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(WP.5/GE.5) Group of Experts on cycling infrastructure module (second session)

28 November (10:00) - 29 November (18:00) 2022
Palais des Nations Geneva, Switzerland
Group of Experts on Cycling Infrastructure


32684 _ ECE/TRANS/WP.5/GE.5/2 - Annotated provisional agenda for the second session _ 370826 _ English _ 773 _ 368081 _ pdf
32684 _ ECE/TRANS/WP.5/GE.5/2 - Annotated provisional agenda for the second session _ 370826 _ French _ 780 _ 368082 _ pdf
32684 _ ECE/TRANS/WP.5/GE.5/2 - Annotated provisional agenda for the second session _ 370826 _ Russian _ 864 _ 368083 _ pdf

Informal documents

32685 _ Informal document WP.5/GE.5 (2022) No. 1 - Draft guide for designating national cycling network _ 373226 _ English _ 773 _ 368459 _ pdf
32685 _ Informal document WP.5/GE.5 (2022) No. 2 - Cycling routes parameters and user categories _ 373227 _ English _ 773 _ 368460 _ pdf
32685 _ Informal document WP.5/GE.5 (2022) No. 4 - Modified and additional definitions for types of cycling infrastructure _ 373230 _ English _ 773 _ 368464 _ pdf




32687 _ ECE/TRANS/WP.5/GE.5/3 - Report of the Group of Experts on cycling infrastructure module at its second session _ 374961 _ English _ 773 _ 375394 _ pdf
32687 _ ECE/TRANS/WP.5/GE.5/3 - Report of the Group of Experts on cycling infrastructure module at its second session _ 374961 _ French _ 780 _ 375395 _ pdf
32687 _ ECE/TRANS/WP.5/GE.5/3 - Report of the Group of Experts on cycling infrastructure module at its second session _ 374961 _ Russian _ 864 _ 375396 _ pdf