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ACCC/C/2023/200 Italy

Case status: Pending.
Follow-up: -
Topics: Definition; Access to justice.
Articles alleged: 2(5); 3(1) and (4); 9(2) - (4).
Articles considered by the Committee: -
Articles, if any, found in non-compliance: -
Summary: The communication was submitted to the Compliance Committee on 2 May 2023 by the organization Comitato per la tutela dell’ambiente e la salute dei cittadini (ex No-Maxi stalla). The communication alleges non-compliance with articles 2 (5), 3 (1) and (4) and 9 (2) and (3) regarding access to justice for unregistered environmental associations (Part A of the communication). In addition, the communication alleges non-compliance with articles 3 (1) and 9 (2)-(4) of the Convention in relation to costs orders against unsuccessful claimants in environmental litigation (Part B of the communication). 

Document Status Date received
posted by the secretariat

Annex 1: Authority
Annex 2: Formal notice of 23.02.2011 ENG ITA
Annex 3: Private agreement of 28.01.2012 ENG ITA
Annex 4: Statute of the Committee ENG ITA
Annex 5: Regional Administrative Court of Umbria, judgment no. 303,13.02.2013 ENG ITA

From the communicant 02.05.2023
Annex 6: Appeal before Council of State of 17.10.2013 ENG ITA
Annex 7: Council of State, judgment no. 4952 of 04.05.2021 ENG ITA
Annex 8: Council of State, judgment no. 7799 of 22.06.2022 ENG ITA
Annex 9: Council of State, judgment no. 10441 of 22.09.2022 ENG ITA
Annex 10: Council of State, judgment no. 2520 of 20.01.2022 ENG ITA 
Annex 11: Regional Administrative Court of Campania, judgment no. 3663 of 16.11.2022 ENG ITA
Annex 12: Council of State, judgment no. 3885 of 21.04.2022 ENG ITA
Annex 13: Regional Administrative Court of Toscana, judgment no. 1303 of 19.10.2022 ENG ITA
Statement on preliminary admissibility From the communicant 09.06.2023
Email to parties on outcome of the Committee's determination on preliminary admissibility  From the secretariat 30.06.2023
Letters to the Party concerned and the communicant enclosing Committee's determination of preliminary admissibility and forwarding the communication for the Party concerned's response From the secretariat 16.09.2023
Letter enclosing response to communication From the Party concerned 15.02.2024