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(WP.6) Working Party on Transport Statistics (74th session)

(WP.6) Working Party on Transport Statistics (74th session)

15 May (10:00) - 17 May (18:00) 2023
Palais des Nations Geneva Switzerland


38635 _ ECE/TRANS/WP.6/184 - Annotated provisional agenda for the seventy-fourth session _ 376103 _ English _ 773 _ 376830 _ pdf
38635 _ ECE/TRANS/WP.6/184 - Annotated provisional agenda for the seventy-fourth session _ 376103 _ French _ 780 _ 376891 _ pdf
38635 _ ECE/TRANS/WP.6/184 - Annotated provisional agenda for the seventy-fourth session _ 376103 _ Russian _ 864 _ 376892 _ pdf


38636 _ ECE/TRANS/WP.6/185 - Report of the Working Party on Transport Statistics on its seventy-fourth session _ 379356 _ English _ 773 _ 383406 _ pdf
38636 _ ECE/TRANS/WP.6/185 - Report of the Working Party on Transport Statistics on its seventy-fourth session _ 379356 _ French _ 780 _ 403289 _ pdf
38636 _ ECE/TRANS/WP.6/185 - Report of the Working Party on Transport Statistics on its seventy-fourth session _ 379356 _ Russian _ 864 _ 403290 _ pdf

Working documents

38637 _ ECE/TRANS/WP.6/2023/2 - Recommendations for the E-Road Census 2025 _ 376262 _ English _ 773 _ 375576 _ pdf
38637 _ ECE/TRANS/WP.6/2023/2 - Recommendations for the E-Road Census 2025 _ 376262 _ French _ 780 _ 377899 _ pdf
38637 _ ECE/TRANS/WP.6/2023/2 - Recommendations for the E-Road Census 2025 _ 376262 _ Russian _ 864 _ 377900 _ pdf
38637 _ ECE/TRANS/WP.6/2023/3 - Transport Statistics Dissemination: Data Stories and visualisation _ 376237 _ English _ 773 _ 377283 _ pdf
38637 _ ECE/TRANS/WP.6/2023/3 - Transport Statistics Dissemination: Data Stories and visualisation _ 376237 _ French _ 780 _ 377124 _ pdf
38637 _ ECE/TRANS/WP.6/2023/3 - Transport Statistics Dissemination: Data Stories and visualisation _ 376237 _ Russian _ 864 _ 377125 _ pdf
38637 _ ECE/TRANS/WP.6/2023/4 - Recommendations for the E-Rail traffic census 2025 _ 376263 _ English _ 773 _ 375575 _ pdf
38637 _ ECE/TRANS/WP.6/2023/4 - Recommendations for the E-Rail traffic census 2025 _ 376263 _ French _ 780 _ 377903 _ pdf
38637 _ ECE/TRANS/WP.6/2023/4 - Recommendations for the E-Rail traffic census 2025 _ 376263 _ Russian _ 864 _ 377904 _ pdf
38637 _ ECE/TRANS/WP.6/2023/5 - Considering Definitions for Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Statistics _ 376245 _ English _ 773 _ 375522 _ pdf
38637 _ ECE/TRANS/WP.6/2023/5 - Considering Definitions for Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Statistics _ 376245 _ French _ 780 _ 377905 _ pdf
38637 _ ECE/TRANS/WP.6/2023/5 - Considering Definitions for Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Statistics _ 376245 _ Russian _ 864 _ 377906 _ pdf
38637 _ ECE/TRANS/WP.6/2023/7 - Using Mobile Phone Data for Transport Statistics _ 376912 _ English _ 773 _ 376837 _ pdf
38637 _ ECE/TRANS/WP.6/2023/7 - Using Mobile Phone Data for Transport Statistics _ 376912 _ French _ 780 _ 377910 _ pdf
38637 _ ECE/TRANS/WP.6/2023/7 - Using Mobile Phone Data for Transport Statistics _ 376912 _ Russian _ 864 _ 377911 _ pdf
38637 _ ECE/TRANS/WP.6/2023/8 - Statistics on vehicles by fuel type _ 376367 _ English _ 773 _ 375749 _ pdf
38637 _ ECE/TRANS/WP.6/2023/8 - Statistics on vehicles by fuel type _ 376367 _ French _ 780 _ 377915 _ pdf
38637 _ ECE/TRANS/WP.6/2023/8 - Statistics on vehicles by fuel type _ 376367 _ Russian _ 864 _ 377917 _ pdf
38637 _ ECE/TRANS/WP.6/2023/9 - Common questionnaire: quality improvement _ 376323 _ English _ 773 _ 375677 _ pdf
38637 _ ECE/TRANS/WP.6/2023/9 - Common questionnaire: quality improvement _ 376323 _ French _ 780 _ 377922 _ pdf
38637 _ ECE/TRANS/WP.6/2023/9 - Common questionnaire: quality improvement _ 376323 _ Russian _ 864 _ 377923 _ pdf
38637 _ ECE/TRANS/WP.6/2023/10 - Visualising Inland Water Data _ 376258 _ English _ 773 _ 375552 _ pdf
38637 _ ECE/TRANS/WP.6/2023/10 - Visualising Inland Water Data _ 376258 _ French _ 780 _ 377928 _ pdf
38637 _ ECE/TRANS/WP.6/2023/10 - Visualising Inland Water Data _ 376258 _ Russian _ 864 _ 377929 _ pdf
38637 _ ECE/TRANS/WP.6/2023/11 - The Transport Data Commons _ 376233 _ English _ 773 _ 375498 _ pdf
38637 _ ECE/TRANS/WP.6/2023/11 - The Transport Data Commons _ 376233 _ French _ 780 _ 377930 _ pdf
38637 _ ECE/TRANS/WP.6/2023/11 - The Transport Data Commons _ 376233 _ Russian _ 864 _ 377931 _ pdf
38637 _ ECE/TRANS/WP.6/2023/12 - Targets for intermodal transport _ 376299 _ English _ 773 _ 375620 _ pdf
38637 _ ECE/TRANS/WP.6/2023/12 - Targets for intermodal transport _ 376299 _ French _ 780 _ 377932 _ pdf
38637 _ ECE/TRANS/WP.6/2023/12 - Targets for intermodal transport _ 376299 _ Russian _ 864 _ 377933 _ pdf

