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TERMS OF REFERENCE, Project Evaluation, October 2023
E264: Enhancing coherence and integration of economic and social statistics in support of the implementation of 2008 System of National Accounts

Languages and translations



E264: Enhancing coherence and integration of economic and social statistics in support of the implementation of 2008 System of National Accounts

I. Purpose The purpose of this evaluation is to assess the extent to which the objectives of the UNECE project E264 “Enhancing coherence and integration of economic and social statistics in support of the implementation of 2008 System of National Accounts” were achieved.

The evaluation will assess the relevance, effectiveness, efficiency and sustainability of the project.

The evaluation will also assess any impacts the project may have had on progressing human rights, gender equality, disability inclusion, climate change and disaster risk reduction in the context of this engagement. The evaluation will finally look at the activities repurposed to address the impact of the COVID-19 crisis, and assess, to the extent possible, UNECE’s COVID-19 early response through this project.

II. Background The project aimed at increasing the capacity of countries in Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia in compiling national accounts and supporting statistics according to the recommendations of international statistical standards. The activities of the project included the following four modules:

1) Methods and compilation techniques for implementation of the 2008 SNA and supporting economic statistics.

2) Price statistics - development of price indices and deflators for national accounts aggregates. 3) Statistical business registers - improving coverage and accuracy of national statistical business

registers. 4) Expanding the use of household surveys for the estimates of the informal sector and


The activities were carried out in cooperation with other international and regional partners, including CIS-STAT, EFTA, Eurostat, ILO, IMF, OECD and World Bank.

III. Evaluation objectives, scope and questions The evaluation will be guided by the objectives, indicators of achievement and means of verification established in the logical framework of the project document. The evaluation will be conducted in Q3 of 2023. It will cover the full implementation of the project, from June 2017 to June 2023 in Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russian Federation, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine and Uzbekistan)

The final evaluation of the project has the following specific objectives:

• Determine as systematically and objectively as possible the relevance, effectiveness, efficiency and sustainability of the project results in light of its goals and objectives.

• Assess how the project activities contributed to gender equality and women’ s empowerment, as well as the realization of human rights, with an emphasis on ‘leaving no one behind’ and, if needed, it will make recommendations on how these considerations can be better addressed in future activities of the subprogramme.

• Identify good practices and lessons learned from the project and formulate action-oriented, forward-looking recommendations addressed to the subprogramme for improving future interventions.


The evaluation criteria are relevance, effectiveness, efficiency and sustainability.

Relevance 1. To what extent was the project design appropriate for meeting the needs of beneficiary

countries? 2. To what extent did the project respond to the priorities and needs of national statistical offices

in beneficiary countries? How relevant were the project activities to the countries’ needs and priorities?

3. To what extent was the project aligned with the SDGs? 4. What takeaways are there for ensuring relevance of future projects of UNEE Statistical

Division? 5. To what extent were gender, human rights and disability perspectives integrated into the design

and implementation of the project? What results can be identified from these actions? How can gender and human rights perspectives be better included in future projects design and implementation?


6. To what extent were the project objectives and expected results achieved? 7. To what extent did the project improve the competencies of national statistical offices in the

beneficiary countries to produce and use macroeconomic statistics in their countries? 8. To what extent are the project activities coherent and harmonized with those of other partners

operating within the same context, particularly those of other UN system entities? 9. What were the challenges/obstacles (including COVID-19 and sub-regional instability) to

achieving the expected results? How successfully did the project overcome these? 10. What (if anything) has prevented the project from achieving the desired results?


11. Were the resources adequate for achieving the results? 12. Were the results achieved on time and were all activities organized efficiently? 13. To what extent were the resources used economically and how could the use of resources be

improved? Sustainability

14. What measures were adopted to ensure that project outcomes would continue after the project ended and to what extent have these measures addressed the existing risks for sustainability?

15. To what extent do the partners and beneficiaries ‘own’ the outcomes of the work? How is the stakeholders’ engagement likely to continue, be scaled up, replicated, or institutionalized?

IV. Evaluation approach and methodology The evaluation will be conducted in accordance with: the ECE Evaluation Policy1; the Administrative instruction guiding Evaluation in the UN Secretariat 2; and the United Nations Evaluation Group (UNEG) Norms and Standards for Evaluation3. Human rights and gender equality considerations will be integrated at all stages of the evaluation4: (i) in the evaluation scope and questions; (ii) in the methods, tools and data analysis techniques; (iii) in the findings, conclusions and recommendations of the final report. The evaluator will explicitly explain how human rights, gender, disability, SDGs, and climate change considerations will be taken into account during the evaluation.

1 UNECE Evaluation policy 2 ST/AI/2021/3 3 UNEG 2016 Norms and Standards for Evaluation 4 In line with UNEG Guidance contained in Integrating Human Rights and Gender Equality in Evaluations


The evaluator is required to use a mixed-method approach, including qualitative as well as quantitative data gathering and analysis as the basis for a triangulation exercise of all available data to draw conclusions and findings.

The evaluation should be conducted based on the following mixed methods to triangulate information:

1. A desk review of all relevant documents, including the project document and information on project activities (monitoring data); materials developed in support of the activities (agendas, plans, participant lists, background documents, donor reports and publications); Proposed programme budgets covering the evaluation period; project reports to the donor.

2. Online survey of key stakeholders and beneficiaries: the survey will be developed by the consultant on her/his preferred platform.

3. Interviews (in-person and/or by telephone/video): the evaluator shall interview a wide range of diverse stakeholders and beneficiaries.

4. Remote observation of virtual workshops and meetings, including recordings of meetings.

The evaluator will further elaborate on the evaluation methodology in the Inception Report that will among others include the survey questions and whether any of the 12 countries will be selected for an in-depth assessment. The evaluation report will be written in English, will consist of approximately 30 pages and will include an executive summary (max. 2 pages) describing the evaluation methodology, key findings, conclusions and recommendations. The evaluator will also produce an Evaluation Brief summarizing key evaluation findings, lessons learned and recommendations, including through images and infographics.

V. Evaluation schedule5 May 2023 ToR finalized June 2023 Evaluator selected June 2023 Contract signed. Evaluator starts the desk review July 2023 Evaluator submits inception report including survey design August 2023 Launch of data gathering, including survey and interviews September 2023 Evaluator submits draft evaluation report and evaluation brief October 2023 Evaluator submits final evaluation report and evaluation brief

VI. Resources and Management of the evaluation An independent consultant will be engaged to conduct the evaluation under the management of the PMU. Payment will be made upon satisfactory delivery of work. The Programme Management Unit (PMU) will manage the evaluation and will be involved in the following steps: Selection of the evaluator; Preparation and clearance of the Terms of Reference; Provision of guidance to the Project Manager and evaluator as needed on the evaluation design and methodology; Clearance of the final report after quality assurance of the draft report. The Project Manager, in consultation with the Division Director, will be involved in the following steps: Provide all documentation needed for desk review, contact details, support and guidance to the evaluation consultant as needed throughout the timeline of the evaluation; Advise the evaluator on the recipients for the questionnaire and for follow-up interviews; Process and manage the consultancy contract of the evaluator, along the key milestones agreed with PMU.

5 Final timetable to be agreed following engagement of the evaluator


VII. Intended use / Next steps The results of the evaluation will be used in the planning and implementation of future activities of the UNECE Economic Cooperation and Integration Subprogramme. Findings of this evaluation will be used when possible to:

• improve direct project’s follow up actions, implementation of products by project beneficiaries and dissemination of the knowledge created through the project;

• assess the gaps and further needs of countries in the area of this project; • formulate tailored capacity building projects to strengthen the national capacity in enhancing

innovation. The results of the evaluation will be reported to the Conference of European Statisticians Following the issuance of the final report, the Project Manager will develop a Management Response for addressing the recommendations made by the evaluator. The final evaluation report, the management response and the progress on implementation of recommendations will be publicly available on the UNECE website.

VIII. Criteria for evaluators The evaluator should have:

1. An advanced university degree or equivalent background in relevant disciplines. 2. Knowledge of and experience in working on data and statistics; knowledge of and experience in

economic statistics desirable. 3. Relevant professional experience in design and management of evaluation processes with multiple

stakeholders, survey design and implementation, project planning, monitoring and management, gender mainstreaming and human-rights due diligence.

4. Demonstrated methodological knowledge of evaluations, including quantitative and qualitative data collection and analysis for end-of-cycle project evaluations, including demonstrated experience in conducting questionnaires and interviews.

5. Fluency in written and spoken English.

Evaluators should declare any conflict of interest to UNECE before embarking on an evaluation project, and at any point where such conflict occurs.

  • I. Purpose
  • II. Background
  • III. Evaluation objectives, scope and questions
    • Relevance
    • Effectiveness
    • Efficiency
    • Sustainability
  • IV. Evaluation approach and methodology
  • V. Evaluation schedule4F
  • VI. Resources and Management of the evaluation
  • VII. Intended use / Next steps
  • VIII. Criteria for evaluators


Evaluation Brief of the project E 264

Enhancing coherence and integration of economic and social statistics in support of the implementation of 2008 System of National Accounts (SNA)
UNECE PROJECT E264 – 2017-2023

Languages and translations


Enhancing coherence and integration of

economic and social statistics in support of

the implementation of 2008 System of

National Accounts (SNA)

UNECE PROJECT E264 – 2017-2023


Since 2010, the UNECE has been actively working to support the implementation of 2008 System of National Accounts and supporting statistics in countries of Eastern Europe, Caucasus, and Central Asia (EECCA). This project was intended to enable the UNECE in carrying out its mandate to support its implementation in the region and build on the activities and progress achieved since 2010. The project was part of the ECASTAT regional trust fund established by the World Bank for assisting countries to improve their statistical systems. The work on the project was guided by the Steering Group on National Accounts. METHODOLOGY The evaluation was conducted using a mixed- method approach to assess whether the planned objectives were met and to assess their relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, and sustainability. Cross-cutting issues such as human rights and gender equality were considered at all stages of the evaluation. The review consisted of a desk review of over 75 available project documents, analysis of the results from the two on-line surveys designed for the purpose of this evaluation and in-depth interviews with key stakeholders/partners to gather more information and assessment of results. Key findings were triangulated and presented in line with the questions contained in the Evaluation Matrix. FINDINGS

The evaluation determined that the project was fully relevant to the objective of the UNECE to increase the capacity of target countries in compiling national accounts and supporting statistics according to the recommendations of the 2008 SNA and other relevant international standards by focusing on the outstanding

priorities identified by the countries. The needs of the countries formed the basis of regional workshops and special sessions designed to address their specific issues or challenges.

The evaluation determined that the project was effective by deploying both traditional and innovative methods to ensure that the objectives and results were achieved. The project consisted of four-interrelated modules with the goal to enhance coherence and integration of economic and social statistics in support of the implementation of 2008 SNA. All activities were completed, and additional ones added with the project extension.

The most significant challenge the project faced was the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in early 2020. All planned results for 2020 were delayed and had to be realigned. The UNECE quickly adapted to the new global reality and implemented the use of online/virtual meetings to continue the momentum of the project during unprecedented times.

The evaluation determined that the project efficiently achieved its objectives within the allocated budget and adjusted timeframe. The savings associated with the new way of doing business (described above) and the UNECE’s ability to draw on established partnerships to obtain additional resources through in-kind or financial contributions, extended the project to the benefit of the targeted countries. A no-cost extension (granted from 2020-2023) expanded the scope of the project to address outstanding issues, identified by the EECCA countries, resulting from the pandemic.

The benefits of the project will continue after its completion although there will be some challenges. By nature of their mandates, the UNECE Statistical Division and the Steering Group on National Accounts are committed to maintaining and progressing the work undertaken during the project. For the EECCA countries, lack of funding, insufficient experienced staff, staff turnover and limited technical capabilities are likely to be a significant challenge in sustaining the work.



The evaluation has determined that the project met is overall aim and achieved its stated objectives. However, the following limitations were identified and should be considered in future action plans. All UNECE work is designed to be as inclusive as possible, however the human rights dimension is a difficult aspect to cover. The human rights dimension was not incorporated in the project proposal and the project outcomes make no explicit reference to human rights. It was evident through the evaluation that women and youth were involved in the project activities and in the evaluation process. However, no gender consideration was recorded in the project’s proposal and no indicator established. It was difficult to determine whether the knowledge and expertise of the staff in national statistical offices improved and/or their capacity to implement standards and recommendations in practice increased. To properly assess these elements could only be achieved through an in-depth country peer review or an update to the Global Assessments. This was not done as part of this evaluation.


In the spirit of continuous learning and based on the findings and good practices identified throughout evaluation, a series of recommendations are intended to help improve future UNECE projects.

1. The global pandemic forced the UNECE to rethink the way it conducted business to ensure continuity of the project. These innovative solutions introduced good practices that should be continued. The UNECE is encouraged to use a hybrid model when organizing its meetings, workshops, and regional sessions in the future. The

introduction of short webinars and the video capture of in-person sessions provided additional learning opportunities. A combination of face-to-face activities and virtual offerings reaches a broader group of people. Using appropriate and tested technologies that accommodates everyone’s participation is encouraged.

2. To properly assess the degree to which the knowledge and expertise of the staff in the national statistical offices of EECCA countries improved and/or their capacity to implement standards and recommendations increased, an in-depth country peer review or update to the Global Assessments should be conducted.

3. Continued sharing of experience and lessons

learned is critical to the ongoing improvement of the statistical system in the beneficiary countries. EECCA participation in the Expert Group meetings is encouraged and where possible regional workshops or special sessions would continue to offer continuous growth and learning.

4. To ensure sustainability, future activities

should continue to be linked to the work programme of the UNECE Statistical Division. Although the budget of the UNECE Statistical Division is limited, it is encouraged to use its exceptional collaboration and outreach skills to secure additional funding from key project stakeholders, be it in-kind or financial resources to expand the scope of its work.

5. For gender and human rights perspectives to

be better included in future projects, there should be an explicit objective built into the project design that can be monitored and evaluated during and at the end of the project. Expertise in gender quality, disability inclusion, environment and or human rights should be sought in the development of these objectives and with the evaluation process.


2017-2020 (EXTENSION FOR 2021-2023)
Period of evaluation: July – October 2023
Evaluator: Constance Graziadei
Evaluation commissioned by United Nations Economic Commission for Europe

Languages and translations



2017-2020 (EXTENSION FOR 2021-2023)


Period of evaluation: July – October 2023

Evaluator: Constance Graziadei

Evaluation commissioned by United Nations Economic Commission for Europe



The Evaluation report compiled by Constance Graziadei evaluates the UNECE project “Enhancing Coherence and Integration of Economic and Social Statistics in Support of the Implementation of 2008 System of National Accounts” implemented from 2017-2023.

The views and interpretations are those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE).


Ms. Graziadei would like to thank all who contributed to successful completion of this evaluation: to the UNECE Statistical Division who provided access to all the project documentation and support to the process, to all who responded to the two online surveys and to those who generously gave their time to be interviewed. Your contributions are truly appreciated.


TABLE OF CONTENTS ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS ........................................................................................................................ 5

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .......................................................................................................................................... 6

1.0 INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................................................... 9

1.1 PURPOSE OF THE EVALUATION .................................................................................................................. 10 1.2 OBJECTIVES OF THE EVALUATION .............................................................................................................. 10 1.3 SCOPE OF THE EVALUATION ....................................................................................................................... 10 1.4 EVALUATION METHODOLOGY ................................................................................................................... 11

2.0 FINDINGS ................................................................................................................................................ 12

2.1 RELEVANCE ................................................................................................................................................. 12 Figure 1: Evaluation of the UNECE Project on Economic and Social Statistics ................................................. 13

2.2 EFFECTIVENESS ........................................................................................................................................... 15 2.3 EFFICIENCY .................................................................................................................................................. 17

Table 1: Budget Allocation ................................................................................................................................. 17 Table 2: Initial Project Allocation of Funds and expenditures per module (2017-2020) .................................. 18 Table 3: Budget Allocation for 2021-2023 ......................................................................................................... 18

2.4 SUSTAINABILITY ......................................................................................................................................... 19 Figure 2: Evaluation Survey – Evaluation of the UNECE Project on Economic and Social Statistics ................ 20

2.5 GENDER AND HUMAN RIGHTS CONSIDERATIONS ..................................................................................... 21

3.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS .............................................................................................. 22

3.1 CONCLUSIONS ............................................................................................................................................ 22 3.2 RECOMMENDATIONS ................................................................................................................................. 23

4.0 ANNEXES ................................................................................................................................................. 24

4.1 TERMS OF REFERENCE FOR THE EVALUATION ........................................................................................... 24 4.2 ONLINE SURVEY QUESTIONNAIRE – BENEFICIARY COUNTRIES ................................................................. 28 4.3 ONLINE SURVEY RESULTS – BENEFICIARY COUNTRIES .............................................................................. 30 4.4 ONLINE SURVEY QUESTIONNAIRE – STAKEHOLDERS/PARTNERS ............................................................. 36 4.5 INTERVIEW GUIDE – KEY STAKEHOLDERS .................................................................................................. 38 4.6 LIST OF PROJECT ACTIVITIES BY MODULE .................................................................................................. 39 4.7 STAKEHOLDERS INVITED FOR IN-DEPTH INTERVIEW ................................................................................. 41 4.8 LIST OF DOCUMENTS REVIEWED ................................................................................................................ 42



CES Conference of European Statisticians

CIS Commonwealth of Independent States

ECASTAT European and Central Asian Statistics

EECCA Eastern Europe, Caucasus, and Central Asia

EFTA European Free Trade Association

ILO International Labour Association

IMF International Monetary Fund

NSO National Statistical Office

OECD Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development

ROSSTAT Russian Federal State Statistical System

SBR Statistical Business Registers

SNA System of National Accounts

SEE South East Europe

SDGs Sustainable Development Goals

UNECE United Nations Economic Commission for Europe

UNESCAP United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific

UNSC United Nations Statistical Commission

UNSD United Nations Statistical Division

WB World Bank


EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The purpose of this evaluation is to assess the extent to which the objectives of the UNECE Project “Enhancing coherence and integration of economic and social statistics in support of the implementation of 2008 SNA” were achieved. This evaluation assessed the relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, and sustainability of the project considering its stated goals and objectives.

The evaluation also attempted to assess how the project’s activities contributed to gender equality and women’s empowerment as well as the realization of human rights. The evaluation considered good practices and lessons learned from the project to formulate recommendations aimed at improving future projects.

The evaluation was carried out through a desk review of all relevant project documentation, analysis of the results of two on-line surveys designed for the purpose of this evaluation and in-depth interviews with key project stakeholders/partners.

The evaluation determined that the project was fully relevant to the objective of the UNECE to increase the capacity of target countries 1 in compiling national accounts and supporting statistics according to the recommendations of the 2008 SNA and other relevant international standards by focusing on the outstanding priority areas identified by the countries. These priority areas were derived from the Global Assessments of countries in the EECCA region, which was jointly carried out by the UNECE, Eurostat and EFTA as well as the regional and national plans for implementation of the 2008 SNA. The project work was guided by the UNECE Steering Group on National Accounts. The project built on the activities and progress achieved in the work to support the implementation of the 2008 SNA and supporting economic statistics in the EECCA region, prior to its inception. Throughout the project, the needs and priorities of the EECCA countries formed the basis of regional workshops and special sessions designed to address their specific issues or challenges.

The most significant challenge to achieving the expected results on time was the onset of the global pandemic in early 2020. All planned activities for 2020 were delayed and had to realigned. The UNECE quickly adapted to the new global reality and implemented the use of online/virtual meetings in order to complete the planned activities. Face-to-face meetings were replaced with online sessions and adjustments were made to accommodate the new way of conducting the project (i.e. shorter sessions over many days). A dedicated wiki page was created to share the results of the activities.

The evaluation determined that the project was effective deploying both traditional and innovative methods to ensure the objectives and results were achieved. The project consisted of four inter-related modules with the goal to enhance coherence and integration of economic and social statistics in support of the implementation of the 2008 SNA. Each module had specific objectives with activities designed to achieve the objectives. All the activities were completed, and additional activities were added with the project extension.

The evaluation determined that the project efficiently achieved its objectives within the allocated budget and adjusted timeframe. As mentioned above, the UNECE introduced virtual meetings to continue the momentum of the project during unprecedented challenges. The savings associated with the new way of doing business and its ability to draw on established partnerships to obtain additional resources through in-kind or financial contributions extended the project to the benefit of the targeted countries. The no-cost extension expanded the scope of the project to address outstanding issues, identified by EECCA countries, resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic. The use of virtual meeting platforms granted a broader access allowing additional stakeholders and partners to participate. This included not only experts from national statistical offices but from their central banks and ministries of finance.

1 The target countries for the project were the 12 EECCA countries of Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russian Federation, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan


There were limitations to the evaluation. Although all UNECE work is designed to be as inclusive as possible, the human rights dimension is a difficult aspect to cover. The human rights dimension was not incorporated in the project proposal and the project outcomes make no explicit reference to the human rights. No gender consideration was recorded in the project’s proposal and no indicator established.

In addition, to properly assess whether the knowledge and expertise of the staff in the national statistical offices of EECCA countries improved and/or their capacity to implement standards and recommendations in practice could only be achieved through an in-depth country peer review or update to the Global Assessments. This was not done as part of this evaluation.

The benefits of the project will continue after its completion although there will be some challenges. The UNECE has a mandate to support the implementation of 2008 SNA and supporting economics statistics in the EECA region. The Steering Group on National Accounts, established by the Bureau of the Conference of European Statisticians guides the work of the UNECE Statistical Division in the area of national accounts and supporting economic statistics, including activities to support and monitor the implementation of the 2008 SNA in the EECCA and to advise on the provision of methodological recommendations, training and other capacity building activities on national accounts. Country representatives from the EECCA are members of the Steering Group. By nature of their mandates these partners/stakeholders are committed to maintaining and progressing the work undertaken during the project.

Continued sharing of experiences and lessons learned is critical to the ongoing improvement of the statistical system in the beneficiary countries. EECCA participation in the Expert Group meetings is encouraged and where possible special regional workshops would continue to offer continuous growth and learning opportunities. For the EECCA countries, lack of funding, insufficient experienced staff, staff turnover, and limited technical capabilities are likely to be significant challenges in sustaining the work.

In the spirit of continuous learning and based on the findings and good practices identified throughout the evaluation, a series of recommendations are intended to help improve future UNECE activities.

1. The global pandemic forced the UNECE to rethink the way it conducted business to ensure continuity of the project. These innovative solutions introduced good practices that should be continued. The UNECE is encouraged to use a hybrid model when organizing its workshops and regional sessions in the future. The introduction of short webinars and the video capture of in person sessions provided additional learning opportunities. A combination of face-to-face activities and virtual offerings reaches a broader group of people. Using appropriate and tested technologies that accommodates everyone’s participation is encouraged.

2. To properly assess the degree to which the knowledge and expertise of the staff in the national statistical offices of EECCA countries improved and/or their capacity to implement standards and recommendations increased, an in-depth country peer review or update to the Global Assessments should be conducted.

3. Continued sharing of experience and lessons learned is critical to the ongoing improvement of the

statistical system in the beneficiary countries. EECCA participation in the Expert Group meetings is encouraged and where possible regional workshops or special sessions would continue to offer continuous growth and learning.

4. To ensure sustainability, future activities should be linked to the work programme of the UNECE Statistical Division. Although the budget of the UNECE Statistical Division is limited, it is encouraged to use its exceptional collaboration and outreach skills to secure additional funding from key project stakeholders, be it in-kind or financial resources to expand the scope of its work.


5. For gender and human rights perspectives to be better included in future projects, there should be an explicit objective built into the project design that can be monitored and evaluated during and at the end of the project. Expertise in gender quality, disability inclusion, environment and or human rights should be sought in the development of these objectives and with the evaluation process.


1.0 INTRODUCTION2 In 2009 at the 40th session of the United Nations Statistical Commission (UNSC), it supported the Global Implementation Strategy for the 2008 System of National Accounts (SNA) and requested to pay particular attention to improving basic economic statistics and to the need for consistency and harmonization across sectoral statistics from other macroeconomic frameworks. The UNSC recognized the role of the UN regional commissions in facilitating coordination and regional cooperation towards the implementation of 2008 SNA. 3 Following the decision, the UNSC, the United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD) requested that regional commissions develop regional implementation plans and establish Steering Groups to guide and coordinate activities.

Since 2010, the UNECE has actively been working to support the implementation of 2008 SNA and supporting statistics in countries of Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia (EECCA)4. At the request of the UNSC, UNECE developed a regional plan for implementation of 2008 SNA in close cooperation with EECCA and South-East European (SEE) countries.

The regional implementation plan was developed in consultation with the Steering Group on National Accounts, established by the Bureau of the Conference of European Statisticians (CES). The Steering Group on National Accounts guides the work of the UNECE Statistical Division in the area of national accounts and supporting economics statistics, including activities to support and monitor the implementation of the 2008 SNA in the EECCA region and to advise on the provision of methodological recommendations, training and other capacity building activities on national accounts. The Steering Group is composed of representatives of all major regional partners such as CIS-Stat, Eurostat, International Monetary Fund (IMF), Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), and UNSD, as well as country representatives from each UNECE sub-region, including from the EECCA.

The ECASTAT project was intended to build on the activities and progress achieved in the work to support the implementation of 2008 SNA and supporting economic statistics in the EECCA region. The project was intended to enable the UNECE in carrying out its mandate to support the implementation of 2008 SNA and supporting statistics in the region.

The project was part of the ECASTAT regional trust fund established by the World Bank for assisting countries to improve their statistical systems.

The overall objective of the Project was to increase the capacity of countries in Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia in compiling national accounts and supporting statistics according to the recommendations of international statistical standards.5 Another objective was to include overall improvement of the knowledge and

2 ECASTAT Project for 2017-2020. Implementation of 2008 SNA. Enhancing Coherence and Integration of Economic and Social Statistics Support of the Implementation of 2008 SNA. Project Proposal – Concept note 2016

3 Statistical Commission. Report on the fortieth session (24-27 February 2009).

4 The target countries for the project were the 12 EECCA countries of Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russian Federation, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan.

5Enhancing Coherence and Integration of Economic and Social Statistics in Support of the Implementation of 2008 SNA


expertise of the staff in the NSOs of EECCA countries regarding relevant international standards and recommendations in practice.

The project was intended to build on existing UNECE programmes to support the implementation of 2008 SNA and supporting statistics in the region, in addition to the global assessments of national statistical systems. It intended to draw on established partnerships with national and international statistical agencies involved in statistical capacity building activities in the region, and in particular, the WB, UNESCAP, IMF, Eurostat, OECD, European Free Trade Association (EFTA), International Labour Organization (ILO), Russian Federal State Statistical System (ROSSTAT), CIS-STAT and other relevant multinational and bilateral partner organizations.

1.1 PURPOSE OF THE EVALUATION The purpose of this evaluation is to assess the extent to which the objectives of the UNECE Project “Enhancing coherence and integration of economic and social statistics in support of the implementation of 2008 SNA” were achieved.

The evaluation assessed the relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, and sustainability of the aforementioned project.

The evaluation also attempted to assess any impacts the project may have had on progressing human rights, gender equality, disability inclusion, climate change and disaster risk reduction in the context of this engagement. The evaluation considered the activities repurposed to address the impact of the COVID-19 crisis and assessed UNECE’s COVID-19 early response.


The evaluation of the project has the following specific objectives:

1. Determine, as systematically and objectively as possible, the relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, and sustainability of the project results considering its goals and objectives.

2. Assess how the project activities contributed to gender equality and women’s empowerment, as well as the realization of human rights, with an emphasis on “leaving no one behind” and, if needed, make recommendations on how these considerations can be better addressed in future activities of the sub programme.

3. Identify good practices and lessons learned from the project and formulate action-oriented, forward- looking recommendations addressed to the sub programme for improving future interventions.

1.3 SCOPE OF THE EVALUATION The evaluation covered the full project implementation period 2017-2023 (initially 2017-2020), including the no- cost extension that was granted to the project to cover the period of 2021-2023.

The evaluation was guided by the objectives, indicators of achievement and means of verification established in the initial project proposal and the no-cost extension.

The scope was limited to the activities described in project documents and the evaluation criteria established by the UNECE in its Terms of Reference (see Annex 4.1) for the project evaluation.

The evaluation was conducted ensuring accessible data collection and inclusive consultation, adhering to ethical standards and triangulation of data for inclusion.



The evaluation was conducted in accordance with: the ECE Evaluation Policy6; the Administrative instruction guiding Evaluation in the UN Secretariat7; and the United Nations Evaluation Group (UNEG) Norms and Standards for Evaluation8. Human rights and gender equality considerations were integrated at all stages of the evaluation.

The evaluation was guided by the evaluation matrix articulated in the Inception Report and assessed the degree of alignment between the project’s stated objective and outcomes with the results of the activities carried out by the UNECE in the implementation of the project.

The evaluation process included a desk review of all available project documentation, analysis of the results from the two on-line surveys designed for the purpose of this evaluation and interviews with key stakeholders and partners to gather more in-depth information and assessment of results.

1.4.1 Desk Review

The desk review included all project documentation provided by the UNECE Statistical Division, relevant websites and a review of the global assessments conducted jointly by the UNECE, Eurostat and EFTA. The documents reviewed included: the Project proposals - 2017-2020 and 2021-2023; the 11 semi-annual Project progress reports; reports from the meetings, workshops and webinars (including a review of the material presented); the meeting evaluations; the draft World Bank’s Implementation Completion and Results Report, and the 8 available unaudited interim financial reports (June to December 2017 to 30 June 2022). Unfortunately, the final interim financial report covering the final year of the project and the final program financial report were not completed in time for inclusion in the evaluation process. A complete list of documents reviewed are provided in Annex 4.8.

1.4.2 Surveys

Two surveys were conducted in English; one with all beneficiary countries and the second with a select group of stakeholders and partners. The survey questions are included in Annex 4.2 and 4.4 of this report. The surveys were conducted online and available to respondents from 4 - 29 September 2023.

The first survey was sent to beneficiaries of the target countries for the project. 36 individuals (20 women; 16 men) representing 12 countries were invited to participate in the survey. At the close of the collection period, 15 individuals from 8 countries responded (41.6% response rate). Of these responses, 12 respondents represented national statistical offices; 3 represented other domestic agencies; 11 were women and 4 were men. Full results are included in Annex 6.4 to this report.

The second survey was sent to 18 key stakeholders and partners (6 women; 12 men). Even with an extension of the collection period, only 6 responses were received (33% response rate) from 4 men and 2 women. The low response rate limited the type of analysis that could be conducted. The results were used to confirm/challenge the findings identified through the desk review and the in-depth interviews.

6 UNECE Evaluation Policy.

7 ST/AI/2021/3

8 UNEG 2016 Norms and Standards for Evaluation.


1.4.3 Interviews

A series of interviews with the stakeholders/partners were conducted to further gather both qualitative and quantitative information. The interviews were conducted by video conference during the month of September 2023. The interview guide is included in Annex 4.5 to this report.

The invitation was sent to 10 key stakeholders/partners (3 women; 7 men) who represented the various components of the project (SNA, CPI, SBR, Informal Sector and Remittances). Nine individuals (2 women; 7 men) graciously gave their time and feedback regarding the various activities and outcomes. Their insights and views were valuable in forming the findings, recommendations and the lessons learned of this evaluation. A list of the key stakeholders is included in Annex 4.7 of this report.



2.1.1 To what extent was the project design appropriate for meeting the needs of beneficiary countries?

The project design was appropriate for meeting the needs of the beneficiary countries.

The overall aim of the project was to increase the capacity of EECCA countries in compiling national accounts and supporting statistics according to the recommendations of the 2008 SNA and other relevant international standards, with focus on outstanding priority areas identified by the countries. These priority areas were derived from the Global Assessments of countries in the EECCA region, which was jointly carried out by the UNECE, Eurostat and EFTA as well as the regional and national plans for implementation of the 2008 SNA. The project work was guided by the UNECE Steering Group on National Accounts. The project built on the activities and progress achieved in the work to support the implementation of the 2008 SNA and supporting economic statistics in the EECCA region, prior to its inception.

The project activities included participation of experts from beneficiary countries in UNECE Group meetings, regional workshops and special sessions to ensure capacity building and shared learning within the EECCA countries. The design also included simultaneous interpretation in meetings and workshops and translation of project documentation, training materials and handbooks to Russian to facilitate participation and ongoing work.

At the end of each workshop or meeting, participants were encouraged to share suggestions for improvement and ideas for future agenda items. The feedback and input were used to formulate the agenda and organization of subsequent meetings.


2.1.2 To what extent did the project respond to the priorities and needs of national statistical offices in beneficiary countries? How relevant were the project activities to the countries’ needs and priorities?

The project responded “to a high extent” to the priorities and needs of national statistical offices in the beneficiary countries.


• Source: Project Evaluation Online survey – Question 5

The results of the online survey of beneficiary countries showed 73% of respondents indicated the project’s activities met their country’s needs to a high extent and 27% to a moderate extent. This finding was also supported in the review of the evaluations of the various activities that were conducted throughout the project. Overall the participants were very satisfied with the workshops and meetings as well as the quality of the discussions and presentations.

During the span of the project, the meetings of the Group of Experts generally included special sessions for the beneficiary countries with topics identified by the countries. For example, the 2017 and 2019 meetings of the Group of Experts on Business Registers included Special Sessions for the EECCA and SSEE countries to encourage exchanges and presentations aimed at improving the coverage and accuracy of Statistical Business Registers and short-term business statistics. In 2017 the UNECE Guidelines on SBR – activities in the CIS was presented and produced in both English and Russian. In 2019 the special session focussed on different CPI data collection methods; the treatment of seasonal items and missing observation; index calculation and weighting; owner- occupied housing and rentals in the CPI; and how to meet user needs in terms of documentation, dissemination and communication of the CPI. All of these topics were developed to achieve the project’s objectives and respond to the beneficiary countries’ needs.

Due to the global pandemic, several activities were delayed, postponed or moved to a virtual platform rather than face-to-face meetings. There were mixed reviews regarding the online forum. The online forum increased the number of experts who could participate in the meetings and workshops as travel was no longer required. However, there were some technical difficulties raised with some of the platforms that were used. Several people consulted during the evaluation process spoke about the value in having face-to-face meetings as many extended discussions and personal learning happen during the breaks and outside the formal meeting agenda.

2.1.3 To what extent was the project aligned with the SDGs?

Partnerships (SDG 17) between stakeholders including governments, international and regional organizations, businesses and academia and civil society are a driving force of UNECE’s work. This includes work to improve connectivity with the regions (SDGs 7, 8, 9, 11,13), and contributing to creating more dynamic and resilient economies (SDGs 7, 8, 9,11, 13). The UNECE works for member countries by supporting evidence-based decision making through reliable statistics and improved monitoring, analysis and policy advice; fostering cooperation

To what extent did the event respond to your country's statistical needs and priorities?

To a high extent To a moderate extent To a low extent Not at all


among all stakeholders at the country and regional level; building countries’ capacities to implement its norms, conventions and standards.9

Basic sound economics, including key figures of the national accounts are fundamental in relation to the SDGs. Several proposed SDG indicators on income, consumption, and production depend on the availability of comprehensive and high-quality national statistics that are internationally comparable.

The project was designed to help EECCA countries improve the coherence, timeliness and internationally comparability of socio-economic statistics that are crucial for the monitoring of a country’s social and economic progress. The project design encouraged the collaboration of experts from the statistical offices as well as central agency representatives from national banks and finance ministries which improved the coherence of the statistical outputs.

2.1.4 What takeaways are there for ensuring relevance of future projects of UNECE Statistical Division?

The project activities were linked to the work programme of the UNECE Statistical Division to ensure continuity and coordination with international work on national accounts and supporting statistics. This is a critical element for continued success of future projects.

The global pandemic forced the UNECE to examine and implement innovative ways to continue with the activities essential in achieving a successful outcome to the project.

UNECE’s ability to draw on established partnerships and to obtain additional resources through in-kind or financial contributions extended the project to the benefit of the targeted countries and expanded the scope of the project to address outstanding issues, identified by EECCA countries, resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic.

2.1.5 To what extent were gender, human rights and disability perspectives integrated into the design and implementation of the project? What results can be identified from these actions? How can gender and human rights perspectives be better included in future projects design and implementation?

There is no evidence from document review or information gathered throughout this review that gender, human rights and disability perspectives were integrated into the design and implementation of the project. However, it is evident from the evaluation that women and youth were involved in all aspects of the project and persons with disabilities were accommodated throughout the various meetings, workshops and special sessions.

To ensure gender and human rights perspectives be better included in future projects, there should be an explicit objective built into the project design that can be monitored and evaluated during and at the end of the project. Expertise in gender quality, disability inclusion, environment and or human rights should be sought in the development of these objectives and with the evaluation process.

9 SDG Priorities. Supporting countries to achieve the SDGs



2.2.1 To what extent were the project objectives and results achieved?

The overall aim of the project and the expected outcomes were achieved.

The project consisted of four inter-related modules with the overall goal to enhance coherence and integration of economic and social statistics in support of the implementation of the 2008 SNA. The four modules were: Methods and compilation techniques for the implementation of the 2008 SNA and supporting economic statistics; Price Statistics – development of price indices and deflators for national accounts aggregates; Statistical business registers – improving coverage and accuracy of national statistical business registers; and Expanding the use of household surveys for the estimates of the informal sector and remittances.

Each module had specific objectives with activities designed to achieve the objectives (see Annex 6.6 for full details). All the activities within each module were completed and additional activities were added with the project extension. The project activities included participation of experts from EECCA countries in international statistical Expert Group meetings, regional workshops and special sessions designed specifically to address their needs. The project activities also included the development of statistical methods/tools for integrating migration in household surveys and development of training material. The desk review, supported by the online survey results and interviews with key stakeholders, provided evidence that the capacity of countries in compiling national accounts and supporting statistics increased.

However, there were limitations in the evaluation. For example to properly assess whether the knowledge and expertise of the staff in the national statistical offices of EECCA countries improved and/or their capacity to implement standards and recommendations in practice could only be achieved through an in-depth country peer review or update to the Global Assessments.

2.2.2 To what extent did the project improve the competencies of national statistical offices in the beneficiary countries to produce and use macroeconomic statistics in their countries?

The activities of the project were designed and implemented to improve the competencies of national statistical offices in the beneficiary countries.

An explicit example is the Special Session that was organized to support the EECCA and SEE countries on the use of Supply and Use tables (SUTs) as well as Input Output tables (IOTs). SUTs are at the core of National Accounts and represent a framework to ensure better quality, coherency, and consistency of macroeconomic aggregates. A survey among the target countries carried out before the session revealed that 15 countries were developing SUTs, some of them being at initial or experimental estimates. The main challenges identified by countries were lack of suitable data sources, human resources and time constrains. The focus of the special session was to help the EECCA & SEE countries address their challenges. During this session, different IT tools for the compilation of SUTs and IOTs were presented which including a short training session on two tools developed by the IMF to support balancing of SUTs and conversion into IOTs. The Special Session also helped EECCA and SEE countries share experience on data sources and compilation techniques and informed them on new developments in SUTs and IOTs. The evaluation survey at the end of the session showed that 95 percent of the participants considered the session to be very helpful or useful for their future work.

The second concrete example is the development of a harmonized survey module on migration and remittances for countries in EECCA. The survey module, developed within the context of the project, was designed to enable a regular sustainable collection of internationally comparable data on migration and remittances. Improvements in the coverage, exhaustiveness, and comparability of statistics on migration & remittances support SDG monitoring needs, in line with international standards. The module was tested in Tajikistan in late 2019 with a technical assistance mission supported by the project fund. Findings from the pilot test were shared with the EECCA countries in 2020 and the harmonized module was released in 2021 as a standard tool that has been produced in Russian and English.


2.2.3 To what extent are the project activities coherent and harmonized with those of other partners operating with the same context, particularly those of other UN system entities?

This UNECE-managed project is coherent and harmonized with those of partner organizations. Representatives from EFTA, Eurostat, ILO, OECD, UNSD and World Bank were all consulted during the evaluation and were all very complimentary of the UNECE’s collaboration and coordination expertise. Apart from the World Bank, who was the sponsor of the project, these partners are members of the UNECE Steering Group on National Accounts who guided and advised on the activities undertaken throughout the project.

During this evaluation the UNECE was recognized for its exceptional organization skills and the collaboration with other partners in the international statistical system to provide high quality learning activities. The UNECE was effective at bringing together expertise and ensuring no duplication with other international activities. The team members were also recognized for constantly seeking feedback and input and acting on the information gathered to improve subsequent events/activities. Consultation regarding agenda items and effective advanced planning ensured a positive experience for participants.

In the development of the various activities carried out throughout the project, the UNECE considered the CIS-Stat activities financed by the Trust Fund for Statistical Capacity Building and ensured there were no overlaps between the two projects.

2.2.4 What were the challenges/obstacles (Including COVID-19 and sub-regional instability) to achieving the expected results? How successfully did the project overcome these?

The most significant challenge to achieving the expected results on time was the onset of the global pandemic in early 2020. All planned activities for 2020 had to be adjusted. Face-to-face meetings were replaced with online sessions and adjustments were made to accommodate the new way of conducting the project (ie shorter sessions over many days). A dedicated wiki page was created to share the results of the activities.

