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Guide to Measuring Global Production (2015)


Globalization has created new opportunities and competitive challenges driving producers to seek more efficient ways to manufacture their products. However, in recent years recording the globalized production arrangements in national statistics has become very challenging and this has driven statisticians to review their data sources and methods for measuring global production in order to produce high-quality statistics meeting users’ needs.

This Guide provides comprehensive guidance to compilers of national accounts, balance of payments and related economic statistics, as well as to data users, on the challenges in collection, production and analysis of data related to global production arrangements. The Guide accordingly:

  • Provides practical support on the implementation of the new statistical standards – the 2008 SNA and BPM6, in respect of global production arrangements.
  • Includes examples and recommendations that aim to enhance understanding of global value chains and international comparability of related statistics.
  • Reviews some unresolved conceptual challenges and emerging globalization phenomena not well addressed in the international statistical standards and proposes possible solutions and further research.
  • Presents the experience of different countries in producing statistics on global production.

The Guide, developed by the UNECE Task Force on Global Production involving leading experts from national statistical offices and international organizations, greatly benefited from country comments and case studies collected through global consultations and expert meetings.
This page also contains recent country experience in implementing the Guide
Guide to Measuring Global Production (5.09 MB)
Руководство по измерению глобального производства (3.9 MB)