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(AC.10/C.3) ECOSOC Sub-Committee of Experts on the Transport of Dangerous Goods (55th session)

01 - 05 July 2019


ST/SG/AC.10/C.3/109/Add.1 -  (Secretariat) Provisional agenda for the fifty-fifth session
  English DOC PDF
  French DOC PDF
ST/SG/AC.10/C.3/109 -  (Secretariat) Agenda for the fifty-fifth session
  English DOC PDF
  French DOC PDF


ST/SG/AC.10/C.3/110 Report of the Sub-Committee of Experts on the Transport of Dangerous Goods in its fifty-fifth session (1-5 July 2019) List of participants
English DOC PDF
French DOC PDF

Working Documents

ST/SG/AC.10/C.3/2019/38 - (Germany) Transport of transformers with gas cylinders
English DOC PDF
French DOC PDF
ST/SG/AC.10/C.3/2019/37 - (Spain) Revision of the Spanish names of the UN numbers
English DOC PDF
French DOC PDF
ST/SG/AC.10/C.3/2019/36 - (MDBTC) Requirements for damaged or defective lithium cells and batteries in special provision 376
English DOC PDF
French DOC PDF
ST/SG/AC.10/C.3/2019/35 - (United Kingdom) Sodium-ion batteries - additional information
English DOC PDF
French DOC PDF
ST/SG/AC.10/C.3/2019/34 - (PRBA) Use of packagings not required to meet and exceeding 400 kg net mass for the transport of lithium batteries
English DOC PDF
French DOC PDF
ST/SG/AC.10/C.3/2019/33 - (RECHARGE, PRBA) Amendment to 38.3.3 (d) and (g) of the Manual of Tests and Criteria
English DOC PDF
French DOC PDF
ST/SG/AC.10/C.3/2019/32 - ST/SG/AC.10/C.4/2019/5- (Sweden) Development of a new Chapter 2.1 for the GHS (explosives)
English DOC PDF
French DOC PDF
ST/SG/AC.10/C.3/2019/31 - (EIGA) Use of a ring on pressure receptacles for engraving periodic inspection marks
English DOC PDF
French DOC PDF
ST/SG/AC.10/C.3/2019/30 - (United Kingdom) Packaging performance testing for articles with the potential to produce excessive heat
English DOC PDF
French DOC PDF
ST/SG/AC.10/C.3/2019/29 - (Suisse) Disposition spéciale 363
French DOC PDF
English DOC PDF
ST/SG/AC.10/C.3/2019/28 - (Suisse) Transport d'emballages en vue de leur élimination ou recyclage
French DOC PDF
English DOC PDF
ST/SG/AC.10/C.3/2019/27 - (Suisse) Champ d'application du
French DOC PDF
English DOC PDF
ST/SG/AC.10/C.3/2019/26 - (France) Work of the informal working group on hazard-based classification of lithium batteries and cells
English DOC PDF
French DOC PDF
ST/SG/AC.10/C.3/2019/25 - (SSCA) Packing group I for liquids packed in metal IBCs
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French DOC PDF
ST/SG/AC.10/C.3/2019/24 - (Belgium) Permitted period of use for composite IBCs with plastic inner receptacle Reissued the 9 April 2019
English DOC PDF
French DOC PDF
ST/SG/AC.10/C.3/2019/23 - (RECHARGE, OICA, PRBA, COSTHA) Applicability of packing instruction LP906
English DOC PDF
French DOC PDF
ST/SG/AC.10/C.3/2019/22 - (Romania) Proposal of amendments concerning the use of the terms "risk" and "hazard/danger" in the Recommendations and Model Regulations
English DOC PDF
French DOC PDF
ST/SG/AC.10/C.3/2019/21 - (EIGA, CGA, ECMA) Provisions for pressure receptacles and their closures
English DOC PDF
French DOC PDF
