2023_EF_ClimateChange_Concept_note.pdf |
2023_EF_ClimateChange_Concept_note.pdf (application/pdf, 194.89 KB)
English |
Concept note |
2023_EF_ClimateChange_DraftProgramme_v24Aug.pdf |
2023_EF_ClimateChange_DraftProgramme_v24Aug.pdf (application/pdf, 179.99 KB)
English |
Provisional programme of the 2023 Expert Forum |
2023CCRSInPractice_28Aug.pdf |
2023CCRSInPractice_28Aug.pdf (application/pdf, 804.21 KB)
English |
Climate Change-Related Statistics in Practice 2023 |
EF2023_Speakers.pdf |
EF2023_Speakers.pdf (application/pdf, 148.51 KB)
English |
Get to know the speakers |
2023_EF_CCRS_Paper template.docx |
2023_EF_CCRS_Paper template.docx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document, 31.3 KB)
English |
Template for papers for the 2023 Expert Forum |
2022_EF_CCRS_Adaptation_CaseStudies_Template.docx |
2022_EF_CCRS_Adaptation_CaseStudies_Template.docx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document, 43.85 KB)
English |
Template for case studies on measuring climate change adaptation |
WP2_UNECE_Ireland_MicrodataWebinarOutcomes.pdf |
WP2_UNECE_Ireland_MicrodataWebinarOutcomes.pdf (application/pdf, 305.16 KB)
English |
Administrative microdata for climate change, energy and environment statistics |
WP1_SGCC_Report&DraftToR.pdf |
WP1_SGCC_Report&DraftToR.pdf (application/pdf, 240.33 KB)
English |
Report on the work of the Steering Group on Climate Change-Related Statistics |
TFCC_Guidance_Draft_for_consultation_14Aug2023.pdf TFCC_Guidance_Draft_for_consultation_14Aug2023.docx |
TFCC_Guidance_Draft_for_consultation_14Aug2023.pdf (application/pdf, 5.07 MB)
TFCC_Guidance_Draft_for_consultation_14Aug2023.docx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document, 5.51 MB)
English |
Draft Guidance on the role of national statistical offices in achieving national climate objectives - for consultation |
EF2023_ TFCC_Feedback_form.docx |
EF2023_ TFCC_Feedback_form.docx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document, 43.08 KB)
English |
Feedback form for the consultation on the draft Guidance |
S1_SGCC_Report_ADenneman.pdf |
S1_SGCC_Report_ADenneman.pdf (application/pdf, 1014.77 KB)
English |
Climate change-related statistics - Report on the work of the Steering Group (Netherlands) |
S1_2_Ireland_AdministrativeMicrodataWebinar_GBrady.pdf |
S1_2_Ireland_AdministrativeMicrodataWebinar_GBrady.pdf (application/pdf, 230.29 KB)
English |
Administrative Microdata for Climate Change, Energy and Environmental Statistics - Webinar outcomes (UNECE & Ireland) |
S1_3_TFCC_Introduction&Chapter2_OSwertz.pdf |
S1_3_TFCC_Introduction&Chapter2_OSwertz.pdf (application/pdf, 602.07 KB)
English |
The role of NSOs in achieving national climate objectives - producing a Guidance (Netherlands) |
S1_UNSDGlobalSet_CISAT_EIvanov.pdf |
S1_UNSDGlobalSet_CISAT_EIvanov.pdf (application/pdf, 2.96 MB)
English |
Implementation of the Global set of climate change statistics and indicators by UNSD |
S2_1_TFCC_Ch7_SSvantesson.pdf |
S2_1_TFCC_Ch7_SSvantesson.pdf (application/pdf, 674.39 KB)
English |
Role of NSOs in Informing the public in the context of climate change by Statistics Denmark |
WP4_Armenia_NBaghdasaryan.pdf |
WP4_Armenia_NBaghdasaryan.pdf (application/pdf, 461.07 KB)
English |
Main issues of availability and reliability of climate change related statistics in Armenia |
S2_2_Armenia_CCRS_NBaghdasaryan.pdf |
S2_2_Armenia_CCRS_NBaghdasaryan.pdf (application/pdf, 1.81 MB)
English |
Main issues of availability and reliability of climate change-related statistics in Armenia |
S2_Azerbaijan_DissComm_CCRS_EMammadov.pdf |
S2_Azerbaijan_DissComm_CCRS_EMammadov.pdf (application/pdf, 2.58 MB)
English |
State Commission on Climate Change by Statistical Committee of Azerbaijan |
WP5_Slovenia_PathTowardsCCRIS_KKalin.pdf |
WP5_Slovenia_PathTowardsCCRIS_KKalin.pdf (application/pdf, 219.13 KB)
English |
Path towards climate change-related indicators and statistics in Slovenia |
S2_4_Slovenia_PathTowardsCCIndicators_KKalin.pdf |
S2_4_Slovenia_PathTowardsCCIndicators_KKalin.pdf (application/pdf, 542.86 KB)
English |
Paths towards climate change-related indicators and statistics in Slovenia |
S2_5_Canada_Dissemination&Communication_MMcMillan.pdf |