Informal documents

38638 _ Informal document WP.6 No. 1 (2023) - Draft Handbook on Mobile Phone Data for Transport Statistics _ 378546 _ English _ 773 _ 381229 _ pdf
38638 _ Informal document WP.6 No. 2 (2023) - Summary of Decisions _ 378921 _ English _ 773 _ 382317 _ pdf

Session 1 - Presentations

44115 _ Global and National Reporting on SDGs - UNECE _ 379114 _ English _ 773 _ 382809 _ pdf
44115 _ MONET Indicator System - Switzerland _ 379118 _ English _ 773 _ 382813 _ pdf
44115 _ Mobile phone data for Transport Statistics - ITU _ 379119 _ English _ 773 _ 382815 _ pdf

Session 2 - Presentations

44124 _ Exploring EV charging statistics - UNECE _ 379125 _ English _ 773 _ 382823 _ pdf
44124 _ Data on charging stations - DG MOVE _ 379128 _ English _ 773 _ 382826 _ pdf
44124 _ Electricity consumption for electric vehicles - Denmark _ 379349 _ English _ 773 _ 383381 _ pdf

Session 3 - Presentations

44133 _ Multimodal container transport - Netherlands _ 379129 _ English _ 773 _ 382828 _ pdf
44133 _ Item 6b: Common Questionnaire – Eurostat _ 379131 _ English _ 773 _ 382830 _ pdf
44133 _ The challenges of coherent rail transport statistics - ERA _ 379132 _ English _ 773 _ 382832 _ pdf
44133 _ Planned LUV survey - Norway _ 379136 _ English _ 773 _ 382836 _ pdf
44133 _ Calculating transport greenhouse gas emissions - Finland _ 379138 _ English _ 773 _ 382838 _ pdf
44133 _ Mopeds? - UNECE _ 379142 _ English _ 773 _ 382842 _ pdf
44133 _ Making high quality transport data accessible - TDCI _ 379145 _ English _ 773 _ 382849 _ pdf

Session 5 - Presentations

44155 _ Transport Statistics Dissemination - UNECE _ 379155 _ English _ 773 _ 382863 _ pdf
44155 _ Intermodal targets - UNECE _ 379157 _ English _ 773 _ 382865 _ pdf

Session 6 - Presentations

44159 _ ITF Transport Statistics Activities - ITF _ 379159 _ English _ 773 _ 382867 _ pdf
44159 _ EU Transport Policy & Statistics - DG MOVE _ 379160 _ English _ 773 _ 382868 _ pdf
44159 _ Railway statistics - UIC _ 379161 _ English _ 773 _ 382869 _ pdf