In October 2020 a three-day special online session was conducted with a focus on the EECCA countries to provide an overview of the migration and remittances situation in these countries during the pandemic. The session explored the impact of the pandemic on the measurement of migration and remittances and review the use of administrative data in producing migration statistics. A consultant was also hired to carry out a survey on migration and remittances measurement in the pandemic which included data sources, methods and challenges faced and solutions applied. The results of the survey were presented and discussed during the meeting.

The June 2020 meeting of the Group of Experts on Consumer Price Indices had to be postponed to 2021 due to the pandemic. During the meeting in 2021 a draft Guide on producing CPI under lockdown was presented. The Guide provided recommendations and good practices for data collection, imputation methods and communication approaches that countries can refer to in periods of lockdown or extenuating circumstances. The Guide was published in August 2021 and is available in English on the UNECE website.

The second challenge that the project faced was the political instability in the region in 2022. Few mitigation measures are possible as events organized under ECASTAT are technical and not political events.

2.2.5 What (if anything) has prevented the project from achieving the desired results?

All the challenges and obstacles the project faced were addressed. The global pandemic and the forced change in the way the activities were conducted resulted in a no-cost project extension and additional workshops and sessions being organized and conducted. The use of online platforms for workshops and sessions increased the number of participants from targeted countries including statisticians as well as representatives of their central agencies.



2.3.1 Were the resources allocated adequate for achieving results?

The project was sponsored by the ECASTAT regional trust fund established by the World Bank for assisting countries to improve their statistical system. According to the Project proposal a budget of $912,00010 (Table 1) was established to support the project.

TABLE 1: BUDGET ALLOCATION Activity Planned events Budget Amount - $912,000

Seminars and workshops

- Expert Group Meetings - Regional Workshops &

Seminars - Interpretation & logistics

- 5 - 6


Translation of training material $29,400

Consultants & contractual services $178,000

Consultant – project administration $96,000

Staff Travel - 6 regional workshops $24,000

Miscellaneous costs $58,000

Independent project evaluation $18,000

During the initial project timeframe (2017-2020) $399,000 was used to support the project module activities, project administration and UN Programme support (Table 2). The unused $513,000 was the result of delayed or postponed activities due to the global pandemic as well as an increase in resources to support the project provided by EFTA and the UN Development Account Programme on Statistics and Data. The $513,000 was re-allocated to the no cost project extension that was approved for 2021-2023.

10 All financial figures are in US Dollars



Methodology & compilation techniques of 2008 SNA

$234,000 $38,000 $196,000

Price Statistics & compilation of national accounts aggregates at constant prices

$142,000 $58,000 $84,000

Improving the coverage and accuracy of statistical business registers & short-term statistics

$116,000 $47,000 $69,000

Expanding the use of household surveys for the estimates of the informal sector and remittances

$248,000 $183,000 $65,000

Project Administration, UN Programme Support and Project Evaluation

$172,000 $73,000 $99,000

TOTAL $912,000 $399,000 $513,000

The following activities were designed and implemented within the project extension: 3 meetings of Group of Experts on National Accounts; 2 meetings of the Group of Expert on Consumer Prices Indices; 1 meeting of the Group of Experts on Business Registers; a workshop on migration statistics and two regional workshops on National Accounts. Table 3 presents the budget allocation for the 2021-2023 project extension.


Year Activity Budget

2021 Meeting of the Group of Experts on National Accounts Meeting of the Group of Experts on CPI Workshop on Migration Statistics


2022 Meeting of the Group of Experts on National Accounts Meeting of the Group of Experts on Business Registers Regional workshop on National Accounts


2023 Meeting of the Group of Experts on National Accounts Meeting of the Group of Experts on CPI Regional workshop on National Accounts


Project Administration $49,000

UN Programme support costs $32,410

Independent project evaluation $17,880

TOTAL $513,290


The final financial reporting information was not completed at the time of this evaluation. However, the evaluation concluded that all the planned activities, including those added as a result of the no-cost extension, were completed. There were 24 Expert Group meetings, webinars, regional workshops, special sessions successfully conducted from 2017-2023 (see Annex 4.6). In addition, training materials were developed, a Guide on Producing CPI under Lockdown11 was developed and a harmonized survey module on migration and remittances for countries in EECCA was created (see 2.2.2 for details).

2.3.2 Were the results achieved on time and were all activities organized efficiently?

The project was completed within the allocated timeframe. Some activities were postponed due to COVID-19 and political unrest in the region, but all were eventually completed albeit in formats different from the original plan. The UNECE quickly adapted to the new global reality and implemented the use of online/virtual meetings in order to complete the planned activities. Efficient use of funds and inter-agency collaboration supported a no-cost extension to the project. The use of virtual meeting platforms increased the number of participants expanding the exchange and experiential learning encouraged by the project.

2.3.3. To what extent were the resources used economically and how could the use of resources be improved?

The financial resources were effectively and efficiently managed. In addition to the funding providing by the ECASTAT Trust Fund, the UNECE collaborated with EFTA which provided funding and in-kind contributions for many of the planned activities UNECE was also able to augment the available resources by using funds from the UN Development Account Programme on Statistics and Data to cover costs such as the participation of national experts in meetings and workshops as well as the critical translation of training materials. The no-cost extension for 2021-2023 was possible due to these additional sources of funding that occurred during the initial project timeframe (2017-2020) as well as the cost savings during COVID-19 due to the delay, postponement or replacement of face-to-face meetings with virtual sessions.


2.4.1 What measures were adopted to ensure that project outcomes would continue after the project ended and to what extent have these measures addressed the existing risks for sustainability?

The following measures have been adopted to ensure the project outcomes continue: all project documentation is available through online channels and all activities encouraged the exchange of good practices and participation of EECCA experts in workshops, meetings and regional sessions. The project stimulated the creation of a network of experts from the EECCA region. This network which includes representatives from the national statistical offices as well as representatives from central banks and ministries of finance aims to improve the institutional cooperation and consistency between the national accounts and balance of payments.

In addition, the guidance notes of the SNA and Balance of Payments Manual, 6th Edition (BPM6) developed by the joint UN Task Team on Informal Economy has been translated into Russian to ensure that the EECCA region is fully involved in the consultation process.

The development of the harmonized survey module for a standard measurement of migration and remittances for countries in EECCA establishes the way in which these countries can arrive at estimates of migration and remittances that support SDG monitoring needs, are in line with international standards and are harmonized among CIS countries. The module is available as a standard tool and produced in Russian and English.

11 United Nations Geneva, 2021 Guide on producing CPI under lockdown under-lockdown


The results of the online survey of beneficiary countries rated the quality of support provided by the UNECE as “excellent” (60%) and “good” (40%). It also showed the extent of the work of the activities still relevant to their country as “to a high extent” (73%) and “to a moderate extent” (20%). When asked whether the outputs of the activities are sustainable, 47% said “to a high extent”; 40% said to a “moderate extent”, and 13% said “to a low extent”. The major risks identified for sustainability included lack of expert staff (67%), staff turnover (47%), limited technical capabilities (53%) and lack of funding (40%).


* source – Project Evaluation Survey – Questions 8 and 6

2.4.2 To what extent do the partners and beneficiaries “own” the outcomes of the work? How is the stakeholders’ engagement likely to continue, be scaled up, replicated or institutionalized?

The UNECE has a mandate to support the implementation of 2008 SNA and supporting economics statistics in the EECA region. The Steering Group on National Accounts, established by the Bureau of the Conference of European Statisticians guides the work of the UNECE Statistical Division in the area of national accounts and supporting economic statistics, including activities to support and monitor the implementation of the 2008 SNA in the EECCA and to advise on the provision of methodological recommendations, training and other capacity building activities on national accounts. Country representatives from the EECCA are members of the Steering Group.

By nature of their mandates these partners/stakeholders are committed to maintaining and progressing the work undertaken during the project.

Continued sharing of experience and lessons learned is critical to the ongoing improvement of the statistical system in the beneficiary countries. EECCA participation in the Expert Group meetings is encouraged and where possible regional workshops would continue to offer continuous growth and learning. Lack of resources and funding are likely to be a major challenge in sustaining the work.

How would you rate the quality of the support provided by the UNECE

Excellent Good Average Poor

To what extent is the work still relevant to your country?

To a high extent To a moderate extent

To a low extent Not at all



Throughout the review, it was evident that women and men were involved in the various project activities, and in the evaluation process. Youth were also involved in the various activities. Consideration was given to those with physical disabilities during the workshops conducted. Training materials were translated to ensure beneficiary countries could learn in their preferred language. However, no gender consideration was recorded in the project’s proposal and no indicator established.

The evaluation process was inclusive by ensuring that a diverse group of stakeholders, partners and beneficiary countries were consulted and encouraged to provide information and input. This included women, men and youth. It is unknown if anyone who was consulted during the process was a person with disabilities. The two online surveys included a question on gender and the survey intended for stakeholders asked a question regarding the participation of women, persons with disabilities, minority groups and youths in the project’s activities and events. The interviews conducted with international and regional partners explored cross cutting questions regarding the inclusion of women, persons with disabilities, minority groups and youth as well as gender and human rights.

Although all UNECE projects are as inclusive as possible, this one included, the human rights dimension is a difficult and complex aspect to cover. The human rights dimension was not incorporated in the project proposal and the project outcomes make no explicit reference to the human rights. It should be considered however, that the Generic Law on Official Statistics (GLOS)12 requires “equal and simultaneous access” to official statistics for all users and is aligned with the United Nations Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics-Principle 1 of Relevance, Impartiality and Equal Access.13 The GLOS was developed within the UNECE Project “Strengthening national capacity in the most vulnerable UNECE countries for the sustainable development of statistics”. It was developed primarily for the beneficiary countries of the project and EECCA countries were consulted throughout its development.






Based on the evaluation findings, the evaluator has the following conclusions.

The overall aim of the project was to increase the capacity of EECCA countries in compiling national accounts and supporting statistics according to the recommendations of the 2008 SNA and other relevant international standards. This was accomplished through a series of four inter-related modules with specific activities designed to achieve the goal to enhance coherence and integration of economic and social statistics in support of the implementation of the 2008 SNA. The project design was appropriate for meeting the needs and priorities of the beneficiary countries. All the activities designed to support the project’s objectives were completed on time and on budget.

Basic sound economics, including key figures of the national accounts are fundamental in relation to the SDGs. Several proposed SDG indicators on income, consumption, and production depend on the availability of comprehensive and high-quality national statistics that are internationally comparable. The project was designed to help EECCA countries improve the coherence, timeliness and internationally comparability of socio-economic statistics that are crucial for the monitoring of a country’s social and economic progress. The project design encouraged the collaboration of experts from the statistical offices as well as central agency representatives from national banks and finance ministries which improved the coherence of the statistical outputs.

The project activities were linked to the work programme of the UNECE Statistical Division to ensure continuity and coordination with international work on national accounts and supporting statistics. This is a critical element for continued success of future projects.

The most significant challenge that the project faced was the unprecedented global pandemic in early 2020 that forced the UNECE to examine and implement innovative ways to continue with the activities essential in achieving a successful outcome to the project. The use of virtual platforms saved costs and increased participation in the workshops and session organized within the project.

Although the UNECE Statistical Division has limited resources, its ability to draw on established partnerships and to obtain additional resources through in-kind or financial contributions extended the project to the benefit of the targeted countries and expanded the scope of the project to address outstanding issues, identified by EECCA countries, resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic.

During this evaluation the UNECE was recognized for its exceptional organization skills and the collaboration with other partners in the international statistical system to provide high quality learning activities. The UNECE was effective at bringing together expertise and ensuring no duplication with other international activities. The team members were also recognized for constantly seeking feedback and input and acting on the information gathered to improve subsequent events/activities. Consultation regarding agenda items and effective advanced planning ensured a positive experience for participants.

All UNECE work is designed to be as inclusive as possible, however, the human rights dimension is a difficult aspect to cover. The human rights dimension was not incorporated in the project proposal and the project outcomes make no explicit reference to the human rights. No gender consideration was recorded in the project’s proposal and no indicator established.

There were limitations in the evaluation. For example to properly assess whether the knowledge and expertise of the staff in the national statistical offices of EECCA countries improved and/or their capacity to implement standards and recommendations in practice could only be achieved through an in-depth country peer review or update to the Global Assessments. This was not done as part of this evaluation.



Based on the findings and the good practices identified throughout the evaluation of the project, the evaluator offers the following recommendations for consideration.

1. The global pandemic forced the UNECE to rethink the way it conducted business to ensure continuity of the project. These innovative solutions introduced good practices that should be continued. The UNECE is encouraged to use a hybrid model when organizing its workshops and regional sessions in the future. The introduction of short webinars and the video capture of in person sessions provided additional learning opportunities. A combination of face-to-face activities and virtual offerings reaches a broader group of people. Using appropriate and tested technologies that accommodates everyone’s participation is encouraged.

2. To properly assess the degree to which the knowledge and expertise of the staff in the national statistical offices of EECCA countries improved and/or their capacity to implement standards and recommendations increased, an in-depth country peer review or update to the Global Assessments should be conducted.

3. Continued sharing of experience and lessons learned is critical to the ongoing improvement of the

statistical system in the beneficiary countries. EECCA participation in the Expert Group meetings is encouraged and where possible regional workshops or special sessions would continue to offer continuous growth and learning.

4. To ensure sustainability, future activities should be linked to the work programme of the UNECE Statistical Division. Although the budget of the UNECE Statistical Division is limited, it is encouraged to use its exceptional collaboration and outreach skills to secure additional funding from key project stakeholders, be it in-kind or financial resources.

5. For gender and human rights perspectives to be better included in future projects, there should be an explicit objective built into the project design that can be monitored and evaluated during and at the end of the project. Expertise in gender quality, disability inclusion, environment and or human rights should be sought in the development of these objectives and with the evaluation process.




I. Purpose

The purpose of this evaluation is to assess the extent to which the objectives of the UNECE project E264 “Enhancing coherence and integration of economic and social statistics in support of the implementation of 2008 System of National Accounts” were achieved.

The evaluation will assess the relevance, effectiveness, efficiency and sustainability of the project.

The evaluation will also assess any impacts the project may have had on progressing human rights, gender equality, disability inclusion, climate change and disaster risk reduction in the context of this engagement. The evaluation will finally look at the activities repurposed to address the impact of the COVID-19 crisis, and assess, to the extent possible, UNECE’s COVID-19 early response through this project.

II. Background

The project aimed at increasing the capacity of countries in Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia in compiling national accounts and supporting statistics according to the recommendations of international statistical standards. The activities of the project included the following four modules:

1) Methods and compilation techniques for implementation of the 2008 SNA and supporting economic statistics. 2) Price statistics - development of price indices and deflators for national accounts aggregates. 3) Statistical business registers - improving coverage and accuracy of national statistical business registers. 4) Expanding the use of household surveys for the estimates of the informal sector and remittances.

The activities were carried out in cooperation with other international and regional partners, including CIS-STAT, EFTA, Eurostat, ILO, IMF, OECD and World Bank.

III. Evaluation objectives, scope and questions

The evaluation will be guided by the objectives, indicators of achievement and means of verification established in the logical framework of the project document. The evaluation will be conducted in Q3 of 2023. It will cover the full implementation of the project, from June 2017 to June 2023 in Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russian Federation, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine and Uzbekistan)

The final evaluation of the project has the following specific objectives:

· Determine as systematically and objectively as possible the relevance, effectiveness, efficiency and sustainability of the project results in light of its goals and objectives. · Assess how the project activities contributed to gender equality and women’ s empowerment, as well as the realization of human rights, with an emphasis on ‘leaving no one behind’ and, if needed, it will make recommendations on how these considerations can be better addressed in future activities of the sub-programme. · Identify good practices and lessons learned from the project and formulate action-oriented, forward- looking recommendations addressed to the sub-programme for improving future interventions.


The evaluation criteria are relevance, effectiveness, efficiency and sustainability.

Relevance 1. To what extent was the project design appropriate for meeting the needs of beneficiary countries? 2. To what extent did the project respond to the priorities and needs of national statistical offices in beneficiary countries? How relevant were the project activities to the countries’ needs and priorities? 3. To what extent was the project aligned with the SDGs? 4. What takeaways are there for ensuring relevance of future projects of UNEE Statistical Division? 5. To what extent were gender, human rights and disability perspectives integrated into the design and implementation of the project? What results can be identified from these actions? How can gender and human rights perspectives be better included in future projects design and implementation? Effectiveness 6. To what extent were the project objectives and expected results achieved? 7. To what extent did the project improve the competencies of national statistical offices in the beneficiary countries to produce and use macroeconomic statistics in their countries? 8. To what extent are the project activities coherent and harmonized with those of other partners operating within the same context, particularly those of other UN system entities? 9. What were the challenges/obstacles (including COVID-19 and sub-regional instability) to achieving the expected results? How successfully did the project overcome these? 10. What (if anything) has prevented the project from achieving the desired results? Efficiency 11. Were the resources adequate for achieving the results? 12. Were the results achieved on time and were all activities organized efficiently? 13. To what extent were the resources used economically and how could the use of resources be improved? Sustainability 14. What measures were adopted to ensure that project outcomes would continue after the project ended and to what extent have these measures addressed the existing risks for sustainability? 15. To what extent do the partners and beneficiaries ‘own’ the outcomes of the work? How is the stakeholders’ engagement likely to continue, be scaled up, replicated, or institutionalized? IV. Evaluation approach and methodology

The evaluation will be conducted in accordance with: the ECE Evaluation Policy; the Administrative instruction guiding Evaluation in the UN Secretariat; and the United Nations Evaluation Group (UNEG) Norms and Standards for Evaluation. Human rights and gender equality considerations will be integrated at all stages of the evaluation: (i) in the evaluation scope and questions; (ii) in the methods, tools and data analysis techniques; (iii) in the findings, conclusions and recommendations of the final report. The evaluator will explicitly explain how human rights, gender, disability, SDGs, and climate change considerations will be taken into account during the evaluation.

The evaluator is required to use a mixed-method approach, including qualitative as well as quantitative data gathering and analysis as the basis for a triangulation exercise of all available data to draw conclusions and findings.

The evaluation should be conducted based on the following mixed methods to triangulate information: 1. A desk review of all relevant documents, including the project document and information on project activities (monitoring data); materials developed in support of the activities (agendas, plans, participant lists, background documents, donor reports and publications); Proposed programme budgets covering the evaluation period; project reports to the donor.


2. Online survey of key stakeholders and beneficiaries: the survey will be developed by the consultant on her/his preferred platform. 3. Interviews (in-person and/or by telephone/video): the evaluator shall interview a wide range of diverse stakeholders and beneficiaries. 4. Remote observation of virtual workshops and meetings, including recordings of meetings.

The evaluator will further elaborate on the evaluation methodology in the Inception Report that will among others include the survey questions and whether any of the 12 countries will be selected for an in-depth assessment. The evaluation report will be written in English, will consist of approximately 30 pages and will include an executive summary (max. 2 pages) describing the evaluation methodology, key findings, conclusions and recommendations. The evaluator will also produce an Evaluation Brief summarizing key evaluation findings, lessons learned and recommendations, including through images and infographics.

V. Evaluation schedule

May 2023 ToR finalized June 2023 Evaluator selected June 2023 Contract signed. Evaluator starts the desk review July 2023 Evaluator submits inception report including survey design August 2023 Launch of data gathering, including survey and interviews September 2023 Evaluator submits draft evaluation report and evaluation brief October 2023 Evaluator submits final evaluation report and evaluation brief

VI. Resources and Management of the evaluation

An independent consultant will be engaged to conduct the evaluation under the management of the PMU. Payment will be made upon satisfactory delivery of work.

The Programme Management Unit (PMU) will manage the evaluation and will be involved in the following steps: Selection of the evaluator; Preparation and clearance of the Terms of Reference; Provision of guidance to the Project Manager and evaluator as needed on the evaluation design and methodology; Clearance of the final report after quality assurance of the draft report.

The Project Manager, in consultation with the Division Director, will be involved in the following steps: Provide all documentation needed for desk review, contact details, support and guidance to the evaluation consultant as needed throughout the timeline of the evaluation; Advise the evaluator on the recipients for the questionnaire and for follow-up interviews; Process and manage the consultancy contract of the evaluator, along the key milestones agreed with PMU.

VII. Intended use / Next steps

The results of the evaluation will be used in the planning and implementation of future activities of the UNECE Economic Cooperation and Integration Subprogramme. Findings of this evaluation will be used when possible to: · improve direct project’s follow up actions, implementation of products by project beneficiaries and dissemination of the knowledge created through the project; · assess the gaps and further needs of countries in the area of this project; · formulate tailored capacity building projects to strengthen the national capacity in enhancing innovation.

The results of the evaluation will be reported to the Conference of European Statisticians


Following the issuance of the final report, the Project Manager will develop a Management Response for addressing the recommendations made by the evaluator. The final evaluation report, the management response and the progress on implementation of recommendations will be publicly available on the UNECE website.

VIII. Criteria for evaluators

The evaluator should have: 1. An advanced university degree or equivalent background in relevant disciplines. 2. Knowledge of and experience in working on data and statistics; knowledge of and experience in economic statistics desirable. 3. Relevant professional experience in design and management of evaluation processes with multiple stakeholders, survey design and implementation, project planning, monitoring and management, gender mainstreaming and human-rights due diligence. 4. Demonstrated methodological knowledge of evaluations, including quantitative and qualitative data collection and analysis for end-of-cycle project evaluations, including demonstrated experience in conducting questionnaires and interviews. 5. Fluency in written and spoken English.

Evaluators should declare any conflict of interest to UNECE before embarking on an evaluation project and at any point where such conflict occurs.



4.2.1 Introductory text

This online survey is conducted in the context of the evaluation of the UNECE Project: Enhancing Coherence and Integration of Economic and Social Statistics in Support of the Implementation of 2008 System of National Accounts.

The purpose of this survey is to gather the views of target countries and beneficiaries on the events and activities organized by the UNECE associated with this project.

The survey, which contains 15 questions, will be conducted in English and take approximately 15 minutes to complete. All responses are confidential, and no individual can be identified from their responses. UNECE will not have access to the raw survey results but only to aggregated information. Should you have any question or concerns, please contact the evaluator, Constance Graziadei at [email protected].

The survey will be available until Friday 22 September 2023.

Thank you in advance for your participation.

4.2.2 Questionnaire

1. Country • (drop down menu)

2. Which institution do you represent? • National Statistical Office • Other Domestic Agencies (Ministry of Finance, Central Bank) • Other: _______________________

3. Gender of respondent • Male • Female • Other: _________________ • Prefer not to respond

4. What event (meeting or workshop) organised by UNECE have you participate in? • National Accounts event • Price statistics event • Statistical business registers event • Events on expanding the use of household surveys for the estimates of the informal sector and


5. To what extent did the event (s) respond to your country’s statistical needs and priorities? • To a high extent • To a moderate extent • To a low extent • Not at all • Do not know

6. To what extent is the work of the event (s) still relevant to your county? • To a high extent • To a moderate extent


• To a low extent • Not at all • Do not know

7. To what extent did the activities and outputs from the event help to improve your statistics? • To a high extent • To a moderate extent • To a low extent • Not at all • Do not know

8. How would you rate the quality of the support provided by the UNECE? • Excellent • Good • Average • Poor • Do not know

9. How effective were the regional workshops or the UNECE Expert Group meetings? • Excellent • Good • Average • Poor • Do not know

10. How effective was the sharing of best practices throughout the event (s)? • Excellent • Good • Average • Poor • Do not know

11. To what extent did the project respond to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on planned activities? • To a high extent • To a moderate extent • To a low extent • Not at all • Do not know • Not applicable

12. To what extent are the outputs from the event sustainable? • To a high extent • To a moderate extent • To a low extent • Not at all • Do not know

13. What are the main risks for the results to be maintained? Please select all that apply • Lack of expert staff • Staff turnover • Limited technical capacities


• Lack of funding • Government change • None • Other: ___________________________

14. Are there any lessons learned or good practices from the project that should be considered for future


Text box

15. Do you have any comments or recommendations?

Text box

4.3 ONLINE SURVEY RESULTS – BENEFICIARY COUNTRIES 15 responses (11 women; 4 men) were received and results analyzed. On average it took respondents 15:27 minutes to complete the questionnaire.

Q1. Country




1 0 0 1 0 1 2

0 0 1

Arm en


Azer baij


Belar us

Geo rgi


Kaza kh

sta n

Kyrg yzs



Mongo lia

Russi an

Fe dera

tio n

Ta jik

ist an

Tu rkm

enist an

Ukra ine

Uzb ek

ist an

Countries Responses


Q2. Which institution do you represent?

Q3. Gender

Q4. What events (meeting or workshop) organized by the UNECE did you participate in?

National Statistical Office Other domestic agencies


Woman Man Prefer not to say Other


4 0 0


53% 27%

7% 13%

Event participants

System of National Accounts

Price Statistics

Statistical Business Register

Measuring Migration and Remittances


Q5. To what extent did the event (s) respond to your country’s statistical needs and priorities?

Q6. To what extent is the work of the event (s) still relevant to your country?

Q7. To what extent did the activities and outputs from the event (s) help to improve your statistics?

11 4

0 0

0 2 4 6 8 10 12



Statistical needs & priorities

Statistical needs & priorities

To a high extent 7

To a moderate

extent 8

To a low extent 0

Not at all 0

Improve Statistics

To a high extent To a moderate extent

To a low extent Not at all


Q8. How would you rate the quality of the support provided by the UNECE?

Q9. How effective were the regional workshops or the UNECE Expert Group meetings?

Very effective 12 Somewhat ineffective 0

Somewhat effective 3 Very ineffective 0

Neither effective or ineffective 0 Do not know 0

Q10. How effective was the sharing of best practices throughout the event (s)?

Very effective 12 Somewhat ineffective 0

Somewhat effective 3 Very ineffective 0

Neither effective or ineffective 0 Do not know 0

Q11. To what extent did the project respond to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on planned activities?



Excellent Good










COVID-19 response

To a high extent

To a moderate extent

To a low extent

Not at all

Do not know


Q12. To what extent are the outputs from the various events sustainable?

Q13. What are the main risks for the results to be maintained? Please select all that apply

Q14. Are there any lessons learned or good practices from the project that should be considered for future projects?

- Measuring and consistent recording of non-observed economy in balance of payments the recording of e-commerce cross boarder transactions cryptocurrencies SPE MNE Groups data and others.

- A lot of theoretical information. - From the learned lessons we have planned the improvement of the statistical data production and tools. - Presentation of the experience of countries with good practices. - Good practices from the project helped us to establish Business Demography statistics and introduce geographical

coordinates in the Statistical Business Register. - Try to give the floor for all participation. - We made a research of card transactions, for 2019, by MCC and reflecting the results by EBOPS, after a presentation of

similar experience during NA Group of expert’s meetings and had a close collaboration with some colleagues to share our experience after 2023 meeting and presentation of our model of estimations of refugee’s transactions in BOP.

Q.15 Do you have any comments or recommendations?

- All UNECE events on price statistics are always very useful and helpful and informative. - We would like to see more workshops on price statistics, with participation from both regional statistical offices and

from countries with best practices in index calculations, which may be given the opportunity to consult themselves on


To a high extent To a moderate extent To a low extent Not at all


7 8


0 0 0 0 2 4 6 8

10 12

Lack of expert staff

Staff turover Limited technical


Lack of funding Government change

None Other

Risk Factors

Risk Factors


the compilation of indices in practice, using the best practices for the collection of information they possess. Organize the exchange of experience between statistical offices in a particular country, to study practical skills in calculating indices.

- Participation in statistical business register events was highly informative for us. - To keep organizing regional meetings, additional to global events.



4.4.1 Introductory Text

This online survey is conducted in the context of the evaluation of the UNECE Project: Enhancing Coherence and Integration of Economic and Social Statistics in Support of the Implementation of 2008 System of National Accounts.

The purpose of this survey is to gather the views of the stakeholders and partners who have invested time and resources to help the UNECE carry out its mandate to support the implementation of 2008 SNA and supporting statistics in the Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia region.

The survey, which contains 12 questions, will be conducted in English and take approximately 10 minutes to complete. All responses are confidential, and no individual can be identified from their responses. UNECE will not have access to the raw survey results, only to aggregated information. Should you have any questions or concerns, please contact the evaluator, Constance Graziadei at [email protected].

The survey will be available until 29 September 2023. Thank you in advance for your participation.

6.4.2 Questionnaire

1. Which organization do you represent? Please select all that apply.

• Drop down menu

2. Gender of respondent • Male • Female • Other: _________________ • Prefer not to respond

3.What is your relationship with the project?

• Donor • Expert • Oversight • Regional Partner • Sponsor • Other: _________________

4. To what extent did the project respond to the priorities and needs of the beneficiary countries?

• To a high extent • To a moderate extent • To a low extent • Not at all • Do not know

5. How effective was the UNECE in drawing on established partnerships to achieve the results of the project?

• Very effective • Somewhat effective


• Neither effective nor ineffective • Somewhat ineffective • Very ineffective • Do not know

6. To what extent were the project's activities harmonized with activities, events or projects within your organization?

• To a high extent • To a moderate extent • To a low extent • Not at all • Do not know

7. To what extent were alternative methods used to achieve the results more efficiently?

• To a high extent • To a moderate extent • To a low extent • Not at all • Do not know

8. To what extent are the results of the project sustainable?

• To a high extent • To a moderate extent • To a low extent • Not at all • Do not know

9. To what extent did the results of the activities and events organized by the UNECE align with the SDGs?

• To a high extent • To a moderate extent • To a low extent • Not at all • Do not know

10. To what extent did the UNECE encourage the participation of women, persons with disabilities, minority groups and youths in the events and activities?

• To a high extent • To a moderate extent • To a low extent • Not at all • Do not know

11. Are there any lessons learned or good practices from the project that should be considered for future projects?

Text box

12. Do you have any comments or recommendations? Text box



These questions are based on the evaluation matrix and will be used as a guideline only for interviews with international and regional partners. The questions will be tailored to each interview conducted. Follow up questions may be asked to explore emerging themes or discussions.


1. What is your relationship with the project and for how long have you been involved?


2. To what extent did the project respond to the priorities and needs of the beneficiary countries? 3. To what extent did the activities and outputs from the project align with the project’s stated objectives?

a. Methodology and compilation techniques of 2008 System of National Accounts b. Price statistics c. Improving the coverage and accuracy of statistical business registers d. Expanding the use of household surveys for the estimates of the informal sector and remittances


4. To what extend did the UNECE contribute to achieving the stated objectives? 5. How effective were the various activities used to achieve the project’s outcomes?

a. Regional workshops b. Participation in the UNECE Expert Group meetings c. Sharing of best practices

6. What were the challenges or obstacles to achieving the expected results? 7. What was the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on planned activities? How was the project realigned to

help participant countries address these issues? 8. How effective was the UNECE in drawing on established partnerships to achieve the results of the project? 9. To what extent were the project activities coherent and harmonized with activities within your



10. Were the resources sufficient to achieve the desired results? 11. Were alternative methods used to achieve results more efficiently? Please describe.


12. To what extent are the outputs from the various modules sustainable? a. Methodology and compilation techniques for 2008 System of National Accounts b. Price statistics c. Improving the coverage and accuracy of statistical business registers d. Expanding the use of household surveys for the estimates of the informal sector and remittances

13. To what extent do the results of the project align with the SDGs?

Cross Cutting Questions

14. Was the project designed to ensure inclusion of women, persons with disabilities, minority groups and youth?

15. Did the UNECE include women, persons with disabilities, minority groups or youth? 16. How can gender and human rights perspectives be better included in the design and implementation of

future projects?



4.6.1 Module 1 – National Accounts


2017 Workshop on Consistency between National Accounts & Balance of Payments Statistics

Minsk, Belarus

2018 Workshop in compilation, dissemination and use of Supply and Use tables Meeting on the Group of Experts on National Accounts

Chisinau, Moldova Geneva, Switzerland

2020 Webinars of the Group of Experts on National Accounts Online

2021 Workshop on measuring informal economy Meeting on the Group of Experts on National Accounts

Online Online

2022 Workshop on Financial Accounts Meeting of the Group of Experts on National Accounts

Brussels, Belgium Online

2023 Meeting of the Group of Experts on National Accounts Geneva, Switzerland

4.6.2 Module 2 – Price Statistics


2018 Meeting of the Group of Experts on Consumer Price Indices Geneva, Switzerland

2019 Regional Workshop on Consumer Price Indices for EECCA countries

Minsk, Belarus

2020 Webinars on producing the CPI under lockdown Online

2021 Meeting of the Group of Experts on Consumer Prices Indices Online

2023 Meeting of the Group of Experts on Consumer Prices Indices Geneva, Switzerland


4.6.3 Module 3 – Business Registers


2017 Meeting of the Group of Experts on Business Registers Paris, France

2019 Meeting of the Group of Experts on Business Registers Geneva, Switzerland

2022 Workshop on Business Registers

Meeting of the Group Experts on Business Registers



4.6.4 Module 4 – Migration Statistics


2017 Workshop on Migration Statistics Geneva, Switzerland

2018 Workshop on Migration Statistics

Harmonized survey module on international migration & remittances

Geneva, Switzerland

2019 Workshop on Migration Statistics

Testing of harmonized survey module on migration & remittances in countries

Geneva, Switzerland

2020 Analysis of the test results on the survey module

Workshop on Migration Statistics


2021 Harmonized module for measuring & collecting information on migration & remittances after 2020

Workshop on Migration Statistics


2022 Group of Experts on Migration Statistics Geneva, Switzerland




World Bank Mr. Maurice Nsabimana ECASTAT Task Team Leader Donor

ILO Ms. Valentina Stoevska Senior Statistician Group of Experts on CPI

EFTA Mr. Marius Andersen Deputy, EFTA Statistical Office Group of Experts on NA

European Union, Eurostat

Mr. John Verrinder Head, National Accounts, Methodology, Standards & Indicators

Group of Experts on NA

UNSD Mr. Herman Smith Chief of National Accounts Group of Experts on NA

Consultant Ms. Anna Prokhorova Consultant - Developer Harmonized module for measuring migration and remittances

UNECE Steering Group on National Accounts

Mr. Gerard Eding Director of National Accounts – Statistics Netherlands

Chair of Steering Committee

UNECE Steering Committee on Consumer Price Indices

Mr. Christopher Jenkins Assistant Deputy Director, Prices Division, Office for National Statistics, UK

Chair of Steering Committee

Armenia Ms. Lusya Khachartryan Head of Macroeconomics Indicators and National Accounts Division, Statistics Armenia

Group of Experts on National Accounts

United Kingdom Mr. Sanjiv Mahajan Head of Methods and Research Engagement, Office for National Statistics, UK

Steering Group on National Accounts



1. ECASTAT Project for 2017-2020 Implementation of 2008 SNA. Enhancing Coherence and Integration of Economic and Social Statistics in Support of the Implementation of 2008 SNA – Project Proposal – Concept note 2016

2. ECASTAT Project no-cost extension for 2021-2023. Enhancing Coherence and Integration of Economic and Social Statistics in Support of the Implementation of 2008 SNA – Project Proposal

3. Enhancing Coherence and Integration of Economic and Social Statistics in Support of the Implementation of 2008 SNA

4. World Bank’s Implementation Completion and Results Report on a Small Grant to the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) for Enhancing Coherence and Integration of Economic and Social Statistics in Support of the Implementation of 2008 SNA (Draft-v1)

5. Statistical Commission. Report on the fortieth session (24-27 February 2009).

6. SDG Priorities. Supporting countries to achieve the SDGs

7. United Nations Geneva, 2021 Guide on producing CPI under lockdown

8. Generic Law on Official Statistics

9. United Nations Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics https://unsd/dnss/hb/E- fundamentatl%principles_A4-WEB.pdg

10. Interim Unaudited Financial Reports - June - December 2017 - January - June 2018 - July – December 2018 - January – May 2019 - June - December 2020 - January – June 2021 - July – December 2021 - January – June 2022

11. Reports from Meetings and Workshops

- Group of Experts on Business Registers (2017; 2019; and 2022) - Group of Experts on Consumer Price Indices (2018; 2021; and 2023) - Consumer Price Indices webinars (2020) - Group of Experts on Migration Statistics (2020; 2021; and 2022) - Group of Experts on National Accounts (2018; 2020; 2021; 2022; and 2023) - Workshop on Migration Statistics (2019) - Workshop on Consumer Price Indices (2019) - Workshop on Financial Accounts (2022) - Workshop on Measuring Informal Economy (2021) - Workshop on Migration Statistics (2017; 2018) - Workshop on Supply and Use Tables for EECCA and SEE countries (2018) - Workshop on the Implementation 2008 SNA: Consistency between national accounts and balance of

payments (2017) 12. Meeting Evaluation Results

- Workshops of Migration Statistics (2017; 2018; and 2019)


- Meeting on Migration Statistics (2021) - Meetings of the Group of Experts on National Accounts & webinars (2020; 2021; 2022; and 2023) - Regional Workshop on Consumer Price Indices 2019 - Meetings of the Group of Experts on Consumer Price Indices (2018; 2021 and 2023) - Meeting of the Group of Experts on Business Registers 2019

13. Semi-annual progress reports

- June – December 2017 - January – June 2018 - July – December 2018 - January – May 2019 - June – November 2019 - December 2019 – May 2020 - June 2020 – December 2020 - January 2021 – June 2021 - July 2021 – December 2021 - January 2022 – June 2022 - July – December 2022

14. Global Assessment of the National Statistical Systems of EECCA (beneficiary) countries, where available:

Armenia (2009), Azerbaijan (2017), Belarus (2020), Georgia (2019), Kazakhstan (2017), Kyrgyzstan (2011), Moldova (2013), Mongolia (2014), Tajikistan (2013), Turkmenistan (2014), Ukraine (2017), Uzbekistan (Joint review - 2018)

EVAL_E317_EvaluationBrief_September 2023

Evaluation Brief on the UNECE Project " Promoting innovation policy capacites in Eastern Europe and the Caucasus"

The evaluation assessed the project's relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, and sustainability in enhancing innovation policy capacities in EESC countries – Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, the Republic of Moldova, and Ukraine.


Languages and translations

Results summary The UNECE project received excellent scores across its four evalua�on categories. The project was highly effec�ve, with a stakeholder sa�sfac�on score of 82%. It accomplished all seven expected accomplishments, such as Na�onal Innova�on for Sustainable Development Reviews (I4SDRs) for Armenia, Georgia and the Republic of Moldova or developing the sub-regional Innova�on Policy Outlook (IPO). Stakeholder sa�sfac�on reached 88% for the project’s relevance and coherence and 86% for its efficiency, given the excellent UNECE project management and implementa�on. The sustainability of project results was also very high, with 83% stakeholder sa�sfac�on due to high results ownership. The most direct impact has occurred through the implementa�on of the I4SDR and IPO recommenda�ons. Project background The project was launched in November 2018 and is set to conclude in June 2024 a�er no-cost extension. As per the project document, the project's main aim was to improve innova�on policymakers' competencies in the Eastern Europe and the South Caucasus (EESC) region. The total budget for the project was the equivalent of US$ 2,215,026. Evalua�on purpose and scope The evalua�on assessed the project's relevance, effec�veness, efficiency, and sustainability in enhancing innova�on policy capaci�es in EESC countries – Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, the Republic of Moldova, and Ukraine. Dr. Tania Tam undertook the evalua�on. She is a senior interna�onal and independent development project evaluator. She was selected by the Programme Management Unit, which is an oversight body that ensures overall coordina�on of UNECE programme management (planning, monitoring, repor�ng and evalua�on) of all UNECE ac�vi�es funded from regular and extra budgetary resources. Evalua�on methodology For this evalua�on, the evaluator used a theory-based evalua�on methodology to address the �meline between the project ac�vi�es, such as capacity building, data collec�on and analysis, and, for example, changes in policy capaci�es. The evalua�on reached 74% of the project stakeholders iden�fied by the project team, 49 in total, through in-person interviews during a field visit to Armenia and Georgia (11), telephone and video interviews (20) and an online survey (an addi�onal 18). Thirty-one in-depth semi-structured interviews were conducted, each consis�ng of 45-60 minutes. During these 31 interviews, all respondents were also asked for survey responses, thus providing 31 quan�ta�ve survey responses in addi�on to 18 respondents filling in the online survey. Regarding the gender of par�cipants, 20 of the 49 respondents were female (41%), and 29 were male (59%). The field visits to Yerevan and Tbilisi took place in the week beginning June 5, 2023. The online survey launched in mid-July yielded a response rate of 60%, based on the 18 responses received. The evalua�on reach is very sa�sfactory, given other UN Secretariat evalua�on response rates range between 15% and 30%. The infographic below summarizes project data such as dura�on and budget, the evalua�on process, main evalua�on results, factors influencing the project performance and evalua�on recommenda�ons for UNECE.


Evaluation report of the UNECE project Promoting innovation policy capacities in Eastern Europe and the Caucasus, by an external consultant Tania Tam, issued in September 2023.