S2_5_Canada_Dissemination&Communication_MMcMillan.pdf (application/pdf, 1.61 MB)
English |
Statistics Canada's strategy for the dissemination and communication of climate change-related statistics and indicators |
S3_1-2_TFCC_Ch3&Ch4_ADenneman.pdf |
S3_1-2_TFCC_Ch3&Ch4_ADenneman.pdf (application/pdf, 1.41 MB)
English |
Role of National Statistical Offices in reporting under the Paris Agreement and informing climate change mitigation policies (Netherlands) |
WP6_France_GHG_SLarrieu_MBaude.pdf |
WP6_France_GHG_SLarrieu_MBaude.pdf (application/pdf, 232.67 KB)
English |
Releasing greenhouse gases accounts alongside the central framework of national accounts (France) |
S3_3_France_GHG_SLarrieu.pdf |
S3_3_France_GHG_SLarrieu.pdf (application/pdf, 234.15 KB)
English |
Building "greenhouse gases accounts" fully integrated with monetary national accounts (France) |
WP7_Ireland_MeteredElectricityGeneration_GBrady.pdf |
WP7_Ireland_MeteredElectricityGeneration_GBrady.pdf (application/pdf, 193.58 KB)
English |
Metered electricity generation in Ireland |
S3_4_Ireland_MeteredElectricityGeneration_GBrady.pdf |
S3_4_Ireland_MeteredElectricityGeneration_GBrady.pdf (application/pdf, 411.93 KB)
English |
Metered Electricity Generation (Ireland) |
S4_1_TFCC_Ch5_PMcElvaney_MCwiek.pdf |
S4_1_TFCC_Ch5_PMcElvaney_MCwiek.pdf (application/pdf, 640.05 KB)
English |
Role of NSOs in informing climate change adaptation policies (Ireland and UNECE) |
S4_2_TFMHED_MNagy_rev.pdf |
S4_2_TFMHED_MNagy_rev.pdf (application/pdf, 722.57 KB)
English |
Work of the Task Force on Measuring Hazardous Events and Disasters (Italy & UNECE) |
WP8_UK_CC&Health_VIngole.pdf |
WP8_UK_CC&Health_VIngole.pdf (application/pdf, 280.59 KB)
English |
Development of standards for official statistics on climate-health interactions (United Kingdom) |
S4_3_UK_CC&Health_VIngole.pdf |
S4_3_UK_CC&Health_VIngole.pdf (application/pdf, 1.21 MB)
English |
Development of Standards for Official Statistics on Climate-Health Interactions (U.K.) |
S4_4_Italy_RegisterOfPlaces_AFerruzza-compressed_forEmail.pdf |
S4_4_Italy_RegisterOfPlaces_AFerruzza-compressed_forEmail.pdf (application/pdf, 1.91 MB)
English |
Statistical Register of Places: opportunities for climate change and disaster risk related indicators (Italy) |
S4_4_PARIS21_CCDE_KCavarez_PPatino.pdf |
S4_4_PARIS21_CCDE_KCavarez_PPatino.pdf (application/pdf, 1.11 MB)
English |
Towards more coherent climate change data ecosystems – lessons learned from the Caribbean (PARIS21) |
S5_0_ChairIntroduction_ADenneman.pdf |
S5_0_ChairIntroduction_ADenneman.pdf (application/pdf, 848.42 KB)
English |
Data needed to support a just transition (Session Chair) |
S5_1_TFCC_Ch6_JustTransition_OSwertz_PARIS21.pdf |
S5_1_TFCC_Ch6_JustTransition_OSwertz_PARIS21.pdf (application/pdf, 385.97 KB)
English |
Data needed to support just transition - chapter 6 of the draft Guidance |
WP9_UNDPArmenia_JustTransition_AMirzakhanyan_DHarutunyan .pdf |
WP9_UNDPArmenia_JustTransition_AMirzakhanyan_DHarutunyan .pdf (application/pdf, 298.41 KB)
English |
Climate change related gender and social vulnerability data needed to support a just transition in Armenia (UNDP Armenia) |
S5_2_UNDPArmenia_AMirzakhanyan.pdf |
S5_2_UNDPArmenia_AMirzakhanyan.pdf (application/pdf, 1.2 MB)
English |
Climate change-related gender and social vulnerability data needed to support a just transition in Armenia |
S5_3_Netherlands_MonitorEnergyPoverty_LvdMeer.pdf |
S5_3_Netherlands_MonitorEnergyPoverty_LvdMeer.pdf (application/pdf, 883.71 KB)
English |
Energy Poverty Monitor (Netherlands) |
S6_1_MeasuringClimateFinance_OThunus.pdf |
S6_1_MeasuringClimateFinance_OThunus.pdf (application/pdf, 1.37 MB)
English |
Measuring climate finance - everything needs to be done (Luxembourg) |
S6_2_UK_ICF_APenistone_rev.pdf |
S6_2_UK_ICF_APenistone_rev.pdf (application/pdf, 3.13 MB)
English |
Statistics on the impacts of UK international climate finance (United Kingdom) |
S7_Conclusions_AllSessions.pdf |
S7_Conclusions_AllSessions.pdf (application/pdf, 262.33 KB)
English |
Conclusions by Session Chairs |
S7_Flipcharts_summary.pdf |
S7_Flipcharts_summary.pdf (application/pdf, 3.28 MB)
English |
Recommendations, priorities and any other business - flip charts summary |