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EMEP centers

The operation of EMEP at the international level was designed to be carried as follows:
Chemical Activities (Monitoring):
Coordination and intercalibration of chemical air quality and precipitation measurements are managed by the Chemical Coordinating Centre (CCC), hosted at the Norwegian Institute for Air Research (NILU). The CCC relies on the active participation of Parties operating the monitoring sites. (For the CCC mandate, see EB decision 2019/10)
Meteorological Activities (Modelling):
Two Meteorological Synthesizing Centres (MSC) are responsible for meteorological data evaluation:

MSC-West at the Norwegian Meteorological Institute focuses on modelling assessments of sulphur, nitrogen, photooxidant pollutants, and atmospheric particles. (For the MSC-West mandate, see EB decision 2019/12)

MSC-East at the Jožef Stefan Institute in Ljubljana handles modelling development for heavy metals and persistent organic pollutants (POPs). (For the MSC-East mandate, see EB decision 2019/11)

Both centres work closely with the CCC to ensure comprehensive assessments.

Emission Inventories and Projections:
The Centre on Emission Inventories and Projections (CEIP) is hosted by the Environment Agency Austria (Umweltbundesamt). Its key responsibilities include:

  • Collecting emissions and projections data for acidifying air pollutants, heavy metals, particulate matter, and photochemical oxidants from the Parties
  • Reviewing submitted inventories to enhance data quality
  • Preparing datasets as input for long-range transport models

(For the CEIP mandate, see EB decision 2019/14)

Integrated Assessment Modelling:

The Centre for Integrated Assessment Modelling focuses on the development of the Greenhouse Gas and Air Pollution Interactions and Synergies (GAINS) model that has contributed to the Convention’s work for many years. For the mandate of CIAM, please see EB decision 2019/13.

Reports of the Centres

Annual reports of the Centres are available below:


Centre on Emission Inventories and Projections (CEIP)

Present state of emission data, review process and  data for modellers

Review of adjustment applications



Assessment of heavy metal and POP pollution on global, regional and national scales

Trends in deposition of heavy metals to the OSPAR maritime area

Heavy metals and POPs: Assessment of heavy metal and POP pollution on global, regional and national scales. Part I. Supplementary materials for heavy metals

Heavy metals and POPs: Assessment of heavy metal and POP pollution on global, regional and national scales. Part II. Supplementary materials for POPs


Joint reports:

EMEP Status Report 1/2021

Supplementary material to EMEP Status Report 1/2021

CEIP Technical and Data reports

Technical Report CEIP 1/2021

Technical Report CEIP 2/2021

To access full list of reports, please, visit :