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Guidelines on Statistical Business Registers

The statistical business register plays a central role in the production of economic statistics. Both in terms of the way the statistics are produced and in terms of the content and quality of the statistics. To assist countries the Guidelines on Statistical Business Registers provides practical guidance and recommendations on the establishment and maintenance of statistical business registers.
The Guidelines consist of 12 chapters – an introductory chapter followed by substantive chapters dealing with the roles of the statistical business register: coverage; statistical units and their characteristics; data sources; maintenance; frame methodology; dissemination; quality; organizational, database and other IT issues; and topics for further work and research. The Guidelines include also a number of annexes on methodological issues and country examples, and an extensive glossary.
Print copies can be obtained free of charge: please click here and indicate the publication title and your postal address.
The Guidelines are also available for download in PDF and EPUB formats. The PDF version is recommended for viewing the Guidelines on a laptop or desktop computer or for printing the Guidelines. The EPUB format is recommended for viewing the Guidelines on a smartphone or tablet, using an e-reader app. Users with an iOS device (e.g., an iPhone or iPad) should be able to use the iBooks app for this purpose. Users with an Android device may need to download an e-reader app, such as the free Gitden Reader.

PDF version:
Guidelines on Statistical Business Registers (2.75 MB)
Руководство по статистическому регистру предприятий (3.84 MB)
EPub version:
Guidelines on Statistical Business Registers

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