Languages and translations





I INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................... 1

1.1 Project Background ........................................................................................................... 1

1.2 Evaluation Purpose and Scope ....................................................................................... 2

1.3 Sampling strategy ......................................................................................................... 2

1.4 Evaluation Methodology .................................................................................................... 4

1.5 Evaluation questions ......................................................................................................... 6

1.6 Leaving No-One Behind ..................................................................................................... 8

1.7 Limitations ........................................................................................................................ 8

II. EVALUATION FINDINGS ........................................................................................... 9

2. RELEVANCE AND COHERENCE: WAS THE PROJECT DOING THE RIGHT THING? .............................................................................................................................. 9

2.1 Appropriateness of project design for meeting the needs of beneficiary countries .............. 10

2.2 Integration of gender, human rights, and disability perspectives ........................................ 12 2.2.1 Gender, human rights, and disability perspectives: project results ..................................... 13 2.2.2 Potential including gender and human rights perspectives better in future project design and implementation .................................................................................................................... 13

3. EFFECTIVENESS: WERE RESULTS ACHIEVED, AND HOW? .......................... 14 This section assesses the project results' achievement using the following sub-criteria: i) overview of project objective achievement; ii) evolvement of the project's strategic vision; iii) unintended effects; iv) factors affecting project performance, v) lessons learned, vi) changes in the competences of innovation policymakers, vii) coordination with other UN and non-UN stakeholders and viii) challenges and mitigation. ........................................................................ 14

3.1 Overview of achievement of project objectives ................................................................. 15

3.2 Strategic project vision and how it evolved ....................................................................... 20

3.3 Unexpected effects .......................................................................................................... 21

3.4 Factors affecting project performance .............................................................................. 22


3.5 Lessons learned .............................................................................................................. 24

3.6 Changes in competencies of innovation policymakers ........................................................ 24

3.7 Coordination with other UN stakeholders ......................................................................... 25

3.8. Challenges and mitigation ............................................................................................... 26

4. EFFICIENCY: WERE RESOURCES USED APPROPRIATELY TO ACHIEVE PROJECT RESULTS?..................................................................................................... 27

4.1 Adequacy of funding for project results ............................................................................ 27

4.2 Timeliness of results achievement and efficient organization ............................................. 28

4.3 Efficiency of resource use ................................................................................................ 28

5. SUSTAINABILITY: ARE RESULTS LASTING? ..................................................... 30

5.1 Measures to ensure sustainability of project results .......................................................... 30

5.2 Ownership of project results, institutionalization, and up-scaling ....................................... 32

5.3 Potential for replication ................................................................................................... 34

SECTION III: CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ................................... 36

ANNEX 1: TERMS OF REFERENCE OF THE EVALUATION ................................. 44

ANNEX 2: DOCUMENTS REVIEWED ....................................................................... 50

ANNEX 3: LISTS OF STAKEHOLDERS INTERVIEWED ........................................ 51

ANNEX 4: EVALUATION MATRIX ............................................................................. 52




Figure 1: Infographic - Overview of the project and main evaluation results ................. xiii Figure 2: Map of the South Caucasus with countries visited during the evaluation: Armenia and Georgia .......................................................................................................... 3

Figure 3: Concept of theory-based evaluation .................................................................... 4

Figure 4: Overview of project stakeholders and interviews accomplished......................... 5

Figure 5: Stakeholder perception about the relevance of the project responding to their needs ................................................................................................................................. 12

Figure 6: Perception about the achievement of project objectives ................................... 17

Figure 7: Donor Agreement work Streams delivery ......................................................... 18

Figure 8: Additional work streams ................................................................................... 20

Figure 9: Factors affecting project performance ............................................................... 23

Figure 10: Stakeholder perception of the project’s effectiveness ..................................... 26

Figure 11: Stakeholder perception about the project’s efficiency .................................... 29

Figure 12: Stakeholder perception about the project’s sustainability ............................... 34

Figure 13: Summary of key findings, conclusions, and recommendations ..................... 37


AICS Italian Agency for Development Cooperation COVID-19 Corona Virus Disease DAC Development Assistance Committee EA Expected accomplishment EESC Eastern Europe and the South Caucasus EU European Union I4SDR Innovation for Sustainable Development Review IDP Internally Displaced Person IEP Innovation Enhancing Procurement IPI Innovation Policies Index IPO Innovation Policy Outlook IT Information Technology MFAIC Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation NGO Non-Governmental Organization OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development SDG Sustainable Development Goals Sida Swedish International Development Agency SME Small and medium-size enterprises ToR Terms of Reference UN United Nations UNECE United Nations Economic Commission for Europe US$ United States Dollar USAID United States Agency for International Development % Percentage



September 2023 This document constitutes the evaluation report of the UNECE project E317, "Promoting innovation policy capacities in Eastern Europe and the Caucasus" (hereafter referred to as "the project"). It was produced by Dr. Tania Tam, who is a senior international and independent development project evaluator. She was selected by the Programme Management Unit, which is an oversight body that ensures overall coordination of UNECE programme management (planning, monitoring, reporting and evaluation) of all UNECE activities funded from regular and extra budgetary resources. Results summary The UNECE project received excellent scores across its four evaluation categories. The project was highly effective, with a stakeholder satisfaction score of 82%. It accomplished all seven expected accomplishments, such as National Innovation for Sustainable Development Reviews (I4SDRs) for Armenia, Georgia and the Republic of Moldova or developing the sub-regional Innovation Policy Outlook (IPO). Stakeholder satisfaction reached 88% for the project’s relevance and coherence and 86% for its efficiency, given the excellent UNECE project management and implementation. The sustainability of project results was also very high, with 83% stakeholder satisfaction due to high results ownership. The most direct impact has occurred through the implementation of the I4SDR and IPO recommendations. Project background The project was launched in November 2018 and is set to conclude in June 2024 after no-cost extension. As per the project document, the project's main aim was to improve innovation policymakers' competencies in the Eastern Europe and the South Caucasus (EESC) region. The total budget for the project was the equivalent of US$ 2,215,026. Evaluation purpose and scope The evaluation assessed the project's relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, and sustainability in enhancing innovation policy capacities in EESC countries – Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, the Republic of Moldova, and Ukraine. The primary intended audience of the evaluation is the Sida and UNECE staff involved in funding and implementing the project. Secondary intended audiences include beneficiaries and country representatives involved in the project. The Programme Management Unit plans to share the evaluation with other UNECE divisions and accumulate the lessons learned through the evaluation for improving other divisions’ work (especially in terms of the “Leave No One Behind” (LNOB) approach). In line with UNECE evaluation policy, the objectives of evaluations are to: (1) Promote organizational learning; (2) Improve programme performance; and (3) Ensure the accountability of the UNECE to member States, senior UN system leadership, donors, and beneficiaries. The evaluation had a duration from May 2023 to August 2023.


Evaluation methodology For this evaluation, the evaluator used a theory-based evaluation methodology to address the timeline between the project activities, such as capacity building, data collection and analysis, and, for example, changes in policy capacities. The evaluation reached 74% of the project stakeholders identified by the project team, 49 in total, through in-person interviews during a field visit to Armenia and Georgia (11), telephone and video interviews (20) and an online survey (an additional 18). Thirty-one in-depth semi-structured interviews were conducted, each consisting of 45-60 minutes. During these 31 interviews, all respondents were also asked for survey responses, thus providing 31 quantitative survey responses in addition to 18 respondents filling in the online survey. UNECE’s Project Management Unit vetted project stakeholders interviewed during the evaluation. The surveyed group consisted of policy specialists in innovation and expert stakeholders from international organizations who understand innovation policy. Thus, by its very nature, the group was small but highly relevant and knowledgeable about the evaluation subject. Thirty-one interviews were highly in-depth and, combined with the high level of expertise on both innovation and the project, yielded sufficient quality of input for the evaluation. Regarding the gender of participants, 20 of the 49 respondents were female (41%), and 29 were male (59%). The field visits to Yerevan and Tbilisi took place in the week beginning June 5, 2023. The online survey launched in mid-July yielded a response rate of 60%, based on the 18 responses received. The evaluation reach is very satisfactory, given other UN Secretariat evaluation response rates range between 15% and 30%. Evaluation findings, conclusions, and recommendations Relevance and coherence: The project was highly relevant to the six project countries despite conflicts, ongoing political instability, and the pandemic since the project started in 2018. The UNECE project gave crucial support to the region, with Sida and UNECE filling a critical gap at the time when the project countries prepared national innovation strategies. The evaluation finds that the project components were relevant, as all other analytical tools on science, technology and innovation (STI) - such as the European Innovation Scoreboard - was less relevant for transition economies, requiring a more sub-regional approach through an Innovation Policy Outlook (IPO) and Innovation for Sustainable Development Reviews (I4SDRs). The project addressed previously poor coordination among national stakeholders, exacerbated by frequent staff changes in government agencies in all project countries. As a Geneva-based body with no regional offices, UNECE provided high-quality analytical input using international best practice recommendations to guide other organizations operating on the ground. For example, in the I4SDR of Ukraine, currently at the research stage, a chapter will be analyzing the current reconstruction strategies and suggesting improvements to these strategies. Hence, the project efforts guide the larger international community in working within the EESC region on the topic of science, technology, and innovation, as well as sustainable development more broadly.


The evaluation finds that the Leave No One Behind approach promoted by the United Nations Secretariat was taken very seriously by the project team and showed a high level of coherence during its implementation. Concerning gender equality, the project team considered the equal participation of women and men when organizing training and conferences. This is a small and subtle step but inviting diverse stakeholders to such events ensures that they receive the necessary training and career capital that participating in such events grants and their perspectives are heard. However, a broader Leave No One Behind prioritization was not reflected in governments' needs and priorities, and results were limited. Hence, greater awareness and education is required among stakeholders about the importance and benefits of integrating gender, human rights and disability perspectives into project design and implementation. It should be noted that human rights and disability were not included in the donor agreement. Thus, the donor did not demand mainstreaming of these considerations. Instead, the donor agreement mentions environmental sustainability and poverty reduction as overarching goals. Both were honoured in UNECE work and in beneficiary countries. One way to promote the integration of gender, human rights and disability in future programming is to establish indicators measuring the impact of these in the programs and relevant targets in the relevant implementation sectors. For example, regarding gender, monitoring (1) the gender balance among speakers, panellists, and participants at innovation-related events and conferences and (2) equal access or use of mentorship, networking, and professional development opportunities in the innovation space for women and men can reflect inclusivity efforts. Further down the line after implementation of programs, monitoring (3) gender pay gap within industries closely associated with innovation, such as technology and STEM fields and/or (4) and gender distribution in leadership positions within innovation-driven fields or within key roles such as researchers, inventors, entrepreneurs, investors, and decision-makers within innovation-related organizations and institutions can demonstrate any growth or change in LNOB implementation or prioritization in the future. Regarding disabilities, indicators may include accessibility the degree to which innovation initiatives and technologies consider and incorporate universal design principles, making them accessible to individuals with various disabilities and monitoring the integration and enforcement of accessibility standards and guidelines in innovation policies and practices, ensuring that products, services, and technologies are usable by individuals with disabilities --– for example, the upgrading of online procurement platforms for reading impaired persons. Regarding human rights, indicators may include (1) the extent to which innovation policies incorporate principles of data protection and privacy, safeguarding individuals’ personal information from misuse or unauthorized access, (2) whether innovation policies encourage the development and use of technologies that adhere to ethical guidelines, avoid harm, and prevent discrimination or bias, (3) examination of how innovation policies address the impact of technological changes on employment, job quality, and workers’ rights, ensuring fair treatment and protection of workers’ rights, and (4) whether innovation policies mention informed consent and individual autonomy when it comes to the collection, use, and sharing of personal data and information. One notable finding of the evaluation was the constant methodological improvements of UNECE’s flagship analytical tools, notably, the I4SDRs and the IPO. Elective chapters were added, meeting direct demand from the countries themselves. This work could now be scaled up to other regions and/or countries with little cost. Operations are already running smoothly in the organization of regular regional policy dialogue sessions and consultations, and in the dissemination of findings and conclusions, making scaling the project up, continuing it, and adapting it to other regions cost-


effective in terms of materials and operations, considering the expertise accumulated and the significant momentum created over these past years. Conclusions: The project addressed a significant sub-regional development cooperation gap through its in-depth support to science, technology, and innovation (STI), in particular its focus on STI policy and governance. The project provided visibility to Sida and UNECE, transferred large numbers of relevant international good policy practices to the region (including lessons learned from Sweden’s innovation development journey), and worked closely with all relevant stakeholder groups and to the enhance the region’s STI ecosystem. However, not all deliverables reached all countries evenly, and the Leave No One Behind approach was supply-driven. The adaptation of the project for any future implementations will be highly cost-effective.

Recommendations for similar future projects:

Priority: medium, next 6-12 months for new project designs.

Effectiveness: The project accomplished two out of three objectives above expectations, with the third one, the implementation of recommendations, showing results in some countries while in others, it is still too early to assess. The evaluation found the following results by project objective:

Project objective a) improved policy dialogue: • The project successfully established a multi-stakeholder dialogue for developing the

Innovation Policy Outlooks (IPOs) leveraging UNECE's neutrality as a UN body, using international and local expertise and comparing the six countries.

• The dissemination of lessons learned through UNECE’s IPO/I4SDR/CB/dialogue work at its intergovernmental CICPPP and ToS-ICP sessions also enhanced policy dialogue, where hundreds of member States and international organisations representatives listen in and exchange knowledge about innovation.

R1: Given its high relevance, it is recommended to i) seek continuation funding to support further Eastern Europe and the South Caucasus countries (especially for ensuring sustainability and continuity); ii) seek new funding to replicate this project for other subregions, such as the Western Balkans or Central Asia. At the same time, this can raise donor visibility and complement investments into the European Union’s (EU's) Eastern Partnership (in the case of Eastern Europe and the South Caucasus). UNECE’s governance- focused approach using evaluation, accountability, and transparency also aims to reduce corruption and informality in the EESC region, where this issue is of great relevance.

Priority: high, next six months for new project designs.

R 2: Increase awareness among national stakeholders in Member States about the importance of the Leave No One Behind approach across policy-making, for example, by adding relevant indicators in the project results framework, and supporting ongoing national processes such as the upgrading of online procurement platforms for reading impaired persons, with a focus on gender, disabilities, and human rights (keeping in mind that the latter two were not included in the project document).


Project objective b): Improved understanding at the national level of policy options: • The project successfully improved the understanding of policy options at the national level

based on research and the identification of policy challenges and objectives, as well as UNECE trainings and capacity building seminars.

• The policy dialogue mentioned above at the national and international level also contributed to an enhanced understanding of policy options.

• The synergies between UNECE’s intergovernmental work, technical assistance, and capacity building were crucial for achieving this project objective. The secretariat studies best international practices and success stories, implements them in less developed member States, and disseminates lessons learned in the process to other member States, feeding the foundation of knowledge UNECE have built over the years.

Project objective c) Enhanced national implementation of UNECE policy recommendations • The project managed to accomplish many concrete policy change in the areas with potential

and demand for change by creating an evidence base and capacity building. Examples include developing and adopting a new procurement law in Georgia emphasising innovation-enhancing procurement (IEP), technology transfer in the Republic of Moldova, and venture capital in Belarus.

• For other countries, the actual implementation of recommendations is too early to tell. • The project made actionable, targeted, time-bound and prioritized recommendations, and

the dialogue with national stakeholders continued to facilitate the implementation of recommendations.

Unexpected project results included the project’s ability to bring together diverse stakeholders from countries’ innovation ecosystems due to good preparation of the project team and local intelligence on the ground through the use of national experts. The project performance was affected by positive and negative factors. Positive factors influencing project performance included the quality of the project team, UNECE's convening power, the acceleration of using virtual technology as a COVID-19 mitigation measure, and the project duration of over four years. Concerning the project team, UNECE selected staff from diverse academic backgrounds and established transparent and efficient internal processes and reporting, contributing to efficient and accountable project management. Negative factors influencing project performance comprised meeting and travel restrictions due to COVID-19, the volatile political situation in the sub-region, which included several armed conflicts inflicting project countries, the economic downturn and turf battles among government stakeholders due to unclear or overlapping internal mandates concerning innovation. Project-related improvements in policymakers' competencies included policymakers' broadened understanding of innovation concepts transferred from UNECE’s expertise. The project mitigated the frequent staff turnover in beneficiary countries through a networking approach, including the technical level in governments. The evaluation finds it too early to assess stakeholder competencies to support environmental sustainability, gender equality, good governance, and economic growth. Finally, the project systematically involved other United Nations (UN) and non-UN stakeholders in the implementation, including UN country representatives, EU delegations and Swedish embassies, WIPO, OECD, and WEF, showing good coordination with UN stakeholders and other international partners, leading to improved donor coordination and the avoidance of duplication.


Conclusions: UNECE's neutrality, expertise and convening power helped engage stakeholders during the project implementation, enhancing knowledge and awareness about innovation policies. The project's positive results were attributed to a proactive and engaged professional team, flexibility, and mitigation of unforeseeable factors. The team's systematic inclusion of UN and non- UN stakeholders benefits Swedish embassies in the project countries by raising the innovation topic on national agendas and sharpening Sweden’s profile on this topic in the region.

Recommendations for similar future projects:

R 3: In a context where donors increasingly focus on short-term results after 12 or 24 months, UNECE should encourage Sweden and other donors to continue investing in projects with a systems change approach, leading to the implementation of research recommendations as a means to ensure the sustainability of results. A project duration of 5 years is recommended for projects with such an approach. Priority: medium, next 6-12 months for new project designs.

Efficiency: the project management was highly professional and an example of excellence for many stakeholders. The project has been well-executed, thanks to adequate funding for mobilizing consultants and a professional project team within UNECE, showing an outstanding performance. The project team used international experts and tapped into a network of well-connected national experts. Implementing a focal point approach, which entails centralized coordination in each country, streamlined communication, efficient organization, and better collaboration among stakeholders, while catalysing the project implementation. While COVID-19-related restrictions and armed conflicts in the region affected the project implementation, requiring no-cost extension, the combination of timely instructions, guidelines, and feedback from an organized project team set a solid foundation for success in the project. Overall, the project duration for work on behavior change required 4 to 5 years, as it was complex and involved significant efforts to modify people's attitudes, habits, and behaviors. The evaluation finds high resource use efficiency, for example, during the COVID-19 pandemic. By utilizing technology, such as video conferencing and online training tools, it became possible to connect with a diverse range of individuals and groups remotely, reaching even more stakeholders than during in-person visits. Also, the involvement of local experts was crucial in energizing local stakeholders, particularly during challenging times like a pandemic. Rapid learning in an unprecedented and stressful situation enabled the project team to do many more tasks virtually and combine regular and frequent online meetings with missions, increasing efficiency further in future projects. Conclusions: The project was good value-for-money due to a professional and highly qualified team, efficient implementation, local expert use, and centralized coordination through national focal points during pandemic-related travel restrictions. UNECE even executed deliverables not in the donor agreement using existing funds.


R 4: Building on the good practices of this project, using local experts to gather intelligence on the ground is recommended for similar future projects at the country level. At the same time, national focal points should continue to be appointed for centralized project coordination in project countries. Priority: medium, next 6-12 months, for new project designs.

Sustainability: The evaluation finds that, as the project is still ongoing, results are mixed and in different stages across project countries, thus making further continuous follow-up necessary to solidify the results. As the project streams ended, countries remained highly engaged to collaborate on the implementation of policy recommendations and support national strategies and initiatives. Ownership of results, institutionalization, and up-scaling are evident in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, and the Republic of Moldova. However, the evaluation finds that governments still require close support for national strategies and policies is required, including during the review and updating of the latter, for example, in Armenia or the Republic of Moldova. The evaluation finds that the project's methodology can be replicated in other sub-regions and countries, with some amendments to the current approach and always considering sub-regional contextualization. The upscaling could be undertaken with little cost, given the initial investment in this project for improving the I4SDR review methodology. UNECE also learned much about the operational side of running sub-regional projects, organizing dialogue sessions and consultations, and disseminating findings and conclusions. This similarly makes scaling the project up or adapting it to other regions cost-effective, considering the expertise accumulated within UNECE over the past years. Conclusions: Stakeholders demonstrate a strong buy-in and interest in the project’s recommendations, institutionalizing them in many countries, but require continued external support for innovation strategies and policies. The project approach is fit for purpose and ready to be replicated in other sub-regions. Recommendations for similar future projects:

R 5: As a follow-up to this project, UNECE should use its limited regular budget resources to monitor the implementation of recommendations and keep engaging with the network of focal points to share good practices for developing and implementing national innovation-related strategies and policies. Priority: very high, next 3-6 months for new project designs. R 6: Senior management should use this evaluation report as a robust evidence base to lobby for replicating the project approach in other sub-regions, for example, the Western Balkans, with high relevance for donors like the EU and Sweden. This should be done, as explained in R 1 by i) seeking continuation funding to support further EESC countries (especially for ensuring sustainability); ii) seeking new funding to replicate for other regions, such as the Western Balkans or Central Asia. Priority: very high, next 3-6 months for new project designs.


Figure 1: Infographic - Overview of the project and main evaluation results


The evaluation found that the project delivered or “over-delivered” on all seven expected accomplishments listed in the project proposal.

Expected Accomplishment Deliverable Status Additional deliverables not included in the initial work plan

A1.1. Develop the methodology for a pilot sub-regional Innovation Policy Index (IPI)* and apply it to six countries (Belarus, Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, the Republic of Moldova). The resulting data and the analysis will be published together with a range of analytical chapters by ECE and a range of contributors that examine the results through a wider analytical and regional perspective. The exact topics will be selected based on the leading concerns that come through in the process or through discussions in UNECE intergovernmental meetings. *Please note that the Innovation Policy Index (IPI) was renamed to Innovation Policy Outlook (IPO)

Completed – the IPO was completed in early 2020 and launched at six national high-level meetings and a sub- regional event for a total of seven launches. All the national-level meetings gathered attendance from Deputy Ministers, representatives of international organizations, and the Swedish Ambassadors to the six countries.

Additional accomplishments: IIPO (2022), the follow-up interim publication, was completed in 2022. It was informed by policy dialogues with IPO focal points that were organized in follow-up to the initial publication and addressed the topics requested by the IPO countries – innovation-enhancing procurement and science-business linkages. The IIPO was launched at the 16th session of the Committee on Innovation, Competitiveness and Public-Private Partnerships in front of 227 attendees from member states including Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Italy, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Portugal, the Republic of Moldova, Russian Federation, Tajikistan, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan, as well as the European Union. Representatives from non-ECE Member States such as Brazil, Egypt, Libya, and several specialized agencies in the United Nations system, including UNICEF, UNCTAD, ESCAP, UNEP, UNDP, UNIDO, and UNHCR, also attended the launch.

A1.2. Conduct National Innovation for Sustainable Development Review of Georgia

Completed – the I4SDR of Georgia was launched in late 2020 at a high- level event attended by the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Deputy Chairperson of the State Procurement Agency, and the Deputy Chairperson of Sakpatenti. The review inspired follow-up capacity building.

Additional accomplishments: Handbook on Innovation Enhancing Procurement for Georgia In addition to the I4SDR and in follow-up to the request from the Government of Georgia, UNECE published a handbook on Innovation Enhancing Procurement (IEP) for Georgia. This was followed- up by a dedicated study tour on IEP with Georgian officials from the SPA Georgia in Norway.

A1.3. Conduct National Innovation for Sustainable Development Review of the Republic of Moldova

Completed Additional accomplishments: In 2022, UNECE developed a technology transfer roadmap for the Republic of Moldova. The roadmap was requested by the Government of the Republic of Moldova to assist in the development of the new national programme on research and innovation 2024 – 2027. The roadmap was complemented with three capacity building trainings with innovation stakeholders in the country. Though not part of the project agreement, the roadmap and the trainings were developed in


response to the I4SDR review and supported the implementation of the I4SDR recommendations.

A1.4. Conduct National Innovation for Sustainable Development Review of Armenia

Completed Additional accomplishments: I4SDR follow-up roadmap UNECE is in the process of developing a roadmap of future cooperation with Armenia

A2.1. Conduct twelve tailored to the specific demands of the countries advisory missions (four per each country) on specific policy reforms in the innovation sector in Belarus, Georgia, the Republic of Moldova. Capacity-building agreements including detailed activity plans supporting specific reform efforts to put recommendations from national reviews into practice will be developed together with each beneficiary country.

Completed and overdelivered (13/12; 16/12 if Armenia and Ukraine are included)*

• 4/4 Belarus • 5/4 Republic of

Moldova • 4/4 Georgia

*Several in-person advisory missions were suspended due to the pandemic, so had to be moved online.

Additional accomplishments: advisory missions to Armenia (2022,2023) and a study tour for Ukraine In addition to the three countries listed in the project agreement, UNECE also conducted two advisory missions to Armenia. The last advisory mission to Armenia involved the presentation of the I4SDR results and implications to the Minister of Education, Science, Culture, and Sports, the Minister of High-Tech Industry, the Deputy Minister of Economy, and the Deputy Prime Minister at high-level bilateral meetings with the Executive Secretary of UNECE. In addition to the three listed countries, UNECE also organized a study tour for a Ukrainian delegation in 2022 within the framework of ToS- ICP to discuss post-war reconstruction (please see below)

A3.1. Conducting six sub- regional capacity building workshops on supporting high growth innovative enterprises and related topics, most of which will be held in the beneficiary countries, with one or two exceptionally in Geneva in connection with CICPPP and ToS-ICP sessions). For each subregional meeting a substantive background document will be developed that will feed into an English- Russian language policy handbook that will be available for all ECE member States.

Completed and over- delivered (7/6) Please note: All meetings were conducted online due to COVID

Additional accomplishments: as of August 2023, UNECE conducted seven IPO workshops. As mentioned above, these workshops eventually fed into another interim IPO publication requested by member States.

A3.2. Prepare a policy handbook on high-growth innovative enterprises (in English and Russian).

Completed Additional accomplishments: none


Though not part of the donor agreement, the activities below were delivered within the same budget in response to member States’ demands.

Innovation for Sustainable Development Review of Ukraine

UNECE is conducting an Innovation for Sustainable Development Review of Ukraine with the explicit aim to support Ukraine’s recovery and reconstruction efforts.

Innovation Matters Podcast To bolster its outreach efforts and create a public learning platform on innovation, UNECE launched a podcast series titled “Innovation Matters” in 2022. Currently, the series is at its 11th episode. More information: podcast

Ukraine Study Tour In November 2022, the Economic Cooperation and Trade Division organized a study tour for Ukrainian officials from the Ministry of Education and Science, Ministry of Economy, and National Academy of Sciences to Geneva. During the tour, the participants discussed the role of innovation policies in supporting a green and circular recovery, exchanged knowledge with experts, and attended high-level discussions with international organizations including UNCTAD, WIPO, and UNEP. The participants also met with UNECE Executive Secretary, Olga Algayerova, to explore UNECE's capacity building and policy development support. The tour was part of capacity-building efforts to support Ukraine’s reconstruction and allowed focal points to partake in international dialogue.

Outreach missions to Brussels and Rome to raise awareness of the project and build partnerships

UNECE went on two outreach missions, one to Brussels and another to Rome. During the Brussels mission, we met with officials from the European Union’s Joint Research Centre, Horizon Europe and DG Near to discuss the new UNECE project. We discussed cooperation on future reviews and agreed to exchange information and review each other’s publications to avoid duplication of efforts. In Rome, UNECE met with stakeholders from the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MFAIC) and the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS). UNECE presented its work streams and exchanged knowledge on innovation-related projects in the UNECE region.


I Introduction This document constitutes the evaluation report of the UNECE project E317, "Promoting innovation policy capacities in Eastern Europe and the Caucasus" (hereafter referred to as "the project").

1.1 Project Background According to the project document, "the project will improve the competencies of innovation policymakers in designing, running, reforming, and monitoring effective innovation policies and institutions that make measurable contributions towards long-term economic development and sustainable development." The three expected accomplishments (EA) comprise the following:

• EA1.Enhanced capacity of national policymakers and stakeholders to analyse and benchmark their innovation policies and institutions in line with UNECE good practices;

• EA2. Enhanced capacity of national policymakers and stakeholders in three countries to design and carry out effective innovation policy and institutional reform;

• EA3. Improved subregional cooperation on harmonisation of innovation policies and institutions

Main project activities comprised:

• Develop the methodology for a pilot sub-regional Innovation Policy Index (IPI) and apply it to six countries

• Conduct National Innovation for Sustainable Development Review of Armenia, Georgia, and the Republic of Moldova

• Conduct twelve tailored to the specific demands of the countries' advisory missions (four per each country) on specific policy reforms in the innovation sector in Belarus, Georgia, the Republic of Moldova

• Conducting six sub-regional capacity-building workshops on supporting high-growth innovative enterprises and related topic

• Prepare a policy handbook on high-growth innovative enterprises (in English and Russian).

The project aimed to address the following Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): 5, 8, and 9.


1.2 Evaluation Purpose and Scope

The evaluation Terms of Reference (ToRs) outline the background of this evaluation as follows: "to assess the extent to which the objectives of the UNECE project E317, "Promoting innovation policy capacities in Eastern Europe and the Caucasus," were achieved. The evaluation will assess the project's relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, and sustainability in enhancing innovation policy capacities in Eastern Europe and the South Caucasus (EESC) countries – Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, the Republic of Moldova, and Ukraine."1 UNECE's Innovative Policies Development Section implemented this project starting in November 2018 with an end date of May 2022 and a budget of US$ 2,215,026. The project benefitted from a non-cost extension till June 2023, given implementation challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic. The evaluators proposed using the internationally agreed Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development's (OECD) Development Assistance Committee (DAC) criteria for this evaluation: relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, and sustainability. The impact criterion is not considered in this evaluation, as the time lag is too short between the end of the project in the second quarter of 2023 and the evaluation taking place in parallel. The coherence criterion is subsumed under the relevance criterion. Annex 1 contains the evaluation matrix for this evaluation, listing the specific evaluation questions related to each evaluation criterion, which defines the evaluation scope further. It was agreed with the donor that the evaluation would be concluded shortly before the end of the project, and cover the period November 2018 (project beginning) to September 2023. The scope includes all six project countries, with Armenia and Georgia selected for a field visit in June 2023. This document constitutes the evaluation report of the UNECE project E317, "Promoting innovation policy capacities in Eastern Europe and the Caucasus" (hereafter referred to as "the project"). It was produced by Dr. Tania Tam, who is a senior international and independent development project evaluator. She was selected by the Programme Management Unit, which is an oversight body that ensures overall coordination of UNECE programme management (planning, monitoring, reporting and evaluation) of all UNECE activities funded from regular and extra budgetary resources.

1.3 Sampling strategy

The evaluator evaluated all activities under this project, covering the six project countries: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, the Republic of Moldova, and Ukraine. Armenia and Georgia were selected for more detailed examination, as case studies, in this project evaluation. The six project countries (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, the Republic of Moldova, and Ukraine) were ranked (1-5) according to their demonstrated interest in participating in project activities. Armenia and Georgia were the top-scoring countries, scoring 5 points each, repeatedly expressing their interest in meetings and making formal requests.

1 UNECE, 2023: Evaluation of UNECE project E317 “Promoting innovation policy capacities in Eastern Europe and the Caucasus”. Terms of Reference, page 2.


The six countries were also ranked on whether they had recent similar innovation reviews. Armenia and Georgia also ranked most highly on this ranking, scoring 5 points each. Neither Armenia nor Georgia had conducted an innovation review of similar scope in the past five years. Armenia and Georgia, see Figure 2, were thus chosen for closer examination in the project, and therefore field visits to these countries were organized to produce a detailed review of the project there. Figure 2: Map of the South Caucasus with countries visited during the evaluation: Armenia and Georgia

Background on Armenia: Armenia has made noteworthy progress towards achieving innovation-led, sustainable development. Despite the challenges posed by regional and geopolitical instability and the COVID- 19 pandemic, Armenia retains a competitive information and communication technology (ICT) sector and a thriving entrepreneurship scene. Well-developed tourism, mining, food processing and agriculture sectors complement pockets of innovation excellence in ICT. Despite these successes, Armenia still faces challenges in sustaining economic growth and social development. Innovation, or systematic experimentation with new ideas, processes, and products, can be the catalyst for solving these challenges and bolster Armenia's sustainable development. Improvements in innovation policy through intergovernmental coordination, greater use of evidence and evaluation in policymaking, diaspora involvement and revaluation of the current innovation infrastructure mechanisms are necessary to foster innovation. This project is critical to addressing these constraints and supporting Armenia on its journey of economic development. Background on Georgia: A lower-middle-income economy at the crossroads of Eastern Europe and Western Asia, Georgia is an innovation achiever, gaining high scores in the Global Innovation Index. The Georgia Innovation and Technology Agency was instituted in 2013 to coordinate all science, technology, and innovation policy aspects. Critical challenges remain, however, especially in further reforms of institutional project reviews and education. Project activities aim to contribute to ongoing or planned reform efforts that address central problems that hold innovation systems back in Georgia. They aim to do so by developing assessment tools that help policymakers and other stakeholders understand and benchmark innovation policies and institutions. This approach is coupled with a targeted capacity building that

Black Sea Georgia Azerbaijan Turkmenistan

Armenia Caspian Sea Turkey Iran



feeds into specific reform efforts or addresses areas of joint concern. Georgia has made significant strides in adopting legislative and policy reforms to foster gender equality, for example.

1.4 Evaluation Methodology For this evaluation, the evaluator used a theory-based evaluation methodology to address the time lag between the project activities, such as capacity building, data collection and analysis, and, for example, changes in policy capacities. The approach was successfully used in recent evaluations for international organizations, including the UN Secretariat. A theory-based evaluation specifies the intervention logic, also called the "theory of change," tested in the evaluation process. The theory of change is built on a set of assumptions around how the project designers think a change will happen. Logically, it is linked to the project's results framework contained in the project document. Figure 3 outlines the theory-based evaluation approach using a concept developed by the University of Wisconsin. Figure 3: Concept of theory-based evaluation


The evaluation reached 74% of the project stakeholders identified by the project team, 49 in total, through personal interviews during a field visit to Armenia and Georgia (11), telephone interviews (20) and an online survey (18). Personal and telephone interviews also contained quantitative survey questions, as in the online survey. Twenty of the 49 interviewees were female (41%), and 29 were male (59%). The field visits to Yerevan and Tbilisi took place in the week beginning June 5, 2023. An online survey launched in mid-July yielded a response rate of 64%, based on the 18 responses received. The evaluation reach is very satisfactory, given other UN Secretariat evaluation response rates range between 15% and 30%. Figure 4: Overview of project stakeholders and interviews accomplished

Stakeholder mapping was conducted by identifying potential stakeholders based on their involvement in the project. They were then categorized to ensure the identification of inequalities (e.g., gender equality) to prioritize engagement strategies and time accordingly. Through the Programme Management Unit, 46 direct project stakeholders were suggested from project countries, partners, and independent experts. All were included in this evaluation. Ultimate project beneficiaries, such as enterprises benefitting from innovation policies, were not included in the stakeholder list, given that the project was still under implementation at the time of the evaluation. For the online survey an additional 28 of stakeholders were suggested. The box below lists the suggested tailored evaluation tools and processes for the project evaluation. This mixed-methods approach aims to ensure rigorous triangulation of data. The full evaluation matrix is presented in Annex 1.

Number of interviews accomplished/number of stakeholders contacted

UNECE 17/17 Intergovernmental organizations 2/2 International experts 5/15 Armenia 11/11 Azerbaijan 2/3 Belarus 1/2 Georgia 8/8 Republic of Moldova 6/6 Ukraine 3/3 Others 7 Total 49/74


1.5 Evaluation questions The evaluation matrix in Annex 1 specifies which data collection methods are used for the specific evaluation questions and shows the triangulation approach for each question. The evaluation questions were as follows

1. Relevance: Was the project responding to stakeholders' needs?2

1.1. To what extent was the project design appropriate or meeting the needs of beneficiary

countries? 1.2. To what extent was the project aligned with the SDGs? 1.3. What are the takeaways for ensuring the relevance of future UNECE projects? 1.4. How have gender, human rights, and disability perspectives been integrated into the

project? What results have there been in terms of gender, human rights, and disability? 1.5. How can gender and human rights perspectives be better included in future project

design and implementation? 2. Effectiveness: Were project results achieved, and how?

2.1. To what extent were the project objectives achieved?

• Improved policy dialogue on promoting sustained economic growth, innovative development, and greater competitiveness in the UNECE region.

2 It is suggested to suppress the original evaluation question number 2 listed in the Terms of Reference “To

what extent did the project respond to the priorities and needs of the participating countries? How relevant were they to the countries’ needs and priorities?”, as it is very similar to evaluation question 1.

o Desk review: the project document and evidence of results achieved such as monitoring and other progress reports;

o Briefing calls with the project team and the UNECE Monitoring and Evaluation Unit

o 45-60 minute virtual interview meetings mainly with relevant national policy makers, practitioners, primary project partners such as the donor, academic partners, and independent experts;

o Field visit to Armenia and Georgia

o Online-survey

o Presentation of emerging evaluation findings following data analysis to the project team, UNECE Monitoring and Evaluation Unit, and the donor;

o Draft report for feedback to the Programme Management Unit (quality assurance);

o Finalization of the evaluation report.


• Improved understanding at the national level of policy options to promote sustained economic growth, innovative development, and greater competitiveness; and

• Enhanced national implementation of UNECE policy recommendations and standards on promoting a policy, financial and regulatory environment conducive to sustained economic growth, innovative development, and greater competitiveness.

2.1.1. Beyond these objectives, what has been your strategic vision for the project, and

how has it changed over the course of the project?

2.1.2. What (if anything) has prevented the project from achieving the desired results? Which factors facilitated or hindered the achievement of the project results? What approaches worked well and could be adapted to work in other sub-regions? What are some relevant lessons learned?

2.1.3. Did the project deliver any unexpected/unplanned results?

2.2. How has the project improved the competencies of innovation policymakers in the participating countries to design, develop, implement, reform, and evaluate national innovation policies?

2.3. How effectively have the project activities been coordinated (e.g., peer review and

information exchange) and integrated (e.g., how the IPO complemented other sub- regional reviews by filling in a gap) with those of other partners, particularly within the context of other UN system entities

2.4. How did the challenges affect the project and impact the achievement of the expected

project objectives?

2.4.1. How successfully did the project overcome these?

2.5. How effectively has the project improved the competencies of innovation policymakers to support environmental sustainability, gender equality, good governance, and economic growth?

2.6. What are the lessons learned?

3. Efficiency: Were resources used appropriately to achieve results?

3.1. Were the resources adequate for achieving the results?

3.2. Were the results achieved on time, and were all activities organized efficiently?

3.3. Were the resources adequate for achieving results? Were they well used economically? How could this be improved?

4. Sustainability: Are results lasting?

4.1. What ensures that project outcomes would continue after the project ends?

4.2. For example, to what extent do the partners and beneficiaries' own' the outcomes of the work? How will stakeholders' engagement continue, be scaled up, replicated, or institutionalized? How will risks be mitigated?


4.3. To what extent are the project's objectives (improve dialogue, improve

understanding of innovation governance, build capacity) still valid? How can the project be replicated in other UNECE sub-regions (in particular, the Western Balkans)?

1.6 Leaving No-One Behind This evaluation mainstreams cross-cutting issues such as gender equality, disability inclusion, the environment and human rights as part of the Leaving No One Behind approach3. Gender equality, disability inclusion, the environment and human rights are thus addressed in three out of the 18 evaluation questions, as presented in the evaluation matrix in Annex 1 of this Progress Report. Those evaluation questions are as follows:

Evaluation question 1.4: To what extent were gender, human rights, and disability perspectives integrated into the design and implementation of the project?

Evaluation question 1.5: What results can be identified from these actions?

Evaluation question 1.6: How can gender and human rights perspectives be better included in future project design and implementation?

Gender equality, disability inclusion, the environment and human rights were considered in the document review. In addition, in the stakeholder mapping, particular attention was given to identifying any disadvantaged groups (e.g., gender), existing inequalities and unjust power relations that have influenced the project, in line with UNEG Evaluation Standards.

1.7 Limitations There was an initial delay in contracting the evaluation. However, this was mitigated by the timely support of the project team. All stakeholders with substantial knowledge of the project were invited to participate in the interviews and surveys. 49 out of 74 stakeholders participated in the end. Thus, not all of the selected stakeholders were available for interviews. As noted previously, 34% of the chosen project stakeholders did not reply to the evaluator's invitation for an interview. Although this number of quantitative survey respondents (N=49) is still low for generalizability, despite mitigating this shortcoming through an online survey launched towards the end of the evaluation period, the qualitative semi-structured interviews were designed to dovetail with the quantitative survey questions in this mixed approach to balance this limitation and to provide a more robust description in painting a fuller picture of project results.

3 The project did not specifically target disability in its project design



2. Relevance and coherence: Was the project doing the right thing?

This section addresses the evaluation criteria of relevance and coherence. The sub-criteria used comprise i) the appropriateness of project design and ii) the integration of gender, human rights and disability perspectives. This section's principal sources of evidence are the document review, virtual interviews, the online survey, and personal interviews during the field visit.

Key findings: The project was highly relevant to the six project countries, despite conflicts, ongoing political instability, and the pandemic since the project started in 2018. • The UNECE project promoted a regional perspective, filling a critical gap and serving to shape national

innovation strategies. • Project components were relevant, as the European Innovation Scoreboard, the Global Innovation Index,

and other composite indices were based on output and input indicators, rather than the essential issue of innovation governance and the particular features, challenges, and potential typically shared among transition economies in general and among EESC countries in particular.

• Similarly, the sub-regional approach in most activities was highly relevant, given shared challenges and legacies.

• The focus on innovation governance not only filled an important gap, but also addressed the much neglected issue of monitoring and evaluation of and value-for-money from public spending and support instruments – essential also because of fiscal constraints growing, especially in the wake of the pandemic induced slump.

• The project addressed poor coordination between national stakeholders, exacerbated by frequent staff changes in government agencies in all project countries.

