SEEA_Sem_2023_Programme_v10032023.pdf |
SEEA_Sem_2023_Programme_v10032023.pdf (application/pdf, 339.76 KB)
English |
Provisional Programme |
8th_SEEA_Seminar_concept_note_final_KO_0.pdf |
8th_SEEA_Seminar_concept_note_final_KO_0.pdf (application/pdf, 269.4 KB)
English |
Concept note |
14_Add.13_Report Seminar SEEA 2023.pdf |
14_Add.13_Report Seminar SEEA 2023.pdf (application/pdf, 213.23 KB)
English |
Report of the Seminar |
S2_1_UNCEEA_OECD presentation_2023_v3.pdf |
S2_1_UNCEEA_OECD presentation_2023_v3.pdf (application/pdf, 371.69 KB)
English |
Update on the UNCEEA and Global SEEA Implementation - UNSD and OECD |
S2_7_Tourism_Laimer_0.pdf |
S2_7_Tourism_Laimer_0.pdf (application/pdf, 2.04 MB)
English |
Measuring the Sustainability of Tourism (MST) - UNWTO |
S1_5_CBD COP5_OECD-UNECE-Teller.pdf |
S1_5_CBD COP5_OECD-UNECE-Teller.pdf (application/pdf, 2.97 MB)
English |
Convention on Biodiversity 15th Conference of Parties |
S2_3_Updates from Eurostat.pdf |
S2_3_Updates from Eurostat.pdf (application/pdf, 130.7 KB)
English |
Updates from Eurostat |
S2_6_IMF_DGI.pdf |
S2_6_IMF_DGI.pdf (application/pdf, 1.16 MB)
English |
G20 Data Gaps Initiative - People Planet Economy - IMF |
S2_4__UNEP updates_Ekaterina Poleshchuk.pdf |
S2_4__UNEP updates_Ekaterina Poleshchuk.pdf (application/pdf, 1.62 MB)
English |
SEEA related activities: updates from UNEP |
S2_8_ESA V2.pdf |
S2_8_ESA V2.pdf (application/pdf, 10.61 MB)
English |
Importance of Earth Observation for effective SEEA implementation - ESA |
S2_9_DGI.pdf |
S2_9_DGI.pdf (application/pdf, 1.16 MB)
English |
G20 Data Gaps Initiative - IMF |
S3_5_Santana-Greening the HS v1.0.pdf |
S3_5_Santana-Greening the HS v1.0.pdf (application/pdf, 1.57 MB)
English |
Greening the HS: What are the limits and the alternatives - WTO |
S3_2_CE_Guidelines_SEEA_Sem2023-ML_update.pdf |
S3_2_CE_Guidelines_SEEA_Sem2023-ML_update.pdf (application/pdf, 891.19 KB)
English |
Draft UNECE/OECD Guidelines for measuring Circular Economy - OECD |
S3_1_Circular economy in international trade_E.Türk.pdf |
S3_1_Circular economy in international trade_E.Türk.pdf (application/pdf, 3.14 MB)
English |
Circular Economy applied in international trade, which official statistics do we need? - UNECE |
S3_3_Update on revised EU monitoring framework CE.pdf |
S3_3_Update on revised EU monitoring framework CE.pdf (application/pdf, 1.2 MB)
English |
Update on revised EU monitoring framework circular economy - Eurostat |
S3_8_UNITAR_FutuRaM_SEEA_v1.pdf |
S3_8_UNITAR_FutuRaM_SEEA_v1.pdf (application/pdf, 2.05 MB)
English |
The role of the SEEA in the FutuRam project - UNITAR |
S3_7_SCB-UNECE-20230313.pdf |
S3_7_SCB-UNECE-20230313.pdf (application/pdf, 881.88 KB)
English |
Circular economy and material footprint indicators for Sweden |
S3_6_Decomposition analysis NL.pdf |
S3_6_Decomposition analysis NL.pdf (application/pdf, 492.31 KB)
English |
Decomposition analysis in the Netherlands: material use related to climate change - Netherlands |
S4_1_SEEA-EA_Colombia.pdf |
S4_1_SEEA-EA_Colombia.pdf (application/pdf, 5.84 MB)
English |
Accounting of marine and coastal ecosystems at the Ramsar Site - Colombia |
S4_2_Ecosystem_Accounting_GER_for_publication.pdf |
S4_2_Ecosystem_Accounting_GER_for_publication.pdf (application/pdf, 899.09 KB)
English |
Ecosystem Accounting in Germany - Current State and Challenges - Germany |
S4_3_SEEA-EA implementation in Spain.pdf |
S4_3_SEEA-EA implementation in Spain.pdf (application/pdf, 6.06 MB)
English |
SEEA-EA implementation in Spain |
S4_Ecosystem accounts__Estonia_13_15_03.pdf |
S4_Ecosystem accounts__Estonia_13_15_03.pdf (application/pdf, 3.31 MB)
English |
Ecosystem accounts in Estonia (progress so far) |
S4_6_ENCA_JLWeber.pdf |
S4_6_ENCA_JLWeber.pdf (application/pdf, 5.36 MB)
English |
Outcomes of projects of implementation of ecosystem natural capital accounts in Africa and the Guiana Shield - Independent Consultant |
