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Eighteenth meeting of the Working Group on Monitoring and Assessment

17 - 18 October 2023
Salle V, Palais des Nations Geneva Switzerland

The 18th meeting of the Working Group on Monitoring and Assessment under the Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes (Water Convention) took place in Salle V at the Palais des Nations in Geneva. It was held back-to-back with the Global Workshop on Conjunctive Management of Surface Water and Groundwater (Geneva and online, 16 – 17 October 2023).

The main objectives of the meeting of the Working Group were to:

  1. Review the implementation of activities on monitoring and assessment under the Convention in the period 2022–2023, notably the completion of the publication Updated Strategies for Monitoring and Assessment of Transboundary Rivers, Lakes and Groundwaters (ECE/MP.WAT/70) and preparation of the new publication Good Practices and Lessons Learned in Transboundary Data-sharing.
  2. Discuss future work on monitoring and assessment, for example building on insights from reporting under the Convention and Sustainable Development Goal indicator 6.5.2 and from the Global Workshop on Conjunctive Management of Surface Water and Groundwater.

All related documents for the meeting will be made available in the table below.

Documents - Item 2 - Adoption of the agenda

47963 _ ECE/MP.WAT/WG.2/2023/1 - Annotated provisional agenda for the eighteenth meeting _ 381627 _ English _ 773 _ 390492 _ pdf
47963 _ ECE/MP.WAT/WG.2/2023/1 - Annotated provisional agenda for the eighteenth meeting _ 381627 _ French _ 780 _ 390493 _ pdf
47963 _ ECE/MP.WAT/WG.2/2023/1 - Annotated provisional agenda for the eighteenth meeting _ 381627 _ Russian _ 864 _ 390494 _ pdf
47963 _ ECE/MP.WAT/63/Add.1 - Programme of work for 2022–2024 _ 367520 _ English _ 773 _ 380989 _ pdf
47963 _ ECE/MP.WAT/63/Add.1 - Programme of work for 2022–2024 _ 367520 _ French _ 780 _ 380990 _ pdf
47963 _ ECE/MP.WAT/63/Add.1 - Programme of work for 2022–2024 _ 367520 _ Russian _ 864 _ 380991 _ pdf
47963 _ ECE/MP.WAT/63/Add.1 - Programme of work for 2022–2024 _ 367520 _ Spanish _ 879 _ 353772 _ pdf

Item 3 - Adoption of the report of the previous meeting

Item 5 - Reporting on Sustainable Development Goal indicator 6.5.2 and under the Convention

47965 _ ECE/MP.WAT/54/Add.2 - Decision VIII/1 - Reporting under the Convention _ 363062 _ English _ 773 _ 343482 _ pdf
47965 _ ECE/MP.WAT/54/Add.2 - Decision VIII/1 - Reporting under the Convention _ 363062 _ French _ 780 _ 389437 _ pdf
47965 _ ECE/MP.WAT/54/Add.2 - Decision VIII/1 - Reporting under the Convention _ 363062 _ Russian _ 864 _ 389438 _ pdf
47965 _ ECE/MP.WAT/63/Add.2 - Decision IX/2 on reporting _ 368409 _ English _ 773 _ 356131 _ pdf
47965 _ ECE/MP.WAT/63/Add.2 - Decision IX/2 on reporting _ 368409 _ French _ 780 _ 356132 _ pdf
47965 _ ECE/MP.WAT/63/Add.2 - Decision IX/2 on reporting _ 368409 _ Russian _ 864 _ 356133 _ pdf

Item 6b - Updated Strategies for Monitoring and Assessment of Transboundary Rivers, Lakes and Groundwaters

Item 7 - Gathering feedback on the draft publication Good Practices and Lessons Learned in Transboundary Data-sharing

47968 _ ECE/MP.WAT/WG.2/2023/INF.1 - Good Practices and Lessons Learned in Transboundary Data Sharing (Draft) _ 383419 _ English _ 773 _ 393550 _ pdf
47968 _ ECE/MP.WAT/WG.2/2023/INF.1 - Good Practices and Lessons Learned in Transboundary Data Sharing (Draft) _ 383419 _ Russian _ 864 _ 394558 _ pdf
47968 _ ECE/MP.WAT/WG.2/2023/INF.1 - Good Practices and Lessons Learned in Transboundary Data Sharing (Draft) _ 383419 _ Spanish _ 879 _ 395632 _ pdf
47968 _ ECE/MP.WAT/WG.2/2023/INF.1 - Good Practices and Lessons Learned in Transboundary Data Sharing (Draft) _ 383419 _ French _ 780 _ 395759 _ pdf
47968 _ ECE/MP.WAT/WG.2/2023/INF.1 - Annex 1: Matrix of Lessons Learned and Case Studies _ 383422 _ English _ 773 _ 395634 _ xlsx
47968 _ ECE/MP.WAT/WG.2/2023/INF.1 - Annex 1: Matrix of Lessons Learned and Case Studies _ 383422 _ Russian _ 864 _ 394559 _ xlsx
47968 _ ECE/MP.WAT/WG.2/2023/INF.1 - Annex 1: Matrix of Lessons Learned and Case Studies _ 383422 _ Spanish _ 879 _ 395633 _ xlsx
47968 _ ECE/MP.WAT/WG.2/2023/INF.1 - Annex 1: Matrix of Lessons Learned and Case Studies _ 383422 _ French _ 780 _ 395952 _ xlsx

Item 10 - Strategic discussion on future work on monitoring and assessment

47969 _ ECE/MP.WAT/63/Add.1 - Programme of work for 2022–2024 _ 367520 _ English _ 773 _ 380989 _ pdf
47969 _ ECE/MP.WAT/63/Add.1 - Programme of work for 2022–2024 _ 367520 _ French _ 780 _ 380990 _ pdf
47969 _ ECE/MP.WAT/63/Add.1 - Programme of work for 2022–2024 _ 367520 _ Russian _ 864 _ 380991 _ pdf
47969 _ ECE/MP.WAT/63/Add.1 - Programme of work for 2022–2024 _ 367520 _ Spanish _ 879 _ 353772 _ pdf


52605 _ Unedited List of Decisions _ 384539 _ English _ 773 _ 396881 _ pdf
52605 _ Unedited List of Decisions _ 384539 _ French _ 780 _ 396920 _ pdf
52605 _ List of participants _ 386464 _ English _ 773 _ 401474 _ pdf
52605 _ ECE/MP.WAT/WG.2/2023/2 - Report of the Working Group on Monitoring and Assessment on its eighteenth meeting _ 390414 _ English _ 773 _ 414038 _ pdf
52605 _ ECE/MP.WAT/WG.2/2023/2 - Report of the Working Group on Monitoring and Assessment on its eighteenth meeting _ 390414 _ French _ 780 _ 414039 _ pdf
52605 _ ECE/MP.WAT/WG.2/2023/2 - Report of the Working Group on Monitoring and Assessment on its eighteenth meeting _ 390414 _ Russian _ 864 _ 414040 _ pdf

Presentations and statements

52613 _ Item 2: Statement by Ukraine _ 385130 _ English _ 773 _ 398436 _ pdf
52613 _ Item 2: Statement by the Russian Federation _ 385131 _ English _ 773 _ 400529 _ pdf
52613 _ Item 2: Statement by the Russian Federation _ 385131 _ Russian _ 864 _ 400530 _ pdf
52613 _ Item 4: Update from UN-Water – Federico Properzi, UN-Water _ 384549 _ English _ 773 _ 396905 _ pdf
52613 _ Item 9: Statement by UNESCO _ 385132 _ English _ 773 _ 398439 _ pdf