The plenary session included a formal part held at the Palais des Nations, Geneva, Switzerland from 2.30 p.m. on Thursday, 22 June 2023 to 5.30 p.m. on Friday, 23 June 2023 and an informal part on Wednesday, 28 June 2023 held at the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Conference Centre, Paris, France. The formal part provided simultaneous interpretation in English, French and Russian.
71st plenary session of the Conference of European Statisticians
71st plenary session of the Conference of European Statisticians
22 June (14:30) - 23 June (17:30) 2023
Geneva Switzerland
Provisional Agenda, Timetable and Report
42550 _ Provisional Agenda _ 378056 _ English _ 773 _ 380865 _ pdf
42550 _ Provisional Agenda _ 378056 _ French _ 780 _ 380866 _ pdf
42550 _ Provisional Agenda _ 378056 _ Russian _ 864 _ 380867 _ pdf
42550 _ Tentative timetable _ 378179 _ English _ 773 _ 384812 _ pdf
42550 _ Decisions adopted by the CES plenary session on 22-23 June 2023 _ 381937 _ English _ 773 _ 389944 _ pdf
2 - Work of the High-level Group for the Modernisation of Official Statistics
43069 _ ECE/CES/2023/9 - Report on the work of the High-Level Group for the Modernisation of Official Statistics in 2022 _ 379258 _ English _ 773 _ 383129 _ pdf
43069 _ ECE/CES/2023/9 - Report on the work of the High-Level Group for the Modernisation of Official Statistics in 2022 _ 379258 _ French _ 780 _ 383130 _ pdf
43069 _ ECE/CES/2023/9 - Report on the work of the High-Level Group for the Modernisation of Official Statistics in 2022 _ 379258 _ Russian _ 864 _ 383792 _ pdf
43069 _ ECE/CES/2023/9/Add.1 - Terms of Reference for the High-level Group for the Modernisation of Official Statistics _ 379259 _ English _ 773 _ 383133 _ pdf
43069 _ ECE/CES/2023/9/Add.1 - Terms of Reference for the High-level Group for the Modernisation of Official Statistics _ 379259 _ French _ 780 _ 383134 _ pdf
43069 _ ECE/CES/2023/9/Add.1 - Terms of Reference for the High-level Group for the Modernisation of Official Statistics _ 379259 _ Russian _ 864 _ 383135 _ pdf
43069 _ ECE/CES/2023/9/Add.2 - Work Programme 2023 of the HLG-MOS _ 379419 _ English _ 773 _ 383552 _ pdf
43069 _ Synthetic Data for Official Statistics - a Starter Guide Note _ 379513 _ English _ 773 _ 383714 _ pdf
43069 _ Presentation - HLG-MOS Ideation Mechanism by Canada _ 380057 _ English _ 773 _ 384940 _ pdf
3 - Moving towards open-source technologies
43070 _ ECE/CES/2023/19 - Journey to using R - experience of the Central Statistics Office of Ireland _ 379409 _ English _ 773 _ 383538 _ pdf
43070 _ ECE/CES/2023/20 - Free and Open-Source Software at Statistics Netherlands _ 379410 _ English _ 773 _ 383539 _ pdf
43070 _ ECE/CES/2023/21 - "DAPLA" - a cloud-based statistical production system and its implications for Statistics Norway _ 379411 _ English _ 773 _ 383540 _ pdf
43070 _ ECE/CES/2023/22 - Open-source solutions at Statistics Poland _ 379412 _ English _ 773 _ 383541 _ pdf
43070 _ ECE/CES/2023/23 - Transforming statistical workflows to use open-source technology at the UK ONS _ 379413 _ English _ 773 _ 383542 _ pdf
43070 _ Presentation - Moving towards open-source technologies Strategic and managerial perspectives by the Netherlands _ 380107 _ English _ 773 _ 385041 _ pdf
43070 _ Presentation - Supporting Open Source Adoption with the HLG-MOS by Canada _ 381018 _ English _ 773 _ 387219 _ pdf
