(SC.1/GE.22) Group of Experts on the Operationalization of eCMR (1st Session)
04 - 05 July 2022
Geneva Switzerland
28043 _ ECE/TRANS/SC.1/GE.22/1 - Provisional agenda _ 368074 _ English _ 773 _ 355198 _ pdf
28043 _ ECE/TRANS/SC.1/GE.22/1 - Provisional agenda _ 368074 _ French _ 780 _ 355199 _ pdf
28043 _ ECE/TRANS/SC.1/GE.22/1 - Provisional agenda _ 368074 _ Russian _ 864 _ 355200 _ pdf
28044 _ ECE/TRANS/SC.1/GE.22/2 - Report of the first session _ 369507 _ English _ 773 _ 358794 _ pdf
Working documents
28045 _ ECE/TRANS/SC.1/GE.22/2022/1 - Programme of Work - (Secretariat) _ 368729 _ English _ 773 _ 411352 _ pdf
28045 _ ECE/TRANS/SC.1/GE.22/2022/1 - Programme of Work - (Secretariat) _ 368729 _ French _ 780 _ 411353 _ pdf
28045 _ ECE/TRANS/SC.1/GE.22/2022/1 - Programme of Work - (Secretariat) _ 368729 _ Russian _ 864 _ 411354 _ pdf
Informal documents
28047 _ Item 5 eCMR (GE.22) - (Secretariat) _ 369052 _ English _ 773 _ 357637 _ pdf
28047 _ Item 5 - National Pilot Project - (Greece) _ 369063 _ English _ 773 _ 357673 _ pdf
28047 _ Item 5 - e-CMR Pilot projects - (Slovenia) _ 369053 _ English _ 773 _ 357638 _ pdf
28047 _ Item 5 - The role of CMR for customs authorities of Uzbekistan - (Uzbekistan) _ 369054 _ English _ 773 _ 357639 _ pdf
28047 _ Item 5 - (Fenix Network) _ 369062 _ English _ 773 _ 357666 _ pdf
28047 _ Item 5 - The EU Regulation 2020/1056 on electronic freight transport information (eFTI) An overview - (EU) _ 369068 _ English _ 773 _ 357697 _ pdf