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ACCC/C/2020/181 Netherlands

Case status: Pending.
Topics: Public participation.
Articles alleged: 6 (2), 6 (4), 6 (8); 7.
Articles considered by the Committee:
Articles, if any, found in non-compliance:
Summary: The communication was submitted to the Compliance Committee on 17 August 2016 by the communicants Mr. Dercksen and others but due to an administrative error it had not been processed. The communication alleged a failure to comply with articles 6 (2), (4), (8) and 7 of the Convention with respect to public participation in decision-making on wind farms. 

Document Status Date received
posted by the secretariat
Communication From the communicant 17.08.2016
Letter to the communicant enclosing questions from the Chair and Vice Chairs From the secretariat 27.05.2020
Reply to the questions of the Chair and Vice Chairs
Annex 1: Memorandum of Reply for Provincial Spatial Policy Strategy 2013-2028 DUT ENG (excerpt) 
Annex 2: National Energy Agreement, September 2013  DUT
Annex 3: Structural Vision for Onshore Wind Energy  DUT
Annex 4: Structural Vision for Onshore Wind Energy EIA Plan  DUT
Annex 5: Letter to the States General dated 31 March 2014  DUT
Annex 6: Provincial Spatial Structural Vision 2013-2028 (revised 2016) DUT
Annex 7: Memorandum of Reply to the PSSV dated 4 February 2013 DUT ENG (excerpt)
Annex 8: Letter from municipal council of Vianen dated 20 June 2012  DUT
Annex 9: Memorandum of Reply to first partial revision of PSSV  DUT
Annex 10: Minutes of the Vianen municipal council meeting DUT
Annex 11: Anterior agreement DUT ENG (excerpt)
Annex 12: Council of State ruling concerning Vianen zoning plan DUT
Annex 13: Council of State ruling concerning Vianen environmental permit DUT
From the communicant 14.10.2020
Letters to the Party concerned and the communicants enclosing Committee's determination of preliminary admissibility and forwarding the communication for the Party concerned's response From the secretariat 04.12.2020
Cover letter enclosing the response to the communication
Annex 1: Extracts of Environmental Management Act ENG
Annex 2: Government Information (Public Access) Act ENG
Annex 3: General Administrative Law Act, Part 3.4 and other sections ENG
Annex 4: Extracts of Spatial Planning Act ENG
Annex 5: Views presented by the municipality of Vianen DUT
From the Party concerned 30.04.2021
Letters inviting Party concerned and communicants to hearing at the Committee’s 79th meeting From the secretariat 14.04.2023
Letter to parties enclosing questions from the Committee From the secretariat 24.05.2023

Letter enclosing replies to Committee's questions dated 24.05.2023
Annex 1: Meeting report between IPO and the National Government on arrangements concerning “Wind on Land” ENG DUT

From the Party concerned  12.06.2023
Replies to Committee's questions dated 24.05.2023
Annex1: EIA of Windpark Autena DUT
From the communicants 12.06.2023
Closing statement at hearing From the communicant 14.06.2023
Email enclosing opening statement and closing statement at hearing From the Party concerned  21.06.2023

Email enclosing:
Annex 1: Environmental impact assessment screening Autena wind farm 
Annex 2: Timeline regarding MW target
Annex 3: Timeline regarding wind farm Autena

From the Party concerned 27.07.2023
Additional information ENG DUT From the Party concerned 28.07.2023