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ACCC/C/2019/162 Denmark

Case status: Pending.
Topics: Access to justice.
Articles alleged: 9.
Articles considered by the Committee:
Articles, if any, found in non-compliance:
Summary: The communication was submitted to the Compliance Committee on 14 March 2017 by Mr. John Damm Sørensen. The communication alleges a failure to comply with article 9 of the Convention in relation to standing of members of the public concerned to challenge decision-making subject to article 6 of the Convention.

Documents Status Date received or
posted by the secretariat
Annex 1: Ombudsman decision DAN
From the communicant 14.03.2017
Questions to the communicant from the Chair and Vice-Chairs From the secretariat 11.01.2019
Reply to questions
Annex 1: Reasons for decision DAN
Annex 2: EIA screening decision DAN
From the communicant 18.01.2019
Further questions to the communicant from the Chair From the secretariat 30.01.2019
Reply to further questions
Annex 1: Court case DAN
Annex 2: Letter to parliament DAN
From the communicant 03.02.2019
Statement concerning preliminary admissibility From the Party concerned 07.03.2019
Letters to the Party concerned and the communicant enclosing Committee's determination of preliminary admissibility and forwarding the communication for the Party concerned's response From the secretariat 22.03.2019
Additional information From the communicant 08.04.2019
Email to the communicant From the secretariat 10.04.2019
Response to communication
Annex 1: Explanatory statements on EEA DAN
Annex 2: Relevant portions of the explanatory statements EEA ENG
From the Party concerned 20.08.2019
Letter to the Party concerned From the secretariat 20.02.2024
Reply to Committee's questions of 20.02.2024
Annexes 1-6
Annexes 7-15
From the Party concerned 12.04.2024