• As a Geneva-based body with no regional offices, UNECE provided analytical input and recommendations to guide on-going or planned donor-funded activities operating on the ground.

• The Leave No One Behind approach promoted by the United Nations Secretariat was taken very seriously by the project designers and during its implementation.

• However, these cross-cutting issues were not as clearly reflected in governments’ needs and priorities and results were limited.

• Greater awareness and education seem required among stakeholders about the importance and benefits of integrating gender, human rights and disability perspectives into project design and implementation.

• The project provided visibility to Sida and UNECE, transferred large numbers of relevant international good policy practices to the region (including lessons learned from Sweden’s innovation development journey), and worked closely with all relevant stakeholder groups and to the enhance the region’s STI ecosystem.

• The project successfully improved the understanding of policy options at the national level based on research and the identification of policy challenges and objectives, as well as UNECE training, and capacity-building seminars.


2.1 Appropriateness of project design for meeting the needs of beneficiary countries

The evaluation finds that the project design was relevant for the six beneficiary countries, as the European market is very competitive, requiring a focus on market niches, trade, and service provision through innovation. Hence, the demand was high for the project from the transition economies with historical pockets of excellence but a need for institutional strengthening to make this happen. Governments needed to include the private sector to strengthen the ecosystem for innovation.

The UNECE project gave visibility to the region, with Sida filling a critical gap at the time when the project countries prepared national innovation strategies.

Also, the project provided the basis for peer learning and sharing technical experience despite political tensions among some project countries. One example is the lively community of project country focal points.

As a Geneva-based body with no regional offices, UNECE provided analytical input using best practice recommendations to guide other organisations operating on the ground. For example, in the I4SDR of Ukraine, currently at the drafting stage and to be published in 2024, a chapter will be analyzing the current reconstruction strategies and suggesting improvements to these strategies. Hence, the project efforts guide the larger international community in working within the EESC region on the niche topic of innovation governance.

The project's needs assessment was one of the highly relevant project components. The project managed to engage policy makers with designated focal points and other innovation stakeholders, Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), the private sector, business cluster and incubator representatives, and pertinent individuals, to evaluated their needs and experiences. The evaluation finds that this approach was essential to bringing out the added value of the IPO and best practices in the region. This multi-stakeholder approach often brought together stakeholders engaged in innovation for the first time, for example, in Armenia.

At the same time, the region has experienced dramatic political changes since the start of the project, which further enhanced the demand for innovation: the COVID-19 pandemic, supply chain resilience, the trade conflict between the US and China, public unrest in Belarus and the war in Ukraine, which also affects the project country Republic of Moldova.

The following paragraphs assess the relevance of specific project activities:

• Methodology for a pilot sub-regional Innovation Policy Outlook (IPO); • Advisory missions (four per each country) on specific policy reforms in the

innovation sector in Belarus, Georgia, and the Republic of Moldova; • Sub-regional capacity-building workshops on supporting high-growth innovative

enterprises and related topics;

The evaluation found that the above project components were relevant, as the European Innovation Scoreboard was less relevant for the transition economies, requiring a more sub-regional approach to IPO.


Project countries had to catch up to reach Western European levels of competitiveness, but also required sub-regional benchmarks of similar countries with a similar recent history. Learning from neighbours’ successes and pitfalls through capacity-building workshops was highly relevant. South Caucasus countries were particularly interested in learning from Eastern European project countries, the latter being more advanced in innovation.

• National Innovation for Sustainable Development Reviews of Armenia, Georgia, and the Republic of Moldova;

The project addressed poor coordination between national stakeholders, exacerbated by frequent staff changes in government agencies in all project countries. The identification of gaps between policy recommendations and implementation was of particular value. Similarly, the updated review methodology not only enabled the process to run smoothly and the product to be coherent in analysis and recommendations, but provided substantial space for in- depth scrutiny of country-specific areas of political and economic importance. These included innovation-enhancing public procurement in Georgia and diaspora engagement in Armenia – both areas of substantial underused potential.

Although typically innovation centres on capitals and well-developed regions, the project recognized and underscored the importance of diffusion of ideas, especially for using digital technology, to the rest of the country and the economy. This includes absorptive innovation to boost agricultural productivity and compliance with EU requirements for the trade of agricultural products.

• Policy handbook on high-growth innovative enterprises (in English and Russian).

Awareness about the handbook was uneven across the project countries, which seems particularly limited in the South Caucasus. While policymakers quote the handbook in Belarus, where it is considered a good benchmark, in Ukraine, the handbook and the trainings triggered momentum in Ukraine to address the IHGE angle in a more targeted way, while an official definition of high- growth innovative enterprises is yet to be developed. The evaluation found common capacity challenges in project countries to work with research results for innovation policy drafting and implementation. Figure 5 summarizes project stakeholder perceptions concerning the pertinence of the project meeting their needs. The quantitative results are positive, with 52,1% very high (very much so) and 26,5% high ratings (mostly).


Figure 5: Stakeholder perception about the relevance of the project responding to their needs


2.2 Integration of gender, human rights, and disability perspectives The evaluation found that the Leave No One Behind approach promoted by the United Nations Secretariat was taken very seriously by the project designers and during its implementation. This prioritization was not reflected in governments' needs and priorities. In the project design and implementation, gender, human rights, and disability perspectives were a fundamental part of the project discussed at the methodology level and during policy analysis. In the section on gender equality, for example, countries evaluated policy framework and programming against it, resulting in a gap analysis to identify a need for policy reform in the I4SDR reports. The quotes below highlight some voices about the relevance of the gender, human rights, and disability perspectives.




0,0 0,0









Very much so Mostly Somewhat A little Not al all No answer

Pe rc

en ta


“The focus of this project was science and technology. Hence I did not put emphasis on gender in the countries I worked for the project”.

“These were covered in the IPO research and report. However, these topics are generally pushed by international organizations and less by in-country government”. “Gender and disability are not well connected when addressing innovation policy, which is targets every person anyway”.

“Rights to economic development are relevant, e.g. for IDPs [Internally Displaced Person] and refugees outside the country”. Sources: Project stakeholders across project countries


2.2.1 Gender, human rights, and disability perspectives: project results Overall, stakeholders had challenges finding results related to gender, human rights, and disability, all being part of the UN's Leaving No One Behind agenda. In Armenia, one recommendation on involving the diaspora in the country's innovation ecosystem related to capacity building and making them welcome in case they want to return, considering the needs of families with small children requiring preschool and elementary education. In Georgia, the e-Procurement platform is not yet fully accessible for reading-impaired persons, with work progressing. The importance of technology for people with disabilities is recognized, as it can provide them with better job opportunities and intervention. The country benefits from an innovation agenda specifically dedicated to disabled individuals, though the number of programs in place is still limited.

2.2.2 Potential including gender and human rights perspectives better in future project design and implementation In order to better incorporate gender and human rights perspectives in future project design and implementation, several steps can be taken: o Research Questions: Both the IPO and I4SDRs had gender-specific indicators. However, it is

crucial to expand gender and human rights perspectives in the project's research questions for the IPOs. The project can gather relevant data and information to inform its design and implementation by explicitly addressing these issues. Subsequently, the use of statistical data can help ensure that gender and human rights perspectives are included. By analyzing relevant statistical data, such as gender-disaggregated data and human rights indicators, project planners can better understand the specific challenges and needs faced by different groups and incorporate them into the project design.

o Donor Presence: Donors are vital in promoting gender and human rights perspectives in project implementation. Their involvement and funding can signal the importance of these issues and encourage project stakeholders to prioritize them.

o Government Engagement: It is important to signal to the government the significance of addressing gender and human rights perspectives in project design and implementation. Incentives can be provided to encourage government officials to focus on these issues, such as providing additional funding or recognition for projects that effectively integrate gender and human rights considerations.

o Structural Challenges: It is crucial to acknowledge and address the structural challenges that hinder progress in gender and human rights. For example, in some countries, there may still be traditional and outdated views regarding the role and rights of women. By recognizing these challenges, project planners can develop strategies to challenge and overcome such barriers.

It is important to note that men mainly believe that prioritizing gender, disability, and human rights perspectives might dilute the technical focus of an innovation project. Those perceptions highlight the need for greater awareness and education among stakeholders about the importance and benefits of integrating these perspectives into project design and implementation.


3. Effectiveness: Were results achieved, and how? This section assesses the project results' achievement using the following sub-criteria: i) overview of project objective achievement; ii) evolvement of the project's strategic vision; iii) unintended effects; iv) factors affecting project performance, v) lessons learned, vi) changes in the competences of innovation policymakers, vii) coordination with other UN and non-UN stakeholders and viii) challenges and mitigation. The principal data sources for this section are the document review, virtual interviews and interviews during the field visits, and the online survey.

Key findings: The project accomplished two out of three objectives fully or exceedingly, with the third one, the implementation of recommendations, while showing substantial momentum in several cases, requires policies and institutional reforms that will take some time and will benefit from further UNECE support.

• Project objective a) improved policy dialogue: o The project successfully established a multi-stakeholder dialogue for developing the Innovation Policy

Outlooks (IPOs) leveraging UNECE's neutrality as a UN body, using international and local expertise and comparing the six countries.

o The dissemination of lessons learned through UNECE’s IPO/I4SDR/CB/dialogue work at its intergovernmental CICPPP and ToS-ICP sessions also enhanced policy dialogue, where hundreds of member States and international organisations representatives listen in and exchange knowledge about innovation.

• Project objective b): Improved understanding at the national level of policy options o The project successfully improved the understanding of policy options at the national level based on

thorough research and the identification of policy challenges and objectives. o The policy dialogue mentioned above at the national and international level also contributed to an

enhanced understanding of policy options. o The synergies between UNECE’s intergovernmental work, analytical work, technical assistance, and

capacity building were crucial for achieving this project objective. The secretariat studies best international practices and success stories, implements them in less developed member States, and disseminates lessons learned in the process to other member States, feeding the foundation of knowledge UNECE have built over the years.

• Project objective c) Enhanced national implementation of UNECE policy recommendations o The project managed to accomplish concrete policy change in the areas with potential and demand for

change by creating an evidence base and capacity building. Examples include developing and adopting a new procurement law in Georgia emphasising innovation-enhancing procurement (IEP), technology transfer in the Republic of Moldova, and venture capital in Belarus.

o For other countries, the actual implementation of recommendations is too early to tell. o The project made actionable, targeted, time-bound and prioritized recommendations, and the dialogue

with national stakeholders continued to facilitate the implementation of recommendations. • Unexpected project results included the project’s ability to bring together diverse stakeholders from

countries’ innovation ecosystems due to good preparation of the project team and local intelligence on the ground through the use of local experts.

• Positive factors influencing project performance included the quality of the project team, UNECE’s convening power, the acceleration of using virtual technology as a COVID-19 mitigation measure, and the project duration of over four years.

• Negative factors influencing project performance comprised meeting and travel restrictions due to COVID- 19, the volatile political situation in the sub-region, the economic downturn and turf battles among government stakeholders due to unclear or overlapping mandates concerning innovation.

• Changes in policymakers’ competences: policymakers broadened their understanding of innovation concepts. The project mitigated the frequent staff turnover the project mitigated this risk through a networking approach, including at the technical level.

• Competences to support environmental sustainability, gender equality, good governance, and economic growth: it is too early to assess changes at this level

• Coordination: the project systematically involved other United Nations (UN) and non-UN stakeholders in the implementation, including UN country representatives, EU delegations and Swedish embassies, WIPO, OECD, and WEF, showing good coordination with UN stakeholders and other international partners.


3.1 Overview of achievement of project objectives This section analyses the project's achievement of its three objectives:

(a) Improved policy dialogue on promoting sustained economic growth, innovative development, and greater competitiveness in the UNECE region.

(b) Improved understanding at the national level of policy options to promote sustained economic growth, innovative development, and greater competitiveness; and

(c) Enhanced national implementation of UNECE policy recommendations and standards on promoting a policy, financial and regulatory environment conducive to sustained economic growth, innovative development, and greater competitiveness.

Project results:

(a) Improved policy dialogue on promoting sustained economic growth, innovative development, and greater competitiveness in the UNECE region.

The evaluation finds that the project established a multi-stakeholder dialogue in the six project countries for developing the IPOs and for subsequent, regular exchange and work on policy progress. The dialogue was initiated through initial country missions. The variety of stakeholders was particularly valuable for the policy dialogue, and the project increased the number of opportunities for those stakeholders to get together. Stakeholders contributing to the policy dialogue were relevant government agencies, academia, NGOs, business associations and some businesses. UNECE, being a neutral UN body, using international expertise and local know-how through experts and comparing the six countries were leveraging factors for stakeholders to participate in the policy dialogue. At the same time, those leveraging factors attracted media coverage of the project. While changes in government staff at the political level affected the dialogue, the involvement of technical staff ensured the continuation of project activities related to dialogue in the project countries. The dissemination of lessons learned through UNECE’s IPO/I4SDR/CB/dialogue work at its intergovernmental CICPPP and ToS-ICP sessions also enhanced policy dialogue, where hundreds of member States and international organisations representatives listen in and exchange knowledge about innovation. This paragraph summarizes some insight into the policy dialogue at the country level. In Armenia, the government organized policy dialogues every three months, inviting representatives from various sectors and high-ranking experts. Those events provide a platform for the three ministries involved in innovation to talk with each other and learn about their roles and actions. Concerning Belarus, a valuable dialogue between stakeholders was interrupted by the reactions to social unrest and many innovative private-sector companies leaving the country. In the case of Ukraine, stakeholder groups like academia, NGOs, or government were previously operating in silos, and the project contributed to more cross-fertilization through dialogue.


(b) Improved understanding at the national level of policy options to promote sustained economic growth, innovative development, and greater competitiveness; and

The project successfully improved the understanding of policy options at the national level based on thorough research and the identification of policy challenges and objectives. Interim IPOs, many peer reviews on sub-regional and country chapters and panel discussions resulted in a good understanding of options. The policy dialogue mentioned above at the national and international level also contributed to an enhanced understanding of policy options. The synergies between UNECE’s intergovernmental work, technical assistance, and capacity building were crucial for achieving this project objective. The secretariat studies best international practices and success stories, implements them in less developed member States, and disseminates lessons learned in the process to other member States, feeding the foundation of knowledge UNECE have built over the years. Experts observed a broadened interpretation of innovation concepts in project countries, which started with a narrow understanding of digitally oriented start-ups. This enhanced understanding resulted in designing tax incentives and grants for industries as part of a comprehensive framework, showing governments' capacities to formulate policy initiatives and develop action plans with deadlines and budgets. The latter was observed, for example, in the Republic of Moldova. Despite this enhanced understanding, stakeholders reported certain resistance to change at lower political levels. In Ukraine, frequent turnover of staff and staff leaving for the military affected the consistency in stakeholder engagement to enhance the understanding of policy options to promote sustained economic growth, innovative development, and greater competitiveness. Armenia: The project identified a significant divide in innovation policy among the three ministries in charge of innovation: the Ministry of High Tech, the Ministry of Economy and Science and the Ministry of Education, Culture, and Sports. The review provided a valuable opportunity to address this issue, as there was limited communication among the ministries, resulting in overlaps and unaddressed work. The evaluation found an improvement of understanding for policymakers, for example, on the gaps that need to be addressed. Azerbaijan: Policymakers enhanced their understanding of the legal framework guiding innovation in the country and addressed any gaps identified by the project. Belarus: The policy handbook on high-growth innovative enterprises prepared by the project was partly used. The solid research served as a good picture of the country in 2019, before the social unrest and the Ministry of Economy enhanced its understanding of policy options, using the results of other countries as a benchmark. Georgia: The visit to Norway significantly contributed to understanding the country's approach to innovation and experiencing what innovation procurement is. This experience resulted in the implementation of pilots ready to be scaled up. At the same time, the national procurement policy has been adopted.

(c) Enhanced national implementation of UNECE policy recommendations and standards on promoting a policy, financial and regulatory environment conducive to sustained economic growth, innovative development, and greater competitiveness.

The evaluation found that the project managed to accomplish concrete policy change in the areas with potential and demand for change by creating an evidence base and capacity building.


Examples include developing and adopting a new procurement law in Georgia emphasising innovation-enhancing procurement (IEP), technology transfer in the Republic of Moldova, and venture capital in Belarus. For other countries, the actual implementation of recommendations is too early to tell. The project made actionable, targeted, time-bound and prioritized recommendations, and the dialogue with national stakeholders continued to facilitate the implementation of recommendations. The comparison of countries in their reporting and progress made in implementing recommendations incentivises governments to act. Also, the broad involvement of stakeholders through the project's multi-stakeholder approach ensured the stimulation of the demand and supply side for the implementation of UNECE policy recommendations. In Armenia, the I4SDR Review was launched towards the end of this evaluation process, and the level of recommendation implementation is too early to tell. Internal dynamics could affect the implementation of recommendations in Azerbaijan, while in the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine, the immediate priority of innovation issues for policymakers seems overshadowed by the war and resulting political and economic tensions. Stakeholders in Ukraine were hopeful that the country's implementation capacities and priorities might be in place after the end of the war. In Georgia, the implementation of the national procurement policy is at its beginning. Progress in implementing policy recommendations in Belarus was affected by the migration of many of the country's innovative entrepreneurs who created innovation ecosystems in other countries, such as Georgia, Poland, and the Baltic countries. In the public sector, no changes appear visible. Overall, the 18 survey respondents provided positive feedback on the results achievement, as presented in the figure below.

Figure 6: Perception about the achievement of project objectives

Project objective Achievement level

Improved policy dialogue on promoting sustained economic growth, innovative development, and greater competitiveness in the UNECE region


Improved understanding at the national level of policy options to promote sustained economic growth, innovative development, and greater competitiveness


Enhanced national implementation of UNECE policy recommendations and standards on promoting a policy, financial and regulatory environment conducive to sustained economic growth, innovative development, and greater competitiveness




This sub-section ends with a detailed list of expected accomplishments delivered. The evaluation found that the project delivered all seven all seven expected accomplishments.

Figure 7: Donor Agreement work Streams delivery

Expected Accomplishment Deliverable Status Additional deliverables not included in the initial work plan

A1.1. Develop the methodology for a pilot sub-regional Innovation Policy Index (IPI)* and apply it to six countries (Belarus, Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Republic of Moldova). The resulting data and the analysis will be published together with a range of analytical chapters by ECE and a range of contributors that examine the results through a wider analytical and regional perspective. The exact topics will be selected based on the leading concerns that come through in the process or through discussions in our intergovernmental meetings. *Please note that the Innovation Policy Index (IPI) was renamed to Innovation Policy Outlook (IPO)

Completed – the IPO was completed in early 2020 and launched at six national high-level meetings and a sub- regional event for a total of seven launches. All the national-level meetings gathered attendance from Deputy Ministers, representatives of international organisations, and the Swedish Ambassadors to the six countries.

Additional accomplishments: IIPO (2022), the follow-up interim publication, was completed in 2022. It was informed by policy dialogues with IPO focal points that were organised in follow-up to the initial publication and addressed the topics requested by the IPO countries – innovation-enhancing procurement and science-business linkages. The IIPO was launched at the 16th session of the Committee on Innovation, Competitiveness and Public- Private Partnerships in front of 227 attendees from member states including Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Italy, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Portugal, the Republic of Moldova, Russian Federation, Tajikistan, Türkiye, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan, as well as the European Union. Representatives from non-ECE Member States such as Brazil, Egypt, Libya, and several specialized agencies in the United Nations system, including UNICEF, UNCTAD, ESCAP, UNEP, UNDP, UNIDO, and UNHCR, also attended the launch.

A1.2. Conduct National Innovation for Sustainable Development Review of Georgia

Completed – the I4SDR of Georgia was launched in late 2020 at a high-level event attended by the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Deputy Chairperson of the State Procurement Agency, and the Deputy Chairperson of Sakpatenti. The review inspired follow-up capacity building.

Additional accomplishments: Handbook on Innovation Enhancing Procurement for Georgia In addition to the I4SDR and in follow-up to the request from the Government of Georgia, UNECE published a handbook on Innovation Enhancing Procurement (IEP) for Georgia. This was followed-up by a dedicated study tour on IEP with Georgian officials from the SPA Georgia in Norway.

A1.3. Conduct National Innovation for Sustainable Development Review of Republic of Moldova

Completed Additional accomplishments: In 2022, UNECE developed a technology transfer roadmap for the Republic of Moldova. The roadmap was requested by the Government of the Republic of Moldova to assist in the development of the new national programme on research and innovation 2024 – 2027. The roadmap was complemented with three capacity building trainings with innovation stakeholders in the country. Though not part of the project agreement, the roadmap and the trainings were developed in response to the I4SDR review and


supported the implementation of the I4SDR recommendations.

A1.4. Conduct National Innovation for Sustainable Development Review of Armenia

Completed Additional accomplishments: I4SDR follow-up roadmap UNECE is in the process of developing a roadmap of future cooperation with Armenia

A2.1. Conduct twelve tailored to the specific demands of the countries advisory missions (four per each country) on specific policy reforms in the innovation sector in Belarus, Georgia, Republic of Moldova. Capacity-building agreements including detailed activity plans supporting specific reform efforts to put recommendations from national reviews into practice will be developed together with each beneficiary country.

Completed and overdelivered (13/12; 16/12 if Armenia and Ukraine are included)*

• 4/4 Belarus • 5/4 Republic of

Moldova • 4/4 Georgia

*Several in-person advisory missions were suspended due to the pandemic, so had to be moved online.

Additional accomplishments: advisory missions to Armenia (2022,2023) and a study tour for Ukraine In addition to the three countries listed in the project agreement, UNECE also conducted two advisory missions to Armenia. The last advisory mission to Armenia involved the presentation of the I4SDR results and implications to the Minister of Education, Science, Culture, and Sports, the Minister of High Tech Industry, the Deputy Minister of Economy, and the Deputy Prime Minister at high-level bilateral meetings with the Executive Secretary of UNECE. In addition to the three listed countries, UNECE also organised a study tour for a Ukrainian delegation in 2022 within the framework of ToS-ICP to discuss post-war reconstruction (please see below)

A3.1. Conducting six sub- regional capacity building workshops on supporting high growth innovative enterprises and related topics, most of which will be held in the beneficiary countries, with one or two exceptionally in Geneva in connection with CICPPP and ToS-ICP sessions). For each subregional meeting a substantive background document will be developed that will feed into an English- Russian language policy handbook that will be available for all ECE member States.

Completed and over- delivered (7/6) Please note: All meetings were conducted online due to COVID

Additional accomplishments: as of August 2023, UNECE conducted seven IPO workshops. As mentioned above, these workshops eventually fed into another interim IPO publication requested by member States.

A3.2. Prepare a policy handbook on high-growth innovative enterprises (in English and Russian).

Completed Additional accomplishments: none

Figure 8 summarizes the results of additional work streams that do not pertain to any of the deliverables in the initial donor agreement. Though not part of the donor agreement, these projects were delivered within the same budget in response to member States’ demands.


Figure 8: Additional work streams

Innovation for Sustainable Development Review of Armenia

UNECE completed an I4SDR of Armenia and launched it in 2023 at a high-level event attended by the UNECE Executive Secretary, Minister of High-Tech Industry, Deputy Minister of Economy, Deputy Chairman of the Science Committee, Ambassador of Sweden to Armenia and the Interim United Nations Resident Coordinator.

Innovation Matters Podcast To bolster its outreach efforts and create a public learning platform on innovation, UNECE launched a podcast series titled “Innovation Matters” in 2022. Currently, the series is at its 11th episode. More information:

Ukraine Study Tour In November 2022, the Economic Cooperation and Trade Division organized a study tour for Ukrainian officials from the Ministry of Education and Science, Ministry of Economy, and National Academy of Sciences to Geneva. During the tour, the participants discussed the role of innovation policies in supporting a green and circular recovery, exchanged knowledge with experts, and attended high-level discussions with international organizations including UNCTAD, WIPO, and UNEP. The participants also met with UNECE Executive Secretary, Olga Algayerova, to explore UNECE's capacity building and policy development support. The tour was part of our capacity-building efforts to support Ukraine’s reconstruction and allowed our focal points to partake in international dialogue.

Outreach missions to Brussels and Rome to raise awareness of our work and build partnerships

UNECE went on two outreach missions, one to Brussels and another to Rome. During the Brussels mission, we met with officials from the European Union’s Joint Research Centre, Horizon Europe and DG Near to discuss the new UNECE project. We discussed cooperation on future reviews and agreed to exchange information and review each other’s publications to avoid duplication of efforts. In Rome, UNECE met with stakeholders from the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MFAIC) and the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS). UNECE presented our work streams and exchanged knowledge on innovation-related projects in the UNECE region.

3.2 Strategic project vision and how it evolved The project's strategic vision evolved to different extents, showing differences between some project countries. In Armenia, the initial perception of the project evolved, as the project was not limited to just support for start-ups but had a broader scope to promote sustainable development. It aimed to identify gaps and provide recommendations, considering the interconnectedness of the innovation system. The project focused on a systematic approach to address multiple gaps and policy reforms rather than focusing solely on a single issue, such as creating Information Technology (IT) start- ups. This allowed for a comprehensive systemic understanding of the innovation policy, including financing and education aspects, and identifying the adverse effects of innovation. The review system effectively listed the systematic problems that needed to be addressed. It took a systemic perspective, which stakeholders appreciated as their understanding of the project evolved over time.

In Ukraine, although the overall context changed significantly after the beginning of the war in February 2022, engagement with the project actually increased – resulting in an additional I4SD


review outside the commitments in the project document using left-over funds. Ukraine is particularly interested in targeting IHGEs and experimenting with transparent and innovation- enhancing procurement (especially important in view of the substantial increase in donor funding and concessionary lending prospects once a certain degree of stability is secured).

3.3 Unexpected effects The evaluation enquired about unexpected project results, and interviewees appreciated this question, which required some level of reflection. Those unexpected results are country-specific and specific to thematic components of project IPOs and the I4SDR report. Many note that they were positively surprised by the project's ability to bring together diverse stakeholders from countries' innovation ecosystems despite institutional bottlenecks and, at times, competing or overlapping mandates and outright turf wars. In this context, the excellent preparation of the project team and local intelligence on the ground through the use of national experts proved invaluable. The participation of high-ranking politicians in some project meetings, even ministers as well as senior staff from academia, was unexpected. The evaluation validated the finding that many young professionals with Western Education were engaged in the project in countries like Armenia or Georgia. Access to data proved more difficult than expected in some project countries due to transparency issues. Mainly, the war in Ukraine affected data availability due to security concerns and the challenges of collecting data during a war. A spillover effect showed in Republic of Moldova, where political priorities shifted after the beginning of the war in neighbouring Ukraine, which resulted in political tensions in the country. Another surprising result was that the project was able to adapt and use learnings from the constraints to travel and physical meetings, becoming in a short time able to do virtual meetings and even day-long trainings well, which will continue and complement physical meetings. Finally, some stakeholders commented on the excellent cooperation between the UNECE project and OECD activities on Small and medium-size enterprises (SME) policy in the region, with exchange and cross-fertilization, for example, concerning the revision of the OECD's methodology. While in Belarus, Ukraine, the Republic of Moldova, and Armenia, the export-driven IT sector was advanced compared to other countries in the sub-region, the huge potential of innovation and diffusion in the rest of the economy typically receive scant attention. Project activities aimed in part at changing this perspective, and, as a result, some experts were surprised by policymakers ' interest in and private sector willingness to launch non-tech companies, not just high-tech ones.

“One of the unexpected findings was the lack of coordination in actions and low collaboration among stakeholders. This posed significant challenges in addressing the issues related to Innovation Policy. However, thanks to the review conducted as part of the project, we were able to identify these gaps and take necessary actions to improve the situation. Source: project stakeholder, Armenia


In Georgia, innovation-enhancing procurement was central to the review and to subsequent targeted capacity building activities. Although a promising but nevertheless sensitive and difficult ambition (even among the most developed EU member states), project activities have triggered substantial momentum, including legislative modifications and pilot initiatives, in this area. Similarly, project-funded research into the role of the diaspora in countries like the Republic of Moldova, with a recent diaspora history, and Armenia, with a diaspora history starting over 100 years ago, revealed fascinating results4. Migrants from lower-paid occupations, working in countries like Romania, Italy or Russia in the case of Moldovan migrants, see opportunities to return and invest in their home countries, but with often very limited capital. However, migrants with higher-paid occupations and more capital show less engagement to return and invest in their home countries. The reason is that migrants with a Western education and integrated into a new society at a middle-income level would likely experience a reduced quality of life if they returned to their home countries. The latter can refer to access to education, access to health or national and personal security. In the case of Armenia, investments from the diaspora are less linked for persons with Armenian origins to actually return to the country of their ancestors but more in the form of investments, given that migration started around 1914 to 1923, when discord within the Ottoman Empire caused genocide and mass migration. 3.4 Factors affecting project performance Figure 9 summarizes the main positive and negative factors influencing the project performance, as captured during the evaluation. Among the positive factors were the quality of the project team, UNECE's convening power, the acceleration of using virtual technology as a COVID-19 mitigation measure, and the project duration.

The evaluation found in many testimonials from high-level stakeholders, for example, in the I4SDR reports, praise for the highly efficient project team. The results of evaluation interviews endorsed those views. Stakeholders interviewed referred to the excellent performance of a highly professional and technically sound project team in UNECE.

4 See aslo

“The [UNECE] team's way of working was highly appreciated. They were disciplined with their work plan. They maintained close communication and coordination with the ministries throughout the project, which facilitated the achievement of the desired results. This approach proved to be effective in ensuring progress and success”. Source: Project stakeholder, Armenia


Besides, UNECE's strong convening power to bring together, at times competing stakeholders and to successfully reach senior level, including ministers, was another critical success factor.

Figure 9: Factors affecting project performance

Stakeholders witnessed an unprecedented acceleration of virtual meeting technologies as the project team's mitigation of COVID-19 travel restrictions. Those virtual tools allowed for a more comprehensive reach of stakeholders during country consultations, particularly outside capital cities.

Finally, the exceptional duration of over four years for a UNECE project was conducive to implementing interventions linked to behaviour change, leading to the beginning of implementing policy recommendations. A 5-year duration would probably have been preferable in the context of primarily short-term UNECE projects.

Negative factors affecting the project performance included COVID-19 and resulting meeting and travel restrictions, the volatile political situation in the sub-region, the economic downturn following the first two limiting factors and turf battles among government stakeholders due to unclear or overlapping mandates concerning innovation.

The pandemic hit project countries between 2020 and 2022, resulting in meeting and travel restrictions. Given the project's use of multi-stakeholder dialogue, missions and meetings, those restrictions significantly affected the project implementation and resulted in delays. Experts interviewed were affected in undertaking their work, particularly the ones not having worked in specific countries before.


Political instability negatively affected the project, too. The ongoing war in Ukraine, social unrest in Belarus in 2020 and 2021, the armed conflict in South Caucasus in 2022, and government changes, for example, in the Republic of Moldova, challenged the project implementation.

As a result of COVID-19 and the beforementioned political instability, the project countries experienced an economic downturn. The unexpected and significant prioritization of public health and military technology in government spending strongly competed with the government's innovation agendas.

Overlapping ministerial mandates concerning innovation was another underlying factor that hindered project implementation. The lack of clarity concerning mandates also contributed to turf battles. The project's dialogue between relevant stakeholders of national innovation ecosystems facilitated, to some extent, the clarification of the ministries’ role in the innovation context.

3.5 Lessons learned Regarding lessons learned, stakeholder experience highlighted the importance of adaptability and flexibility in project implementation, particularly in the face of unforeseen circumstances such as the COVID-19 pandemic. It was crucial to have contingency plans and alternative strategies in place to ensure progress even in challenging situations. Additionally, maximizing the involvement of local stakeholders and experts enhanced the project's outcomes and sustainability significantly. The exchange of experiences was very useful. More opportunities like this could have been made, for example, with Eastern European countries or the Baltic States, which are particularly interesting for the South Caucasus. At the same time, it proved helpful for the ministries to come together and work together on the national innovation agendas. From the UNECE project, national stakeholders learned about each other's work and started with coordination efforts. However, it would be good to have a longer-term view of such an innovation-focused project, especially regarding implementation. For innovation to be achieved, results need a long period of time to transpire.

3.6 Changes in competencies of innovation policymakers Competences in designing, developing, implementing, reforming, and evaluating national innovation policies The evaluation found that policymakers broadened their understanding of innovation concepts. While government change and turnover of government staff are a constant threat to institutionalizing change, the project mitigated this risk through a networking approach, including at the technical level in government agencies. The I4SDR reports focused policymakers on specific issues, such as the role of the diaspora in innovation in Armenia or Republic of Moldova. For the follow-up, a monitoring mechanism would be required to trace the implementation of recommendations. At the same time, the evaluation found that the lack of government support to entrepreneurs to understand the compliance with national regulatory procedures for export certification requirements, for example, to the EU, is one of the biggest hurdles for investment.


Specific changes in national policy-makers' competencies contributed to project results mentioned earlier in this report, including the public procurement policy in Georgia, two innovation-related laws in Azerbaijan5, discussions in parliament concerning the technology transfer law in Ukraine, and in the Republic of Moldova, the preparation of the national road map for innovation and technology transfer, and the ongoing review of law on innovation and technology parks. Competencies to support environmental sustainability, gender equality, good governance, and economic growth

Most stakeholders judged it too early to tell whether competencies for the above aspects have been created. Overall, significant gaps seem to appear between the good understanding from governments about requirements, for example, concerning export certification and the business sector. The successful involvement of a United States Agency for International Development (USDAID) supported IT association in the Republic of Moldova seemed a good practice to reach the business sector better, but rather an exception. Stakeholders commented on the need for policymakers to better include the pockets of excellence in the business sector in the national innovation ecosystems. In the case of Georgia, the project contributed to good governance through the new public procurement law. The project has promoted good governance and economic growth in Armenia, less in environmental sustainability and gender. The latter two topics appear to be pushed by international organizations but lack internal demand.

3.7 Coordination with other UN stakeholders

The project systematically involved other UN and non-UN stakeholders in the project implementation. UN country representatives, EU delegations and Swedish embassies were consulted in all project countries.

Activities included round table talks, policy dialogue, bilateral meetings and the provision of data and contacts.

Stakeholders also mentioned consultations with the OECD and World Bank local offices in project countries for information exchange. Concerning multilateral development banks, the European Bank for Development and Reconstruction and the Asian Development Bank figured among the stakeholders consulted.

On the UN side, experts and beneficiaries referred to the engagement with agencies like UNDP, UNCTAD, UNIDO, ILO, IOM, UNHCR or UNESCO, depending on the country context.

5 Two separate laws were drafted in Azerbaijan based on IPO results in 2022. The draft normative legal act comprising support mechanisms for innovative projects and start ups and a draft law on innovation activities


3.8. Challenges and mitigation The project encountered the following implementation challenges: i) COVID-19, ii) the war in Ukraine and iii) social unrest in Belarus.

COVID-19 constituted a major challenge during the project implementation for most of 2020 to 2022. For thematic experts, travel to project countries was interrupted, missing observation on the ground. Also, at least one study tour for project beneficiaries to Austria had to be cancelled. The project team was agile in mitigating this shortcoming by engaging stakeholders remotely. Interviews revealed that the online consultations had a much wider reach than personal visits, reaching more persons in more diverse geographic settings of the project countries.

Armed conflict in the South Caucasus and especially, starting February 2022, in Ukraine further challenged the reach of stakeholders in countries with an already complex operating environment. For example, the project team extended the remote engagement with stakeholders for capacity building. In spite of frequent staff changes at the political level, the project ensured continuity by engaging with senior or mid-level officials.

Figure 10 summarizes stakeholder perceptions about the overall effectiveness of the project. Ratings were very positive, with 40,8% very high ratings (very much so) and 33,7% high ratings (mostly).

Figure 10: Stakeholder perception of the project’s effectiveness




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4. Efficiency: were resources used appropriately to achieve project results? This section analyses the efficiency of the project. The following sub-criteria are used, as listed in the evaluation matrix: i) adequacy of funding for project results; ii) timeliness of results achievement and efficient organization; and iii) efficiency of resource use.

This section's primary data sources are the document review, virtual interviews, the online survey, and interviews during the field visit.

4.1 Adequacy of funding for project results The evaluation found that the project has been well-executed, thanks to adequate funding, the involvement of experienced experts, and the outstanding performance of the project team. The project team used international experts and tapped into a network of well-connected national experts. Funding was adequate for mobilizing consultants and a professional project team in UNECE. The utilization of experienced consultants brought valuable expertise and insights to the project. The national consultants proved invaluable during the COVID-19 pandemic as the project's intelligence and to reach relevant national stakeholders. Receiving the highest praise in interviews for excellent project management and proactive communication is a significant achievement. Effective project management is essential for keeping

Key findings: Project management was highly professional and an example of excellence for many stakeholders

• The project has been well-executed, thanks to adequate funding for mobilizing consultants and a professional project team in UNECE showing an outstanding performance. The project team used international experts and tapped into a network of well-connected national experts.

• COVID-19-related restrictions affected the project implementation, requiring a non- cost extension. However, the combination of timely instructions, guidelines, and feedback, along with an organized project team, set a solid foundation for success in the project.

• The project duration for work on systemic change required 4 to 5 years, as it was complex and involved significant efforts to modify people's attitudes, habits, and behaviours.

• The efficiency of resource use showed, for example, during the COVID-19 pandemic. By utilizing technology, such as video conferencing tools, it became possible to connect with a diverse range of individuals and groups remotely, reaching even more stakeholders compared to personal visits.

• The involvement of local experts was crucial in energizing local stakeholders, particularly during challenging times like a pandemic.

• Implementing a focal point approach, which entails centralized coordination in each country streamlined communication, efficient organization, and better collaboration among stakeholders catalysed the project implementation.


projects on track, managing resources efficiently, and achieving project objectives within the defined timelines. Proactive communication ensures that stakeholders are well-informed, potential issues are addressed promptly, and collaboration is facilitated among team members. When project teams are recognized for their excellent project management and proactive communication, it demonstrates their commitment, professionalism, and ability to deliver successful outcomes. This recognition is a testament to their hard work, dedication, and positive impact on the project.

4.2 Timeliness of results achievement and efficient organization

COVID-19-related restrictions affected the project implementation, requiring a no-cost extension.

However, the combination of timely instructions, guidelines, and feedback, along with an organized project team that meets deadlines to the extent possible, set a solid foundation for success in the project. The project was well-managed, which increased the likelihood of achieving the desired outcomes within the designated timeline.

Effective communication and timely feedback were crucial for the success of any project. As consultants received clear instructions and guidelines, it helped them understand their roles and responsibilities, enabling them to perform their tasks efficiently.

The project duration for work on behaviour change required 4 to 5 years, as it was complex and involved significant efforts to bring about behavioural changes. Behavioural change projects often need a long-term approach to modify people's attitudes, habits, and behaviours effectively.

4.3 Efficiency of resource use

Resource use efficiency emerged, for example, during the COVID-19 pandemic. Virtual country consultations during the pandemic have been an effective way to reach even more stakeholders than personal visits. By utilizing technology, such as video conferencing tools, it became possible to connect with a diverse range of individuals and groups remotely, including those who may be unable to attend in-person meetings due to travel restrictions.

In the context of the Republic of Moldova, for example, virtual country consultations have played a significant role in mitigating the impact of the pandemic. These consultations allow for broader participation, involving stakeholders from different regions, backgrounds, and sectors. This inclusive approach facilitates the exchange of ideas, expertise, and experiences, ultimately leading to more comprehensive and informed decision-making processes.

The involvement of local experts was crucial in energizing local stakeholders, particularly during challenging times like a pandemic. Local experts deeply understand their communities' specific context, challenges, and opportunities. Their expertise and ability to communicate effectively with local stakeholders help in encouraging participation and fostering ownership of proposed solutions.

Implementing a focal point approach, which entails centralized coordination in each country, can enhance the effectiveness of virtual consultations. Having a designated focal point ensures streamlined communication, efficient organization, and better stakeholder collaboration. This


approach facilitated the collection and dissemination of information, the alignment of efforts, and the identification of synergies between different initiatives.

Figure 11 provides an overview of stakeholders’ perceptions about the project’s efficiency. While 30,6% of stakeholders were unable to respond to the question due to the lack of insights, 50% very high ratings show (very much so) and 15,3% high ratings (mostly).

Figure 11: Stakeholder perception about the project’s efficiency




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ge “I was pleasantly surprised by project team. They extended deadlines to allow for the review of document. It was a very friendly and proactive team, while the UN can be very sterile”. Source: project stakeholder.


5. Sustainability: are results lasting?

This section analyses the sustainability of project results using the following sub-criteria: i) measures to ensure the sustainability of project results; ii) ownership of project results, institutionalization, and up-scaling; and iii) potential for replication.

The main data sources used in this section are the document review, virtual interviews, the online survey, and interviews during the field visit.

While according to stakeholder perceptions, the sustainability rating for project results reaches 94%, 33% of stakeholders stated that it was too early to see lasting results.

5.1 Measures to ensure sustainability of project results The evaluation identified varying measures to ensure the sustainability of project results according to country contexts and the maturity of national innovation ecosystems. Overall, countries remained in touch to continue collaborating for more policy recommendations and support national strategies and initiatives. Following the set-up of the sub-regional platforms, countries are eager to perform well, and the evaluation found that the project incentivizes countries to perform well on those indicators. Foundations for change have been created. However, the evaluation finds that hand-holding for national strategies and policies is required, including support during the review and updating of the latter. Azerbaijan: The Ministry of Innovation has been established in Azerbaijan, indicating a commitment to promoting innovation. Additionally, two draft laws related to innovation are currently being considered. Unfortunately, no specific details were provided regarding the content of these draft laws.