ST/SG/AC.10/C.3/2019/20 - ST/SG/AC.10/C.4/2019/4 - (France) Tests for oxidizing liquids and oxidizing solids improvement regarding consideration for particle size, friable or coated materials
English DOC PDF
French DOC PDF
ST/SG/AC.10/C.3/2019/19 - (Spain, CTIF) Optical differentiation of labels/placards for gases
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French DOC PDF
ST/SG/AC.10/C.3/2019/18 - (CEFIC) Exemptions for polymerizing substances
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French DOC PDF
ST/SG/AC.10/C.3/2019/17 - (Canada) Composite UN pressure receptacles with steel liners
English DOC PDF
French DOC PDF
ST/SG/AC.10/C.3/2019/16 - (Canada) Modification to the definition of a large packaging
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French DOC PDF
ST/SG/AC.10/C.3/2019/15 - (CEFIC) Organic peroxides, new formulations to be listed in and portable tank instruction T23
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French DOC PDF
ST/SG/AC.10/C.3/2019/14 - (SAAMI) Removing the net explosives mass documentation requirement for Division 1.4
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French DOC PDF
ST/SG/AC.10/C.3/2019/13 - (SAAMI) Clarification to the regulatory construct of Class 1 compatibility groups, taking into account group S
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French DOC PDF
ST/SG/AC.10/C.3/2019/12 - (SAAMI) Aligning the assessment with the purpose of Test Series 4(b)(ii)
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French DOC PDF
ST/SG/AC.10/C.3/2019/11 - (SAAMI) Review of the criteria of Test 6 (d)
English DOC PDF
French DOC PDF
ST/SG/AC.10/C.3/2019/10 - (Switzerland) Transport by post of Class 7 excepted packages with limited activity
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French DOC PDF
ST/SG/AC.10/C.3/2019/9 - (Suisse) Champ d'application de la disposition spéciale 274
French DOC PDF
English DOC PDF
ST/SG/AC.10/C.3/2019/8 - (OTIF) UN 3536 "LITHIUM BATTERIES INSTALLED IN CARGO TRANSPORT UNIT lithium ion batteries or lithium metal batteries
English DOC PDF
French DOC PDF
ST/SG/AC.10/C.3/2019/7 - (CEFIC) Temperature control of energetic samples
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French DOC PDF
ST/SG/AC.10/C.3/2019/6 - ST/SG/AC.10/C.4/2019/1 - (CEFIC) Explanatory text about applicable temperature limits in Appendix 6 of the Manual of Tests and Criteria
English DOC PDF
French DOC PDF
ST/SG/AC.10/C.3/2019/5 - (Germany) Alternative service equipment, arrangements and methods of inspection and testing of IBCs
English DOC PDF
French DOC PDF
ST/SG/AC.10/C.3/2019/4 - (CEFIC) Harmonisation of the requirement "structurally serviceable"
English DOC PDF
French DOC PDF
ST/SG/AC.10/C.3/2019/3 - (FEA, HCPA) Increase of the maximum allowed internal pressure for aerosol dispensers
English DOC PDF
French DOC PDF
ST/SG/AC.10/C.3/2019/2 - (Russian Federation) Inclusion of the new section 6.9.4 "Requirements for design, construction, inspection and testing of fibre reinforced plastic (FRP) valves, relief devices and manholes for portable tanks"
English DOC PDF
French DOC PDF
ST/SG/AC.10/C.3/2019/1 - (European Union) Revision of paragraph
English DOC PDF
French DOC PDF