4 - Coordination of international statistical work in the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe region
43071 _ ECE/CES/2023/5 - In-depth review of data ethics prepared by Canada and UK _ 378531 _ English _ 773 _ 381170 _ pdf
43071 _ ECE/CES/2023/5 - In-depth review of data ethics prepared by Canada and UK _ 378531 _ French _ 780 _ 381171 _ pdf
43071 _ ECE/CES/2023/5 - In-depth review of data ethics prepared by Canada and UK _ 378531 _ Russian _ 864 _ 381172 _ pdf
43071 _ ECE/CES/2023/5/Add.1 - Outcome of the electronic consultation on in-depth review on data ethics _ 379968 _ English _ 773 _ 384797 _ pdf
43071 _ ECE/CES/2023/6 - Hard-to-reach groups in administrative sources prepared by Denmark et al. _ 378827 _ English _ 773 _ 382017 _ pdf
43071 _ ECE/CES/2023/6 - Hard-to-reach groups in administrative sources prepared by Denmark et al. _ 378827 _ French _ 780 _ 382018 _ pdf
43071 _ ECE/CES/2023/6 - Hard-to-reach groups in administrative sources prepared by Denmark et al. _ 378827 _ Russian _ 864 _ 382019 _ pdf
43071 _ Presentation - Hard-to-reach groups in administrative registers by Denmark _ 380108 _ English _ 773 _ 385042 _ pdf
43071 _ ECE/CES/2023/6/Add.1 - Outcome of the electronic consultation on in-depth review on hard-to-reach groups in administrative sources _ 379414 _ English _ 773 _ 383543 _ pdf
43071 _ ECE/CES/2023/7 - In-depth review of measurement of current well-being prepared by Israel _ 378533 _ English _ 773 _ 381175 _ pdf
43071 _ ECE/CES/2023/7 - In-depth review of measurement of current well-being prepared by Israel _ 378533 _ French _ 780 _ 381176 _ pdf
43071 _ ECE/CES/2023/7 - In-depth review of measurement of current well-being prepared by Israel _ 378533 _ Russian _ 864 _ 381177 _ pdf
43071 _ ECE/CES/2023/7/Add.1 - Outcome of the electronic consultation on in-depth review on measurement of well-being _ 379415 _ English _ 773 _ 383546 _ pdf
43071 _ ECE/CES/2023/8 - In-depth review of the "social cohesion" concept prepared by Canada _ 378828 _ English _ 773 _ 382021 _ pdf
43071 _ ECE/CES/2023/8 - In-depth review of the "social cohesion" concept prepared by Canada _ 378828 _ French _ 780 _ 382022 _ pdf
43071 _ ECE/CES/2023/8 - In-depth review of the "social cohesion" concept prepared by Canada _ 378828 _ Russian _ 864 _ 382023 _ pdf
43071 _ Presentation - Summary of feedback on the In-depth review on Social Cohesion by Canada _ 380113 _ English _ 773 _ 385066 _ pdf
43071 _ Presentation - Summary of consultations on Social Cohesion _ 380114 _ English _ 773 _ 385067 _ pdf
43071 _ ECE/CES/2023/8/Add.1 - Outcome of the electronic consultation on in-depth review on social cohesion _ 379945 _ English _ 773 _ 384749 _ pdf
43071 _ ECE/CES/2023/12 - Guidelines on the in-depth reviews of selected statistical areas prepared by the CES Bureau _ 378427 _ English _ 773 _ 380838 _ pdf
43071 _ ECE/CES/2023/12 - Guidelines on the in-depth reviews of selected statistical areas prepared by the CES Bureau _ 378427 _ French _ 780 _ 380839 _ pdf
43071 _ ECE/CES/2023/12 - Guidelines on the in-depth reviews of selected statistical areas prepared by the CES Bureau _ 378427 _ Russian _ 864 _ 380840 _ pdf
43071 _ ECE/CES/2023/13 - Topics to be reviewed in depth and seminar topics in 2023 and 2024 _ 379974 _ English _ 773 _ 384808 _ pdf
