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ACCC/C/2024/211 Czech Republic

Document Status Date received or posted by the secretariat
Annex 1: Act No. 53/2024 Coll. on Procedures Related to the Deep Geological Repository of Radioactive Waste ENG CZE
Annex 2: Selected parts of the Explanatory Report to Act No. 53/2024 Coll. ENG CZE
Annex 3: Text of individual provisions of related laws ENG CZE
Annex 4a: Judgment of the Supreme Court no. 2 As 196/ 2016 133 ENG CZE
Annex 4b: Judgment of the Supreme Court no. 4 As 157/2013 – 33 ENG CZE
Annex 4c: Judgment of the Constitutional Court no. 39/22 ENG CZE
Annex 5: Letter sent to Senators ENG CZE
Annex 6: Extract from the Register of Associations ENG CZE
From the communicant 04.10.2024
Statement on preliminary admissibility From the Party concerned 09.12.2024
Reply to question posed by the Committee during the open session on preliminary admissibility From the communicant 11.12.2024