Key findings: The evaluation finds that the level of lasting results is mixed across project countries.

• As the project streams ended, countries remained engaged to collaborate for more policy recommendations and support national strategies and initiatives.

• However, the evaluation finds that handholding for national strategies and policies is required, including support during review and updating of the latter, for example, in Armenia or the Republic of Moldova.

• Ownership of results, institutionalization, and up-scaling are evident in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, and the Republic of Moldova.

• The evaluation finds that the project's methodology and approach can be replicated in other sub-regions and countries, with some amendments to the current approach and always considering sub-regional contextualization.


In Armenia, ensuring the sustainability of project results, particularly in the context of national innovation ecosystems, could be achieved through a combination of policy measures. Suggestions to help the government implement recommendations and develop financial schemes to channel private investments include:

1. Establish a National Innovation Strategy: The government should develop a comprehensive strategy that outlines the vision, objectives, and action plan for fostering innovation and sustainable development in Armenia. The innovation agenda requires incorporation in policy making. While policymakers have competing priorities and tend to focus on broader strategic tasks, support is required from task forces or other kinds of dedicated teams in the ministries or by external actors such as the SDG Innovation Lab. 2. Strengthen the SDG Innovation Lab: The SDG Innovation Lab can serve as a platform for collaboration between the government, private sector, academia, and civil society. 3. Enhance Access to Finance: To develop financial schemes and attract private investments, the government should focus on improving access to finance for innovators and entrepreneurs. This can be done by establishing dedicated funds, venture capital networks, and innovation grants that provide financial support to promising projects. Public-private partnerships can also be encouraged to leverage private sector resources for innovative projects.

Belarus: Following political unrest in 2020-21, many private sector innovators left the country. Despite this, IPO reviews continue. However, it seems that the overall innovation ecosystem in Belarus has been negatively affected by the situation. In Georgia, the evaluation revealed examples demonstrating the government's efforts in policy change and the implementation of reform agendas. These measures collectively demonstrate Georgia's commitment to modernizing its procurement system, enhancing transparency, and promoting efficient resource allocation in the public sector. By implementing these reforms, Georgia aims to create a favourable environment for businesses, attract investments, and ensure public funds' effective and accountable use. Examples of measures in Georgia are:

1. Public Procurement Policy and Law: Georgia approved a new public procurement policy and law in March 2023. This development signifies a significant step towards ensuring transparency and efficiency in the public procurement process. The policy and law were formulated through a four-year process involving extensive consultations with stakeholders and experts in the field. The objective is to improve accountability, prevent corruption, and enhance competition in public procurement. 2. E-Procurement Platform: To address transparency issues in the public sector, Georgia has implemented a functioning e-Procurement platform. This digital platform allows for electronically submitting and managing procurement bids and contracts. By transitioning to an online system, the government aims to reduce bureaucracy, enhance transparency, and increase efficiency in the procurement process. The e-Procurement platform has the potential to enable real-time monitoring, evaluation, and auditing of procurement activities, thereby minimizing the potential for corruption. 3. Mandatory Innovative Procurement: Starting January 2025, Georgia will make innovative procurement mandatory. This policy directive emphasizes the importance of


utilizing innovative and advanced technologies, approaches, and solutions in procurement. Republic of Moldova: The country has developed a national road map for innovation and technology transfer, which suggests a focus on advancing technological innovation. There is also an ongoing review of the law on innovation and technology parks, indicating efforts to create a favourable environment for innovation. However, the establishment of a National Innovation Council is still pending. Ukraine: Due to the ongoing war and military investments, high-level political prioritization for innovation seems to be suffering in Ukraine. Similar challenges are faced by the Republic of Moldova as well. It suggests that the Ukrainian government focuses more on military-related matters than on promoting innovation and technological advancement.

5.2 Ownership of project results, institutionalization, and up-scaling

Ownership of results, institutionalization, and up-scaling are important aspects of any development or innovation agenda. The evaluation found the following country insights:

1. In Armenia, there is a desire to enhance collaboration and cooperation between the scientific community, business associations, and non-governmental organizations (NGOs). This aims to foster innovation, boost economic development, and address the specific needs of industries such as the IT, wine, and tourism sectors. The I4SDR publication was extremely well received, including at a well-attended, very high-level launch event. The government and UNECE are already working on a roadmap to implement recommendations.

2. Azerbaijan has an ambitious agenda and is interested in more frequent sub-regional Innovation Policy Outlooks (IPOs). Institutionalization is also essential, as it involves embedding the processes and structures related to IPOs into the country's existing institutional framework. This includes establishing a dedicated regulatory body, creating legal and policy frameworks, and ensuring transparency and accountability throughout the IPO process. In this context, the country has made two laws related to innovation. Azerbaijan has officially requested an I4SDR to be carried out by UNECE.

3. In Belarus, policy recommendations are being used as a backup to push for the adoption of proposals in parliament. Hence, the project responded to the need for evidence-based decision- making and a recognition of the importance of research and analysis in shaping policies. The current situation, however, seems less conducive to advancing innovation in the country, with many private-sector actors having left the country.

4. Georgia: The government designed and adopted a law on public procurement, which mainstreams innovation enhancing procurement and is considered one of the biggest successes of the whole project. Learning from this success, the institutionalization, and upscaling of initiatives, it is crucial to foster a sense of ownership among relevant government agencies, embed the changes within existing systems and structures, build capacities for internal training, and involve employees at all levels to ensure continuity. The latter is critical due to the frequent staff changes in government agencies' management. Each new management team tends to bring its own agenda and may not fully appreciate the previous efforts. This underscores the importance for UNECE of reaching mid-level and lower-level technical staff, too. Stakeholders


highlighted the importance of a study tour to Norway to learn from good practices in Western European procurement policies and to establish contacts with Norwegian counterparts.

5.the the Republic of Moldova, subsequently to the I4SDR publication, a joint Government- UNECE task force was established to develop an innovation roadmap, leading to already significant reforms including legal framework adjustments, strategy development, and an enhanced SME- research collaboration framework. Whether national or donor funding is available to advance the innovation agenda is questioned. Ownership of results in this context means that the Republic of Moldova takes responsibility for driving the innovation agenda and ensuring its successful implementation. This requires a commitment from the government to allocate resources, both financial and human, to support innovation activities. Institutionalization involves creating structures and processes within the government to coordinate and oversee the implementation of the innovation agenda. Several steps in this direction have been taken already.

6.Ukraine: Following the beginning of the war, Ukraine is undertaking comprehensive reconstruction and modernization plans that will require an innovation policy. In this case, ownership of results means that Ukraine should take ownership of the outcomes and benefits of these reconstruction and modernization efforts, which are currently hindered by frequent staff turnover and a strong focus on the country's military efforts. UNECE is supporting Ukraine within this project along three high-impact avenues:

I. Supporting the drafting of national and international reconstruction strategies to ensure they are coherent and do not overlap + ensure innovation plays a part in revitalizing the nation's infrastructure, economy, and social fabric post-conflict.

II. Contributing to the upcoming National Technology Development Strategy and Roadmap, based on innovation policy practices from other countries that have undergone armed conflicts, like Western Balkans, Armenia. UNECE will leverage its unique role of facilitating the exchange of specific practices between member States.

III. Enhancing policy evaluation and monitoring to make sure incoming international funds are spent correctly. Evaluation and monitoring practices in Ukraine were weak and there is an imperative to enhance capacity to fight the misuse of funds.

7. At the regional level, the Innovation Policy Outlook was launched in 2020. The process gave birth to a unique policy exchange forum on innovation policy in Eastern Europe and the South Caucasus, which has grown organically and now meets regularly and semi-autonomously with limited resource needs.

Figure 12 analyses stakeholders’ perceptions about the project’s efficiency. While 30,6% of stakeholders were unable to respond to the question, as they felt it was too early to tell whether project results would last, 38,8% very high ratings were given (very much so) and 19,4% high ratings (mostly). Medium ratings achieved 6,1%(somewhat) and low ratings 5,1% (little).


Figure 12: Stakeholder perception about the project’s sustainability


5.3 Potential for replication Based on stakeholder feedback, the evaluation finds that the project's methodology and approach can be replicated in other sub-regions and countries.

Stakeholders clarified that for the replication of the UNECE project, the EC's Policy Support Facility and other similar support by EC would require consideration in Eastern Partnership countries.

National stakeholders would require more support in disseminating research results and conducting information campaigns for a broader outreach to wider stakeholder groups. The importance of peer- to-peer learning across a sub-region, e.g. based on specific chapters of the I4SDR, would be desirable.

For replication, stakeholders would find it beneficial to publish the research methodology for transparency reasons and trust creation. Stakeholders would benefit from knowing the research questions in advance and clarifying the research purpose.

However, the evaluation also identified limitations of replicating project results. The box below exemplifies limitations concerning the replicability of Georgia's procurement platform.



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Learning from the implementation of the project, the following possible scenario emerges for replicating the project in other UNECE sub-regions:

• Situation analysis: readiness assessment for developing innovative ecosystems, also considering differences between maturity in urban and rural settings, as well as the current policy environment

• Activation of the innovation ecosystem and local connectedness to create a sense of community for network development and dialogue: government, private sector, academia

• Research: IPO, sub-regional benchmarks,

• Study tours: showcasing examples from other parts of Europe, e.g. Baltic countries and Central/Western European countries

• Capacity building, focusing on i) government to reach policymakers who are in charge of driving innovation policy development, e.g. through a training of trainers approach; and ii) academia, to create or adapt curricula in universities and training institutes

• Complementing this approach through a private sector angle:

o Identification of crucial stone businesses

o Analysis of the potential for amplification of investments in innovation

o Linkages of keystone businesses to innovation ecosystems, including academia

o Identification of possible geographic or sector innovation clusters

“I strongly believe that the evaluation of procurement practices cannot be universally applicable due to the significant differences among countries. Each country has its own unique economic level, policies, public administration model, governance model, and traditions. For example, Armenia has a small department for public procurement policy, while Azerbaijan and Ukraine have different models. The Republic of Moldova, on the other hand, has no secondary legislation in place. It is challenging to evaluate and replicate practices across such diverse contexts. In my country, we have a strong focus on secondary legislation and a well-established governance system with electronic procurement, e-payment systems, and efficient processes. The project we are currently working on is only possible because of the new law that includes provisions for innovative procurement. Without these tools and provisions, the project would be meaningless. Our aim is to implement these provisions effectively and ensure that they are part of the legal framework. We are already conducting training modules, workshops, and seminars to promote this knowledge. By 2025, it will be mandatory in my country to procure innovative goods and services, and we are already promoting the use of electronic procurement procedures and tools”. Source: project stakeholder, Georgia


Section III: Conclusions and Recommendations The following conclusions and recommendations emerge based on the main findings summarized at the beginning of the findings' sections for each evaluation criterion. Figure 13 presents the logical flow from key findings to conclusions and recommendations. As the project is about to end, all recommendations are for similar future projects.


The following conclusions and recommendations emerge based on the main findings summarized at the beginning of the findings' sections for each evaluation criterion. Figure 13 presents the logical flow from key findings to conclusions and recommendations. As the project has ended, all recommendations are for similar future projects.

Figure 13: Summary of key findings, conclusions, and recommendations

Key findings Conclusions Recommendations for similar future projects

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The UNECE project promoted a regional perspective, filling a critical gap and serving to shape national innovation strategies.

The project addressed a significant sub-regional development cooperation gap through its in-depth support to science, technology, and innovation (STI), in particular its focus on STI policy and governance. The project provided visibility to Sida and UNECE, and transferred large numbers of relevant international good policy practices to the region (including lessons learned from Sweden’s innovation development journey).

R1: UNECE: Given its high relevance, it is recommended to i) seek continuation funding to support further Eastern Europe and the South Caucasus countries (especially for ensuring sustainability and continuity); ii) seek new funding to replicate this project for other subregions, such as the Western Balkans or Central Asia. At the same time, this can raise donor visibility and complement investments into the European Union’s (EU's) Eastern Partnership (in the case of Eastern Europe and the South Caucasus). UNECE’s governance- focused approach using evaluation, accountability, and transparency also aims to reduce corruption and informality in the EESC region, where this issue is of great relevance. Priority: high, next six months for new project designs

Project components were relevant, as the European Innovation Scoreboard, the Global Innovation Index, and other composite indices were based on output and input indicators, rather than the essential issue of innovation governance and the particular features, challenges, and potential typically shared among transition economies in general and among EESC countries in particular. Similarly, the sub-regional approach in most activities was highly relevant, given shared challenges and legacies. The focus on innovation governance not only filled an important gap, but also addressed the much neglected issue of monitoring and evaluation of and value-for- money from public spending and support instruments – essential also because of fiscal constraints growing, especially in the wake of the pandemic induced slump. The constant methodological improvements of UNECE’s flagship analytical tools, notably, the I4SDRs and the IPO. Elective chapters were added, meeting direct demand from the countries themselves. This work could now be scaled up to other regions and/or countries with little cost. The project provided visibility to Sida and UNECE, transferred large numbers of relevant international good policy practices to the region (including lessons learned from Sweden’s innovation development journey), and worked closely with all relevant stakeholder groups and to the enhance the region’s STI ecosystem. The project provided visibility to Sida and UNECE, transferred large numbers of relevant international good policy practices to the region (including lessons learned from Sweden’s innovation development journey), and worked closely with all relevant stakeholder groups and to the enhance the region’s STI ecosystem.


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The project established a multi-stakeholder dialogue for developing the IPOs leveraging UNECE's neutrality as a UN body, using international and local expertise and comparing the six countries. The dissemination of lessons learned through UNECE’s IPO/I4SDR/CB/dialogue work at its intergovernmental CICPPP and ToS- ICP sessions also enhanced policy dialogue, where hundreds of member States and international organisations representatives listen in and exchange knowledge about innovation.

UNECE's neutrality and convening power helped engage stakeholders during the project implementation, enhancing knowledge and awareness about innovation policies.

See R 1.

The project successfully improved the understanding of policy options at the national level based on thorough research and the identification of policy challenges and objectives. The policy dialogue mentioned above at the national and international level also contributed to an enhanced understanding of policy options.

The project's positive results were attributed to a proactive and engaged professional team, flexibility, and mitigation of unforeseeable factors.

R3: UNECE: In a context where donors increasingly focus on short-term results after 12 or 24 months, UNECE should encourage Sweden and other donors to continue investing in projects with a systems change approach,

The project successfully improved the understanding of policy options at the national level based on research and the identification of policy challenges and objectives, as well as UNECE training, and capacity-building seminars. The project addressed previously poor coordination between national stakeholders, exacerbated by frequent staff changes in government agencies in all project countries.

The project worked closely with all relevant stakeholder groups and to the enhance the region’s STI ecosystem. However, not all deliverables reached all countries evenly, and the Leave No One Behind approach was supply-driven. The adaptation of the project for any future implementations will be highly cost-effective

As a Geneva-based body with no regional offices, UNECE provided analytical input and recommendations to guide on-going or planned donor-funded activities operating on the ground. The Leave No One Behind approach promoted by the United Nations Secretariat was taken very seriously by the project designers and during its implementation. However, these cross-cutting issues were not as clearly reflected in governments’ needs and priorities and results were limited.

R2: UNECE: Increase awareness among national stakeholders in Member States about the importance of the Leave No One Behind approach across policy-making, for example, by adding relevant indicators in the project results framework, and supporting ongoing national processes such as the upgrading of online procurement platforms for reading impaired persons, with a focus on gender, disabilities, and human rights (keeping in mind that the latter two were not included in the project document). Priority: medium, next 6-12 months for new project designs

Greater awareness and education seem required among stakeholders about the importance and benefits of integrating gender, human rights and disability perspectives into project design and implementation.


The synergies between UNECE’s intergovernmental work, analytical work, technical assistance, and capacity building were crucial for achieving this project objective. The secretariat studies best international practices and success stories, implements them in less developed member States, and disseminates lessons learned in the process to other member States, feeding the foundation of knowledge UNECE have built over the years.

leading to the implementation of research recommendations as a means to ensure the sustainability of results. A project duration of 5 years is recommended for projects with such an approach. Priority: medium, next 6-12 months for new project designs The project managed to accomplish concrete policy change in the areas with

potential and demand for change by creating an evidence base and capacity building. Examples include developing and adopting a new procurement law in Georgia emphasising innovation-enhancing procurement (IEP), technology transfer in the Republic of Moldova, and venture capital in Belarus. For other countries, the actual implementation of recommendations is too early to tell. The project made actionable, targeted, time-bound and prioritized recommendations, and the dialogue with national stakeholders continued to facilitate the implementation of recommendations. Unexpected project results included the project's ability to bring together diverse stakeholders from countries' innovation ecosystems due to good preparation of the project team and local intelligence on the ground through the use of local experts.

Unexpected project results were positive and underscored the sound project implementation approach by a highly professional project team. Sida's flexibility to allow for a project duration over four years contributed to the project's success.

Positive factors influencing project performance included the quality of the project team, UNECE's convening power, the acceleration of using virtual technology as a COVID-19 mitigation measure, and the project duration of over four years.

Negative factors influencing project performance comprised meeting and travel restrictions due to COVID-19, the volatile political situation in the sub-region, the economic downturn and turf battles among government stakeholders due to unclear or overlapping mandates concerning innovation.

Negative factors influencing project performance were largely unforeseeable and beyond the project team's control but were successfully mitigated where possible.

No recommendation.

Changes in policymakers' competencies: Policymakers broadened their understanding of innovation concepts. The project mitigated the frequent staff turnover the project mitigated this risk through a networking approach, including at the technical level.

It is too early to assess changes in competencies to support environmental sustainability, gender equality, good governance, and economic growth.

Coordination: the project systematically involved other United Nations (UN) and non-UN stakeholders in the implementation, including UN country representatives, EU delegations and Swedish embassies, WIPO, OECD, and WEF, showing good coordination with UN stakeholders and other international partners.

The project team's systematic inclusion of UN and non-UN stakeholders is a good practice,

No recommendation.


benefitting Swedish embassies directly in the project countries.

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The project has been well-executed, thanks to adequate funding for mobilizing consultants and a professional project team in UNECE showing an outstanding performance. The project team used international experts and tapped into a network of well-connected national experts.

The project was good value-for- money for due to a professional team, efficient implementation, local expert use, and centralized coordination through national focal points during pandemic-related travel restrictions. UNECE even executed deliverables not in the donor agreement using existing funds.

See R 3 on the recommended duration of projects.

COVID-19-related restrictions affected the project implementation, requiring a no- cost extension. However, the combination of timely instructions, guidelines, and feedback, along with an organized project team, set a solid foundation for success in the project. The project duration for work on systemic change required 4 to 5 years, as it was complex and involved significant efforts to modify people's attitudes, habits, and behaviours. The efficiency of resource use showed, for example, during the COVID-19 pandemic. By utilizing technology, such as video conferencing tools, it became possible to connect with a diverse range of individuals and groups remotely, reaching even more stakeholders compared to personal visits. The involvement of local experts was crucial in energizing local stakeholders, particularly during challenging times like a pandemic.

The efficiency of the project implementation showed in the invaluable use of local experts, especially during pandemic-related travel restrictions in 2020 and 2021, as well as the centralized project coordination in each country through national focal points.

R 4: UNECE: Building on the good practices of this project, using local experts to gather intelligence on the ground is recommended for similar future projects at the country level. At the same time, national focal points should be appointed for centralized project coordination in project countries. Priority: medium, next 6-12 months, for new project designs

Implementing a focal point approach, which entails centralized coordination in each country, streamlined communication, efficient organization, and better collaboration among stakeholders, catalysed the project implementation.

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As the project streams ended, countries remained engaged to collaborate for more policy recommendations and support national strategies and initiatives.

Stakeholders demonstrate a strong interest in project recommendations, institutionalizing them in many countries, but require continued external support for innovation strategies and policies.

R 5: UNECE: As a follow-up to this project, UNECE should use its limited regular budget resources to monitor the implementation of recommendations and keep engaging with the network of focal points to share good practices for developing and implementing national innovation-related strategies and policies. Priority: very high, next 3-6 months for new project designs

Handholding for national strategies and policies is required, including support during the review and updating of the latter, for example, in Armenia or the Republic of Moldova.

Ownership of results, institutionalization, and up-scaling are evident in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, and the Republic of Moldova.


Overall, the project's methodology and approach can be replicated in other sub- regions and countries, with some amendments to the current approach and always considering sub-regional contextualization.

The project approach is fit for purpose and ready to be replicated in other sub-regions.

R 6: UNECE: for replicating the project approach in other sub-regions, for example, the Western Balkans, with high relevance for donors like the EU and Sweden. This should be done, as explained in R 1 by i) seeking continuation funding to support further EESC countries (especially for ensuring sustainability); ii) seeking new funding to replicate for other regions, such as the Western Balkans or Central Asia. Priority: very high, next 3-6 months for new project designs


Given the logical flow of the evaluation analysis presented in Figure 13 the following conclusions and recommendations emerge.

Relevance and coherence

Conclusions: The project addressed a significant sub-regional development cooperation gap through its in-depth support to science, technology, and innovation (STI), in particular its focus on STI policy and governance. The project provided visibility to Sida and UNECE, transferred large numbers of relevant international good policy practices to the region (including lessons learned from Sweden’s innovation development journey), and worked closely with all relevant stakeholder groups and to the enhance the region’s STI ecosystem. However, not all deliverables reached all countries evenly, and the Leave No One Behind approach was supply-driven. The adaptation of the project for any future implementations will be highly cost-effective.

Recommendations for similar future projects addressed to UNECE:

Priority: medium, next 6-12 months for new project designs.


Conclusions: UNECE's neutrality and convening power helped engage stakeholders during the project implementation, enhancing knowledge and awareness about innovation policies. The project's positive results were attributed to a proactive and engaged professional team, flexibility, and mitigation of unforeseeable factors. The team's systematic inclusion of UN and non-UN stakeholders benefits Swedish embassies in the project countries by raising the innovation topic on national agendas and sharpening Sweden’s profile on this topic in the region.

Recommendations for similar future projects:

R 3: In a context where donors increasingly focus on short-term results after 12 or 24 months, UNECE should encourage Sweden and other donors to continue investing in projects with a systems change approach, leading to the implementation of research

R1: Given its high relevance, it is recommended to i) seek continuation funding to support further Eastern Europe and the South Caucasus countries (especially for ensuring sustainability and continuity); ii) seek new funding to replicate this project for other subregions, such as the Western Balkans or Central Asia. At the same time, this can raise donor visibility and complement investments into the European Union’s (EU's) Eastern Partnership (in the case of Eastern Europe and the South Caucasus). UNECE’s governance- focused approach using evaluation, accountability, and transparency also aims to reduce corruption and informality in the EESC region, where this issue is of great relevance.

Priority: high, next six months for new project designs.

R 2: Increase awareness among national stakeholders in Member States about the importance of the Leave No One Behind approach across policy-making, for example, by adding relevant indicators in the project results framework, and supporting ongoing national processes such as the upgrading of online procurement platforms for reading impaired persons, with a focus on gender, disabilities, and human rights (keeping in mind that the latter two were not included in the project document).


recommendations as a means to ensure the sustainability of results. A project duration of 5 years is recommended for projects with such an approach. Priority: medium, next 6-12 months for new project designs.


Conclusions: The project was good value-for-money due to a professional team, efficient implementation, local expert use, and centralized coordination through national focal points during pandemic-related travel restrictions. UNECE even executed deliverables not in the donor agreement using existing funds.

Recommendations for similar future projects:

R 4: Building on the good practices of this project, using local experts to gather intelligence on the ground is recommended for similar future projects at the country level. At the same time, national focal points should continue to be appointed for centralized project coordination in project countries. Priority: medium, next 6-12 months, for new project designs.


Conclusions: Stakeholders demonstrate a strong interest in project recommendations, institutionalizing them in many countries, but require continued external support for innovation strategies and policies. The project approach is fit for purpose and ready to be replicated in other sub-regions.

Recommendations for similar future projects:

R 5: As a follow-up to this project, UNECE should use its limited regular budget resources to monitor the implementation of recommendations and keep engaging with the network of focal points to share good practices for developing and implementing national innovation-related strategies and policies. Priority: very high, next 3-6 months for new project designs. R 6: Senior management should use this evaluation report as a robust evidence base to lobby for replicating the project approach in other sub-regions, for example, the Western Balkans, with high relevance for donors like the EU and Sweden. This should be done, as explained in R 1 by i) seeking continuation funding to support further EESC countries (especially for ensuring sustainability); ii) seeking new funding to replicate for other regions, such as the Western Balkans or Central Asia. Priority: very high, next 3-6 months for new project designs.


Annex 1: Terms of Reference of the Evaluation

TERMS OF REFERENCE E317: Promoting innovation policy capacities in Eastern Europe and the Caucasus

I. Purpose The purpose of this evaluation is to assess the extent to which the objectives of the UNECE project E317 “Promoting innovation policy capacities in Eastern Europe and the Caucasus” were achieved. The evaluation will assess the relevance, effectiveness, efficiency and sustainability of the project in enhancing innovation policy capacities in Eastern Europe and the South Caucasus (EESC) countries. The evaluation will also assess any impacts the project may have had on progressing human rights, gender equality, disability inclusion, climate change and disaster risk reduction in the context of this engagement. The evaluation will finally look at the activities repurposed to address the impact of the COVID-19 crisis, and assess, to the extent possible, UNECE’s COVID-19 early response through this project.

II. Background Launched in November 2018, the project aimed to improve the competencies of policymakers in designing, running, reforming, and monitoring effective innovation policies and institutions that make measurable contributions towards long-term economic sustainable development. The project looked at the six Eastern Europe and the South Caucasus (EESC) member States because of their shared features including a common historic legacy (predominance of central planning, a strong role for public research institutions; history of strong, at times frontier research), economic structure (strong manufacturing tradition; a legacy of state ownership of the economy; focus on heavy industries), geography (proximity to the EU and CIS), and factor conditions (high levels of education in the workforce; high labour participation rates among women). These shared traits enabled the Innovation Policy Outlook (IPO) and other project work streams to build a strong basis for policy learning and enable benchmarking. The project was implemented by UNECE Subprogramme 4 Economic Cooperation and Integration/Economic Cooperation and Trade Division and reflected UNECE’s mandates in the sphere of innovation, competitiveness and public-private partnerships. In particular, the objectives of the project were:

(a) Improved policy dialogue on promoting sustained economic growth, innovative development, and greater competitiveness in the UNECE region;

(b) Improved understanding at the national level of policy options to promote sustained economic growth, innovative development, and greater competitiveness; and

(c) Enhanced national implementation of UNECE policy recommendations and standards on promoting a policy, financial and regulatory environment conducive to sustained economic growth, innovative development and greater competitiveness.

To achieve the project objective, UNECE engaged in several core activities which were agreed- upon in consultation with national focal points:

1. Sub-regional Innovation Policy Outlook

UNECE developed the methodology, conducted primary research, and published a pilot Sub- regional Innovation Policy Outlook (IPO) study benchmarking innovation governance performance across all six EESC member States. Later, UNECE also conducted an Interim IPO (IIPO) on topics of interest to the countries.

2. Innovation for Sustainable Development Reviews


Second, UNECE carried out national-level Innovation for Sustainable Development Reviews (I4SDR) of Georgia (2021), the Republic of Moldova (2022), Armenia (ongoing), and Ukraine (ongoing – publication date is to be determined). Complementing the sub-regional level assessment, the I4SDR examines national innovation systems in greater detail and includes in-depth analysis elective topics.

3. Capacity Building

The third element of the project was conducting capacity-building activities supporting specific reform efforts to put recommendations from national reviews into practice. UNECE also engaged in sub-regional capacity building in follow-up to the IPO. For example, UNECE conducted a capacity-building program focused on innovation-enhancing procurement (IEP) for Georgia. As a follow-up to the I4SDR of the Republic of Moldova, UNECE also developed a roadmap on Innovation and Technology Transfer and implemented two trainings for Moldova.

4. IPO Policy Dialogue Sessions

To provide a platform to share policy recommendations and findings from the studies, UNECE organized several IPO policy dialogue sessions. The project involved the following focal point institutions: Armenia: Ministry of High-Tech Industry; Ministry of Economy; Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport. Azerbaijan: Ministry of Transport, Communications and High Technologies. Belarus: Belarusian Institute of System Analysis and Information Support of S&T Sphere (BELISA), under the State Committee for Science and Technology of the Republic of Belarus. Georgia: Georgia’s Innovation and Technology Agency (GITA), under Ministry of Economy. Moldova: Ministry of Education, Culture and Research; National Institute for Economic Research (NIER), under Ministry of Economy. Ukraine: National Academy of Sciences; Ministry of Economy; Ministry of Education and Science.

III. Evaluation objectives, scope and questions The evaluation will be guided by the objectives, indicators of achievement and means of verification established in the logical framework of the project document. The evaluation will be conducted in Q1-Q2 of 2023 at the request of the donor. It will cover close to the full implementation of the project, from November 2018 to March 2023 in six countries (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, the Republic of Moldova, and Ukraine). The project is currently planned to be completed by August 2023, with a possible extension till February 2024 currently under discussion with the donor. The majority of activities will have been completed by March 2023. The final evaluation of the project has the following specific objectives:

• Determine as systematically and objectively as possible the relevance, effectiveness, efficiency and sustainability of the project results in light of its goals and objectives;

• Assess how the project activities contributed to gender equality and women’ s empowerment, as well as the realization of human rights, with an emphasis on ‘leaving no one behind’ and, if needed, it will make recommendations on how these considerations can be better addressed in future activities of the subprogramme.

• Identify good practices and lessons learned from the project and formulate action-oriented, forward-looking recommendations addressed to the subprogramme for improving future interventions.

The evaluation criteria are relevance, effectiveness, efficiency and sustainability.


Relevance 1. To what extent was the project design appropriate for meeting the needs of beneficiary

countries? 2. To what extent did the project respond to the priorities and needs of the participating

countries? How relevant were they to the countries’ needs and priorities? 3. To what extent was the project aligned with the SDGs? 4. What takeaways are there for ensuring relevance of future UNECE projects? 5. To what extent were gender, human rights and disability perspectives integrated into the

design and implementation of the project? What results can be identified from these actions? How can gender and human rights perspectives be better included in future the projects design and implementation?

Effectiveness 6. To what extent were the project objectives and expected accomplishments achieved? 7. To what extent did the project improve the competencies of innovation policy makers in

the participating countries to design, develop, implement, reform, and evaluate national innovation policies?

8. To what extent are the project activities coherent and harmonized with those of other partners operating within the same context, particularly those of other UN system entities?

9. What were the challenges/obstacles (including COVID-19 and sub-regional instability) to achieving the expected results? How successfully did the project overcome these?

10. What (if anything) has prevented the project from achieving the desired results? 11. How effectively has the project tackled its underlying objective of improving the

competencies of innovation policy makers to support environmental sustainability, gender equality, good governance, and economic growth in the participating countries?

Efficiency 12. Were the resources adequate for achieving the results? 13. Were the results achieved on time and were all activities organized efficiently? 14. To what extent were the resources used economically and how could the use of resources

be improved?

Sustainability 15. What measures were adopted to ensure that project outcomes would continue after the

project ended and to what extent have these measures addressed the existing risks for sustainability?

16. To what extent do the partners and beneficiaries ‘own’ the outcomes of the work? How is the stakeholders’ engagement likely to continue, be scaled up, replicated, or institutionalized?

17. To what extent are the objectives of the project still valid? How can the project be replicated in other UNECE sub-regions, in particular the Western Balkans?


IV. Evaluation approach and methodology The evaluation will be conducted in accordance with: the ECE Evaluation Policy 6 ; the Administrative instruction guiding Evaluation in the UN Secretariat7; and the United Nations Evaluation Group (UNEG) Norms and Standards for Evaluation 8 . Human rights and gender equality considerations will be integrated at all stages of the evaluation9: (i) in the evaluation scope and questions; (ii) in the methods, tools and data analysis techniques; (iii) in the findings, conclusions and recommendations of the final report. The evaluator will explicitly explain how human rights, gender, disability, SDGs, and environmental considerations will be taken into account during the evaluation. The evaluator is required to use a mixed-method approach, including qualitative as well as quantitative data gathering and analysis as the basis for a triangulation exercise of all available data to draw conclusions and findings. The evaluator shall conduct online surveys and interview a wide range of diverse stakeholders from both the private and the public sector, academia, international organisations, and, where applicable, the diaspora and civil society. To ensure representativeness, the evaluator shall speak to a large sample of stakeholders including high-level government interlocutors whom UNECE has worked with. UNECE also strongly suggests that the evaluator organises in-person visits to the countries under review to conduct interviews and gather data. The evaluation should be conducted based on the following mixed methods to triangulate information: 1. A desk review of all relevant documents, including the project document and information on

project activities (monitoring data); materials developed in support of the activities (agendas, plans, participant lists, background documents, donor reports and publications); Proposed programme budgets covering the evaluation period; project reports to the donor.

2. Online survey of key stakeholders and beneficiaries: the survey will be developed by the consultant on her/his preferred platform.

3. Interviews (in-person and by telephone/video): the evaluator shall interview a wide range of diverse stakeholders and beneficiaries from both the private and the public sector, academia, international organisations, and, where applicable, the diaspora and civil society. To ensure representativeness, the evaluator shall speak to a large sample of stakeholders including high- level government interlocutors whom UNECE has worked with. UNECE also strongly suggests that the evaluator organises in-person visits to one or more countries of project implementation to conduct interviews and gather data.

4. Case Study/ies, which will include a detailed examination of the project intervention in one or more of the six countries of project implementation (the selection criteria will be included in the inception report).

The evaluator will further elaborate on the evaluation methodology in the Inception Report that will among others include the survey questions, travel plans and whether any of the six countries will be selected for an in-depth assessment. The evaluation report will be written in English, will consist of approximately 30 pages and will include an executive summary (max. 2 pages) describing the evaluation methodology, key findings, conclusions and recommendations. The evaluator will also produce an evaluation brief summarizing key evaluation findings, lessons learned and recommendations, including through images and infographics.

6 UNECE Evaluation policy 7 ST/AI/2021/3 8 UNEG 2016 Norms and Standards for Evaluation 9 In line with UNEG Guidance contained in Integrating Human Rights and Gender Equality in Evaluations


V. Evaluation schedule10 January 2023 ToR finalized March 2023 Evaluator selected April 2023 Contract signed. Evaluator starts the desk review End-April 2023 Evaluator submits inception report including survey design May2023 Launch of data gathering, including survey and interviews Early June 2023 Evaluator submits draft evaluation report and evaluation brief End-June 2023 Evaluator submits final evaluation report and evaluation brief

VI. Resources and Management of the evaluation An independent consultant will be engaged to conduct the evaluation under the management of the PMU. The assignment will involve travel to selected countries among the six beneficiary countries to conduct an in-depth assessment. Payment will be made upon satisfactory delivery of work. The Programme Management Unit (PMU) will manage the evaluation and will be involved in the following steps: Selection of the evaluator; Preparation and clearance of the Terms of Reference; Provision of guidance to the Project Manager and evaluator as needed on the evaluation design and methodology; Clearance of the final report after quality assurance of the draft report. The Project Manager, in consultation with the Division Director, will be involved in the following steps: Provide all documentation needed for desk review, contact details, support and guidance to the evaluation consultant as needed throughout the timeline of the evaluation; Advise the evaluator on the recipients for the questionnaire and for follow-up interviews; Process and manage the consultancy contract of the evaluator, along the key milestones agreed with PMU.

VII. Intended use / Next steps The results of the evaluation will be used in the planning and implementation of future activities of the UNECE Economic Cooperation and Integration Subprogramme. Findings of this evaluation will be used when possible to:

• improve direct project’s follow up actions, implementation of products by project beneficiaries and dissemination of the knowledge created through the project;

• assess the gaps and further needs of countries in the area of this project; • formulate tailored capacity building projects to strengthen the national capacity in

enhancing innovation. The results of the evaluation will be reported to the inter-governmental Team of Specialists on Innovation and Competitiveness Policies and the Committee on Innovation, Competitiveness and Public-Private Partnerships. Following the issuance of the final report, the Project Manager will develop a Management Response for addressing the recommendations made by the evaluator. The final evaluation report, the management response and the progress on implementation of recommendations will be publicly available on the UNECE website.

VIII. Criteria for evaluators The evaluator should have: 1. An advanced university degree or equivalent background in relevant disciplines.

10 Final timetable to be agreed following engagement of the evaluator


2. Specialized training in areas such as evaluation, project management, social statistics, advanced statistical research and analysis.

3. Knowledge of and experience in working with intergovernmental processes, innovation, sustainable development.

4. Relevant professional experience in design and management of evaluation processes with multiple stakeholders, survey design and implementation, project planning, monitoring and management, gender mainstreaming and human-rights due diligence.

5. Demonstrated methodological knowledge of evaluations, including quantitative and qualitative data collection and analysis for end-of-cycle project evaluations. Demonstrated experience in conducting questionnaires and interviews is an asset.

6. Fluency in written and spoken English. Knowledge of Russian will be an advantage.

Evaluators should declare any conflict of interest to UNECE before embarking on an evaluation project, and at any point where such conflict occurs.


Annex 2: Documents reviewed

Ministry of High-Tech Industry of the Republic of Armenia, 2023: Support letter for Promoting innovation policy capacities in Eastern Europe and the Caucasus project.

Ministry of Education and Research of the Republic of Moldova, 2023: Support letter for Promoting innovation policy capacities in Eastern Europe and the Caucasus project.

Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, 2022: Support letter for Promoting innovation policy capacities in Eastern Europe and the Caucasus project.

UNECE, 2023: Innovation for Sustainable Development. Review of Armenia.

UNECE, 2022: Handbook on innovation-enhancing procurement for Georgia.

UNECE, 2022: E317 Promoting innovation policy capacities in Eastern Europe and the Caucasus. Narrative report 1 January 2021 – 31 December 2021.

UNECE, 2022: Interim Sub-regional Innovation Policy Outlook 2022: Eastern Europe and the South Caucasus.

UNECE, 2022: Study visit of Georgian officials to Norway. UNECE capacity-building programme on innovation-enhancing public procurement. 14-16 September 2022

UNECE, 2021: Innovation for Sustainable Development. Review of Republic of Moldova.

UNECE, 2021: Sub-regional Innovation Policy Outlook 2020: Eastern Europe and the South Caucasus.

UNECE, 2021: 2020 evaluation of sub-programme 4. Innovation for Sustainable Development Reviews and sub-regional Innovation Policy Outlook. Evaluation response.

UNECE, 2021: Sub-regional Innovation Policy Outlook 2020: Eastern Europe and the South Caucasus. Summary and insights.

UNECE, 2021: E317 Promoting innovation policy capacities in Eastern Europe and the Caucasus. Narrative report 1 January 2020 – 31 December 2020.

UNECE, 2020: Innovation for Sustainable Development Reviews and Sub-regional Innovation Policy Outlook.

UNECE, 2020: Innovation for Sustainable Development. Review of Georgia.

UNECE, 2020: E317 Promoting innovation policy capacities in Eastern Europe and the Caucasus. Narrative report 1 January 2019 – 31 December 2019.

UNECE, 2018: Promoting innovation policy capacities in Eastern Europe and the Caucasus. Project document.


Annex 3: Lists of stakeholders interviewed

The evaluator collected data from 49 stakeholders. The list of 31 stakeholders interviewed in person as well as by telephone and video call is available but will not be published with this report to safeguard the participants' anonymity. The 18 stakeholders responding to the online survey did so anonymously. Many respondents requested not to be named, but further information on those who did not request this can be provided at the request of Sida.


Annex 4: Evaluation matrix

Evaluation questions/issues Indicators Proposed evaluation tools Data source

1. R

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1.1 To what extent was the project design appropriate for meeting the needs of beneficiary countries?

Evidence that project design responds to specific country and partner institution needs priorities.

Document review; Interviews with UNECE staff, country representatives, and independent experts

Project documentation; Project stakeholders.

1.2 To what extent was the project aligned with the SDGs?

Evidence that the project is likely to contribute to: SDG 5.5, 5a, 5b, 8.1, 8.2, 8.3, 8.5, 8.6, 9.2, 9.3, 9.5, 9b, 9c

Document review Project documentation

1.3 What takeaways are there for ensuring the relevance of future UNECE projects?


1.4 To what extent were gender, human rights, and disability perspectives integrated into the design and implementation of the project? 1.5 What results can be identified from these actions? 1.6 How can gender and human rights perspectives be better included in future project design and implementation?

Evidence of the consideration of gender issues during the design and implementation, e.g., the existence of a gender analysis that identified the gender dimensions that the activities could address Evidence of gender aspects in the activities Proof of results regarding gender issues addressed by the project

Document review; Interviews with UNECE staff, country representatives and independent experts

Project documentation; Project stakeholders.


Evaluation questions/issues Indicators Proposed evaluation tools Data source 2.

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2.1 To what extent were the project objectives and expected accomplishments achieved?

Evidence of project contribution to expected accomplishments

Document review Interviews with UNECE staff, country representatives, and independent experts

Project documentation; Project stakeholders.

2.2 To what extent did the project improve the competencies of innovation policymakers in the participating countries to design, develop, implement, reform, and evaluate national innovation policies?