43071 _ Presentation - Outcomes of the recent in-depth reviews carried out by the CES Bureau _ 380106 _ English _ 773 _ 385040 _ pdf
5 - Reports, guidelines and recommendations prepared under the umbrella of the Conference
41906 _ ECE/CES/2023/1 - Core values of official statistics: defining the behaviours that show how we live the values prepared by the CES TT on CVOS _ 377812 _ English _ 773 _ 380809 _ pdf
41906 _ ECE/CES/2023/1 - Core values of official statistics: defining the behaviours that show how we live the values prepared by the CES TT on CVOS _ 377812 _ French _ 780 _ 380806 _ pdf
41906 _ ECE/CES/2023/1 - Core values of official statistics: defining the behaviours that show how we live the values prepared by the CES TT on CVOS _ 377812 _ Russian _ 864 _ 380807 _ pdf
41906 _ ECE/CES/2023/1/Rev.1 - Core values of official statistics: defining the behaviours that show how we live the values by the CES Task Team _ 379696 _ English _ 773 _ 384199 _ pdf
41906 _ Core values of Official statistics - Rev.1 track changes version _ 379697 _ English _ 773 _ 384200 _ docx
41906 _ ECE/CES/2023/1/Add.1 - Results of the consultation on the Core Values of Official Statistics and related behaviours _ 379969 _ English _ 773 _ 384798 _ pdf
41906 _ ECE/CES/2023/2 - Data Stewardship and the role of national statistical offices in the new data ecosystem prepared by the CES Task Force _ 378529 _ English _ 773 _ 381164 _ pdf
41906 _ ECE/CES/2023/2 - Data Stewardship and the role of national statistical offices in the new data ecosystem prepared by the CES Task Force _ 378529 _ French _ 780 _ 381165 _ pdf
41906 _ ECE/CES/2023/2 - Data Stewardship and the role of national statistical offices in the new data ecosystem prepared by the CES Task Force _ 378529 _ Russian _ 864 _ 381166 _ pdf
41906 _ ECE/CES/2023/2/Add.1 - Results of the consultation on the report "Data stewardship and the role of national statistical offices in the new data ecosystem" _ 379953 _ English _ 773 _ 384806 _ pdf
41906 _ For consultation - Data stewardship and the role of national statistical offices in the new data ecosystem _ 377813 _ English _ 773 _ 379074 _ pdf
41906 _ For consultation - Data stewardship and the role of national statistical offices in the new data ecosystem - summary _ 377814 _ English _ 773 _ 379075 _ pdf
41906 _ Presentation - Data Stewardship and the Role of NSOs in the (New) Data Ecosystem by Estonia _ 380231 _ English _ 773 _ 385408 _ pdf
41906 _ Presentation - Outcome of the consultation on Data stewardship and the role of national statistical offices in the new data ecosystem _ 380110 _ English _ 773 _ 385044 _ pdf
41906 _ For consultation - Data stewardship and the role of national statistical offices in the new data ecosystem - country examples _ 377815 _ English _ 773 _ 379076 _ pdf
41906 _ Presentation - Measuring Circular Economy - Part A: Conceptual framework, statistical framework and indicators _ 380111 _ English _ 773 _ 385048 _ pdf
41906 _ For consultation - Joint UNECE/OECD guidelines for measuring circular economy - Part A: conceptual framework, statistical framework and indicators _ 377816 _ English _ 773 _ 379078 _ pdf
41906 _ ECE/CES/2023/3 - Joint UNECE/OECD Guidelines for measuring circular economy - Part A: Conceptual Framework, statistical framework and indicators _ 378826 _ English _ 773 _ 382013 _ pdf
