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GRPE workshop on low- and zero-emissions heavy duty vehicles

Identify potential regulatory needs for low- and zero-emissions heavy duty vehicles

2 June 2021 12:00 - 15:45 CET


As part the deliberation held during the 82nd session of GRPE in January 2021 (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRPE/82, paras. 66 and 67), GRPE decided to organize a workshop on low- and zero-emissions heavy duty vehicles, to explore the potential regulatory needs that could emerge with the wider adoption of alternative powertrains for heavy duty trucks and buses.

Provisional Agenda and Timeline





Introduction and aim of the workshop

André Rijnders, Chair of GRPE


Session 1 : Setting the scene : Recent international activities


Highlights from the publication "Regulations and Standards for Clean Trucks and Buses; On the Right Track?"

Pierpaolo Cazzola, International Transport Forum


Outcomes of the workshop "Decarbonisation of Heavy Duty Vehicle Transport: Zero Emission Heavy Goods Vehicles

Paul Hodson, JRC Petten, European Commission


Session 2 : Stakeholders views and latest development of regulatory frameworks


Canada regulatory framework

Andrew Giallonardo, Environment and Climate Change Canada

Geoff Johnson, Environment and Climate Change Canada


India regulatory framework

Prashant Pawar, Arai India


US regulatory framework

James Sanchez, US EPA


EU regulatory framework on CO2 emissions

Nikolaus Steininger, DG CLIMA


Other Delegations statements



Industry perspectives on technology and regulatory framework

Thomas Fabian, OICA


Road Freight Operator’s statement

Aldo Celasco, IRU





Session 3 : Regulatory needs for low- and zero-emission technologies


3.1 Technologies, policies and standards potentially impacting HDV low-, zero-emission powertrain regulatory needs


Urban electric buses: e-SORT protocol

Arno Kerkhof, Head of Bus Transport Unit, UITP, Brussels, Belgium

Christophe Martin, Vice Chair UITP Bus Committee and Rolling Stock Direction TEC, Namur, Belgium


Zero Emission Zones (ZEZs) and the potential role of geo fencing in commercial vehicles

Rosemarie Cramer, Ministerie van Infrastructuur en Waterstaat, the Netherlands


3.2 UN legislation improvements needs


Overview and regulatory needs of electrified HDV powertrains

Yoshihide Takenaka, OICA


Regulatory needs for full battery and hybrid trucks

Martin Jonsson, OICA


Regulatory needs for H2 ICE HDV

Klaus Richter, OICA


GRPE discussion

moderated by Duncan Kay, Vice Chair of GRPE


Wrap up and next steps

André Rijnders, Chair of GRPE

Connection details

Webex link:

This Webex is open to all participants, with no need for prior registration.

Please indicate your name and affiliation when connecting to the Webex.


12031 _ Session 1 - presentation 1 - ITF - Pierpaolo Cazzola _ 356921 _ English _ 773 _ 329673 _ pdf
12031 _ Session 1 - presentation 2 - JRC - Paul Hodson _ 356922 _ English _ 773 _ 328352 _ pdf
12031 _ Session 2 - presentation 1 - Environment and Climate Change Canada - Andrew Giallonardo, Geoff Johnson _ 356971 _ English _ 773 _ 328484 _ pdf
12031 _ Session 2 - presentation 2 - Arai India - Prashant Pawar _ 356934 _ English _ 773 _ 328395 _ pdf
12031 _ Session 2 - presentation 4 - EC - DG CLIMA - Nikolaus Steininger _ 356950 _ English _ 773 _ 328424 _ pdf
12031 _ Session 2 - presentation 5 - OICA - Thomas Fabian _ 356949 _ English _ 773 _ 328421 _ pdf
12031 _ Session 2 - presentation 6 - IRU - Aldo Celasco _ 356935 _ English _ 773 _ 328398 _ pdf
12031 _ Session 3.1 - presentation 1 - UITP - Arno Kerkhof, Christophe Martin _ 356936 _ English _ 773 _ 328399 _ pdf
12031 _ Session 3.1 - presentation 2 - Ministerie van Infrastructuur en Waterstaat, the Netherlands - Rosemarie Cramer _ 356937 _ English _ 773 _ 328400 _ pdf
12031 _ Session 3.2 - presentation 1 - OICA - Yoshihide Takenaka _ 356939 _ English _ 773 _ 328402 _ pdf
12031 _ Session 3.2 - presentation 2 - OICA - Martin Jonsson _ 356940 _ English _ 773 _ 328403 _ pdf
12031 _ Session 3.2 - presentation 3 - OICA - Klaus Richter _ 356941 _ English _ 773 _ 328404 _ pdf