ECE/TRANS/2012/13 - (Secretariat) List of meetings of the Inland Transport Committee and its subsidiary bodies in 2012 and from January–March 2013 |
ECE/TRANS/2012/12 - (Secretariat) Draft Work Plan 2012–2016 |
ECE/TRANS/2012/11 - (Secretariat) Consideration and the approval of the UNECE Transport Subprogramme: Draft Strategic Framework for the period 2014–2015 |
ECE/TRANS/2012/10 - (Secretariat) Biennial Evaluation plan for the Transport subprogramme (2012–2013) |
ECE/TRANS/2012/9 - (Secretariat) Draft programme of work of the Transport subprogramme for 2012–2013 |
ECE/TRANS/2012/8 - (Secretariat) Results of the meetings of the Bureau of the Inland Transport Committee |
ECE/TRANS/2012/7 - (Secretariat) Biennial evaluation of Transport subprogramme: Programme performance assessment for 2010–2011 |
ECE/TRANS/2012/6 - (Secretariat) Strengthening border crossing facilitation (Harmonization Convention, eTIR project and other customs transit facilitation measures) |
ECE/TRANS/2012/5 - (Secretariat) Establishment and operation of a European Hull Data Base (EHDB) of inland navigation vessels |
ECE/TRANS/2012/4/Corr.2 - (Secretariat) United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Plan to implement the United Nations Decade of Action for Road Safety (2011-2020) - Corrigendum 2 |
ECE/TRANS/2012/4/Corr.1 - (Secretariat) United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Plan to implement the United Nations Decade of Action for Road Safety (2011-2020) - Corrigendum 1 |
ECE/TRANS/2012/4 - (Secretariat) United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Plan to implement the United Nations Decade of Action for Road Safety (2011-2020) |
ECE/TRANS/2012/3 - (Secretariat) European Agreement concerning the Work of Crews of Vehicles Engaged in International Road Transport (AETR) discussion paper (Roadmap) |
ECE/TRANS/2012/2/Corr.1 - (TEM and TER Project Manager) Trans-European Motorway (TEM) and Trans-European Railway (TER) Projects - Corrigendum |
ECE/TRANS/2012/2 - (TEM and TER Project Manager) Trans-European Motorway (TEM) and Trans-European Railway (TER) Projects |
ECE/TRANS/2012/1 - (Secretariat) Assistance to countries with economies in transition |