41906 _ ECE/CES/2023/3 - Joint UNECE/OECD Guidelines for measuring circular economy - Part A: Conceptual Framework, statistical framework and indicators _ 378826 _ French _ 780 _ 382015 _ pdf
41906 _ ECE/CES/2023/3 - Joint UNECE/OECD Guidelines for measuring circular economy - Part A: Conceptual Framework, statistical framework and indicators _ 378826 _ Russian _ 864 _ 382016 _ pdf
41906 _ ECE/CES/2023/3/Add.1 - Results of the consultation on the Joint UNECE/OECD Guidelines for Measuring Circular Economy (Part A) _ 379940 _ English _ 773 _ 384735 _ pdf
41906 _ ECE/CES/2023/4 - Measuring hazardous events and disasters: set of core disaster-risk-related indicators prepared by the Task Force _ 378532 _ French _ 780 _ 381173 _ pdf
41906 _ ECE/CES/2023/4 - Measuring hazardous events and disasters: set of core disaster-risk-related indicators prepared by the Task Force _ 378532 _ Russian _ 864 _ 381174 _ pdf
41906 _ ECE/CES/2023/4 - Measuring hazardous events and disasters: set of core disaster-risk-related indicators prepared by the Task Force _ 378532 _ English _ 773 _ 382007 _ pdf
41906 _ For consultation - Measuring hazardous events and disasters: Set of core disaster-risk-related indicators _ 377817 _ English _ 773 _ 379079 _ pdf
6 - Access to privately-held data
43072 _ Presentation - Access to privately held data - Follow-up to CES 2022 discussion _ 380124 _ English _ 773 _ 385068 _ pdf
7 - Programme of work of the Statistics subprogramme of the UNECE
43073 _ ECE/CES/2023/10 - Report of the Regional Coordination Group on Data and Statistics for Europe and Central Asia - Secretariat _ 378404 _ English _ 773 _ 380811 _ pdf
43073 _ ECE/CES/2023/10 - Report of the Regional Coordination Group on Data and Statistics for Europe and Central Asia - Secretariat _ 378404 _ French _ 780 _ 380812 _ pdf
43073 _ ECE/CES/2023/10 - Report of the Regional Coordination Group on Data and Statistics for Europe and Central Asia - Secretariat _ 378404 _ Russian _ 864 _ 380813 _ pdf
43073 _ ECE/CES/2023/14 - Implementation of the UNECE Statistical Programme 2022 _ 378437 _ English _ 773 _ 380849 _ pdf
43073 _ ECE/CES/2023/14 - Implementation of the UNECE Statistical Programme 2022 _ 378437 _ French _ 780 _ 380851 _ pdf
43073 _ ECE/CES/2023/14 - Implementation of the UNECE Statistical Programme 2022 _ 378437 _ Russian _ 864 _ 380853 _ pdf
43073 _ Presentation - UNECE Statistical Programmes 2022-2025 _ 380126 _ English _ 773 _ 385070 _ pdf
43073 _ ECE/CES/2023/15 - Statistical Programme 2023 - Secretariat _ 378442 _ English _ 773 _ 380860 _ pdf
43073 _ ECE/CES/2023/15 - Statistical Programme 2023 - Secretariat _ 378442 _ French _ 780 _ 380861 _ pdf
43073 _ ECE/CES/2023/15 - Statistical Programme 2023 - Secretariat _ 378442 _ Russian _ 864 _ 380862 _ pdf
43073 _ ECE/CES/2023/15/Add.1 - Changes to the Publications Programme of the the Statistical Programme _ 379491 _ English _ 773 _ 383674 _ pdf
43073 _ ECE/CES/2023/16 - Draft Programme of work of the United Nations Statistics subprogramme for 2024 - Secretariat _ 378441 _ English _ 773 _ 380857 _ pdf
43073 _ ECE/CES/2023/16 - Draft Programme of work of the United Nations Statistics subprogramme for 2024 - Secretariat _ 378441 _ French _ 780 _ 380858 _ pdf
43073 _ ECE/CES/2023/16 - Draft Programme of work of the United Nations Statistics subprogramme for 2024 - Secretariat _ 378441 _ Russian _ 864 _ 380859 _ pdf
