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Ninth meeting of the UNECE Steering Committee on Education for Sustainable Development

Ninth meeting of the UNECE Steering Committee on Education for Sustainable Development

03 - 04 April 2014
Geneva Switzerland

The Committee is expected to address: 

  • Mandatory national implementation reporting in 2014
  • UNECE High Level Meeting of Education and Environment Ministries in 2016
  • Contribution to UNESCO World Conference on Education for Sustainable Development in 2014
  • Member States’ progress and 2013/2014 champions
  • ESD competences in technical and vocational education
  • Outcomes of the electronic working group on priority action areas


Document Title ENG FRE RUS
Post-session documents:      
List of Participants  pdf    
Report of the 9th meeting of the Steering Committee for ESD (ECE/CEP/AC.13/2014/2) pdf pdf pdf

Pre-session documents

! The meeting is a paperless event to the extend possible. Participants are encouraged to download the documents in electronic format. Documents for the meeting are made available on this website. !

Documents for agenda item 1: Opening of the meeting and adoption of agenda      
Provisional agenda -
pdf pdf pdf
Documents for agenda item 2a: Member States' progress and 2013-2014 champions      
Proposed topics for reporting on progress in the implementation of the UNECE Strategy for ESD -







Documents for agenda item 2b: ESD competences in technical and vocational education and training      
Outcomes of joint consultation of United Nations University - Institute of Advanced Studies and UNECE on aligning technical and
vocational education and training with sustainable development (information document 5)
Documents for agenda item 2c: Outcomes of the electronic working groups under the Strategy      
Working Group on 'Introducing ESD to teacher education': Outcomes (information document 3) pdf    
Working Group on 'ESD school planning': Outcomes (information document 4) pdf    
Documents for agenda item 2d: Mandatory national implementation reporting in 2014      
Preparation and submission of national implementation reports in 2014 -
pdf pdf pdf
Phase III: Format for reporting on the implementation of the UNECE Strategy for ESD -






Preparing the third evaluation report of the UNECE Strategy for ESD (information document 7) pdf    
Documents for agenda item 3a: UNECE High-level Meeting of Education and Environment Ministries in 2016      
Outcomes of the 19th session of the Committee on Environmental Policy concerning ESD -
pdf pdf pdf
Developing a future implementation framework for the UNECE Strategy for ESD (information document 6) pdf    
Documents for agenda item 4: Status of the trust fund and resource requirements for 2014-2015      

Contributions, incurred expenses and estimated resource requirements (information document 2)



Country reports and presentations

Name of the Country / Organization




Austria pdf    
Armenia pdf    
Bulgaria pdf    
Canada pdf    
Croatia pdf    
Cyprus pdf    
Denmark pdf    
Estonia pdf    
Finland pdf    
France   pdf  



Germany pdf    
Greece pdf    
Hungary pdf    
Italy pdf    
Malta pdf    
Norway pdf    
Sweden pdf    
Switzerland pdf    
Turkey pdf    
Ukraine pdf   pdf
NGO - Planet'ERE pdf    
Benelux pdf


All delegates attending the Steering Committee meeting are requested to complete the registration form and to transmit it to the UNECE secretariat preferably no later than 27 March 2014 by e-mail ([email protected]). On their way to the meeting, delegates should obtain an identification badge at the Pass and Identification Unit of the United Nations Office at Geneva’s Security and Safety Section, located at the Pregny Gate, 14, Avenue de la Paix (see map). It will be necessary to present your passport or identity card. In case of difficulty, please contact the secretariat (Ms. Elizabeth James) by telephone at +41 22 917 6307.

Practical Information for the delegates