Evidence from crucial staff of improved ability of policymakers to design, develop, implement, reform, and evaluate innovation policies.

Document review Interviews with UNECE staff, country representatives and independent experts

Project documentation; Project stakeholders.

2.3 To what extent are the project activities coherent and harmonized with those of other partners operating within the same context, particularly those of other UN system entities?

Evidence of consideration of other partners operating in a similar context, e.g., UN entities Evidence that project activities integrate with those of these other partners

Document review Interviews with UNECE staff, country representatives and independent experts

Project documentation; Project stakeholders.

2.4 What were the challenges/obstacles (including COVID-19 and sub-regional instability) to achieving the expected results? How successfully did the project overcome these?

Evidence of awareness and addressing of challenges to achieving results.

Document review Interviews with UNECE staff, country representatives and independent experts

Project documentation; Project stakeholders.


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3.1 Were the resources adequate for achieving the results?

Evidence of resource utilization in comparison with indicator results

Document review Interviews with UNECE staff, country representatives and independent experts

Project documentation; Project stakeholders.

3.2 Were the results achieved on time, and were all activities organized efficiently?

Time and budget extensions and reasons thereof

Document review Interviews with UNECE staff, country representatives and independent experts

Project documentation; Project stakeholders.

3.3 To what extent were the resources used economically, and how could the use of resources be improved?

Financial utilisation across years and in aggregate Extent to which the management of the resources of the partnership was based on results, including the existence of an RBM policy Extent to which the project management structures facilitated the implementation, including evidence of actions taken to improve implementation

Document review Interviews with UNECE staff, country representatives and independent experts

Project documentation; Project stakeholders.

Evaluation questions/issues Indicators Proposed evaluation tools Data source 2.5 What (if anything) has prevented the project from achieving the desired results?

Examination of the theory of change and the linkages between project and results

Document review Interviews with UNECE staff, country representatives and independent experts

Project documentation; Project stakeholders.

2.6 How effectively has the project tackled its underlying objective of improving the competencies of innovation policymakers to support environmental sustainability, gender equality, good governance, and economic growth in the participating countries?

Evidence from key staff of improved ability of policymakers to support environmental sustainability, gender equality, good governance, and economic growth.

Document review Interviews with UNECE staff, country representatives and independent experts

Project documentation; Project stakeholders.


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4.1 What measures were adopted to ensure that project outcomes would continue after the project ended, and to what extent have these measures addressed the existing risks for sustainability?

Evidence from national policymakers and practitioners that they have initiated/taken actions such as allocating dedicated staff and resources towards further activity and/or knowledge management in terms of UNECE good practices and policy recommendations. Evidence of consideration and mitigation of sustainability risks

Document review Interviews with UNECE staff, country representatives and independent experts

Project documentation; Project stakeholders.

4.2 To what extent do the partners and beneficiaries' own' the outcomes of the work? How is the stakeholders' engagement likely to continue, be scaled up, replicated, or institutionalized?

Evidence of the continuation of stakeholder engagement, scaling, replication, and/or institutionalization, for example, through linkages with activities and/or a strategy for knowledge management

Document review Interviews with UNECE staff, country representatives and independent experts

Project documentation; Project stakeholders.

4.3 To what extent are the objectives of the project still valid? How can the project be replicated in other UNECE sub-regions, particularly the Western Balkans?

Evidence of the validity of current project objectives. Evidence of replicability of the project in other UNECE sub-regions.

Document review Interviews with UNECE staff

Project documentation; Project staff


Annex 5: Country case studies: Armenia and Georgia Armenia and Georgia were selected for more detailed examination, as case studies, in this project evaluation. The six project countries (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Republic of Moldova, and Ukraine) were rated (1-5) according to their demonstrated interest in taking part in project activities. Armenia and Georgia were the top-scoring countries, scoring 5 points each, both repeatedly expressing their interest in meetings as well as making formal requests. The six countries were also rated on whether they had recent similar innovation reviews, and Armenia and Georgia also rated most highly on this ranking, with a score of 5 points each. Neither Armenia nor Georgia had conducted an innovation review of similar scope in the past five years. Armenia and Georgia were thus chosen for closer examination in the project, and therefore field visits to these countries were organized to produce a detailed examination of the project there. Armenia Armenia has made noteworthy progress towards achieving innovation-led, sustainable development. Despite the challenges posed by regional and geopolitical instability and the COVID-19 pandemic, Armenia retains a competitive information and communication technology (ICT) sector and a thriving entrepreneurship scene. Pockets of innovation excellence in ICT are complemented by well-developed tourism, mining, food processing and agriculture sectors. Despite these successes, Armenia still faces challenges to sustain economic growth and social development. Innovation, or systematic experimentation with new ideas, processes, and products, can be the catalyst in solving these challenges and bolster Armenia’s sustainable development. Improvements in innovation policy through intergovernmental coordination, greater use of evidence and evaluation in policymaking, involvement of the diaspora and revaluation of the current innovation infrastructure mechanisms are necessary to foster innovation. This project is critical to addressing these constraints and support Armenia on its journey of economic development. Relevance: To what extent was the project design appropriate for meeting the needs of beneficiary countries?


The project design was appropriate and directly applicable. There is a strong call for assistance on innovation from Armenia. High-level Ministers, including H.E. Mr. Robert Khachatryan, Minister of High-Tech Industry, H.E. Mr. Vahan Kerobyan, Minister of Economy, and H.E. Mr. Sargis Hayotsyan, Chairman of the Armenia Science Committee, are fully supportive of this project, and the government is very involved in ownership of the project. The private sector and academia have also inputted comments on the I4SDR (Innovation for Sustainable Development Review), which has just been launched, with peer reviews and input from many stakeholders.

“The topic of Innovation is very important here. It is on the priority list of the government.” The project design was helpful overall in terms of mainstreaming innovation in governance and coordinating projects and activities with the government and partners. It aimed to address the major challenges and capitalize on the strengths of beneficiary countries. However, there may not be a good understanding of the outputs of the I4SDR yet. In much of the Armenian Government, when it comes to innovation, there is a narrow focus on high tech outputs – e.g., funding tech startups, accelerators, and developing potential unicorns. The project helped government staff and stakeholders see innovation more broadly – beyond seeing innovation as just ICT, it introduced new perspectives (e.g., infrastructure, innovation ecosystem, regulatory reform) that stakeholders found very helpful. The project aimed to identify gaps and provide recommendations, considering the interconnectedness of the innovation system. The project focused on a systematic approach to address multiple gaps and policy reforms, rather than focusing solely on single issues such as the support of IT startups. This allowed for a comprehensive systemic understanding of the innovation policy, including financing and education aspects, and the identification of negative effects of innovation. The reviews effectively listed the systematic problems that needed to be addressed. It took a systemic perspective that stakeholders found important. The I4SDR has just been launched, and the dispersal of this knowledge will be key to development of innovation in Armenia. However, respondents report that there is a lack of promotion of this product, and that this now needs to be amplified by the government partners. For the future, a focus on promoting and implementing suggestions from the I4SDR is advised. The project also provided a comparison (benchmark) of different countries, which stakeholders found useful, stating that competition between countries is a strong driver of change. It is an excellent sign that UNECE and the government immediately engaging in drafting an actionable roadmap, based on the recommendations.


In addition, the project has helped to promote the encouragement of the Armenian diaspora to invest in innovative sectors. Sector-specific initiatives should also further development to promote innovation, including agriculture, health care, and environment. This involves implementing targeted policies, providing financial support, and creating specialized programs to foster innovation and entrepreneurship within these sectors. Effectiveness: To what extent were the project objectives achieved?

(a) Improved policy dialogue on promoting sustained economic growth, innovative development, and greater competitiveness in the UNECE region

The policy dialogues were fully achieved and beneficial to Armenia. They provide a platform for the three different ministries involved in innovation to actually talk with each other and figure out who does what on innovation, which did not occur previously. The government now organizes policy dialogues every three months, inviting representatives from various sectors and experts. Over time, respondents have noticed that these dialogues have improved significantly, and it is essential for these to continue to improve communication.

(b) Improved understanding at the national level of policy options to promote sustained economic growth, innovative development, and greater competitiveness.

Understanding can be improved. There is a significant divide in innovation policy among the three ministries: Ministry of High Tech, Economy, and Science; Ministry of Education, Culture, and Sports. The review provided a valuable opportunity to address this issue, as there was limited communication among the ministries, resulting in overlaps and unaddressed work. The roadmap will be important in mitigating these issues.

(c) Enhanced national implementation of UNECE policy recommendations and standards on promoting a policy, financial, and regulatory environment conducive to sustained economic growth, innovative development, and greater competitiveness.

The I4SDR has just been launched on July 7, 2023; thus policy recommendations have not yet been implemented. The IPO presented guidelines which were considered, and there is awareness of them, although implementation has not occur yet. For example, as a direct benefit of this project, there are untapped aspects of innovation that have been opened. Venture capital from the Armenian diaspora and tech transfer for example will be explored for the first time in policy. Again, the roadmap is an important step into a direction of implementation and impact.


Beyond these objectives, what has been your strategic vision for the project, and how has it changed over the course of the project? Innovation has not always perceived as a means of development; however it is highly important. Initially, there was a lack of dialogue among policymakers regarding the importance of innovation and what innovation actually means. The review played a crucial role in introducing this new perspective, as it was a novel concept for them. The UNECE work has been particularly influential in this regard. Which factors facilitated or hindered the achievement of the project results? What approaches worked well and could be adapted to work in other sub-regions? What are some relevant lessons learned? The team's way of working was highly appreciated. They were disciplined with their work plan. They maintained close communication and coordination with the ministries throughout the project, which facilitated the achievement of the desired results. This approach proved to be effective in ensuring progress and success. “The project team is great… it was not just their formal obligations and duties, but their attitude. They were really engaged in the project, this specific project team… It was a learning experience to work with them, for example, with their work ethics.” However, there were certain factors that posed challenges and hindered the project's outcomes. Stakeholders found that distance from the well-organized project staff hindered the project’s development. During COVID, for example, consultations had to be conducted virtually. This limited the amount of time the project team and experts spent in the country and reduced the level of engagement with national experts. To enhance future projects, stakeholders recommended involving more local experts from Armenia to keep everyone engaged. It’s important to continue with local capacity building. One recommendation from Armenian respondents was to engage one or two local project managers in country. It was positive that UNECE engaged comprehensively local partners (local consultants, UN country teams, Swedish embassy, et al.). The project also recognized the need to address the silo-based, top-down nature of the public sector. It emphasized the importance of bottom-up approaches, allowing public servants in general, not just supervisors, to have a say in decision- making processes. Building capacity through a consistent set of activities was considered crucial. The project sought to establish in-country teams to ensure continuous engagement and effective collaboration with the government.


From a project design perspective, the methodology adopted worked well and can be adapted for use in other sub-regions. This approach contributed to the project's success and allowed for comparisons and benchmarking with others in the region, which remains a useful incentive. Recommendation: Now that the I4SDR has been launched in Armenia, it would be useful to work on incorporating its recommendations into policy design for policymakers, through workshops and training events with relevant stakeholders. An additional benefit may be to instill a local project management team to coordinate and build capacity. Benchmarking with other sub-regional counterparts should ideally also continue to allow for comparisons and instill a healthy sense of competition – and regular reviews of this. How effectively has the project improved the competencies of innovation policymakers to support environmental sustainability, gender equality, good governance, and economic growth? The project has promoted good governance and economic growth, less in environmental sustainability and gender. There is talk about gender and environment, but it is mainly pushed by international organizations and not by the government or stakeholders in country. There is no real demand for this in country. It is the presence of UN organizations that encourages focus on gender and environment. How have gender, human rights, and disability perspectives been integrated into the project? What results have there been in terms of gender, human rights, and disability? Gender, human rights, and disability have not been viewed as a priority, or even a problem, by Armenian stakeholders. Statistics and data are lacking in these areas. Armenia has some statistics on gender, for example, gender inequality in companies, but less on disability and even less on human rights. Indicators would be useful for keeping track of gender, human rights, and disability perspectives, which adds visibility to these issues and pressure from international organizations. Conclusion: The project has made great strides in Armenia to engage and coordinate local stakeholders on innovation, and to set up a platform on which implementation of innovation policy can now be launched through the IPO and I4DR, which has taken a welcomed country-driven perspective.


As an external entity, the project was restricted in terms of the duration of missions, as experts and UNECE team could only fly in for a week or two, and managed the project from outside the country. Increasing project management in country, or project co-management, would increase understanding and build capacity and trust with the beneficiaries, and is called for by country representatives. Cooperation with local partners (local experts, UN country teams, Swedish embassy, et al.) went a long way in mitigating this issue. While current capacity development efforts were effective, there is a need to ensure practical comprehensive capacity building in country. “Participating in this project has contributed to understanding – it is on-the-job training for policymakers.” Policy targets, such as in the Innovation Policy Outlook, allows benchmarking as a country, and provide reinforcement government and regional comparisons. Stakeholders believe this will drive the implementation of recommendations. As there are distinct borders between Ministries (Ministry of High Tech, Ministry of Economy, Minister of Culture, Science, Sport, and Education which encompasses the Science Committee), and it is often unclear who is pushing what forward, a local project management team would be useful to organize the regular meetings and push an innovation agenda forward. “We have a good basis for starting evidence driven dialogue now, and we need ownership and regular data collection. It can’t be just this one-time only data collection. The results of this will be important for structuring discussion amongst the stakeholders to address key gaps.” Recommendation: The next iteration of the project should now focus on implementation of the I4SDR Review and local capacity. Multiple stakeholders recommended taking the project forward with a local project management team and local experts if possible, to organize, or co-organize, workshops and meetings on innovation. Indicators and a regular IPO or benchmarking can be conducted, so that performance can be seen over time. Generating policy is a changing, adaptive process, and the government is keen on collecting indicators. Data and innovation indicators are currently lacking. The Armenian government is the largest buyer of goods and services – more than $1 billion. But procurement is rigid, risk averse, and specific. Stakeholders have not heard much for example about implementing innovation procurement yet. This may be an agenda item for the future, and the experts and/or colleagues from Georgia’s successful experience could be introduced.


Georgia A lower-middle-income economy at the crossroads of Eastern Europe and Western Asia, Georgia is an innovation achiever, gaining high scores in the Global Innovation Index. The Georgia Innovation and Technology Agency was instituted in 2013 to co-ordinate all aspects of science, technology, and innovation policy. Important challenges remain however, especially in further reforms of institutional project reviews and education. Project activities aimed to contribute to on-going or planned reform efforts that address central problems that hold innovation systems in back in Georgia. They aim to do so by developing assessment tools that help policy makers and other stakeholders understand and benchmark innovation policies and institutions, coupled with targeted capacity building that feed into specific reform efforts or address areas of joint concern. Georgia has made significant strides in adopting legislative and policy reforms to foster gender equality, for example. There is a new innovative procurement law just adopted in Georgia as a direct result of this project. The new law aligns with EU directives and regulations and will come into effect in 2025, and it includes provisions for innovative procurement. This was a great example of coordination on the project, as GITA (Georgia’s Innovation & Technology Agency) initially came up with the idea of involving the State Procurement Agency. It was fortunate timing, as the Georgian government was revising its procurement law, and included innovative procurement as part of this project with expertise from independent advisors from the project with whom they are still in contact. They have together actively developed a groundbreaking law and multiple pieces of secondary legislation, including guidelines and training materials. In addition, a delegation of high-level public officials from our agency and GITA visited Norway on a well-received Study Tour to learn from their experiences and gain practical knowledge in the field of innovation. This will have many positive downstream effects in the future for innovative products and services. Trainings and awareness raising among businesses and procurement authorities are already underway regarding this new procurement method. This is a big and lasting achievement for the project. To what extent was the project design appropriate for meeting the needs of beneficiary countries?


The project design was appropriate. Stakeholders were gathered, including key government representatives. Experts were hired to identified challenges in areas such as creating venture capital funds, improving government procurement procedures, and commercializing research and development.

To address these challenges, trainings were conducted and additional support was successfully sought from the United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The Innovation for Sustainable Development Review compared different countries' innovation ecosystems and provided recommendations for policy improvements.

The Study Tours were greatly beneficial. Delegates from the State Procurement Agency and others visited Norway to learn from their experiences in innovation and sustainable development first-hand. This Study Tour garnered very positive feedback (rated 9.7 out of 10).

To what extent were the project objectives achieved? Yes, all objectives have been achieved. The project improved policy dialogue among key stakeholders, enhanced policymakers' understanding of innovation, and implemented policy recommendations and standards. Now, more focus on implementation is vital for success. Research, selection, and adoption of new laws, like the procurement law for example, have been positive developments. Further raising awareness of the project in Georgia amongst other donors would be useful. Resources could be shared and other donors may want to contribute to or partner to work on aspects of the project. “When I had meetings with, say, UNDP, UN Women, World Bank, and the EU, they didn’t seem to know about all the details of the project.” Project activities were effectively coordinated. There have been peer reviews and information exchange among countries in the region, creating a good networking opportunity that was highly appreciated by stakeholders. “We have conducted so much research on all different ways to innovation in the region. So many new topics, ideas, and analysis/results came up! … This was capacity building for me. This was new to me before… All the experts from different countries did peer review of each other’s work, and I’d never seen that before. This is a good strategy.”


Challenges were addressed appropriately by the project. Three challenging areas stakeholders identified in Georgia were: (1) VC fund creation, (2) R&D commercialization, and (3) Procurement. To address these challenges, GITA worked closely with the Ministry of Economy and other government entities, consulted with experts from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to ensure our actions align with the country's overall goals, and conducted ICT trainings funded by the European Union to develop a competitive workforce and attract investments in the ICT sector. This was an additional positive collaboration of the project with country stakeholders. One significant factor that facilitated success was the work of the dedicated UNECE project team as well as selection of local partners who invested their time and effort into the project. This sense of co-ownership remains crucial in moving forward. How have gender, human rights, and disability perspectives been integrated into the project? What results have there been in terms of gender, human rights, and disability? The new procurement law includes provisions for reserve contracts to promote companies owned by people with disabilities or belonging to ethnic or gender minorities. These provisions aim to support local community-based organizations and women-owned businesses. The State Procurement Agency is currently working with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry to define the criteria for women-driven businesses. During the project, the focus was on procurement and innovation, rather than gender or disability issues. However, outside of the project, the State Procurement Agency has conducted training programs for disabled individuals to encourage their participation in public tenders. In general, gender, environmental, and social issues have been given specific attention and integrated into the project design. These aspects are integrated in the reports. This is something however that is promoted mostly by international donors. Now, the key lies in the practical implementation and whether these aspects will be effectively translated into actions in country. Providing specific guidance and support mechanisms to assist stakeholders in utilizing the project's policies and recommendations would be beneficial. What ensures that project outcomes would continue after the project ends?


Multiple stakeholders in both Armenia and Georgia have requested country comparisons, as it stimulates achievement amongst countries. Both Armenian and Georgian stakeholders have said that it would be highly beneficial for them to see how better-developed countries in Europe have developed their innovation policy and benchmarked themselves against the same indicators, such as the Global Innovation Index. Stakeholders also want to work on implementing the recommendations of the I4SDRs. “It is important going forward to have diagnostic studies, as it is important to understand where we stand.” The engagement of government stakeholders and the establishment of collaborative networks between countries in the region contribute to a higher likelihood of lasting results. It would be good to raise awareness about the project's goals and achievements among the wider audience, including other UN bodies, donors, and relevant organizations. This could help foster collaboration and ensure a more coordinated approach towards economic development, sustainability, and innovation in Georgia. “The project outcomes have a good chance of continuing after the project ends. Many of the recommendations have been embraced by state entities (like the procurement law), and they are already implementing them. Policymakers have shown a willingness to change strategies and reform agendas based on the recommendations. This demonstrates the project's sustainability, as its impact extends beyond its duration.”

  • I Introduction
    • 1.1 Project Background
    • 1.2 Evaluation Purpose and Scope
    • 1.3 Sampling strategy
    • 1.4 Evaluation Methodology
    • 1.5 Evaluation questions
    • 1.6 Leaving No-One Behind
    • 1.7 Limitations
  • 2. Relevance and coherence: Was the project doing the right thing?
    • 2.1 Appropriateness of project design for meeting the needs of beneficiary countries
    • 2.2 Integration of gender, human rights, and disability perspectives
      • 2.2.1 Gender, human rights, and disability perspectives: project results
      • 2.2.2 Potential including gender and human rights perspectives better in future project design and implementation
  • 3. Effectiveness: Were results achieved, and how?
    • This section assesses the project results' achievement using the following sub-criteria: i) overview of project objective achievement; ii) evolvement of the project's strategic vision; iii) unintended effects; iv) factors affecting project performance...
    • 3.1 Overview of achievement of project objectives
    • 3.2 Strategic project vision and how it evolved
    • 3.3 Unexpected effects
    • 3.4 Factors affecting project performance
    • 3.5 Lessons learned
    • 3.6 Changes in competencies of innovation policymakers
    • 3.7 Coordination with other UN stakeholders
    • 3.8. Challenges and mitigation
  • 4. Efficiency: were resources used appropriately to achieve project results?
    • 4.1 Adequacy of funding for project results
    • 4.2 Timeliness of results achievement and efficient organization
    • 4.3 Efficiency of resource use
  • 5. Sustainability: are results lasting?
    • 5.1 Measures to ensure sustainability of project results
    • 5.2 Ownership of project results, institutionalization, and up-scaling
    • 5.3 Potential for replication
  • Section III: Conclusions and Recommendations
  • Annex 1: Terms of Reference of the Evaluation
  • I. Purpose
  • II. Background
  • III. Evaluation objectives, scope and questions
    • Relevance
    • Effectiveness
    • Efficiency
    • Sustainability
  • IV. Evaluation approach and methodology
  • V. Evaluation schedule9F
  • VI. Resources and Management of the evaluation
  • VII. Intended use / Next steps
  • VIII. Criteria for evaluators
  • Annex 2: Documents reviewed
  • Annex 3: Lists of stakeholders interviewed
  • Annex 4: Evaluation matrix
  • Annex 5: Country case studies: Armenia and Georgia

Interim Sub-regional Innovation Policy Outlook 2022: Eastern Europe and the South Caucasus

The COVID-19 pandemic and the war in Ukraine have negatively affected economic development in UNECE member States, significantly disrupting international trade, investment and cooperation. Because of their geographical location and development stage, these shocks have hit especially hard in transition economies in Eastern Europe and the South Caucasus (EESC) – Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine.

Interim Sub-regional Innovation Policy Outlook 2022: Eastern Europe and the South Caucasus

The COVID-19 pandemic and the war in Ukraine have negatively affected economic development in UNECE member States, significantly disrupting international trade, investment and cooperation. Because of their geographical location and development stage, these shocks have hit especially hard in transition economies in Eastern Europe and the South Caucasus (EESC) – Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine.

Interim Sub-regional Innovation Policy Outlook 2022: Eastern Europe and the South Caucasus

The COVID-19 pandemic and the war in Ukraine have negatively affected economic development in UNECE member States, significantly disrupting international trade, investment and cooperation. Because of their geographical location and development stage, these shocks have hit especially hard in transition economies in Eastern Europe and the South Caucasus (EESC) – Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine.

First eTIR transport takes place between Uzbekistan and Azerbaijan paving the way to a digital era in international transport and transit

The first electronic TIR (eTIR) transport in line with the Customs Convention on the International Transport of Goods under Cover of TIR Carnets (TIR Convention) has taken place between Uzbekistan and Azerbaijan. Four packages of dried and fresh fruits were transported first by truck and then by plane from the airport of Tashkent to the airport of Baku, following the eTIR procedure and thus paving the way for a new, digital era of the TIR system.  

Commonwealth of Independent States

Joint Forest Sector Questionnaire - 2020 - National Reply - Azerbaijan

Reply as received from country.

This document is associated with the following:

JFSQ Country Replies

Languages and translations


Страна: Azerbaijan Дата: Страна: Azerbaijan
Фамилия должностного лица, ответственного
за предоставление ответа:
Официальный адрес (полный): Should we make missing data into 0?
ВОПРОСНИК ПО ЛЕСНОМУ СЕКТОРУ CB1 Not included: trade in chips
Industrial Roundwood Balance
ЛЕСНЫЕ ТОВАРЫ ПЕРВИЧНОЙ ОБРАБОТКИ Телефон: Факс: Если показатель не равен 0 (нулю), просьба проверить его точность Расхождения
Вывозки и производство Электронная почта: test for good numbers, missing number, bad number, negative number
51 51
Код Товар Единица 2019 2020 Код Товар Единица 2019 2020 2019 2020 % change Conversion factors
товара Объем Объем товара Объем Объем Roundwood Industrial roundwood availability
McCusker 14/6/07: McCusker 14/6/07: minus 1.2.3 (other ind. RW) production
1 1 0% m3 of wood in m3 or mt of product
1 КРУГЛЫЙ ЛЕС (НЕОБРАБОТАННЫЕ ЛЕСОМАТЕРИАЛЫ) 1000 м3бк 1 КРУГЛЫЙ ЛЕС (НЕОБРАБОТАННЫЕ ЛЕСОМАТЕРИАЛЫ) 1000 м3бк 0 0 Solid Wood Demand agglomerate production 0 0 missing data 2.4
1.1.C Хвойные породы 1000 м3бк 1.1.C Хвойные породы 1000 м3бк veneer production Missing data Missing data missing data 1
1.1.NC Лиственные породы 1000 м3бк 1.1.NC Лиственные породы 1000 м3бк plywood production Missing data Missing data missing data 1
1.2 ДЕЛОВОЙ КРУГЛЫЙ ЛЕС 1000 м3бк 1.2 ДЕЛОВОЙ КРУГЛЫЙ ЛЕС 1000 м3бк 0 0 particle board production (incl OSB) 1 1 86% 1.58
1.2.C Хвойные породы 1000 м3бк 1.2.C Хвойные породы 1000 м3бк 0 0 fibreboard production missing data missing data missing data 1.8
1.2.NC Лиственные породы 1000 м3бк 1.2.NC Лиственные породы 1000 м3бк 0 0 mechanical/semi-chemical pulp production missing data missing data missing data 2.5
1.2.NC.T в том числе тропические породы 1000 м3бк 1.2.NC.T в том числе тропические породы 1000 м3бк chemical pulp production missing data missing data missing data 4.9
1.2.1 ПИЛОВОЧНИК И ФАНЕРНЫЙ КРЯЖ 1000 м3бк 1.2.1 ПИЛОВОЧНИК И ФАНЕРНЫЙ КРЯЖ 1000 м3бк 0 0 dissolving pulp production missing data missing data missing data 5.7
1.2.1.C Хвойные породы 1000 м3бк 1.2.1.C Хвойные породы 1000 м3бк Availability Solid Wood Demand missing data missing data missing data
1.2.1.NC Лиственные породы 1000 м3бк 1.2.1.NC Лиственные породы 1000 м3бк Difference (roundwood-demand) missing data missing data missing data positive = surplus
1.2.2.C Хвойные породы 1000 м3бк 1.2.2.C Хвойные породы 1000 м3бк Positive number means more roundwood available than demanded
1.2.2.NC Лиственные породы 1000 м3бк 1.2.2.NC Лиственные породы 1000 м3бк
1.2.3.C Хвойные породы 1000 м3бк 1.2.3.C Хвойные породы 1000 м3бк % of particle board that is from recovered wood 35%
1.2.3.NC Лиственные породы 1000 м3бк 1.2.3.NC Лиственные породы 1000 м3бк share of agglomerates produced from industrial roundwood residues 100%
ПРОИЗВОДСТВО ПРОИЗВОДСТВО usable industrial roundwood - amount of roundwood that is used, remainder leaves industry 98.5%
6.C Хвойные породы 1000 м3 0.2 0.1 6.C Хвойные породы 1000 м3
6.NC Лиственные породы 1000 м3 6.NC Лиственные породы 1000 м3
6.NC.T в том числе тропические породы 1000 м3 6.NC.T в том числе тропические породы 1000 м3
7 ШПОН 1000 м3 7 ШПОН 1000 м3 0 0
7.C Хвойные породы 1000 м3 7.C Хвойные породы 1000 м3
7.NC Лиственные породы 1000 м3 7.NC Лиственные породы 1000 м3
7.NC.T в том числе тропические породы 1000 м3 7.NC.T в том числе тропические породы 1000 м3
8.1 ФАНЕРА 1000 м3 8.1 ФАНЕРА 1000 м3 0 0
8.1.C Хвойные породы 1000 м3 8.1.C Хвойные породы 1000 м3
8.1.NC Лиственные породы 1000 м3 8.1.NC Лиственные породы 1000 м3
8.1.NC.T в том числе тропические породы 1000 м3 8.1.NC.T в том числе тропические породы 1000 м3
8.2.1 в том числе ПЛИТЫ С ОРИЕНТИРОВАННОЙ СТРУЖКОЙ (OSB) 1000 м3 0.7 1.3 8.2.1 в том числе ПЛИТЫ С ОРИЕНТИРОВАННОЙ СТРУЖКОЙ (OSB) 1000 м3
8.3.1 ТВЕРДЫЕ ПЛИТЫ 1000 м3 8.3.1 ТВЕРДЫЕ ПЛИТЫ 1000 м3
9.2 ЦЕЛЛЮЛОЗА 1000 т 9.2 ЦЕЛЛЮЛОЗА 1000 т 0 0
9.2.1 СУЛЬФАТНАЯ ЦЕЛЛЮЛОЗА 1000 т 9.2.1 СУЛЬФАТНАЯ ЦЕЛЛЮЛОЗА 1000 т в том числе БЕЛЕНАЯ 1000 т в том числе БЕЛЕНАЯ 1000 т
12 БУМАГА И КАРТОН 1000 т 22.1 38.5 12 БУМАГА И КАРТОН 1000 т 0 0
12.1.1 ГАЗЕТНАЯ БУМАГА 1000 т 12.1.1 ГАЗЕТНАЯ БУМАГА 1000 т
12.3 УПАКОВОЧНЫЕ МАТЕРИАЛЫ 1000 т 16.8 30.8 12.3 УПАКОВОЧНЫЕ МАТЕРИАЛЫ 1000 т -0 -0
12.3.1 КАРТОНАЖНЫЕ МАТЕРИАЛЫ 1000 т 5.2 20.8 12.3.1 КАРТОНАЖНЫЕ МАТЕРИАЛЫ 1000 т
12.3.2 КОРОБОЧНЫЙ КАРТОН 1000 т 11.6 10.0 12.3.2 КОРОБОЧНЫЙ КАРТОН 1000 т
12.3.3 ОБЕРТОЧНАЯ БУМАГА 1000 т 0.00 0.00 12.3.3 ОБЕРТОЧНАЯ БУМАГА 1000 т
м3 = плотные кубические метры
м3бк = плотные кубические метры без коры (т.е. исключая кору)
т = метрические тонны

СВ2 | Первич. | Торговля

Фамилия должностного лица, ответственного за предоставление ответа:
ЛЕСНЫЕ ТОВАРЫ ПЕРВИЧНОЙ ОБРАБОТКИ Официальный адрес (полный): Данная таблица показывает расхождение между производством и торговлей. Если показатель является отрицательным, пожалуйста, проверьте его точность.
Торговля Телефон: Факс: Если показатель не равен 0 (нулю), просьба проверить его точность
Электронная почта: Страна: Azerbaijan Страна: Azerbaijan
Укажите валюту и единицу стоимости (например, 1000 долл. США): _______________ Торговля Расхождения
Код Единица ИМПОРТ ЭКСПОРТ Код ИМПОРТ ЭКСПОРТ Код Видимое потребление
товара Товар объема 2019 2020 2019 2020 товара 2019 2020 2019 2020 товара 2019 2020
Объем Стоимость Объем Стоимость Объем Стоимость Объем Стоимость Объем Стоимость Объем Стоимость Объем Стоимость Объем Стоимость
1.1.C Хвойные породы 1000 м3бк 0 0 0 0 1.1.C Хвойные породы 1000 м3бк 1.1.C Хвойные породы 1000 м3бк 0 0
1.1.NC Лиственные породы 1000 м3бк 0 0 0 0 1.1.NC Лиственные породы 1000 м3бк 1.1.NC Лиственные породы 1000 м3бк 0 0
1.2 ДЕЛОВОЙ КРУГЛЫЙ ЛЕС 1000 м3бк 1 190 1 192 1.2 ДЕЛОВОЙ КРУГЛЫЙ ЛЕС 1000 м3бк 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.2 ДЕЛОВОЙ КРУГЛЫЙ ЛЕС 1000 м3бк 1 1
1.2.C Хвойные породы 1000 м3бк 1 189 1 186 1.2.C Хвойные породы 1000 м3бк 1.2.C Хвойные породы 1000 м3бк 1 1
1.2.NC Лиственные породы 1000 м3бк 0 1 0 6 1.2.NC Лиственные породы 1000 м3бк 1.2.NC Лиственные породы 1000 м3бк 0 0
1.2.NC.T в том числе тропические породы 1000 м3бк 0 0 0 0 1.2.NC.T в том числе тропические породы 1000 м3бк 1.2.NC.T в том числе тропические породы 1000 м3бк 0 0
2 ДРЕВЕСНЫЙ УГОЛЬ 1000 т 1 893 1 605 0 21 2 ДРЕВЕСНЫЙ УГОЛЬ 1000 т 2 ДРЕВЕСНЫЙ УГОЛЬ 1000 метрич. Т 1 1
3.1 ДРЕВЕСНАЯ ЩЕПА И СТРУЖКА 1000 м3 0 177 1 200 3.1 ДРЕВЕСНАЯ ЩЕПА И СТРУЖКА 1000 м3 3.1 ДРЕВЕСНАЯ ЩЕПА И СТРУЖКА 1000 м3 0 1
5.1 ДРЕВЕСНЫЕ ПЕЛЛЕТЫ 1000 т 0 7 0 8 0 1 5.1 ДРЕВЕСНЫЕ ПЕЛЛЕТЫ 1000 т 5.1 ДРЕВЕСНЫЕ ПЕЛЛЕТЫ 1000 метрич. Т -0 0
5.2 ПРОЧИЕ АГЛОМЕРАТЫ 1000 т 0 1 5.2 ПРОЧИЕ АГЛОМЕРАТЫ 1000 т 5.2 ПРОЧИЕ АГЛОМЕРАТЫ 1000 метрич. Т 0 0
6 ПИЛОМАТЕРИАЛЫ (ВКЛЮЧАЯ ШПАЛЫ) 1000 м3 978 129,181 955 117,264 6 ПИЛОМАТЕРИАЛЫ (ВКЛЮЧАЯ ШПАЛЫ) 1000 м3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 ПИЛОМАТЕРИАЛЫ (ВКЛЮЧАЯ ШПАЛЫ) 1000 м3 978 955
6.C Хвойные породы 1000 м3 972 127,683 951 115,812 6.C Хвойные породы 1000 м3 6.C Хвойные породы 1000 м3 972 951
6.NC Лиственные породы 1000 м3 6 1,498 4 1,452 6.NC Лиственные породы 1000 м3 6.NC Лиственные породы 1000 м3 6 4
6.NC.T в том числе тропические породы 1000 м3 0 82 1 551 6.NC.T в том числе тропические породы 1000 м3 6.NC.T в том числе тропические породы 1000 м3 0 1
7 ШПОН 1000 т 0 449 0 444 7 ШПОН 1000 м3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 ШПОН 1000 м3 0 0
7.C Хвойные породы 1000 т 0 13 0 1 7.C Хвойные породы 1000 м3 7.C Хвойные породы 1000 м3 0 0
7.NC Лиственные породы 1000 т 0 436 0 443 7.NC Лиственные породы 1000 м3 7.NC Лиственные породы 1000 м3 0 0
7.NC.T в том числе тропические породы 1000 т 0 16 0 33 7.NC.T в том числе тропические породы 1000 м3 7.NC.T в том числе тропические породы 1000 м3 0 0
8.1 ФАНЕРА 1000 м3 96 28,742 104 30,435 1 467 0 36 8.1 ФАНЕРА 1000 м3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8.1 ФАНЕРА 1000 м3 95 104
8.1.C Хвойные породы 1000 м3 0 472 1 704 0 0 0 3 8.1.C Хвойные породы 1000 м3 8.1.C Хвойные породы 1000 м3 0 1
8.1.NC Лиственные породы 1000 м3 96 28,270 103 29,731 1 466 0 33 8.1.NC Лиственные породы 1000 м3 8.1.NC Лиственные породы 1000 м3 95 103
8.1.NC.T в том числе тропические породы 1000 м3 0 504 1 695 0 3 8.1.NC.T в том числе тропические породы 1000 м3 8.1.NC.T в том числе тропические породы 1000 м3 0 1
8.2.1 в том числе ПЛИТЫ С ОРИЕНТИРОВАННОЙ СТРУЖКОЙ (OSB) 1000 м3 1 287 1 327 8.2.1 в том числе ПЛИТЫ С ОРИЕНТИРОВАННОЙ СТРУЖКОЙ (OSB) 1000 м3 8.2.1 в том числе ПЛИТЫ С ОРИЕНТИРОВАННОЙ СТРУЖКОЙ (OSB) 1000 m3 2 2
8.3 ДРЕВЕСНОВОЛОКНИСТЫЕ ПЛИТЫ 1000 м2 13,431 41,285 11,521 37,288 2 17 3 86 8.3 ДРЕВЕСНОВОЛОКНИСТЫЕ ПЛИТЫ 1000 м3 0 -0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8.3 ДРЕВЕСНОВОЛОКНИСТЫЕ ПЛИТЫ 1000 m3 13,429 11,518
8.3.1 ТВЕРДЫЕ ПЛИТЫ 1000 м2 3,820 9,264 3,665 8,803 0 6 8.3.1 ТВЕРДЫЕ ПЛИТЫ 1000 м3 8.3.1 ТВЕРДЫЕ ПЛИТЫ 1000 m3 3,820 3,665
8.3.3 ПРОЧИЕ ДРЕВЕСНОВОЛОКНИСТЫЕ ПЛИТЫ 1000 м2 3,256 16,194 2,605 13,685 2 11 3 86 8.3.3 ПРОЧИЕ ДРЕВЕСНОВОЛОКНИСТЫЕ ПЛИТЫ 1000 м3 8.3.3 ПРОЧИЕ ДРЕВЕСНОВОЛОКНИСТЫЕ ПЛИТЫ 1000 m3 3,254 2,602
9 ДРЕВЕСНАЯ МАССА 1000 т 0 139 0 32 9 ДРЕВЕСНАЯ МАССА 1000 т 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 ДРЕВЕСНАЯ МАССА 1000 метрич. Т 0 0
9.2 ЦЕЛЛЮЛОЗА 1000 т 0 139 0 32 9.2 ЦЕЛЛЮЛОЗА 1000 т 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9.2 ЦЕЛЛЮЛОЗА 1000 метрич. Т 0 0
9.2.1 СУЛЬФАТНАЯ ЦЕЛЛЮЛОЗА 1000 т 0 139 0 32 9.2.1 СУЛЬФАТНАЯ ЦЕЛЛЮЛОЗА 1000 т 9.2.1 СУЛЬФАТНАЯ ЦЕЛЛЮЛОЗА 1000 метрич. Т 0 0 в том числе БЕЛЕНАЯ 1000 т 0 139 0 32 в том числе БЕЛЕНАЯ 1000 т в том числе БЕЛЕНАЯ 1000 метрич. Т 0 0
10 ПРОЧИЕ ВИДЫ МАССЫ 1000 т 0 10 0 12 10 ПРОЧИЕ ВИДЫ МАССЫ 1000 т 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 ПРОЧИЕ ВИДЫ МАССЫ 1000 метрич. Т 0 0
12 БУМАГА И КАРТОН 1000 т 74 74,367 68 63,382 2 596 6 1,939 12 БУМАГА И КАРТОН 1000 т 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 БУМАГА И КАРТОН 1000 метрич. Т 95 100
12.1 ПОЛИГРАФИЧЕСКАЯ БУМАГА 1000 т 34 30,292 25 19,940 12.1 ПОЛИГРАФИЧЕСКАЯ БУМАГА 1000 т 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12.1 ПОЛИГРАФИЧЕСКАЯ БУМАГА 1000 метрич. Т 34 25
12.1.1 ГАЗЕТНАЯ БУМАГА 1000 т 3 1,699 2 946 12.1.1 ГАЗЕТНАЯ БУМАГА 1000 т 12.1.1 ГАЗЕТНАЯ БУМАГА 1000 метрич. Т 3 2
12.1.4 МЕЛОВАННАЯ БУМАГА 1000 т 4 4,508 4 4,078 12.1.4 МЕЛОВАННАЯ БУМАГА 1000 т 12.1.4 МЕЛОВАННАЯ БУМАГА 1000 метрич. Т 4 4
12.3 УПАКОВОЧНЫЕ МАТЕРИАЛЫ 1000 т 34 30,114 36 29,965 2 596 6 1,939 12.3 УПАКОВОЧНЫЕ МАТЕРИАЛЫ 1000 т 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12.3 УПАКОВОЧНЫЕ МАТЕРИАЛЫ 1000 метрич. Т 49 61
12.3.1 КАРТОНАЖНЫЕ МАТЕРИАЛЫ 1000 т 13 8,717 16 8,871 2 596 6 1,939 12.3.1 КАРТОНАЖНЫЕ МАТЕРИАЛЫ 1000 т 12.3.1 КАРТОНАЖНЫЕ МАТЕРИАЛЫ 1000 метрич. Т 17 31
12.3.2 КОРОБОЧНЫЙ КАРТОН 1000 т 14 15,065 14 16,027 12.3.2 КОРОБОЧНЫЙ КАРТОН 1000 т 12.3.2 КОРОБОЧНЫЙ КАРТОН 1000 метрич. Т 26 24
12.3.3 ОБЕРТОЧНАЯ БУМАГА 1000 т 6 5,717 5 4,723 12.3.3 ОБЕРТОЧНАЯ БУМАГА 1000 т 12.3.3 ОБЕРТОЧНАЯ БУМАГА 1000 метрич. Т 6 5
м3 = плотные кубические метры
м3бк = плотные кубические метры без коры (т.е. исключая кору)
т = метрические тонны
Примечания: Количество товара 7 (шпонированные листы) единица обьема 1000 т, количество товара 8.3 ( древесноволокнистые плиты) 1000 кв.метров. Выделено жёлтым цветом в таблице. 'Notes: Amount of goods 7 (veneered sheets), unit of volume 1000 t, quantity of goods 8.3 (fibreboards) 1000 square meters. Highlighted in yellow in the table.