43073 _ ECE/CES/2023/16/Add.1 - List of meetings in the area of statistics to be held from July 2023 to December 2024 _ 379658 _ English _ 773 _ 384107 _ pdf
43073 _ ECE/CES/2023/17 - Joint Working Group on Environmental Statistics and Indicators (form Joint Task Force) _ 379832 _ English _ 773 _ 384522 _ pdf
43073 _ Document INF.1 - Outline of key components of the programme of work of UNECE statistics subprogramme for 2025 _ 379901 _ English _ 773 _ 384690 _ pdf
8 - Data Ethics - a key enabler of social acceptability
43704 _ ECE/CES/2023/24 - An ethical approach to the development of social acceptance strategies for national statistical offices by Canada, Ireland, UK and Eurostat _ 379689 _ English _ 773 _ 384178 _ pdf
43704 _ Presentation - An ethical approach to the development of social acceptance by Ireland _ 380125 _ English _ 773 _ 385069 _ pdf
43704 _ ECE/CES/2023/25 - Towards a "social mandate" for the French project of a statistical directory of individuals and dwellings by France _ 379488 _ English _ 773 _ 383665 _ pdf
43704 _ Presentation - Setting up a statistical register of individual and dwellings in France - Concertation and ethical issues by France _ 380249 _ English _ 773 _ 385439 _ pdf
43704 _ ECE/CES/2023/26 - Data ethics - Perspectives from Aotearoa New Zealand _ 379831 _ English _ 773 _ 384521 _ pdf
43704 _ Presentation - Data Ethics - Perspectives from Aotearoa New Zealand _ 380255 _ English _ 773 _ 385444 _ pdf
9 - Timeliness, granularity and frequency of official statistics
43705 _ ECE/CES/2023/28 - The challenges in remaining a trusted and relevant data provider of timely and granular statistics by Canada _ 379567 _ English _ 773 _ 383793 _ pdf
43705 _ Presentation - Timeliness, frequency and granularity of official statistics - Response from Canada _ 380132 _ English _ 773 _ 385095 _ pdf
43705 _ ECE/CES/2023/29 - Incorporating administrative data in monthly Labour Force Surveys and VAT monthly estimation of Foreign trade by Hungary _ 379763 _ English _ 773 _ 384372 _ pdf
43705 _ ECE/CES/2023/30 - Granular and timely data - statistical response to growing user needs by Poland _ 379767 _ English _ 773 _ 384389 _ pdf
43705 _ Presentation - Timeliness, Frequency and Granularity of Official Statistics by Poland _ 380234 _ English _ 773 _ 385413 _ pdf
43705 _ ECE/CES/2023/31 - How to keep timeliness and frequency with monthly administrative data by Portugal _ 379575 _ English _ 773 _ 383817 _ pdf
43705 _ ECE/CES/2023/27 - Statistical learning in the Industrial Turnover Index: from a use case to strategic reflections by Spain _ 379659 _ English _ 773 _ 384108 _ pdf
43705 _ ECE/CES/2023/32 - OECD and UNSD's Multinational Enterprise Information Platform _ 379792 _ English _ 773 _ 384441 _ pdf
43705 _ ECE/CES/2023/33/Rev.1 - Real-time indicators in the United Kingdom - lessons learned and next steps _ 379955 _ English _ 773 _ 385546 _ pdf
10 - Election of the Bureau of the Conference of European Statisticians
44283 _ ECE/CES/2023/18 - Election of the Bureau of the Conference of European Statisticians _ 379257 _ English _ 773 _ 383125 _ pdf
44283 _ ECE/CES/2023/18 - Election of the Bureau of the Conference of European Statisticians _ 379257 _ French _ 780 _ 383126 _ pdf
44283 _ ECE/CES/2023/18 - Election of the Bureau of the Conference of European Statisticians _ 379257 _ Russian _ 864 _ 383127 _ pdf