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Twenty-third session of the Working Group on Environmental Monitoring and Assessment

04 - 05 May 2021
Geneva Switzerland

The 23rd session of the Working Group will take place on 4 and 5 May 2021 -- note the new dates!

It will be in a hybrid format on 4 May and online only on 5 May.

Official Documents

6702 _ ECE/CEP/AC.10/2021/1 - Agenda _ 354539 _ English _ 773 _ 324512 _ pdf
6702 _ ECE/CEP/AC.10/2021/1 - Agenda _ 354539 _ French _ 780 _ 324513 _ pdf
6702 _ ECE/CEP/AC.10/2021/1 - Agenda _ 354539 _ Russian _ 864 _ 324514 _ pdf
6702 _ ECE/CEP/AC.10/2021/2 - Report of the 23rd session _ 357940 _ English _ 773 _ 341715 _ pdf
6702 _ ECE/CEP/AC.10/2021/2 - Report of the 23rd session _ 357940 _ French _ 780 _ 341716 _ pdf
6702 _ ECE/CEP/AC.10/2021/2 - Report of the 23rd session _ 357940 _ Russian _ 864 _ 341717 _ pdf
6702 _ ECE/CEP/AC.10/2021/3 - Draft Annual timetable of activities for 2022 _ 354540 _ English _ 773 _ 323081 _ pdf
6702 _ ECE/CEP/AC.10/2021/3 - Draft Annual timetable of activities for 2022 _ 354540 _ French _ 780 _ 323082 _ pdf
6702 _ ECE/CEP/AC.10/2021/3 - Draft Annual timetable of activities for 2022 _ 354540 _ Russian _ 864 _ 323083 _ pdf
6702 _ ECE/CEP/AC.10/2021/5 - Next pan-European environmental assessment – draft elements _ 354546 _ English _ 773 _ 325065 _ pdf
6702 _ ECE/CEP/AC.10/2021/5 - Next pan-European environmental assessment – draft elements _ 354546 _ French _ 780 _ 325066 _ pdf
6702 _ ECE/CEP/AC.10/2021/5 - Next pan-European environmental assessment – draft elements _ 354546 _ Russian _ 864 _ 325067 _ pdf
6702 _ ECE/CEP/AC.10/2021/6 - Final review report on the establishment of the Shared Environmental Information System _ 354548 _ English _ 773 _ 325057 _ pdf
6702 _ ECE/CEP/AC.10/2021/6 - Final review report on the establishment of the Shared Environmental Information System _ 354548 _ French _ 780 _ 325058 _ pdf
6702 _ ECE/CEP/AC.10/2021/6 - Final review report on the establishment of the Shared Environmental Information System _ 354548 _ Russian _ 864 _ 325059 _ pdf
6702 _ ECE/CEP/AC.10/2020/2 - Report of the 22nd session _ 355850 _ English _ 773 _ 325831 _ pdf
6702 _ ECE/CEP/AC.10/2020/2 - Report of the 22nd session _ 355850 _ French _ 780 _ 325832 _ pdf
6702 _ ECE/CEP/AC.10/2020/2 - Report of the 22nd session _ 355850 _ Russian _ 864 _ 325833 _ pdf

Informal documents

10571 _ Provisional timetable for the 23rd session of WGEMA _ 355575 _ English _ 773 _ 325173 _ pdf
10571 _ Provisional timetable for the 23rd session of WGEMA _ 355575 _ Russian _ 864 _ 325897 _ pdf


