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(SC.3) Working Party on Inland Water Transport (64th session)

07 - 09 October 2020


ECE/TRANS/SC.3/212 - Provisional agenda for the sixty-fourth session of the Working Party on Inland Water Transport (7–9 October 2020)  
English PDF    
French PDF    
Russian PDF    

Working Documents

ECE/TRANS/SC.3/2020/1 - (Secretariat) Summary of the informal virtual meeting of the Working Party on the Standardization of Technical and Safety Requirements in Inland Navigation (29–30 June 2020)
English PDF  
French PDF  
Russian PDF  
ECE/TRANS/SC.3/2020/2 - (Secretariat) Overview of the impact of the COVID-19 outbreak on the European inland water transport sector and measures undertaken at the national and international level
English PDF  
French PDF  
Russian PDF  
ECE/TRANS/SC.3/2020/3 - (Secretariat) Amendments to the European Code for Inland Waterways
English PDF  
French PDF  
Russian PDF  
ECE/TRANS/SC.3/2020/4 - (Secretariat) Outcome of the thirty-third meeting of the CEVNI Expert Group and amendments to the European Code for Inland Waterways
English PDF  
French PDF  
Russian PDF  
ECE/TRANS/SC.3/2020/5 - (Moselle Commission) Amendments to the Police Regulations for the Navigation of the Moselle adopted by the Moselle Commission at its first plenary session in 2020 by written procedure
English PDF  
French PDF  
Russian PDF  
ECE/TRANS/SC.3/2020/6 - (Secretariat) Specific requirements to passenger daily trip vessels not exceeding 24 metres in length and authorized to carry up to a maximum of 150 passengers
English PDF  
French PDF  
Russian PDF  
ECE/TRANS/SC.3/2020/7 - (Danube Commission) Amendment proposal for the draft new chapter XX, “Special provisions applicable to electric vessel propulsion” of the annex to resolution No. 61, revision 2
English PDF  
French PDF  
Russian PDF  
ECE/TRANS/SC.3/2020/8 - (Secretariat) Amendments to the annex to resolution No. 61 on Recommendations on Harmonized Europe-Wide Technical Requirements for Inland Navigation Vessels, revision 2
English PDF  
French PDF  
Russian PDF  
ECE/TRANS/SC.3/2020/9 - (Secretariat) Revision of the list of reception facilities for transfer of waste from vessels
English PDF  
French PDF  
Russian PDF  
ECE/TRANS/SC.3/2020/10 - (Russian Federation) Revision of the list of reception facilities for transfer of waste from vessels
English PDF  
French PDF  
Russian PDF  
ECE/TRANS/SC.3/2020/11/Corr.1 - (Transmitted by Austria)
English PDF  
French PDF  
Russian PDF  
ECE/TRANS/SC.3/2020/11 - (Transmitted by Belgium, Belarus, Bulgaria, Luxembourg,the secretariat of the Convention on Collection, Deposit andReception of Waste Produced during Navigation on the Rhineand Inland Waterways and via donau) Revision of the list of reception facilities for transfer of waste from vessels
English PDF  
French PDF  
Russian PDF  
ECE/TRANS/SC.3/2020/12 - (Secretariat) Automation in inland navigation and smart shipping in the activities of members States of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
English PDF  
French PDF  
Russian PDF  
ECE/TRANS/SC.3/2020/13 - (Secretariat) Definitions related to automation in inland navigation and smart shipping
English PDF  
French PDF  
Russian PDF  
ECE/TRANS/SC.3/2020/14 - (Secretariat) Terms from national standards and documents of member States of the Economic Commission for Europe and the Glossary of the Danube Commission, which are related to inland water transport
English PDF  
French PDF  
Russian PDF  
ECE/TRANS/SC.3/2020/15 - (Secretariat) Terms related to transportation of goods and passengers by inland waterways and the prevention of pollution from vessels
English PDF  
French PDF  
Russian PDF  
ECE/TRANS/SC.3/2020/16 - (Secretariat) Terms and definitions related to hydrography, meteorology, navigation, fairway signs and marking and River Information Services
English PDF  
French PDF  
Russian PDF  
ECE/TRANS/SC.3/2020/17 - (Secretariat) Revision of the International Standard for Tracking and Tracing on Inland Waterways (annex to resolution No. 63, revised)
English PDF  
French PDF  
Russian PDF  
ECE/TRANS/SC.3/2020/18 - (Secretariat) Revision of the International Standard for Electronic Ship Reporting in Inland Navigation
English PDF  
French PDF  
Russian PDF  
ECE/TRANS/SC.3/2020/19 - (Secretariat) Revision of resolution No. 31: Standards for models of crew-related documents
English PDF  
French PDF  
Russian PDF  

Informal Documents

Informal document SC.3 No. 1 (2020) - List of working and informal documents
English PDF
Informal document SC.3 No. 2 (2020) - Revised annex to resolution No. 63, International Standard for Tracking and Tracing on Inland Waterways
English PDF  
French PDF  
Russian PDF  
Informal document SC.3 No. 3 (2020) - Revised annex to resolution No. 79, International Standard for Electronic Ship Reporting in Inland Navigation
English PDF  
Informal document SC.3 No. 4 (2020) - Draft amendment to the annex to resolution No. 80, revised, “International Standard for Notices to Skippers in Inland Navigation”
English PDF  
Informal document SC.3 No. 5 (2020) - European Standard for Qualifications in Inland Navigation (ES-QIN)
Russian PDF  
Informal document SC.3 No. 6 (2020) - Activities of member States in the field of automation of inland water transport
English PDF  
Informal document SC.3 No. 7 (2020) - IWT in the COVID-19 Crisis
English PDF  
Informal document ITC No. 4 (2020)- Implementation of the ITC Strategy until 2030
English PDF  




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