S4_7_FAO_Landcover.pdf |
S4_7_FAO_Landcover.pdf (application/pdf, 1.42 MB)
English |
Land Cover Global Data Collection - FAO |
S5_1_Forest_Accounts_FSM.pdf |
S5_1_Forest_Accounts_FSM.pdf (application/pdf, 2.83 MB)
English |
Setting the scene for forest accounts - University Rey Juan Carlos |
S5_2_Forest_ecosystem_accounts_Australia.pdf |
S5_2_Forest_ecosystem_accounts_Australia.pdf (application/pdf, 7.47 MB)
English |
Forest ecosystem accounts in Australia |
S5_3_Forest_Accounts_DeLamo_pdfupdate.pdf |
S5_3_Forest_Accounts_DeLamo_pdfupdate.pdf (application/pdf, 5.63 MB)
English |
Implementing international frameworks for environmental & economic accounting for forests - FAO |
S5_4_Forest accounts - update from Eurostat.pdf |
S5_4_Forest accounts - update from Eurostat.pdf (application/pdf, 328.42 KB)
English |
Forest accounts - updates from Eurostat |
S5_5_Forest Account Finland 2023 03 14.pdf |
S5_5_Forest Account Finland 2023 03 14.pdf (application/pdf, 1.95 MB)
English |
Implementation of European Forest Accounts and links with SEEA-EA - Finland |
S5_6_Forest-Account-FR_update.pdf |
S5_6_Forest-Account-FR_update.pdf (application/pdf, 2.72 MB)
English |
Forest accounts in France |
S6_2_US_Strategy.pdf |
S6_2_US_Strategy.pdf (application/pdf, 1.51 MB)
English |
National strategy to develop statistics for environmental-economic decisions - Overview & Recommendations - USA |
S6_3_FIN SEEA implementation_v2.pdf |
S6_3_FIN SEEA implementation_v2.pdf (application/pdf, 2.51 MB)
English |
SEEA implementation in Finland |
S7_1_Eurostat_Methodology_EnvTAx_and_Subsidies.pdf |
S7_1_Eurostat_Methodology_EnvTAx_and_Subsidies.pdf (application/pdf, 439.5 KB)
English |
Methodology for Environmental Taxes & Subsidies accounts - Eurostat |
S7_2_UNEP_Potdevin.pdf |
S7_2_UNEP_Potdevin.pdf (application/pdf, 807.79 KB)
English |
Environmental taxes and subsidies, including harmful subsidies - UNEP |
S7_3-Fossil fuel measurement-OECD-no notes.pdf |
S7_3-Fossil fuel measurement-OECD-no notes.pdf (application/pdf, 987.85 KB)
English |
Guidance on measuring fossil fuel support - updates on OECD work |
S7_4_Canada.pdf |
S7_4_Canada.pdf (application/pdf, 921.58 KB)
English |
Environmental Tax Account, 2010-2018 - Canada |
S7_5_FFS_ECR_Sweden.pdf |
S7_5_FFS_ECR_Sweden.pdf (application/pdf, 1.08 MB)
English |
Fossil fuel subsidies and ECR-calculations in Sweden |
S7_6_FFS - Luxembourg experience.pdf |
S7_6_FFS - Luxembourg experience.pdf (application/pdf, 463.01 KB)
English |
Measuring Luxembourg's support for fossil fuels - Luxembourg |
S8_2_CSO Ireland Decoupling.pdf |
S8_2_CSO Ireland Decoupling.pdf (application/pdf, 332.25 KB)
English |
Decoupling Emissions from Economic Activity - Ireland |
S8_3_Sweden.pdf |
S8_3_Sweden.pdf (application/pdf, 366.13 KB)
English |
Developing statistics to measure the climate change impacts of a country's exports - Sweden |
S8_1_OECD_Integration_Update_0.pdf |
S8_1_OECD_Integration_Update_0.pdf (application/pdf, 392.85 KB)
English |
Integration of accounts for analytical purposes - OECD |
S8_4_NL_Carbon account_0.pdf |
S8_4_NL_Carbon account_0.pdf (application/pdf, 1.04 MB)
English |
The carbon account of the Netherlands |
S9_1_OECD-Eurostat_Water_0.pdf |
S9_1_OECD-Eurostat_Water_0.pdf (application/pdf, 484.95 KB)
English |
The joint OECD/Eurostat Questionnaire and international data collection on water |
S9_2_EU4ENV.pdf |
S9_2_EU4ENV.pdf (application/pdf, 884.53 KB)
English |
Introduction and further support of water accounts in EU Eastern partner countries - EU4Environment |
S9_3_Water Accounts - NL 2023.pdf |
S9_3_Water Accounts - NL 2023.pdf (application/pdf, 934.3 KB)
English |
Water accounts in the Netherlands |
S9_4_Armenia_NM_Rev.1.pdf |
S9_4_Armenia_NM_Rev.1.pdf (application/pdf, 1.38 MB)
English |
Indicators related to water accounts in the context of communication and awareness raising - Armenia |