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(ITC) Inland Transport Committee (87th session)

(ITC) Inland Transport Committee (87th session)

11 - 14 February 2025
Palais des Nations Geneva Switzerland

See also the page dedicated to the 87th Annual Session of the Inland Transport Committee


Regular session meeting documents


70659 _ ECE/TRANS/355 - Provisional Agenda for the Eighty-Seventh Session _ 397644 _ English _ 773 _ 429165 _ pdf ECE-TRANS-355_Provisional Agenda_e.docx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document, 57.93 KB) docx
70659 _ ECE/TRANS/355 - Provisional Agenda for the Eighty-Seventh Session _ 397644 _ French _ 780 _ 429166 _ pdf ECE-TRANS-355_Provisional Agenda_f.docx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document, 49.51 KB) docx
70659 _ ECE/TRANS/355 - Provisional Agenda for the Eighty-Seventh Session _ 397644 _ Russian _ 864 _ 429169 _ pdf ECE-TRANS-355_Provisional Agenda_r.docx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document, 56.05 KB) docx
70659 _ ECE/TRANS/355/Add1 - Annotated Provisional Agenda for the Eighty-Seventh Session _ 397669 _ English _ 773 _ 429221 _ pdf ECE-TRANS-355add1e_.docx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document, 93.61 KB) docx
70659 _ ECE/TRANS/355/Add1 - Annotated Provisional Agenda for the Eighty-Seventh Session _ 397669 _ French _ 780 _ 429611 _ docx ECE_TRANS_355add1f.pdf (application/pdf, 312.39 KB) pdf
70659 _ ECE/TRANS/355/Add1 - Annotated Provisional Agenda for the Eighty-Seventh Session _ 397669 _ Russian _ 864 _ 429613 _ docx ECE_TRANS_355add1r.pdf (application/pdf, 350.1 KB) pdf


Working documents

70661 _ ECE/TRANS/2025/5 - Draft Guidance Note on the Bureau’s Working Methods _ 397721 _ English _ 773 _ 429359 _ docx ECE_TRANS_2025_5e.pdf (application/pdf, 153.75 KB) pdf
70661 _ ECE/TRANS/2025/5 - Draft Guidance Note on the Bureau’s Working Methods _ 397721 _ French _ 780 _ 429361 _ docx ECE_TRANS_2025_5f.pdf (application/pdf, 153.23 KB) pdf
70661 _ ECE/TRANS/2025/5 - Draft Guidance Note on the Bureau’s Working Methods _ 397721 _ Russian _ 864 _ 429363 _ docx ECE_TRANS_2025_5r.pdf (application/pdf, 203.84 KB) pdf
70661 _ ECE/TRANS/2025/9 - Preparations for the seventy-first Commission session _ 397722 _ English _ 773 _ 429365 _ docx ECE_TRANS_2025_9e.pdf (application/pdf, 194.84 KB) pdf
70661 _ ECE/TRANS/2025/10 - Consultation on the United Nations Decade on Sustainable Transport _ 397695 _ English _ 773 _ 429280 _ docx ECE_TRANS_2025_10e.pdf (application/pdf, 119 KB) pdf
70661 _ ECE/TRANS/2025/15 - Draft Programme of Work of the Transport Subprogramme for 2025 _ 397701 _ English _ 773 _ 429295 _ docx ECE_TRANS_2025_15e.pdf (application/pdf, 343.47 KB) pdf
70661 _ ECE/TRANS/2025/15 - Draft Programme of Work of the Transport Subprogramme for 2025 _ 397701 _ French _ 780 _ 429297 _ docx ECE_TRANS_2025_15f.pdf (application/pdf, 441.83 KB) pdf
70661 _ ECE/TRANS/2025/15 - Draft Programme of Work of the Transport Subprogramme for 2025 _ 397701 _ Russian _ 864 _ 429299 _ docx ECE_TRANS_2025_15r.pdf (application/pdf, 421.17 KB) pdf
70661 _ ECE/TRANS/2025/16 - Programme Plan for 2026 _ 397711 _ English _ 773 _ 429313 _ docx ECE_TRANS_2025_16e.pdf (application/pdf, 317.61 KB) pdf
70661 _ ECE/TRANS/2025/16 - Programme Plan for 2026 _ 397711 _ French _ 780 _ 429315 _ docx ECE_TRANS_2025_16f.pdf (application/pdf, 394.74 KB) pdf
70661 _ ECE/TRANS/2025/16 - Programme Plan for 2026 _ 397711 _ Russian _ 864 _ 429317 _ docx ECE_TRANS_2025_16r.pdf (application/pdf, 341.42 KB) pdf
70661 _ ECE/TRANS/2025/22 - Information and computerization technologies _ 397714 _ English _ 773 _ 429326 _ docx ECE_TRANS_2025_22e.pdf (application/pdf, 777.9 KB) pdf
70661 _ ECE/TRANS/2025/22 - Information and computerization technologies _ 397714 _ French _ 780 _ 429328 _ docx ECE_TRANS_2025_22f.pdf (application/pdf, 795.49 KB) pdf
70661 _ ECE/TRANS/2025/22 - Information and computerization technologies _ 397714 _ Russian _ 864 _ 429330 _ docx ECE_TRANS_2025_22r.pdf (application/pdf, 817.44 KB) pdf
70661 _ ECE/TRANS/2025/27 - Latest developments in Vehicle Regulations _ 397719 _ English _ 773 _ 429346 _ docx ECE_TRANS_2025_27e.pdf (application/pdf, 121.47 KB) pdf
70661 _ ECE/TRANS/2025/27 - Latest developments in Vehicle Regulations _ 397719 _ French _ 780 _ 429348 _ docx ECE_TRANS_2025_27f.pdf (application/pdf, 170.72 KB) pdf
70661 _ ECE/TRANS/2025/27 - Latest developments in Vehicle Regulations _ 397719 _ Russian _ 864 _ 429350 _ docx ECE_TRANS_2025_27r.pdf (application/pdf, 211.31 KB) pdf
70661 _ ECE/TRANS/2025/25 - 2024 Transport trends and economics _ 397725 _ English _ 773 _ 429370 _ docx ECE_TRANS_2025_25e.pdf (application/pdf, 1.03 MB) pdf
70661 _ ECE/TRANS/2025/31 - 2024 progress report of the United Nations Road Safety Fund _ 397727 _ English _ 773 _ 429374 _ docx ECE_TRANS_2025_31e.pdf (application/pdf, 126.58 KB) pdf
70661 _ ECE/TRANS/2025/32 - Activities of the United Nations Secretary-General’s Special Envoy for Road Safety _ 397728 _ English _ 773 _ 429376 _ docx ECE_TRANS_2025_32e.pdf (application/pdf, 200.06 KB) pdf

Informal documents

Presentations of the plenary session