10894 _ 1.2_Adoption of the Agenda _ 355787 _ English _ 773 _ 325731 _ pdf
10894 _ 1.2_Adoption of the Agenda _ 355787 _ Russian _ 864 _ 325955 _ pdf
10894 _ 3.1_ Report on 22nd session Key outcomes & Implementation _ 355788 _ English _ 773 _ 325963 _ pdf
10894 _ 3.1_ Report on 22nd session Key outcomes & Implementation _ 355788 _ Russian _ 864 _ 325964 _ pdf
10894 _ 4.1_Draft timetable of activities for 2022 _ 355791 _ English _ 773 _ 325968 _ pdf
10894 _ 4.1_Draft timetable of activities for 2022 _ 355791 _ Russian _ 864 _ 329544 _ pdf
10894 _ 4.2_Financial resources _ 355792 _ English _ 773 _ 325736 _ pdf
10894 _ 4.2_Financial resources _ 355792 _ Russian _ 864 _ 329545 _ pdf
10894 _ 5.1. _SEIS final review_Timeline _ 356021 _ English _ 773 _ 326240 _ pdf
10894 _ 5.1. _SEIS final review_Timeline _ 356021 _ Russian _ 864 _ 326246 _ pdf
10894 _ 6.1_Pan-European Assessment _ 355796 _ English _ 773 _ 325742 _ pdf
10894 _ 6.1_Pan-European Assessment _ 355796 _ Russian _ 864 _ 329341 _ pdf
10894 _ 6.2_PEEA Air Pollution & ozone depletion_Cees Braams _ 355797 _ English _ 773 _ 325744 _ pdf
10894 _ 6.2_PEEA Air Pollution & ozone depletion_Cees Braams _ 355797 _ Russian _ 864 _ 325973 _ pdf
10894 _ 6.3_PEEA_Climate Change_Olivera Kujundzic _ 355821 _ English _ 773 _ 325768 _ pdf
10894 _ 6.3_PEEA_Climate Change_Olivera Kujundzic _ 355821 _ Russian _ 864 _ 325898 _ pdf
10894 _ 6.4_PEEA_Sub-chapter 3.4 Spiteri 29 April _ 355803 _ English _ 773 _ 325751 _ pdf
10894 _ 6.4_PEEA_Sub-chapter 3.4 Spiteri 29 April _ 355803 _ Russian _ 864 _ 325974 _ pdf
10894 _ 6.5_PEEA_Land and soil_Mr. Dronin _ 357335 _ English _ 773 _ 329275 _ pdf
10894 _ 6.5_PEEA_Land and soil_Mr. Dronin _ 357335 _ Russian _ 864 _ 329276 _ pdf
10894 _ 6.6_PEEA_2021.5.4-BUas-CE SustainableTourism _ 357338 _ English _ 773 _ 329281 _ pdf
10894 _ 6.6_PEEA_2021.5.4-BUas-CE SustainableTourism _ 357338 _ Russian _ 864 _ 329549 _ pdf
10894 _ 6.7_Pan-European Assessment_Discussion _ 355811 _ English _ 773 _ 325758 _ pdf
10894 _ 6.7_Pan-European Assessment_Discussion _ 355811 _ Russian _ 864 _ 329324 _ pdf
10894 _ 7.1, 7.1a-b_Sharing and integration of data in regard to SDGs _ 355813 _ English _ 773 _ 325760 _ pdf
10894 _ 7.1, 7.1a-b_Sharing and integration of data in regard to SDGs _ 355813 _ Russian _ 864 _ 325977 _ pdf
10894 _ 7.2a Regional events and initiatives in 2021 of relevance _ 355822 _ English _ 773 _ 325980 _ pdf
10894 _ 7.2a Regional events and initiatives in 2021 of relevance _ 355822 _ Russian _ 864 _ 325982 _ pdf
10894 _ 7.3_EEA-Eionet Strategy_presentation_April2021 _ 355825 _ English _ 773 _ 325772 _ pdf
10894 _ 7.3_EEA-Eionet Strategy_presentation_April2021 _ 355825 _ Russian _ 864 _ 325899 _ pdf
10894 _ 7.4 Briefing on the outcomes of UNEA 5 _ 355826 _ English _ 773 _ 325774 _ pdf
10894 _ 7.4 Briefing on the outcomes of UNEA 5 _ 355826 _ Russian _ 864 _ 325984 _ pdf
10894 _ 7.5._PPT_OECD_EU4Environment_update on GGIs work _ 357341 _ English _ 773 _ 329289 _ pdf
10894 _ 7.5._PPT_OECD_EU4Environment_update on GGIs work _ 357341 _ Russian _ 864 _ 329290 _ pdf
10894 _ 7.7_Revision UNECE Indicator_guidelines_Nagy _ 356027 _ English _ 773 _ 326257 _ pdf
10894 _ 7.7_Revision UNECE Indicator_guidelines_Nagy _ 356027 _ Russian _ 864 _ 326258 _ pdf
10894 _ 7.8_Rubio_EEA_SLA_UNECE_v1 _ 355824 _ English _ 773 _ 325771 _ pdf
10894 _ 7.8_Rubio_EEA_SLA_UNECE_v1 _ 355824 _ Russian _ 864 _ 325983 _ pdf
10894 _ 8.1.8_Environmental Monitoring_Armenia _ 357350 _ English _ 773 _ 329304 _ pdf
10894 _ 8.1.8_Environmental Monitoring_Armenia _ 357350 _ Russian _ 864 _ 329306 _ pdf
10894 _ 8.2._Monitoring_Item 8_Belarus_Ekaterina Poleshchuk _ 357342 _ English _ 773 _ 329291 _ pdf
10894 _ 8.2._Monitoring_Item 8_Belarus_Ekaterina Poleshchuk _ 357342 _ Russian _ 864 _ 329292 _ pdf
10894 _ 8.3. presentation_Georgia _ 357356 _ English _ 773 _ 329322 _ pdf
10894 _ 8.3. presentation_Georgia _ 357356 _ Russian _ 864 _ 329323 _ pdf
10894 _ 8.5_Monitoring_North M_0301_Presentation_Nikolovska _ 357349 _ English _ 773 _ 329301 _ pdf
10894 _ 8.5_Monitoring_North M_0301_Presentation_Nikolovska _ 357349 _ Russian _ 864 _ 329302 _ pdf
10894 _ 8.6_Presentation_Env Monitoring_Turkmenistan_eng _ 356029 _ English _ 773 _ 326261 _ pdf
10894 _ 8.6_Presentation_Env Monitoring_Turkmenistan_eng _ 356029 _ Russian _ 864 _ 329330 _ pdf
10894 _ 8.7_Environmental Monitoring countries_Croatia_4thMay2021 _ 356028 _ English _ 773 _ 326259 _ pdf
10894 _ 8.7_Environmental Monitoring countries_Croatia_4thMay2021 _ 356028 _ Russian _ 864 _ 326260 _ pdf

List of participants

13708 _ List of participants _ 357696 _ English _ 773 _ 330212 _ pdf