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Meeting on Measuring Quality of Employment

Meeting on Measuring Quality of Employment

31 October - 02 November 2011
Palais des Nations Geneva Switzerland
  DocumentTitle Report Presentations
INF.1 Final Agenda PDF
12 Jul.11
INF.2 Report of the Meeting  PDF
29 Nov.11
1 Opening of the meeting    
  Information on activities since the last meeting and objectives of this meeting (UNECE)   PDF
1 Nov.11
2 Quality of Employment and related international frameworks    
  Linkages between the Decent Work and Quality of Employment frameworks (ILO)   PDF
28 Oct.11
  Quality of work in the European Union Context (Eurostat)   PDF
28 Oct.11
  European Working Conditions Survey (Eurofound)   PDF
18 Nov.11
3 General remarks on the usefulness of the Quality of Employment framework    
  Introduction on the Quality of Employment framework (UNECE)   PDF
1 Nov.11
  Dimensions and indicators of Quality of Employment (France)   PDF
28 Oct.11
  Some reflections on Quality of Employment (Australia)   PDF
3 Nov.11
4 Measuring the dimensions of Quality of Employment    
A Dimension 1: Safety and ethics of employment    
  Measuring Quality of Employment in the Republic of Moldova (Republic of Moldova)

18 Oct.11

18 Oct.11

1 Nov.11
  Measuring Quality of Employment in the Russian Federation (Russian Federation)

18 Oct.11

1 Nov.11

  Measuring Quality of Employment in Spain (Spain) PDF
20 Sept.11

1 Nov.11
28 Oct.11
B Dimension 2: Income and benefits from employment    
  Measuring Quality of Employment in Israel (Israel) PDF
18 Oct.11
28 Oct.11
  Income and benefits indicators in Canada (Canada) PDF
18 Oct.11
1 Nov.11
C Dimension 3: Working hours and balancing work and non-working life    
  Measuring working hours in Azerbaijan (Azerbaijan) PDF
28 Oct.11
28 Oct.11
  Measuring working hours and balancing work and non-working life in Germany (Germany) PDF
18 Oct.11
28 Oct.11
D Dimension 4: Security of employment and social protection    
  Dimension 5: Social dialogue    
  Social protection in Slovenia (Slovenia) PDF
24 Oct.11


3 Nov.11
  The quality of employment in Switzerland (Switzerland)   PDF
3 Nov.11
  Dimensions 4 and 5 in country reports (Eurostat)   PDF
3 Nov.11
E Dimension 6: Skills development and training    
  Dimension 7: Workplace relationships and work motivation    
  Measuring work motivation in Italy (Italy)   PDF
3 Nov.11
  Skills and work motivation in Finland (Finland)   PDF
3 Nov.11
  Skills and work motivation in the Netherlands (The Netherlands) PDF
18 Oct.11
28 Oct.11
5 Decent Work Indicators and further work on Quality of Employment    
  Manual on Decent Work Indicators: Methodology and Progress (ILO)   PDF
28 Oct.11
6 Missing indicators in the Quality of Employment framework    
  Labour informality and Quality of Employment (Mexico) PDF
28 Oct.11
  Employee retention rate (WIPO) PDF
20 Sept.11
3 Nov.11
7 General discussion on the Quality of Employment framework    
  Usability of the framework from a German perspective (Germany)   PDF
28 Oct.11
8 Summary, conclusions and next steps    
  Main results of the meeting and how to proceed (Chairperson)   PDF
3 Nov.11
  Suggestions for future work on quality of employment (UNECE)   PDF
3 Nov.11
  Additional materials    
  Using the framework to analyse Ukrainian labour market (Ukraine)   PDF
28 Oct.11