Informal Documents

UN/SCETDG/55/INF.56 - UN/SCEGHS/37/INF.21 (Sweden) Outcome of informal discussions in the combined meeting of the Working Group on Explosives and the Informal Correspondence Group on the review of GHS Chapter 2.1
English DOC PDF
UN/SCETDG/55/INF.55 (Chairman of the working group) Report of the Working Group on Explosives
English DOC PDF
UN/SCETDG/55/INF.54 (Chairman of the informal working group) Report of the informal working group on fibre-reinforced plastics (FRP) portable tanks
English DOC PDF
UN/SCETDG/55/INF.53 (RECHARGE, PRBA) Amendment to 38.3.3 (d) and (g) of the Manual of Tests and Criteria
English DOC PDF
UN/SCETDG/55/INF.52 (France, COSTHA) Report of the lunchtime working group on hazard-based classification of lithium batteries and cells (2-3 July 2019)
English   PDF
UN/SCETDG/55/INF.51 (RECHARGE, OICA, PRBA, COSTHA) Applicability of packing instruction LP906
English DOC PDF
UN/SCETDG/55/INF.50 - UN/SCEGHS/37/INF.18 (USA, IME, SAAMI) Hazard communication in GHS Chapter 2.1
English DOC PDF
UN/SCETDG/55/INF.49 (IMO) Outcome of the thirty-first session of the Editorial and Technical Group (the IMDG Code)
English DOC PDF
UN/SCETDG/55/INF.48 (COSTHA) Fire suppression devices that are initiated by an explosive
English DOC PDF
UN/SCETDG/55/INF.47 (EIGA) Use of a ring on pressure receptacles for engraving periodic inspection marks - amendment to ST/SG/AC.10/C.3/2019/31
English DOC PDF
UN/SCETDG/55/INF.46 (Secretariat on the Convention on Biological Diversity) Environmentally hazardous articles (living organisms)
English DOC PDF
UN/SCETDG/55/INF.45 (United Kingdom) Comments on relation to ST/SG/AC.10/C.3/2019/16 on the definition of large packaging
English DOC PDF
UN/SCETDG/55/INF.44 - UN/SCEGHS/37/INF.16 (France) Tests for oxidizing liquids and oxidizing solids improvement regarding consideration for particle size friable or coated materials
English DOC PDF
UN/SCETDG/55/INF.43 (United Kingdom) Informal working group on fibre-reinforced plastics (FRP) portable tanks
English DOC PDF
UN/SCETDG/55/INF.42 (Canada) Comments on ST/SG/AC.10/C.3/2019/22 regarding paragraph c)
English DOC PDF
UN/SCETDG/55/INF.41 (ICAO) Information on recommendations made by the ICAO Dangerous Goods Panel
English DOC PDF
UN/SCETDG/55/INF.40 (European Commission) Information concerning EU ongoing initiatives  for digitalisation of freight transport documents/information exchanges
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UN/SCETDG/55/INF.39 (Netherlands) Suggestions on the work of the working group on FRP portable tanks
English DOC PDF
UN/SCETDG/55/INF.38 (France) Sodium-ion batteries -  comments on document ST/SG/AC.10/C.3/2019/35
English DOC PDF
UN/SCETDG/55/INF.37 (ICCR) Comments on: “Carriage of packagings for disposal or recycling” ST/SG/AC.10/C.3/2019/28
English DOC PDF
UN/SCETDG/55/INF.36 (France) periodic inspection and test for pressure receptacles
English DOC PDF
UN/SCETDG/55/INF.35 - UN/SCEGHS/37/INF.14 (SAAMI) Clarifications to the scope of the class of explosives
English DOC PDF
UN/SCETDG/55/INF.34 (ICAO) Lithium battery mark – telephone number for further information
English DOC PDF
UN/SCETDG/55/INF.33 (Germany) Classification of a pyrotechnic article “Aquaflame”
English DOC PDF
UN/SCETDG/55/INF.32 (Secretariat) Reception by NGO's
English DOC PDF
UN/SCETDG/55/INF.31 (RECHARGE, PRBA) Correction on Special Provision 377
English DOC PDF
UN/SCETDG/55/INF.30/Rev.1 (Secretariat) Harmonization of RID/ADR/ADN with the 21st revised edition of the United Nations Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods, Model Regulations
English DOC PDF
UN/SCETDG/55/INF.30 (Secretariat) Harmonization of RID/ADR/ADN with the 21st revised edition of the United Nations Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods, Model Regulations
English DOC PDF
UN/SCETDG/55/INF.29 (People's Republic of China) Proposal to add state of charge (SOC) provision to lithium-ion cells and batteries during transportation
