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Workshop on the utilisation and integration of new data sources for the Consumer Price Index

29 - 31 October 2024
Brussels Belgium
Documents ENG RUS
Agenda PDF  
Session 1. New data sources and collection methods for CPI    
From survey to multiple source-based CPI, Carsten Boldsen, UNECE PDF  
Session 2. Scanner data    
Multilateral Methods in the HICP, Vanda Guerreiro, Eurostat PDF  
Alternative data sources used in Türkiye’s CPI, Hasan ÇİĞ, Turkstat PDF  
Session 3. Web prices and web scraping    
Session 4. Administrative data sources    
Session 5. Methodological issues    
Aggregation of higher-level price indice, Carsten Boldsen, UNECE PDF  
Session 6. Classification of goods and services in the CPI – changeover to COICOP-18    
Implementation of ECOICOP ver. 2 in the HICP, Vanda Guerreiro, Eurostat PDF  
Session 7. Communication of CPI    
Disseminating the Consumer Price Index in Georgia, Giorgi Tetrauli, Georgia PDF  
Communication of the CPI in Kazakhstan, Tokbayeva Zhairan, Kazakhstan PDF