76th ITC - Policy Segment - Innovations for sustainable inland transport and mobility
76th ITC Policy Segment
25 February 2014
Geneva Switzerland
28333 _ ITC Policy Flyer _ 367999 _ English _ 773 _ 355032 _ pdf
28351 _ Dr Astrid Mohn - Sustainable transport and innovative approaches _ 368014 _ English _ 773 _ 355054 _ pdf
28351 _ Mr Carlo van de Weijer - The shift to self-steering and sustainable mobility _ 368015 _ English _ 773 _ 355055 _ pdf
28351 _ Mr Reiner Hoeger - Automated Driving, Promises and Challenges _ 368016 _ English _ 773 _ 355056 _ pdf
28351 _ Mr Ron Medford - The Benefit of Self Driving Cars _ 368017 _ English _ 773 _ 355058 _ pdf
28351 _ Ms Eva Molnar - Inland Transport Committee Policy Segment _ 368018 _ English _ 773 _ 355059 _ pdf
28351 _ Ms.Seija Miettinen-Bellevergue - Institutional and Policy Innovations for Mobility Managment _ 368019 _ English _ 773 _ 355061 _ pdf
28351 _ Prof Soloviev - The way to sustainable development of transport _ 368020 _ Russian _ 864 _ 355062 _ pdf