEEA and Global SEEA Implementation - UNSD and OECD _ 376458 _ English _ 773 _ 375947 _ pdf
37979 _ Presentation - Measuring the Sustainability of Tourism (MST) - UNWTO _ 376334 _ English _ 773 _ 375694 _ pdf
37979 _ Presentation - Convention on Biodiversity 15th Conference of Parties _ 376530 _ English _ 773 _ 376102 _ pdf
37979 _ Presentation - Updates from Eurostat _ 376398 _ English _ 773 _ 375811 _ pdf
37979 _ Presentation - G20 Data Gaps Initiative - People Planet Economy - IMF _ 376459 _ English _ 773 _ 375951 _ pdf
37979 _ Presentation - SEEA related activities: updates from UNEP _ 376506 _ English _ 773 _ 376050 _ pdf
37979 _ Presentation - Importance of Earth Observation for effective SEEA implementation - ESA _ 376531 _ English _ 773 _ 376103 _ pdf
37979 _ Presentation - G20 Data Gaps Initiative - IMF _ 376532 _ English _ 773 _ 376104 _ pdf
Session 3: Towards Circular Economy Measurement
37980 _ Presentation - Greening the HS: What are the limits and the alternatives - WTO _ 376542 _ English _ 773 _ 376126 _ pdf
37980 _ Presentation - Draft UNECE/OECD Guidelines for measuring Circular Economy - OECD _ 376533 _ English _ 773 _ 376105 _ pdf
37980 _ Presentation - Circular Economy applied in international trade, which official statistics do we need? - UNECE _ 376541 _ English _ 773 _ 376125 _ pdf
37980 _ Presentation - Update on revised EU monitoring framework circular economy - Eurostat _ 376399 _ English _ 773 _ 375812 _ pdf
37980 _ Presentation - The role of the SEEA in the FutuRam project - UNITAR _ 376069 _ English _ 773 _ 375164 _ pdf
37980 _ Presentation - Circular economy and material footprint indicators for Sweden _ 376235 _ English _ 773 _ 375500 _ pdf
37980 _ Presentation - Decomposition analysis in the Netherlands: material use related to climate change - Netherlands _ 376349 _ English _ 773 _ 375728 _ pdf
Session 4: Implementing Ecosystem Accounting (SEEA EA)
37981 _ Presentation - Accounting of marine and coastal ecosystems at the Ramsar Site - Colombia _ 376354 _ English _ 773 _ 375733 _ pdf
37981 _ Presentation - Ecosystem Accounting in Germany - Current State and Challenges - Germany _ 376550 _ English _ 773 _ 376146 _ pdf
37981 _ Presentation - SEEA-EA implementation in Spain _ 376074 _ English _ 773 _ 375173 _ pdf
37981 _ Presentation - Ecosystem accounts in Estonia (progress so far) _ 376556 _ English _ 773 _ 376166 _ pdf
37981 _ Presentation - Outcomes of projects of implementation of ecosystem natural capital accounts in Africa and the Guiana Shield - Independent Consultant _ 376211 _ English _ 773 _ 375457 _ pdf
37981 _ Presentation - Land Cover Global Data Collection - FAO _ 376549 _ English _ 773 _ 376145 _ pdf
Session 5: Forest Accounts
37982 _ Presentation - Setting the scene for forest accounts - University Rey Juan Carlos _ 376586 _ English _ 773 _ 376219 _ pdf
37982 _ Presentation - Forest ecosystem accounts in Australia _ 376212 _ English _ 773 _ 375458 _ pdf
37982 _ Presentation - Implementing international frameworks for environmental & economic accounting for forests - FAO _ 376420 _ English _ 773 _ 376023 _ pdf
37982 _ Presentation - Forest accounts - updates from Eurostat _ 376404 _ English _ 773 _ 375818 _ pdf
37982 _ Presentation - Implementation of European Forest Accounts and links with SEEA-EA - Finland _ 376571 _ English _ 773 _ 376193 _ pdf
37982 _ Presentation - Forest accounts in France _ 376148 _ English _ 773 _ 376194 _ pdf
Session 6: Organizational and institutional arrangements for SEEA implementation
37983 _ Presentation - National strategy to develop statistics for environmental-economic decisions - Overview & Recommendations - USA _ 376572 _ English _ 773 _ 376195 _ pdf
37983 _ Presentation - SEEA implementation in Finland _ 376353 _ English _ 773 _ 375732 _ pdf
Session 7: Environmental taxes and subsidies
37984 _ Presentation - Methodology for Environmental Taxes & Subsidies accounts - Eurostat _ 376405 _ English _ 773 _ 375819 _ pdf
37984 _ Presentation - Environmental taxes and subsidies, including harmful subsidies - UNEP _ 376351 _ English _ 773 _ 375730 _ pdf
37984 _ Presentation - Guidance on measuring fossil fuel support - updates on OECD work _ 376615 _ English _ 773 _ 389265 _ pdf
37984 _ Presentation - Environmental Tax Account, 2010-2018 - Canada _ 376474 _ English _ 773 _ 375981 _ pdf
37984 _ Presentation - Fossil fuel subsidies and ECR-calculations in Sweden _ 376580 _ English _ 773 _ 376212 _ pdf
37984 _ Presentation - Measuring Luxembourg's support for fossil fuels - Luxembourg _ 376457 _ English _ 773 _ 375946 _ pdf
Session 8: Integration of accounts for analytical purposes
37985 _ Presentation - Decoupling Emissions from Economic Activity - Ireland _ 376582 _ English _ 773 _ 376214 _ pdf
37985 _ Presentation - Developing statistics to measure the climate change impacts of a country's exports - Sweden _ 376478 _ English _ 773 _ 375987 _ pdf
37985 _ Presentation - Integration of accounts for analytical purposes - OECD _ 376581 _ English _ 773 _ 376213 _ pdf
37985 _ Presentation - The carbon account of the Netherlands _ 376583 _ English _ 773 _ 376215 _ pdf
Session 9: Water Accounts and related indicators
37986 _ Presentation - The joint OECD/Eurostat Questionnaire and international data collection on water _ 376159 _ English _ 773 _ 375380 _ pdf
37986 _ Presentation - Introduction and further support of water accounts in EU Eastern partner countries - EU4Environment _ 376585 _ English _ 773 _ 376218 _ pdf
37986 _ Presentation - Water accounts in the Netherlands _ 376350 _ English _ 773 _ 375729 _ pdf
37986 _ Presentation - Indicators related to water accounts in the context of communication and awareness raising - Armenia _ 376213 _ English _ 773 _ 376080 _ pdf