English DOC PDF
UN/SCETDG/55/INF.28 (People's Republic of China) Proposal to Adding Radio Frequency Identification or QR Codes for the Transport of Dangerous Goods in Part 5 of the Model Regulations
English DOC PDF
UN/SCETDG/55/INF.27 (IME) Recommendations on Test Series 8: Applicability of Test Series 8 (d)
English DOC PDF
UN/SCETDG/55/INF.26 (Switzerland) Comments on informal document INF.4 (fifty-fifth session)
UN/SCETDG/55/INF.25 (PRBA, RECHARGE) Correction and clarifications on Packing Instruction P903
English DOC PDF
UN/SCETDG/55/INF.24 (RPMASA, CEFIC, ICPP) Request for a new UN number and Packing Group for refined cobalt dihydroxide powder, and to review Class 6.1 and Packing groups as currently equated to GHS Classification for inhalation toxicity
English DOC PDF
UN/SCETDG/55/INF.23 (ICPP) Rigid packing, intermediate bulk containers (IBCs) and large packaging - Use of recycled plastics material
English DOC PDF
UN/SCETDG/55/INF.22 (MDBTC) Lithium battery test summary (TS) document
English DOC PDF
UN/SCETDG/55/INF.21 (MDBTC) Lithium battery test summary (TS) document
English DOC PDF
UN/SCETDG/55/INF.20 - UN/SCEGHS/37/INF.9 (Sweden) - Possible hazard communication elements for the classifications of the potential new GHS Chapter 2.1
English DOC PDF
UN/SCETDG/55/INF.19 - UN/SCEGHS/37/INF.8 (United States of America, IME and SAAMI) - Explosives classification in GHS Chapter 2.1
English DOC PDF
UN/SCETDG/55/INF.18 (MDBTC, PRBA) Transport requirements for small, wireless audio headphones, hearing aids and charging cases
English DOC PDF
UN/SCETDG/55/INF.17 (Switzerland) Comments on document ST/SG/AC.10/C.3/2019/22
English DOC PDF
UN/SCETDG/55/INF.16 (Canada, United States of America) Information on the flow of dangerous goods
English DOC PDF
UN/SCETDG/55/INF.15 (IATA) Alignment with changes to SSR-6 (2018) This document has been withdrawn
English DOC PDF
UN/SCETDG/55/INF.14 (Russian Federation) Inclusion of new Chapter 6.9.3 in the UN Model Regulations on the transport of Dangerous Goods: "Requirements to the structure, manufacture, inspection and testing of portable tanks with polymeric composite materials (PCM) vessel intended for carriage of non-refrigerated liquefied gas of maximum permissible working pressure 20.0 bar and less"
English DOC PDF
Russian DOC PDF
UN/SCETDG/55/INF.13 (Chair of the informal working group) Informal working group on fibre-reinforced plastics (FRP) portable tanks
English DOC PDF
UN/SCETDG/55/INF.12 (Secretariat) Provisional timetable
English DOC PDF
UN/SCETDG/55/INF.11 (Canada) Limited and excepted quantities
English DOC PDF
UN/SCETDG/55/INF.10 - UN/SCEGHS/37/INF.6 (Sweden) - Amendments to the definition of explosive substance and definition of Class 1
English DOC PDF
UN/SCETDG/55/INF.9 (United Kingdom) Large packaging performance testing for articles with the potential to produce excessive heat - proposal for Chapter 6.6
English DOC PDF
UN/SCETDG/55/INF.8 (United Kingdom) Packaging performance testing for articles with the potential to produce excessive heat - proposal for Chapter 6.1
English DOC PDF
UN/SCETDG/55/INF.7 (Spain) Revision of the Spanish names of the UN numbers
English DOC PDF
UN/SCETDG/55/INF.6 (CEFIC) Exemptions for polymerizing substances
English DOC PDF
UN/SCETDG/55/INF.5 (France) Report of the informal working group on hazard-based classification of lithium batteries and cells on its third session (5-6 December 2018)
English DOC PDF
UN/SCETDG/55/INF.4 (Romania) Arguments in support of the proposals in document ST/SG/AC.10/C.3/2019/22
English DOC Excel

/INFN/SCETDG/55/INF.3 (EIGA, CGA, ECMA) Provisions for pressure receptacles and their closures
English DOC PDF
UN/SCETDG/55/INF.2 (Secretariat) Provisional agenda for the fifty-fifth session
English DOC PDF
UN/SCETDG/55/INF.1 (Secretariat) List of documents
English DOC PDF