СВ3 | Вторичн.| Торговля

62 91 91
Страна: Azerbaijan Дата: Страна:
Фамилия должностного лица, ответственного за предоставление ответа:
Официальный адрес (полный):
Торговля Электронная почта:
Если показатель не равен 0 (нулю), просьба проверить его точность!!!
Укажите валюту и единицу стоимости (например, 1000 долл. США): _____________________ Расхождения
товара 2019 2020 2019 2020 товара 2019 2020 2019 2020
13.1.C Хвойные породы 5769.5 3312 3 131.7 13.1.C Хвойные породы
13.1.NC Лиственные породы 5925.7 4506.4 22.1 13.1.NC Лиственные породы
13.1.NC.T в том числе тропические породы 402.4 251.8 13.1.NC.T в том числе тропические породы
13.2 ДЕРЕВЯННАЯ ТАРА 1288.4 1176 62.3 288.1 13.2 ДЕРЕВЯННАЯ ТАРА
13.5 ДЕРЕВЯННАЯ МЕБЕЛЬ 68868.6 40585.8 1412.5 2241.7 13.5 ДЕРЕВЯННАЯ МЕБЕЛЬ

ЕЭК-ЕС | Породы | Торговля

Страна: Azerbaijan Дата:
Фамилия должностного лица, ответственного за предоставление ответа:
ТОРГОВЛЯ СТРАН ЕЭК/ЕС В РАЗБИВКЕ ПО ПОРОДАМ Официальный адрес (полный): РАСХОЖДЕНИЯ – просьба обратить внимание на клетки с примечаниями и проверить данные Необходимо:
– проверить, являются ли одинаковыми данные, представленные в вопроснике СВ2 и на данном листе
Торговля круглым лесом и пиломатериалами в разбивке по породам Телефон: Факс: – по необходимости проверить, чтобы итоговый показатель равнялся сумме показателей по подпозициям
Электронная почта:
Укажите валюту и единицу стоимости (например, 1000 долл. США): _______________________________
Код Классификация Классификация Единица 2019 2020 2019 2020 Код Классификация Классификация Единица 2019 2020 2019 2020
товара ГС 2017 КН 2017 Товар объема Объем Стоимость Объем Стоимость Объем Стоимость Объем Стоимость товара ГС 2017 КН 2017 Товар объема Объем Стоимость Объем Стоимость Объем Стоимость Объем Стоимость
1.2.C 4403.11/21/22/23/24/25/26 Деловой круглый лес, хвойные породы 1000 м3бк 1.2.C 4403.11/21/22/23/24/25/26 Деловой круглый лес, хвойные породы 1000 м3бк Данные не равны CB2 Данные не равны CB2 Данные не равны CB2 Данные не равны CB2
4403.23/24 Пихта/ель (Abies spp., Picea spp.) 1000 м3бк 4403.23/24 Fir/Spruce (Abies spp., Picea spp.) 1000 м3бк неполные данные неполные данные неполные данные неполные данные неполные данные неполные данные неполные данные неполные данные
4403 23 10 Пиловочник и фанерный кряж 1000 м3бк 4403 23 10 Пиловочник и фанерный кряж 1000 м3бк
4403 23 90 4403 24 00 Балансовая древесина и прочие сортименты делового круглого леса 1000 м3бк 4403 23 90 4403 24 00 Балансовая древесина и прочие сортименты делового круглого леса 1000 м3бк
4403.21/22 Сосна (Pinus spp.) 1000 м3бк 4403.21/22 Сосна (Pinus spp.) 1000 м3бк неполные данные неполные данные неполные данные неполные данные неполные данные неполные данные неполные данные неполные данные
4403 21 10 Пиловочник и фанерный кряж 1000 м3бк 4403 21 10 Пиловочник и фанерный кряж 1000 м3бк
4403 21 90 4403 22 00 Балансовая древесина и прочие сортименты делового круглого леса 1000 м3бк 4403 21 90 4403 22 00 Балансовая древесина и прочие сортименты делового круглого леса 1000 м3бк
1.2.NC 4403.12/41/49/91/93/94 4403.95/96/97/98/99 Деловой круглый лес, лиственные породы 1000 м3бк 1.2.NC 4403.12/41/49/91/93/94 4403.95/96/97/98/99 Деловой круглый лес, лиственные породы 1000 м3бк Данные не равны CB2 Данные не равны CB2
4403.91 в том числе: дуб (Quercus spp.) 1000 м3бк 4403.91 в том числе: дуб (Quercus spp.) 1000 м3бк
4403.93/94 в том числе: бук (Fagus spp.) 1000 м3бк 4403.93/94 в том числе: бук (Fagus spp.) 1000 м3бк
4403.95/96 в том числе: береза (Betula spp.) 1000 м3бк 4403.95/96 в том числе: береза (Betula spp.) 1000 м3бк неполные данные неполные данные неполные данные неполные данные неполные данные неполные данные неполные данные неполные данные
4403 95 10 Пиловочник и фанерный кряж 1000 м3бк 4403 95 10 Пиловочник и фанерный кряж 1000 м3бк
4403 95 90 4403 96 00 Балансовая древесина и прочие сортименты делового круглого леса 1000 м3бк 4403 95 90 4403 96 00 Балансовая древесина и прочие сортименты делового круглого леса 1000 м3бк
4403.97 в том числе: тополь/осина (Populus spp.) 1000 м3бк 4403.97 в том числе: тополь/осина (Populus spp.) 1000 м3бк
4403.98 в том числе: эвкалипт (Eucalyptus spp.) 1000 м3бк 4403.98 в том числе: эвкалипт (Eucalyptus spp.) 1000 м3бк
6.C 4406.11/91 4407.11/12/19 Пиломатериалы хвойных пород 1000 м3 6.C 4406.11/91 4407.11/12/19 Пиломатериалы хвойных пород 1000 м3 Данные не равны CB2 Данные не равны CB2 Данные не равны CB2 Данные не равны CB2
4407.12 в том числе: пихта/ель (Abies spp., Picea spp.) 1000 м3 4407.12 в том числе: пихта/ель (Abies spp., Picea spp.) 1000 м3
4407.11 в том числе: сосна (Pinus spp.) 1000 м3 4407.11 в том числе: сосна (Pinus spp.) 1000 м3
6.NC 4406.12/92 4407.21/22/25/26/27/28/29/91/92/93/94/95/96/97/99 Пиломатериалы лиственных пород 1000 м3 6.NC 4406.12/92 4407.21/22/25/26/27/28/29/91/92/93/94/95/96/97/99 Пиломатериалы лиственных пород 1000 м3 Данные не равны CB2 Данные не равны CB2 Данные не равны CB2 Данные не равны CB2
4407.91 в том числе: дуб (Quercus spp.) 1000 м3 4407.91 в том числе: дуб (Quercus spp.) 1000 м3
4407.92 в том числе: бук (Fagus spp.) 1000 м3 4407.92 в том числе: бук (Fagus spp.) 1000 м3
4407.93 в том числе: клен (Acer spp.) 1000 м3 4407.93 в том числе: клен (Acer spp.) 1000 м3
4407.94 в том числе: вишня (Prunus spp.) 1000 м3 4407.94 в том числе: вишня (Prunus spp.) 1000 м3
4407.95 в том числе: ясень (Fraxinus spp.) 1000 м3 4407.95 в том числе: ясень (Fraxinus spp.) 1000 м3
4407.97 в том числе: тополь/осина (Populus spp.) 1000 м3 4407.97 в том числе: тополь/осина (Populus spp.) 1000 м3
4407.96 в том числе: береза (Betula spp.) 1000 м3 4407.96 в том числе: береза (Betula spp.) 1000 м3
Клетки светло-голубого цвета предлагается заполнить лишь странам – членам ЕС с использованием Комбинированной номенклатуры, другие страны могут также заполнить эти клетки, если позволяет номенклатура их торговой классификации.
Просьба принять во внимание, что информация о торговле лесоматериалами тропических пород затрагивается в вопроснике МОТД 2, который заполняется странами – членами МОТД.
м3 = плотные кубические метры
м3бк = плотные кубические метры без коры (т.е. исключая кору)

коэффициенты пересчета

Переводные Коэффициенты
ФАО and ЕЭК Статистические публикации Результаты исследования ЕЭК /ФАО 2009, полученные Вопросником по Переводным коэффициентам (медиана)
Код Единица Сортимент соотношение объема и веса соотношение объема и площади объем/вес конечного товара к объему круглого леса соотношение объема и веса объем/вес конечного товара к объему круглого леса
товара измерения м3 на метрич.т м3 на м2 эквивалент м3 на метрич.т эквивалент
круглого леса круглого леса Примечания к результатам исследования ЕЭК /ФАО 2009:
1.1.C 1000 м3бк Хвойные породы 1.60 В сыром состоянии = 1.12 Based on 891 kg/m3 green, basic density of .41, and 20% moisture seasoned
В просушенном состонии/после хранения= 1.82 Based on 407 kg/m3 dry, assuming 20% moisture
1.1.NC 1000 м3бк Лиственные породы 1.33 В сыром состоянии =1.05 Based on 1137 kg/m3 green, specific gravity of .55, and 20% moisture seasoned
В просушенном состонии/после хранения=1.43
1.2.C 1000 м3бк Хвойные породы 1.10 Based on 50/50 ratio of share of logs/pulpwood in industrial roundwood
1.2.C.Пихта Пихта (и Ель) 1.21 Austrian Energy Agency, 2009. weighted by share of standing inventory of European speices (57% spruce, 10% silver fir and remaining species)
1.2.C.Сосна Сосна 1.08 Austrian Energy Agency, 2009, weighted 25% Scots Pine, 2% maritime pine, 2% black pine and remaining species
1.2.NC 1000 м3бк Лиственные породы 0.91 Based on 50/50 ratio of share of logs/pulpwood in industrial roundwood
1.2.NC.T 1000 м3бк в том числе тропические породы 1.37 Африка=1.31, Азия=0.956, Лат.Ам.= 0.847, Мир=1.12 Source: Fonseca "Measurement of Roundwood" 2005, ITTO Annual Review 2007, table 3-2-a Species weight averaged using m3/tonne from Fonseca 2005 and volume exported by species from each region as shown in ITTO 2007 (assumes that bark is removed)
1.2.1 1000 м3бк ПИЛОВОЧНИК И ФАНЕРНЫЙ КРЯЖ 1.05 Based on 950 kg/m3 green. Bark is included in weight but not in volume.
1.2.1.C 1000 м3бк Хвойные породы 1.43 1.07 Based on 935 kg/m3 green. Bark is included in weight but not in volume.
1.2.1.NC 1000 м3бк Лиственные породы 1.25 0.91 Based on 1093 kg/m3 green. Bark is included in weight but not in volume.
1.2.NC.Бук Бук 0.92 Austrian Energy Agency, 2009
1.2.NC.Береза Береза 0.88 Austrian Energy Agency, 2009
1.2.NC.Эвкалипт Эвкалипт 0.77 ATIBT, 1982
1.2.NC.Дуб Дуб 0.88 Austrian Energy Agency, 2009
1.2.NC.Тополь Тополь 1.06 Austrian Energy Agency, 2009
1.2.2 1000 м3бк БАЛАНСОВАЯ ДРЕВЕСИНА, КРУГЛАЯ И КОЛОТАЯ 1.48 1.08 Based on 930 kg/m3 green. Bark is included in weight but not in volume.
1.2.2.C 1000 м3бк Хвойные породы 1.54 1.12 Based on 891 kg/m3 green. Bark is included in weight but not in volume.
1.2.2.NC 1000 м3бк Лиственные породы 1.33 0.91 Based on 1095 kg/m3 green. Bark is included in weight but not in volume.
1.2.3.C 1000 м3бк Хвойные породы 1.43 1.12 same as 1.2.2.C
1.2.3.NC 1000 м3бк Лиственные породы 1.25 0.91 same as 1.2.2.NC
2 1000 метрич.т ДРЕВЕСНЫЙ УГОЛЬ 6.00 5.35 Does not include the use of any of the wood fiber to generate the heat to make (add about 30% if inputted wood fiber used to provide heat)
3.1 1000 м3 ДРЕВЕСНАЯ ЩЕПА И СТРУЖКА 1.60 хвойная=1.19 1.205 Based on swe/odmt of 2.41 and avg delivered mt / odmt of 2.0 in solid m3
лиственная = 1.05 1.123 Based on swe/odmt of 2.01 and avg delivered mt / odmt of 1.79 in solid m3
смесь = 1.15
3.2 1000 м3 ДРЕВЕСНЫЕ ОТХОДЫ 1.50 В сыром состоянии =1.15 Based on wood chips
В просушенном состонии/после хранения = 2.12 2.07 Assumption for seasoned is based on average basic density of .42 from questionnaire and assumes 15% moisture content
4 1000 метрич.т БЫВШАЯ В УПОТРЕБЛЕНИИ РЕКУПЕРИРОВАННАЯ ДРЕВЕСИНА Delivered MT (12-20% atmospheric moisture). Convert to dry weight for energy purposes (multiply by 0.88 - 0.80)
5.1 1000 метрич.т ДРЕВЕСНЫЕ ПЕЛЛЕТЫ 1.51 1.44 Bulk (loose) volume, 5-10% moisture
5.2 1000 метрич.т ПРОЧИЕ АГЛОМЕРАТЫ 1.31 2.29 roundwood equivalent is m3rw/odmt, volume to weight is bulk (loose volume)
6 1000 м3 ПИЛОМАТЕРИАЛЫ 1.6 / 1.82*
6.C 1000 м3 Хвойные породы 1.82 В сыром состоянии=1.202 Нестроганный/Сырой=1.67 Green sawnwood based on basic density of .94, less bark (11%)
В сухом состоянии = 1.99 Нестроганный/Сухой=1.99 Dry sawnwood weight based on basic density of .42, 4% shrinkage and 15% moisture content
6.C.Fir Пихта (и Ель) 2.16 Austrian Energy Agency, 2009. Dried weight (15% moisture content dry weight). Weighted ratio of standing inventory.
6.C.Pine Сосна 1.72 Austrian Energy Agency, 2009. Dried weight (15% moisture content dry weight). Weighted ratio of standing inventory.
6.NC 1000 м3 Лиственные породы 1.43 В сыром состоянии=1.04 Нестроганный/Сырой=1.86 Green sawnwood based on basic density of 1.09, less bark (12%)
В просушенном состонии/после хранения=1.50 Нестроганный/Сухой=2.01 Dry sawnwood weight based on basic density of .55, 5% shrinkage and 15% moisture content
6.NC.Ash Ясень 1.47 Wood Database ( Air-dry.
6.NC.Beech Бук 1.42 Austrian Energy Agency, 2009. Dried weight (15% moisture content dry weight).
6.NC.Birch Береза 1.47 Austrian Energy Agency, 2009. Dried weight (15% moisture content dry weight).
6.NC.Cherry Вишня 1.62 Giordano, 1976, Tecnologia del legno. Air-dry. Prunus avium.
6.NC.Maple Клен 1.35 Giordano, 1976, Tecnologia del legno. Air-dry
6.NC.Oak Дуб 1.38 Austrian Energy Agency, 2009. Dried weight (15% moisture content dry weight).
6.NC.Poplar Тополь 2.29 Austrian Energy Agency, 2009. Dried weight (15% moisture content dry weight).
6.NC.T 1000 м3 в том числе тропические породы 1.38 Based on FP Conversion Factors (2019), Asia (720 kg / m3)
7 1000 м3 ШПОН 1.33 0.0025 1.9*
7.C 1000 м3 Хвойные породы 0.003 В сыром состоянии=1.20 1.5*** Green veneer based on basic density of .94, less bark (11%)
В просушенном состонии/после хранения=2.06 1.6*** Dry veneer weight based on basic density of .42, 9% shrinkage and 5% moisture content
7.NC 1000 м3 Лиственные породы 0.001 В сыром состоянии=1.04 1.5*** Green veneer based on basic density of 1.09, less bark (11%)
В просушенном состонии/после хранения=1.53 1.6*** Dry veneer weight based on basic density of .55, 11.5% shrinkage and 5% moisture content
7.NC.T 1000 м3 в том числе тропические породы
8.1 1000 м3 ФАНЕРА 1.54 0.105 2.3*
8,1.C 1000 м3 Хвойные породы 0.0165*** 1.69 2.12 dried, sanded, peeled
8.1.NC 1000 м3 Лиственные породы 0.0215*** 1.54 1.92 dried, sanded, sliced
8.1.NC.T 1000 м3 в том числе тропические породы
8.2.1 1000 м3 ИЗ КОТОРЫХ: OSB 0.018*** 1.67 1.63
8.3.1 1000 м3 ТВЕРДЫЕ ПЛИТЫ 1.05 0.005
Alex McCusker: Alex McCusker: 0.003 per Conversion Factors Study
1.06 1.93 solid wood per m3 of product
8.3.2 1000 м3 ДРЕВЕСНОВОЛОКНИСТЫЕ ПЛИТЫ СРЕДНЕЙ/ВЫСОКОЙ ПЛОТНОСТИ (MDF/HDF) 2.00 0.016 1.37 1.70 solid wood per m3 of product
8.3.3 1000 м3 ПРОЧИЕ ДРЕВЕСНОВОЛОКНИСТЫЕ ПЛИТЫ 4.00 0.025 3.44 0.71 solid wood per m3 of product, mostly insulating board
9 1000 метрич.т ДРЕВЕСНАЯ МАССА 3.37 3.86
9.1 1000 метрич.т МЕХАНИЧЕСКАЯ ДРЕВЕСНАЯ МАССА И ПОЛУЦЕЛЛЮЛОЗА 2.60 air-dried metric ton (mechanical 2.50, semi-chemical 2.70)
9..2 1000 метрич.т ЦЕЛЛЮЛОЗА 4.90
9.2.1 1000 метрич.т СУЛЬФАТНАЯ ЦЕЛЛЮЛОЗА 4.57 air-dried metric ton (unbleached 4.63, bleached 4.50) 1000 метрич.т в том числе БЕЛЕНАЯ 4.50 air-dried metric ton
9.2.2 1000 метрич.т СУЛЬФИТНАЯ ЦЕЛЛЮЛОЗА 4.83 air-dried metric ton (unbleached 4.64 and bleached 5.01)
9.3 1000 метрич.т ЦЕЛЛЮЛОЗА ДЛЯ ХИМИЧЕСКОЙ ПЕРЕРАБОТКИ 5.65 air-dried metric ton
10 1000 метрич.т ПРОЧИЕ ВИДЫ МАССЫ
11 1000 метрич.т РЕКУПЕРИРОВАННАЯ БУМАГА 1.28 метрич.т исходного сырья на метрич.т выхода продукта
12 1000 метрич.т БУМАГА И КАРТОН 3.37 3.6
12.1.1 1000 метрич.т ГАЗЕТНАЯ БУМАГА 2.80 air-dried metric ton
12.1.2 1000 метрич.т НЕМЕЛОВАННАЯ БУМАГА С СОДЕРЖАНИЕМ ДРЕВЕСНОЙ МАССЫ 3.50 air-dried metric ton
12.1.4 1000 метрич.т МЕЛОВАННАЯ БУМАГА 3.95 air-dried metric ton
12.2 1000 метрич.т БЫТОВАЯ И ГИГИЕНИЧЕСКАЯ БУМАГА 4.90 air-dried metric ton
12.3 1000 метрич.т УПАКОВОЧНЫЕ МАТЕРИАЛЫ 3.25 air-dried metric ton
12.3.1 1000 метрич.т КАРТОНАЖНЫЕ МАТЕРИАЛЫ 4.20 air-dried metric ton
12.3.2 1000 метрич.т КОРОБОЧНЫЙ КАРТОН 4.00 air-dried metric ton
12.3.3 1000 метрич.т ОБЕРТОЧНАЯ БУМАГА 4.10 air-dried metric ton
12.4 1000 метрич.т ПРОЧИЕ СОРТА БУМАГИ И КАРТОНА (НЕ ВКЛЮЧЕННЫЕ В ДРУГИЕ КАТЕГОРИИ) 3.48 air-dried metric ton
Для обратного коэффициента перевода, необходимо разделить 1 на коэффициент перевода из данной таблицы, к примеру, чтобы перевести м3 древесного угля в метрич. т, необходимо раделить 1 на коэффициента из таблицы: 1/6 = 0.167
Примечания: Меры измерения лесных товаров:
метрич.т = метрическая тонна (1000 кг) Единица м3/ед. м3/ед.
м3 = куб.метр (плотный объем) 1000 бордрфутов (пиловочник) 4.53**
м2 = кв. метр 1000 бордрфутов (пиломатериалы) 2.36 1.69 номинальных к фактическим м3
(s) = плотный объем 1000 кв. футов (толщиной 1/8 дюймов) 0.295
1 корд 3.625 2.43
Коэф. Перевода 1 корд (балансовая древесина) 2.55 2.43
1 дюйм = 25.4 мм 1 корд (топливная древесина) 2.12 2.43
1 кв. фут = 0.0929 м2 1 куб.фут 0.02832
1 фунт = 0.454 кг 1 куб.фут (складочный объем) 0.01841
1 малая (короткая) тонна (2000 фунтов) = 0.9072 метрич.т 1 кьюнит 2.83
1 большая (длинная) тонна (2240 фунтов) = 1.016 метрич.т 1 фатом 6.1164
Жирный шрифт = ФАО коэффициенты 1 куб.фут по системе Хоппуса 0.0222
1 супер фут по системе Хоппуса 0.00185
* = Международная организация по тропической древесине (МОТД) 1 тонна по системе Хоппуса (50 куб.футов по системе Хоппуса) 1.11
** = obsolete - more recent figures would be 1 стандарт (Петроград) 4.672
for OR, WA, AK (west of Cascades), SE US (Doyle region): 6.3 1 стер 1 0.67
Inland west US, Great Lakes US, E. Can.: 5.7 1 стер (балансовая древесина) 0.72 0.67
NE US Int 1/4": 5 1 стер (топливная древесина) 0.65 0.67
*** = Conversion Factor Study, US figures, rotary for conifer and sliced for non-conifer
Fonseca *Measurement of Roundwood" 2005. Estimated by Matt Fonseca based on regional knowledge of the scaling methods and timber types
prepared February 2004
updated 2007 with RWE factors
updated 2009 with provisional results of forest products conversion factors study
updated 2011 with results of forest products conversion factors study (DP49)


Вывозки и Производство
Классификация основных продуктов Вер. 2.1 (CPC Вер. 2.1)
Код Товар
1.1.C Хвойные породы 03131
1.1.NC Лиственные породы 03132
1.2.C Хвойные породы 0311
1.2.NC Лиственные породы 0312
1.2.NC.T в том числе тропические породы ex0312
1.2.1 ПИЛОВОЧНИК И ФАНЕРНЫЙ КРЯЖ ex03110 ex03120
1.2.1.C Хвойные породы ex03110
1.2.1.NC Лиственные породы ex03120
1.2.2.C Хвойные породы ex03110
1.2.2.NC Лиственные породы ex03120
1.2.3.C Хвойные породы ex03110
1.2.3.NC Лиственные породы ex03120
6.C Хвойные породы 31101 ex31109 ex3132
6.NC Лиственные породы 31102 ex31109 ex3132
6.NC.T в том числе тропические породы ex31102 ex31109 ex3132
7 ШПОН 3151
7.C Хвойные породы 31511
7.NC Лиственные породы 31512
7.NC.T в том числе тропические породы ex31512
8.1 ФАНЕРА 3141 3142
8.1.C Хвойные породы 31411 31421
8.1.NC Лиственные породы 31412 31422
8.1.NC.T в том числе тропические породы ex31412 ex31422
8.3.1 ТВЕРДЫЕ ПЛИТЫ 31442
9 ДРЕВЕСНАЯ МАССА 32111 32112 ex32113
9.2 ЦЕЛЛЮЛОЗА 32112
9.2.1 СУЛЬФАТНАЯ ЦЕЛЛЮЛОЗА ex32112 в том числе БЕЛЕНАЯ ex32112
12 БУМАГА И КАРТОН 3212 3213 32142 32143 ex32149 32151 32198 ex32199
12.1 ПОЛИГРАФИЧЕСКАЯ БУМАГА 3212 ex32143 ex32149
12.1.1 ГАЗЕТНАЯ БУМАГА 32121
12.1.4 МЕЛОВАННАЯ БУМАГА ex32143 ex32149
12.3 УПАКОВОЧНЫЕ МАТЕРИАЛЫ 32132 ex32133 32134 32135 ex32136 ex32137 32142 ex32143 ex32149 32151
12.3.1 КАРТОНАЖНЫЕ МАТЕРИАЛЫ 32132 32134 32135 ex32136
12.3.2 КОРОБОЧНЫЙ КАРТОН ex32133 ex32136 ex32143 ex32149
12.3.3 ОБЕРТОЧНАЯ БУМАГА ex32133 ex32136 ex32137 32142 32151
12.4 ПРОЧИЕ СОРТА БУМАГИ И КАРТОНА (НЕ ВКЛЮЧЕННЫЕ В ДРУГИЕ КАТЕГОРИИ) ex32149 ex32133 ex32136 ex32137 32198 ex32199
"ex" означает, что два кода не согласуются полностью друг с другом и что товарные позиции, определяемые кодами CPC Вер.2.1, применимы лишь частично.
Например, "ex31512", относящийся к товару 7.NC.T, означает, что только часть кода 31512 CPC Вер.2.1 относится к шпону тропических пород.
В CPC, все подпозиции на более низком уровне агрегирования включаются только в том случае, если приводится четырехзначный цифровой код (например, 0313 включает 03131 и 03132).


К л а с с и ф и к а ц и и
Код Товар
товара ГС2017 ГС2012 МСТК Rev.4
1 КРУГЛЫЙ ЛЕС (НЕОБРАБОТАННЫЕ ЛЕСОМАТЕРИАЛЫ) 4401.11/12 44.03 4401.10 44.03 245.01 247
1.1.C Хвойные породы 4401.11 ex4401.10 ex245.01
1.1.NC Лиственные породы 4401.12 ex4401.10 ex245.01
1.2 ДЕЛОВОЙ КРУГЛЫЙ ЛЕС 44.03 44.03 247
1.2.C Хвойные породы 4403.11/21/22/23/24/25/26 ex4403.10 4403.20 ex247.3 247.4
1.2.NC Лиственные породы 4403.12/41/49/91/93/94/95/96/97/98/99 ex4403.10 4403.41/49/91/92/99 ex247.3 247.5 247.9
1.2.NC.T в том числе тропические породы ex4403.12 4403.41/49 ex4403.10 4403.41/49 ex4403.99 ex247.3 247.5 ex247.9
2 ДРЕВЕСНЫЙ УГОЛЬ 4402.90 4402.90 ex245.02
3 ДРЕВЕСНАЯ ЩЕПА, СТРУЖКА И ОТХОДЫ 4401.21/22 4401.40 4401.21/22 ex4401.39 246.1 ex246.2
3.1 ДРЕВЕСНАЯ ЩЕПА И СТРУЖКА 4401.21/22 4401.21/22 246.1
5 ДРЕВЕСНЫЕ ПЕЛЛЕТЫ И ПРОЧИЕ АГЛОМЕРАТЫ 4401.31/39 4401.31 ex4401.39 ex246.2
5.1 ДРЕВЕСНЫЕ ПЕЛЛЕТЫ 4401.31 4401.31 ex246.2
5.2 ПРОЧИЕ АГЛОМЕРАТЫ 4401.39 ex4401.39 ex246.2
6 ПИЛОМАТЕРИАЛЫ (ВКЛЮЧАЯ ШПАЛЫ) 44.06 44.07 44.06 44.07 248.1 248.2 248.4
6.C Хвойные породы 4406.11/91 4407.11/12/19 ex4406.10/90 4407.10 ex248.11 ex248.19 248.2
6.NC Лиственные породы 4406.12/92 4407.21/22/25/26/27/28/29/91/92/93/94/95/96/97/99 ex4406.10/90 4407.21/22/25/26/27/28/29/91/92/93/94/95/99 ex248.11 ex248.19 248.4
6.NC.T в том числе тропические породы ex4406.12/92 4407.21/22/25/26/27/28/29 ex4406.10/90 4407.21/22/25/26/27/28/29 ex4407.99 ex248.11 ex248.19 ex248.4
7 ШПОН 44.08 44.08 634.1
7.C Хвойные породы 4408.10 4408.10 634.11
7.NC Лиственные породы 4408.31/39/90 4408.31/39/90 634.12
7.NC.T в том числе тропические породы 4408.31/39 4408.31/39 ex4408.90 ex634.12
8 ЛИСТОВЫЕ ДРЕВЕСНЫЕ МАТЕРИАЛЫ 44.10 44.11 4412.31/33/34/39/94/99 44.10 44.11 4412.31/32/39/94/99 634.22/23/31/33/39 634.5
8.1 ФАНЕРА 4412.31/33/34/39/94/99 4412.31/32/39/94/99 634.31/33/39
8.1.C Хвойные породы 4412.39 ex4412.94 ex4412.99 4412.39 ex4412.94 ex.4412.99 ex634.31 ex634.33 ex634.39
8.1.NC Лиственные породы 4412.31/33/34 ex4412.94 ex4412.99 4412.31/32 ex4412.94 ex4412.99 ex634.31 ex634.33 ex634.39
8.1.NC.T в том числе тропические породы 4412.31 ex4412.94 ex4412.99 4412.31 ex4412.32 ex4412.94 ex4412.99 ex634.31 ex634.33 ex634.39
8.2.1 в том числе ПЛИТЫ С ОРИЕНТИРОВАННОЙ СТРУЖКОЙ (OSB) 4410.12 4410.12 ex634.22
8.3.1 ТВЕРДЫЕ ПЛИТЫ 4411.92 4411.92 ex634.59
8.3.2 ДРЕВЕСНОВОЛОКНИСТЫЕ ПЛИТЫ СРЕДНЕЙ/ВЫСОКОЙ ПЛОТНОСТИ (MDF/HDF) 4411.12/13 ex4411.14* 4411.12/13 ex4411.14* ex634.54
8.3.3 ПРОЧИЕ ДРЕВЕСНОВОЛОКНИСТЫЕ ПЛИТЫ ex4411.14 4411.93/94 ex4411.14 4411.93/94 ex634.54 ex634.59
9 ДРЕВЕСНАЯ МАССА 47.01/02/03/04/05 47.01/02/03/04/05 251.2 251.3 251.4 251.5 251.6 251.91
9.1 МЕХАНИЧЕСКАЯ ДРЕВЕСНАЯ МАССА И ПОЛУЦЕЛЛЮЛОЗА 47.01 47.05 47.01 47.05 251.2 251.91
9.2 ЦЕЛЛЮЛОЗА 47.03 47.04 47.03 47.04 251.4 251.5 251.6
9.2.1 СУЛЬФАТНАЯ ЦЕЛЛЮЛОЗА 47.03 47.03 251.4 251.5 в том числе БЕЛЕНАЯ 4703.21/29 4703.21/29 251.5
9.2.2 СУЛЬФИТНАЯ ЦЕЛЛЮЛОЗА 47.04 47.04 251.6
10 ПРОЧИЕ ВИДЫ МАССЫ 47.06 47.06 251.92
10.1 МАССА ИЗ НЕДРЕВЕСНОГО ВОЛОКНА 4706.10/30/91/92/93 4706.10/30/91/92/93 ex251.92
10.2 МАССА ИЗ РЕКУПЕРИРОВАННОГО ВОЛОКНА 4706.20 4706.20 ex251.92
12 БУМАГА И КАРТОН 48.01 48.02 48.03 48.04 48.05 48.06 48.08 48.09 48.10 4811.51/59 48.12 48.13 48.01 48.02 48.03 48.04 48.05 48.06 48.08 48.09 48.10 4811.51/59 48.12 48.13 641.1 641.2 641.3 641.4 641.5 641.62/63/64/69/71/72/74/75/76/77/93 642.41
12.1 ПОЛИГРАФИЧЕСКАЯ БУМАГА 48.01 4802.10/20/54/55/56/57/58/61/62/69 48.09 4810.13/14/19/22/29 48.01 4802.10/20/54/55/56/57/58/61/62/69 48.09 4810.13/14/19/22/29 641.1 641.21/22/26/29 641.3
12.1.1 ГАЗЕТНАЯ БУМАГА 48.01 48.01 641.1
12.1.2 НЕМЕЛОВАННАЯ БУМАГА С СОДЕРЖАНИЕМ ДРЕВЕСНОЙ МАССЫ 4802.61/62/69 4802.61/62/69 641.29
12.1.3 НЕМЕЛОВАННАЯ БУМАГА БЕЗ СОДЕРЖАНИЯ ДРЕВЕСНОЙ МАССЫ 4802.10/20/54/55/56/57/58 4802.10/20/54/55/56/57/58 641.21/22/26
12.1.4 МЕЛОВАННАЯ БУМАГА 48.09 4810.13/14/19/22/29 48.09 4810.13/14/19/22/29 641.3
12.2 БЫТОВАЯ И ГИГИЕНИЧЕСКАЯ БУМАГА 48.03 48.03 641.63
12.3 УПАКОВОЧНЫЕ МАТЕРИАЛЫ 4804.11/19/21/29/31/39/42/49/51/52/59 4805.11/12/19/24/25/30/91/92/93 4806.10/20/40 48.08 4810.31/32/39/92/99 4811.51/59 4804.11/19/21/29/31/39/42/49/51/52/59 4805.11/12/19/24/25/30/91/92/93 4806.10/20/40 48.08 4810.31/32/39/92/99 4811.51/59 641.41/42/46 ex641.47 641.48/51/52 ex641.53 641.54/59/62/64/69/71/72/74/75/76/77
12.3.1 КАРТОНАЖНЫЕ МАТЕРИАЛЫ 4804.11/19 4805.11/12/19/24/25/91 4804.11/19 4805.11/12/19/24/25/91 641.41/51/54 ex641.59
12.3.2 КОРОБОЧНЫЙ КАРТОН 4804.42/49/51/52/59 4805.92 4810.32/39/92 4811.51/59 4804.42/49/51/52/59 4805.92 4810.32/39/92 4811.51/59 ex641.47 641.48 ex641.59 641.75/76 ex641.77 641.71/72
12.3.3 ОБЕРТОЧНАЯ БУМАГА 4804.21/29/31/39 4805.30 4806.10/20/40 48.08 4810.31/99 4804.21/29/31/39 4805.30 4806.10/20/40 48.08 4810.31/99 641.42/46/52 ex641.53 641.62/64/69/74 ex641.77
12.4 ПРОЧИЕ СОРТА БУМАГИ И КАРТОНА (НЕ ВКЛЮЧЕННЫЕ В ДРУГИЕ КАТЕГОРИИ) 4802.40 4804.41 4805.40/50 4806.30 48.12 48.13 4802.40 4804.41 4805.40/50 4806.30 48.12 48.13 641.24 ex641.47 641.56 ex641.53 641.55/93 642.41
"ex" означает, что два кода не согласуются полностью друг с другом и что товарные позиции, определяемые кодами ГС2012/ГС2017 или МСТК Rev.4, применимы лишь частично. 'Например, "ex4401.40", относящийся к товару 3.2, означает, что только часть кода 4401.40 ГС2017 относится к древесным отходам деревообработки (остальная часть кода 4401.40 относится к бывшей в употреблении рекуперированной древесине).
В МСТК Rev.4, все подпозиции на более низком уровне агрегирования включаются только в том случае, если приводится четырехзначный цифровой код (например, 634.1 включает 634.11 и 634.12).
* - Распределите имеющиеся данные по торговому коду 4411.14 между товаром 8.3.2 (MDF/HDF) и 8.3.3 (прочие древесноволокнистые плиты). Если же национальная статистика не позволяет сделать разбивку, то данные по 4411.14 необходимо отнести к товару 8.3.2, так как на MDF/HDF приходится большая часть торговли.


К л а с с и ф и к а ц и и
Код Товар
товара ГС2017 ГС2012 МСТК Rev.4
13.1 ПИЛОМАТЕРИАЛЫ, ПРОШЕДШИЕ ДОПОЛНИТЕЛЬНУЮ ОБРАБОТКУ 4409.10/22/29 4409.10/29 248.3 248.5
13.1.C Хвойные породы 4409.10 4409.10 248.3
13.1.NC Лиственные породы 4409.22/29 4409.29 248.5
13.1.NC.T в том числе тропические породы 4409.22 ex4409.29 ex248.5
13.2 ДЕРЕВЯННАЯ ТАРА 44.15/16 44.15/16 635.1 635.2
13.3 ИЗДЕЛИЯ ИЗ ДРЕВЕСИНЫ БЫТОВОГО/ДЕКОРАТИВНОГО НАЗНАЧЕНИЯ 44.14 4419.90 44.20 44.14 ex4419.00 44.20 635.41 ex635.42 635.49
13.4 ПЛОТНИЧНЫЕ И СТОЛЯРНЫЕ СТРОИТЕЛЬНЫЕ ДЕРЕВЯННЫЕ ИЗДЕЛИЯ 4418.10/20/40/50/60/74/75/79/99 4418.10/20/40/50/60 ex4418.71 ex4418.72 ex4418.79 ex4418.90 635.31/32/33 ex635.34 ex635.39
13.5 ДЕРЕВЯННАЯ МЕБЕЛЬ 9401.61/69 ex9401.90 9403.30/40/50/60 ex9403.90 9401.61/69 ex9401.90 9403.30/40/50/60 ex9403.90 821.16 ex821.19 821.51/53/55/59 ex821.8
13.7 ПРОЧИЕ ГОТОВЫЕ ДЕРЕВЯННЫЕ ИЗДЕЛИЯ 44.04/05/13/17 4421.10/99 44.04/05/13/17 4421.10 ex4421.90 634.21/91/93 635.91 ex635.99
14.1 МНОГОСЛОЙНЫЕ БУМАГА И КАРТОН 48.07 48.07 641.92
14.2 ИЗДЕЛИЯ ИЗ БУМАГИ И ЦЕЛЛЮЛОЗНОЙ МАССЫ СО СПЕЦИАЛЬНЫМ ПОКРЫТИЕМ 4811.10/41/49/60/90 4811.10/41/49/60/90 641.73/78/79
14.4 УПАКОВОЧНЫЕ КОРОБКИ, ЯЩИКИ И Т.Д. 48.19 48.19 642.1
14.5 ПРОЧИЕ ИЗДЕЛИЯ ИЗ БУМАГИ И КАРТОНА, ГОТОВЫЕ К ИСПОЛЬЗОВАНИЮ 48.14/16/17/20/21/22/23 48.14/16/17/20/21/22/23 641.94 642.2 642.3 642.42/45/91/93/99 892.81
14.5.1 в том числе ПЕЧАТНАЯ И ПИСЧАЯ БУМАГА, ГОТОВАЯ К ИСПОЛЬЗОВАНИЮ ex4823.90 ex4823.90 ex642.99
14.5.2 в том числе ЛИТЫЕ ИЛИ ПРЕССОВАННЫЕ ИЗДЕЛИЯ ИЗ БУМАЖНОЙ МАССЫ 4823.70 4823.70 ex642.99
14.5.3 в том числе ФИЛЬТРОВАЛЬНЫЕ БУМАГА И КАРТОН, ГОТОВЫЕ К ИСПОЛЬЗОВАНИЮ 4823.20 4823.20 642.45
"ex" означает, что два кода не согласуются полностью друг с другом и что товарные позиции, определяемые кодами ГС2012/ГС2017 или МСТК Rev.4 применимы лишь частично.
Например, "ex811.00" в разделе "Сборные строительные конструкции из древесины " означает, что позиция 811.00 МСТК лишь отчасти касается сборных строительных конструкций из древесины, поскольку в этом коде не проводятся различия между материалами, используемыми в сооружении сборных строительных конструкций.
В МСТК Rev.4, все подпозиции на более низком уровне агрегирования включаются только в том случае, если приводится четырехзначный цифровой код (например, 892.2 включает 892.21 и 892.29).







