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Second Consultation for Points of Contact

Second Consultation for Points of Contact

19 October (10:00) - 21 October (18:00) 2005
Ispra Italy


Document Title ENG FRE RUS
Information notice
Detailed provisional programme
Participants list


Document Title ENG FRE RUS
Introduction to the third Consultation – overview of the UNECE IAN System – Convention secretariat
Introduction to the meeting, Mr Sergiusz Ludwiczak
Session I: Effectiveness of the UNECE IAN System        
Results of the test of the UNECE IAN System performed by Italy - Mr. Giorgio Alocci
Results of the test of the UNECE IAN System performed by the Russian Federation, Mr. Mikhail Razanov
Session II: Notification and management of response to chemical accidents        
Organization of the Austrian Federal Alarm Centre and the Federal Crisis and Disaster Protection Management - Mr. Johannes Stippel
Objectives and tasks of the Armenian Emergency Management Administration, Mr. Arman Avagyan
Early warning procedures and response mechanisms in case of industrial accidents in Bulgaria - Ms Conka Dryankova
The function of the Czech National Operational Centre in case of emergencies - Ms. Irena Jansova
Emergency response in Slovenia, Ms. Danica Babic
Actions of the IAEA to improve the international communication during incidents and emergencies - Mr. Dominique Rauber
Results of the Italian sponsored project "Transboundary Effects of Industrial Accidents Management Model" carried out in Romania, Mr. Francisc Senzaconi
Crisis Management during natural and man-made emergencies in Georgia
Session III: Sharing of experience and lessons learnt from past accidents        
Oil spills, response of the Russian System for Disaster Management (RSDM) and inter-agency cooperation in case of large scale disasters - Mr. Mikhail Razanov
Response to an accident in the Gdansk Refinery - Mr. Ryszard Grosset - Report
Response to an accident in the Gdansk Refinery - Mr. Ryszard Grosset - Presentation
Response to a harbour accident in Sardinia - Mr. Ennio Aquilino

Task Force

Document Title ENG FRE RUS
Systems' presentations      
Infra-web Operational Incident Management and Communication System, Mr. W. van Gogh, Rijkswaterstaat
Concept of the Natural and Environmental Disasters Information Exchange System, Mr. F. Colceraza on behalf of the European Commission
Prototype of a simple web-based notification application - Mr. L. Wyrowski - UNECE Secretariat
Independent analysis      
Which systems best meets the requirements of the UNECE IAN Sytem - Mr. M. Carcassi - University of Pisa