Код товара СВ Номенклатура Код товара ГС Замечания по кодам ГС
1 HS2002 440110
1 HS2002 4403
1 HS2007 440110
1 HS2007 4403
1 HS2012 440110
1 HS2012 4403
1 HS2017 440111
1 HS2017 440112
1 HS2017 4403
1.1 HS2002 440110
1.1 HS2007 440110
1.1 HS2012 440110
1.1 HS2017 440111
1.1 HS2017 440112
1.1C HS2002 440110 Только часть кода
1.1C HS2007 440110 Только часть кода
1.1C HS2012 440110 Только часть кода
1.1C HS2017 440111
1.1NC HS2002 440110 Только часть кода
1.1NC HS2007 440110 Только часть кода
1.1NC HS2012 440110 Только часть кода
1.1NC HS2017 440112
1.2 HS2002 4403
1.2 HS2007 4403
1.2 HS2012 4403
1.2 HS2017 4403
1.2.C HS2002 440310 Только часть кода
1.2.C HS2002 440320
1.2.C HS2007 440310 Только часть кода
1.2.C HS2007 440320
1.2.C HS2012 440310 Только часть кода
1.2.C HS2012 440320
1.2.C HS2017 440311
1.2.C HS2017 440321
1.2.C HS2017 440322
1.2.C HS2017 440323
1.2.C HS2017 440324
1.2.C HS2017 440325
1.2.C HS2017 440326
1.2.NC HS2002 440310 Только часть кода
1.2.NC HS2002 440341
1.2.NC HS2002 440349
1.2.NC HS2002 440391
1.2.NC HS2002 440392
1.2.NC HS2002 440399
1.2.NC HS2007 440310 Только часть кода
1.2.NC HS2007 440341
1.2.NC HS2007 440349
1.2.NC HS2007 440391
1.2.NC HS2007 440392
1.2.NC HS2007 440399
1.2.NC HS2012 440310 Только часть кода
1.2.NC HS2012 440341
1.2.NC HS2012 440349
1.2.NC HS2012 440391
1.2.NC HS2012 440392
1.2.NC HS2012 440399
1.2.NC HS2017 440312
1.2.NC HS2017 440341
1.2.NC HS2017 440349
1.2.NC HS2017 440391
1.2.NC HS2017 440393
1.2.NC HS2017 440394
1.2.NC HS2017 440395
1.2.NC HS2017 440396
1.2.NC HS2017 440397
1.2.NC HS2017 440398
1.2.NC HS2017 440399
1.2.NC.T HS2002 440310 Только часть кода
1.2.NC.T HS2002 440341
1.2.NC.T HS2002 440349
1.2.NC.T HS2002 440399 Только часть кода
1.2.NC.T HS2007 440310 Только часть кода
1.2.NC.T HS2007 440341
1.2.NC.T HS2007 440349
1.2.NC.T HS2007 440399 Только часть кода
1.2.NC.T HS2012 440310 Только часть кода
1.2.NC.T HS2012 440341
1.2.NC.T HS2012 440349
1.2.NC.T HS2012 440399 Только часть кода
1.2.NC.T HS2017 440312 Только часть кода
1.2.NC.T HS2017 440341
1.2.NC.T HS2017 440349
2 HS2002 440200 Только часть кода
2 HS2007 440290
2 HS2012 440290
2 HS2017 440290
3 HS2002 440121
3 HS2002 440122
3 HS2002 440130 Только часть кода
3 HS2007 440121
3 HS2007 440122
3 HS2007 440130 Только часть кода
3 HS2012 440121
3 HS2012 440122
3 HS2012 440139 Только часть кода
3 HS2017 440121
3 HS2017 440122
3 HS2017 440140
3.1 HS2002 440121
3.1 HS2002 440122
3.1 HS2007 440121
3.1 HS2007 440122
3.1 HS2012 440121
3.1 HS2012 440122
3.1 HS2017 440121
3.1 HS2017 440122
3.2 HS2002 440130 Только часть кода
3.2 HS2012 440130 Только часть кода
3.2 HS2012 440139 Только часть кода
3.2 HS2017 440140 Только часть кода
4 HS2002 440130 Только часть кода
4 HS2007 440130 Только часть кода
4 HS2012 440139 Только часть кода
4 HS2017 440140 Только часть кода
5 HS2002 440130 Только часть кода
5 HS2007 440130 Только часть кода
5 HS2012 440131
5 HS2012 440139 Только часть кода
5 HS2017 440131
5 HS2017 440139
5.1 HS2002 440130 Только часть кода
5.1 HS2007 440130 Только часть кода
5.1 HS2012 440131
5.1 HS2017 440131
5.2 HS2002 440130 Только часть кода
5.2 HS2007 440130 Только часть кода
5.2 HS2012 440139 Только часть кода
5.2 HS2017 440139
6 HS2002 4406
6 HS2002 4407
6 HS2007 4406
6 HS2007 4407
6 HS2012 4406
6 HS2012 4407
6 HS2017 4406
6 HS2017 4407
6.C HS2002 440610 Только часть кода
6.C HS2002 440690 Только часть кода
6.C HS2002 440710
6.C HS2007 440610 Только часть кода
6.C HS2007 440690 Только часть кода
6.C HS2007 440710
6.C HS2012 440610 Только часть кода
6.C HS2012 440690 Только часть кода
6.C HS2012 440710
6.C HS2017 440611
6.C HS2017 440691
6.C HS2017 440711
6.C HS2017 440712
6.C HS2017 440719
6.NC HS2002 440610 Только часть кода
6.NC HS2002 440690 Только часть кода
6.NC HS2002 440724
6.NC HS2002 440725
6.NC HS2002 440726
6.NC HS2002 440729
6.NC HS2002 440791
6.NC HS2002 440792
6.NC HS2002 440799
6.NC HS2007 440610 Только часть кода
6.NC HS2007 440690 Только часть кода
6.NC HS2007 440721
6.NC HS2007 440722
6.NC HS2007 440725
6.NC HS2007 440726
6.NC HS2007 440727
6.NC HS2007 440728
6.NC HS2007 440729
6.NC HS2007 440791
6.NC HS2007 440792
6.NC HS2007 440793
6.NC HS2007 440794
6.NC HS2007 440795
6.NC HS2007 440799
6.NC HS2012 440610 Только часть кода
6.NC HS2012 440690 Только часть кода
6.NC HS2012 440721
6.NC HS2012 440722
6.NC HS2012 440725
6.NC HS2012 440726
6.NC HS2012 440727
6.NC HS2012 440728
6.NC HS2012 440729
6.NC HS2012 440791
6.NC HS2012 440792
6.NC HS2012 440793
6.NC HS2012 440794
6.NC HS2012 440795
6.NC HS2012 440799
6.NC HS2017 4406.12
6.NC HS2017 4406.92
6.NC HS2017 4407.21
6.NC HS2017 4407.22
6.NC HS2017 4407.25
6.NC HS2017 4407.26
6.NC HS2017 4407.27
6.NC HS2017 4407.28
6.NC HS2017 4407.29
6.NC HS2017 4407.91
6.NC HS2017 4407.92
6.NC HS2017 4407.93
6.NC HS2017 4407.94
6.NC HS2017 4407.95
6.NC HS2017 4407.96
6.NC HS2017 4407.97
6.NC HS2017 4407.99
6.NC.T HS2002 440610 Только часть кода
6.NC.T HS2002 440690 Только часть кода
6.NC.T HS2002 440724
6.NC.T HS2002 440725
6.NC.T HS2002 440726
6.NC.T HS2002 440729
6.NC.T HS2002 440799 Только часть кода
6.NC.T HS2007 440610 Только часть кода
6.NC.T HS2007 440690 Только часть кода
6.NC.T HS2007 440721
6.NC.T HS2007 440722
6.NC.T HS2007 440725
6.NC.T HS2007 440726
6.NC.T HS2007 440727
6.NC.T HS2007 440728
6.NC.T HS2007 440729
6.NC.T HS2007 440799 Только часть кода
6.NC.T HS2012 440610 Только часть кода
6.NC.T HS2012 440690 Только часть кода
6.NC.T HS2012 440721
6.NC.T HS2012 440722
6.NC.T HS2012 440725
6.NC.T HS2012 440726
6.NC.T HS2012 440727
6.NC.T HS2012 440728
6.NC.T HS2012 440729
6.NC.T HS2012 440799 Только часть кода
6.NC.T HS2017 440612 Только часть кода
6.NC.T HS2017 440692 Только часть кода
6.NC.T HS2017 440721
6.NC.T HS2017 440722
6.NC.T HS2017 440725
6.NC.T HS2017 440726
6.NC.T HS2017 440727
6.NC.T HS2017 440728
6.NC.T HS2017 440729
7 HS2002 4408
7 HS2007 4408
7 HS2012 4408
7 HS2017 4408
7.C HS2002 440810
7.C HS2007 440810
7.C HS2012 440810
7.C HS2017 440810
7.NC HS2002 440831
7.NC HS2002 440839
7.NC HS2002 440890
7.NC HS2007 440831
7.NC HS2007 440839
7.NC HS2007 440890
7.NC HS2012 440831
7.NC HS2012 440839
7.NC HS2012 440890
7.NC HS2017 440831
7.NC HS2017 440839
7.NC HS2017 440890
7.NC.T HS2002 440831
7.NC.T HS2002 440839
7.NC.T HS2002 440890 Только часть кода
7.NC.T HS2007 440831
7.NC.T HS2007 440839
7.NC.T HS2007 440890 Только часть кода
7.NC.T HS2012 440831
7.NC.T HS2012 440839
7.NC.T HS2012 440890 Только часть кода
7.NC.T HS2017 440831
7.NC.T HS2017 440839
8 HS2002 4410
8 HS2002 4411
8 HS2002 441213
8 HS2002 441214
8 HS2002 441219
8 HS2002 441299 Только часть кода
8 HS2007 4410
8 HS2007 4411
8 HS2007 441231
8 HS2007 441232
8 HS2007 441239
8 HS2007 441294
8 HS2007 441299
8 HS2012 4410
8 HS2012 4411
8 HS2012 441231
8 HS2012 441232
8 HS2012 441239
8 HS2012 441294
8 HS2012 441299
8 HS2017 4410
8 HS2017 4411
8 HS2017 441231
8 HS2017 441233
8 HS2017 441234
8 HS2017 441239
8 HS2017 441294
8 HS2017 441299
8.1 HS2002 441213
8.1 HS2002 441214
8.1 HS2002 441219
8.1 HS2002 441299 Только часть кода
8.1 HS2007 441231
8.1 HS2007 441232
8.1 HS2007 441239
8.1 HS2007 441294
8.1 HS2007 441299
8.1 HS2012 441231
8.1 HS2012 441232
8.1 HS2012 441239
8.1 HS2012 441294
8.1 HS2012 441299
8.1 HS2017 441231
8.1 HS2017 441233
8.1 HS2017 441234
8.1 HS2017 441239
8.1 HS2017 441294
8.1 HS2017 441299
8.1.C HS2002 441219
8.1.C HS2002 441299 Только часть кода
8.1.C HS2007 441239
8.1.C HS2007 441294 Только часть кода
8.1.C HS2007 441299 Только часть кода
8.1.C HS2012 441239
8.1.C HS2012 441294 Только часть кода
8.1.C HS2012 441299 Только часть кода
8.1.C HS2017 441239
8.1.C HS2017 441294 Только часть кода
8.1.C HS2017 441299 Только часть кода
8.1.NC HS2002 441213
8.1.NC HS2002 441214
8.1.NC HS2002 441299 Только часть кода
8.1.NC HS2007 441231
8.1.NC HS2007 441232
8.1.NC HS2007 441294 Только часть кода
8.1.NC HS2007 441299 Только часть кода
8.1.NC HS2012 441231
8.1.NC HS2012 441232
8.1.NC HS2012 441294 Только часть кода
8.1.NC HS2012 441299 Только часть кода
8.1.NC HS2017 441231
8.1.NC HS2017 441233
8.1.NC HS2017 441234
8.1.NC HS2017 441294 Только часть кода
8.1.NC HS2017 441299 Только часть кода
8.1.NC.T HS2002 441213
8.1.NC.T HS2002 441214 Только часть кода
8.1.NC.T HS2002 441299 Только часть кода
8.1.NC.T HS2007 441231
8.1.NC.T HS2007 441232 Только часть кода
8.1.NC.T HS2007 441294 Только часть кода
8.1.NC.T HS2007 441299 Только часть кода
8.1.NC.T HS2012 441231
8.1.NC.T HS2012 441232 Только часть кода
8.1.NC.T HS2012 441294 Только часть кода
8.1.NC.T HS2012 441299 Только часть кода
8.1.NC.T HS2017 441231
8.1.NC.T HS2017 441294 Только часть кода
8.1.NC.T HS2017 441299 Только часть кода
8.2 HS2002 4410
8.2 HS2007 4410
8.2 HS2012 4410
8.2 HS2017 4410
8.2.1 HS2002 441021 Только часть кода
8.2.1 HS2002 441029 Только часть кода
8.2.1 HS2007 441012
8.2.1 HS2012 441012
8.2.1 HS2017 441012
8.3 HS2002 4411
8.3 HS2007 4411
8.3 HS2012 4411
8.3 HS2017 4411
8.3.1 HS2002 441111 Только часть кода
8.3.1 HS2002 441119 Только часть кода
8.3.1 HS2007 441192
8.3.1 HS2012 441192
8.3.1 HS2017 441192
8.3.2 HS2002 441111 Только часть кода
8.3.2 HS2002 441119 Только часть кода
8.3.2 HS2002 441121 Только часть кода
8.3.2 HS2002 441129 Только часть кода
8.3.2 HS2007 441112
8.3.2 HS2007 441113
8.3.2 HS2007 441114 Только часть кода
8.3.2 HS2012 441112
8.3.2 HS2012 441113
8.3.2 HS2012 441114 Только часть кода
8.3.2 HS2017 441112
8.3.2 HS2017 441113
8.3.2 HS2017 441114 Только часть кода
8.3.3 HS2002 441131
8.3.3 HS2002 441139
8.3.3 HS2002 441191
8.3.3 HS2002 441199
8.3.3 HS2007 441114 Только часть кода
8.3.3 HS2007 441193
8.3.3 HS2007 441194
8.3.3 HS2012 441114 Только часть кода
8.3.3 HS2012 441193
8.3.3 HS2012 441194
8.3.3 HS2017 441114 Только часть кода
8.3.3 HS2017 441193
8.3.3 HS2017 441194
9 HS2002 4701
9 HS2002 4702
9 HS2002 4703
9 HS2002 4704
9 HS2002 4705
9 HS2007 4701
9 HS2007 4702
9 HS2007 4703
9 HS2007 4704
9 HS2007 4705
9 HS2012 4701
9 HS2012 4702
9 HS2012 4703
9 HS2012 4704
9 HS2012 4705
9 HS2017 4701
9 HS2017 4702
9 HS2017 4703
9 HS2017 4704
9 HS2017 4705
9.1 HS2002 4701
9.1 HS2002 4705
9.1 HS2007 4701
9.1 HS2007 4705
9.1 HS2012 4701
9.1 HS2012 4705
9.1 HS2017 4701
9.1 HS2017 4705
9.2 HS2002 4703
9.2 HS2002 4704
9.2 HS2007 4703
9.2 HS2007 4704
9.2 HS2012 4703
9.2 HS2012 4704
9.2 HS2017 4703
9.2 HS2017 4704
9.2.1 HS2002 4703
9.2.1 HS2007 4703
9.2.1 HS2012 4703
9.2.1 HS2017 4703 HS2002 470321 HS2002 470329 HS2007 470321 HS2007 470329 HS2012 470321 HS2012 470329 HS2017 470321 HS2017 470329
9.2.2 HS2002 4704
9.2.2 HS2007 4704
9.2.2 HS2012 4704
9.2.2 HS2017 4704
9.3 HS2002 4702
9.3 HS2007 4702
9.3 HS2012 4702
9.3 HS2017 4702
10 HS2002 4706
10 HS2007 4706
10 HS2012 4706
10 HS2017 4706
10.1 HS2002 470610
10.1 HS2002 470691
10.1 HS2002 470692
10.1 HS2002 470693
10.1 HS2007 470610
10.1 HS2007 470630
10.1 HS2007 470691
10.1 HS2007 470692
10.1 HS2007 470693
10.1 HS2012 470610
10.1 HS2012 470630
10.1 HS2012 470691
10.1 HS2012 470692
10.1 HS2012 470693
10.1 HS2017 470610
10.1 HS2017 470630
10.1 HS2017 470691
10.1 HS2017 470692
10.1 HS2017 470693
10.2 HS2002 470620
10.2 HS2007 470620
10.2 HS2012 470620
10.2 HS2017 470620
11 HS2002 4707
11 HS2007 4707
11 HS2012 4707
11 HS2017 4707
12 HS2002 4801
12 HS2002 4802
12 HS2002 4803
12 HS2002 4804
12 HS2002 4805
12 HS2002 4806
12 HS2002 4808
12 HS2002 4809
12 HS2002 4810
12 HS2002 481151
12 HS2002 481159
12 HS2002 4812
12 HS2002 4813
12 HS2007 4801
12 HS2007 4802
12 HS2007 4803
12 HS2007 4804
12 HS2007 4805
12 HS2007 4806
12 HS2007 4808
12 HS2007 4809
12 HS2007 4810
12 HS2007 481151
12 HS2007 481159
12 HS2007 4812
12 HS2007 4813
12 HS2012 4801
12 HS2012 4802
12 HS2012 4803
12 HS2012 4804
12 HS2012 4805
12 HS2012 4806
12 HS2012 4808
12 HS2012 4809
12 HS2012 4810
12 HS2012 481151
12 HS2012 481159
12 HS2012 4812
12 HS2012 4813
12 HS2017 4801
12 HS2017 4802
12 HS2017 4803
12 HS2017 4804
12 HS2017 4805
12 HS2017 4806
12 HS2017 4808
12 HS2017 4809
12 HS2017 4810
12 HS2017 481151
12 HS2017 481159
12 HS2017 4812
12 HS2017 4813
12.1 HS2002 4801
12.1 HS2002 480210
12.1 HS2002 480220
12.1 HS2002 480254
12.1 HS2002 480255
12.1 HS2002 480256
12.1 HS2002 480257
12.1 HS2002 480258
12.1 HS2002 480261
12.1 HS2002 480262
12.1 HS2002 480269
12.1 HS2002 4809
12.1 HS2002 481013
12.1 HS2002 481014
12.1 HS2002 481019
12.1 HS2002 481022
12.1 HS2002 481029
12.1 HS2007 4801
12.1 HS2007 480210
12.1 HS2007 480220
12.1 HS2007 480254
12.1 HS2007 480255
12.1 HS2007 480256
12.1 HS2007 480257
12.1 HS2007 480258
12.1 HS2007 480261
12.1 HS2007 480262
12.1 HS2007 480269
12.1 HS2007 4809
12.1 HS2007 481013
12.1 HS2007 481014
12.1 HS2007 481019
12.1 HS2007 481022
12.1 HS2007 481029
12.1 HS2012 4801
12.1 HS2012 480210
12.1 HS2012 480220
12.1 HS2012 480254
12.1 HS2012 480255
12.1 HS2012 480256
12.1 HS2012 480257
12.1 HS2012 480258
12.1 HS2012 480261
12.1 HS2012 480262
12.1 HS2012 480269
12.1 HS2012 4809
12.1 HS2012 481013
12.1 HS2012 481014
12.1 HS2012 481019
12.1 HS2012 481022
12.1 HS2012 481029
12.1 HS2017 4801
12.1 HS2017 480210
12.1 HS2017 480220
12.1 HS2017 480254
12.1 HS2017 480255
12.1 HS2017 480256
12.1 HS2017 480257
12.1 HS2017 480258
12.1 HS2017 480261
12.1 HS2017 480262
12.1 HS2017 480269
12.1 HS2017 4809
12.1 HS2017 481013
12.1 HS2017 481014
12.1 HS2017 481019
12.1 HS2017 481022
12.1 HS2017 481029
12.1.1 HS2002 4801
12.1.1 HS2007 4801
12.1.1 HS2012 4801
12.1.1 HS2017 4801
12.1.2 HS2002 480261
12.1.2 HS2002 480262
12.1.2 HS2002 480269
12.1.2 HS2007 480261
12.1.2 HS2007 480262
12.1.2 HS2007 480269
12.1.2 HS2012 480261
12.1.2 HS2012 480262
12.1.2 HS2012 480269
12.1.2 HS2017 480261
12.1.2 HS2017 480262
12.1.2 HS2017 480269
12.1.3 HS2002 480210
12.1.3 HS2002 480220
12.1.3 HS2002 480254
12.1.3 HS2002 480255
12.1.3 HS2002 480256
12.1.3 HS2002 480257
12.1.3 HS2002 480258
12.1.3 HS2007 480210
12.1.3 HS2007 480220
12.1.3 HS2007 480254
12.1.3 HS2007 480255
12.1.3 HS2007 480256
12.1.3 HS2007 480257
12.1.3 HS2007 480258
12.1.3 HS2012 480210
12.1.3 HS2012 480220
12.1.3 HS2012 480254
12.1.3 HS2012 480255
12.1.3 HS2012 480256
12.1.3 HS2012 480257
12.1.3 HS2012 480258
12.1.3 HS2017 480210
12.1.3 HS2017 480220
12.1.3 HS2017 480254
12.1.3 HS2017 480255
12.1.3 HS2017 480256
12.1.3 HS2017 480257
12.1.3 HS2017 480258
12.1.4 HS2002 4809
12.1.4 HS2002 481013
12.1.4 HS2002 481014
12.1.4 HS2002 481019
12.1.4 HS2002 481022
12.1.4 HS2002 481029
12.1.4 HS2007 4809
12.1.4 HS2007 481013
12.1.4 HS2007 481014
12.1.4 HS2007 481019
12.1.4 HS2007 481022
12.1.4 HS2007 481029
12.1.4 HS2012 4809
12.1.4 HS2012 481013
12.1.4 HS2012 481014
12.1.4 HS2012 481019
12.1.4 HS2012 481022
12.1.4 HS2012 481029
12.1.4 HS2017 4809
12.1.4 HS2017 481013
12.1.4 HS2017 481014
12.1.4 HS2017 481019
12.1.4 HS2017 481022
12.1.4 HS2017 481029
12.2 HS2002 4803
12.2 HS2007 4803
12.2 HS2012 4803
12.2 HS2017 4803
12.3 HS2002 480411
12.3 HS2002 480419
12.3 HS2002 480421
12.3 HS2002 480429
12.3 HS2002 480431
12.3 HS2002 480439
12.3 HS2002 480442
12.3 HS2002 480449
12.3 HS2002 480451
12.3 HS2002 480452
12.3 HS2002 480459
12.3 HS2002 480511
12.3 HS2002 480512
12.3 HS2002 480519
12.3 HS2002 480524
12.3 HS2002 480525
12.3 HS2002 480530
12.3 HS2002 480591
12.3 HS2002 480592
12.3 HS2002 480593
12.3 HS2002 480610
12.3 HS2002 480620
12.3 HS2002 480640
12.3 HS2002 4808
12.3 HS2002 481031
12.3 HS2002 481032
12.3 HS2002 481039
12.3 HS2002 481092
12.3 HS2002 481099
12.3 HS2002 481151
12.3 HS2002 481159
12.3 HS2007 480411
12.3 HS2007 480419
12.3 HS2007 480421
12.3 HS2007 480429
12.3 HS2007 480431
12.3 HS2007 480439
12.3 HS2007 480442
12.3 HS2007 480449
12.3 HS2007 480451
12.3 HS2007 480452
12.3 HS2007 480459
12.3 HS2007 480511
12.3 HS2007 480512
12.3 HS2007 480519
12.3 HS2007 480524
12.3 HS2007 480525
12.3 HS2007 480530
12.3 HS2007 480591
12.3 HS2007 480592
12.3 HS2007 480593
12.3 HS2007 480610
12.3 HS2007 480620
12.3 HS2007 480640
12.3 HS2007 4808
12.3 HS2007 481031
12.3 HS2007 481032
12.3 HS2007 481039
12.3 HS2007 481092
12.3 HS2007 481099
12.3 HS2007 481151
12.3 HS2007 481159
12.3 HS2012 480411
12.3 HS2012 480419
12.3 HS2012 480421
12.3 HS2012 480429
12.3 HS2012 480431
12.3 HS2012 480439
12.3 HS2012 480442
12.3 HS2012 480449
12.3 HS2012 480451
12.3 HS2012 480452
12.3 HS2012 480459
12.3 HS2012 480511
12.3 HS2012 480512
12.3 HS2012 480519
12.3 HS2012 480524
12.3 HS2012 480525
12.3 HS2012 480530
12.3 HS2012 480591
12.3 HS2012 480592
12.3 HS2012 480593
12.3 HS2012 480610
12.3 HS2012 480620
12.3 HS2012 480640
12.3 HS2012 4808
12.3 HS2012 481031
12.3 HS2012 481032
12.3 HS2012 481039
12.3 HS2012 481092
12.3 HS2012 481099
12.3 HS2012 481151
12.3 HS2012 481159
12.3 HS2017 480411
12.3 HS2017 480419
12.3 HS2017 480421
12.3 HS2017 480429
12.3 HS2017 480431
12.3 HS2017 480439
12.3 HS2017 480442
12.3 HS2017 480449
12.3 HS2017 480451
12.3 HS2017 480452
12.3 HS2017 480459
12.3 HS2017 480511
12.3 HS2017 480512
12.3 HS2017 480519
12.3 HS2017 480524
12.3 HS2017 480525
12.3 HS2017 480530
12.3 HS2017 480591
12.3 HS2017 480592
12.3 HS2017 480593
12.3 HS2017 480610
12.3 HS2017 480620
12.3 HS2017 480640
12.3 HS2017 4808
12.3 HS2017 481031
12.3 HS2017 481032
12.3 HS2017 481039
12.3 HS2017 481092
12.3 HS2017 481099
12.3 HS2017 481151
12.3 HS2017 481159
12.3.1 HS2002 480411
12.3.1 HS2002 480419
12.3.1 HS2002 480511
12.3.1 HS2002 480512
12.3.1 HS2002 480519
12.3.1 HS2002 480524
12.3.1 HS2002 480525
12.3.1 HS2002 480591
12.3.1 HS2007 480411
12.3.1 HS2007 480419
12.3.1 HS2007 480511
12.3.1 HS2007 480512
12.3.1 HS2007 480519
12.3.1 HS2007 480524
12.3.1 HS2007 480525
12.3.1 HS2007 480591
12.3.1 HS2012 480411
12.3.1 HS2012 480419
12.3.1 HS2012 480511
12.3.1 HS2012 480512
12.3.1 HS2012 480519
12.3.1 HS2012 480524
12.3.1 HS2012 480525
12.3.1 HS2012 480591
12.3.1 HS2012 480411
12.3.1 HS2012 480419
12.3.1 HS2012 480511
12.3.1 HS2012 480512
12.3.1 HS2012 480519
12.3.1 HS2012 480524
12.3.1 HS2012 480525
12.3.1 HS2012 480591
12.3.2 HS2002 480442
12.3.2 HS2002 480449
12.3.2 HS2002 480451
12.3.2 HS2002 480452
12.3.2 HS2002 480459
12.3.2 HS2002 480592
12.3.2 HS2002 481032
12.3.2 HS2002 481039
12.3.2 HS2002 481092
12.3.2 HS2002 481151
12.3.2 HS2002 481159
12.3.2 HS2007 480442
12.3.2 HS2007 480449
12.3.2 HS2007 480451
12.3.2 HS2007 480452
12.3.2 HS2007 480459
12.3.2 HS2007 480592
12.3.2 HS2007 481032
12.3.2 HS2007 481039
12.3.2 HS2007 481092
12.3.2 HS2007 481151
12.3.2 HS2007 481159
12.3.2 HS2012 480442
12.3.2 HS2012 480449
12.3.2 HS2012 480451
12.3.2 HS2012 480452
12.3.2 HS2012 480459
12.3.2 HS2012 480592
12.3.2 HS2012 481032
12.3.2 HS2012 481039
12.3.2 HS2012 481092
12.3.2 HS2012 481151
12.3.2 HS2012 481159
12.3.2 HS2017 480442
12.3.2 HS2017 480449
12.3.2 HS2017 480451
12.3.2 HS2017 480452
12.3.2 HS2017 480459
12.3.2 HS2017 480592
12.3.2 HS2017 481032
12.3.2 HS2017 481039
12.3.2 HS2017 481092
12.3.2 HS2017 481151
12.3.2 HS2017 481159
12.3.3 HS2002 480421
12.3.3 HS2002  480429
12.3.3 HS2002  480431
12.3.3 HS2002 480439
12.3.3 HS2002 480530
12.3.3 HS2002 480610
12.3.3 HS2002 480620
12.3.3 HS2002 480640
12.3.3 HS2002 4808
12.3.3 HS2002 481031
12.3.3 HS2002 481099
12.3.3 HS2007 480421
12.3.3 HS2007 480429
12.3.3 HS2007 480431
12.3.3 HS2007 480439
12.3.3 HS2007 480530
12.3.3 HS2007 480610
12.3.3 HS2007 480620
12.3.3 HS2007 480640
12.3.3 HS2007 4808
12.3.3 HS2007 481031
12.3.3 HS2007 481099
12.3.3 HS2012 480421
12.3.3 HS2012 480429
12.3.3 HS2012 480431
12.3.3 HS2012 480439
12.3.3 HS2012 480530
12.3.3 HS2012 480610
12.3.3 HS2012 480620
12.3.3 HS2012 480640
12.3.3 HS2012 4808
12.3.3 HS2012 481031
12.3.3 HS2012 481099
12.3.3 HS2017 480421
12.3.3 HS2017 480429
12.3.3 HS2017 480431
12.3.3 HS2017 480439
12.3.3 HS2017 480530
12.3.3 HS2017 480610
12.3.3 HS2017 480620
12.3.3 HS2017 480640
12.3.3 HS2017 4808
12.3.3 HS2017 481031
12.3.3 HS2017 481099
12.3.4 HS2002 480593
12.3.4 HS2007 480593
12.3.4 HS2012 480593
12.3.4 HS2017 480593
12.4 HS2002 480240
12.4 HS2002 480441
12.4 HS2002 480540
12.4 HS2002 480550
12.4 HS2002 480630
12.4 HS2002 4812
12.4 HS2002 4813
12.4 HS2007 480240
12.4 HS2007 480441
12.4 HS2007 480540
12.4 HS2007 480550
12.4 HS2007 480630
12.4 HS2007 4812
12.4 HS2007 4813
12.4 HS2012 480240
12.4 HS2012 480441
12.4 HS2012 480540
12.4 HS2012 480550
12.4 HS2012 480630
12.4 HS2012 4812
12.4 HS2012 4813
12.4 HS2017 480240
12.4 HS2017 480441
12.4 HS2017 480540
12.4 HS2017 480550
12.4 HS2017 480630
12.4 HS2017 4812
12.4 HS2017 4813
13.1 HS2002 440910
13.1 HS2002 440920 Только часть кода
13.1 HS2007 440910
13.1 HS2007 440929
13.1 HS2012 440910
13.1 HS2012 440929
13.1 HS2017 440910
13.1 HS2017 440922
13.1 HS2017 440929
13.1.C HS2002 440910
13.1.C HS2007 440910
13.1.C HS2012 440910
13.1.C HS2017 440910
13.1.NC HS2002 440920 Только часть кода
13.1.NC HS2007 440929
13.1.NC HS2012 440929
13.1.NC HS2017 440922
13.1.NC HS2017 440929
13.1.NC.T HS2002 440920 Только часть кода
13.1.NC.T HS2007 440929 Только часть кода
13.1.NC.T HS2012 440929 Только часть кода
13.1.NC.T HS2017 440922
13.2 HS2002 4415
13.2 HS2002 4416
13.2 HS2007 4415
13.2 HS2007 4416
13.2 HS2012 4415
13.2 HS2012 4416
13.2 HS2017 4415
13.2 HS2017 4416
13.3 HS2002 4414
13.3 HS2002 4419 Только часть кода
13.3 HS2002 4420
13.3 HS2007 4414
13.3 HS2007 4419 Только часть кода
13.3 HS2007 4420
13.3 HS2012 4414
13.3 HS2012 4419 Только часть кода
13.3 HS2012 4420
13.3 HS2017 4414
13.3 HS2017 441990
13.3 HS2017 4420
13.4 HS2002 441810
13.4 HS2002 441820
13.4 HS2002 441830
13.4 HS2002 441840
13.4 HS2002 441850
13.4 HS2002 441890 Только часть кода
13.4 HS2007 441810
13.4 HS2007 481820
13.4 HS2007 441840
13.4 HS2007 441850
13.4 HS2007 441860
13.4 HS2007 441871 Только часть кода
13.4 HS2007 441872 Только часть кода
13.4 HS2007 441879 Только часть кода
13.4 HS2007 441890 Только часть кода
13.4 HS2012 441810
13.4 HS2012 441820
13.4 HS2012 441840
13.4 HS2012 441850
13.4 HS2012 441860
13.4 HS2012 441871 Только часть кода
13.4 HS2012 441872 Только часть кода
13.4 HS2012 441879 Только часть кода
13.4 HS2012 441890 Только часть кода
13.4 HS2017 441810
13.4 HS2017 441820
13.4 HS2017 441840
13.4 HS2017 441850
13.4 HS2017 441860
13.4 HS2017 441874
13.4 HS2017 441875
13.4 HS2017 441879
13.4 HS2017 441899
13.5 HS2002 940161
13.5 HS2002 940169
13.5 HS2002 940190 Только часть кода
13.5 HS2002 940330
13.5 HS2002 940340
13.5 HS2002 940350
13.5 HS2002 940360
13.5 HS2002 940390 Только часть кода
13.5 HS2007 940161
13.5 HS2007 940169
13.5 HS2007 940190 Только часть кода
13.5 HS2007 940330
13.5 HS2007 940340
13.5 HS2007 940350
13.5 HS2007 940360
13.5 HS2007 940390 Только часть кода
13.5 HS2012 940161
13.5 HS2012 940169
13.5 HS2012 940190 Только часть кода
13.5 HS2012 940330
13.5 HS2012 940340
13.5 HS2012 940350
13.5 HS2012 940360
13.5 HS2012 940390 Только часть кода
13.5 HS2017 940161
13.5 HS2017 940169
13.5 HS2017 940190 Только часть кода
13.5 HS2017 940330
13.5 HS2017 940340
13.5 HS2017 940350
13.5 HS2017 940360
13.5 HS2017 940390 Только часть кода
13.6 HS2002 9406 Только часть кода
13.6 HS2007 9406 Только часть кода
13.6 HS2012 9406 Только часть кода
13.6 HS2017 940610
13.7 HS2002 4404
13.7 HS2002 4405
13.7 HS2002 4413
13.7 HS2002 4417
13.7 HS2002 442110
13.7 HS2002 442190 Только часть кода
13.7 HS2007 4404
13.7 HS2007 4405
13.7 HS2007 4413
13.7 HS2007 4417
13.7 HS2007 442110
13.7 HS2007 442190 Только часть кода
13.7 HS2012 4404
13.7 HS2012 4405
13.7 HS2012 4413
13.7 HS2012 4417
13.7 HS2012 442110
13.7 HS2012 442190 Только часть кода
13.7 HS2017 4404
13.7 HS2017 4405
13.7 HS2017 4413
13.7 HS2017 4417
13.7 HS2017 442110
13.7 HS2017 442199
14.1 HS2002 4807
14.1 HS2007 4807
14.1 HS2012 4807
14.1 HS2017 4807
14.2 HS2002 481110
14.2 HS2002 481141
14.2 HS2002 481149
14.2 HS2002 481160
14.2 HS2002 481190
14.2 HS2007 481110
14.2 HS2007 481141
14.2 HS2007 481149
14.2 HS2007 481160
14.2 HS2007 481190
14.2 HS2012 481110
14.2 HS2012 481141
14.2 HS2012 481149
14.2 HS2012 481160
14.2 HS2012 481190
14.2 HS2017 481110
14.2 HS2017 481141
14.2 HS2017 481149
14.2 HS2017 481160
14.2 HS2017 481190
14.3 HS2002 4818
14.3 HS2007 4818
14.3 HS2012 4818
14.3 HS2017 4818
14.4 HS2002 4819
14.4 HS2007 4819
14.4 HS2012 4819
14.4 HS2017 4819
14.5 HS2002 4814
14.5 HS2002 4816
14.5 HS2002 4817
14.5 HS2002 4820
14.5 HS2002 4821
14.5 HS2002 4822
14.5 HS2002 4823
14.5 HS2007 4814
14.5 HS2007 4816
14.5 HS2007 4817
14.5 HS2007 4820
14.5 HS2007 4821
14.5 HS2007 4822
14.5 HS2007 4823
14.5 HS2012 4814
14.5 HS2012 4816
14.5 HS2012 4817
14.5 HS2012 4820
14.5 HS2012 4821
14.5 HS2012 4822
14.5 HS2012 4823
14.5 HS2017 4814
14.5 HS2017 4816
14.5 HS2017 4817
14.5 HS2017 4820
14.5 HS2017 4821
14.5 HS2017 4822
14.5 HS2017 4823
14.5.1 HS2002 482390 Только часть кода
14.5.1 HS2007 482390 Только часть кода
14.5.1 HS2012 482390 Только часть кода
14.5.1 HS2017 482390 Только часть кода
14.5.2 HS2002 482370
14.5.2 HS2007 482370
14.5.2 HS2012 482370
14.5.2 HS2017 482370
14.5.3 HS2002 482320
14.5.3 HS2007 482320
14.5.3 HS2012 482320
14.5.3 HS2017 482320
12.6 HS2002 482110 Только часть кода
12.6 HS2002 482190 Только часть кода
12.6 HS2002 482210 Только часть кода
12.6 HS2002 482290 Только часть кода
12.6 HS2002 482312 Только часть кода
12.6 HS2002 482319 Только часть кода
12.6 HS2002 482320 Только часть кода
12.6 HS2002 482340 Только часть кода
12.6 HS2002 482360 Только часть кода
12.6 HS2002 482370 Только часть кода
12.6 HS2002 482390 Только часть кода
12.6 HS2002 480210 Только часть кода
12.6 HS2002 480220 Только часть кода
12.6 HS2002 480230 Только часть кода
12.6 HS2002 480240 Только часть кода
12.6 HS2002 480254 Только часть кода
12.6 HS2002 480255 Только часть кода
12.6 HS2002 480256 Только часть кода
12.6 HS2002 480257 Только часть кода
12.6 HS2002 480258 Только часть кода
12.6 HS2002 480261 Только часть кода
12.6 HS2002  480262 Только часть кода
12.6 HS2002  480269 Только часть кода
12.6 HS2002 481013 Только часть кода
12.6 HS2002 481014 Только часть кода
12.6 HS2002 481019 Только часть кода
12.6 HS2002 481022 Только часть кода
12.6 HS2002 481029 Только часть кода
12.6 HS2002 481031 Только часть кода
12.6 HS2002 481032 Только часть кода
12.6 HS2002 481039 Только часть кода
12.6 HS2002 481092 Только часть кода
12.6 HS2002  481099 Только часть кода
12.6 HS2007 481410
12.6 HS2007 481420
12.6 HS2007 481490
12.6 HS2007 481710
12.6 HS2007 481720
12.6 HS2007 481730
12.6 HS2007 482010
12.6 HS2007 482020
12.6 HS2007 482030
12.6 HS2007 482040
12.6 HS2007 482050
12.6 HS2007 482090
12.6 HS2007 482110
12.6 HS2007 482190
12.6 HS2007 482210
12.6 HS2007 482290
12.6 HS2007 482320
12.6 HS2007 482340
12.6 HS2007 482361
12.6 HS2007 482369
12.6 HS2007 482370
12.6 HS2007 482390
12.6 HS2012 481420
12.6 HS2012 481490
12.6 HS2012 481710
12.6 HS2012 481720
12.6 HS2012 481730
12.6 HS2012 482020
12.6 HS2012 482030
12.6 HS2012 482040
12.6 HS2012 482050
12.6 HS2012 482090
12.6 HS2012 482110
12.6 HS2012 482190
12.6 HS2012 482210
12.6 HS2012 482290
12.6 HS2012 482320
12.6 HS2012 482340
12.6 HS2012 482361
12.6 HS2012 482369
12.6 HS2012 482370
12.6 HS2012 482390
12.6.1 HS2002 480210 Только часть кода
12.6.1 HS2002 480220 Только часть кода
12.6.1 HS2002 480230 Только часть кода
12.6.1 HS2002 480240 Только часть кода
12.6.1 HS2002 480254 Только часть кода
12.6.1 HS2002 480255 Только часть кода
12.6.1 HS2002 480256 Только часть кода
12.6.1 HS2002 480257 Только часть кода
12.6.1 HS2002 480258 Только часть кода
12.6.1 HS2002 480261 Только часть кода
12.6.1 HS2002  480262 Только часть кода
12.6.1 HS2002  480269 Только часть кода
12.6.1 HS2002 481013 Только часть кода
12.6.1 HS2002 481014 Только часть кода
12.6.1 HS2002 481019 Только часть кода
12.6.1 HS2002 481022 Только часть кода
12.6.1 HS2002 481029 Только часть кода
12.6.1 HS2002 481031 Только часть кода
12.6.1 HS2002 481032 Только часть кода
12.6.1 HS2002 481039 Только часть кода
12.6.1 HS2002 481092 Только часть кода
12.6.1 HS2002  481099 Только часть кода
12.6.1 HS2002 482390 Только часть кода
12.6.1 HS2007 482390 Только часть кода
12.6.1 HS2012 482390 Только часть кода
12.6.2 HS2002 482370
12.6.2 HS2007 482370
12.6.2 HS2012 482370
12.6.3 HS2002 482320
12.6.3 HS2007 482320
12.6.3 HS2012 482320